I would expect that hospitals have been murdering patients on purpose for decades. It's just that now they get paid big government bucks to do it. We must realize that it is monumentally important to do all we can to avoid big pharma drugs and entering the medical system for any hospital stay.
When my dad was diagnosed with cancer in 2015, I had the same experience with his cancer treatments...I would accompany him to every appt because he also had language barriers as English was not his first language..... they always pushed tests and treatments he was not in favour of...he would always say that he wanted them to talk to me so I could explain it to him.....they were rude, disrespectful and angry each and every time he would suggest this...they liked that he was scared, confused and didn't understand everything...made their committing murder quicker....I was just wasting their time and standing in the way... we found out after he passed in 2016 that the hospitalist changed his wishes w/o him or family being notified to Do Not Resuscitate..... we were at the hospital with him 24/7 for the 40 days he was there and they still managed to do this behind our backs.....this is Canada....
I would concur. I am not liking what is happening in Canada and in Western countries. I have little faith in big pharma. I have less faith in the Canadian government and media. I am someone just trying to find answers and make responsible decisions.
Looking for some truth. I am tired of the crap the government wantsxus to believe.
I have read that, too. Canada, under Trudeau and his partners in crime, the WTF, is being destroyed. He has really moved the UN/WHO/WTF Agenda2030 up fast, with this new demand for all independent media, bloggers and podcasters to REGISTER with the Government owned CRTC so they can be censored. Trudeau doesn’t like to read or hear what Canadians and people around the world are saying about him. Because it is all negative.
The same thing happened to my brother in-law in a Los Angeles hospital, they said his paper work said Do Not Resuscitate, he was in his early 60’s. They called my sister @ 630am & told her over the phone. This was in 2013
Covid times for me made me look into holistic meds more. It also made me realize they have death workers at hospitals. That there are hospital workers that can and do administer fatal drugs to patients that otherwise would be fine. That there are death counselors in hospitals that council people that the world would be better off without you in it even if the person was only mildly ill. That I bet somehow 100 year old Henry Kissinger managed to escape these shots he so willingly wanted others to take, including my parents, and that no death counselor ever visited Henry Kissinger's bed side, and maybe they should. He is 100 years old after all. He can't be very productive, and by his own definition a useless eater.
I guess adrenochromw keeps you alive for a long time. Fodtunately, he'll spend eternity in hell. Read his nssm 2000 report. Eugenics for the theft of resources.
Thank You for sharing this story and sorry for your loss, may your Dad be in a happy place now with a healthy body and pure joy in his heart. Yes today it is Russian Roulette to go into a Hospital especially a State Hospital.
Your are welcome dear, I believe we will all come out the other end of this massive crime better as the only silver lining is that the world is waking up and little by little are standing up, it is vial that we all unite. Much Love to you and yours.
They have always gotten paid by the Government via CMS guidelines. Research QALY Scores (Quality Adjusted Life Years)- the quintessential death panel. Hospice has a lump sum payout like Covid. This is why most are given lethal drug cocktails to slow their respiration to death. If a patient lingers the 6 months it eats the profits. Also, once Hospice coded nutrition & hydration REQUIRE a script. Execution in the name of compassion for years.
Thank you for this info. I was mystified when my 97 year old granny (a frail bed blocker) was shipped to hospice and changed completely, right away. Phone calls had been the highlight of her day, then suddenly, she wasn't interested. I repeatedly asked staff what they had changed with her meds and got nothing. My cousin figured it out - as a COPD patient she required lower than average oxygen feed. It was cranked up and she lasted only a week.
I am so sorry for what was done to her and your family. People that are not terminal but are simply elderly or chronically ill are the target. Many non terminal as it sounds as if your granny was are coded hospice for the money. The Government comes out financially on too with a lump sum payout versus a long drawn out treatment or long term care. I was a medical whistleblower in 2018 & 2019 for at the Hart Senate Luncheon & Summit. So many people have died needlessly and families lied to. Again, I am sorry for your loss. All we can do is keep telling our stories yo warn and educate the public.
Thank you so much. This happened years ago now and I've wondered about it all this time. There's no one to complain to and the hospice, well, they just keep doing what they're doing I guess...
My understanding is that hospices get paid for each day a patient is on its service. There is a cap or max amount that Medicare will pay per patient but that calculation is an average for all patients of the hospice. So a patient that is on service for 5 days will balance out a patient that is on service for 9 months.
There is financial incentive to end it quickly. Why do you think the drug cocktails exist? There is a group on facebook “Murdered by Hospice” That has many members, stories and info shared.
That may be true for hospice patients in hospitals/institutional care but for home patients, the hospice gets paid for each day of service. The best case for a hospice patient is care at home by a "for profit" hospice which means it will not be associated with a hospital.
Of course, you can still have incompetent or lazy hospice nurses who are not creative and are not creating individualized care plans for patients. Hospice nurses may withhold water from a hospice patient because they are rightly worried that some of the water will simply go into the lungs and cause pneumonia due to the patient's poor swallowing ability. However, a thickener can be added to the water (like jello without sugar or color) to prevent the water from going into the lungs.
Nevertheless, some patients will reject consuming thickened water because it feels unnatural and doesn't satiate like regular water.
In the ramp up to O'care, > 10 years ago, there was one forum I frequented and sometimes offered comments on.
Another commenter and I seemed to have a run-in (strong disagreement) about the purpose of the "Act," my insisting that among the hidden agendas was the creation of the death panels. He insisting that I was a fruitcake, even after I had demonstrated the reality and portent of the "handwriting on the wall." His message was that while I wallowed in paranoia he was driving up the beautiful California coast on a glorious day in his convertible, smoking his cigar, and I should get over it.
I did not get over it, and soon enough learned that Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel (of "A" care infamy) was indeed pushing that agenda, cloaking his malicious intent in "polite" language.
I think there are people paid to get under your skin on different platforms. I sometimes was okay with going back and forth with them as it gave me a chance to say what I wanted. Otherwise I am just talking to myself.
I got to be in the right frame of mind though to have an interaction with those kind of people. Got to guard my own mental stability.
Also please know some people may just not be intelligent enough to understand what is happening. That overall you may be operating at a higher frequency in many ways. These shots may have created brain damage too.
We may want to be truth tellers, but we need to always access the cost we are paying to do what we do. What are our reserves after having these interactions. It is okay to step away for a bit, and come back stronger.
