Apr 23, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

My son just woke up two of his best, thrice jabbed friends and it’s mostly due to both of you. He’s so happy to have broken through. Thank you.

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

He had an answer for every question. The main question - from the kid with a science degree was - “Why didn’t you get the vaccine?” My son explained the lack of testing and dangers of mRNA technology. One friend asked why then did so many people die of Covid in 2020? And he talked about the mal-treatment of Covid patients. He talked about vial contamination and sketched out how the DOD was in charge. He talked about ivermectin being for human use as well as for animals. He talked nonstop for 15 minutes and they listened. He missed a lot of points but hit some too. He wants to send them more info but it could be overwhelming so no more for now. Later that night they both texted him saying they really enjoyed their talk and that they should get together again soon - to argue. He said, “We’re not going to argue because we’re going to agree.” I told him that his friends should be encouraged to ask questions and “do their own research”. I think possibly no one else has ever talked about it like this with these guys and I think it just made a lot of sense to them. He’s just sort of coming out of the Covid fog of the last few years. He got brave enough to tell them how he really felt. He offered some clarity where there’s been fear and contradictions. They said they’d look into it. Maybe they will. We’ll see. At least it put the idea in their heads. One of the guys said he regrets getting the shots. They said for sure they won’t be getting any more.

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

I like that he said "We are not going to argue because we are going to agree." Actually, that is my experience. Once the veil is lifted, they readily agree. They might take yet another jab out of sheer habit of falling unconscious and being nudged again, but then they finally understand and all the government and pharmaceutical nudging in the world can no longer hide the truth.

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Yep. The UN loves to give Billions of doses of Ivermectin to poor countries, and Pfizer loves to sell you Pfizermectin for a virus that doesn't even exist. It's good they lost. The guys an idiot and controlled opposition paid for by Rockefeller Inc.

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

Would be interested to hear more about how that played out. No identifying information of course.

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They actually agreed. And thankfully his friends said they wouldn’t get anymore shots.

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Your son sure isn't any "Fool of a Took!". I hope you tell him, from us, that he should be proud of this breakthrough into them. I've hit walls with every single one of my friends(didn't even have the xmas potluck this year!!), I hit those walls before covid even hit though, by trying to explain how we are all tax slaves and how money(debt based fiat currency) works.

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Good one! Thank you. He’s especially quick verbally; articulate. I wish I were more like that.

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

So good to hear that!

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"We can either have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we cannot have both.” — late Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis

Dismissed March 31, 2023? Yeah... the same legal system that has a fake DA push trumped up charges against Trump while dismissing criminal activity by Hilary, Hunter, Lois Lerner of the IRS, Eric Holder, the whole Biden crime family, etc. Now I see reports that Merrick Garland perjured himself before congress. But no matter, there's two laws in this newly minted banana republic

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Doesn’t get better than that. Thank you both so much!

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Thank you, Brook from all of us!!

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

A much appreciated update, Sasha and Katherine, and the Trial Site News interviewer was excellent as well. And onward we go...a peaceful rest of the weekend to everyone.

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

I agree that ultimately it is the Court of Public Opinion that rules the roost. The global criminals are loosing the narrative and they know it. What desperate measures can we expect from them in the coming months?

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

Perhaps too many of us have forgotten that, under the common law, it is a jury of one's peers that rules the roost, is it not? Isn't it about time judges stopped lying to juries about their power to nullify laws?

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

Youtube already transcribed it

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YT's AI transcribes it, usually with many and sometimes gross mistakes. Click on the 3 vertical dots there next to the share button. But they can always remove the page.

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Oh, are comments not allowed at your place?

I understand that sentiment and I guess that is the case.

Can you elaborate on the flaws in AI language transcription here or should I read about that at your place? But if I can't comment on it.......I don't know.

Anyhow, a simple test I've come up with is to type something in one language in one of these AI translation tools and then try it in reverse on that tool or another. Change languages, do this a few times and I bet you after enough iterations it would be like the game when kids whisper into the ears of the ones next to them in a circle.

What you think?

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No, I don't have a comments section for my substack. It's not meant to do anything but provide updates to the list.

