How to fake the next pandemic: Ask dissenters to recommend improvements to future pandemics.
Partial analysis of the Alberta's (Canada) Covid-19 Pandemic Response Data Review Task Force Report, published January 2025.
First, pandemics do not exist and, regardless of what you think the “Spanish Flu” was. The real epidemiological data demonstrates that there has been none in the past 100+ years. For example, “Pandemic Risk Policy Brief”, a 4-page report from the University of Leeds (UK), which Debbie Lerman sent to me, shows that approximately 0% of the global population died from what mainstream believes were dangerous and contagious disease outbreaks during the last century:
This table shows an average of ~10-12,000 deaths per year, greatly skewed by the “swine flu” deaths. “Swine flu” was a test-demic and killed far fewer people than the seasonal influenza typically does. Even so, the average over 20 years represents ~0.03% of total annual all cause mortality in the world. Whether you believe in contagious disease or not, we can all agree THIS IS NOTHING! Whatever was going on with the world’s “infectious disease” prevention in the 21st century was clearly working well. We did not need any Pandemic Preparedness to save us from pandemics that did not exist. The WHO/WEF arguments that pandemics are something to worry about because of global population growth and travel are bogus anti-epidemiology and contrary to the observed reality.
Alberta, Canada - Covid-19 Task Force Report.
Which brings me to the main topic of this post - this report, commissioned by the Premier of Alberta, Canada, Danielle Smith. The same government is currently prosecuting
, for his online speech. This report was published in January 2025, with a bunch of “yay! winning!!!” headlines from health freedom social media:I didn’t want to write a review on it at first. I would like to say that I know some of the people involved in this task force, and they are well meaning individuals. They also uncovered some very important information which I will address in my review.
However, this Task Force, just as all state-commissioned committees to date that were supposed to investigate the "covid response".
From Calgary Herald
The “contrarian”-led task force that Premier Danielle Smith commissioned to review Alberta’s COVID-19 pandemic response has released its final report.
The 268-page report, posted online Friday afternoon, recommends “halting the use of COVID-19 vaccines without full disclosure of their potential risks” and for the province to allow physicians to prescribe alternative treatment options for the virus, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
It also encourages the province to end the use of COVID vaccinations among healthy children and teenagers; conduct further research into the vaccines’ effectiveness; establish support for “vaccine-injured” individuals, and provide an opt-out mechanism from federal public health policy.
“The COVID-19 vaccines were not designed to halt transmission of the virus and there is limited data on their effectiveness in preventing severe illness in children,” the report claimed.
Smith directed the task force’s creation in late 2022, shortly after she was elected. The panel’s mandate was to review health information data and the Alberta government’s decision-making processes regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, while also recommending how to better navigate a future pandemic.
A spokesperson from Health Minister Adriana LaGrange’s office said Saturday that the province is still reviewing and considering the report, and has not yet made any policy decisions related to its findings.
“Alberta’s government is committed to prioritizing the health and well-being of Albertans through responsible, evidence-based decision making,” said LaGrange’s press secretary, Jessi Rampton.
She added that the task force was designed to include health professionals from diverse practice areas, including infectious disease, public health, general practice, acute care, immunology, analytics and emergency medicine.
The province earmarked $2 million for the review, though Smith said she expected it to come in under budget.
“I needed somebody who was going to look at everything that happened with some fresh eyes and maybe with a little bit of a contrarian perspective because we’ve only ever been given one perspective,” Smith told reporters last April.
The quote above makes it clear that the report was commissioned as a pretend “listening” exercise in order to fake the future pandemics with greater ease and cooperation. People familiar with the SPARS Johns Hopkins strategy of corralling the dissenters after the first round of the global military campaign will immediately recognize the signs. The Alberta Task Force report was part of corralling and cooling down the marks, even though its writers thought they were performing an act of opposition.
But whom are we kidding? The task force that was paid $2 million, dutifully produced two sets of lies:
1) A lie that global pandemics exist and represent significant risk, requiring extraordinary “global response” measures.
2) A lie that the Covid lockdown-until-vaccine response and associated tyranny was a mismanaged public health response.
Presumptive Objectives:
The stated objective of the report makes it very clear that it was about making “better future pandemics”:
On November 14, 2022, the Premier of Alberta issued a mandate requesting the establishment of a Task Force under the Health Quality Council of Alberta to conduct a data review of the last several years of health information with a view to offering recommendations on how to better manage a future pandemic.
By this presumptive objective, the Task Force was immediately boxed into the “correct” box of never questioning the fact that there was no covid-19 pandemic by any epidemiological definitions in Alberta or anywhere else for that matter.
To make sure the Task Force stays on its designated tracks, they were told to focus only on the data flow for decision making:
The objective of this report is to analyze publicly available data to unravel the intricacies of Alberta’s decision-making framework during the pandemic. By examining who made key decisions, what information those decisions were based upon, and how information was disseminated and utilized, the Task Force aims to provide a clearer understanding of Alberta’s response strategies. This analysis is critical not only for evaluating past actions but also for enhancing future preparedness for public health emergencies.
Therefore, it is clear that when commissioning this report, Premier of Alberta was concerned only with their own “data flow” for “the next pandemic”.
