Thank you Sasha for doing the work that I feel too disheartened to do: exposing this and all government-sponsored Covid “investigations” for what they are - intentional coverups of the global military-intelligence operation.
Unfortunately, of the 8 billion, I estimate that a large portion wore face diapers, kept a 6 foot distance, and offered their arm for the poison. Only anger and honesty with themselves will we see a response worthy of gross harm and murder inflicted on them.
Some believe that there's 8 billion people contrarian to the 10 thousand or so globalist death cult. My point is that many of the 8 billion blindly complied. If those that took the poison are conscious they may have made a mistake, they may be angry at themselves for doing so and looking for justice. Not sure there's many that will. You never know, I would like to see every one of the 8 billion demand justice. The system we're governed by is corrupt and needs change.
Each has a time of deep rest and healing that is both necessary and renewing. Dr Mike, you certainly pushed hard for a long while. Give your burdens to the Lord, He will carry them. I cannot remember the scripture reference, and there are many to heal our hearts and minds, in Psalms and throughout His Word. Thank you for being a mighty good man.
I feel your fatigue Debbie, but still can't shut my mouth whenever the topic comes up. The world changes one person at a time. Some people need to hear the truth repeated many times, in different ways in different contexts, before they become aware. Every voice, every word of truth, helps.
My sentiments exactly. I am Canadian and I am totally disillusioned with what is called our elected government. However, I do look to South of the border and I see that under Hegseth the same military operations are continuing, the vaccines are still deployed, the skies are still being sprayed, nothing has changed. There is a lot of distracting crap happening but nothing has really changed! And forget anything changing north of that border with the WEF, WHO worshipping puppets we have running the show! Globalist Carney is poised to step into the muck and mire left by JT Knuckehead.
I belong to several holistic FB groups for people and animals. There are several people who know the germ hypothesis hoax. We answer pertinent questions about viruses by exposing the myth. Several people in the groups start asking questions about no virus and what really is the “disease” in question. Members of these groups are often open to be educated and it’s not a big leap for them to open their minds to the medical mafia and their narratives.
..."First, pandemics do not exist"...I vote we make that the new first amendment. As a firm dissenter and denier I suggest that you bums just give up trying. Quit wasting my tax dollars trying to find ways to murder me. I am never going to buy into your filthy virus marketing. Ain't gonna happen.
Spraying in S Florida, but not as heavily. There is still mostly blue sky and a few 'normal' cumulus least from ground level they look normal. Outside most of the morning in natural areas...very few birds or insects.
Just a break in the culling. We had months of clear skies in CA last year after, I forget, the solar eclipse(?)… it was after April 2024. But then, of course, lines in the sky started up again. We had a break for a few weeks after Palisades fires, but now back again.
I have a suggestion: name Tim Burton director of the next pandemic. Give him all the budget he wants and the best makeup artists, and make all politicians look like zombies and demons, that is, to externalize the beauty of their souls.
The virus could be about people developing Tourette's syndrome and uncontrollable laughter. Researcher Daniel Roytas mentions an epidemic of laughter in Africa, so it's perfectly credible.
Next, by imperial mandate, all epidemonologists must wear a clown nose and big shoes, 24/7, even in the shower.
Use the US Marine corps to take control of the Wikipedia and reddit, and force them to stick to the facts and the logic of science.
Rifles with selectable full auto looks great in pictures, btw.
Last, shut down all think tanks and all universities, for the time of the pandemic. Keep the academics inside the buildings, repurposed as prisons.
I think everything I suggest is perfectly reasonable.
Ya really got me on "Next, by imperial mandate, all epidemonologists must wear a clown nose and big shoes, 24/7, even in the shower." Had to laugh at the visual...
Perhaps spell changed to Epide-monologue-ists... A new class of supper rapper clowns...
Plandemics are proven to be useful for Tyranical regimes to compromise voting and of course to make billions for Pharmonsters who bribe officials to mandate ill contrived vaccines.
