typically poison doesn't kill immediately and that is by choice - consider these emergency jabs as Exhibit #1 in that regard and to think Billy Bad Ass has his fingers all up in it....
he deserves what he gets and the times is approaching I reckon for Justified Retribution face-to-face upon these elitist who think wrongly that the "rest of us" are cattle - time to prove that wrong - don't you think Billy Bad Ass?
Cause "you" know only thing a bully responds to don't ya?
Well thought out on that....it would put em to the ground if well kicked....and more importantly send a message direct and those sort of message need to be sent in earnest cause tis now or never I reckon.
Billy Bad Ass might cogitate on whether being worth $200bn would adequately compensate him for having his children and grandchildren executed and having his manhood rendered non-functional??
I subscribed to and posted a comment at your place. I'm up to 15 subscriptions now and 16 is the limit I have set for myself.
I have a serious attitude and I don't want too many place to read because I ought be able to figure out the 16 that provide the most info and just now - yours is one of them.
I think Craig Murray and his staff owe me an apology, but I know it will never be give, just like most likely Julian Assange will die in Belmarsh and to be honest all of that really RUBS me the wrong way....I can't abide it.
Anywho - time to go watch the next Ultraman episode I reckon - Japanese version only please.
Do you realize that show was a reflection of what happens after an atomic bomb is dropped upon innocence?
I get an email called clownbasket. It gives summary of many various sources, so you could select ones that interest you quickly. Just an idea. I don't get to all my possibilities myself, much empathy. 🫡🫶💪
I've made a choice to have only 16 at max that I subscribe to at any given time - if the place accepts financial contribution amongst the 16 I give it willingly because we all need some bread on the table - I just don't have time to sort it out amongst more than that and I don't need tools to facilitate this because truly if you sense the connections, then the information is out there and it can transfer from one to another most rapidly nowadays and there is no stopping that - even if the internet goes down it is sort of like knowing something is out there and that knowing of it means it will never go away....and it is good to communicate transparently and if any elitist think they have a chance to stop that, then I reckon a hard lesson is coming their way.
Hey Rys J - I remember you from Craig's place and let me just say - it is good to see your posts here and about.
Did you know I got banned from that place due to over zealous editors I think keeping an eye out to their own detriment.
No matter - what is done is over - what I care about is the future and it is good to read familiar posters from past times still sharing ideas.
By the way, there are other posters from Craig's place I remain in communication with and I think I learned much there and I remain in sadness for the situation Julian Assange finds himself within - seems to be a sign of the times in that way....it is sad in so many way...but I take solace knowing others are out there likeminded who desire a better future and can sense the writing on the wall.
Plus - your suggestion about those who come up seemingly "out of nowhere" to say hello were appreciated by me on another post of yours, cause I know.
As for Billy "bad ass" - I suspect he is fixing to get his due soon enough and not soon enough if you know what I mean.
I got banned too, Ken, don't know why. Probably because I wasn't on message re Scottish Independence. Also got pissed off with him calling all English 'right wingers' racist.
Do you think it is a coincidence Billy Bad Ass's wife divorced his butt when she did?
I reckon she got wind of his ambitions and said to herself - these billions we have have been wasted and he tricked me.....or maybe, she is the devil incarnate herself - frankly, these elitist days are numbered you want my opinion because old ideas that are bad and wrong don't die easy, but die they always do.
I vote option #2. Married 27 yrs? You know your spouse (or should) well enough long before this. She's been right beside him in his African and Indian vaccine endeavors. But she seemed to be okay with the mistress he hooked up with at least a couple of times a year. 🤮 We figured she was protecting at least half of their fortune, should someone figured out a way to pin 1000s of deaths, disabilities and sterilizations on him. Who knows?
Sunlight, lots of good sleep, eat good food, drink lots of clean water, avoid prescription drugs and all vaxxes--I am honestly surprised more folks aren’t vax-injured. I think our bodies, and immune systems in particular are amazing and fortunately more resilient than we ever knew or recognized before.
I believe MANY are vax injured, and MANY, millions are dead. I know quite a few dealing with neurological issues, and complete breakdowns in health, just in my very small friend group. And 2 dead in our immediate family, 42 and 51 years old.
Yes it’s very likely we can’t or haven’t seen the full scope of the damage done. My patients are mostly middle-aged or elderly--no one seems to consider the vaccines as causing their new cancers or new or decompensated neurological or heart disease.
I know 1 or 2 that are considering it but I also know they started to experience issues after the first two, yet took a booster. Before the booster it was brought up to their primary care doctor and they were told the timing was a coincidence.
Both my brothers had cardiac events post COVID shots - one escaping a severe heart attack and the other still has a “spot” being followed on his pancreas (SV40) out of the friggin blue. And they say it’s not “causal”
I'm sorry to hear that. "Casual" is a word that the government loves to use. If you look up sv40 on their website, "casual cancer." What's casual aboit terminal illnesses?
