come for the revelations, stay for the art. we are so lucky that you have let us into your visionary world.

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This is damning Sasha. Very well researched and laid out.

I'm linking to info on what happened in an Orthodox Jewish Community. Their birth rate plummeted and a number of babies have been born without a hand or foot. There is much more information, relayed at real cost by a woman who is a member of the Community. She is a hero:


Again, amazing work on your part!

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The like is for your painting. It's a great capture. The report makes me angry because of how they allowed all checks to be bypassed.

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Every single health regulatory body, anywhere on earth that permitted, on whatever grounds, for these jabs to be used, are guilty, at the very minimum, of dereliction of duty.

Any further proof required that all of those bodies are now 100% corrupted??

All Governments involved. GUILTY.

GUILTY of Crimes Against Humanity.


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You are blowing the lid off the failure of drug regulatory agencies to do their job. The irresponsible behaviour of these regulatory agencies is criminal. The damage to world health is unprecedented. There is no excuse for the wilful blindness.

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Another impressive work of art! I like the special realization of the character's posture, as well as the ensemble of light and shadows that obey the central image of the painting, that of the news reader. You are so very talented, very well done!

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The Moderna people know they couldn't get their toxic solutions to pass any ethical review process. It's a government operation start to finish. The government has been hijacked by evil psychopaths.

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Great work! Thank you!

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Thank you for this meaningful post and for the inspirational painting.

The sophisticated and evil planning that went into this entire cowardly criminal fraud demands root cause analysis of everything involved and real solutions. The legal, government, and other systems that say they are protecting us should have taken corrective actions against the fraud before March 2020. Rather, they supported the fraud and punished those who tried to alert others. Now this unprecedented mutating needless poison injectable bio weapon has victimized over 2/3 of the world's population. The enemy holds its cowardly covert think tank planning sessions using our tax dollars and carefully plots its destruction of all life on the planet. Here is one of countless documents showing the detailed, long term, and meticulous planning that went into this. https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/niac-pandemic-outbreak-final-report-01-17-07-508.pdf A societal system wide correction appears to be required to solve this?

We urgently need real discussions that describe the root cause analysis details of the systems that are responsible for creating this situation. We urgently need to consider the entire range of possible solutions. It will be risky. There is nothing they can do to me that is worse than just going along and pretending that the legal, government, and other systems that have failed so far will somehow reverse course and start doing the right things.

How to proceed from here?

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Maybe it's in the works. From Jeff Childers Coffee & Covid substack today.


Petition for a Grand jury Inquiry in Florida

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Thanks. I hope this succeeds. But the trends indicate it might fail. I see no alternative but to proceed to do the best I can, either alone or with others. While similar things kept failing, over 2/3 of the world has been fooled into taking these criminal bio weapon injections. I feel the solutions are out there but we have not discovered them yet. We shall see how this, and other legal and political challenges go. The following link is just one example of the sophisticated long term planning that went into this. All the societal systems have been rigged to support it and ensure anything that challenges it fails. https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/niac-pandemic-outbreak-final-report-01-17-07-508.pdf

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Larry - You would be more than welcome to join other like-minded folks at Solari.com. You probably know CAF. I knew of Catherine Austin Fitts, in my earlier days of waking up. Then when Covid hit, I thought she had the best insight(s), and I always liked the people who she chose to consult with, in helping us all learn & grow. So I joined Solari, and it has been the best port in a storm, I could have found. Many people have commented Solari, should be a University. I think so too. It's a refuge and a playground, for the intellectually curious, and for us life long learners. Five stars!

It has many positive aspects of a community (i.e. Solari Circles) and is set up to help

people find others with whom they can commune online but also in person. CAF is definitely solution oriented, in as many ways as we can think of and implement.

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Thank you. I admire Catherine Austin Fitts and will consider it. However, I have colleagues who are struggling financially and will not be able to afford the paid subscription there, and may instead start something on Substack that is free and more viable for a wider audience. I will request feedback on what my friends think about this. Thanks again.

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I would say maybe half or more of the content on Solari is free to the public, (many people probably don't realize). It kind of depends what info. you seek and how deep you want to go. She's has mind boggling archives, and I personally had a lot of back-fill needed to fill in the blanks of where my big picture understanding of the planet, history, money, etc. was unclear.

Even though I've been awake for a decade +. (Like the blind "men" describing the elephant :)....One subscriber recently suggested somehow visually denoting on the site, what's public versus private content, a great idea. She does have a one month option for $30. which is attractive for newcomers to check things out. I abstained from joining for a long time as well, but have made it a priority now that I fully understand what she's about, who she knows, and how she operates. Love her "Ask Catherine" feature where she takes Q&A's, three weeks out of four. At Christmas she lets her members give a friend, a 2+ month trial subscription as well, which is a very nice gesture. Anyway, just thought you'd appreciate some details. Like it or not, WE are the army, and come hell or highwater (probably both!) must make the most of it.