My 94 year old grandmother had dementia for years. Eventually was put into skilled nursing with a feeding tube. I was sort of horrified when she went into hospice though, as it was like a switch in some billing department had changed from keeping her alive by any means possible to killing her by any means possible. And they refused to give her water as her last words to me, spoken hoarsely, we're "I'm thirsty." Follow the billing protocols indeed: https://amysukwan.substack.com/p/what-did-grandma-die-of
See protocolkills.com also. Just legal, formal documentation you can use when the "bodysnatchers" come for your loved ones.
Why EVERYONE doesn't take advantage of this FREE documentation, and pass it on to EVERYONE they know, is beyond me. I also discuss this on my substack here https://blaisevanne.substack.com/
I feel like every single one of these articles which clearly demonstrate the Depopulation Agenda can be answered with The Day Tapes. Anyone can and should listen to the, as they outline the Globalists plan to control the world. The information was revealed in 1969 and revealed to some folks and one of them gave this interview years later. Believe them or not it is eerie how EVERYTHING predicted has come to fruition. I’ve listened about 5x, I suggest you all do too. https://ia600903.us.archive.org/28/items/New_Order_of_Barbarians_remaster_tapes_1to3/New%20Order%20of%20Barbarians%20%5Bremaster%5D%20tapes%201%20to%203.mp3
i cannot drive through my city this summer without thinking of those Day Tapes - they have just this summer created driving madness, including unused two-way bike lanes and halving lanes for automobiles, tons of signage to direct drivers (to many to read in time). Insane. The Day Tapes are on target.
I hope to listen. The Committee of 300 featuring Dr John Coleman resurfaced this past summer and was being shared all over. I learned so much more than even the last time I'd listened to it.
Yes, please take the time to listen, it’s absolutely maddening that the conspirators have shaped the world exactly the way they planned it. Now we know and we must stop it from going further!!! DO NOT COMPLY!!
If you only read/watch/listen to the MSM and if you experienced 20 - 30 years when healthcare systems actually worked, it's not obvious why you be informed as to what is going on now.
I haven't trusted healthcare systems for decades, luckily I've been a pretty healthy person during that time. And I saw the cognitive dissonance of 'cancer research publicity' vs what actually went on in cancer research institutes, so I was a cynical old guy fairly young in life.
It took me a lot longer to face up to family members treating other family members like business adversaries, actively seeking to destroy everything they tried to do in life.
We're the naturally skeptical, naturally anti-establishment ones. We don't look up uncritically, we hold power to account.
Most people are more interested in making money and spending time with their kids, to be brutal.
It's the honest truth, but most people can't HANDLE the truth, so I am accused of being unkind.
Pretty brutal...
I've been on this "Covid19 Virus" data dig since March of 2020.
This is after having spent 35+ years deep diving pretty much everything the public has been fed via the MSM troughs.
I haven't owned a TV since 2012. This has helped my inquiring mind, and the steady development of my discernment, enormously. (TURN IT OFF folks.)
So, with all that said:
I had zero fear of "the virus" from the outset. What I feared (stuck in Canada, under Trudeau's boot) was the government authority's, and the public's, "response".
I was extremely curious from the outset and have spent the past 3.5 years uncovering the real science and factual data, and paying it forward.
Everyone in my family has disregarded it.
I'm the "conspiracy theorist" who is out-of-the loop. (Except whenever someone needs my help, research skills, or expertise...)
I have been a very vocal proponent of digging into precisely WHY so many of my (fully jabbed) relatives and friends quite suddenly and unexpectedly expired between late January 2021 and December 23, 2023.
AFTER catching, and making a complete (and unhospitalized) recovery from "the deadly virus".
If I so much as make perfunctory inquiries, or advise looking more closely into these deaths than merely perusing death certificates, which I am not privy to by the way, I'm met with shock and disapproval.
How could I be so unfeeling?
"Why are you so hurtful... don't pry..."
I'm actually quite a "feeling" person.
I am feeling quite done with my remaining family members and feel they're done with me too. With the possible exception of an ever more tenuous relationship with my only begotten child.
I have no real friends (left) here either, therefore I intend to leave Canada while the getting's still good.
I feel it's high time to leave them all in peace, and to their own devices. They're grown-ups, after all.
I feel it will be a relief for all concerned.
Apologies for venting here.
Depressed, disgusted, and frustrated beyond belief.
No need to apologise, friend. We all have needed to vent at some point. Or ongoingly, as the emotions swell and subside in response to our broken hearts.
When I try to talk to my kids and the rest of the family, they get angry. However now with so many sick, dead from the shot we both know deep down, I'm not a nut. They just want me quiet now.
I’m injected x2, when I was clueless back in December 2020-January 2021 but quickly realized my almost grave mistake when I ignored my gut feeling “to save my job”. I believe if I had not suffered an adverse reaction I possibly would’ve continued with my employers illegal demands. I was angry for being “forced”, I was angry at myself for not saying no, I was scared when it made me violently ill 12 hours post 2nd shot and I’m still angry that the scam is still continuing and I’m trying to wake others up but they are sleeping at the wheel...like I used to be. Now I’m the crazy conspiracy theorist and run the risk of telling the wrong person.
I also realized, on my own, without prompting, that we must be in the end times so it has motivated me to get right with my Creator and to read the Bible. This is not something that would have come to me if I didn’t have some connection to my Creators spirit. And I’m full of compassion, empathy, intuition and creativity it’s just hard to stay in those states when you’re living in this material realm. Peace❤️
It’s too bad people are unwilling to listen to your voice of experience but sooner or later they’ll realize you were right. All you can do is try and not worry about the results.
It’s a level playing field at this point given we’re all affected by the jabs by virtue of the Pfizer studies admitting transmission occurs. So whether injected or not, ultimately we’re in the same boat. Not to mention their tampering with our air, water, food and other medical supply.