Yes!! Someone wrote a great Substack piece on how we are creatures of the sun—I wish I’d made a note of it. Also Andrew Huberman PhD says we should get 5-10 minutes of sunlight in our eyes first thing in the morning—to get our systems and hormones going for the day, and that includes our next night’s sleep as I understand it.
What I read from early on was 3 to 5 years to know the results. Not looking good. Our enemy is well funded. We found a solution and have worked it for 5 years. www.orsja.org
Interesting. I am just about to start a Notice of Liability process with Cal Washington of InPower Movement. We are part of a 'world-wide wave' of participants in many countries. We have already had two state premiers in Australia stand down this year. They were both served NOLs.
Take a look at our Notice of Liability at www,orsja.prg. signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service. We are doing Oregon. Are you on a State or elsewhere?
We interview Call about a year ago. Published on youtube.
I am surprised also. All this effort they went to. Either a slow wrecking of immune systems so the public don’t notice or there will be a next time with full-on police state camps and fear
And "not realizing it" is another real tragedy here. There are a number of things one can do (e.g., intermittent fasting, nattokinase supplements, etc.) to remove the toxic "clunkers" from your system as well as top-up your immune system.
If we hadn’t been playing God peddling an immunity system made to order- we wouldn’t have new microorganisms 🦠 resistant to the ones we “vaccinated”. Pertussis,pneumonias,new more virulent herpes and more made by us even though we know better. Why? Depopulation but dominantly the Love of Money- the root of all evil.
Toxins and heavy metals from the crisscross markings in the sky related to geoengineering . A billybobgates pushed agenda ... there is a suit against billyhates by Reinette Senum if you want to support this effort!
I mean seriously - if you have soil you can have a garden and plants can grow in pots in cities.....so the main thing is having a garden means you are out there tending to it and then you get some sunshine and even some rays in the clouds - both still are good for health and truly we need the sun in the sky and when it comes to weather I think that is what matters most....not anything some creature on a little planet is doing....
Did you know - grow lights are not expensive and think about this seriously - we have the tools we need to live a life sustainable and maybe some time with a bit less flux will do us all some good now that we have these tools?
I think so and I don't think you are just a nobody - I think you are smart!
Now I know not all want to get stuff from Amazon and I know these grow lights are likely most ornamental, but the fact of the matter is we have the tools we need now and we don't even need the elitist and all their ideas wrong - so how about we break away from them and let them become wisps in the wind with bad ideas as they float away and down to the hell waiting for them while the rest of us got on with the business of living together mutually.
You probably already know how to make your own Berkey water filter or a homemade water filter out of a rain barrel, sand and charcoal...but if not here's some links
I started my first garden last fall then spring. Potatoes. Garlic. Onion. My neighbor started raising hens last fall and a month ago brought me a dozen eggs.
Our garden completely languished and burned up this year. It didn't matter how much we watered, the leaves just BURNED. Leaves on my 5 yr old maple did the same, it wasn't the new leaves either. Something was very different this year with the intensity of the sun. Last year got hotter much sooner and lasted longer with no rain at all from April to September, but our garden flourished last year.
Anecdotally, I've heard similar from many others who are into gardening and it is concerning. Something seems to be most amiss, but determined gardeners can overcome obstacles assuming they have neighbors with whom they work together.
So, I'm very sorry to hear about your garden difficulties in the 23 season, but others apparently have experience something similar and the number of anecdotes has reached a level where it is hard not to conclude that there are forces trying to make it difficult for everyday folks just trying to get by day-by-day and live with their family and neighbors in peace - so, just add that to all the other evidence that big changes are on the way and I'm on the side of everyday folks being I'm one of them.
I started farming 2 years ago. I’m not great at it but am getting better each crop! It is a delight harvesting for dinner and eating fresh from our garden! Working on medicinal garden as well!
It's simply that empaths are not as aware as they should be of the presence and nature of psychopaths. I had several narcissists in my family, so can spot that personality type a mile off. If you haven't grown up with it, it is probably harder to believe that there are people who are incapable of empathy, even though they look and sound, on the surface, like regular folks. It is something children should be taught to look out for and identify (instead of telling them that bullies are character building).
Well I'm not sure there would be any way to "teach" children about psychos - it is in general the sort of thing you have to learn by experience. However, children can be grounded in solid principle and then from there they make their own choices.
For the psychos out there in positions of authority and wielding much influence - for the ones out there who have been causing so much harm to everyday regular folk I want to say to you - we know who you are individually and you are on notice because there are some of us with principle resolute and we cannot abide your behavior and the harm being caused to innocence.
