Eat fresh and know where your food comes from; which is also a great diet b/c you simply eat less. Question your doctor. Do they really know what they are prescribing you; probably not? Go outside. The sun likes you. Live rural. They are nicer people. Simplicity is the best prescription. Remember the phrase, "wake up and smell the roses". It's not really about waking up or roses. It's about being alert and presently taking in the senses. Thank you for your work, Sasha.

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"Question your doctor. Do they really know what they are prescribing you; probably not?"

Funny you should ask.

I discovered yesterday that my husband's doctor sent our pharmacy a renewal prescription for the WRONG dose of his thyroid medication. I was livid and the doctor's office was extremely apologetic. But what if I hadn't inadvertently noticed the careless error and he continued underdosing?

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Like a friend of mine with hashimotos, her dose of altroxin was long due for smaller application, but no. She ended up losing another 10+ kg and with a hot tongue syndrome... she has to let her tongue hang out baby! Yeah, to cool it down like a dog but this good for nothing dr didn't notice.

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Jun 8, 2023
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... & masked bio weapons.

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Jun 8, 2023
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Yep, my hubs stopped his life long BP drugs. Why do they tell you to avoid grapefruit when taking these drugs? Because grapefruit has been proven to lower blood pressure! But the docs don't get a cut of the grapefruit sales so, here, take this pill daily, for the rest of your life. I'm not sure of what else he takes besides grapefruit and turmeric but he says he feels better than he ever did at 69 yo so I'm glad he's now listening to his body. Many years ago, the docs put him on statin. He had a terrible time with nightky leg cramps, etc and then just refused to take them any longer, much to the doctor's chagrin and attempt at adding a couple of more pills to "counteract" the adverse reactions of the first. Sometimes I wonder how many pills x pills x pills the average senior gets prescribed through Medicare.. Old age has somehow become a "manageable" disease.

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Thanks Grammar! Mirrors my own statin horror story.

Thereafter binned all my meds immediately.


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Something I take is high-potency cayenne tincture. There is no better heart drug in your doctor's office.

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I hear Quest is ahead of LabCorps when it comes to reliability. Thanks for the lead to https://www.walkinlab.com/

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Hello Kathy M. Erm... Quote: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quest_Diagnostics

"Quest Diagnostics set a record in April 2009 when it paid $302 million to the government to settle a Medicare fraud case alleging the company sold faulty medical testing kits. It was the largest qui tam (whistleblower) settlement paid by a medical lab for manufacturing and distributing a faulty product.

In May 2011, Quest paid $241 million to the state of California to settle a False Claims Act case that alleged the company had overcharged Medi-Cal, the state's Medicaid program, and provided illegal kickbacks as incentives for healthcare providers to use Quest labs.

In 2018, Quest Diagnostics was among a number of US based labs linked to inaccuracies of over 200 women's cervical smear tests for CervicalCheck, Ireland's national screening programme. Audits of the testing performed by Quest (and another subcontractor Clinical Pathology Laboratories, Inc. of Austin Texas) showed a high rate of errors in analysis of samples which led to lawsuits and a government inquiry. Quest and the Irish government continue to settle the resulting lawsuits." [End quote]

My Lyme disease experience told me that Quest Labs was a crooked organization that fudged Lyme disease tests by utilizing CDC recommended kits limited to testing kits for kDa31. There are other reports of inconsistencies within their testing procedures. I won't go into all that...

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An inspiring piece. This should be a tee shirt!!

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Good comment. I live in Berkeley, California. I like it because most of the time it feels like a small town…..people are polite, friendly and respectful. I see people walking everywhere now which is what makes a neighborhood feel like one and less crime. Having a store within walking distance of your house is massive! You have to wonder if zoning laws were deliberately written to have to get in your car to get some groceries.

