May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova

I just simply say I love your work and I am very grateful for everything I can learn from you.

Thank you!

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I second that, I think you are optimal and among the best Sasha...I did not know this re Couey and I will personally reach out to him to ask him what is going on...I know him...something must be up and none of it excuses attacks on you...I think you are as legit as they come. Let me do some intel...will get back to you

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if as you state and I have no reason to doubt you, then this is not good, actually very bad, poor form on their his part

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Removed (Banned)May 7
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May 7·edited May 7Author

Please stop lying about me. Because you are lying about me, this comment will be removed. If you continue lying about me, I will ban you from this Stack. Yes, I have ancestors, who are great people with thousands of years of history. You, however, got puked-up by the internet and you own ethnicity is: Lying/Piece/Trash.

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JJ Couey is a good man

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no. he tried to get me to pay him to stop lying about me. He continues to smear a 19 yo girl, because I did not pay him off. That's how "good" he is.

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May 11Liked by Sasha Latypova

what a lowlife. i wonder if he did the same thing to erin marie olszewski

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Very doubtful. There’s no gray area with treating each other respectfully.

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I had thought so, too. However, none of us gets to behave as described by accident.

“Guard your thoughts, because they become your words. Guard your words, for they become your actions”.

I’ve taken issue with a small number of people publicly. I’m never rude about them.

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May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova

I am very sorry to know about the smear campaign and even worse that I originally supported JJ but have noticed through his latest streams that he is only trying to discredit people ON OUR SIDE than help to fight what is happening and how to stop it. This saddens me greatly and makes me feel like a fool. I work very, very hard for my money, I’m a chef and when I support someone I do it at a cost. I support Doc Malik and so far feel justified in doing so, he has given me no reason to doubt him but JJ? The fact that he has not apologized to you after being completely transparent worries me deeply. The needle that has broken this camels back is attacking your daughter. I can’t abide by that, period. Family is forbidden territory, especially kids. Thank you for your honesty Sasha

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Thank you!

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May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova


Kids are off the table altogether.

JJ better apologize soon.

How stupid….he has children.

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May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova

Maybe he doesn't know ... what goes around, comes around! 🤔

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May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova

I know!

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yes, the honesty is often lacking...thank you Sasha. stay strong. and in my last stack I wrote to Malone for I too am a target and pound him...I do not fear him like you, we are unique that way...but also said if he ever comes after you, he will inherit me too...

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May 7·edited May 7

Since some here are getting into "grammar lessons" ...... ( aren't they really meant as a putdown ?) ............

I think this wording "..I do not fear him like you," would be better understood if written as " Like you, i do not fear him " .(NOT meant as a putdown )

Ahhhhhh. what the heck . Everything , even with the supposed anti=establishment groups, seems to eventually turn into another lesson in how divisions occur .

I kinda like sage hana's approach : anyone not clapping and giving high praise is just told to go kill themself . Now THAT had me saying bye bye ( and receiving another fk you goodbye by the cult leader ). Seems most of the substack writers want to avoid conflict with him . What about you Paul? And Sasha ?

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I do not want conflict with anyone. It serves no purpose except to rouse bad feelings.

And in truth, I’m not good at managing or handling conflict.

I know this because my discomfort with it never prevented me saying & doing what I thought best, even when I knew it was going to trigger bitterness.

My counter was to get in really close & explain what I’d decided & why and to ask how I could help navigate the difficulties my decision might cause them.

It was hard work, but decades in corporate yet, as a friend once observed, I’d made not a single, serious enemy.

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There definitely are two very different mindsets /attitudes .... as i see it .

Most people and antagonists usually choose to start out "easy" . Maybe some compliments. Maybe some common beliefs . And then as the discussion /debate gets going the ego starts to get involved . Each person, or group begins to argue their case more strenuously . The end result seems to be overwhelmingly in favor of "bad feelings" .

