A lawyer from the UK, who worked tirelessly on cases to defend children and vulnerable people from forced vaccinations, many of them pro-bono is being prosecuted by the government.
Monumentally sad, yet uplifting at the same time, my goodness, just knowing there are courageous people like her and you included Sasha out there in this time of madness.
Just to be metaphorical for a moment a "tidal wave of absurdities" suggest a tsunami of certainty is on the way cause too much flux means the waves get big and big waves are on the way.....my hope in '24 is the waves ....well my hope is that ......it don't matter.
big changes are on the way no doubt a tsunami around every corner....
let the pendulum swing back for sure, but let it be gentle in a way...
lady Libra don't mind as long as justice happens
justified retribution is called for and I call for it
What you want?
I want peace and I'm fedup and babies are dying in Gaza....so
Sasha, After the Canadian trucker fiasco, many of us will never again use Go Fund Me (I was one of those whose money was captured). Please have her move her fund raising to GiveSendGo. It has an unblemished record of not cancelling those who are against the system. I know many others feel the same way. Lois is sacrificing lots of potential donors (including me) by being on a platform that has proven it will subvert anything against the Man.
I would like you to educate me about GoFundMe's alleged appropriation of donated money. As far as I am aware they froze the truckers GoFundMe account and refused to make payments to the truckers, but assured all donors that their money would be returned to them less their handling fee. Your comment suggests that that did not happen, which to my mind constitutes fraud. I have a vague memory of various State Attorneys General taking action against GoFundMe on this matter. What happened to those cases? Were they withdrawn once GoFundMe could prove that they refunded the donors.
David, They did end up returning the donations. But originally, they announced that they were going to take all of the trucker's money and donate to good causes of their choosing. It was only when a large number of us raised a giant noise that they retreated from this. As you noted, several State AGs also noted that this was actionable which, I am sure, contributed to their change of heart. As for me and my house, we now stick to GiveSendGo when donating.
People don’t really care about such details until it screws them royal. Then suddenly they care and they want others to bail them out of their stupidity.
So important to unify with our brothers and sisters across the pond. Looking forward to connecting with Eileen O'Connor as well with Radiation Research.
A couple weeks back I received a twelve page pamphlet with an 'invitation' for dual influenza/booster from NHS Scotland: "Don't Let Your Protection Fade".
Those working in Scottish hospitals have never stopped wearing masks.
Linda O there is a billboard in Detroit with a mom holding her baby with a similar saying …” Don’t let your protection fade “ .. I call the billboard the Fear Porn billboard.
What is it here in England? NHS England? National HELL-th System is what it really is. Always was, from inception.
Similarly, some time back, maybe 2021, due to my >60yrs of life on earth, I receive a mailed diatribe from some supposed professional, known as Dr Bright, never made it as a GP partner, must be Dr Dimm then.
Neither, formal letter or memo, (what’s that about I ask) but evidently churned out by linking a database with the jargon,
Now, seriously, I have not had a doctors appointment, blood draw, or any of their age related offerings…..smears, poo scans, mammograms, etc for over 8 years, never in my cupboard or bag have I stored pain killers or any prescription drug; yet the threat of remaining unjabbed is exacerbated by 8 conditions allegedly threatening my health. So maybe, 12-10 yrs ago, The sudden and early death of many friends plus my son’s father, rendered me ‘depressed’. Maybe one doctor didn’t prescribe statins due to familial history of death from CVD and diabetes, maybe a large and raised mole on my waist, appeared after my own dad died, not from sun exposure, just weeks into that grief, renders extreme risk of malignant melanoma, diverticulitis apparently (I didn’t know), BMI of too much, not any more though….. all been coded onto my Hell-th record.
Then I get a great need for pneumococcal jab, not forgetting the flu jab that I’ve never had,
Don’t we just love ‘fear porn’ on this little island!!!!
Thanks for your amusing diatribe, it exactly mirrors my feelings. I keep telling my wife that I will only go into hospital if I am at death's door. I don't think she believes me, but I am deadly serious about that. I good friend of mine was referred to a hospital for a slew of heart checks, but after he spent a whole lonely day in a room with nothing happening and no-one even telling him what they planned to do, he said sod this for a game of soldiers and simply walked out of the place. I congratulated him on making the correct decision. Suffice it to say that a few years down the road he did in fact die of heart failure at the age of 69, but I don't blame him for his early death but rather the useless NHS bureaucracy and their utter lack of concern for the people they are supposed to help.