To make a good transcript, listen carefully with your own ears. Be willing to listen multiple times. Be honest about what you don't understand. As I say, the YT AI transcript can give you a rough idea, a very rough draft to start with, but the YT AI transcript does not distinguish who is speaking, nor does it include punctuation, and it oftentimes makes gross mistakes. Humans make mistakes, too, of course. But I think if you listen very carefully to a video, and really make an honest effort, you can make a much better transcript than can the AI. Professional transcribers use various different types of software but there is no getting around the fact that a good transcript requires human attention.

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I respect that.



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I know I could get in trouble for this, but I want to post this.....and then after I do it I guess I listen to the YouTube video assuming I can get is 2nd hand. I got a lot of attitude and I play to win.


TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: In a previous video, paired with this one, Shelly explains that after her second covid jab she suffered from heart palpitations, severe chest pain, pericarditis, and deep vein thrombosis.


SHELLY: They sent me home with blood thinners. And then on Friday I still hadn't had word on the CT scan so I called [inaudible] Imaging and they told me to call my insurance agency or company, Premier. So I called them and Premier said, you need to go to the hospital right away. And I said, Why do I need to go to the hospital? You need a CT scan right away, we need you to go to the hospital. So I drove myself to the hospital. I get there and sure enough they do a CT scan and I had suffered a pulmonary embolism. And for any of you that don't know what it is, the blood clot in my leg then broke off, traveled up the vein through my tummy, through my heart, and into my lung. People can die from it. I was very, very fortunate that I didn't.

The next morning, they sent me, you know [holds up bottle of pills] I had the blood thinners, the next morning I woke up in severe pain and so I called paramedics and they took me back to the hospital. And I had suffered a second embolism on the way to the hospital.

So my story isn't to talk you out of getting the vaccine. I am pro-vaccine. I vaccinated my children. I got this fu*king vaccine. So it's not to tell you not to get the vaccine. But it is to tell you there are side effects and for some, some they go about with no side effects at all. But I want to tell you that I'm with you on those of you that want to wait, that you want to see how this pans out, on those of you that think this is an overreach from our government, on those of you who just plain are worried about it and want to give this some time. I am so with you. I will stand with you on that hill.

And for the rest of you, the ones, you know, the Jimmy Kimmels and those of you that are shaming the anti-vaxxers and wishing death or harm on them, I want you to look at this face, and I want you to remember my story. Because my life hasn't been the same since I had this vaccine. And it's not for everybody. Not everybody. My body, my choice, right? What I wouldn't do to exchange this bag, this basket [holds up and shakes basket full to the brim with medicines] of sh*t for my health back.

So I want you to think about those people. Think about other people's stories. Walk in their shoes. Give people grace, give people love. We need to meet in the middle here, we need to realize that each one of us comes to the table with a different set of experiences. And of course I'm going to say this vaccine sucks. But I'm not telling you to not get it. But we've got to listen to each other. I just hope that we can somehow meet in the middle here and just provide each other love. Be well everybody. Be well.




I would like to add this edit. The above transcription comes from Transcriber B's place and I must say it is impressive and I appreciate the art of it. So, since I can't comment at Transcriber B's place, I figured I would say that here and remember the above transcription was from Transcriber B's place. It is professional and touching.

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Yep. Humans make mistakes, but Nikola Tesla was right 100% of the time. You can debunk Nikola Tesla?

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Hey - Transcriber B! Just subscribed to you place.


*edit - Nice Response via email.

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Where? Do you have a link? Is it "in" youtube?

I don't doubt it, but presently I'm boycotting that place and I try to avoid it.

It doesn't matter really - I suspect the discourse was top notch and I'm pretty well studied as well I'd like to think......???.

Anyhow - Do your own due diligence, but by all means due diligence is demanded by justice.

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Yeah of course it's in YouTube

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Yt likes to ban you from commenting if you said something bad, like the truth. It happened to me too many times now. Even on chd, which shocked me.

Very frustrating.

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Thank you Sasha & Katherine. One day the world will recognise both of your contributions to Truth, Ethics & Morality.

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

This was helpful to me. I need to understand more clearly the apparent fact that the U.S. Government, Department of Defense is in charge of the the whole "COVID vaccine drug trials" process, and is the "client of Pfizer." That fact supports my focus on the PLANdemic nature of the entire false event program.