"The late Dr. Francis Boyle was clear that not only state AGs could prosecute, but even state attorneys, and county prosecutors or county district attorneys could also prosecute these crimes. The presidential pardon does not protect Fauci from state level prosecution."
Nationwide Covid Criminal Enterprise Laws by state
YES, Sasha, HOW CAN ANYONE ANYWHERE achieve a justified measure of events if relying on pre-prepared evidence that, obviously, is not evident?? It is ABSURD, and their "task forces" can go to _ ell. LOOK AT REALITY, LET IT SPEAK TO YOU, OPEN YOUR EYES, PEOPLE.
If anyone can sit still glancing at statistics which is there to make them believe that what was not actually was and oh feel fine they are, in fact, complicit.
Best news as an awakening of sorts . I saw a patient today for a yearly Gyn exam and she has a blood clot near her liver and is on Eliquis. I asked her if she took Covid shots and she said yes , 4 !!! She said “ funny you asked , my vascular surgeon and hematologist asked the same thing and all you doctors said no more” . Poor lady giggled with nervous laughter and wanted to know why CVS is still offering it !! I said ask your government officials, and congratulated her for connecting the dots .
Just keep using the PCR kit... Today the herds of modern moron slaves STILL "think" it is a test, and if a "positive" is revealed then "I'm going to die... PLEASE give me a m[iracle]RNA toxic spew jab"!
Sasha, you made my day...again. Thank you so much. You are why we love you. I took the liberty of drawing Dr. Makis' attention to your work today, with a teeny, tiny, wee, excerpt from your post...(without permission...I am not very sorry...perhaps a little licentious, in the archaic)...and posted it on his Substack, Covid Intel. I am grateful to you Sasha, and also, as I see comments here, today, Debbie Lerman, Dr. Mike Yeadon, feeling a little down perhaps, I want to encourage you, from the heart. You've done the lion's share of the heavy lifting for the benefit of the entire world, and you are not only noticed, and appreciated, but you are also loved by so many. You will one day be honored, of that I am certain, and I will be there, telling you...('I told you so'). There are, in the background, some who are stubborn and continue to fight...we use the information you have, through your personal sacrifices, provided to us as ammo, and like very good soldiers and outdoorsmen, we use wisely, unexpectedly, and with force multiplication. Our job is to tell the truth and endure unto the end, keeping our testimony and our faith. Please know that you are loved greatly. We are grateful to each of you.
Public gyms too have been around for decades. Consider all the bacteria on the barbells, dumbbells, weight plates etc. which thousands of gym members handle daily/weekly at their respective facilities. I've used public gyms since 2000 and coached out of them (as a personal trainer) since 2011 and never "caught" any illness during that time from being in the gym. I had the flu in 2017 but that was immediately after a relative had it who was staying with my wife and I at the time. My wife didn't contract it interestingly.
During convid-19 gyms were classed as "recreational" so the psychos in government could justify shutting them down. Can't have strong folk able to resist tyranny eh. Unfortunately, many in the fitness fraternity fell for the psy-op with disastrous consequences for their personal health.
The truth is that there was no “pandemic” and the response was not a public health response. Covid was (and remains) a global classified military-intelligence operation. We cannot achieve true accountability until this is acknowledged by the “freedom fighters” everywhere. We must demand that the nature of the covid response is unclassified and properly investigated.
Not to worry. We now have a mRNA injection that will cure all forms of cancer overseen by one Larry Ellison the new Bill Gates who is in enough trouble worldwide for his past activities. The new shots can be devised in 48 hours so they don't need to be tested. Isn't this miraculous (sic)?. Today apparently RFK has endorsed MMR jab for the child schedule of poison. Are we at all surprised. Don't forget Kennedy first went to the Kamel for a job and was turned down. Then he applied to the Donald. Thank you Sasha and Debbie for your past efforts. THEY won't relent neither must we.