I don't like the first part of Dr. Buckhaults 5th statement where he mentions that these shots "saved a lot of lives". Perhaps he's doing that to protect himself?
I suspect those who write 'Peace' either to begin or end communications like Phillip Buckhaults's tweet do it as a form of diffusion. "I will say things which might be misinterpreted, but by typing 'Peace' you will understand I am good and wise and no further interpretation is necessary beyond that."
Like a pious monk with a box of firecrackers, who lights them, throws them in to a busy ladies room during intermission, and asks for Peace as they run screaming from the chaos.
So, if somebody says "peace" to me but they vote to jab babies with experimental poison obvious, then in that context my response would be to slap my butt and say to them - eff you you will get what you deserve.
I think with respect to saying "peace" in any message that context matters and I cast no judgment upon anybody advocating for peace and I suspect others would be advised to take that as council because sometimes it is easy to cast aspersions on those seeking peace. So, please in regards to the that, lets give the benefit of the doubt and if this person is disavowing previous sentiment, then let them speak their piece because we know already.
it is sacrificing humans for a greater goal which seems also to be a part of the Great Reset. Zelensky is offering a lot of humans trying to get Ukrain independent of Russia; that is his political goal supported by 'the West'. I wonder what is meant by 'theoretical risk'. There is a theoretical risk that a space rock will hit my head or I will dy by an ant's bite? How can one compute a theoretical risk without having any real data showing that there is a possibility to get cancer by these DNA material?
Zelensky hiring satanic spirit cooker Marina Abromivic to help rebuild the children's schools is quite revealing. How much more "in your face" can they get? Lord, please come quickly.
A theoretical risk is one where you know odds are most of the cannon fodder soldiers will die and this is what the US $ and NATO energies have supported and this is why NATO and the EU are toast and the us $ is destined to failure being a fiat instrument and truly currency cannot be printed because to have value there must be something physical associated - because if all you are is a "good idea" in presentation but a "bad idea" proven wrong and your currency is fiat - then heavens to betsy you are basically WORTHLESS....we know.
My advice is to get you some physical silver and gold if you can - not too much but don't worry if you have a silver coin nobody will question the value assuming the silver content is proven. Ask the Romans about demonetizing currency - it is a death spiral and the US$ fiat will die so quick being the only basis of the currency is good faith and let me tell you - that is diminishing rapidly.
They sell pure silver "flats" where you can break off little perforated squares. Each square is worth like 99 cents (or whatever). Bartering items like lighters, trial size shampoos/soaps/deodorant, aspirin, coffee, sugar, flour, water, canned meat, etc, may just come in handy. Also, cigarettes, alcohol, femine napkins -even if you don't smoke, drink or need these, someone else might have something YOU do need.
After they admit they are fallible and made a mistake under duress, then they need to completely disavow the vote they made in public transparently - otherwise, they will be hunt down by the pack because the pack cannot abide those who harm innocence.
You are so correct in your assessment, Sasha. Every day I read comments by those who say "if we just show them the data" they'll get it and come around to the dangers of this vaccine. My response is: They HAVE the data; they KNOW what's happening. They just DON'T CARE! These are not stupid people or people with no science or medical backgrounds. These are really smart people who for some reason (the lure of MONEY?) refuse to acknowledge what they know because either they lack compassion for their fellow human beings or they fear what might happen to them if they admit what they've known all along and come over to the light side.
Even challenges from people like Steve Kirsch and offers of a million dollars is not enough to get these people to admit that they knew all along the dangers of this "vaccine." That tells you just how deeply these people are embedded in the evil of what they are doing. Nothing will draw them out. All the "data" in the world will not get them to admit the evil that is taking place.
If someone threatens your family, many people would do things that go against their conscience. There are not many who would stand up to the bullies in that situation.
Hello Clare Goldsberry: Most of these persons are so financially embedded in the system, they will never admit to aiding and abetting racketeering criminals. If they come forward publicly, it jeopardizes the entire fake medical system. So they bite the bullet and continue to murder for hire...
Numerous physicians and medical staff have left the building - for good. The vacancies are being filled by untrained and medically incompetent morons. The medical system is being intentionally sabotaged...
Yes, we should. I recently heard a webcast where the guest said that the only thing standing between we the people and the abyss is the Second Amendment. The continuing urgent push to disarm we the people is because they know they should be afraid of us. Let's hope they stay afraid -- and that we can maintain the Second Amendment!
I think it goes beyond mere money. The cabal are like mafia. They assassinate presidents in broad daylight for example. Threatening to harm someone's family is a very effective tool.
If it goes beyond money do you think it’s about power? and if so what is the ultimate aim? The WEF is a front for them. Exactly who is behind that is a bone of contention. Is it the old ruling dynasties from the Roman Empire? or Luciferan death cult?