I recently got a text from LA County Public Health urging me to get the new covid jab, the flu jab, and the RSV jab. They're STILL trying to kill us after all the evidence these shots are poison, and will prosecute anyone who says otherwise. Covid Criminal Cartel is not hyperbole! Thankfully there are some professionals whose integrity cannot be subverted.
Yeah but they are a minority and we all know that means they already lost the fight. Don’t go to war unless you know going into it you’re going to win. Otherwise the win is achieved slowly, through quiet infiltration.
Really wanted to hear about this wonderful lady by watching the video/Interview but it stopped at 5.16mins & wouldn't play any further which was very disappointing.
I've dealt with solicitor's for 4yrs & the ones who were supposed to be helping me were sneakily really helping themselves to my money so to see a genuinely caring & honest solicitor is a breath of fresh air & I'm so sorry to hear this lady has & continues to be put through the grinder by the corrupt state.
The UK Military, Police & legal system are all run & full of Masons & the head of the Masons is the royal family (was the queen before she died) - feel free to look this up.
Masons swear an oath to do what their told even when they know it's illegal or is a total lie so why anyone thinks quite reasonably that they can seek justice within a disgusting corrupt system when it's run like this is impossible.
Only a huge sway of public reaction & opinion will change any of this by terrifying them into doing the right thing but as you rightly pointed out, they view the public with utter contempt for being ignorant of what's really going on & they machinate & scheme behind the public's back continuously to get the outcomes they want.
I would like to request that this video is uploaded to rumble so ppl can access it more freely as it's important. I didn't know there were honorable ppl like this lady fighting for truth & justice in the UK & I can't watch her interview which saddens me greatly.
If you haven't already seen this I suggest you might find it very interesting.
It's the whole rotten story of how they watched, plotted & assassinated Lady Diana presented in a fine 4hr haunting documentary by Chris Everard called 'Lady Die'.
They are all in it, the Royals, the Police, MI5, MI6, Secret Agents, Spies pretending to be friends - you name it
Leave that tab open & go in a separate tab to the link on Odysee for the Lady Die video in my comment (under the video where it says share) , copy it & then load it into the box in the Odysee downloader tab & press go/search.
When I just tried it, it found it easily, tho it's about 1g in size but it's a 4hr doc so be sure you have the room on your phone for that size file. If you download the mp4 you'll have that video to keep & share as an mp4 video file & can either watch it on your phone or move it onto a laptop or computer & see it in a bigger ratio which I highly recommend to do it justice.
Make sure you download the right version from the Odysee downloaded, the one that says 'normal video', it will have audio & be perfect.
I also found that film on rumble but very slow loading
Thanks. I did download it but still acting squirrelly. I'm about 3/4 way thru. I've seen 'Unlawful Killings' which had a lot of good, incriminating evidence but this goes off the chart! I totally believe it all too. Is this why Harry is so crazy? Does he know they killed her? Or at least think so? I have my own suspicions about the sons. Will, def not KC son. There are two Hs, keep an eye on the ears there's 2 dif ones. 😉
Glad you got something to work & your enjoying the doc
I think that doc is well researched, no one will ever know where those 2 boys come from with out reliable DNA & that will never happen. The 1st may be a genuine heir but I doubt that about the 2nd, they look nothing alike whatsoever & one has lost his hair & the other hasn't.
Poor Diana, she was strong but they still got her & the dreadful way they refused to lower the flag showed them up
There was another person, a man, I believe, who lost his job and has astonishing legal fees, for whom you asked support.. I got distracted and didn’t do it at the moment; easier to ask you than to scroll through publications, if you don’t mind..
It sounds like the criminality behind C-19 was even more perverse in the UK than it was in the US.
This is so complex, disgusting, gut-wrenching and sickening – it is modern day bio-technocratic organized crime. “The devil is in the details” is the euphemism that most accurately describes our world today.
