I recommend anyone suffering from allergies, suspend disbelief and try homeopathy. I give a money back guarantee. If after 3 months of following my advice you are not happy with the results, complete refund.

Every conventional medicine has "side effects" matching the symptoms for which they are prescribed. They are practicing bad homeopathy; suppressing symptoms instead of curing them as a "homeopathic" medicine would that matches all the patient's symptoms, mental, emotional and physical.

I think RFKjr has to play the fool (not talk about vacs) because the electorate is still not sufficiently informed about their danger. If he is given HHS, he will certainly address vacs

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7

I agree. RFK, Jr. has spent a big part of his life exposing the deadly truth about vaccines and Tulsi Gabbard famously challenged the establishment and took on the Clintons during her campaign for president and thereafter was ruthlessly targeted. Both seem genuine. Both have sacrificed much. While I’m disappointed in their reluctance now to identify vaccines as among the biggest causes of chronic illness, I do not believe either is controlled opposition or otherwise part of the criminal cabal working overtime to destroy humanity. I’m hopeful their public remarks reflect a considered approach to getting Trump elected in order to stop the criminal conspiracies, including deadly vaccines. Even for those who are wary of Trump, esp after his support for warp speed and his continual bragging about the Covid injections, he can’t be as bad as the corrupted and fake Kamala who we know is entirely controlled by the globalists.

I see Redfield in a different category. I believe Redfield is as bad as any of the criminals. I simply can’t forget Redfield testifying to Congress to the effect that if only people would mask up the "virus" would disappear like magic. It was obvious he was lying in that testimony — he’s supposedly smart and has been in “public health” for much of his life. He simply had to know when giving that false testimony that masks wouldn’t stop a "virus," and that claiming public masking would be helpful was contrary to decades of RCTs conducted after the Spanish flu and after the original SARS. Arguing in favor of public masking also was directly contrary to official pandemic policies long in place around the world that concluded public masking did more harm than good for numerous reasons, including that members of the public do not know how properly to wear masks without contaminating themselves and contaminated masks become vectors for disease transmission. I don’t know what game Redfield is playing now with his faux disagreements with Fauci about Covid origins and other things, his periodic appearances on corrupt media where he spouts criticisms of the corrupt public health establishment, and now his participation in events like the townhall, but Redfield was in lockstep with the others when in government and was complicit in promoting deadly policies that destroyed countless lives and wreaked worldwide havoc.

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rfk sharing a stage with redfield is akin to fdr sharing a stage with mengele.

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Mark hyman 🤨… healthcare for the rich only in Ibiza … great post Sasha … I get exactly what you’re saying .

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maybe that's why he's not speaking out - never bite the hand that feeds

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A great book to read is called Dissolving Illusions - Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History by Dr. Suzanne Humphries. Dr. Humphries makes it clear that many childhood diseases - measles, rubella, pertussis and even smallpox occurred due to poor nutrition and hygiene. Children in the late 1800s and early 1900s in the US suffered from these diseases because they had little to eat and were raised in conditions of poor sanitation, dirty water and no plumbing. Once modern plumbing and sanitation improved along with better economic conditions the childhood diseases literally disappear. I think what RFK is saying is good food and healthy living conditions prevent infectious disease not drugs and vaccines.

I think this post is a misinterpretation of Kennedy’s position.

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Redfield is limited hangout...not to be confused with sellout, which Dr. Peter McCullough is now. And don't trust Malone further than you can throw him, a money whore for sure

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I am not making excuses for RFKjr as I doubt that anything can be changed at this stage, the global overlords are in a powerful position.

But I am pretty sure that in realpolitic decisions are often a choice between two bad options. Also you must ally with unsavoury people and overlook/annul their crimes in order to develop a power base before you are strong enough to act.

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I agree

I think RFK has done more than most from a semi powerful position and has outed Fauci and Gates and others - but he also has to play the political game

Time will tell

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I think Redfield is trying to jump off a sinking ship that he captained. He doesnt want to go down with Fauci. I forget what the issue was but Redfield had a bad record in the military too.

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Dr. Birx and Redfield were both Army officers who were investigated for falsifying data associated with an HIV/AIDS vaccine being tested on soldiers.