Either way a mass gathering of souls like us calling them out would be like a prayer to God
Wonderful question. I liken money and power to drugs. Money is the worst drug of all. A million died in Iraq by ppl who made money off of it. Then there are those that will help the evil juggernaut on its way by being coerced, blackmailed or bribed. Also a lot of us are part of the machine. Speaking up might cost you your job.
Christians, it is your duty to help the wayward billionaires and the powerful enter the kingdom of heaven by taking their MONEY AWAY
Thank you for calling out BUCKHAULTS’ tweet in particular--that and his published interview by Demassi show he is an establishment shill--pathetic and depressing.
Most scientists who have delved into these ugly manifestations of gene splicing, gene altering, immunity destruction, have all taken advanced courses like Euphemisms 207-208. The oily mendacity they proudly think will buffalo average humans is getting more and more easily identified. Somewhere in the academic backgrounds of many scientists are some tacky reminders that said scholars may well have tinkered with taboo subjects. You don't see UNC-Chapel Hill firing Ralph Baric, do you? Isn't it reassuring to know that job security is alive and well at UNC?
Spot on!!! Love the “oily mendacity” and “Euphemisms 207-208”. I’m so glad I’m no longer in academic medicine, but I am part of the allopathic medicine machine and we can hardly stand on our laurels either!
“There is a faction among ‘health freedom’ community that still believe that the FDA/HHS simply haven’t seen the data, are too busy and preoccupied, and they are not intentionally lying and pushing poison onto the public, but just confused and need to really look at the data!”
Yes. They’re called plants, double crossers, back stabbers, traitors or my personal favorite from way back, Judas.
I re-watched Buckhaults testimony again a few hours ago after Rebekah Barnett wrote a piece about it and a legal case against the TGA. I had to laugh. People are batshit crazy. We should have stopped with hot showers. Fuckin idiots in lab coats answering to Mafioso mobsters.
Quite correct here. They all KNOW what they're doing! None of this is about them not knowing what's going on, i.e., how deadly these drug injections are.
One wonders ... how have we gotten to the point where so many people, in so many different capacities, have chosen to rationalize or simply ignore their part in causing grave harm to fellow human beings, all in the personal pursuit of wealth and/or power? My best answer so far: A bit-by-bit erosion of moral fortitude, now evidenced virtually everywhere in the culture, that has been going on for at least 3 or 4 decades.
Incremental abuse leads to the "window of acceptability" to move very far over time. An abuser never starts beating you on the first date. They start off AWESOME and GIVING. They set you up so that you believe you have something to LOSE. Then, they start testing the waters in small ways, increasing the abuse over time, pushing to the limit and then backing off and promising to change to get you back in the "cage" again, give up on your escape plans, etc.
Conditioning, grooming, it works the same way on a macro with an entire population.
FDA "Laa laa laa sorry can't hear you"
CDC "Sorry too busy spending our bribe money to investigate"
Bill Gates "Everything is going according to plan."
Bill Gates (Cartoon) >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGlVTm2qlzE
Heh, heh... Guut one! Be happy!
If I met Billy Bad Ass on the Street - it would be a pie to face moment in a heartbeat - randomly quick.
For me it would be foot to scrotum.
you guys are SOOOOOO nice...for me it's a quick dose of poison
typically poison doesn't kill immediately and that is by choice - consider these emergency jabs as Exhibit #1 in that regard and to think Billy Bad Ass has his fingers all up in it....
he deserves what he gets and the times is approaching I reckon for Justified Retribution face-to-face upon these elitist who think wrongly that the "rest of us" are cattle - time to prove that wrong - don't you think Billy Bad Ass?
Cause "you" know only thing a bully responds to don't ya?
Well thought out on that....it would put em to the ground if well kicked....and more importantly send a message direct and those sort of message need to be sent in earnest cause tis now or never I reckon.
The most profitable investment ever plan.
What annoys me about Billy Bad Ass is he thinks he has the right to inject the cattle in his mind, but does he know we are not cattle?
So maybe somebody needs to teach a lesson to those who think peasants are cattle.
Hand me the knife metaphorical - I'll do the deed.
Billy Bad Ass might cogitate on whether being worth $200bn would adequately compensate him for having his children and grandchildren executed and having his manhood rendered non-functional??
I subscribed to and posted a comment at your place. I'm up to 15 subscriptions now and 16 is the limit I have set for myself.
I have a serious attitude and I don't want too many place to read because I ought be able to figure out the 16 that provide the most info and just now - yours is one of them.
I think Craig Murray and his staff owe me an apology, but I know it will never be give, just like most likely Julian Assange will die in Belmarsh and to be honest all of that really RUBS me the wrong way....I can't abide it.
Anywho - time to go watch the next Ultraman episode I reckon - Japanese version only please.
Do you realize that show was a reflection of what happens after an atomic bomb is dropped upon innocence?