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Thank you for taking the time to provide this incredible information. I am considering it with an open mind.

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I cannot deny that the conspiracy that Sasha has shown us brings tears to my eyes and makes me feel like taking Revenge somehow on those responsible.

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Some of us are working on HOW to stop our root cause enemy from harming humanity and the planet. Others have given up but we consider it a moral imperative to do our best. It is complex and challenging. If you are interested in considering participating, more information is available at the link below. Thank you.


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Two thumbs up on the painting Sasha. (also, it was great to have you as the guest speaker at the Kovess forum).

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"dispite the extreme novelty of the virus, Dr. Ralph Baric at the university of North Carolina at Chapel Hill possessed an already mouse adapted SARS- Cov-2 virus strain and provided it for some of Moderna's experiments."

Am I correct to infer he had a major part in creating it with Zhengli Shi as reported in the nerdhaspower blog he references this in March 2020:

" A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses show potential for human emergence"

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Paper is from 2015

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Dismissing the deformities as "not considered adverse" is very similar to the way a serious adverse event during the Janssen trials was claimed to be "not related to the study product" with no justification.

"A 25-year-old male with no past medical history and no concurrent medications experienced a transverse sinus thrombosis on Day 21 following vaccination. On Day 9 the participant experienced symptoms of fever, myalgia, headache, fatigue, abdominal pain, congestion and rhinorrhea. He tested negative for SARs-CoV-2 during this acute illness. Aside from headache, his symptoms improved. On Day 19 he experienced a tonic colonic seizure. A CT scan without contrast demonstrated a cerebral hemorrhage. On Day 21, a transverse sinus thrombosis was reported on a venogram. The participant underwent a thrombectomy as well as stent placement for stenosed right sigmoid sinus on Day 22. On Day 23 repeat venogram showed the presence of a new clot in the transverse sinus. A second thrombectomy with venoplasty was performed. Treating clinicians reported observing rapid thrombus formation during the two thrombectomy procedures that was consistent with a clinically hypercoagulable state. In their assessment, the transverse sinus thrombosis most likely occurred days before the participant's clinical presentation with a seizure; the seizure was reported to be a consequence of a secondary bleed caused by elevated venous pressure from the venous flow obstruction. Workup for hematologic and infectious causes of the thrombosis did not reveal an etiology. This event was initially thought to be related to the study product by the investigator and prompted a study pause. After thorough investigation and expert consultation no clear cause of the event was identified; however possible contributing factors, such as preceding infection and an anatomical anomaly, were suggested. The investigator’s brochure and informed consent form were updated accordingly, and the study pause was lifted. The investigator and Sponsor’s final assessment of this event was that it was not related to the study product."


Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting

February 26, 2021

FDA Briefing Document

Janssen Ad26.COV2.S Vaccine for the Prevention of COVID-19


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Sasha, If you have not viewed Dr. David Martin's websites, I suggest you do. He has done the extensive research of all these drug manufacturers, and even find a lawsuit. I believe he was the one that found Moderna was 50% owned by the US government. He has the whole picture of the patent trail and who and how everyone is involve,

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The FDA already knew they were off the hook for these "vaccines" that's why they broke all their own rules. But then, they also break all their own rules every year with the Flu vaccines.

Spikevax is just another "exception" along the way.

I do wonder though, did Moderna have the same strange contract agreements with foreign governments? Pfizer did, some of those contracts were leaked, or parts were.

What worries me is that they still have the EUA in effect, and I doubt that they are EVER going to allow it to expire. At least not while the current regime is in power.

I believe the only way out of this is by doing what people like you are doing. The more people realize what's going on, the less likely they are to go along. Still some estimate that around 30% of the population will never be convinced of the truth.

It seems, those people are like passengers who can't swim -- on a cruise ship, they were never going to make it if the ship went down. The ship is going down right now, and only the strongest swimmers [those most informed] are going to survive.

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I love the resonance between the painting and the article.

The old man stares intently at the paper, the light behind him, his own shadow cast on whatever he is pondering, unseen by the viewer. The light behind him casts a long shadow, extending from his feet. The newspaper and whatever he is reading is lost in the cast shadow. The only indication of what he is reading is revealed by the intensity of his expression and gaze.

I felt the same way reading this piece. Thankfully, your concise presentation makes the content easily accessible and memorable. I cannot express how thankful I am for your work—truly a blessing of your labor to everyone who spends the time to read and ponder. 🙏🏽

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These moderna documents are outrageous! It sends Shivers up and down my spine and in my brain.

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