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Wrong! Every pharmaceutical is xenophobic " foreign to nature" and that's why they are toxic with perhaps some beneficial side effects. It's done that way so they can be patented generating a monopoly for maximum profit. Garbage food is made more addictive for maximum profit too. It's the system and it can't be fixed but hopefully there's a brave New multi polar world coming if they don't blow up this one.

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The dose makes the poison. Vitamin D or any other vitamin at a high enough dosage is toxic. Dr Hahnemann used mercury, the most toxic heavy metal, as a curative medicine in small amounts and ultimately using extreme dilution homeopathic potentization to make it more powerful and less toxic.

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Can you recommend a book to use to try and identify various remedies for ailments?

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I agree. Politics is compromise. Pragmatism vs Puritans?

Marxists have always been about incrementalism.

Perfection is the enemy of humanity.

Achievable incremental progress will get soils repaired, chemicals banned, injections abandoned.

Polarizing positions are not helpful.

Sad but true. I want everything fixed NOW.

I am unvaxed for 30+ years. I am committed to NO injections for the remainder of my life. I try hard to stay away from bad foods.

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7

This 👆self deceiving s’plaining away’ (all the way up) has been the voting straw broken after every election ever held. Aaah. If it wasn’t for the superior justification and suavity of measured compromise. Patching up and smoothing over the cracks in the granite statue with paper mâché made from the printed lies of one’s hero. The promise of accountability -finally- WHEN, when we have reached bla,bla,bla junction. The dogged drudging in the gold rush propelled by the lure of great riches - which are so near, when and if the geology aligns to our projections. Is self deceit. You can’t separate two faces printed onto the same coin by s’plaining. Even though we really, really want a hero to fix it for all of us onlookers.

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I agree- this new bit of hopium is for cajoling some fish back into the “selection” net. Promises to “fix” captured immoral Federal agencies (FDA) without demolishing them first is trickery for children. Come on now, don’t buy and consume garbage, if you have some land create more of your food yourself, filter your water and stop participating in the “vote harder” selection insanity. For goodness sake refuse shots for everyone in your family. Live by example. Vote with your spending habits. Be the change, don’t beg for it.

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Either of the two hands offered by a thief that you take, will be equally detrimental to your benefit.

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You live in good hopes, and I hope you are right. Otherwise, he might not even make it to the elections.

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Don't be bamboozled! RFKJr has publicly stated that he is PRO-VACCINE and even vaccinated all his children. He advocates only for SAFE VACCINES and has recently denied being an "anti-vaxxer". Read on his CHD website where he has declared since the beginning that it's ONLY the mercury adjuvant that makes vaccines unsafe. I'm not sure if he includes aluminum and squalene adjuvants. Same with Del BigTree who is promoting "vaccine choice" and is only against mandates, not vaccines in general.

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Don't be bamboozled! RFKJr has publicly stated that he is PRO-VACCINE and even vaccinated all his children. He advocates only for SAFE VACCINES and has recently denied being an "anti-vaxxer". Read on his CHD website where he has declared since the beginning that it's ONLY the mercury adjuvant that makes vaccines unsafe. I'm not sure if he includes aluminum and squalene adjuvants. Same with Del BigTree who is promoting "vaccine choice" and is only against mandates, not vaccines on general.

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He has won many enviro cases, but not much progress on stopping jabs of all kinds. So does he love the falcons and enviro more than kiddos, after all he said we should not force vaccination unless we know it’s safe. Idk if wants ‘safe’ jabs or no jabs, freedom or climate commies… time will tell.

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I would disagree. There is more skepticism of vacs now than at any point and I think RFKjr and others have led the charge. The Covid boosters are almost universally rejected; they cant give them away. Childhood vacs uptake is down. its a long fight.

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I have a close relationship with someone who works in HR at a school. She confirmed that letters for religious exemptions to vaccination requirements are way up. Fortunately the administration at the school is pro freedom. I only wish I had stopped getting my children vaccinated sooner. My son doesn't seem to be too affected, but my daughter suffers from near-daily headaches and frequent migraines. Nothing we have tried so far has been able to alleviate them.

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I have been reading your work for years and applaud the knowledge and insightyou are able to share through your work experience.

But I don’t think this article topic is productive satire.

There’s an enormous list of weapons being used against humanity in the genocide underway.