Thanks for the rec. I’m starting a bible study with a coworker that has woken up. She was attending nursing school and after a few months of talking to her, and literally showing proof as it would arise,that we ARE in a killing field. She has decided not to pursue nursing. The medical system is disguised as a wholesome, even Godly, career. I’m surrounded by well meaning people but they/we were trained to follow orders and to not question doctors specifically. I’m blessed (or cursed) to have been born to argue with everyone, even doctors, about everything and I advocate for the patient even when it makes the doctor mad. I can’t seem to stop that part of me even though I know it causes problems for me. I don’t think the doctors I work with are evil but I do think they were not trained to heal. I’ve always known medications may help one problem but it will cause 10 more. But I never thought big gov was depop’ing us. They only follow proticols and when they see the negative response they conveniently blame the illness/age/lack of health. It’s mind boggling that a doctor refuses to recognize what is happening and I feel they are the reason everyone trusts the science right over the cliff. Even the nurses who have been vaccine injured refuse to tie it to their 5th booster. But, for those that are willing to see are seeing the damage and we are trying to band together for the next assault coming our way. We are going to start our study of the Hebrew-Greek study Bible by Dr. Spirits Zodhiates.
So glad to hear you survived the jabs and are drawing close to God. Bible Study Fellowship is starting up Bible Studies for fall. This year they are studying the Gospel of John. Check their website and see if there is a study in your area. I plan to. Classes start soon on Monday, September 11. https://www.bsfinternational.org/
Six weeks on a ventilator and they wouldn’t let me go in there and hold her. Now I’m sorry about not forcing my way in though it would have meant jail. It just would have meant so much to her.
I think hospitals were only incentivized to carry out protocols that were more harmful than helpful when COVID started. Before that things just went that way sometimes from not having enough staff to take care of people and attend to their needs.
A friend of ours went into a hospital (2019) for diverticulitis, and was getting minimal care, but nobody answered her call in the night for bathroom help.
She got up herself, tangled in tubing and wires, fell, broke her hip, and died from that in the hospital.
With all due respect there is a lot of history of good people finding better cures for cancer than cut, poison and radiate only to be visited by "authorities" and taken to court despite the proof they had. Since most people didn't have the money to fight big government, they lost in court. I am really hoping covid is the catalyst to opening people's eyes to the AMA (American Mafia Assoc.)
Also there is a whole world of healing that herbs can do that have also been suppressed. Most people have no clue the power of herbs and non-processed foods to heal chronic conditions.
Dr. Falsi's toxic AZT mess back in the 80's was basically another remdesivir death drug. My friend's 21 year old brother had hemophilia and got tainted blood, then got HIV, and of course Dr.Falsi's death drug AZT and died.
I didn't see covid that way at all. Covid gave the "authorities" a much bigger group of people, the world, to gaslight, disable and kill. Basically what they have been doing forever.
Actually Bridget, we were fortunate to have good hospital systems who gave great care and because of our great primary care physicians and cardiologist. Then it changed dramatically with covid. I’ve had firsthand experience for over 20 years as I was the caregiver for my grandparents, parents and now my husband when he was hospitalized. We experienced a dramatic change in 2021 and 2022 that we had never experienced. But we were knowledgeable of the covid murder protocols and what to watch out for, and I have never been one to allow anyone to shut me down when I am caring for a loved one! So I don’t agree that people had self-chosen ignorance in many, many cases. I read constantly about what is going on and shared this information as much as possible. It’s just that when emergencies arise that’s when people are taken off guard when hospitals people once trusted change into killing machines. Until you are a full time caregiver and those responsibilities take up your time, a lot of people were unaware of the dramatic changes that happened until they lost their loved ones to the covid nightmare protocol.
It's not health care when they study and treat disease instead of seeking the cause of an illness. It's all backward. Our bodies are built with the ability to heal when provided the optimal conditions. I just finished listening to the first part of a radio show from 1993 with Alex Loglia on germ theory. It provided some great insight into disease, germ theory, Louis Pasteaur, and modern medicine. I had to slow it down to get the names of persons mentioned. Give it a listen in small does.
I was able to locate information on the persons mentioned about 20 min. in. I had already read about Antoine Bechamp and his work on pleomorphism. I have also watched a few videos and read the work of Dr. Amandha Vollmer, Dr. Mark Bailey, and Dr. Robert O. Young.
that was a flash from the past! as a retired nurse, I found all those TikToks and other social media posts with nurses and doctors prancing around in choreographed scripts like damn fools while patients and folks in the community were dying from improper medical response to whatever the SARSCoV2 construct was, one of the most insidious and predatory chapters of this whole drama. Utter perfidy! The idea that health would be delivered in a syringe sponsored by the likes of Fauci, Redfield, Alex Azar, Birx, Pence and all the others at warp speed, no less, was absurd. I intuitively knew that these were dangerous. And remember Army General Gustave Perna? It is cringe worthy. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/2445137/operation-warp-speed-official-first-covid-19-vaccines-to-arrive-monday/
Cringe worthy indeed. It must be a comfortable illusion that one can blithely commit mass murder, with no moral reservation nor ethics of conscience................
If only the German Politicians and Military Officers in the 30s had access to social media. Just think how they could have spread their infectious work camp internment moves and put the world into similar a groove.
Well... Erm... The use of sopping wet newspaper propaganda and radio broadcast in the former United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada, pretty much sealed the deal EVERYONE made with the Devil. Let's not forget the internment camps initiated against Japanese citizens on the western shore of the US. New company: Lock-downs r' Us...
Jeeze... You'd think with all the wars and peaceful "liberation's" civilians have funded, we'd all be getting along quite nicely by now... .. .
Oh but they had the papers, and they had the movies.
They convinced German parents to euthanize their handicapped children. To euthanize the disabled and the elderly and the ill. They did that. For the good of the Reich.
This prep act (and all who participated in it) needs to be properly framed under RICO class action. Everyone is so busy trying to plead 'around' it, when they need to attack/challenge the act itself.
Agreed. And considering all of the updates to the Prep Act that have been implemented since Bush signed it into law, were talking about a lot of people.
Amazing how MANY are evil enough to go along with this. And at this late stage, I can no longer attribute any of this to mere ignorance. They KNOW what they're doing, ALL of them.
The RICO Act has been carefully ignored since inception. The reason being that the entire United States government and subsidiary agencies, are committing multiple offences on a daily basis. Class action suits will not put an end to criminal actions detailed in the article.
We need to quit hiring ambulance chasers to replace the Lawful Remedy of criminal prosecutions...
I explored this option and determined that almost ZERO prosecutors will move on any of this in any way.....they work for the same system. I did however, learn of a method by which private citizens can band together and petition the courts to empanel grand juries to bring criminal charges, thereby getting around the corrupt prosecutors. Problem: Most of the judges are too corrupt to do the right thing. Not all of them though. Got to find the right jurisdiction and frame the petition correctly. Where there's a will there's a way.