Expect that people will be nice and kind……walking into a situation with fear and mistrust will surely engender such

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Thx Stephen. Excellent point about bringing fear and mistrust into a situation. I suppose when I'm suggesting "live rural", I'm really trying to say live more "self-reliant", or more reliant on your local community. Community is powerful. Of course, having a grocery store within walking distance of home is great, if the store stays supplied and open. I don't think it's too fearful to ask yourself, "what if" that store or the ones around it were not open; maybe just have a plan B. Admittedly, I'm more dedicated to my plan B than most. I've cycled through Berkeley and it is beautiful. I just spent some time further south in Monterey as well. Gorgeous, but SHEESH the home prices! Yes, there are a lot of reasons California has grown to nearly 40 million people.

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Hello Travis Coursey: "Live rural"??? Most of the world's population (approximately 5 billion) are confined to URBAN environments. Out of this interpolation, less than 5% personally own title to real property. That is: They rent... Try growing a years worth of crops on your coffee table... The vast majority are dependent on large agribusiness conglomerates, non-localized food production, and mass distribution of genetically altered food...

My senses (along with the senses of every other living being) are assaulted 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by massive amounts of electromagnetic interference. Humans aren't sick. The environment is sick. > From the AMERICANS for RESPONSIBLE TECHNOLOGY web site:

Independent Science on the Effects of Wireless Radiation on Human Health and the Environment

“There are more than 1,000 scientific studies conducted by independent researchers from around the world concerning the biological effects of RF radiation. Here we present some of the most recent.”


[See the list of references at the close of each study.]

Sorry if my roses stink...

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Interested readers may want to focus on this section: >

"VI. DNA Damage and Gene Expression Changes"


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Thank you for this great comment - excellent advice all the way around, couldn’t agree more!!

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Well, jerks killed my brother with Remdesivir and a vent. He would wake up and they would sedate him again so he couldn't get the vent off. It's in their hospital notes! They don't care how, just kill them somehow! CRISPR, does it crisp the genes before they take them out? I feel cynical about all the protocols now, and really, I don't believe they want to cure any of these rare diseases. Just get $$$ for research. *Beautiful art as usual.*

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Another beautiful moment for big pharma, wonder how much they got paid even before started. Like a deposit, and there is always the loop hole which they found in our absolute useless immune system (millions of years of wasteful immune systems we have) which they want to fix or fox rather. .

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I read it was $13,000 for COVID diagnosis, $39,000 for ventilator, forgot the amount for Remdesivir but a lot, in NV, where he was hospitalized with Pneumonia, not COVID, but they put COVID Pneumonia on the death certificate and I read that gets the funeral home another $10,000. There was a list floating around that listed the incentives by state. Criminal to incentivise death! In the supposed health industry!

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Hospitals became the 'killing fields' of the 21st century.

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I love everything about this article. Love the way Sasha thinks and analyzes. I could not agree more with her conclusions here. Sorry to be so effusive but hers is the kind of skepticism necessary to cautiously navigate scientific claims.

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Yes. The article is honest and brilliant.

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Amazing, isn't it? After all these years, Cain is still trying to kill off Abel's seed. Using 'vaccines' this time! And all because his original 'sacrifice' wasn't accepted.

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amazing ... the story of the world, The Curse of Canaan.

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Jun 8, 2023
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But Christ demonstrated a new paradigm - the Law of Service. Sasha & other earnest Freedom Fighters are leading the charge agst. the darkness of ignorance at great personal risk.

Just viewed Dr. Carrie Madej’s interview with Aman Jabbi filmed not long after her plane crash accident in which she suffered terrible injuries (about 6 mis. ago now?). Her rapid recovery was a miracle. The Light in her face was brilliant & her Spirit was joyful. You’d expect a person who survives a plane crash to be shaken, fearful, & diminished. NOT Carrie! Far from being self-involved & licking her wounds, she was soon out in the trenches again fighting the good fight - bringing the ppl’s attention to another insidious evil being perpetrated by the Globalists. Here’s the link as I recommend everyone watch it.


God only knows what will happen in the future & where the chips will fall. So, we must all pray for the protection of our fearless leaders like Sasha, Carrie, etc.