I could list 6 or 8 here, but the readers know what they are.

One can’t, as a political argument, pick them all to address at once in an election platform. People who know Bobby well understand his thinking on v’s and no, he hasn’t abandoned all that.

Toxic, unhealthy food and dead soil (now dirt) due to pesticides and chemical fertilizers and their destruction of our gut microbiome which represents 70-80% of our immune system ARE real issues. Along with v’s, just two in the toolkit of the genociders.

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you are excusing hypocrisy and lies from the Trump campaign.

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I understand all your points, and they are fair. Definitely not excusing Trump. It’s why I was an early RFK supporter last summer and never got past ‘warped speed’ (still no apologies).

It’s a complex, hard to fathom set of evils being pushed on humanity …. how to explain short of satanism.

Meanwhile, strength is in spirituality, community, neighbor to neighbor connections, and not emanating from a leader at the ‘top’ or a party. Where they pushed lies and division, we speak truth, and build bridges.

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rfk jnr is spiritual

it is his strength

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Very on point comment. Farm soils have been reduced to chemically dependent dusts. We're next...

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Oct 8Liked by Sasha Latypova

To be fair, Sasha never said that the chemicals in food etc. are harmless and she liked having them there. The focus of the satire, however, was on allergies and food intolerance and how that trickles down to more health damage.

And this is a BIG factor that should not have been ignored by Bobby and Co when talking about "bad" fertilizers and pesticides.

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Oct 7·edited Oct 8

In the UK a university professor surveyed the agricultural practices for wheat growing in the area where I live....nice green countryside...very rural....

He found to his horror that one crop of wheat was sprayed twenty two times (22x) before it came to harvest. A mix of pesticides herbicides fungicides, and other chemicals. When he published his research, the local farmers were furious with him and tried to get it suppressed.

It will be the same or worse in the US.

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Local farmers were furious, sad times….

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Yes, they did not want their chemical use talked about as they knew it would cast them in a very bad light. However this degree of spraying is quite legal.

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🤔 which of the chemicals in the geoengineered soup we are doused with every day - against our will, and like cockroaches in a compound - do YOU think they should offer up in a trade, and which ones (and new ones) will you agree to be doused with (against your will I presume) still daily, rendering everything around you, including your food, toxic to your existence? Are we OK cheering for a large banner halt on farm use chemical fertilizer while horse-trading the aluminum, sun-dimming slurry raining down on us….because we have to give up a lot to gain a little, or so it goes. Just until THEY realize that the Klimate farce THEY spun us in is indeed a farce. Time is needed for them to realize, because they can’t see their own trap - the one most of us can see….

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Hello BRK7_2. I hear ya, but the majority of the human populace has gone deaf and blind. The skies have been laden with chemical soups for decades, and the atmosphere is ringing with microwave noise from HAARP, NEXRAD, SBX radars, and alleged 5G cellular phone hash. The perpetrators will die just like the rest of us... Best regards.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

Here is the Canadian Govt. openly admitting, nay bragging to using MKUltra psychological mind modelling techniques to change the population’s culture, thought processes, values, and conscience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=li9CoepWQQc. Induced trauma is only one standard tool in their kit. Another violation and crime on humanity while outwardly guilt tripping Canadians for colonialism on First Nations. Though perpetrated by years of political Crown racketeering. People need to realize that their minds have been invaded by down and dirty psychological warfare, undermining their thoughts and everyday choices without their knowing or consent. So here it is, and make no mistake: this is the same for all 5-Eyes countries, of which the United States is one. Google US DOD PSYOP units and their funding, if you think this domestic warfare is trivial.

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Yes. But psychological conditioning method has now turned the corner. The use of direct electromagnetic induction of the Limbic system and *redirection* of frontal lobe cognitive skills, will soon surpass any previous notions of 'free will' or freedom of choice.

Human specie's sense of higher order via 'spiritual cognition' have been under electromagnetic assault for decades. The static noise is deafening...

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Maybe i am fortunate to wake up these days and realize that I am an old man . Not much longer for me anyway..... though i did once think that I could have some peacefull and "healthy" years at the later stages of life ( post 70 )

I am feeling things start to go haywire in my internal system . Guess that's good for the supplement and organic businesses. Like Sasha , i do believe that things really are totally fkd . ( though I try to get by with distractions ) . Hell, its a tough thing to watch....... this really bad result from the human experiment .

