I too knew about Sequivity, because a U.K. veterinarian told me about it. It sounds like a scary, uncontrolled product to me. I also knew nothing of its constituents, remarkably. I can’t imagine any argument about commercial secrets that would prevent at least a high level description of its contents.

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It's allegedly a "custom" product. Merck will surveil your farm, PCR the hell out of it and cook up a magic potion in under 100 days... It's like they knew in 2021 (USDA approved it then) that this will be enshrined in the international law by WHO/IHR method. These people are true visionaries.

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The veterinary provisions of US interagency memoranda of understanding, international Mutual Recognition Agreements, FDA regs, EU directives, were in the works for a long time, back to 1980s. Same incrementalism used as for human biological products and security countermeasures.

There's even a "National Veterinary Stockpile" analogous to the Strategic National Stockpile for human poisons, dating back to Homeland Security Presidential Directive 9 (HSPD-9) of Jan. 30, 2004.

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So nice to see they worked so hard for so long to 'care for hoooomanity' my dead sisters and dead son and their families are sooo grateful!

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And all of this is unregulated manipulation of animal products that presumably will be ultimately feeding humans....the sky is the limit! ~ Ginger Breggin

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The Washington County, Idaho resolution banning COVID-19 vaccines, stated that "Sequivity swine mRNA jabs USDA 2020-2021 summaries highlighted that this technology created adverse effects on 29.8% of the herd and 11.5% herd loss to death and wasting disease." I learned this in Sasha's substack.

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Seems there is enough evidence to get them for cruelty to animals

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Brilliant idea!

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Hello, and thank you Mr Yeadon. I have a bit of advice for veterinarians, medical 'practitioners' States Attorneys General, BAR Association ambulance chasers, and all employed in executive, legislative, and judicial capacities. --- It's not a vaccine. It's an IQ test. ---

2.4 billion persons have failed the test so far...

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If someone as of your credentials does not know the knowledge base generally for products like this isn't scary but it shows the system in place by design is to prevent a General Knowledge base and as such the addiction to "Experts" who then can be bought for a dime the dozen.

The Antidote would be Free Education on all subjects at all time possible through the Internet.

All matters concerned... what the most obvious and least talked about problem is.... Genetic Data Harvesting.

The Intriguing thing about this is that Politics and Big Pharma are literally in Bed with each other to scare us into giving our Genetic Data into the vast Database of everything they create...

If you look up the "Institute for Typhus and Virus Research" you find a familiar name.. "von der Leyen" using concentration camp inmates to create a Vaccine.

If you look up Henry Palaszczuk Annastacia Palaszczuk’s father you will find they already build a Genetic Database... with Clearview AI also building one.

Politics and Big Pharma... Cooperate Fascism.

The aim is Genetically Targeted Biological Warfare against the Human race.

Concentration Camps are no longer necessary because any undesirable Race can be eliminated through Genetically targeted Biological Warfare.

When the Zionists founded the Nazis they were just playing Games.

This is the real war.

Prove me wrong you only prove me right.


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Sasha, you are an absolute badass. You are my hero. Really. Out of all of this madness of the last 3 years, people of true character have emerged, and you are one of them. As is always the case, some of those who we thought had integrity were less than...Malone, Ryan Cole, etc. Any new movement beware of dark horses.

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What did Ryan Cole do? I missed it.

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I saw you at WAFP last year, been reading for free, just bought your annual subscription, keep up the good work. If you want to understand the fraudulent legal system rabbit hole that sits on top of all this, this is huge.

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Keep goin keep goin keep goin Sasha! Also … “and everyone turned into commie retards” really does sum it all up so nicely.

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I wrote a previous comment that Malone was seeking plausible deniability for himself, but now it appears I "misunderestimated" his agenda. It's more like he's sucking up to the bigger guys by working on their deniability as well. I wonder if they appreciate it, or just find him annoying.

This post also reminded me of an interview Malone did a while back with Tucker Carlson, where Malone thanks Carlson at the end "for being a friend." I recall thinking that Carlson had not made any mention of friendship between them in the interview, but replied something like "of course," regardless. Connections and hoped for connections and invitations of emotional involvement...yuck.

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Very simply anyone who appears with Malone is a dead give away, for what and who they stand for

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When it comes to truth and factual information my money is with Sasha, Katherine Watt and a few others; not with people that swam in swamp for 30+ years and took millions in grant money to do as they were told. Can people change? Of course they can but I always prefer to follow those (and there are many) that were on the right page from the start and never sold their soul for position or money (if they did it once they can and probably will do it again for the right price).