Failing this, i.e., a CIVIL remedy, we're going to have a very UNcivilized WAR against our government, due to the fact they refuse to permit any civil remedies for us to prevent our own EXTERMINATION.
The "authorities" need to be sent this reminder: > 18 U.S. Code § 3 - Accessory after the fact >>> "Whoever, knowing that an offense against the United States has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact.
Except as otherwise expressly provided by any Act of Congress, an accessory after the fact shall be imprisoned not more than one-half the maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding section 3571) fined not more than one-half the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the principal, or both; or if the principal is punishable by life imprisonment or death, the accessory shall be imprisoned not more than 15 years." [End quote]
Attorneys General in many jurisdictions are not receiving notice of civil complaint, and by Law, cannot self-initiate criminal investigations within their own jurisdiction. In other words: They need to be "notified" by other witness.
The complaint or Petition should include a notice that specifies an actionable response with a time limit "call". If the specified action is not fulfilled in a timely manner, the recipient will automatically be charged as an Accessory After the Fact in any future or associated litigation.
My good friend lost her husband to the "Covid Protocol" because he'd been in the hospital for about five days and was getting better -- talking to co-workers on the phone etc. -- when suddenly she was told by a nurse that he'd been moved to ICU, given Remdesivir and put on a ventilator as he was having trouble breathing. Obviously, my friend could not go visit him during this time -- it was in July 2021 -- and at that time none of us knew about the hospital "kill" protocol for all Covid patients or she says she would have never taken him to the hospital in the first place. When people ask my friend how her husband died and whether it was from Covid, she replies, "No, the government killed him."
At that time also, most of us could have never believed that our government would actually begin killing off its citizens, but then look at Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution, Lenin and Stalin era; look at China during Mao's revolution and the live organ harvesting under Xi today; look at Pol Pot in Cambodia and his "killing fields." Hospitals are today's killing fields in the U.S. Our government is certainly not above anything that government leaders have done in the past. We are learning the lessons so many in other countries have learned in the recent past.
Resistance is NOT futile! Resistance is necessary to save our Constitution!
I hope she tells her story at chbmp.org, The Humanity Betrayal Memory Project. They also have night time groups where she can talk to others on line about what she went through.
Most people who supposedly died of "Covid," actually died of "Protocol," ---- because they caught Remdesivir, even the ones who were there because of motorcycle accidents. Remdesivir causes kidney failure. They were convinced that the medical institutions "knew what they were doing" and were willing to help them. Well, they DID "know what they were doing," they were committing a genocide, propelled by fear because there was a big emergency; they needed to do the bidding of the Corporate Private Equity Owners who really wanted to redistribute people's wealth.
It must take extreme cognitive repression for any doctor to prescribe a drug whilst being aware that it will kill someone. I can only assume that 90% of doctors were so unaware of remdesevir characteristics that they just trusted old Fauci's directives.
I agree. I had a conversation with a brainwashed ICU pulmonologist that I had worked with before I retired from anesthesia. He told me that severe Covid basically looked like ARDS and that he was using remdesivir to treat it. Furthermore, he admitted that mortality was on the order of 40% (prior to proning). At that point I think it wasn’t malicious. But over time it should have become clear and he should have taken the time to research remdesivir and the vaxx (he was a big proponent). I sent emails about the facts of each but they were unanswered. At some point it became a malevolent act. Probably being a “covered person” made it so much easier.
I think the same goes for doctors who put people on ventilators while they are still able to talk easily have to know that they are going to kill them. But then they put people on them to protect staff from getting infected. Not for the patient’s benefit, but to protect staff. Unbelievable.
Interestingly, although a hospital, nursing home etc., cannot be sued for giving a vaccine due to the PREP Act (except for willful misconduct), they can be sued for nonfeasance for NOT administering a vaccine. (Not sure if that applies to remdesivir)
I would expect that hospitals have been murdering patients on purpose for decades. It's just that now they get paid big government bucks to do it. We must realize that it is monumentally important to do all we can to avoid big pharma drugs and entering the medical system for any hospital stay.
When my dad was diagnosed with cancer in 2015, I had the same experience with his cancer treatments...I would accompany him to every appt because he also had language barriers as English was not his first language..... they always pushed tests and treatments he was not in favour of...he would always say that he wanted them to talk to me so I could explain it to him.....they were rude, disrespectful and angry each and every time he would suggest this...they liked that he was scared, confused and didn't understand everything...made their committing murder quicker....I was just wasting their time and standing in the way... we found out after he passed in 2016 that the hospitalist changed his wishes w/o him or family being notified to Do Not Resuscitate..... we were at the hospital with him 24/7 for the 40 days he was there and they still managed to do this behind our backs.....this is Canada....
Yes. Absolutely diabolical.
This IS Canada.
I would concur. I am not liking what is happening in Canada and in Western countries. I have little faith in big pharma. I have less faith in the Canadian government and media. I am someone just trying to find answers and make responsible decisions.
Looking for some truth. I am tired of the crap the government wantsxus to believe.
This week I came across s chart indicating that Heslth Canada is 51% funded by pharma. I am not sure where I saw this, but it explains a lot.
Pharma has morphed into the NERO of our times.
"Destroy it all."
Yep, agree starve them drop and stop paying for those products that are engineered to go no where if individuals would do that for just a month
And stop providing them with plasma, yes plasma this is where they make a killing literally.
I have read that, too. Canada, under Trudeau and his partners in crime, the WTF, is being destroyed. He has really moved the UN/WHO/WTF Agenda2030 up fast, with this new demand for all independent media, bloggers and podcasters to REGISTER with the Government owned CRTC so they can be censored. Trudeau doesn’t like to read or hear what Canadians and people around the world are saying about him. Because it is all negative.
MaryLS, the comment you nailed it on the head was for you.
Have a good day.
You hit the nail on the head.
The same thing happened to my brother in-law in a Los Angeles hospital, they said his paper work said Do Not Resuscitate, he was in his early 60’s. They called my sister @ 630am & told her over the phone. This was in 2013
Demons. Completely without any human virtues.
I'm very sorry for you and your sister's loss.
They're so sneaky. Amazing.
Diabolically clever.