I am not going to review the entire report (~300 pages). I will focus only on Chapter 1, because it provides very important corroboration to what Debbie Lerman and I hoped to make absolutely clear in our Covid Dossier: covid “pandemic” response had nothing to do with public health anywhere in the world.
“Pandemic response” was a classified military-intelligence operation, and it continues to date.
Chapter 1: Governance and Flow of Information.
The main takeaways from this chapter of the Alberta Task Force report are the following:
The announcement of the public health emergency in Alberta, as in any other jurisdiction in the world (March 2020) was not predicated on any real epidemiological data. There were no deaths in Alberta at the time, and none in the North America.
PHA in Canada is almost identical to the same law in the US (PHSA). Public health emergency declarations in both countries are equivalent to declarations of war. These announcements suspend Constitutional governance and allow extreme tyranny. Specifically in Canada:
Section 52.6(1) of the PHA outlines what the provincial government may do for the purpose of preventing, combating, or alleviating the effects of the public health emergency and protecting the public health which includes:
(a) acquire or use any real personal property;
(b) authorize or require any qualified person to render aid of a type of the person is qualified to provide;
(c) repealed;
(d) authorize the entry into any building or on any land, without warrant by any person;
(e) provide the distribution of essential health and medical supplies and provide, maintain and co-ordinate the delivery of health services.
Additionally, under Section 29 of the PHA, a medical officer of health – including the Chief Medical Officer of Health (“CMOH”) – is afforded the authority to take whatever measures they deem necessary to: suppress the disease in those already infected, protect those not exposed, and break the chain of transmission.
Existing public health emergency plans in Alberta were NOT utilized.
Public health plans were thrown out of the window in preference for hastily designed, Byzantine “whole-of-government” structures whose only objective was to create panic, chaos and disregard for observable reality, while frantically acting on the basis of unchecked information coming from other places in the world that had nothing to do with public health in Alberta:
Instead, byzantine, opaque and chaotic highly centralized governance structures were put in place immediately after the announcement of public health emergency.
I am not even going to attempt to figure out how this Tower of Babel works. I know that it’s only purpose was to obfuscate the faking of the fakery and drive panic and despotism:
There was also something called “pan-Canadian public health network”… whatever that means:
The point of these giant unmanageable structures is pure and simple - they are designed for chaos and confusion. When you want to pull of the largest global fakery and mass murder of all time, that’s what you need. All-of-government playing drunk Twister relying ONLY on the information that is irrelevant to them!
Despite having these intricate maps and charts of the information flow, the Alberta Task Force was not able to find out who made the decisions and based on what information. I believe that was the purpose of both, these structures during “covid pandemic”, and the commission from Alberta Premier - they needed to run a test and see if any truth could be uncovered from publicly available information. I believe that the Task Force not being able to find the answer to this was intended - Alberta government has confirmed to themselves that the Canadian fake pandemic plan was pulled off flawlessly.
The pandemic response apparatus thoroughly disregarded any local data, observable reality or common sense, and instead focused on irrelevant international sources of information (aka fake news from China and other places to drive tyranny in Alberta).
I think it is clear why both public health plans and local data were disregarded in preference to irrelevant “global information” - that’s because fake pandemics must be conjured up in everyone’s imagination first. If you let people pay attention to their immediate surroundings, that task becomes very difficult.
Conclusions for Chapter 1:
Finally, the Alberta Task Force tried to find out why previously designed normal public health measures were not used, but their efforts and questions were consistently stonewalled.
In the conclusions and recommendations to this chapter, the Task Force raises the questions about very consistent pattern from all levels of the government characterized by total lack of transparency, ignoring local public health data, acting on international information (unrelated to Alberta’s public health), and ignoring reasonable public health recommendations, even from the report by KPMG consultancy commissioned by the provincial government during 2020.
The Task Force raises a very important question: Why did Alberta seek direction and ultimately form decisions based on federal and international recommendations as opposed to Alberta’s pre-existing pandemic response plan?
They also state that their attempts to seek the answers from the government officials on this matter were thoroughly stonewalled.
While the Task Force found the clear evidence that covid response had nothing to do with public health they did not stop to consider what that meant. They couldn’t, remember? They had a presumptive assignment to assess in detail the “public health” measures such as lockdowns, masking, distancing, vaccines, etc. etc.
What the Task Force should have done is refuse to assess these “public health” measures of what was clearly NOT A PUBLIC HEALTH EVENT, and instead demanded that Premier of Alberta disclosed WHAT replaced public health? The Task Force should have spent its time figuring out who threw out the public health plan, why it was thrown out, and what replaced it.
The truth is that there was no “pandemic” and the response was not a public health response. Covid was (and remains) a global classified military-intelligence operation. We cannot achieve true accountability until this is acknowledged by the “freedom fighters” everywhere. We must demand that the nature of the covid response is unclassified and properly investigated.
Art for today: Portrait copy after Alma Tadema, oil on panel, 16x20 in.
Thank you Sasha for doing the work that I feel too disheartened to do: exposing this and all government-sponsored Covid “investigations” for what they are - intentional coverups of the global military-intelligence operation.
..."First, pandemics do not exist"...I vote we make that the new first amendment. As a firm dissenter and denier I suggest that you bums just give up trying. Quit wasting my tax dollars trying to find ways to murder me. I am never going to buy into your filthy virus marketing. Ain't gonna happen.