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"They" (medical 'practitioners') are still plugging away. Gotta save civil populations from common colds and "influenza" by slaughtering them with injections. Modern medicine at its finest...

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Oreo cows ! lovely ! look better than the cookies.

That an expert did not know the jabs were bad news is a quack. I am nowhere medically schooled but immediately opened the Pfizer website and read what ingredients were known (or which they did not mind being known) and saw it was a no-no, and specially as a man or woman of science, you should look into these things. That is why I don't trust any doctor who does not do that, including the one whose dad died from heart attacks and THEN he watched what was in the jabs. Too late !

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Thanks for exposing Dr. Robert Malones fraudulence.

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...and, dare I say, flatulence.

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That's how I read it.

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Amazing how all of this is coming together at the same time that Desmet is trying to engage with Peter Breggins. It's like they are trying to roll-out a new marketing campaign to distract people away from looking at all the f'erry they have been doing at the national and international treaty level!

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Desmet's article on "suicidal society" was simply vile. I am not a psychologist, but really, he needs to have HIS head examined pretty hard. He mistakes genocide for suicide. The ones who want to control and reduce population are never suicidal, they are homicidal.

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It was a vile post and an absolutely disingenuous article. I understand the need for personal accountability and responsibility towards one's society BUT I am not actively and deliberately lying, manipulating and gaslighting a population on a mass scale - in order to steal their wealth, traumatize them into surrendering their sense of self and profit from them by making them sick and dependent. Dr. Breggins nailed it when he pointed out that it is the responsibility of the abused to out the abusers...something that an academic with Stockholm Syndrome cannot and will not see for themselves. Conceding to your abuser is the absolute height of totalitarian control. Physician, Heal Thyself.

I'm becoming less and less tolerant of folks that are trying to "bridge the divide" in this self-organizing action against evil. Those that do not act in good faith need to be actively called out. Hero-Ball Indeed.

"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold (invigorating, refreshing) nor hot (healing, therapeutic); I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm (spiritually useless), and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth [rejecting you with disgust]." - Revelation 3:15-16

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Your work is example 'A' of standing confident in truths hard earned...through Due Diligence! You are my first paid media (social or otherwise) subscription.

Regarding Desmet's work, I have recently posted a video, in which I present 3 hours of evidence from a 'Liberty Perspective' - https://rumble.com/v4pv3dq-deciphering-the-collectivism-underlying-mattias-desmets-proto-totalitarian-.html - giving light to the anti-Individual. anti-Free Markets, and anti-Individual Liberty collectivism underlying his unoriginal "Psychology of Totalitarianism", that the Liberty & Medical Freedom Movements themselves have somehow sadly come to embrace as some pro-Liberty saving grace. I also show how its giving academic/psychological credence to the ongoing "Loneliness Epidemic" that has since been declared a global health concern by the WHO, the US Surgeon General, and Canada to name a few. I also show how the data being used to push the Loneliness narrative doesn't exist, at least according to our World Data, and how its all being used to justify the further centralization and 'social connection' /collectivization of us all. I sincerely hope you and all champions of Truth & Liberty get a chance to at least consider the information I present. So far nobody seems to give crap. Thanks for all you do in the cause of Truth & Liberty

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mostly all psychologists are mentally ill and unstable people trying to figure out their own psychological problems. Then, after they have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in college getting their indoctrination degrees, they turn out as weak, misguided, often emotionally abused shell of a human when all they really needed was God to help them figure out how to solve their problems.

Many doctors, nurses and people in the medical profession are on prescription SSRI's which have been documented to change brain functions. Mental illness is real and it is getting worse. I wonder what these two particular men are on?

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Totally agree

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Didn't read the article but if he's referring to suicidal like lemmings going over a cliff that seems a fair analysis.

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Aah yes....the lemming myth. Popularized by Disney in their "educational" movies. (https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=wildlifenews.view_article&articles_id=56). It's amazing how different groups will fabricates "natural" phenomenon to support their social programing goals. The "documentarians" where throwing the lemmings off a cliff to get their story for White Wilderness (https://www.businessinsider.com/lemmings-dont-commit-suicide-off-cliffs-2016-2). Desmet is repeating the Social Darwinist trope...still carrying water for the elites.