Covid times for me made me look into holistic meds more. It also made me realize they have death workers at hospitals. That there are hospital workers that can and do administer fatal drugs to patients that otherwise would be fine. That there are death counselors in hospitals that council people that the world would be better off without you in it even if the person was only mildly ill. That I bet somehow 100 year old Henry Kissinger managed to escape these shots he so willingly wanted others to take, including my parents, and that no death counselor ever visited Henry Kissinger's bed side, and maybe they should. He is 100 years old after all. He can't be very productive, and by his own definition a useless eater.
I guess adrenochromw keeps you alive for a long time. Fodtunately, he'll spend eternity in hell. Read his nssm 2000 report. Eugenics for the theft of resources.
Thank You for sharing this story and sorry for your loss, may your Dad be in a happy place now with a healthy body and pure joy in his heart. Yes today it is Russian Roulette to go into a Hospital especially a State Hospital.
Christina, thank you so much for taking the time to share your amazing heart.....I am so grateful for a community of people like you..... 💕
Your are welcome dear, I believe we will all come out the other end of this massive crime better as the only silver lining is that the world is waking up and little by little are standing up, it is vial that we all unite. Much Love to you and yours.
Thank you and sending you love back to you and yours, too. 🌞
Sorry to hear that blessing to you and your loved ones and prayers for your loss.
No words can relieve the pain and loss of a loved one not and easy task.
Opppppsss a typo my bad!
They have always gotten paid by the Government via CMS guidelines. Research QALY Scores (Quality Adjusted Life Years)- the quintessential death panel. Hospice has a lump sum payout like Covid. This is why most are given lethal drug cocktails to slow their respiration to death. If a patient lingers the 6 months it eats the profits. Also, once Hospice coded nutrition & hydration REQUIRE a script. Execution in the name of compassion for years.
Thank you for this info. I was mystified when my 97 year old granny (a frail bed blocker) was shipped to hospice and changed completely, right away. Phone calls had been the highlight of her day, then suddenly, she wasn't interested. I repeatedly asked staff what they had changed with her meds and got nothing. My cousin figured it out - as a COPD patient she required lower than average oxygen feed. It was cranked up and she lasted only a week.
So very sorry.
Thank you. I think they probably shortened her life by 2-6 months, but really - imagine the body count.
Whatever her time left she deserved every minute with family and those calls that brightened her day. The family deserved thst time with her too. 💔
I am so sorry for what was done to her and your family. People that are not terminal but are simply elderly or chronically ill are the target. Many non terminal as it sounds as if your granny was are coded hospice for the money. The Government comes out financially on too with a lump sum payout versus a long drawn out treatment or long term care. I was a medical whistleblower in 2018 & 2019 for at the Hart Senate Luncheon & Summit. So many people have died needlessly and families lied to. Again, I am sorry for your loss. All we can do is keep telling our stories yo warn and educate the public.
Thank you so much. This happened years ago now and I've wondered about it all this time. There's no one to complain to and the hospice, well, they just keep doing what they're doing I guess...
My understanding is that hospices get paid for each day a patient is on its service. There is a cap or max amount that Medicare will pay per patient but that calculation is an average for all patients of the hospice. So a patient that is on service for 5 days will balance out a patient that is on service for 9 months.
There is financial incentive to end it quickly. Why do you think the drug cocktails exist? There is a group on facebook “Murdered by Hospice” That has many members, stories and info shared.
That may be true for hospice patients in hospitals/institutional care but for home patients, the hospice gets paid for each day of service. The best case for a hospice patient is care at home by a "for profit" hospice which means it will not be associated with a hospital.
Of course, you can still have incompetent or lazy hospice nurses who are not creative and are not creating individualized care plans for patients. Hospice nurses may withhold water from a hospice patient because they are rightly worried that some of the water will simply go into the lungs and cause pneumonia due to the patient's poor swallowing ability. However, a thickener can be added to the water (like jello without sugar or color) to prevent the water from going into the lungs.
Nevertheless, some patients will reject consuming thickened water because it feels unnatural and doesn't satiate like regular water.
Exactly the point why they send the grim reapers with a smile on their faces. One can’t even contemplate the mind of a person of this caliber.
Hurts my heart to realize how many there are.
In the ramp up to O'care, > 10 years ago, there was one forum I frequented and sometimes offered comments on.
Another commenter and I seemed to have a run-in (strong disagreement) about the purpose of the "Act," my insisting that among the hidden agendas was the creation of the death panels. He insisting that I was a fruitcake, even after I had demonstrated the reality and portent of the "handwriting on the wall." His message was that while I wallowed in paranoia he was driving up the beautiful California coast on a glorious day in his convertible, smoking his cigar, and I should get over it.
I did not get over it, and soon enough learned that Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel (of "A" care infamy) was indeed pushing that agenda, cloaking his malicious intent in "polite" language.
I think there are people paid to get under your skin on different platforms. I sometimes was okay with going back and forth with them as it gave me a chance to say what I wanted. Otherwise I am just talking to myself.
I got to be in the right frame of mind though to have an interaction with those kind of people. Got to guard my own mental stability.
Also please know some people may just not be intelligent enough to understand what is happening. That overall you may be operating at a higher frequency in many ways. These shots may have created brain damage too.
We may want to be truth tellers, but we need to always access the cost we are paying to do what we do. What are our reserves after having these interactions. It is okay to step away for a bit, and come back stronger.
My 94 year old grandmother had dementia for years. Eventually was put into skilled nursing with a feeding tube. I was sort of horrified when she went into hospice though, as it was like a switch in some billing department had changed from keeping her alive by any means possible to killing her by any means possible. And they refused to give her water as her last words to me, spoken hoarsely, we're "I'm thirsty." Follow the billing protocols indeed: https://amysukwan.substack.com/p/what-did-grandma-die-of
I watch my family members not understanding that as I tried explaining that Hospice it not what it’s all cut out to be.
They are the grim reapers with a smile while inside your own homes when in cases not really justifying.
How to Save Your Life and Those You Love When Hospitalized
By Dr. Frank Yap, MD - May 08, 2023
See protocolkills.com also. Just legal, formal documentation you can use when the "bodysnatchers" come for your loved ones.
