This is all a banking agenda, because usury sucks all the money up to the useless eliters where its just hoarded and the economy ceases to function normally and then comes revolution, so they’re trying to control everything digitally, after they drastically and quietly reduce the population.
Except they can't, because the people are going to stop them by putting them in jail for their crimes.
If they can fake moon landings (and all the nations go along), then everything needs to be reevaluated, including virology and fundamental physics like the big bang theory.
But that doesn't lead directly to the conclusion that we are helpless, in fact it leads to the opposite conclusion, because their machinations are finally being revealed (to a wider audience).
"I am disheartened like many of you about the lack of any progress on terminating the PREP Act emergency declaration for covid"
Yeah. The only real emergency in all these years has been scientific fraud. Fraudsters should go to jail for that. The bastards have blood on their hands.
Yep. But I give it another 3 months before the public says, " Wtf! We wuz lied tooz!?! Agains.!!!!!"😉
Then a further 3months of the government replies, "give us time, 9months is not long, cant jest STOP these shotz, no backsies! But dont worry lil doggies, we gotz top, smarts on the case, 2025 Christmas present, fer sure!!🤨
Aaaaaand the public will wait.And more will die without the help they need, gaslit into thinking it was their fault. And more will get pressured into hav ing more shots, because of scaremongering and free speech censorship laws keep getting approved, and they don't know what they don't know.😐
As far as withholding funds from universities where "illegal" protests occur - well, first we need to determine what constitutes an "illegal" protest. I'm sure they called Union marches and civil rights protests "illegal" at some point.
I wonder if Bobby Kennedy harkens back to the protests that he, like many of us his age, witnessed and were inspired by in the 1960's. The ones that called out the Viet Nam war. A war which is father was going to halt.
The Bobby Kennedy Jr that I listened to daily from 2020 - 23 is not in any way shape or form the same Bobby Kennedy that is saying ANY type of protest is wrong or illegal.
As far as the anti-semitism hogwash, all I can say, as I've been harping on for months, they got to him. Arrogant of me to assume I know what a person thinks and believes, but I just don't buy his sincerity around this issue. Again, controlled.
Perhaps if the young Bolivarian-Bolshevisks who do protests would start demanding forced rhinoplastic surgery to all zionists, as a means of forcing their assimilation into the very civilized gentile culture of the US, then that could qualify as an illegal protest.
And then a nice debate on the internet would ensue: maybe the leftist revolutionary kids are wrong in demanding a forced surgery on people, but people with big noses may be using too much air and that's not efficient. They may be creating global warming and the end always justifies the means. So, maybe it's wrong to abuse other people's bodies for a political dispute, but if it's just a technocratic efficiency issue, then human rights and morality do not apply.
I would oppose such nonsense, of course. And I would support deportation/deployment of young American college kids to countries like Venezuela, Cuba or Bolivia. That would be so funny.
I don't know how these measles 'outbreaks' start, but isn't it weird that they are often closely linked to legislative efforts that remove vaccine exemptions like what they just tried in Hawaii? And what timing they have! Just after RFK is confirmed, BAM measles in the headlines. That is one wily virus.
Yup... These 'viruses' are getting smarter and smarter. They weren't even able to transit six feet a few years ago, and masks put them to shame. Now they're all over the place... Gain of Fiction memes are so clever...
What was Peter Hotez's proximity to the Texas "outbreak"? He just tweeted out something about the rise in anti-science, should we expect another release from HHS on this? I think the real problem is the rise in anti-logos.
You are a magnificent gadfly! This is a necessary function, even more so in times of great change. Thank you for your clarity and probity. We all benefit.
The proper response would have been for POTUS 47 to dissolve HHS by Executive Order. He has the authority to do so since healthcare and medical research are not powers delegated to Congress pursuant to Article I Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution by the several States.
Thanks Mic. I'll do that. But I'm not holding my breath since he, as POTUS, 45 authorized Operation Warp Speed, which gives the Secretary of Health and Human Services unilateral authority to declare a medical health emergency. BTW that authorization stands until a POTUS rescinds it. Personally, I don't believe our founders intended for either the president or the secretary to have such authority. Please notice: Alex Azar, Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Mark Milley, Jared Kushner all received medals of commendation for their participation in Operation Warp Speed from President Trump on January 19, 2021
Here's what I emailed (the post card is somewhat abbreviated) POTUS:
Dear President Trump:
Seeing that healthcare and medical research, other than copyright protection, are not powers delegated to Congress pursuant to Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution, please take notice that I, F. Thomas Fiedler, do not consent my personal subjection to administrative law emanating from the U.S. Department of Human Services, especially special powers obtained via Operation Warp Speed.
