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Thank God for indoor plumbing!!!

My sister in law on Facebook stated while this Covid was in full swing of vaxxinated how vaxxines solved our many issues.

I immediately cancelled her bc I could not scream loud enough you idiot! It’s clean hygiene plumbing not vaxxines.

I have lost my patience with anyone promoting vaxxines but they think I am a radical wing nut.

Happy to be on the wing.

Happy to be a 28 years anti vaxxer.

More of a pro plumber don’t stick that needle

In me or my child’s arm.

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They think you’re a nut? That’s because they don’t k ow THE TRUTH about ALL JABS

I’ve said this so many times already and I’ll say it again...and again:

When will people do historical research and find out that anytime you inject anything into your body, you’re on a highway to hell.

NEVER in the history of mankind has injecting poisons into your body given you better health.

Quite the opposite. They’ve ALL maimed and killed. Read and learn the history of this barbaric act:

The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations https://a.co/d/cfvx9Q6

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://a.co/d/coVuit4

- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886

- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889

- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889


There are many others, they’re just a few.

Finding the truth isn’t that hard

But you do have to get off your ass and turn off the tube and read.

We’ve known for well over 150 years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.

And the criminals that pose as our elected officials are in on the take and are raking in millions, and will NEVER stop the madness that is called vaccination.

And neither will doctors who are being PAID handsomely for jabbing and lying to their trusting patients.

If you’ve been jabbed then your death will be influenced by and/or directly caused by said jab.

People should quit thinking it’s coincidence. That’s propaganda talk.

And yet the populace of today (being dumbed down by design) have their heads buried in the sand and believe the corrupt media’s story of blaming these deaths on everything else under the sun except the obvious. What a pity.

And those “doctors” who are shilling for the medical cartel, the pharmafia and allopathic medicine should hang their heads in shame.

They know the truth, but have sold their soul to the company because their payment on their yacht, McMansion, and Jag is due.

Pitiful. Sickening, pathetic and pitiful.

And to those in the media, you drug pushing pieces of corporate shit: I hope you have a great answer come your judgment day.

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I don't even vax my children (7 dogs), I love them to much!

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I will not ever jab my cat. I was reading an article recently that stated Rabies is bs as well. We’ve been scammed for YEARS!

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Sadly true!

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What's your opinion about FeLV (supposedly "Feline Leukema Virus") ? The safest strategy is to avoid all vaccines it seems ..

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TPTB tell all of us lies…they do the same regarding animals. MONEY AND PRESTIGE is a nice carrot for these people.

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As a child the common cold was not common, and the Flu-cannot remember people having that. Yes, I had Pneumonia as a 12 year old, with daily Penicillin injections at home.

Since then I have an ALLERGY to Penicillin.

ALL my life I have had pets and known others , NO FLU in any of those animal.

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Had my 2 cats "vaccinated" for Cat Flu in Australia in 1978 thereabouts. The Siamese immediately had a very bad dose of Flu, the Russian Blue was OK.

NEITHER cat had EVER had Flu and NO Vaccine for the rest of their long lives and NO FLU AFTER that one Jab.

The next year the Vet asked if I wanted them jabbed, said NO given prevous experience. THe Veterinarian siaid "oh, that was a bad batch", I repeated NO!!

Lying back then all for the Almighlty dollar! Both were grand champion cats and the Vet could not have cared less as long as he could obtain $$$$$

That Vets comment came back to meduring THIS Plandemic-

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GOOD…for your fur angels! My cat (or any pet) is my “child”! We stand up for our pets, just like a child. They cannot speak for themselves. Those are beautiful breeds! Unvaccinated animals do live longer and are healthier.

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I am in total agreement. I adopted a rescue who sat neglected for years, and was "required" to complete his heartworm treatments. I can say he seemed not the same dog after the treatments. I found out afterwards there are different methods, but he was given a series of injections and kept for 2 days overnight. He is remarkably sensitive to sudden sounds. Like if he steps on a leaf and it makes a loud sound. I wondered if autism is not just something caused by injection. Sad side effect, he doesn't get to go for walks, he wants to, but pulls out of his harness in desperation every time. A car goes past, or someone slams a door or bangs a hammer...

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Reacting to sound is an Autism symptom.

I also wonder about Heartworm? I cannot remember dogs with this condition in my childhood or later on. I think we have all been given lies and of course want to do the best by family and Pets.....