Why EVERYONE doesn't take advantage of this FREE documentation, and pass it on to EVERYONE they know, is beyond me. I also discuss this on my substack here https://blaisevanne.substack.com/
I feel like every single one of these articles which clearly demonstrate the Depopulation Agenda can be answered with The Day Tapes. Anyone can and should listen to the, as they outline the Globalists plan to control the world. The information was revealed in 1969 and revealed to some folks and one of them gave this interview years later. Believe them or not it is eerie how EVERYTHING predicted has come to fruition. I’ve listened about 5x, I suggest you all do too. https://ia600903.us.archive.org/28/items/New_Order_of_Barbarians_remaster_tapes_1to3/New%20Order%20of%20Barbarians%20%5Bremaster%5D%20tapes%201%20to%203.mp3
i cannot drive through my city this summer without thinking of those Day Tapes - they have just this summer created driving madness, including unused two-way bike lanes and halving lanes for automobiles, tons of signage to direct drivers (to many to read in time). Insane. The Day Tapes are on target.
These Tapes infiltrate every aspect of our lives…diabolical to the core
I hope to listen. The Committee of 300 featuring Dr John Coleman resurfaced this past summer and was being shared all over. I learned so much more than even the last time I'd listened to it.
Yes, please take the time to listen, it’s absolutely maddening that the conspirators have shaped the world exactly the way they planned it. Now we know and we must stop it from going further!!! DO NOT COMPLY!!
A bit of wry humor. >>> Hi Doc, How’s It Going? >>> By Thomas Harrington >>> August 21, 2023
Yes, they get paid blood money and for those whom have their hand in the money cookie jar are in for a rude awakening.
So few seemingly intelligent people have any clue as to what’s going on in hospitals across the country.
Their self-chosen ignorance is astounding.
If you only read/watch/listen to the MSM and if you experienced 20 - 30 years when healthcare systems actually worked, it's not obvious why you be informed as to what is going on now.
I haven't trusted healthcare systems for decades, luckily I've been a pretty healthy person during that time. And I saw the cognitive dissonance of 'cancer research publicity' vs what actually went on in cancer research institutes, so I was a cynical old guy fairly young in life.
It took me a lot longer to face up to family members treating other family members like business adversaries, actively seeking to destroy everything they tried to do in life.
We're the naturally skeptical, naturally anti-establishment ones. We don't look up uncritically, we hold power to account.
Most people are more interested in making money and spending time with their kids, to be brutal.
That's not brutality.
It's the honest truth, but most people can't HANDLE the truth, so I am accused of being unkind.
Pretty brutal...
I've been on this "Covid19 Virus" data dig since March of 2020.
This is after having spent 35+ years deep diving pretty much everything the public has been fed via the MSM troughs.
I haven't owned a TV since 2012. This has helped my inquiring mind, and the steady development of my discernment, enormously. (TURN IT OFF folks.)
So, with all that said:
I had zero fear of "the virus" from the outset. What I feared (stuck in Canada, under Trudeau's boot) was the government authority's, and the public's, "response".
I was extremely curious from the outset and have spent the past 3.5 years uncovering the real science and factual data, and paying it forward.
Everyone in my family has disregarded it.
I'm the "conspiracy theorist" who is out-of-the loop. (Except whenever someone needs my help, research skills, or expertise...)
I have been a very vocal proponent of digging into precisely WHY so many of my (fully jabbed) relatives and friends quite suddenly and unexpectedly expired between late January 2021 and December 23, 2023.
AFTER catching, and making a complete (and unhospitalized) recovery from "the deadly virus".
If I so much as make perfunctory inquiries, or advise looking more closely into these deaths than merely perusing death certificates, which I am not privy to by the way, I'm met with shock and disapproval.
How could I be so unfeeling?
"Why are you so hurtful... don't pry..."
I'm actually quite a "feeling" person.
I am feeling quite done with my remaining family members and feel they're done with me too. With the possible exception of an ever more tenuous relationship with my only begotten child.
I have no real friends (left) here either, therefore I intend to leave Canada while the getting's still good.
I feel it's high time to leave them all in peace, and to their own devices. They're grown-ups, after all.
I feel it will be a relief for all concerned.
Apologies for venting here.
Depressed, disgusted, and frustrated beyond belief.
No need to apologise, friend. We all have needed to vent at some point. Or ongoingly, as the emotions swell and subside in response to our broken hearts.
All the best in finding a new life in a new land.
"We all have needed to vent at some point."
Substack is my only remaining vent outlet.
No one in my immediate circle is interested in any of my thoughts regarding critically important matters.
"Ghosted" or ignored.
Where's my tribe? Who knows, but I'm searching.
When I try to talk to my kids and the rest of the family, they get angry. However now with so many sick, dead from the shot we both know deep down, I'm not a nut. They just want me quiet now.
Feel sad for you, and for all of us Dorothy Ann.
The only way I can possibly be quiet is to leave though.
I live in rural Canada.
Now that the US restrictions against entry by unvaxxed foreign nationals are lifted, am heading south.
Geez, I could have wrote what you just wrote, with tge exception of leaving town. I guess that is why we are here.
Yep my dear.
That's why we're here. 😢
I’m thinking that somewhere in the Caribbean would be nice to relocate to. I’d be gone from Canada in a flash!!
Isn’t it interesting how so many of the jabbed who know they’ve been poisoned are impotent in terms of being angry enough to fight back?
They’re almost empty of normal human emotion. Who knew how easy it’d be to implode the will of so many?
I’m injected x2, when I was clueless back in December 2020-January 2021 but quickly realized my almost grave mistake when I ignored my gut feeling “to save my job”. I believe if I had not suffered an adverse reaction I possibly would’ve continued with my employers illegal demands. I was angry for being “forced”, I was angry at myself for not saying no, I was scared when it made me violently ill 12 hours post 2nd shot and I’m still angry that the scam is still continuing and I’m trying to wake others up but they are sleeping at the wheel...like I used to be. Now I’m the crazy conspiracy theorist and run the risk of telling the wrong person.
I also realized, on my own, without prompting, that we must be in the end times so it has motivated me to get right with my Creator and to read the Bible. This is not something that would have come to me if I didn’t have some connection to my Creators spirit. And I’m full of compassion, empathy, intuition and creativity it’s just hard to stay in those states when you’re living in this material realm. Peace❤️
It’s too bad people are unwilling to listen to your voice of experience but sooner or later they’ll realize you were right. All you can do is try and not worry about the results.