Looking forward to seeing George Carlin pretty soon . I hope he doesn't turn out to be a real jerk . ha ha

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exactly! discernment is key

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If you can’t talk frankly about the failed vaccine program after the C-19 jab genocide at this point then you never will.

MAHA absent jab injuries as the root cause will fail and be mocked for generations.

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Oct 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Yes,so bizarre that nobody takes the vax anymore but politicians are deathly afraid to talk about it.

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Do you talk about the covid vaxxine with anyone you meet on a regular basis? I sure as hell don't. I live in Norway, and I am the only one I know of that is NOT vaxxed.

Politicians view the vaxxines as a Pandora's box. They KNOW that if they open it, all hell breaks loose.

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I sometimes do. When people announce a new chronic illness I first mention that my father was a lifelong smoker who died of emphysema. Then I ask them if his smoking was likely a cause of his chronic illness. They'll usually say, "Probably, but there's no way to know for sure." Then I mention (if it's true) that vaccines, particularly the C19 injection, are implicated in causing the new chronic illness in question. "But we'll never know." They usually nod and look thoughtful.

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I do with my cycling partner about once a week 😂. Helps me blow off steam.

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Yes I do. And I won’t shut up about it. Those who don’t like it are free to cancel me. And good riddance to them. Eventually, natural selection of the wise will prevail.

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I think part of the issue with the muzzling of Bobby is that Trump has huge Pharma donors. To an extent, Congress is bought and paid as are most state legislatures. To an extent, change will come after the inevitable and total collapse of the Pharma racket.

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Oct 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

How is it going to collapse? Everybody is more than happy to drop a genocide by their feet and move along.

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Genocide is not a sustainable buisness model. Once a sufficient number of the populace has had enough then the industry built around voluntarily poisoning one’s children with liability free crap will collapse. IMO we are in the late stages now as they put a zero demand kill shot on the CDC schedule of death for infants.

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Agreed, this is a congruent model in a two dimensional xy landscape. However, most folks have trouble peering over the 3 dimensional wall, never mind are able - or willing - to understand the 5D chess game they are pawns in. The masses are unable/unwilling to act congruent with higher values, even if dire future ramifications are within their perception. Here is one example: by far the largest group within my region had at least a basic gut feeling that these jabs were new technology, largely untested and harboured a large potential for serious bodily damage. Still, close to 90% subjected themselves to the experiment reasoning (!) themselves convincingly into acceptable Risk/Benefit from work to a 2 week beach holiday to eating with friends in a restaurant, needing a new hairdoo, movie theatre, bla, bla bla. This is what self censorship in a 2D reward landscape looks like. Indeed, recent uptake has waned, but so has the pressure. Not because ‘we are winning’, but because attacks have shifted into a plethora of media- censored fronts rapidly closing the gates on us. So, we sacrificed our health and life expectancy for a trip to the ice-cream parlour. Aside from dire personal implications, even 5 years later very few understand the diabolical avalanche they set in motion then with blind compliance. And still use 2D reasoning in a reward landscape to stumble forward.

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Let’s hope so!

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Oct 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

😂 nothing like seeing the sword of criminal complicity hover over you.

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And those cowardly politicians exempted themselves from the clot shot!

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And the cowardly politicians were exempted from the clot shots!

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Pharma is run by the deep state cabal, they will kill anyone immediately that talks out on an election trail about vax injuries....comprendo?

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kaboom...Sasha opened up a pandora's box...I have been writing about this lots...thank you Sasha for joining me...you are a hero of mines Sasha...unwavering.

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Spot on Nick. I had hope for RFK but its obvious whats going on. These people are all strategically placed to give us hope.

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For all those interested in how Sasha really feels, checkout her interview with Christine Dolan!


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excellent work Sasha

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Oct 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

i agree- great work and we are soooo screwed politically - thanks for reporting

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Disagree because if you look at the turn of the century measles, mumps, rubella, smallpox were a major killer of children. This was because they had little to eat and living conditions were unsanitary with no modern plumbing. Once people had food on the table and a clean home the infectious diseases disappeared. Pharma likes to claim that vaccines lowered the rates of childhood disease but it was having access to food and cleaner living conditions that accomplished this. This is not about eating fast food vs eating organic. I think we forget that children in the late 1800s up to early 1900s lived in filthy conditions and subsisted on crumbs which is why mortality was high.