I find the sound most deafening is the absence of rebellion in art and music, especially music. And if the powers that be did not censure the internet and create a fake medical misinformation and disinformation propaganda campaign the truth would have caught on like wildfire and burned through all the complexity and rubbish that protect these criminals who promote the mRNA “vaccines.” The truth would lay bare, the terrain revealed and the world would be horrified.
Truth and freedom walk hand in hand. The people promoting the censorship of scientific misinformation and disinformation are accomplices on the worst assault on humanity the world has ever known – whether they realize it or not.
I would like to see movies that share the personal pain of people who were injured and killed by the mRNA vaccines - not in documentary form but in real gut to gut, heart to heart wrenching dramas. It doesn’t even have to be about a particular person. There can be more truth in fiction here than I could have ever imagined.
Just reading about her now.
Monumentally sad, yet uplifting at the same time, my goodness, just knowing there are courageous people like her and you included Sasha out there in this time of madness.
A tidal wave of absurdities we have to endure.
So tiring, merely trying to live our lives.
Just to be metaphorical for a moment a "tidal wave of absurdities" suggest a tsunami of certainty is on the way cause too much flux means the waves get big and big waves are on the way.....my hope in '24 is the waves ....well my hope is that ......it don't matter.
big changes are on the way no doubt a tsunami around every corner....
let the pendulum swing back for sure, but let it be gentle in a way...
lady Libra don't mind as long as justice happens
justified retribution is called for and I call for it
What you want?
I want peace and I'm fedup and babies are dying in Gaza....so
what you want?
Justified retribution sounds about right to me, yes !
Sasha, After the Canadian trucker fiasco, many of us will never again use Go Fund Me (I was one of those whose money was captured). Please have her move her fund raising to GiveSendGo. It has an unblemished record of not cancelling those who are against the system. I know many others feel the same way. Lois is sacrificing lots of potential donors (including me) by being on a platform that has proven it will subvert anything against the Man.
Agree...I refuse to give money to people who use go fund me.
Yes prefer GIVESENDGO - a Christian organization.
Go fund me did a major disservice to the Canadian truckers.
Yes I know how GFM stole peoples money!
Agreed. If I see Go Fund Me I run the other way.
I would like you to educate me about GoFundMe's alleged appropriation of donated money. As far as I am aware they froze the truckers GoFundMe account and refused to make payments to the truckers, but assured all donors that their money would be returned to them less their handling fee. Your comment suggests that that did not happen, which to my mind constitutes fraud. I have a vague memory of various State Attorneys General taking action against GoFundMe on this matter. What happened to those cases? Were they withdrawn once GoFundMe could prove that they refunded the donors.
David, They did end up returning the donations. But originally, they announced that they were going to take all of the trucker's money and donate to good causes of their choosing. It was only when a large number of us raised a giant noise that they retreated from this. As you noted, several State AGs also noted that this was actionable which, I am sure, contributed to their change of heart. As for me and my house, we now stick to GiveSendGo when donating.
Thanks for the reply. I now remember that initial GFM proposal and remember being pretty appalled by it at the time.
People don’t really care about such details until it screws them royal. Then suddenly they care and they want others to bail them out of their stupidity.
Yes, yes, yes!
That painting is one of my favorites you’ve shared. It literally made me sigh a calming relief as it’s so beautiful, even with the fallen petals.
Yes. The fallen petals complete the whole.
Yes, symbolic 100%… Despite the sadness they symbolize, the work is still incredibly beautiful!
I agree. Sasha is a true artist.
So important to unify with our brothers and sisters across the pond. Looking forward to connecting with Eileen O'Connor as well with Radiation Research.
How does one homestead and barter with someone across the pond? Useless imo.
I'd like to see the idiots who mandated this dangerous and worthless injection serve long prison sentences.
I'd like to see them dangling on the end of a noose...
Dangling on a noose by their testicles over a pool of acid.
Hello tRuth. You certainly have my vote...
An organization devoted to slow painful torture would likely be more productive.
A couple weeks back I received a twelve page pamphlet with an 'invitation' for dual influenza/booster from NHS Scotland: "Don't Let Your Protection Fade".
Those working in Scottish hospitals have never stopped wearing masks.