It’s a level playing field at this point given we’re all affected by the jabs by virtue of the Pfizer studies admitting transmission occurs. So whether injected or not, ultimately we’re in the same boat. Not to mention their tampering with our air, water, food and other medical supply.
May I recommend a helpful podcast?
It’s called Getting to Know Your Bible.
Thanks for the rec. I’m starting a bible study with a coworker that has woken up. She was attending nursing school and after a few months of talking to her, and literally showing proof as it would arise,that we ARE in a killing field. She has decided not to pursue nursing. The medical system is disguised as a wholesome, even Godly, career. I’m surrounded by well meaning people but they/we were trained to follow orders and to not question doctors specifically. I’m blessed (or cursed) to have been born to argue with everyone, even doctors, about everything and I advocate for the patient even when it makes the doctor mad. I can’t seem to stop that part of me even though I know it causes problems for me. I don’t think the doctors I work with are evil but I do think they were not trained to heal. I’ve always known medications may help one problem but it will cause 10 more. But I never thought big gov was depop’ing us. They only follow proticols and when they see the negative response they conveniently blame the illness/age/lack of health. It’s mind boggling that a doctor refuses to recognize what is happening and I feel they are the reason everyone trusts the science right over the cliff. Even the nurses who have been vaccine injured refuse to tie it to their 5th booster. But, for those that are willing to see are seeing the damage and we are trying to band together for the next assault coming our way. We are going to start our study of the Hebrew-Greek study Bible by Dr. Spirits Zodhiates.
“I’m blessed (or cursed) to have been born to argue with everyone, even doctors, about everything…”
That’s a blessing in my book. I’m the very same way and don’t apologize for asking questions and demanding answers.
It’s funny how few people ask questions anymore.
So glad to hear you survived the jabs and are drawing close to God. Bible Study Fellowship is starting up Bible Studies for fall. This year they are studying the Gospel of John. Check their website and see if there is a study in your area. I plan to. Classes start soon on Monday, September 11. https://www.bsfinternational.org/
IDK, been “jabbed” four times and am still here.
I think it’s my last shot though.
But I lost my wife during Covid,
Six weeks on a ventilator and they wouldn’t let me go in there and hold her. Now I’m sorry about not forcing my way in though it would have meant jail. It just would have meant so much to her.
Antidepressants (specifically SSRIs)?
Who knows?
I think hospitals were only incentivized to carry out protocols that were more harmful than helpful when COVID started. Before that things just went that way sometimes from not having enough staff to take care of people and attend to their needs.
A friend of ours went into a hospital (2019) for diverticulitis, and was getting minimal care, but nobody answered her call in the night for bathroom help.
She got up herself, tangled in tubing and wires, fell, broke her hip, and died from that in the hospital.
How awful.
With all due respect there is a lot of history of good people finding better cures for cancer than cut, poison and radiate only to be visited by "authorities" and taken to court despite the proof they had. Since most people didn't have the money to fight big government, they lost in court. I am really hoping covid is the catalyst to opening people's eyes to the AMA (American Mafia Assoc.)
Also there is a whole world of healing that herbs can do that have also been suppressed. Most people have no clue the power of herbs and non-processed foods to heal chronic conditions.
Dr. Falsi's toxic AZT mess back in the 80's was basically another remdesivir death drug. My friend's 21 year old brother had hemophilia and got tainted blood, then got HIV, and of course Dr.Falsi's death drug AZT and died.
I didn't see covid that way at all. Covid gave the "authorities" a much bigger group of people, the world, to gaslight, disable and kill. Basically what they have been doing forever.
So sorry about your friend.
Rhys: In your last sentence, did you mean 'than' ("spending time with your kids.")
Actually Bridget, we were fortunate to have good hospital systems who gave great care and because of our great primary care physicians and cardiologist. Then it changed dramatically with covid. I’ve had firsthand experience for over 20 years as I was the caregiver for my grandparents, parents and now my husband when he was hospitalized. We experienced a dramatic change in 2021 and 2022 that we had never experienced. But we were knowledgeable of the covid murder protocols and what to watch out for, and I have never been one to allow anyone to shut me down when I am caring for a loved one! So I don’t agree that people had self-chosen ignorance in many, many cases. I read constantly about what is going on and shared this information as much as possible. It’s just that when emergencies arise that’s when people are taken off guard when hospitals people once trusted change into killing machines. Until you are a full time caregiver and those responsibilities take up your time, a lot of people were unaware of the dramatic changes that happened until they lost their loved ones to the covid nightmare protocol.
It's not health care when they study and treat disease instead of seeking the cause of an illness. It's all backward. Our bodies are built with the ability to heal when provided the optimal conditions. I just finished listening to the first part of a radio show from 1993 with Alex Loglia on germ theory. It provided some great insight into disease, germ theory, Louis Pasteaur, and modern medicine. I had to slow it down to get the names of persons mentioned. Give it a listen in small does.
I was able to locate information on the persons mentioned about 20 min. in. I had already read about Antoine Bechamp and his work on pleomorphism. I have also watched a few videos and read the work of Dr. Amandha Vollmer, Dr. Mark Bailey, and Dr. Robert O. Young.
I just listened to it. Very interesting.
Why I love my job: >>> https://twitter.com/KateWalshHHS/status/1338608017038856192
that was a flash from the past! as a retired nurse, I found all those TikToks and other social media posts with nurses and doctors prancing around in choreographed scripts like damn fools while patients and folks in the community were dying from improper medical response to whatever the SARSCoV2 construct was, one of the most insidious and predatory chapters of this whole drama. Utter perfidy! The idea that health would be delivered in a syringe sponsored by the likes of Fauci, Redfield, Alex Azar, Birx, Pence and all the others at warp speed, no less, was absurd. I intuitively knew that these were dangerous. And remember Army General Gustave Perna? It is cringe worthy. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/2445137/operation-warp-speed-official-first-covid-19-vaccines-to-arrive-monday/
Cringe worthy indeed. It must be a comfortable illusion that one can blithely commit mass murder, with no moral reservation nor ethics of conscience................
If only the German Politicians and Military Officers in the 30s had access to social media. Just think how they could have spread their infectious work camp internment moves and put the world into similar a groove.
Democide goes better with music.
Well... Erm... The use of sopping wet newspaper propaganda and radio broadcast in the former United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada, pretty much sealed the deal EVERYONE made with the Devil. Let's not forget the internment camps initiated against Japanese citizens on the western shore of the US. New company: Lock-downs r' Us...