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I agree. How do we know it was heartworms? I understand he was in very bad shape when he was found, about 3 weeks after hurricane florence, clinging to life, trapped in debris. Just a sweet and gentle thing. He was naturally nervous at first, having lived 3 years in an outdoor pen. He is super sensitive to wind and thunder. But it was a notch up after the heartworm treatments. He is always nervous now, and reacts to sounds 100pct of the time. Any loud sound sends him to hide.

Another thing in case readers have cats with crystals in their urine and have urinary tract infections. I had a cat that got very fat, could not keep herself clean and got infections. I was feeding her dry food. A vet in a big city processed me and my cat like a number and they started selling me 60.00/bag prescription food. It seemed to slightly help at first, but then nothing. It was not until I found a vet in Long Beach named Dr Ina. The best vet.

She said cats don't drink much water, they get it from their food. They make dry food like donuts so cats eat it, all so their poop doesn't smell so bad. Forget the digestive health of your cat. She suggested the vet did a generic test for crystals without seeing what was causing them and prescribed expensive food because that's where they get their money.

I went picked up wet food on the way home, and she loved it. Over the next few months, she lost weight and became a normal cat with no issues of peeing in bad places because of urinary infections. Not once for the rest of her life.

Thanks to Dr Ina's advise, my cat got to be happy as an elderly cat.

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I have 7 dogs 3 are 18 years old and they don't go to the vet!

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Thanks for your post! Autism, virtually none in 1950 back. Vaxes for babies---2022 1 in 60 with Autism??

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Me neither! In fact I don't give them tick or flea repellent nor heartworm meds - they are all TOXIC!

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Everything we have been told is lie!

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And in recent years the purpose is not just profits for Big Pharma, et al, but for culling the population in pursuit of the Great Reset.

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Culling the population is an ongoing endeavor. The desperation leading to a Great Reset is our connectedness and the gathering storm of humanity coming to understand the who, when, where, how and with what.

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Could not agree more!

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Yep, a little research for them. They could read "Turtles All The Way Down" for instance and learn quite a lot about the not so safe and effective different vaccines. What a great book that is.

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One of the most informative books on the planet.

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“ And the whole world is deceived by their sorcery” Revelations 18:23

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here here love that post JamesDuff.

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62 year anti vaxxer and one of those C.T., you know the ones who never trust gov., media, etc. My son (now 52) came to me the other day to say he was sorry. I said why, cause I have told all my friends, since I was 10 years old, that you were a nut a fruit cake. I'm sorry dad, will you forgive me. YES! So why now? I came to terms with the facts, everything you told me is, was true. Thank you son for that. I had always wondered why people would get gone when I came around? I think I just found out why!

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At least, he admits he now knows! Great admiration, too!

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Oh that's a beautiful story ! Never too late.

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On the other hand have a 51 year old daughter had all the jabs has been sick ever since, she still thinks I'm a nut/fruit cake. I'm still working on her!

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My son said he doesn't think I'm crazy. It's just that I'm so smart that I can rationalize my crazy conclusions. He knows not what he doesn't know. He ignores the actual data. He's a young man that may or may not figure it out in time.

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Took mine 52 years to figure it out. There is hope to the end!

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Forget as infrequently as possible & forgive as often as it makes sense for you to do so.

Stepson? Otherwise your handle is an example of at least dual-use verbal technology.

My late wife was 11.5 years older than me, so if that's your story too, then congrats. :-)

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I wish I knew sooner about vaxx horrors. I never would have given my boys so many. No more!

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Well if it makes you feel better our first two kids got vaxxed starting in 1986. But within a ten year period taking my first flu shot getting horrifically sick, witnessing the inner workings of pharma up close, decided to research autism. My older kids got most their shots I cringed as they screamed. 1996 son was spared the bs vaxxines. So I too learned. But I do feel bad for my older kids. Who btw got jabbed. I warned my whole tribe. I may have saved 3-4 people. I am truly sad and mad all at the same time depending on the time of day. Don’t feel bad we all once accepted the medical community as benevolent, now in some cases that so.