Thank you Sasha for doing the work that I feel too disheartened to do: exposing this and all government-sponsored Covid “investigations” for what they are - intentional coverups of the global military-intelligence operation.
I echo that. I just feel battered most days here in Year 6.
They are maybe 8,000 compared to our 8,000,000,000.
That's one in a million. The rest are employees whose allegiance is fickle.
So all it takes is a change in awareness.
One by one the nodes change direction. Some when one neighbor changes, some only when all neighbors change.
All spring you look at a frozen river, but the water is warming underneath, until one day the thing melts.
A phase change.
Look what happens when USAID leaves (not advocating petrol bombs though):
WATCH: Massive Protests in Greece, Hundreds of Thousands Gather and Throw Petrol Bombs at Police
Unfortunately, of the 8 billion, I estimate that a large portion wore face diapers, kept a 6 foot distance, and offered their arm for the poison. Only anger and honesty with themselves will we see a response worthy of gross harm and murder inflicted on them.
? I think your second sentence needs an edit to make it make sense.
Some believe that there's 8 billion people contrarian to the 10 thousand or so globalist death cult. My point is that many of the 8 billion blindly complied. If those that took the poison are conscious they may have made a mistake, they may be angry at themselves for doing so and looking for justice. Not sure there's many that will. You never know, I would like to see every one of the 8 billion demand justice. The system we're governed by is corrupt and needs change.
"Only anger and honesty with themselves will we see a response worthy of gross harm and murder inflicted on them."
I don't understand what you're trying to say.
Each has a time of deep rest and healing that is both necessary and renewing. Dr Mike, you certainly pushed hard for a long while. Give your burdens to the Lord, He will carry them. I cannot remember the scripture reference, and there are many to heal our hearts and minds, in Psalms and throughout His Word. Thank you for being a mighty good man.
Is it really year 6 already. Like a dystopian novel we've started counting our lives from the moment of a terrible (though contrived) happening.
I feel your fatigue Debbie, but still can't shut my mouth whenever the topic comes up. The world changes one person at a time. Some people need to hear the truth repeated many times, in different ways in different contexts, before they become aware. Every voice, every word of truth, helps.
Exactly so. And I too will never shut up about it because I no longer give a shit about who cancels me for it.
Much gratitude for you both.
My sentiments exactly. I am Canadian and I am totally disillusioned with what is called our elected government. However, I do look to South of the border and I see that under Hegseth the same military operations are continuing, the vaccines are still deployed, the skies are still being sprayed, nothing has changed. There is a lot of distracting crap happening but nothing has really changed! And forget anything changing north of that border with the WEF, WHO worshipping puppets we have running the show! Globalist Carney is poised to step into the muck and mire left by JT Knuckehead.
Trudeau took the football to the 5 yard line, Carney is appointed to take it across the goal line.
Unfortunately yes.
I was shocked by Hegseth's input at the NATO summit recently.
"Hard power is real power" and military budgets must be increased!
I thought that this administration was supposed to be anti-war!
Hegseth's ears ... distracting ... does he have elven bloodlines?
Hegseth's and Vance's "worship" of President Trump is also a concern.
Loyalty is valued, even essential but ... is there an American political cult?
Might explain some things that seem to be inexplicable!
Like why Americans believe the political mantras regardless.
I belong to several holistic FB groups for people and animals. There are several people who know the germ hypothesis hoax. We answer pertinent questions about viruses by exposing the myth. Several people in the groups start asking questions about no virus and what really is the “disease” in question. Members of these groups are often open to be educated and it’s not a big leap for them to open their minds to the medical mafia and their narratives.
I also read your work and it is food for my brain thoughts. I hope you will take heart, you also are doing good things for anyone seeking truth.
..."First, pandemics do not exist"...I vote we make that the new first amendment. As a firm dissenter and denier I suggest that you bums just give up trying. Quit wasting my tax dollars trying to find ways to murder me. I am never going to buy into your filthy virus marketing. Ain't gonna happen.