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Okay, then buffalo herds going over a cliff, or any herd moving towards self destruction. You miss the point with your rapier wit to somehow build your argument when you have none. Best to absorb meaning before showing how well read you are. And businessinsider? Cut me a break.

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Buffalo, lemmings, people...all are being "herded" by a group of cullers. That's the operative concept that is ignored by Desmet. The infrastructure that has been created (intellectually, legally, financially, socially) was no accident or an offshoot of a suicidal society. The buffalo were stampeded by hide collectors to save on bullets and horses. It was a system designed to reduce cost and have the buffalo do the work for them. Same principle applies here. Get a herd (or a society) moving blindly towards a pre-determined goal (death or slavery). We are given these myths to accept that it is a natural thing that happens...blame the victim. Societies are not suicidal by nature, only by management.

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"Societies are not suicidal by nature, only by management." Truer words were never spoken. You can put lipstick on Armageddon. But it's still Armageddon...

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Okay, I can agree with that, though I think some herds did it without the culling. If Desmet is not referring to managed self destruction then what can he be talking about? I guess I'll have to read the article after all.

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I think Malone should have left this game when he was winning. Around July 2022 it would have been the best moment for him to retire from this covid nonsense.

But when he announced the defamation lawsuit, a 'friend' should have convinced him to not do it and to simply shut up and disappear from the public eye.

I doubt he has any 'friends' who would help him like that. They want this man to be the scapegoat, to hide the real crime.

I think that's unfair to all of us: Malone is just a liar, but he had no decision power about the institutional coercion exerted on people to take the mRNA and LNP poisons or anything else in those vials. The scapegoat bullshit will keep most people ignorant of who really poisoned them, and why. If Malone does not want to end up like that, he better start speaking and giving names. Otherwise, he's toast.

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My position for the last three years, is that Mr. Malone wasn't injecting poisons directly into blood streams. Medical and pharmaceutical staff performed that fine deed...

Civilians (and persons of alleged authority) kept looking the other way as morons in white lab coats made hero's of themselves. This was accomplished by maiming and killing tens of millions and poisoning over two billion persons.

Ambulance chasers filed empty lawsuits, States Attorneys General cowered, DOD and HHS executive staff brimmed with pride, and overwhelmed undertakers did a thriving business. Let's continue to excuse our "uniformed" ghouls in white lab coats, as they drive another poison needle into yet another victims arm... Hooray!!! Let's dance!

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One theory I've heard is that victims can stop being victims any moment they want. My pessimistic self argues back that only when victims are commanded and coerced to stop accepting poisons and false tests will they stop. Maybe then we would see one rebellious victim continuing to shove several sticks in her nose when no one sees her, in the privacy of her home. And admirable excersice of her birthright to medical freedom, indeed. But in general, I think most people will obey the revolutionaries.

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May 4Edited

I'm no expert on pharmaceutical science, but, I am an expert mechanic, machinist, computer programmer, and retired CPA, and certified fraud examiner. I have a well developed bull shit detector. The whole mRNA narrative was a joke. Here are the things I saw that made me a hard no!:

1) There is no way to control where the LNP's go (think brain and lymphocytes).

2) There is no off switch, and your body could make spike for years.

3) Previous mRNA attempts with animals resulted in ADE.

4) No legal liability.

5) The Aug 22, 2005 study of HCQ + Zinc effectiveness against SARSCOV.

6) With a D3 level near 100ng/ml I just don't get sick with anything.

7) Mr. Science himself (a obvious lying sack of shit).

8) CDC lies about annual flu shots.

I was never vaccine hesitant. I was always a HARD NO!! Robert Malone fell for the narrative, that voids him being an expert in my opinion.

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You might not be a medical doctor, but you outsmarted the vast majority of them. Great post.

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Dr. Byram Bridle which I consider a real expert in immunology and vaccinology has not been allowed into his research facilities for over 1000days, because he would not take the jab even though he had recovered from COVID-19 and has laboratory results to prove it.

I do wish there was a way for people to come together, those that we thought were on our side, may be they are not and never were ???


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There is no virus . A virus has never been isolated. Very sad to say that so many who went into studying the virology science were duped and have wasted their whole life on a lie. It never made sense to go into DNA research to do anything but harm for our body is unique. Just like organ donation I found out that they actually have to kill the donor to get at the organs, that does not make sense.