Jeeze... You'd think with all the wars and peaceful "liberation's" civilians have funded, we'd all be getting along quite nicely by now... .. .
Oh but they had the papers, and they had the movies.
They convinced German parents to euthanize their handicapped children. To euthanize the disabled and the elderly and the ill. They did that. For the good of the Reich.
This prep act (and all who participated in it) needs to be properly framed under RICO class action. Everyone is so busy trying to plead 'around' it, when they need to attack/challenge the act itself.
Agreed. And considering all of the updates to the Prep Act that have been implemented since Bush signed it into law, were talking about a lot of people.
Amazing how MANY are evil enough to go along with this. And at this late stage, I can no longer attribute any of this to mere ignorance. They KNOW what they're doing, ALL of them.
Yup. The "agenda" is very profitable.
I’m not a lawyer, but I would think “intent to harm, injure, and kill” is unconstitutional regardless of their ridiculous lawfare.
The RICO Act has been carefully ignored since inception. The reason being that the entire United States government and subsidiary agencies, are committing multiple offences on a daily basis. Class action suits will not put an end to criminal actions detailed in the article.
We need to quit hiring ambulance chasers to replace the Lawful Remedy of criminal prosecutions...
I explored this option and determined that almost ZERO prosecutors will move on any of this in any way.....they work for the same system. I did however, learn of a method by which private citizens can band together and petition the courts to empanel grand juries to bring criminal charges, thereby getting around the corrupt prosecutors. Problem: Most of the judges are too corrupt to do the right thing. Not all of them though. Got to find the right jurisdiction and frame the petition correctly. Where there's a will there's a way.
Failing this, i.e., a CIVIL remedy, we're going to have a very UNcivilized WAR against our government, due to the fact they refuse to permit any civil remedies for us to prevent our own EXTERMINATION.
The "authorities" need to be sent this reminder: > 18 U.S. Code § 3 - Accessory after the fact >>> "Whoever, knowing that an offense against the United States has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact.
Except as otherwise expressly provided by any Act of Congress, an accessory after the fact shall be imprisoned not more than one-half the maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding section 3571) fined not more than one-half the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the principal, or both; or if the principal is punishable by life imprisonment or death, the accessory shall be imprisoned not more than 15 years." [End quote]
Attorneys General in many jurisdictions are not receiving notice of civil complaint, and by Law, cannot self-initiate criminal investigations within their own jurisdiction. In other words: They need to be "notified" by other witness.
The complaint or Petition should include a notice that specifies an actionable response with a time limit "call". If the specified action is not fulfilled in a timely manner, the recipient will automatically be charged as an Accessory After the Fact in any future or associated litigation.
Complete text: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/3
Conditions leading to Lawful remedy: >
18 U.S. Code § 1111 - Murder
Read entire text.
My good friend lost her husband to the "Covid Protocol" because he'd been in the hospital for about five days and was getting better -- talking to co-workers on the phone etc. -- when suddenly she was told by a nurse that he'd been moved to ICU, given Remdesivir and put on a ventilator as he was having trouble breathing. Obviously, my friend could not go visit him during this time -- it was in July 2021 -- and at that time none of us knew about the hospital "kill" protocol for all Covid patients or she says she would have never taken him to the hospital in the first place. When people ask my friend how her husband died and whether it was from Covid, she replies, "No, the government killed him."
At that time also, most of us could have never believed that our government would actually begin killing off its citizens, but then look at Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution, Lenin and Stalin era; look at China during Mao's revolution and the live organ harvesting under Xi today; look at Pol Pot in Cambodia and his "killing fields." Hospitals are today's killing fields in the U.S. Our government is certainly not above anything that government leaders have done in the past. We are learning the lessons so many in other countries have learned in the recent past.
Resistance is NOT futile! Resistance is necessary to save our Constitution!
I hope your friend continues to tell people about how her husband died. Tragic.
I hope she tells her story at chbmp.org, The Humanity Betrayal Memory Project. They also have night time groups where she can talk to others on line about what she went through.
Thank you, I will let her know.
I think they were trying for 1,000 people to give their testimony for a class action lawsuit when they began. Last time I checked they had around 800.
I am so sorry for your friend. My dad was killed by the same deadly protocols in July/Aug 2021. Keeping your friend in my prayers.
Most people who supposedly died of "Covid," actually died of "Protocol," ---- because they caught Remdesivir, even the ones who were there because of motorcycle accidents. Remdesivir causes kidney failure. They were convinced that the medical institutions "knew what they were doing" and were willing to help them. Well, they DID "know what they were doing," they were committing a genocide, propelled by fear because there was a big emergency; they needed to do the bidding of the Corporate Private Equity Owners who really wanted to redistribute people's wealth.
It must take extreme cognitive repression for any doctor to prescribe a drug whilst being aware that it will kill someone. I can only assume that 90% of doctors were so unaware of remdesevir characteristics that they just trusted old Fauci's directives.
after 3 years of killing people with remdesivir, no doctor who prescribes it is unaware of what they are doing. No more excuses.
I agree. I had a conversation with a brainwashed ICU pulmonologist that I had worked with before I retired from anesthesia. He told me that severe Covid basically looked like ARDS and that he was using remdesivir to treat it. Furthermore, he admitted that mortality was on the order of 40% (prior to proning). At that point I think it wasn’t malicious. But over time it should have become clear and he should have taken the time to research remdesivir and the vaxx (he was a big proponent). I sent emails about the facts of each but they were unanswered. At some point it became a malevolent act. Probably being a “covered person” made it so much easier.
And the horror continues - this is from July 2023:
FDA Approves Drug Remdesivir for COVID-19 Treatment in People With Kidney Problems, Despite Data Showing Renal Failure
Well, there's an awful lot of doctors that need to be deregistered/struck off then. And a significant need to replace them with honest ones.
I think the same goes for doctors who put people on ventilators while they are still able to talk easily have to know that they are going to kill them. But then they put people on them to protect staff from getting infected. Not for the patient’s benefit, but to protect staff. Unbelievable.
Interestingly, although a hospital, nursing home etc., cannot be sued for giving a vaccine due to the PREP Act (except for willful misconduct), they can be sued for nonfeasance for NOT administering a vaccine. (Not sure if that applies to remdesivir)
What is most interesting is that they being the "experts" di