Consequently, I find it expedient and beneficial for you, in your executive capacity (no legislative participation necessary), to dissolve and abolish the Department of Health and Human Services in my behalf, restoring its respective authority to the several States.
Respectfully submitted,
F. Thomas Fiedler
inhabitant citizen: State of Arizona the United States of America
I commend a Biblical-historical deep-dive on what that looks like and what it implies for the world.
(Hint: the capital of that never-quite-dead brutal global-empirical impulse/system does not need to be in Italy in order to manifest the primary attributes of how the Roman empire behaved.)
We had a courier service and spent most of our time in the basement of Yale New Haven Hospital.
Several of the Yale employees and employees of the company which contracted us, were required to get measles vax or lose their job. Why?... you ask...
Laundry goes through the basement, and several laundry hampers came down from the measles "sufferer's" room. They got near the hampers.
The state of CT had a total of... wait for it, cuz here it comes... 2 cases. No deaths.
5 of our friends were forced to take the shot or lose their jobs. They felt like crap, but thankfully didn't die. Hopefully, though not likely, no long term effects.
We lost that gig when in May of 2020, I refused to cover my face. That was costly as, at my age and with my education, an mDiv, and getting work was tough.
Churches by and large, don't want conservative, vocal patriots in their pulpits.
Since 2020, the world has so changed as to make the difficulties protracted.
For those following Idaho politics, the legislature is on the brink of militarizing our Emergency Medical Services. Two related bills passed the House by wide margins and the Senate State Affairs committee gave it a DO PASS recommendation.
Have we missed something good in these bills? Or is it worth calling a 4-Alarm Fire? The links below express our opinions and link to the source bills.
Yeah. Montana just killed its bill banning the c19 vaxes. We may very well head down your road. Unfortunately, Trump love extends to the state Republican love and no one wants to be bothered by examining the bills popping up. They are not geared to maintaing individual sovereignty. Just corporate sovereignty. Which makes Trump very happy.
"Thus the Drug Trust, while maintaining the Stalinist Communist Government in Russia, simultaneously maintained a Communist back up regime in the United States, the Trotskyite Movement, in case the Stalinist regime should fall."
Thanks for the update, Sasha. i am increasingly certain that little will; change except a trimming of staff and "saving" a few centavos (not even sure this is really happening). I think exposing the financial corruption in government (while it undoubtedly exists on a grander scale than a few billions here and there) is merely a project to redirect more billions to our ruling tech-oligarchs. The project seems well along and collusion was certainly underway under the Dems, too. We are seeing years of techno-coporatist takeover efforts simply emerge into plain view. ...All for the greater good, of course...
In these United States - free expression used to be a tradition but once you deem it
“hate speech”
all discourse on a particular subject is banned, made illegal with draconian results disenfranchising the alternate view and deporting the student on a student visa - welcome to America the land of the “free” as long as you don’t violate the accepted views by disagreeing with the ruling parties point of view. Sit down, shut up and behave- wow so much for free speech.
Thanks for the headlines. Novel anti-semitism virus ? Is there a test or a Rx ? Surely a countermeasure must be on the way. Measles fear mongering is disgraceful. Illegal protesting - now there's a constitutional chestnut to chew on. DJT is a worthless pile of steaming cow dung.
The first step to recovery is admitting its a military operation.
The final step is realizing there are no viruses.
This is all a banking agenda, because usury sucks all the money up to the useless eliters where its just hoarded and the economy ceases to function normally and then comes revolution, so they’re trying to control everything digitally, after they drastically and quietly reduce the population.
Except they can't, because the people are going to stop them by putting them in jail for their crimes.
If they can fake moon landings (and all the nations go along), then everything needs to be reevaluated, including virology and fundamental physics like the big bang theory.
But that doesn't lead directly to the conclusion that we are helpless, in fact it leads to the opposite conclusion, because their machinations are finally being revealed (to a wider audience).
"I am disheartened like many of you about the lack of any progress on terminating the PREP Act emergency declaration for covid"
Yeah. The only real emergency in all these years has been scientific fraud. Fraudsters should go to jail for that. The bastards have blood on their hands.
Yep. But I give it another 3 months before the public says, " Wtf! We wuz lied tooz!?! Agains.!!!!!"😉
Then a further 3months of the government replies, "give us time, 9months is not long, cant jest STOP these shotz, no backsies! But dont worry lil doggies, we gotz top, smarts on the case, 2025 Christmas present, fer sure!!🤨
Aaaaaand the public will wait.And more will die without the help they need, gaslit into thinking it was their fault. And more will get pressured into hav ing more shots, because of scaremongering and free speech censorship laws keep getting approved, and they don't know what they don't know.😐
#sotiredoftheBS #bewise #follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
"Wtf! We wuz lied tooz!?! Agains.!!!!!" Love your use of syntax. Are there any ships named "Censor"? There should be at least one...