We have suffered great losses such as Luc Montagnier, Rashid Buttar, & Dr. Arne Burkhardt. These men knew the risks of their actions. God bless them & all who remain on earth to fight. Maybe we needed a few strong leaders (now Warrior Angels) on the other side to help guide us in this battle for Humanity’s soul. .

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Sometimes, knowing just a little is far worse and dangerous than complete ignorance.

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Sad... it can be a soft form of eugenics if one can say for def this little guy didn't experience any pain. And getting paid for it as well, well, well. Stick, glue and slice/cut, almost like collaging they do, crispr.

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... must be something like that, given the ideological fervor, hatred and multi-generational cohesiveness with which TPTB go at their "great work".

Though alternatively they could be in the know we're heading towards an 'Olduvai Cliff' -apocalypse (post-peak everything) by ~2030 (they are from oil families, so they would know first whether there's abiotic oil or not and how high or low the accessible global fossil oil reserves are really) and want to cause enough havock to quietly get their DU(M)BS ready, idk.

Olduvai Theory strangely specific about "2030":


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This is a super troubling document that is issued from the Canada government in association with a future strategic planning group that looks at technology through biodigital convergence. The document looks at issues associated with artificial intelligence, animal and human augmentation and in the future transhunanism. The document covers the gamet of areas like manufacturing, agriculture and farming, and healthcare. The main member is a former World Economic Forum future strategic planner. I have a knot in the pit of my stomach. Funny as Canadians, we are told that the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum do not influence policies. I say that this is huge misinformation.

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I have come to the opinion that if a solution requires technology, it is BAD.

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Lovely! Common sense and listening to your gut. To enter the highest realms does not require intellect. Nor does figuring out what is going on. It’s almost a black mark against you to have a PhD in my book because they have closed minds in many cases. Ha ha.

I am always running into ppl who throw away food if it’s been left out of fridge for an hour! Having grown up without one and realizing they are a pretty new invention I now postulate that maybe historically we have eaten food that may have fermented a bit and made our biome strong. And therefore we are making ourselves weaker by just following conventions.

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Klaus, live on stage stated that he/we have "penetrated the Canadian cabinet"! Of course it's easy to penetrate comprador sock puppets. The alternatives are no better in the vassal state of Canada.

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This treatise is pure #technocrat #transhumanist #eugenics #scientism. It's scarier than Mein Kamph and the #CommunistManifesto combined. Thank you, Lisa and Sasha.

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Just an aside...The United Nations has replaced it's 192 nation flags with rainbow flags! I guess we just HAVE to CELEBRATE what sexually one calls oneself! Who cares!!!

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As in the U.S. your govt. probably receives written instructions on a daily basis. Be of good cheer. Sisterly love!

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How are they NOT complicit, they keep sending all the misinformation and divide and rule strategies, ha ha ha. Anglo-american gold standard strategy.

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oh, well, that's just AWESOME. total and complete lunacy! i'm old enough (and living rural in the woods of BC) to scoff at this, but i do think that young people growing up in cities will consider all of this 'cool.' how could they not with all the pervasive brainwashing? an older friend of mine said to me the other day that there was a post on facebook (i don't go there) with someone questioning why farmers kill their animals, and why don't they just go to the supermarket and buy meat instead. seriously. this is how dull most now are.

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I honestly think now is the time to live in a rural community.

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it's certainly more sane!

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If you are on Twitter check out user Barely Bruised Books. He is very up to date on the Biodigital Convergence agenda… I used to interact with him regularly until my Twitter account got suspended last week :(

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Jun 8, 2023
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What I call misinformation is the notion that this information given is independent of corporate interests and outside organizations.

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It is a tragic thing Terry was so desperate and/or misled to risk his life for treatment that has not been through clinical trials. What of informed consent? Did he even have capacity to consent? How, how, HOW is this legal?????????

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Hey, if you are fifteen years old you can consent to genital mutilation in the US. If you are thirty and well read on the subject, you can't consent to Invermectin. Run that through your mind and think about the population mind control and indoctrination it takes to get the public to buy into that.