I get an email called clownbasket. It gives summary of many various sources, so you could select ones that interest you quickly. Just an idea. I don't get to all my possibilities myself, much empathy. 🫡🫶💪
I've made a choice to have only 16 at max that I subscribe to at any given time - if the place accepts financial contribution amongst the 16 I give it willingly because we all need some bread on the table - I just don't have time to sort it out amongst more than that and I don't need tools to facilitate this because truly if you sense the connections, then the information is out there and it can transfer from one to another most rapidly nowadays and there is no stopping that - even if the internet goes down it is sort of like knowing something is out there and that knowing of it means it will never go away....and it is good to communicate transparently and if any elitist think they have a chance to stop that, then I reckon a hard lesson is coming their way.
This is like asking your tormentor to come give you solace
Hey Rys J - I remember you from Craig's place and let me just say - it is good to see your posts here and about.
Did you know I got banned from that place due to over zealous editors I think keeping an eye out to their own detriment.
No matter - what is done is over - what I care about is the future and it is good to read familiar posters from past times still sharing ideas.
By the way, there are other posters from Craig's place I remain in communication with and I think I learned much there and I remain in sadness for the situation Julian Assange finds himself within - seems to be a sign of the times in that way....it is sad in so many way...but I take solace knowing others are out there likeminded who desire a better future and can sense the writing on the wall.
Plus - your suggestion about those who come up seemingly "out of nowhere" to say hello were appreciated by me on another post of yours, cause I know.
As for Billy "bad ass" - I suspect he is fixing to get his due soon enough and not soon enough if you know what I mean.
ha, ha.
Best to you,
I got banned too, Ken, don't know why. Probably because I wasn't on message re Scottish Independence. Also got pissed off with him calling all English 'right wingers' racist.
20 to 1 ROI. At minimum, I'm sure.
Do you think it is a coincidence Billy Bad Ass's wife divorced his butt when she did?
I reckon she got wind of his ambitions and said to herself - these billions we have have been wasted and he tricked me.....or maybe, she is the devil incarnate herself - frankly, these elitist days are numbered you want my opinion because old ideas that are bad and wrong don't die easy, but die they always do.
I vote option #2. Married 27 yrs? You know your spouse (or should) well enough long before this. She's been right beside him in his African and Indian vaccine endeavors. But she seemed to be okay with the mistress he hooked up with at least a couple of times a year. 🤮 We figured she was protecting at least half of their fortune, should someone figured out a way to pin 1000s of deaths, disabilities and sterilizations on him. Who knows?
Investments of that nature seem only to work for the elitist lately who have been eating more than their fair share of the pie and it is known.
It is known the harm the elitist with bad ideas are causing presently and there is going to be a response forceful on an individual level I hope.
They seem to make their own market, at least, he has...for decades.
The achilles heel of human nature: wanting to believe that others don't want to do you harm, just because you wouldn't do that same harm. Wake up!
Get some Sunlight - it may help detox all those toxins and heavy metals through the melanin in our skin:
Sunlight, lots of good sleep, eat good food, drink lots of clean water, avoid prescription drugs and all vaxxes--I am honestly surprised more folks aren’t vax-injured. I think our bodies, and immune systems in particular are amazing and fortunately more resilient than we ever knew or recognized before.
I believe MANY are vax injured, and MANY, millions are dead. I know quite a few dealing with neurological issues, and complete breakdowns in health, just in my very small friend group. And 2 dead in our immediate family, 42 and 51 years old.
Yes it’s very likely we can’t or haven’t seen the full scope of the damage done. My patients are mostly middle-aged or elderly--no one seems to consider the vaccines as causing their new cancers or new or decompensated neurological or heart disease.
I know 1 or 2 that are considering it but I also know they started to experience issues after the first two, yet took a booster. Before the booster it was brought up to their primary care doctor and they were told the timing was a coincidence.
Some actual death-by-shot numbers for you:
So sorry about your family members.
Thank you. Unfortunately, at some point I fear every family will experience it.
God Bless
Not just every family but all of the families.
Both my brothers had cardiac events post COVID shots - one escaping a severe heart attack and the other still has a “spot” being followed on his pancreas (SV40) out of the friggin blue. And they say it’s not “causal”
I'm sorry to hear that. "Casual" is a word that the government loves to use. If you look up sv40 on their website, "casual cancer." What's casual aboit terminal illnesses?
I couldn't agree more Jane. Do you get a lot of Sun/ get out for the Sunrise?
My wife and I do it daily, it's been profound on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level.
Yes!! Someone wrote a great Substack piece on how we are creatures of the sun—I wish I’d made a note of it. Also Andrew Huberman PhD says we should get 5-10 minutes of sunlight in our eyes first thing in the morning—to get our systems and hormones going for the day, and that includes our next night’s sleep as I understand it.