It is very very difficult to decide how to respond to attacks by others. Kudos to you if indeed you have gotten through conflicts without a serious enemy . I have mixed feelings about that ......... as i can not help but agree with the old adage that "if you don't stand up to a bully , then you will never get free of it ".

Sasha draws her lines as to what is "acceptable" , for her. Almost all conflicts elicit the combatants issuing reasons why they respond as they do .

"Why can't we all just get along? " .......hmmmm . As much as this question can be analysed......... the fact still remains that humans are more divided than ever.

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May 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Doc Malik is a good man. He's been telling the truth for many, many years.

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Removed (Banned)May 7Liked by Sasha Latypova
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Largely insignificant character, who couldn't even hold a job he was offered at CHD, because all he does is make lists of people (on the anti-vax side) and proceed to do hit pieces on them on twitch, with about 60 retarded friends watching. CHD fired him, because they don't need a shit poster.

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May 11Liked by Sasha Latypova

a couple of years ago i was asked to write a piece about couey's infectious clone theory for a self-described "boutique" conspiracy-oriented blog which has since been outed as a DOD/truth ministry front.

when i went under the hood, what couey was saying just didn't add up

so i emailed my contact there (still not sure whether this was a dude or a girl) and suggested that i get couey on the phone for some direct quotes and hopefully a factcheck.

my "editor" then immediately pulled the plug on the investigation. looking back, it all makes sense now.

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Would you be able to share what you wrote about his infectious clone theory? I am reading Baric's papers now and want to compare notes.

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May 11Liked by Sasha Latypova

if i still have it on this machine i'll email it to you, hope i saved it!

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May 11Liked by Sasha Latypova

unfortunately i don't have my notes (and red flags) handy, if i kept them at all. this was a "circular dna for dummies" piece: here's the meat of couey's argument. unfortunately, for context you would have to watch more than an hour of couey's disjointed rambling and whiteboard drawings:


"Couey is skeptical about how viable mRNA viruses are as potential gain-of-function weapons, if at all. Furthermore, "Viruses are nature's information exchange - 99.999% are harmless." But - "Coronaviruses are largely harmless and therefore great potential trojan horses."

He goes on to explain what an infectious clone is: "A pure [i.e. lab-manufactured] version of a wild virus." You build it out of five cDNA's to start with, no more: in the lab, more complex sequences are ungainly and do not reproduce well. But cDNA can be reproduced, purified and then manufactured in large batches.

What for?

"You convert it to infectious RNA," Couey explains. You get a swarm where all the RNAs are engineered for maximum contagion and virulence, unlike in the wild where natural replication is dodgier and replete with errors which reduce its ability to wreak havoc.

Timing is everything, but becomes less of an issue if you have a big steaming batch ready to drop. When released, the pure virus quickly decays to natural levels: "The natural virus itself could not create a pandemic because it replicates so badly - even if they released an infectious clone in Wuhan, it would have disappeared."

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Removed (Banned)May 6
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May 6·edited May 6Author

Pamela, are you sure English is your first language? Do you need some remedial lessons in structuring proper sentences?

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Nice ad hominem attack ... This is the problem with you Sasha ... you cry like a baby when you are attacked but don't realize you play the same game. Is it any wonder people accuse you of divide and conquer tactics?

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May 7·edited May 7Author

What tactics? What ad hominem? I am simply asking questions and here you are, getting all upset. It's simply a clarification question.

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What tactics? Oh, you mean like when you insulted Dr. John Campbell? Or the way you casually dismissed people like Ginsberg as "conspiracy theorists"? Your insights are valuable, sure, but they might be better received if you toned down the ego and the anger. A more civil and restrained approach could help avoid pushing people away and reduce the likelihood of negative, retaliatory responses. Take a page out of Katherine Watt's book and exercise some civility and I am sure the attacks against you will go away...

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What ad hominem? What d&c tactics?

PamelaDrew wrote a sentence that is difficult to understand. She repeats JJ's points.