My sibling in Colorado said all of a sudden the skies are clear - no chemtrails.
Progress or just a break in the culling?
We’ve got breaks in southern England, in West Wales & in the Midlands.
I’m told it’s sunny in Nice, France.
It’s sunny in Spain.
Looks like a strategic pause. Maybe.
Spraying in S Florida, but not as heavily. There is still mostly blue sky and a few 'normal' cumulus least from ground level they look normal. Outside most of the morning in natural areas...very few birds or insects.
Reminiscent of ten weeks straight sun March to May 2020. Hmmm!🤔
Just a break in the culling. We had months of clear skies in CA last year after, I forget, the solar eclipse(?)… it was after April 2024. But then, of course, lines in the sky started up again. We had a break for a few weeks after Palisades fires, but now back again.
THEY are spraying Utah which will waft over to Colorado. I see them every day.
Yep, we see it coming round (over) the mountains. Thx Utah! 😹 However, we have had some breaks as noted above.
I noticed less here in Boston area after the Pacific Palisades fires.
Maybe a break?
The only pandemic the world has had in the last 500 years is the Covid-19 vaccination pandemic.
Another outstanding analysis! You are, without a doubt, one of the most fearless warriors in telling the naked truth; keep on doing it.
I agree, And Sasha's oil's on panel are marvelous.
I have a suggestion: name Tim Burton director of the next pandemic. Give him all the budget he wants and the best makeup artists, and make all politicians look like zombies and demons, that is, to externalize the beauty of their souls.
The virus could be about people developing Tourette's syndrome and uncontrollable laughter. Researcher Daniel Roytas mentions an epidemic of laughter in Africa, so it's perfectly credible.
Next, by imperial mandate, all epidemonologists must wear a clown nose and big shoes, 24/7, even in the shower.
Use the US Marine corps to take control of the Wikipedia and reddit, and force them to stick to the facts and the logic of science.
Rifles with selectable full auto looks great in pictures, btw.
Last, shut down all think tanks and all universities, for the time of the pandemic. Keep the academics inside the buildings, repurposed as prisons.
I think everything I suggest is perfectly reasonable.
We shall name your proposal "A Mutated Pandemic Policy" to be adopted by all the governments worldwide...
Ya really got me on "Next, by imperial mandate, all epidemonologists must wear a clown nose and big shoes, 24/7, even in the shower." Had to laugh at the visual...
Perhaps spell changed to Epide-monologue-ists... A new class of supper rapper clowns...
Plandemics are proven to be useful for Tyranical regimes to compromise voting and of course to make billions for Pharmonsters who bribe officials to mandate ill contrived vaccines.
"The late Dr. Francis Boyle was clear that not only state AGs could prosecute, but even state attorneys, and county prosecutors or county district attorneys could also prosecute these crimes. The presidential pardon does not protect Fauci from state level prosecution."
Nationwide Covid Criminal Enterprise Laws by state
"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."
-Milton Berle
Sasha's posts are like oxygen for me.
Most of the world and clearly, most of the USA is scientifically illiterate.
This world-wide military/intelligence operation took us by storm.
Most people trust their governments and forgive them their lies.
However, this is different...way different.
This seems like a relentless, multifaceted war on human liberty, through the veneer of protecting us.
Most of my physician colleagues were and still are totally bamboozled. The others too afraid to speak out. And most of them were paid off, to boot!
It is pure evil genius.
However, when you discover the truth, you cannot unlearn it.
I share Michael Yeadon's sense of fatigue but it is us, the aware who cannot give up on this battle.
One convert at a time.
YES, Sasha, HOW CAN ANYONE ANYWHERE achieve a justified measure of events if relying on pre-prepared evidence that, obviously, is not evident?? It is ABSURD, and their "task forces" can go to _ ell. LOOK AT REALITY, LET IT SPEAK TO YOU, OPEN YOUR EYES, PEOPLE.