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It must be all those conspiracy theorists that read the NYT and gobble up the MSM ‘er I mean the Ministry of Information Management.

It’s astounding when you see it. We have engineered a coup in a far off land and will provoke their neighbor, but you won’t know too much about it. The neighbor will invade and all of a sudden we are sending money to the invaded or should I say the War Machine. We slap sanctions on the invaders. They emerge more powerful. People still believe the MSM even after the debacle in Iraq.

East Asia has attacked Oceania, we must help our allies Big Brother said.

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Yes! Hilarious, the sceance

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Yes😔 a sad truth and well put. Highlights the absolute lunacy and absurdity of it all. I’m keeping my kids close and educating them as much as possible on our family values. Still in the school system out of necessity but have already largely reduce our visits to allopathic doctors. So far both of my kids seem be aware of some of the issues going on… gosh I hope they will come through on the other side as critically thinking, moral adults.

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That which a mother teaches her children in their youth, with loving intent, will remain in their hearts when they grow older and wiser. As a "problem child" in my youth for my own mother, I can testify of the truth of that statement.😉

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Hear! Hear!

(Addressed to Robert Hunter's comment.)

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Excellent article. It surely portrays the medical/technological slippery slope we are traveling. Just because you CAN do something doesn't make it right to do. Some things should be left as is and not messed with and mother nature is one of those things.

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Following a quote from Jurasic Park, the movie. I remember this each and every time I read about new scientific solutions for health issues (too many times to count on last 3+ years).

"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." — Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park

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I love it and I would like to share it on my Substack. I have this article keyed up for my Friday Substack. I will give you the props.

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By all means, share it. It's not mine but I think of it so very often these days!!! 👍

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I've thought and said something nearly identical for decades... "Just because you can do a thing doesn't mean you should."

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Lord have Mercy. How evil. I believe this stunt ranks pretty high in the lowest depths of created hell.

Moral of the story: These "scientists" are insane. They appear to be serial killers masquerading as other "professionals."

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Yes: Quite insane. I'm sure someone thinks they're wonderful loving individuals. Idi Amin's in white lab coats...

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Assassins in white coats I call them. They are the "priest class" who can do as they will with their disciples.

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Didn't Trump just proclaim one of his campaign planks is the source for autism? Of course he stopped short of the vaxx

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Trying to not get more jaded or cynical ...getting hard to do so.

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Jun 8, 2023
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I have thought that. Kennedy's not going away, and he sure as hell won't be running with the psychopath party. With Barron being obviously on the spectrum, it's unfortunate that Trump didn't initiate the vaccine commission like he was supposed to do, with RFK heading it up.

Honestly, I am at a loss with Trump at this point. I voted for him twice. But he's 7 years in and still getting played, and stabbed in the back. Didn't he just strong arm for McCarthy, in January?

But you are right, Trump and RFK -- in whatever order -- is the only winning ticket.

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As much as I like RFK Jr., I despise Trump.

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Without Trump we wouldn't know diddly about the deep state. Keep your eyes open for the "even deeper state" that comes with pending information of UFO's . . . now officially referred to by NASA and the DOD as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena.

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That is a false assertion. He may have brought their existence to a dim light to new to sleeple, yet he has never said who and what they are, did nothing against them and anointed a slew of DS operatives in his cabinet, in his appointments, to his Cabinet and as his "advisors".

He is an Actor on the state of the Uni-Party.

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As do I. Important to talk with Trumpers though. We ALL want to drain the swamp. I think they were hoodwink because all his actions were to make the swamp bigger

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Jun 8, 2023Edited
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So if he's PART of the swamp, and he was so stellar in doing their bidding and facilitating everything they wanted done . . . why not let him just keep going with a second term? Why cheat and install Biden?

If he's PART of the swamp, and he's their guy, why put him and the country through RussiaRussia/Mueller/Impeachment for three solid years?

Stop screaming long enough to address what I asked. Or you out yourself.

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Jun 8, 2023Edited
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A saint? Sexual addiction, drug addiction - to the point where an ex-wife hung herself. He makes Trump's playboy nonsense appear pedestrian. There are no saints here. And once you go juvenile and reference excrement, you have no credibility. At all.