Sasha's comment is not an attack. Take it more like a demand to fix the run-on sentence, because it's not clear.

You jumped for nothing.

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Now, now. I understood what Pamela said quite clearly.


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Very interesting, thank you.

You know, I always misunderstand the activists.

Sometimes I wonder: do they even know what they want?

I like the concept of anacoluthon in rhetoric. It's rare, it's difficult, it's shocking but most people will never notice. But an accidental anacoluthon ain't a thing. Sometimes, people are just wrong.

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Not many English speakers know of, let alone read Proust...

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May 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

PamelaDrew - Your comment doesn’t make any sense…can you reword/correct it, or clarify?

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Yeah, weird how the "pandemic" stopped at state (city?) limits.

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May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova

"In addition to Russian and Ukrainian, I speak English, while the people who try to smear me speak only lies." — Touché!

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Sasha, you are a very gifted English speaker. Clever and witty!

- Laura Kragie MD biomedworks.substack.com

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You are a woman of great courage, clarity, charity, commitment, and sacrifice. And if we survive our Battle of Britain moment with the "Global Predators" than let it be said that never will so many have owed so much to so few; as you.

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Hello Pray With Your Legs. *Very* appropriate comment. We (human beings) are at war. Humans are losing. The other species strut around in suits and expensive party dresses...

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“ Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it; and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them. “ St Philip Neri

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(Wonderful quote!)

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I “second” that !💝

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May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova

Smearing someone is like confessing you are wrong, the last straw of those who either don't know what they are talking about, or those that know they are wrong but do not want to say they are.

It is like politics, those that manage to throw most mud usually win, always to my astonishment. If that is all you can, you are not worthy of my vote! I think by myself, reading that garbage. This is why I won't vote for either of the 3 main candidates.

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Removed (Banned)May 6
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I dunno what you are trying to say, but if you think Trump is anything other than an actor playing his role in the theatre of absurd Washington think again. He made the swamp bigger ffs! Dems are the same, acting a part to fool the people. nothing gets done. USA being dismantled

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The Deep State loves Trump, his operation Warp Speed helped to get at least 50% of the American people to get vaccinated. Trump is in a brotherhood with the Deep State, feeling very proud that he managed to kill and maim so many Americans and their remaining family members are still voting for him.

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May 6·edited May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you for all you do. Sasha, you and I had exchanged comments regarding Couey. They definitely had an olive branch tone. I know you gave him an opportunity to stop with the abuse. I’m am so sorry for the continued bashing. What a mistake and missed opportunity to collaborate.

I am so disappointed in Couey. I am disgusted with any disrespect towards your family and especially Mother. I emailed and even called him a few months ago. No answer. Anger will eat at one’s soul and brain as well.

You know I love your art.

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May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova

Her watercolors are superb..you have to be very talented with a brush to do them....my mom was an artist and always said watercolors are the most difficult medium.

nevertheless I still like her oil paintings the best.

Probably because I won't go near oils....I would end up with oil paint in my hair on the floor on my clothes and on all the furniture...permanently. my house would be ruined.

I am not allowed to use any permanent markers either. Anywhere.

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Truly! Sasha’s work is quite impressive. Indeed, watercolor is not an easy medium to master.

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Removed (Banned)May 6
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Pamela, you know children are off limits, don't you? And it wasn't 5 minutes. JJC & Houey (means penis in Russian) have spent considerable hours attacking my daughter over the past 12 months. Maybe they are pedos? I don't know really, but their obsessions are not healthy at any rate. And it's all documented.

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Removed (Banned)May 7
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May 7·edited May 7Author

What threat??? "My daughter has been very provocative" - HOW?? She made anti-woke, anti- child sexualization, anti-stupid school agenda videos. Now is your turn to answer questions. Are you PRO woke, transgender and child molestation agenda? In which case I understand why you dislike my daughter and why you think her content was "provocative". It was provoking YOU, am I right?