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I read your substack daily, Paul, love your bluntness, passion, & truth, keep it up!! Love you! Prayers, Kingsville Ontario Canada

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you are right, we are being screwed, its a game, imagine Redfield in a townhall...imagine...everything but OWS and the vaccine...something stinks about this...and I will state it again as I worked for Trump and ain't cupping balls, OWS and the Malone Bourla vaccine was a pure failure, deadly...all of it.

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Absolutely - organic is a scam anyway, tied to the labeling and processed food industry.

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I’ll take my chance with my organic grown food from my local farm and grown in my garden.

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Same here - local is always tastier. We've grown about 80 pounds of pole beans in our little garden just these last two months. Anything that's been growing well for you?

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No, this years has been terrible. No courgettes out of 16 plants a handful of French beans around 12 cucumbers and hardly any tomatoes. Tiny little beetroots. All these thrive in my garden normally. I counted 12 days of full sun this year since May so having no sun and the garbage they are spraying has been a disaster. Makes my blood boil. And no one can see it, even my partner!

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"vaccine was a pure failure" Doc are you being coy? Or just dumb. OWS had been in long term developement to maim, sterilize and kill people. Judging by the actuarial numbers I have seen the vaccines are a success. And now never MAHA! "The King of the Jews" be damned.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

OWS = Operation Warp Speed!

I didn't get this when I read your comment, Dr. Paul. So, after scratching my head, I looked it up, and discovered there are at least 52 definitions for that acronym, of which the most popular is Occupy Wall Street.


It is great to have Sasha talking about anaphylaxis in the context of injections. For the many people who are completely bemused and confused by virology and immunology, this angle has the potential to demystify what goes on when foreign proteins and other immune system irritants or stimulants get into the bloodstream.

I am working hard now trying to get up to speed with this so I can annoy my friends and neighbors by telling them their peanut and pollen alergies are all probably the result of past jabs.

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Rfk Jr seems to have amnesia.

In the past, I recall him saying that vaccines were the biggest influence of autism.

Now that he's sold out for free to the MAHA MAFIA, he's gotta focus on what his bosses tell him to... Food.

But don't worry, I suppose Q says this is a plan or something.

A sucker born every minute, including Kennedy himself.

Also notice how both parties will talk about niche issues like mail in ballots and illegal voters....

But they will not ever bring up what we learned since Dubya Bush. The voting machines are closed source and the company that owns them can easily manipulate the vote.

Just like distractions of food, they distract away from how the counting of votes is easily rigged, no hacking or mail in ballots needed.

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Btw: Tulsi has endorsed Trump not Biden.

I am gluten intolerant and can eat bread made from organic sprouted wheat in Canada.

Looking forward to better quality foods in my stores.

I am 82 and did not receive an over abundance of vaccines but did receive too much penicillin for an ear infection and that has caused many problems for me.

I agree with you about the danger of vaccines.

Gratefully, a Canadian Grandma

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Oct 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Tulsi did endorse Biden in 2020.

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Erm... Yes. After someone held a gun to her head and told her to drop out of the presidential race. Look up the video wherein she announces her resignation. Notice her expression... Ms. Gabbard WAS the top contender for the 2020 Democratic nomination.

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Oct 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

And so she dropped , she didn't have to endorse him. And how she did it, eww.

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I am positive that those who attempt to go AWOL are given a stiff warning .

Something like a horsehead by your pillow .

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Oct 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

I love your style Sasha! Direct and no bullshit.

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Oct 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

My daughter has a gluten sensitivty, they call it Celiac. Basically, she stopped growing when she was in the 5th grade in 1996. I took her to many doctors back then to find out what was causing her bloating, irritability,

arthritis (yes, shoved off as "normal" for a 9 year old), stomach cramps, and skin rashes. I was endlessly gaslight by doctors. It took a decade of her suffering before I finally took her to a holistic practioner when she was a freshman in college. This doctor took one look at her and said, she has a gluten allergy. I had never heard of it before. The vaccines she did receive were from the old schedule (not the ramped up post 1986 schedule). But I was certain that they were the cause. Thanks for the clarification. I have gut issues from the polio vaccines (developed spinal meningitis in 1964 at age 8), and have to fast for at least 15 hours a day, 6 decades later. Vaccines are toxic shit. My brother has Tourette's from his jabs in 1966. I have so many tax clients with injuries from jabs that I started making a list. You see them everywhere. If you look.