The medical establishment has been nothing but a killing machine for decades

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Brilliant Bob is right about one thing, almost all of us are taught to worship at the alter of authority. This is mostly accomplished through the public education system. No one needed a tinfoil hat or a single minute of medical training to know this injection was a largely untested, experimental, EUA concoction. The media downplayed it by squawking "safe and effective" like a flock of parrots in heat but they didn't lie about those basics. Despite having this information, only 1 in 5 said, "hey, injecting myself with an untested, experimental, medical countermeasure to prevent a malady with a 99.7% survival rate doesn't sound like a rational decision." That says a lot to me. The precautionary principle was tossed out the window because so few have ever had that principle explained to them and been taught to use it. Without this indoctrination to outsource thinking to authority, I don't believe the covid crime would have been possible. I'm glad Brilliant Bob noticed that, but I don't see him spearing the public education system that facilitates it. Not so Brilliant Nate on the other hand has been begging parents to home school for 30 years.

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It's not "most of us are taught to worship authority", it's ALL OF US are taught that. I personally never experienced any other teaching in any school, Soviet or American. They all want you to worship authority. The thing is to understand why despite this massive assault, a pretty high % of people are not brainwashable, figure out how they do it and teach that to more people.

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That's true. But, I was lucky to have an incredibly smart philosophy and English teacher in high school (Gesuit school in Sicily). He once told me: always question everybody and everything, no exceptions. Has served me well.

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You're right. That's the key, but I've been cogitating on it for decades with no success. Maybe one day I'll have an epiphany, but you've been far more persuasive to your listeners that I have. Mattias Desmet would counsel countering fear with fear, but nothing worked for me, that included. I couldn't even talk my most of my friends and family out of getting the corona cocktail. Unfortunately, one friend is now permanently disabled from that toxic crap.

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Sasha it is being in tune with the Almighty that we don’t get brainwashed

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Am I "brainwashable"? I don't think so but how can I be sure? When this BS started I was caught off guard. While I've been skeptical of government and MSM for most of my adult life (and in general don't give a shite what anyone thinks about me), I feel quite foolish now that I bought into this in the beginning. Some time during 2020 when the rules became ridiculous and arbitrary I started to catch on and eventually found truth tellers online that could put some context around around my skepticism (and confusion) and I thank God for them! At first I could not see a motive but was at that time ignorant of the Prep Act, the government royalties and so on. Also, it didn't seem partisan so that was confusing as well. I mean Trump seemed to buy in totally despite his presidency going down in flames.

I am a statistician and worked as a consultant for many years. I feel that I always behaved ethically but I know the games statistical consultants play. I did not work much in human health studies but the game is always the same. The big play is to try to find a way to throw out data that you don't like. So when I read the "vaccine" study published by Pfizer near the end of 2020, I was suspicious right away about those "lost to follow-up" or "didn't follow protocol" and so on. In addition. only about 175 out of 40,000 (less then were thrown out of the stats) even "got COVID" i.e., tested positive after they themselves reported as sick. Well the whole thing didn't seem right. But if I hadn't had that training and consulting experience, maybe I wouldn't have caught on there. Maybe I would have trusted "The $cience". Fast forward, other than my husband and the younger of my two sons, I couldn't convince anyone not to take the jab or subsequent boosters. So frustrating :{

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The best way to handle Malone is to ignore him, don't even allow him to achieve "Fauchi status"

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At this point, he's at the bottom of the cesspool and any publicity he gets is good publicity for him. He needs ignored.

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I love that you add your art to your posts. I have found it hard to practice my art. How do you find the time and the energy? I have about as many projects I need to work on as I do books I need to finish reading.

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extremely little time, but I still try to do it. I usually allocate a half day mid week, ideally a full day if I can fin it to focus only on art. By full day, I mean light hours, when it's dark I still do other things like writing and emails.

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and we are so happy that you make the time. It’s refreshing to end on something off-topic and enjoyable! (says the new owner of “Sedona”…. only problem is that by the time I pull up all the artwork the ones I really loved are -sadly for me- sold!! Lol)

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"I think he sincerely misunderstands what it means to be an expert. An expert is someone who has knowledge and experience of the subject matter. Robert Malone doesn’t have it. What he does have is connections. That’s valuable for many reasons, mostly for his economic benefit, but he mistakes this for having knowledge independent of the well placed connections."

This is not limited to the biowarfare complex...

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Definition Expert: A formerly pertinent individual.

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Yeah well the way it works at The Monster is that ostensibly accountable individuals hire such experts to avoid blame when their advice doesn't work out for them.

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