Disheartened but not surprised.
As far as withholding funds from universities where "illegal" protests occur - well, first we need to determine what constitutes an "illegal" protest. I'm sure they called Union marches and civil rights protests "illegal" at some point.
I wonder if Bobby Kennedy harkens back to the protests that he, like many of us his age, witnessed and were inspired by in the 1960's. The ones that called out the Viet Nam war. A war which is father was going to halt.
The Bobby Kennedy Jr that I listened to daily from 2020 - 23 is not in any way shape or form the same Bobby Kennedy that is saying ANY type of protest is wrong or illegal.
As far as the anti-semitism hogwash, all I can say, as I've been harping on for months, they got to him. Arrogant of me to assume I know what a person thinks and believes, but I just don't buy his sincerity around this issue. Again, controlled.
Perhaps if the young Bolivarian-Bolshevisks who do protests would start demanding forced rhinoplastic surgery to all zionists, as a means of forcing their assimilation into the very civilized gentile culture of the US, then that could qualify as an illegal protest.
And then a nice debate on the internet would ensue: maybe the leftist revolutionary kids are wrong in demanding a forced surgery on people, but people with big noses may be using too much air and that's not efficient. They may be creating global warming and the end always justifies the means. So, maybe it's wrong to abuse other people's bodies for a political dispute, but if it's just a technocratic efficiency issue, then human rights and morality do not apply.
I would oppose such nonsense, of course. And I would support deportation/deployment of young American college kids to countries like Venezuela, Cuba or Bolivia. That would be so funny.
Maybe they should wear gloves. You know? Perhaps some cute little blue ones... Fraud, is...
I don't know how these measles 'outbreaks' start, but isn't it weird that they are often closely linked to legislative efforts that remove vaccine exemptions like what they just tried in Hawaii? And what timing they have! Just after RFK is confirmed, BAM measles in the headlines. That is one wily virus.
Yup... These 'viruses' are getting smarter and smarter. They weren't even able to transit six feet a few years ago, and masks put them to shame. Now they're all over the place... Gain of Fiction memes are so clever...
Very smart. Viruses can only infect you when you are standing up or walking without a mask, but once you sit down they can’t touch you.
Remember when people were flying and they took their mask off to put something in their mouth and then they put their mask back on whilst chewing it?
Yip, vaccine and psych business have one basic in common, ghostbusters chasing fata morgana’s, the most profitable but also pathogenic pandemics.
Gain of Fiction. Good one.
What was Peter Hotez's proximity to the Texas "outbreak"? He just tweeted out something about the rise in anti-science, should we expect another release from HHS on this? I think the real problem is the rise in anti-logos.
Measles yá say
You are a magnificent gadfly! This is a necessary function, even more so in times of great change. Thank you for your clarity and probity. We all benefit.
My favorite parts of Covid:
The Doctors
Of The Medical Freedom Movement
Are Fighting For Their Reputations.
They’re Not Fighting For The Truth. They Can’t.
Because The Truth
Will Destroy Their Profession
And Consequently Their Reputations.
Doctors are interested in money.
Can I see your insurance card?
Gotta grow the stock portfolio and change luxury vehicles every year!
Bahamas luxury condo fees ain't cheap!:).
There will be someone that turns the table over.
Paul Marik is close.
He just doesn’t realize, yet, that it’s all Sepsis.
But he has his thumb on it.
So far RFK has been a big nothing burger, but the same can be said about Patel and Bondi.
The “just wait” excuse is bullshit!
No action says a lot in my world
Would you like some fries with your nothing-burger? Maybe cherry pie for dessert?
Sure; sounds vegan.
The proper response would have been for POTUS 47 to dissolve HHS by Executive Order. He has the authority to do so since healthcare and medical research are not powers delegated to Congress pursuant to Article I Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution by the several States.
Send your message to the President
Thanks Mic. I'll do that. But I'm not holding my breath since he, as POTUS, 45 authorized Operation Warp Speed, which gives the Secretary of Health and Human Services unilateral authority to declare a medical health emergency. BTW that authorization stands until a POTUS rescinds it. Personally, I don't believe our founders intended for either the president or the secretary to have such authority. Please notice: Alex Azar, Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Mark Milley, Jared Kushner all received medals of commendation for their participation in Operation Warp Speed from President Trump on January 19, 2021
Disgusting but I think it is worth the stamp to send your thoughts. Op warp speed hasn’t been admitted to and Trump needs to man up to that action
Here's what I emailed (the post card is somewhat abbreviated) POTUS:
Dear President Trump:
Seeing that healthcare and medical research, other than copyright protection, are not powers delegated to Congress pursuant to Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution, please take notice that I, F. Thomas Fiedler, do not consent my personal subjection to administrative law emanating from the U.S. Department of Human Services, especially special powers obtained via Operation Warp Speed.
