Apr 25·edited Apr 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

It is interesting that the nationwide Control Group study could not locate a single entirely unvaccinated person with cancer.

So his wife was never once vaccinated? Not ever? With anything? I find it interesting that vaccine-exposure was entirely ruled out as a possible cause of cancer merely because she didn't receive the latest "hard kill" jabs. It's been known for a long time that the older ones are fully capable of causing cancer, and that none of them have ever once been tested for carcinogenicity.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25Author

I don't know his wife's medical history. Besides vaccines, the leading cause of cancer is false-diagnosis of cancer. That would be my primary cause to consider. All diagnostic screening tests routinely administered at "annual checkups" are set to be false-positive by at least a factor of 10 to 1 (clarified - 10 people falsely diagnosed for 1 potentially real diagnosis of cancer).

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boom, one of the smartest folk out there

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Apr 28Liked by Sasha Latypova

I second that👍👍👍👍👍

Why doesn’t Senator Johnson invite Sasha as a speaker to his next round table?

I’ll tell you why…because she has ALL THE GOODS!

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Hello Fellow Wellness Company Kids.

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man, you're killing me today!

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I agree about the false diagnosis of cancer! So true! $$$$$!

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26Liked by Sasha Latypova

A 43 yr old Japanese actress announced her uterine cancer and that she is currently undergoing a 150 day long chemo therapy after the removal of her womb, ovaries and the lymph nodes dissection. Other TV personalities in JP who developed cancer stated it was detected at their annual checkups thus their lives were saved. They encourage ppl to attend the annual checkups, as now it's said that one in two develop cancer in Japan (surprise surprise! in the most multiple jabbed population in the world).

These celebrities promote all these events and are subsequently acting as PR agents for the pharma and the cartel behind.

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Apr 26Liked by Sasha Latypova

Algorithmic populism in the age of digitalisation.

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Yes, You have me mentioned this before. My sister has just had a routine breast scan and the outcome was a recall. They have tested a tiny spot and determined cancer. She will undergo a lumpectomy. You do wonder.

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she shouldn't have had that scan. She has a benign something which would have gone away by itself. Now she has an invasive procedure, plus they will put her on more frequent monitoring convincing her it's to be vigilant. And then she will be constantly stressed, and eventually they will find something again, and so forth. It's a trap. I do not do any routine screening for anything.

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Apr 26Liked by Sasha Latypova


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BTW, is there some way I can get your email address? I would like your expertise on a personal medical situation that has arisen from this fraud. I know that’s what it has to be. This person would not listen to me about the shot. I feel so sad for him.

Thx Sasha❤️❤️

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The substack you wrote about breast exam machines was amazing. Because of your important brilliant information, my sister told me yesterday she did not get her yearly breast exam. She’s DONE! After reading your substack…she is more convinced now it’s all BS.

I told her I was done with everything and that also includes the poison they put in my cats. Never again and I feel good about it too. I look at my sweet baby, fragile little cat and there is no way in hell I’m gonna put poison in her.

It is all BS and BTW…your an angel sent by God🙏❤️Thank you so much!

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Please read this story. It also has links to multiple studies.


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Unlike Big Pharma wants us to believe, 85% plus of all properly diagnosed cancers are caused by metabolic disorders; ie. by mitochondrial dysfunction (s).

Only less than 10% of all cancers can be linked to genetics, though this is still debatable, just like pattern baldness in men and women.

Dr. Thomas Seyfried is the leading researcher who has developed and proven the metabolic theory and therapy- fasting and diet.


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Yes and Dr Lodi who treats cancer with anti parasitic meds says, in so many words, that eliminating parasites help.

Also for those who have cancer and are interested, the CellSonic machine will rejuvenate the mitochondria in less than 1 second.

I’ve worked with this machine. Look it up. There is a few in California and a few in Florida. I’m going to be praying for his wife.

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"Cellsonic machine"!? If it really works they will destroy it, just as they did that genius and pioneer of microscopy and cancer research, Royal Rife!

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The “Rife Handbook”…👍…also, “Vibrational Medicine”…👍🙌

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Do we consider microplastics as parasites? I mean, they can be found at the site, so...