Thanks for letting me know Jane. If you ever come upon that article, feel free to send it my way (:
I don’t think this is the article but it’s pretty good nonetheless.
Thank you, this is very encouraging.
Sunrise is a magical place to be. Barefoot and with as little clothes as possible. Make like the Sphinx.
What I read from early on was 3 to 5 years to know the results. Not looking good. Our enemy is well funded. We found a solution and have worked it for 5 years. www.orsja.org
Interesting. I am just about to start a Notice of Liability process with Cal Washington of InPower Movement. We are part of a 'world-wide wave' of participants in many countries. We have already had two state premiers in Australia stand down this year. They were both served NOLs.
Take a look at our Notice of Liability at www,orsja.prg. signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service. We are doing Oregon. Are you on a State or elsewhere?
We interview Call about a year ago. Published on youtube.
I am surprised also. All this effort they went to. Either a slow wrecking of immune systems so the public don’t notice or there will be a next time with full-on police state camps and fear
I think they are Jane. They just don’t realize it.
If not from these recent jabs, from the accumulation of all previous jabs.
And "not realizing it" is another real tragedy here. There are a number of things one can do (e.g., intermittent fasting, nattokinase supplements, etc.) to remove the toxic "clunkers" from your system as well as top-up your immune system.
remember...the bioweapons are SLOWKILL...
If we hadn’t been playing God peddling an immunity system made to order- we wouldn’t have new microorganisms 🦠 resistant to the ones we “vaccinated”. Pertussis,pneumonias,new more virulent herpes and more made by us even though we know better. Why? Depopulation but dominantly the Love of Money- the root of all evil.
Toxins and heavy metals from the crisscross markings in the sky related to geoengineering . A billybobgates pushed agenda ... there is a suit against billyhates by Reinette Senum if you want to support this effort!
This is why everybody should have a garden.
(edit - 92623 153 pm as I type):
I mean seriously - if you have soil you can have a garden and plants can grow in pots in cities.....so the main thing is having a garden means you are out there tending to it and then you get some sunshine and even some rays in the clouds - both still are good for health and truly we need the sun in the sky and when it comes to weather I think that is what matters most....not anything some creature on a little planet is doing....
I planted my medicinal garden this am. Indoors and got my grow lights for winter.
Did you know - grow lights are not expensive and think about this seriously - we have the tools we need to live a life sustainable and maybe some time with a bit less flux will do us all some good now that we have these tools?
I think so and I don't think you are just a nobody - I think you are smart!
Here is a link:
Now I know not all want to get stuff from Amazon and I know these grow lights are likely most ornamental, but the fact of the matter is we have the tools we need now and we don't even need the elitist and all their ideas wrong - so how about we break away from them and let them become wisps in the wind with bad ideas as they float away and down to the hell waiting for them while the rest of us got on with the business of living together mutually.
Way to go!
You are so kind. Thank you. Got several hanging sets of grow lights for 40$
I purchased some half-way serous LED grow lights and so far they have been worth it. Here, I'll share a link literal:
they are out there - they work for growing and we can do this.
Where there is a will there is a way I reckon.
You probably already know how to make your own Berkey water filter or a homemade water filter out of a rain barrel, sand and charcoal...but if not here's some links
May come in handy one day as the world goes to hell in a handbasket
Got mine at Lowes.
Ps . also subbed to your sub.
Autoflower or feminized seeds?
I started my first garden last fall then spring. Potatoes. Garlic. Onion. My neighbor started raising hens last fall and a month ago brought me a dozen eggs.
Our garden completely languished and burned up this year. It didn't matter how much we watered, the leaves just BURNED. Leaves on my 5 yr old maple did the same, it wasn't the new leaves either. Something was very different this year with the intensity of the sun. Last year got hotter much sooner and lasted longer with no rain at all from April to September, but our garden flourished last year.
Anecdotally, I've heard similar from many others who are into gardening and it is concerning. Something seems to be most amiss, but determined gardeners can overcome obstacles assuming they have neighbors with whom they work together.
So, I'm very sorry to hear about your garden difficulties in the 23 season, but others apparently have experience something similar and the number of anecdotes has reached a level where it is hard not to conclude that there are forces trying to make it difficult for everyday folks just trying to get by day-by-day and live with their family and neighbors in peace - so, just add that to all the other evidence that big changes are on the way and I'm on the side of everyday folks being I'm one of them.
I started farming 2 years ago. I’m not great at it but am getting better each crop! It is a delight harvesting for dinner and eating fresh from our garden! Working on medicinal garden as well!
And you can grow your own veggies and fruit in pots as well!