The rabid shrieking is going nowhere. How about giving it a rest.

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Jun 8, 2023
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Agreed, both are flawed -- as are we all. Although there's no shortage of Monday-morning crew here that can see oh so very clearly.

Trump came into this as he was. Very bright, great success in business and media along with the requisite losses. Shoots from the hip, too easily flattered which is dangerous in itself, extremely disciplined in some areas (alcohol/drugs) but not in others (women). Despite the infidelities, he seems to have had three good marriages - the ex-wives didn't hang themselves. Apart from Jr's divorce and Ivanka's choice of a spouse the kids seem sane and productive. No scandalous behavior and lots of grandkids.

As I have posted before, I believe that he was very capable in dealing with the Tony Soprano type of corruption. You don't build things in Manhattan without understanding what the deal is. My gut says he THOUGHT he understood the next level of corruption and depravity, but he did not. RFK does, and always did.

The people with TDS live for it - it's in their blood. Like people hate the Cowboys. There's nothing that will change it, and who cares anyway.

Where things go from here, I have no idea. But there's more to all of it than we're aware of. Of that I'm certain.

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OK by me. How RFK, Jr. will survive as a democrat is what I want to see.

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Rare diseases get the spotlight like a loud small yapping dog, while only 5 percent of cancers and heart disease can be contributed to heredity. Most chronic disease is epigenetic:


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Jun 8, 2023
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True. That's why the top supplements go to the wealthy, racehorses, athletes, and the rest of us, in that order.

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Are you sure the racehorses don't come first? 😆

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You may be right about that actually Kathy.

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It’s so obvious they see us as useless eaters. They are sub- maggots. A maggot has a higher consciousness!

We know we can attain the highest godhead if we live and act with a spiritual aim. These ppl in charge are barely human. Only using us for what we can do for them. Yes they have all the fancy-dancy smoke and mirrors TV indoctrination but we will win if we embrace humanity, common sense and maybe a pitchfork or 2 million. Ha ha

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Sasha, this article is so true and so well written. You are indeed a great soul and a great mind. Naked truth is not appealing. It needs to be dressed with the luxurious clothes of eloquent words. You are capable of doing that. In the name of all truth seekers and lovers: thank you. God bless you.

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Yes, absolutely true. Thank goodness for Shasha's intelligence, compassion and coursge to share all this!

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Continuation of the normalization of abject pathology in all things. Nature = bad, not to be trusted (includes your immune system) anything experimental with genetics = good and worthy of your trust. It's remarkable how it just keeps chugging alone - even after this greatest of crimes. What an utterly insane and upside down world we're in.

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Trust man not God is what they're saying. Yeah, right.

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Scientism has become the religion of the Elite. Through their control of every Complex (Media, Academia, Healthcare, Government, Etc.) they coerce humanity into adopting Scientism as the Global belief system.

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Yes, get your gene therapy to get a digital ID that will allow you to function between potentially fatal sequential shots


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That is some crazy and unbelievable stuff, yet it is true. Thank-you for sharing.

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Genetics is the left brained approach to the unknown.

They "discovered" genes using chemicals and assumed that this is what runs the body. One push was started in the 70s, to cure cancer with genetics... Haha if they only knew why cancer happens in the first place: toxins that the body cannot eliminate.

But sadly after decades of trying to find patterns, they claim we have junk DNA.

Even 23 and me was trying to map things, based on the samples submitted and the information of the location, name, etc given.

That also failed, there's many spurious results...


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I suppose they are considering the devastating costs worth the anticipated desired results - you know, you must 'break a few eggs' to make an omelet. Saw this timely report of the damage being done here: "Every Organ Expressing Spike Is Attacked As If It Were Transplanted Due To The Expression Of A Foreign Non-Self Protein On Cell Surfaces." https://wmcresearch.substack.com/p/an-urgent-warning-the-spike-protein?publication_id=770713&post_id=126719737&isFreemail=true

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