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You sure do!!!

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Part of the uniparty is running over to the other part of the uniparty. Not forgetting they all stand behind Israel, they are all Zionists, they are all rich and richer. And probably are all paid a lot of money from the real culprits to stop spreading the disinformation that vaccines are the cause of most illnesses, both chronic and turbo. Since coming to the US and having to undergo 7 injections (the second time, after my first application was rejected, only 4) I developed several allergies I did not have before, and now know that these are probably the cause of it.

Never mind elections, someone else is pulling the strings anyway. Several urged me to go anyway, but I think it is just plain a waste of time.

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Industrial farming practices have depleted the soils, meaning our food is less nutritious than it used to be.

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I don’t buy that the chemicals in food (some of which are only chemicals and have only trace amounts of real ingredients) are the only cause of illness. I am not going to begin to argue that vaccines have not caused injury and chronic disease either. But to say it’s only one or the other is ridiculous all the same. There may be a higher degree of causation in one or the other but this argument seems to be splitting hairs to me. Introducing chemicals into the body cannot be good in either case. I get that vaccines are introduced into the blood stream and can therefore have a more immediate effect. But what about the gut?

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How can you not see that once the child's microbiome and immune system is permanently destroyed (which can happen starting on the 1st day of their life, but there are 20-30 chances to permanently damage them by age of 2) - NOTHING can be done after that. NOTHING. NO MATTER WHAT HEALTHY FOOD THEY EAT THEY ARE PERMANENTLY DAMAGED. You call this "splitting the hairs". yeah????

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The Amish have the lowest incidence of illness and chronic disease of any US population. They do not vaccinate and they practice better farming methods.

Sasha knows what she is talking about.

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why do you say that? I used to talk to Amish in my cousins community and they had high levels of diabetes from all that grain , they have a degree of inbreeding illnesses and they do use some vaccines. also 45% were using gmo crops if the official stats can be trusted . i think their cohesive community and lifestyle and environment is very healthy but they do have their troubles. the ones i spoke to at least .

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Steve Kirsh has studied the available data. 7:25 in this interview.


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If you are bringing in Kirsch, you should first read this:


Steve is a cheap sensationalist and will fudge any data to drive his point. It does not mean that everything he says is wrong, but you can't trust his research at its face value. I'd go even further by saying you can't trust anybody's research nowadays. Even peer review, the only mechanism that is supposed to check for bias, is compromised. Stevie ignores any critique, and his buddies "mathematicians" would endorse anything for him.

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I don't rely solely on Kirsch. I have other trusted sources like Sasha Latypova and Dell Bigtree. I watched Kirsch change his position on vaccines, as have numerous others, like Dr. Lee Merritt and Dr. V. Zelenko, rest his soul.

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I was not responding to your point. You cannot have "trusted sources". That includes Sasha, etc.

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yeah I wrote to him when he did that and explained they did take covid seriously to begin with, did shut churches etc and then made a choice to just nurse people. they lost a few to the ‘flu’ season whatever it was. I said from my experience he was exaggerating their healthiness. they have various issues. Oil lamps are a problem for them too .

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They don't have much autism in the population which as Sasha points out in her recent interview is caused by vaccines. I have known this since 2016.

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indeed and I'm no fan of jabs at all , but autism is complex. many people in past generations would have been labelled autistic had we bothered with the testing . It's become a bit of a catch all term. Nerdiness and insularity were pretty normal in the past it just meant you went to more bible classes or did more repetitive work . I suspecgt if i put a group of Amish into modern life they would get some kind of pathology pretty quickly despite being unjabbed. We have amish type communities near me and they are unjabbed but have wheat and dairy allergy and would be quite stressed out by normal modern life .. so its just a little more complex i think. Ivbe done quite a bit of nature therapy with autistic kids and adults and they do tend to improve a lot in a natural but organised context.