Linda O there is a billboard in Detroit with a mom holding her baby with a similar saying …” Don’t let your protection fade “ .. I call the billboard the Fear Porn billboard.
Lockstep Murder Strategy
Exactly Linda O
“Keep calm and carry on “ submissive doctrine, has knocked the fight out of the compliant majority there.
What is it here in England? NHS England? National HELL-th System is what it really is. Always was, from inception.
Similarly, some time back, maybe 2021, due to my >60yrs of life on earth, I receive a mailed diatribe from some supposed professional, known as Dr Bright, never made it as a GP partner, must be Dr Dimm then.
Neither, formal letter or memo, (what’s that about I ask) but evidently churned out by linking a database with the jargon,
Now, seriously, I have not had a doctors appointment, blood draw, or any of their age related offerings…..smears, poo scans, mammograms, etc for over 8 years, never in my cupboard or bag have I stored pain killers or any prescription drug; yet the threat of remaining unjabbed is exacerbated by 8 conditions allegedly threatening my health. So maybe, 12-10 yrs ago, The sudden and early death of many friends plus my son’s father, rendered me ‘depressed’. Maybe one doctor didn’t prescribe statins due to familial history of death from CVD and diabetes, maybe a large and raised mole on my waist, appeared after my own dad died, not from sun exposure, just weeks into that grief, renders extreme risk of malignant melanoma, diverticulitis apparently (I didn’t know), BMI of too much, not any more though….. all been coded onto my Hell-th record.
Then I get a great need for pneumococcal jab, not forgetting the flu jab that I’ve never had,
Don’t we just love ‘fear porn’ on this little island!!!!
Thanks for your amusing diatribe, it exactly mirrors my feelings. I keep telling my wife that I will only go into hospital if I am at death's door. I don't think she believes me, but I am deadly serious about that. I good friend of mine was referred to a hospital for a slew of heart checks, but after he spent a whole lonely day in a room with nothing happening and no-one even telling him what they planned to do, he said sod this for a game of soldiers and simply walked out of the place. I congratulated him on making the correct decision. Suffice it to say that a few years down the road he did in fact die of heart failure at the age of 69, but I don't blame him for his early death but rather the useless NHS bureaucracy and their utter lack of concern for the people they are supposed to help.
I recently got a text from LA County Public Health urging me to get the new covid jab, the flu jab, and the RSV jab. They're STILL trying to kill us after all the evidence these shots are poison, and will prosecute anyone who says otherwise. Covid Criminal Cartel is not hyperbole! Thankfully there are some professionals whose integrity cannot be subverted.
Yeah but they are a minority and we all know that means they already lost the fight. Don’t go to war unless you know going into it you’re going to win. Otherwise the win is achieved slowly, through quiet infiltration.
Freaking quarantines.... Ok, so if the government mandates this, how the fk are they able to charge people and at a such expensive rate?
The corrupt aholes got billions for COVID nonsense, but they make people pay for the shit that is imposed on them?
Such bullshit.
They don't even charge people for being in jail .... WTF
All are poodles prancing toward the end-times on their delicate plastic leashes... The world is run by finance, not opinion...
Really wanted to hear about this wonderful lady by watching the video/Interview but it stopped at 5.16mins & wouldn't play any further which was very disappointing.
I've dealt with solicitor's for 4yrs & the ones who were supposed to be helping me were sneakily really helping themselves to my money so to see a genuinely caring & honest solicitor is a breath of fresh air & I'm so sorry to hear this lady has & continues to be put through the grinder by the corrupt state.
The UK Military, Police & legal system are all run & full of Masons & the head of the Masons is the royal family (was the queen before she died) - feel free to look this up.
Masons swear an oath to do what their told even when they know it's illegal or is a total lie so why anyone thinks quite reasonably that they can seek justice within a disgusting corrupt system when it's run like this is impossible.
Only a huge sway of public reaction & opinion will change any of this by terrifying them into doing the right thing but as you rightly pointed out, they view the public with utter contempt for being ignorant of what's really going on & they machinate & scheme behind the public's back continuously to get the outcomes they want.
I would like to request that this video is uploaded to rumble so ppl can access it more freely as it's important. I didn't know there were honorable ppl like this lady fighting for truth & justice in the UK & I can't watch her interview which saddens me greatly.