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My boys are 28 & 25 yrs old. No more vaxxes for them! I’m hoping if they have kids their spouses will go no vaxx as well🙏🏼

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Less jabs the best!!! 🙏

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I was injured by a booster shot for work in an autistic classroom, so ironic. I was so sick & had Lyme and ptsd & adrenal exhaustion I didn’t realize it for a few years. Insurance dictated doctors gaslit me for 20 years plus. I was in my early thirties and on disability since.

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Miss McGill nice to chat been long time.

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Agree d! 💌

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My substack friend

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Omg how horrific!!

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I see an integrative medicine doctor now. God’s Grace. I have horror stories over 20 years w insurance dictated doctors. My dr now left the system in 2000, he was spending too much time with his patients and they made him resign. Actually healing now & the hope is absolutely priceless. Some quality of life again, enough to be married 3 years now. My mold biotoxin illness is improving as well. Thankful to have a dr who knows what CIRS is & how to manage it.

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It’s astounding how many middle aged women friends I have who have been crippled by autoimmune issues. Wasn’t happening a few generations ago. I’m so grateful for my integrative medicine doctor.

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I went to grade school with about 90 kids in our class 8th grade 1969

There were maybe small handful chubby, basically healthy bunch.,

I have no idea how many vaxxines I got maybe 3 ?

Damn that arm muscle hurt for weeks!

Autoimmune is really common, me thinks vaxxs chemtrails poisons all contribute.

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So many factors! I graduated high school in 1984. Fast food, microwave ovens, diet soda..we ate margarine and seed oil’s thinking it was “ healthier “.

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& the town I started in was a farming community, all the new amazing Monsanto syngenta products were just coming out.

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Its not only injection , remember that the USA has many bioweapon "facilities" in The WORLD.

iN 1955 USA NAVY stood offshore near San Francisco and sprayed who knows what on San Francisco. Air bone has been around for years, same as the Geo Engineering has been around for a very long time.

NOW we have Wireless transmissions plus jabs plus air borne attacks on human beings

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Great!! Glad you found someone to help, the medical system has many holes lots of very qualified people that do heal. Lots of hope that this experience challenges all vaxxines. Revamp medicine to not just a 15 minute visit long waits to see specialist, 3 years marriage quality of life mobility energy HEALTH IS PRICELESS . Idk CIRS ? but glad you have Hope.

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Me too - and ditto for zero patience with people continuing to mask.

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I got into an altercation with middle age couple going into medical office. My tongue is faster than my filter at times, out loud I told them “ your mask don’t work, then I said do you realize how tiny the virons are?” Then repeated “ your mask don’t work” he called me a fucker

I responded watch your mouth young man, she said” I know I work in the health care field” this was 2 weeks ago. Human Resources director calls me asking “who are these people”

Not our clients said guilty me.

I’ve tried to give people the benefit of the doubt. But read Fauccis emails or at least after all this time please quit insulting your own immune system.,

I am triggered by mask

I find it cruel inhumane absurd abusive ignorant and stupid all at once.

I refrained today from scolding a woman.

Refrained two days ago at my gym 3 older ladies all in mask.,

Sometimes I think this culture is doomed.

I’d they suggested covering your eyes

Would any wear them? Hopefully not driving. No mask, one mask, two mask,,

No mask mask standing in restaurant, sit down mask off, nfl referees mask on 22 men playing mask off, Newsome and dinner party mask off, servers mask.





Mask how I loathe mask and people here the 2 Chinese cooks man wife walk to work with their mask on?

Mask lay in the parking lots

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Virons not virgins I hate spellcheck factcheck that

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Yes, James, the stupidity is mind boggling.

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It truly is!!! I am ashamed that people walk around with a library in their hand yet too lazy to actually seek wtf is happening. It makes me just become more selective.

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You should have given her a link to "Dissolving Illusions," by Suzanne Humphries, a nephrologist who researched vaccine history and found hygiene, not vaccines, lowered rates of infection. After reading her book and basically entering a bubble of loving unvaccinated scientists who discover more and more how to keep safe and healthy by avoiding drugs/procedures/vaccines I forgot that anti-unvaxxers still exist. When I see someone promoting vaccines now, I think WOW! Didn't know people still believe the earth is flat. That's so weird they believe that. Even the CDC stated recently that vaccines didn't prevent transmission. I feel happy to know better, and sad that most of U.S. will not have access to this knowledge. Because they are drowned in big pharma propaganda.

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Does she like $? Pay her to read "Dissolving Illusions" by Dr. Suzanne Humphries 😉

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