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Trying to source Nitanizoxide (sp) for use combating Giardia, and other protozoals, like gee golly, H. Pylori.. Already got my Maquis for coccidia etc, my Febend and my Ivermectin and my HCQ. Stocked the abxs -- Doxy is my favorite, (several methods of action on cancer cells but no 'live studies' done, just in test tubes. Still very suggestive. And can be used sub microbial dose to not impact gut microbes, as disastrously as some abx use does.

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Important to understand what caused the metabolic disorder in the first place. Plus, important to understand how this metabolic disorder is also at the root of diabetes and myriad other immune disorders such as heart disease, arthritis, thyroid issues, etc.

The nationwide (48 states) Control Group study of entirely unvaccinated showed close to zero of these issues in the true controls. Since so many people do end up with things like diabetes after vaccination (even children) it's important to take a look at the role vaccines play in injuring our metabolic systems. And then of course, we must go directly to actions that heal our mitochondria, such as dietary changes.

It's imperative to understand the mechanisms at work here in order to recover. Thanks for adding data to the issue.

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Not a Dr Drew fan, but this was a really good interview.

Wondering if Tom Renz was suggesting that this injection is playing some role in the “Internet of Bodies” project, connecting humans to the internet. He never said this but sort of inferred it. Since we’re sure this witch’s brew isn’t being pushed so hard out of concern for our health, could this be the motivation?

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Apr 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

I had cancer a little over two years ago. I’ve had no vaccines (except for a couple in 1963 when I was as born), and no flu shots.

BUT, the “doctor” did prescribe synthetic hormones to me previously. I think these may have caused the ovarian cancer (huge tumor removed abdominally).

Personally, I think many cancers are man made!

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agree. the synthetic hormones. I have been offered them but not interested.

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Don’t take them! The same doctor that prescribed them, also had a flyer in her office that said pregnant women can get the jab! Insane!

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Childhood vaccines (particularly introduced in the early 60's) were riddled with cancer-causing "immortal cell lines." I believe you still could have avoided it if not for the hormones.

I'm sorry this happened to you. Sounds as though you've wised up to big pharma though, and are likely NOT taking advice from the very same people who caused the problem;-)

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I didn’t know that Joy! Of course I was a baby, and my mom trusted doctors! In fact, she retired after nearly 30 years at UCSF! So, I grew up trusting doctors…how far they have fallen. Back then, I had excellent medical care, and doctors were fantastic, in my opinion. My pediatrician made house calls! This was nearly 60 years ago.

Actually, it’s been blessing in disguise Joy! I was forced to retire after 23 years for not testing/jab. I knew 4 years ago that this was evil. Then, cancer…

I’m now into holistic health, off all meds, exercise, SUNSHINE, intermittent fasting (dropped 40lbs.), Nature, God/Creator! We don’t need doctors, they need us (except for absolute emergencies). Thanks for listening…I have to vent sometimes! ✝️💜

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Vent away. We need a written record of how it was before.

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WE sure do! I got you Joy!

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Boom Boom Boom.

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Have you ever been vaxxed ?

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Yes. As a child. And it almost killed me. Closed my breathing airway within a week of the jab. Tonsils so swollen that I could not breath. Removed. Regular ear infections ensued for over a decade after. Stopped using antibiotics and finally "roughed it out" without them. That was the LAST time I had to deal with it!

Within a few months of the "jab buses" pulling up to my grammar school, my best friend was diagnosed with leukemia. She died not too long after this. Later in life, I ended up with arthritis. Cured it with carnivore diet.

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Why are you asking?

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I am no cancer specialist and cancer can have MANY causes. However, after study over the past few years, I completely agree about false positive screenings and all vaccines causing more harms than good. I also don't know anything about Tom Renz's wife's medical history. But at Stage 4, a false positive screening seems unlikely.

Does anyone have direct connection to the Renz family? If yes, consider asking whether they've investigated the FLCCC approaches to cancer care: https://covid19criticalcare.com/?s=cancer+care&id=6377 . Perhaps these could help. I hope so!

