62 year anti vaxxer and one of those C.T., you know the ones who never trust gov., media, etc. My son (now 52) came to me the other day to say he was sorry. I said why, cause I have told all my friends, since I was 10 years old, that you were a nut a fruit cake. I'm sorry dad, will you forgive me. YES! So why now? I came to terms with th…
62 year anti vaxxer and one of those C.T., you know the ones who never trust gov., media, etc. My son (now 52) came to me the other day to say he was sorry. I said why, cause I have told all my friends, since I was 10 years old, that you were a nut a fruit cake. I'm sorry dad, will you forgive me. YES! So why now? I came to terms with the facts, everything you told me is, was true. Thank you son for that. I had always wondered why people would get gone when I came around? I think I just found out why!
On the other hand have a 51 year old daughter had all the jabs has been sick ever since, she still thinks I'm a nut/fruit cake. I'm still working on her!
My son said he doesn't think I'm crazy. It's just that I'm so smart that I can rationalize my crazy conclusions. He knows not what he doesn't know. He ignores the actual data. He's a young man that may or may not figure it out in time.
62 year anti vaxxer and one of those C.T., you know the ones who never trust gov., media, etc. My son (now 52) came to me the other day to say he was sorry. I said why, cause I have told all my friends, since I was 10 years old, that you were a nut a fruit cake. I'm sorry dad, will you forgive me. YES! So why now? I came to terms with the facts, everything you told me is, was true. Thank you son for that. I had always wondered why people would get gone when I came around? I think I just found out why!
At least, he admits he now knows! Great admiration, too!
Oh that's a beautiful story ! Never too late.
On the other hand have a 51 year old daughter had all the jabs has been sick ever since, she still thinks I'm a nut/fruit cake. I'm still working on her!
My son said he doesn't think I'm crazy. It's just that I'm so smart that I can rationalize my crazy conclusions. He knows not what he doesn't know. He ignores the actual data. He's a young man that may or may not figure it out in time.
Took mine 52 years to figure it out. There is hope to the end!
Forget as infrequently as possible & forgive as often as it makes sense for you to do so.
Stepson? Otherwise your handle is an example of at least dual-use verbal technology.
My late wife was 11.5 years older than me, so if that's your story too, then congrats. :-)