Consequently, I find it expedient and beneficial for you, in your executive capacity (no legislative participation necessary), to dissolve and abolish the Department of Health and Human Services in my behalf, restoring its respective authority to the several States.
Respectfully submitted,
F. Thomas Fiedler
inhabitant citizen: State of Arizona the United States of America
Very good. Hopefully, your efforts will bear fruit.
re. "illegal protests" - Rome 2.0
I commend a Biblical-historical deep-dive on what that looks like and what it implies for the world.
(Hint: the capital of that never-quite-dead brutal global-empirical impulse/system does not need to be in Italy in order to manifest the primary attributes of how the Roman empire behaved.)
Giant Measles Outbreak in 2019...
We had a courier service and spent most of our time in the basement of Yale New Haven Hospital.
Several of the Yale employees and employees of the company which contracted us, were required to get measles vax or lose their job. Why?... you ask...
Laundry goes through the basement, and several laundry hampers came down from the measles "sufferer's" room. They got near the hampers.
The state of CT had a total of... wait for it, cuz here it comes... 2 cases. No deaths.
5 of our friends were forced to take the shot or lose their jobs. They felt like crap, but thankfully didn't die. Hopefully, though not likely, no long term effects.
We lost that gig when in May of 2020, I refused to cover my face. That was costly as, at my age and with my education, an mDiv, and getting work was tough.
Churches by and large, don't want conservative, vocal patriots in their pulpits.
Since 2020, the world has so changed as to make the difficulties protracted.
Bring it, devil, bring it.
We won't be stopped.
Truth is a Person.
For those following Idaho politics, the legislature is on the brink of militarizing our Emergency Medical Services. Two related bills passed the House by wide margins and the Senate State Affairs committee gave it a DO PASS recommendation.
Have we missed something good in these bills? Or is it worth calling a 4-Alarm Fire? The links below express our opinions and link to the source bills.
🔥NO on H0206 - Emergency medical services:
🔥NO on H0207 - Emergency medical services, REPLICA Compact:
Yeah. Montana just killed its bill banning the c19 vaxes. We may very well head down your road. Unfortunately, Trump love extends to the state Republican love and no one wants to be bothered by examining the bills popping up. They are not geared to maintaing individual sovereignty. Just corporate sovereignty. Which makes Trump very happy.
We’re also being stymied in our mRNA moratorium bill S1036. See note:
Bankers have us in a polycrisis.
"Thus the Drug Trust, while maintaining the Stalinist Communist Government in Russia, simultaneously maintained a Communist back up regime in the United States, the Trotskyite Movement, in case the Stalinist regime should fall."
Eustace Mullins
Murder By Injection.
......, and the district of criminals is swarming with self-proclaimed Trotskyites today. Some call them Israel firsters.
Dang, too early to start drinkin. Perhaps I should have saved this read until later. Awesome recap as usual. Thanks Sasha.
Winter roads are challenging to navigate.
But after winter comes Spring.
The cycle goes on.
And so must we.
No season lasts forever.
Each season prepares us for the next.
The Rockefellers drive on all-season tires, my friend. It's always high summer in Rockefellerland.
The Rockefellers are subject to the natural and spiritual seasons like everyone else.
All-season tyres will not save the guilty from judgement and justice.
Thanks for the update, Sasha. i am increasingly certain that little will; change except a trimming of staff and "saving" a few centavos (not even sure this is really happening). I think exposing the financial corruption in government (while it undoubtedly exists on a grander scale than a few billions here and there) is merely a project to redirect more billions to our ruling tech-oligarchs. The project seems well along and collusion was certainly underway under the Dems, too. We are seeing years of techno-coporatist takeover efforts simply emerge into plain view. ...All for the greater good, of course...
Thank you for timely research and rational assessments.
Totalitarianism alive and well
In these United States - free expression used to be a tradition but once you deem it
“hate speech”
all discourse on a particular subject is banned, made illegal with draconian results disenfranchising the alternate view and deporting the student on a student visa - welcome to America the land of the “free” as long as you don’t violate the accepted views by disagreeing with the ruling parties point of view. Sit down, shut up and behave- wow so much for free speech.
Thanks for the headlines. Novel anti-semitism virus ? Is there a test or a Rx ? Surely a countermeasure must be on the way. Measles fear mongering is disgraceful. Illegal protesting - now there's a constitutional chestnut to chew on. DJT is a worthless pile of steaming cow dung.