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Removed (Banned)Apr 26
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Basic retrospective epidemiological principals must be applied to the problem. Specifically, if one removes/eliminates the suspected primary cause of a particular disease from the picture, and this ameliorates (largely eliminates) the problem, then you've located a PRIMARY cause. You've also proven that the suspected cause, is in fact causing a problem.

This obviously wouldn't prove that nothing else can cause this particular problem. However, a 95% reduction in the problem via the elimination of the one potential/suspected cause, is a very good START at reducing cancers. But you'll NEVER get the American Cancer Society to EVER examine vaccines as a suspected cause of cancer, even though not ONE vaccine has ever been tested for its carcinogenic potential.

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Removed (Banned)Apr 27
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Wow. I've never claimed to actually be a "scientist." And these days, most of them work for very bad people;-)

I threw in the line "this obviously wouldn't prove that nothing else can cause..." due to the fact there are many other things we know can cause health issues and cancer. And many people (who work for pharma;-) try to sell the idea that, if they can identify one other cause, they've somehow exonerated vaccines by doing so. Often they fail to identify any other possible cause. So they will to turn to "SIDS" as a "cause" of infant death, as if SIDS is an actual cause, rather than an outcome. Often they're stuck with "must be bad genes." But with autism, this one falls flat on its face.

Not sure why you've chosen to be so snarky. What did I (or someone else) do to you?

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Removed (Banned)Apr 27
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You haven't upset me. Just wondering why you felt the need to take a swipe at me? I never called you any names or insulted you in any way. Am also wondering why you believe I, in particular, "destroyed" something/anything, merely because I conducted a study and now I tell people what the data shows?

I actually agree with your positions as I have followed this thread. Don't understand why you're angry with me though.

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Removed (Banned)Apr 26
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The only vaccine we need is the Sun:


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Of course they're trying to block sunlight with the chemtrails.

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Please...... For the sake of the planet, and for the sake of combatting what is being done to it by the powers that shouldn't be, call it what it is. It is Stratospheric Aerosol Injection.


Using the term chemtrails is obfuscation.

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Removed (Banned)Apr 27
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Man, you really are a piece of work. Here is what the alphabet soup's dictionary says about it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stratospheric_aerosol_injection

....., and of course the operative word is PROPOSED, as in haven't done it yet.

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Removed (Banned)Apr 26
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The Ionosphere is 30 - 600 miles up. The chemtrails are at 8 miles max, usually lower. I'm not sure how the chemies would heat the ionosphere, but rather than argue let's assume you're right. Either way the motive is to kill us, either through starvation by screwing with the weather or by vitamin D deprivation by blocking UV. We can agree it needs to stop regardless.

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Apr 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

Will be praying for her.

Your water colour is calming and draws you in. Nice.


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Apr 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

I just watched this last night and I think it’s awesome!! Dr Drew seems like a nice guy. Like really really nice. Possibly too nice bc he just doesn’t want to accept that this was intentional. I’m not being mean to him or anything, I understand wanting to be “fair”, but that ship has sailed. I’m SURE it has to be difficult for him. Maybe he doesn’t want to get cancelled too, I have no idea what he’s thinking, but I do listen to a lot of his guests. Anyway…I don’t know how you have the patience to do it, honestly, I think I would be so frustrated with ppl not wanting to listen by now that I would’ve pulled all my hair out. Amazing job on the explanations, and I truly appreciate everything you’re doing!! Thank you for your hard work.

Also…I’m definitely praying for Tom’s wife, and for him, the stress of all of it combined is unimaginable to me, so I pray they both get good news soon about her health.

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all of the above...we do support a good man, Foster Coulson...all I would say...

Sasha, do you have my email? can you get it? I want yours...

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"Would you be interested in being a Wellness Company Tamiflu Rep?"

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no, I pass. but you are welcome to send them your CV.

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I just hope that I have the Visionary Skills to qualify.

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believe in yourself, we all do.

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I believe he himself got the shots and has (or had) been recieving the treatment (I think it was heart related). Would be difficult to accept anything beyond that?