Policeman Gives Royals One-Eye Occultist Salute As They Enter Balmoral Castle
Thank you
I'll make sure I watch that
If you haven't already seen this I suggest you might find it very interesting.
It's the whole rotten story of how they watched, plotted & assassinated Lady Diana presented in a fine 4hr haunting documentary by Chris Everard called 'Lady Die'.
They are all in it, the Royals, the Police, MI5, MI6, Secret Agents, Spies pretending to be friends - you name it
This would not play on my phone, I'd really like to see it. Any other links? I haven't seen it and believe it's true before even watching!
Mercury is retrograde so little wonder there are so many communication issues!!
This video seems to disappear & then reaper elsewhere so at least theres a version of it still available.
If I was you I would do this, this is similar to what I did a year ago when I found it.
Go online & search for a free Odysee video downloader, I just tried this one
Leave that tab open & go in a separate tab to the link on Odysee for the Lady Die video in my comment (under the video where it says share) , copy it & then load it into the box in the Odysee downloader tab & press go/search.
When I just tried it, it found it easily, tho it's about 1g in size but it's a 4hr doc so be sure you have the room on your phone for that size file. If you download the mp4 you'll have that video to keep & share as an mp4 video file & can either watch it on your phone or move it onto a laptop or computer & see it in a bigger ratio which I highly recommend to do it justice.
Make sure you download the right version from the Odysee downloaded, the one that says 'normal video', it will have audio & be perfect.
I also found that film on rumble but very slow loading
And here on Bitchute
Good luck!!
Thanks. I did download it but still acting squirrelly. I'm about 3/4 way thru. I've seen 'Unlawful Killings' which had a lot of good, incriminating evidence but this goes off the chart! I totally believe it all too. Is this why Harry is so crazy? Does he know they killed her? Or at least think so? I have my own suspicions about the sons. Will, def not KC son. There are two Hs, keep an eye on the ears there's 2 dif ones. 😉
Glad you got something to work & your enjoying the doc
I think that doc is well researched, no one will ever know where those 2 boys come from with out reliable DNA & that will never happen. The 1st may be a genuine heir but I doubt that about the 2nd, they look nothing alike whatsoever & one has lost his hair & the other hasn't.
Poor Diana, she was strong but they still got her & the dreadful way they refused to lower the flag showed them up
👍🏻Donated. Thank you (as always) for your work & today’s post!
thank you!
You’re welcome! It’s the least I could do! 😊🙌🏻
I Love The Sound Of It
And I Love The Looks Of It
On Their Faces.
The Chronically Vaccinated
And Their Doctors
Are Living In Torment.
What a bizarre post
And to you I am positive that you will hear the words “Well done, good and faithful!” 💓
This is a spiritual battle, as well as on the surface a CLASS war.
She is a heroine! Donated.
Thank you!
Beautiful Camelias!
There was another person, a man, I believe, who lost his job and has astonishing legal fees, for whom you asked support.. I got distracted and didn’t do it at the moment; easier to ask you than to scroll through publications, if you don’t mind..
Thank you! Doug Cameron, but he doesn't want donations.
It sounds like the criminality behind C-19 was even more perverse in the UK than it was in the US.
This is so complex, disgusting, gut-wrenching and sickening – it is modern day bio-technocratic organized crime. “The devil is in the details” is the euphemism that most accurately describes our world today.
I find the sound most deafening is the absence of rebellion in art and music, especially music. And if the powers that be did not censure the internet and create a fake medical misinformation and disinformation propaganda campaign the truth would have caught on like wildfire and burned through all the complexity and rubbish that protect these criminals who promote the mRNA “vaccines.” The truth would lay bare, the terrain revealed and the world would be horrified.
Truth and freedom walk hand in hand. The people promoting the censorship of scientific misinformation and disinformation are accomplices on the worst assault on humanity the world has ever known – whether they realize it or not.
I would like to see movies that share the personal pain of people who were injured and killed by the mRNA vaccines - not in documentary form but in real gut to gut, heart to heart wrenching dramas. It doesn’t even have to be about a particular person. There can be more truth in fiction here than I could have ever imagined.