It's simply that empaths are not as aware as they should be of the presence and nature of psychopaths. I had several narcissists in my family, so can spot that personality type a mile off. If you haven't grown up with it, it is probably harder to believe that there are people who are incapable of empathy, even though they look and sound, on the surface, like regular folks. It is something children should be taught to look out for and identify (instead of telling them that bullies are character building).
Well I'm not sure there would be any way to "teach" children about psychos - it is in general the sort of thing you have to learn by experience. However, children can be grounded in solid principle and then from there they make their own choices.
For the psychos out there in positions of authority and wielding much influence - for the ones out there who have been causing so much harm to everyday regular folk I want to say to you - we know who you are individually and you are on notice because there are some of us with principle resolute and we cannot abide your behavior and the harm being caused to innocence.
I don't like the first part of Dr. Buckhaults 5th statement where he mentions that these shots "saved a lot of lives". Perhaps he's doing that to protect himself?
I suspect those who write 'Peace' either to begin or end communications like Phillip Buckhaults's tweet do it as a form of diffusion. "I will say things which might be misinterpreted, but by typing 'Peace' you will understand I am good and wise and no further interpretation is necessary beyond that."
Like a pious monk with a box of firecrackers, who lights them, throws them in to a busy ladies room during intermission, and asks for Peace as they run screaming from the chaos.
Love the translucency of the grapes.
So, if somebody says "peace" to me but they vote to jab babies with experimental poison obvious, then in that context my response would be to slap my butt and say to them - eff you you will get what you deserve.
I think with respect to saying "peace" in any message that context matters and I cast no judgment upon anybody advocating for peace and I suspect others would be advised to take that as council because sometimes it is easy to cast aspersions on those seeking peace. So, please in regards to the that, lets give the benefit of the doubt and if this person is disavowing previous sentiment, then let them speak their piece because we know already.
What I want is for ALL of those who voted unanimously to make an announcement that they made a mistake.
What do you think are the chances of that give the fires recent in Hawaii?
Regardless, clueless PhD's obviously are not experts, but rather they are slaves to mammon.
Or "trustworthy."
Well said!
And he's a PhD lab geek who doesn't see patients, so on what basis does he make the claim to begin with? Just parroting.
He's either an idiot or part of the problem. Complicit.
Slaves to the system they are - must not really be that smart - suffering from big harma delusions I reckon - eff em.
they are complicit and the harm is REAL.
Complicit is the word for many a PhD.
it is sacrificing humans for a greater goal which seems also to be a part of the Great Reset. Zelensky is offering a lot of humans trying to get Ukrain independent of Russia; that is his political goal supported by 'the West'. I wonder what is meant by 'theoretical risk'. There is a theoretical risk that a space rock will hit my head or I will dy by an ant's bite? How can one compute a theoretical risk without having any real data showing that there is a possibility to get cancer by these DNA material?
Zelensky hiring satanic spirit cooker Marina Abromivic to help rebuild the children's schools is quite revealing. How much more "in your face" can they get? Lord, please come quickly.
A theoretical risk is one where you know odds are most of the cannon fodder soldiers will die and this is what the US $ and NATO energies have supported and this is why NATO and the EU are toast and the us $ is destined to failure being a fiat instrument and truly currency cannot be printed because to have value there must be something physical associated - because if all you are is a "good idea" in presentation but a "bad idea" proven wrong and your currency is fiat - then heavens to betsy you are basically WORTHLESS....we know.
My advice is to get you some physical silver and gold if you can - not too much but don't worry if you have a silver coin nobody will question the value assuming the silver content is proven. Ask the Romans about demonetizing currency - it is a death spiral and the US$ fiat will die so quick being the only basis of the currency is good faith and let me tell you - that is diminishing rapidly.
Is it not evident for Christ's sake?
They sell pure silver "flats" where you can break off little perforated squares. Each square is worth like 99 cents (or whatever). Bartering items like lighters, trial size shampoos/soaps/deodorant, aspirin, coffee, sugar, flour, water, canned meat, etc, may just come in handy. Also, cigarettes, alcohol, femine napkins -even if you don't smoke, drink or need these, someone else might have something YOU do need.
Grammy, where and who and how does one go about learning to locate these 'flats'?
They have some larger sizes, too.
What these folks who advocated for the "poison" need to realize is that there is nothing they can say to save their asses other than: I was wrong.
After they admit they are fallible and made a mistake under duress, then they need to completely disavow the vote they made in public transparently - otherwise, they will be hunt down by the pack because the pack cannot abide those who harm innocence.
You are so correct in your assessment, Sasha. Every day I read comments by those who say "if we just show them the data" they'll get it and come around to the dangers of this vaccine. My response is: They HAVE the data; they KNOW what's happening. They just DON'T CARE! These are not stupid people or people with no science or medical backgrounds. These are really smart people who for some reason (the lure of MONEY?) refuse to acknowledge what they know because either they lack compassion for their fellow human beings or they fear what might happen to them if they admit what they've known all along and come over to the light side.