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what is causing the initial gut damage that results in leaky gut?

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Anaphylaxis by injection of foreign protein. Anaphylaxis is an intestinal reaction - rapid vasodilation that increases permeability of the gut. Since mild forms of anaphylaxis (food allergy) can go on for a while, this creates a permanent state of inflammation and subsequent damage, incl. leaky gut.

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Ermmmm... You won't get and answer from the party who penned the spectacular (and leaky) speculations...

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Dr. Geoff Pain, an Australian pharmacologist and toxicologist, said that endotoxin can cause leaky gut.


In other words, people who have received E. coli cultured drugs or vaccines are more likely to develop leaky gut. It is unclear whether this is a short-term or long-term condition.His explanation is based largely on existing knowledge of toxicology.

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Endotoxins are unavoidably found in some foods and are also produced by some bacteria in the gut during digestion. The tipping point would seem to be factors causing the abnormal leakage of endotoxins into the bloodstream. leading to chronic inflammation.

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In my case molds and excess fibre from wheat i think . My diet was 100% natural organic but i became very sick .

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Oct 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

It’s the psychology of horse-trading and the horses are stolen. From us.

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Here’s my take…

Agree: Vaxxes likely ARE the biggest culprits and they are “nibbling” around the edges with the focus on the more acceptable topic of food. But I’m hoping the strategy of focusing on the “allowable” — i.e., what we ingest — can move the Overton Window to the “taboo” — what we inject.

Or, it could just be the uniparty moving on.,,

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

If they (ever) open up the can of worms that is vaccines, they have to own up to the 200-year-old scam. A big ask. Good to be hopey in my opinion however.

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Oct 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

The total legal immunity, direct-to-vein product pipeline will be protected at all costs. Operations like false-flag anthrax attacks to get bills pushed through don't come cheap or risk free.

For those offering justifications and saying this is just the start, you are like a city under siege proud of still holding the walls while the sappers have tunneled under and are ravaging your city's center.

What good will it do to protect your stomach when they have unfettered access to the veins of nearly every child from the moment they are born?

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Oct 8Liked by Sasha Latypova

I am not defending the pivot, but offering an explanation. The realization and the magnitude of the lie that has been served up to us for the last hundred years about the necessity, the efficacy and the safety of vaccines has been so huge. Very smart people, very educated people, such as Sasha and almost everyone who follows this blog and this issue… Well, we all have our own stories of being red pilled.

Five years ago, I was 100% in the dark. Now, I would never inject anything into my body. I am even wary of going to the dentist for fear of novacain (That is a tough one because it is hard to have dental work done without some sort of numbing…)

I have learned not to push too hard or too suddenly with people. But I am casually making reference to vaccine injuries and deaths without a lot of explanation. If they’re interested, they’ll ask.

I think softening the ground may be a useful tactic and strategy. I don’t know. This is new territory for most of us. That said, they are slowly shifting the field, and I think they are priming for what will be unfolding the next few years.

At the end of 2020 I predicted it would take a decade at least to expose the truth. It took probably 50 years for the lie about tobacco and smoking to be exposed. It’s going to take some time. A lot of different strategies can all work together.

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Oct 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Yes we need to stop giving any vaccine that has not been proven safe, which means, we shouldn’t give any. However, if Harris is elected, we may not be able to have this discussion. Harris, Walz and most of the dems are warning that free speech is a problem. Where will that lead?

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If we are lucky, it will lead to everybody who wants to shut down free speech and free choice being forced to take their own medicine. I don't particularly advocate this, and I'd hate never to get to hear the wise words of Hillary Clinton again, but it is the best outcome I can see.

Because ending free speech for views the censors don't like wouldn't just end at ending free speech. It would effectively put everyone they don't like into a prison or a plantation or a gulag. It would remove a major force resisting whatever nefarious actions they want to take and whatever worldview and narratives they want to impose.

If we are unlucky, it will lead to everybody being permanently silenced apart from when we are allowed to take off our muzzles in order to sing the praises of whoever the Dear Leader happens to be at the time. Also bullying and persecution of individuals by the state would become more overt. People can live under such conditions, although they can't flourish, but I imagine those of us who are used to being able to express opinions would find that sort of life intolerable.

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