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Removed (Banned)May 7
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"I don’t know your daughter and therefore have no opinion on her"

You literally said this in one post before:

"your daughter has been very provocative"

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An ex-commie once rewrote this phrase he stole from an old Roman writer: “Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is not a virtue.”


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Removed (Banned)May 6
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I never look up who I am engaging with. I respond to all people based on how they behave toward me, as the Bible teaches us. You came in with asinine, rude, entitled behavior. You get smacked for that, and shortly you will be banned from here if you don't learn to be polite. That's how it is in reality. If you are approached by a belligerent stranger IRL, who comes into your house and starts insulting you, do you go and look up their LinkedIn profile or throw the stupid ass out?

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It would be helpful to focus on the ACTUAL ISSUES AT HAND. Issues such as the continued poisoning of adults, children, and new borne babies. Issues such as the ongoing "authorization' of forced incarceration due to an alleged pandemic. (Refer to New York State). The fact that courts, States Attorneys General, and persons employed law enforcement, are refusing to uphold Constitutional Law. The fact that military bio-labs are handsomely funded, and exist all over planet Earth.

I could go on, but persons who resort to the name game are (apparently) not interested in the legal/illegal realities of the situation...

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Agree completely, which is why I’m generally not that into other people, especially if I know absolutely nothing about them.

I’m not a joiner for this reason.

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Hello Mike Yeadon. Your comment brought this quote to mind, > “The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.”

- Marcus Aurelius - (April 26, 121 - March 17, 180)

I generally recluse myself from social activities. This allows me to ponder my own reality, and remain independent of group-think. It was never really a choice, I was born this way, and am glad of it.

Best regards to you, kind Sir.

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This is a weird comment.

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May 7·edited May 7Author

why is it a weird comment. If your teenage daughter is cyberstalked by 2 men, what is your first thought about them? The teenage girl used to make very popular anti-woke, anti-sexualization of children videos (for which she was banned by YT). It's a very bad look that these 2 peas in a pod go after someone vocally against these specific things. Very bad look of what they are up to and who they are.

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It’s not.

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My comment was in response to the comment now banned, not to the original comment by Sasha.

I was thinking outloud, because the comment looked tricky. Today I revisit this thread and I find the author is banned, and I confirm my suspicion.

I apologize for any misunderstanding here.

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Removed (Banned)May 7
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I called you exactly how you deserve to be called. Asshole. You did not ask questions, you posted lies and smears. Not a single thing you said about me was true. you need to apologies and remove those posts. Until then, you are a liar and an asshole, and there is no other way I will address you. You can fk off from here, this is my page.

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Richard, maybe if you reflect on your ways and apologize, you know, like persons with souls sometimes do.

Walk a mile on her sneakers.

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May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova

I believe you Sasha. The people you have mentioned are a terrible mob, JJ etc. I’ve always believed the dod was behind the plan. I’m sorry your family has been harassed. No one deserves that.

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Thank you! I know your family have suffered, and I am sorry for your loss of Benjamin.

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May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova

Here's one of the big problems facing people. Who are you going to trust and who are you going to listen to, whose information are you going to rely on, particularly as relates to these past four years of the Covid Operation. Who can connect the dots.

One of the best ways to do your due diligence and come to a full understanding of who is reliable and who is not is to go back and look at what that person was saying/doing before the Covid Con came to town.

If you can't find any or much information on that person it is not to say they are inherently untrustworthy but one thing it does suggest is that they will be unable to place the events of the last four years in any meaningful context.

As you are listening to various stories and interviews also listen carefully to how much context an individual knows as they present their information. How many other items are they able to speak to- as "Covid" is decidedly NOT some simple botched medical emergency or health event. Also pay attention to what they won't and/or refuse to say and/or cover.

As far as all of this goes Leslie Manookian sits at or near the top of the list of those who can and do cover the Whole Enchilada. And she does so with great intelligence and a contextual understanding that far surpass the likes of numerous "half-truth heroes" as I call them- like RFK, Bigtree, McCullough, Kirsch, Kory and so forth.