Even challenges from people like Steve Kirsch and offers of a million dollars is not enough to get these people to admit that they knew all along the dangers of this "vaccine." That tells you just how deeply these people are embedded in the evil of what they are doing. Nothing will draw them out. All the "data" in the world will not get them to admit the evil that is taking place.
I wonder if some (many?) of them fear for their lives if they were to rat out the establishment.
Or be Russell Branded?
If someone threatens your family, many people would do things that go against their conscience. There are not many who would stand up to the bullies in that situation.
Hello Clare Goldsberry: Most of these persons are so financially embedded in the system, they will never admit to aiding and abetting racketeering criminals. If they come forward publicly, it jeopardizes the entire fake medical system. So they bite the bullet and continue to murder for hire...
Numerous physicians and medical staff have left the building - for good. The vacancies are being filled by untrained and medically incompetent morons. The medical system is being intentionally sabotaged...
I read somewhere recently someone quoting a British politician who said they are way more afraid of their controllers than they are of the public.
Maybe we need to change that scenario.
Yes, we should. I recently heard a webcast where the guest said that the only thing standing between we the people and the abyss is the Second Amendment. The continuing urgent push to disarm we the people is because they know they should be afraid of us. Let's hope they stay afraid -- and that we can maintain the Second Amendment!
Not incompetence.
Not lazy.
Bought and paid for mass murder.
It seems that human greed trumps human empathy. Has it always been thus?
I think it goes beyond mere money. The cabal are like mafia. They assassinate presidents in broad daylight for example. Threatening to harm someone's family is a very effective tool.
If it goes beyond money do you think it’s about power? and if so what is the ultimate aim? The WEF is a front for them. Exactly who is behind that is a bone of contention. Is it the old ruling dynasties from the Roman Empire? or Luciferan death cult?
Either way a mass gathering of souls like us calling them out would be like a prayer to God
Good point! Perhaps I should have said, "It seems that human greed and fear trump human empathy."
Wonderful question. I liken money and power to drugs. Money is the worst drug of all. A million died in Iraq by ppl who made money off of it. Then there are those that will help the evil juggernaut on its way by being coerced, blackmailed or bribed. Also a lot of us are part of the machine. Speaking up might cost you your job.
Christians, it is your duty to help the wayward billionaires and the powerful enter the kingdom of heaven by taking their MONEY AWAY
Thank you for calling out BUCKHAULTS’ tweet in particular--that and his published interview by Demassi show he is an establishment shill--pathetic and depressing.
Most scientists who have delved into these ugly manifestations of gene splicing, gene altering, immunity destruction, have all taken advanced courses like Euphemisms 207-208. The oily mendacity they proudly think will buffalo average humans is getting more and more easily identified. Somewhere in the academic backgrounds of many scientists are some tacky reminders that said scholars may well have tinkered with taboo subjects. You don't see UNC-Chapel Hill firing Ralph Baric, do you? Isn't it reassuring to know that job security is alive and well at UNC?
Spot on!!! Love the “oily mendacity” and “Euphemisms 207-208”. I’m so glad I’m no longer in academic medicine, but I am part of the allopathic medicine machine and we can hardly stand on our laurels either!
“There is a faction among ‘health freedom’ community that still believe that the FDA/HHS simply haven’t seen the data, are too busy and preoccupied, and they are not intentionally lying and pushing poison onto the public, but just confused and need to really look at the data!”
Yes. They’re called plants, double crossers, back stabbers, traitors or my personal favorite from way back, Judas.
... or controlled opposition, limited hangouts, gatekeepers.
I re-watched Buckhaults testimony again a few hours ago after Rebekah Barnett wrote a piece about it and a legal case against the TGA. I had to laugh. People are batshit crazy. We should have stopped with hot showers. Fuckin idiots in lab coats answering to Mafioso mobsters.
Quite correct here. They all KNOW what they're doing! None of this is about them not knowing what's going on, i.e., how deadly these drug injections are.
One wonders ... how have we gotten to the point where so many people, in so many different capacities, have chosen to rationalize or simply ignore their part in causing grave harm to fellow human beings, all in the personal pursuit of wealth and/or power? My best answer so far: A bit-by-bit erosion of moral fortitude, now evidenced virtually everywhere in the culture, that has been going on for at least 3 or 4 decades.
Incremental abuse leads to the "window of acceptability" to move very far over time. An abuser never starts beating you on the first date. They start off AWESOME and GIVING. They set you up so that you believe you have something to LOSE. Then, they start testing the waters in small ways, increasing the abuse over time, pushing to the limit and then backing off and promising to change to get you back in the "cage" again, give up on your escape plans, etc.
Conditioning, grooming, it works the same way on a macro with an entire population.