All of this planning started many years ago, possibly as far back as the early 2000s

Today I have watched two videos, including this one, and read one Substack posting that all dealt with the same dominant theme: constant big lies being served up to we the people.

Here is the Substack posting.


Is mRNA Evil/Flawed/Garbage?

Tom Renz

Apr 22


Here is the other video.


MIKE YEADON - The Only Thing We Need to Fear is Fear Itself


I cling to the teachings of my faith to understand our miserable modern world.


The Miserable Modern World by Bishop Sanborn (Traditional Catholic Sermon)

19:21 video runtime

Guns Motorcycles Faith


And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven and in earth.

Matthew 28:18

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

My conclusion here is that we are now just basically on our own.

All medical interventions must now be reviewed carefully.

Old tried and true medications with long track records are preferable over anything newly approved, because the approvals are now suspect.

Sad, but this appears to be the case.

Most telling: Neither "party" appears to be willing to grapple with or thoroughly investigate this debacle... except for just a few members... Ron Johnson in particular.

This also highlights the value of medical practitioners that were willing to step out of the box in favor of themselves and their patients. There are some few of those, some with publicity and retribution, and some without, and you are lucky if you have found one.

One thing to remember: Truth always wins. It make take time, sometimes a long time, and effort, sometimes a lot of effort, but truth fosters life, and lies generally foster the reverse.

Best wishes to all in difficult times.

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023

Let me tell you what they did to Ventoline - the ubiquitous spray asthmatics use when they feel an attack coming on. I've used it for decades. It used to go down like butter. Now, it's like rocks going down - it actually can accentuate the attack for a bit then you sort of break through and flatten out....but breathing doesn't really recover entirely. This all changed around 2001. Most recently, I've had to discard three new sprays.....I can do this since in France, I'm not paying the equivalent of $200 per spray. Wondering what the %$^&# is in these sprays now. I can end up hyperventalating for hours or have my parasympathetic breathing so wrecked, I have to THINK to breath because it has been temporarily disabled. And this is just on ONE puff! Feel like there's different toxicity levels depending on the lot #, but discarding this many at a time? Looks like they've upped their game.

I'm thinking of the poor children that are being subjected to this poison and can't breath. On one of my last visits, the doctor said perhaps I have 'non-treatable' asthma. Huh??? This is the term they've now attached when Ventoline was WONDERFUL before, but now wrecks the system.

Of course I've told doctors, but they just wave me off. But I did have a respiratory tech in the hospital tell me around 2000 they changed medicines for asthma and now when people come in, they need to go through two or three treatments before they recover.

It happened to me when I had another major attack and was in the ER. The treatment that used to go down like butter felt like acid and I needed a second one to recover. That steroid punch left me unable to walk properly for two months - I was unable to stand for any length of time, my muscles were so weak.

I'm sure others are having a miserable time on their medications which are being tweaked.

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While I could understand the judgement as the strict letter of the contract reading, I finally resolved what made me uneasy. In NJ this would be a clear violation of consumer protection laws. The substitution of DOD sourced vaccines for a Pharma product, represented to the public as a product manufactured with strict controls, at least as good as a blister pack of SUDAFED at CVS, is a bait-and-switch. It is called an “affirmative misrepresentation” that is punished by any judge in NJ with triple damages at the slightest whiff of fraud. VERY strict. I asked the PA DOH for a copy of the VIS. If this switch was not divulged in an FDA approved document then the violation of consumer law has occurred. I’m guessing the consumer protection laws in PA are similar, as contractors frequently do business across the state line. We can be pretty certain the VIS will not mention it. Why this could not be prosecuted under state law would be my question. If a person is said to be immune from murder under Federal law, states can negate so serious a violation of their own Constitution.

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I agree that it would be good for state AGs to pursue this line of attack, and it’s one that I and others have been advocating for awhile, within the message that “people should file anything and everything they can think of, and here’s a list of possible types of cases to try.”

For example: https://5smallstones.files.wordpress.com/2022/11/potential-case-types.pdf

The bottleneck for consumer safety cases — as with most of the other cases — is the lack of willing prosecutors. I don’t think there’s a private cause of action for consumer fraud; the cases have to be brought by a public prosecutor on behalf of the public victims.