One would be naive to believe that all of these individuals just dropped out of the sky in an operation of this magnitude.

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Allen, that's interesting. Manookian was on Tom Cowan show back in '21.

She has links with some people at the WAPF. I detected some people around WAPF who sound weird, like infiltrators. And I don't look that place much. Maybe twice a year.

OTOH, JJ was with all those super weird guys of 'drastic.' It seems he did screw up his teaching career, so he needs a new career. He pretended for a while that he was terminated, but then he admitted they just didn't renew his contract, and gave him a severance pay or something. Not looking good.

JJ also commented he had a fight with his father because of his refusal to get the clotshot, or something like that. That sounds too dramatic to be true, right? I have my doubts.

He did those two emotional streams watching the vaxxed documentaries and he started saying he was now an antivaxxer. But does a leopard change his spots? More evidence for pacing the audience.

This guy is losing many points with me now that I look back.

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"Half-truth heroes"...I think I'm going to borrow that.

In return I have "malignorant" to offer if anyone is interested... :-)

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Accurate analysis. 100% with your views. It is simply called COMMEN SENS.

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Do they speak to the big picture or are they stuck in the 'jab is bad', 'government is bad' loop, snake charming the half-awake simpletons.

And, there is the big picture, the bigger picture, and the real big picture.

Very very few speak to the real big picture, the centuries old one. The black nobility and their minions - a fascinating hierarchy of predators. Frances Leader is one of the few. My opinion is that we (those seeking to be fully informed) need to open all the can of worms we may find and dig down to the root causes, while we don't comply - I mean never ever comply.

My other compass is what I'd written in few comments here and there is what these wannabe truth tellers have been saying over the last few years. In other words, we need weight their own internal consistency. Liars will become inconsistent at some point when they cannot exactly remember what and where they said before, and how they bent truth. However, to do so one needs to have good attention to detail and memory, which people don't have these days. The majority have outsourced their memory to technology, which they cannot even use properly for their advantage.

Sad times in many ways.

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I listened to a really interesting long form podcast on James Delingpole’s channel. Frances Leader came across as incredibly well sorted in herself and is on the detailed evidence underwriting the malign behavior of several “bloodline families”.

I’ve several blocks of evidence enough to convince me that ultra wealthy and politically powerful families have allied themselves with a eugenics, control and depopulation agenda of long standing.

I’ll leave the details of naming the guilty to others. Meanwhile I’ll focus on the what & how.

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Yes, I know she was his guest. I prefer reading than listening as it's more time effective for me. Also, I, for one, am not keen on Delingpole, basically I don't trust him. Even though Miri, whom I couldn't trust more, trusts him. Trust is not transferable :)

Re naming the names, Frances published a lits. It is not her list though. There were many others before her, and it's known in certain "conspiracy circles".

But suffice to look at the recurring names of all the clubs (eg. club of Rome) and secret societies. The mild challenge is to understand where the predators stand in the hierarchy.

You might want to read this from Agent and his subsequent Monday pieces. https://open.substack.com/pub/chemtrails/p/the-elites-meditation-room-reveals?r=1t06qv&utm_medium=ios

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I ❤️Leslie. She’s absolutely sound.

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May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova

Hold the line Sasha! Their gig is up and they know it. Every time they try to smear you it just reinforces and increases the number of people following you. Eyes are on them watching them and exposing them. The truth “always” comes out. They should remember that! Thank you for your courage and insightful expertise. You are very well respected because you’ve earned it! 🙏

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May 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you Sasha! Your work is appreciated so much, as always. Sharing this with us is very important. My gratitude is limitless for those like you, who continually strive for what is right and true. It’s so wrong to be attacked in any way. Non- deserving of it, even more-so. Shows how small they truly are, trying to abuse the vulnerabilities they know nothing about. I’m sorry about your dealings with these bad actors and hope they cease and desist from any further cause of harm. Their actions against you and your family are despicable, unforgivable. And I’m really glad that you name them!