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25

Anyone who recommends giving the covid DeathVax to the elderly just wants them dead.

Plain and simple.

VA still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans with an "additional dose" to veterans 65 years and older.

Did the VA convene a death panel and I just did not get the memo?

Here is link - dated 20 March 2024 - little over a month old.


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It looks so twisted to me to see signs in stores and pharmacies touting, 'we have all your vaccine needs''. When asked i just say no to drugs. So many deluded, uninlightened or ill informed ppl making choices for their childrens future. Its scary and sad. Most will not listen or research.

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Apr 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

And if a person suffers a heart attack or an allergic reaction, is there anyone even there to treat a severe medical emergency?

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Of course not. In the early days of 2021 mad genocidal gold rush I walked into a local grocery store with a young man lying on the floor of the pharmacy after the injection of the elixir, and nobody seemed concerned by that at all.

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Apr 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

That just means the elixir is working.

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In this delusional age, most of us think someone is in control and will intervene, so we better do nothing and just watch the show.

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Apr 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

wild stab in the dark but i'd go with no.

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Good question!

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Can you imagine having to wait for an ambulance after a severe reaction from a vaccine given at a retail store?

Doubt very much that the check out clerk who is being paid minimum wage will be able to help you.

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Apr 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

It's almost like they're "practicing medicine without a license" but alas, they're covered by the PREP Act, so nothing will come of it.

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Apr 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

It truly is horrendus and horrifying. What they are doing is torture and murder. No remorse. I would not want to be them on judgement day.

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The influenza jab this year in Australia says straight up the following:

-There are no reproductive and developmental toxicity studies with Flucelvax® Quad.

-The safety of Flucelvax® Quad in pregnancy has not been assessed in randomised clinical trials.

-Flucelvax® Quad has not been evaluated in nursing mothers. No data are available on the use of Flucelvax® Quad during lactation.

-Flucelvax® Quad has not been evaluated for genotoxic potential.

-Flucelvax® Quad has not been evaluated for carcinogenic potential.


I saw that the chemist had an advert for flu jabs in his window. I showed him this info and he looked visibly uncomfortable and said he would read all the information that night.

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The trouble is he will then check his income for the day and see how much of it came from administering the poison and likely keep on keeping on…. Sad but true

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valid point....based on all we know

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It is fairly clear at this point that it is an intentional dementia/lobotomy tool.

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absolutely, that too! the ones who are still alive have declining cognitive and memory function. I sadly see this in multiple family members and friends. I feel like I am explaining things to a 7th grader or lower intellect most times that I speak to them. Many cannot remember anything with their day to day recall.

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Yes, I am experiencing that on a daily basis at work. It's unbelievable sometimes. They all have Dory the fish memories.

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that is a great example of what the experience is like...almost daily I have that in my own home. "we just talked about that. you knew that because we have discussed. do you ever listen anymore?, etc." not fun.

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Jabbed? (Spike exposure kills brain cells with cerebral microclots.) Try eating a daffodil (contains galantamine) to assist memory. And clear out aluminum with silicic acid.

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oh i am not jabbed haha, never in a million years. sadly the spike already did damage to millions...there is no magical cure for the damage that has already been done.

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Those still alive with declining cognitive and memory function.

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Apr 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

"I am willing to speak to anyone, and I encourage open dialogue. Disagreements are ok too as long as they are in the spirit of finding the truth about the subject matter, and not about personal attacks."

Open dialogue - including respectful disagreements - is the stuff of the best interviews.

When even one person in an interview arrives with an open mind and transparent agenda (rather than arriving wrapped in chainmail armor ready to defend and pummel) authentic, considerate human discourse can take place.

It's the antidote to groupthink interviews which tend to dissolve into vicious, robotic rhetoric.

Thanks for this, Sasha.

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Yes. I thought Sasha's clarification was spot on. Many threads deteriorate into personal agenda completely unrelated to the subject. Thank you for commenting. Best regards.