And the second bottleneck is the truth that we now know from Brook’s case: there is no “market” when it comes to the bioweapons, and there are no “consumers,” so there can’t be “consumer fraud.”

Instead of a market, what we’re operating on is a battlefield or war zone, during a war.

And militaries are under minimal obligations to notify military targets about the weapons the militaries use. In standard armed conflicts, at least over the last 50-75 years, the idea was that the parties had to abide by shared rules of engagement, and some entity interested in enforcing those, had to enforce them somehow.

But because this war is global, it’s uncharted terrain. There are no rules of engagement as far as the public knows (there may be secret UN rules of engagement, a topic I briefly explored here:


And then a little bit more here


as I began to think the pharma/DOD contracts were more relevant to the operations of the governments than any other governing-type rules or constitutions.

Under the 2001 AUMF and the subsequent amendments to US military law, though, there are no defined geographic or temporal boundaries and no legal distinctions between civilians and combatants.

So there seem to be zero obligations for any of the parties — which also aren’t defined — under any military law, to disclose the truth about the war in which they’re engaged, or the weapons they’re using.

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Thank you for this detailed reply to the previous post. There’s a lot to learn! How does all this apply to other countries, eg, Australia, where I live? I certainly remember politicians saying something like we were on “a war footing.” I wonder if they used that term to dodge consumer law.

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I was just talking about this with my husband. Surely if consumer laws can call for the withdrawal of a packet of frozen berries which have caused illness in a dozen people, then a drug which has caused many deaths and enormous numbers of injuries, many of which are severe and life-changing, should be withdrawn, and those responsible should be punished for pushing these drugs as safe and effective. I’m in Australia and we have deaths and injuries here of course, like anywhere else. We want justice!

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Apr 23, 2023·edited Apr 23, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

"after doing all this research and analysis it became very clear that ... suing pharmaceutical manufacturers under the false claims act was...a fool's errand" @5:30

Yes! This is a genocide.

We don't need to talk so much anymore about how their weapons work.

We need to talk about how to end the genocide.

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I have no idea under what circumstances they could dismiss Brook Jackson’s case as as a person who has been involved in DoD testing back in the early and mid 60’s and as a participant and subject over the years with Pharma companies her information was to my experience true and correct.

Reading the information she had was similar to many occasions where the statistics and the rabbit holes that should have been explored and would have kept many of the SAE’s from occurring.

This won’t stop until people rise up and stop donating $$ to the politicians and decide to be critical thinkers about the information that the media and Pharma put out. Read the data and look at the statistics.

Even those that lack a lot of statistics exposure should be able to ask does this really add up? Does it really sound right? Does it sound as fishy as it feels?

Yes it is, Brook and the many who helped investigating the Pfizer data and hopefully Moderna as well, verify the work they all have done and for the people who have brought the info forward to Substack.

Don’t let them off the hook - politicians who have bought and paid for and as well the alphabet government groups and their leaders. Total baloney and BS has been the last three years.

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

Ms. Mohamed did an excellent job of conducting this interview. I searched for more information regarding her activities, and here is an example of Ms. Mohamed's clarity of thought regarding the World Health Organizations ongoing racketeering operations. >

Shabnam Palesa Mohamed on the WHO and the Way Forward


Ms. Mohamed is also executive director and chapter coordinator of Children’s Health Defense Africa, as a steering committee member of World Council for Health.

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you Sasha for all of your hard work and due diligence in explaining how the entire Covid plandemic and the history of how the toxic covid shots came about. More people are understanding what happened and what's still happening, that the governments in the US and worldwide are still trying to cover up the crime scenes. But, there's no way to continue to try and hide the bodies. Once we see the light there's no way we can undo that. Keep up the great work and I will continue to share your pieces.

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A fascinating and important discussion, thank you.

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great interview, vital information, thank you. Link below contains strong educational message to the public https://rumble.com/v2fwcxu-opening-statements-day-3-toronto-national-citizens-inquiry.html

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It is indeed unfortunate that some of the USA primadonna reporters like Tucker, Sean, etc seem unable to anything like the wonderful presentation by this South African presenter. Shame on them all. As more normies lose family and friends and wake up we will stop this outrage from happening again. Sasha and Katherine have unearthed the incontrovertible evidence documenting the complete DOD operation. NO MORE SHOTS!

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