If anyone can sit still glancing at statistics which is there to make them believe that what was not actually was and oh feel fine they are, in fact, complicit.
Truth is not in Big Pharma’s, Health Professionals, Politicians Vocabularies. Never was and never will be .
Best news as an awakening of sorts . I saw a patient today for a yearly Gyn exam and she has a blood clot near her liver and is on Eliquis. I asked her if she took Covid shots and she said yes , 4 !!! She said “ funny you asked , my vascular surgeon and hematologist asked the same thing and all you doctors said no more” . Poor lady giggled with nervous laughter and wanted to know why CVS is still offering it !! I said ask your government officials, and congratulated her for connecting the dots .
"How to fake the next pandemic:"
Just keep using the PCR kit... Today the herds of modern moron slaves STILL "think" it is a test, and if a "positive" is revealed then "I'm going to die... PLEASE give me a m[iracle]RNA toxic spew jab"!
Sasha, you made my day...again. Thank you so much. You are why we love you. I took the liberty of drawing Dr. Makis' attention to your work today, with a teeny, tiny, wee, excerpt from your post...(without permission...I am not very sorry...perhaps a little licentious, in the archaic)...and posted it on his Substack, Covid Intel. I am grateful to you Sasha, and also, as I see comments here, today, Debbie Lerman, Dr. Mike Yeadon, feeling a little down perhaps, I want to encourage you, from the heart. You've done the lion's share of the heavy lifting for the benefit of the entire world, and you are not only noticed, and appreciated, but you are also loved by so many. You will one day be honored, of that I am certain, and I will be there, telling you...('I told you so'). There are, in the background, some who are stubborn and continue to fight...we use the information you have, through your personal sacrifices, provided to us as ammo, and like very good soldiers and outdoorsmen, we use wisely, unexpectedly, and with force multiplication. Our job is to tell the truth and endure unto the end, keeping our testimony and our faith. Please know that you are loved greatly. We are grateful to each of you.
The fact that mankind survived the era of public pay telephones supports the argument against “dangerous and contagious disease outbreaks.”
Public gyms too have been around for decades. Consider all the bacteria on the barbells, dumbbells, weight plates etc. which thousands of gym members handle daily/weekly at their respective facilities. I've used public gyms since 2000 and coached out of them (as a personal trainer) since 2011 and never "caught" any illness during that time from being in the gym. I had the flu in 2017 but that was immediately after a relative had it who was staying with my wife and I at the time. My wife didn't contract it interestingly.
During convid-19 gyms were classed as "recreational" so the psychos in government could justify shutting them down. Can't have strong folk able to resist tyranny eh. Unfortunately, many in the fitness fraternity fell for the psy-op with disastrous consequences for their personal health.
Thank you Sasha!✨🍀🌷
The truth is that there was no “pandemic” and the response was not a public health response. Covid was (and remains) a global classified military-intelligence operation. We cannot achieve true accountability until this is acknowledged by the “freedom fighters” everywhere. We must demand that the nature of the covid response is unclassified and properly investigated.
Not to worry. We now have a mRNA injection that will cure all forms of cancer overseen by one Larry Ellison the new Bill Gates who is in enough trouble worldwide for his past activities. The new shots can be devised in 48 hours so they don't need to be tested. Isn't this miraculous (sic)?. Today apparently RFK has endorsed MMR jab for the child schedule of poison. Are we at all surprised. Don't forget Kennedy first went to the Kamel for a job and was turned down. Then he applied to the Donald. Thank you Sasha and Debbie for your past efforts. THEY won't relent neither must we.
A big 🖕 to the limited hangouts like Malone, McCullough and other lying, manipulative sacks.
Even if they were this stupid and not malicious, they still damaged many.
An extra shout out to other fakes like Assange and Snowden who will never question the 911 official story or the COVID official story.
They will eventually be laughed at and ignored.
No more fake heroes and gatekeepers.
2025- Make the Truth Cool Again.