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So sorry you are having to endure this abuse. These people are not worth worrying about. You are taking flack because you are over the target. Thank you for being a voice of truth in this upside down clown world we live in!

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May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova

One thing is certain. You are not corrupted, not even slightly. That is cool.

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Leslie is a true warrior who walks the walk!

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May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova

Agree and Leslie has been at this for a long time sounding the alarm.

Sasha, as far as the people trying to discredit you, do not follow any of them, so not aware, so there is that as they say. I suspect they have a small audience and are looking for click-bait.

Going after your child is not acceptable, and tells you everything you need to know about them. But I am sure she is equally as strong like her Mother and is dealing with it in good stride, with you at her side.

Happy Mothers Day in advance.

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May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova

Hand in hand with Sasha!

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Leslie and I spoke at length when we were in Costa Rica in 2021. I found her a delight as a thought partner.

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May 6·edited May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha, anyone with common sense who has followed your substack know that you're the "real deal". How you exposed the "kill box' legislated by congress told me all I need to know on your credentials. Having worked within the pharma world is a benefit when you speak truth. Keep on "keeping on". The compromised/useful idiots expose themselves over time, not hard to see. Attacking your family is not rules of engagement for legitimate discourse.

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Very sad to this happening when the true adversaries are so powerful. Thank you for the work you have done and shared.

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The 'adversaries' are only as powerful as the illusions allowed to dictate they have power. Perhaps the solution is to walk into their offices and fire or defenestrate them. I prefer the later...

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May 6·edited May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova

This is depressing. I'm not sure I believe you saying these attacks don't bother you at all. Or to put it another way -- that wouldn't be the case with me. I would be quite upset, maybe not at the onset but after such behavior continued and continued. I would say how do these people look at themselves in the mirror except the only answer can be that there is no mirror

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I am not upset. I think this is a gift from God, the clarity and staying out of the emotion space.

This campaign against me has been going on for over a year. I observed and documented until I was completely sure. Now I know the enemy, and it is important that other people do, too.

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May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova


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How do we get out of this war?

Especially without emotion.

Hard to forget the hospital, iatrogenic etc abuses.

Paint? Look at the kids?


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Yes, art helps as it takes you out of this plane into another plane. I read a lot of history. It can make some people depressed as most human history is rather miserable. However, I don't know why but I see the greater meaning in it, even in this moment. We are MADE BY GOD TO FIGHT EVIL. Every word of this counts. Not just made, not just by God, but specifically, to fight evil. Therefore, the evil is there for this purpose. We must fight it, and only by fighting it we become human. So we should be thankful it is there to be fought.

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I helped organize the Worldwide Freedom Rallies around the world and in our telegram meetings with organizers we realized we needed to be very clear in our rallies that we were here to bring the light, not to fight the darkness. That became our rallying point #HoldTheLight. It made a huge difference. To be FOR something carries a lot more energy than to be against something. FOR freedom. The light you shed, Sasha, on what was done in darkness to try to make us forget and give up our divine rights to freedom -- above all freedom to choose where we direct our energy -- is powerful indeed. Your art brings another window to this light, to remember who we are. How glorious the life before us. If we had no darkness, how would we know the freedom to choose? And I believe that's how we get out of this war. Acknowledge and process the darkness, then take back our power to build what we want instead of this and honor the light we have already in our lives.

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Gandhi is quoted as saying “ non violent, non cooperation with evil is a duty.” Satyagraha campaign. Truth force.

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Psalms 37:1-40 Amen



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Blessings in JESUS

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May 6Liked by Sasha Latypova

Go, girl!

We will see them in Hell -- from our view from Heaven.

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Hi Dr.Yeadon,

I admire your bravery for standing up against the fraudulent use of PCR tests, before anyone (aside from the fraudsters) had a clue.


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