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Kudos to you Sasha, for getting on this show and confronting Dr. Drew. He is a longstanding deep state sheep. Lockdowns, masks, he pushed them all early on, along with his buddy Scott Adams. He is obviously a pillar on the Wellness Company, which you have already shown is shady at best, along with Amazing Polly.

Your testimony, along with Tom Renz, was brave and forthright. Once again, I thank you for that.

Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com

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Can someone show me where the mRNA works at all with a lipid that is designed to not break down... How does the mRNA get out? Bullshit story to promote injecting people with the real culprit, the lipids.

"The history explains what makes the shots toxic, and it's not mrna, spike (a result of cell death, not the cause!), or graphene. It's the lipids!

The lipids clog shit up because they don't break down. Cell death happens, clots happen. Spike is the result of cell death not the cause!

This also explained why there was also bleeding issues, when platelets get used up in clotting.

They used this tech because it failed badly and is useful for their plans which bit them in the ass (low uptake of boosters and few are getting the new "mRNA" shots)

From 2017, 3 years BEFORE covid."

"For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients."


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The linked article makes me more suspicious than ever of Bancel, Moderna, and its secrecy.

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Moderna and biontech are likely fake companies that work for the department of defense.

Sasha Latypova has a lot of info on this and the whole covid thing was treated as a "bioterror" and the vaccines are countermeasures.

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Thank you, "Robbest of Robs" (from your profile!).

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Perhaps you can explain how the body removes precipitins and synthetic proteins unrecognisable by the body and turning up in autopsy slides two years down the line.. no lipids .. amyloid plaque with mucho spike proteins…when the two components combine..it has me baffled.. maybe you can explain why by this is not a problem..

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The whole thing about spike and plaques comes about from issues with circulation. They're a result of damage, not the cause.

They tried to say amyloid plaque causes Alzheimer's etc but they ignored what Dr Chris Exley found in his brain lab testing: almost all of those with Alzheimer's in the samples he tested had high levels of aluminum in the brain.

They work differently, in that they mess up chemical interactions. I don't think the lipids do that as they are inert "plastic".

Just so happens that the form of aluminum there is not the same as the aluminum we get from digestion of contaminated foods etc....

But it's pretty much the form they use in shots, especially the flu shot which is widely given to seniors.

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Plaque is an end result of inflammation… the body sends in cholesterol and calcium .. to patch up damaged areas that is a surface chemistry problem caused by spike protein attaching to the intima…. My friend got his second shot.. and within two months ended with open heart surgeries all his coronary arteries were nearly blocked .. they did not progress to bypass or use any donor veins from his legs because they “saw” white fibrous strands..and simply pulled them from the circulation.. problem solved .. not aluminium.. synthetic plaque from a synthetic protein..being produced 24/7 .. you think this is all down to a metal?… we have been ingesting metals for decades.. they do not fill arteries with white fibrin.

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What does the body do to try to eliminate something that isn't soluble? Cancer.

And if it can't create those piles of garbage, the lipids and up making those white things.

Has anyone run a mass spectrometer on the white fibrin? I bet it's semi dissolved lipid crap combined with dead cells etc.

There was a GM coolant called Dex Cool which when mixed with normal coolant would create an odd orange ish sludge.

Turns out the Dex Cool ends up binding to the normal antifreeze, creating bigger and bigger clumps.

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I see your point…. Sludge is not able to stay together when squeezed by forceps and yanked.. this stuff is like rubber..

Look up precipitins.. they form when you add an antibody (first shot) to and antigen (second shot) the body then wraps fluffy macrophages around the scaffold of long chain proteins..because they are not natural but synthetic.. and cholesterol and silk like proteins knit to form a fibrin plug.. enough to close down an artery.. and win you a free body bag.

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Yeah, https://northerntracey213875959.wordpress.com/2022/02/26/anaphylaxis-the-real-bio-weapon/

So all of this mRNA and gene therapy stuff is a cover for a really dangerous non toxic toxin lol.

It's technically not toxic but it creates toxic conditions.

That's why they kept using the same exact lipids and moderna was so stupid to try and say they made their own lipids, not paying arcuitas whose patent biontech and moderna use to create this garbage tech. I think they're getting sued now for that but whatever.

It's such a stupid run around and they're scamming each other.

I heard that the NIH is complaining that biontech didn't give them their royalty payments too lol.

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Yep and the whole inactivated or activated virus or mRNA or whatever shit is really just the cover for the toxic adjuvants and carriers.

It's fucked up that they think it's safe at that low dose.... Even mercury... But OSHA itself will say that you gotta evacuate a room and get professional cleaning if you break a bulb that has mercury in it.

Of course we know that injecting it directly is way worse as it bypasses natural body defenses.

Only an absolute moron or a sick person like vaccinologist quacks think it's a good idea.

The science is settled, all of this junk is harmful. Why the fuck are they still doing it?

I guess the lipids and mRNA are the "non toxic" replacements that end up being toxic 😂.

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It Is Generational, my 2 oldest daughters were born in the 50's they comprehend that deception of JFK, RFK, MLK. Both of of my daughters seem to accept the lesser of two evils. I do not, nor do I accept any infringement upon my unalienable rights. I have a BAR attorney Granddaughter that will only speak with me about her daughters.

So, Gretchen are you in a Jural Assembly? It seems to be that those with the titles of nobility are deeper into the de facto and more willing to accept the punishment of the Medical board or pseudo ethics board of the Big Pharma MD loop of the Josef Mengele school of Medicine. We thought it was coming from the BAR / military / LEO.

The Sheriff with a proper oath to the proper Constitutions with Laws of Nature and of Nature's God included, a de jure County Executive. The office of Sheriff must be occupied by a body, mind, spirit, flesh, blood, soul man or woman with their bona fides in order in the de jure original jurisdiction of jura summi imperii.

Yes! We, meaning all of us, should be opposed to the de facto ( page 416 Black's 6th de jure is defined also ) as it is illegal or illegitimate. It self corrects when the Sheriff takes a proper oath to the proper Constitutions with God included. When that office is occupied by a de jure man or woman then law instead of color of law will move across the land and soil. www.orsja.org

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Apr 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

You and Tom both do great on live TV. That's terrific because making progress in the court of public opinion is so critical to ending the Zyklon B injections. The public howling needs to get so loud that the politicians can no longer ignore it. One suggestion - the next time someone pretends this toxic crap is not a gene therapy, I would point out that Moderna called their product a gene therapy technology in their SEC filings. If that's not true, I say ok great - let's prosecute the Moderna executives for falsifying their financial reports to the SEC.

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Apr 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

Wow, Sasha! You and Tom really schooled Dr. Drew! After you guys, his head was spinning! You're reaching a larger and larger audience, despite the pushback - congratulations!

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Apr 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

This was a very compelling show. A few things I personally bring out when in conversation on this topic, and which I find useful:

(1) On medical persecution, Dr. Charles Hoff plight in British Columbia, Canada (https://www.givesendgo.com/GANZA);

(2) On academic persecution, Dr. Byram Bridle in Guelph, ON, Canada (https://viralimmunologist.substack.com)

(3) "In vitro" evidence of reverse transcription of mRNA in Huh7 cell line (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35723296/), re: "gene therapy"

(4) "The P(l)andemic was created for the "vaccine"". My way to introduce the topic that a crisis was needed to introduce the technology and "change the paradigm from cell surface to nucleus"

(5) Dr. Yeadon's point that if you instruct your body to make non-self protein, it's certain that some auto-immune event will follow.

Sasha and Tom are great on this video, and while I never met or spoke personally with any of them, listening to them is like listening to some good friends. I am proud to support their work.

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Apr 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

This was an excellent interview. Dr. Drew has come a long way. Thank you Sasha for all you have done and are doing. The same thanks to Tom Renz.

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Apr 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

I suspect it's his wife behind the scenes.

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Before I listen to the interview, I want say how much I love your paintings of Nor Cal wine country. I spent over 25 years in the wine biz and A LOT of time in the area. This brings back fond memories of my former life. Thank you! 🙏💕

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Apr 25Liked by Sasha Latypova

I’ll pray for Tom’s wife.

Your watercolor is much to my liking( sketchbook style)

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