Happenings and not-happenings at HHS
Some recent notable developments under RFK Jr's command
This post is a collection of recent mainstream news reports from the Dep’t of Health and Human Services (HHS) which I think are worth noting.
Operation Measles.
First, many people already commented on the very lame opinion piece from RFK Jr for Fox News related to the faked measles “outbreak” in TX:
Where there was no measles outbreak at all:
Where the child didn’t die of measles but from other causes and from the hospital withholding the necessary treatment for her (according to her parents).
Of course, the fake news media was pushing ridiculous stories about a deadly disease which is not deadly at all. They claimed the child died because RFK Jr was appointed as head of HHS. Such a thing automatically causes measles. Maybe because he was thinking bad thoughts about vaccines. Just by thinking those thoughts, of course, he caused the outbreak (yes, they finally admit it is imaginary), and so it’s his fault. Anyhow, to atone for this bad thoughts in the vaccine direction, RFK Jr had to write that nonsense and publish it on Fox. Whatever. Some people believe he didn’t write it, and I tend to agree that it’s hard to imagine he would write something so lame. On the other hand, his name is on it, so he approved it, regardless of who wrote it. Other commenters noted that he said things that are highly controversial for head of HHS, such as “vaccines are a choice” and that measles cases and mortality declined by 98% due to sanitation and improved nutrition. Therefore, saying this is an act of heroism of some sort. I don’t know. I think caving in to the very obvious fakery only turns off his real supporters and does not make the cabal of poisoners like him any better.
Despite the RFK Jr’s cave-in, or possibly because of some REALLY BAD words he used in the article, like “vaccine choice”, this opinion piece on Fox caused an explosion at HHS. Tom Corry, assistant secretary of public affairs at HHS, resigned on Friday “effective immediately,” according to a LinkedIn post. Politico reported on Monday that Corry clashed with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his principal deputy chief of staff, Stefanie Spear, over the agency’s handling of the growing measles outbreak in Texas.
Corry was officially sworn in about two weeks ago after joining the new administration. Corry served in President Donald Trump’s first administration, spending almost two years at CMS as a senior advisor and director of communications.
To me this reads like a bit of good news. We wish luck to Mr. Corry. Maybe Pfizer is hiring.
In other news, Dr. Mary Talley Boden ran a survey on X and found that 95% of respondents (impressive 32K+ sample size) do not trust doctors.
Instead of addressing this giant lack of trust problem, however, the HHS is focused on policing political speech:
HHS/RFK Jr policing political speech.
Setting aside the stupidity around measles, a much more concerning statement from HHS/RFK Jr is this one - claiming that anti-Semitism is a virulent pandemic on college campuses, specifically at Columbia University. Quote from RFK Jr:
“Anti-Semitism – like racism – is a spiritual and moral malady that sickens societies and kills people with lethalities comparable to history’s most deadly plagues,” said HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. “In recent years, the censorship and false narratives of woke cancel culture have transformed our great universities into greenhouses for this deadly and virulent pestilence. Making America healthy means building communities of trust and mutual respect, based on speech freedom and open debate.”
In the meantime, The Boss is posting threats about “illegal protests”… even more interesting - what’s an illegal protest?
This is a really worrisome, IMO. And not because I am pro- or anti-Semitism. I think claiming that political speech is “health”, and claiming government/HHS authority over non-public-health Constitutional issues like free speech is a gigantic over-reach into federal tyranny under the guises of public health. I believe it’s none of HHS’s business how Columbia University conducts its business as long as they do it lawfully. If they violate laws, then it is still none of HHS’s business! It’s the business of law enforcement and the courts. The solution is to stop giving private universities with large endowments any federal money, but this is not what’s going on here. Both RFK Jr and Trump are saying we will only give money to Columbia if Columbia suppresses specific type of political speech.
If it is only the political speech that offends the HHS and Trump Admin, they can read the Constitution while pounding sand. In any case, no “virulent virus of anti-Semitism” exists, that’s totally crazy talk from someone who supposedly upholds science and public health. Also, “building communities” is NOT HHS’s job! And not the federal government’s job either! Building communities is the job of local communities, and those are the rights and liberties that the federal government is supposed to respect by staying out of it.
NVICP Advisory Commission meeting is cancelled.
Next piece of news - the mainstream press is complaining about the cancellation of the scheduled HHS’ vaccine injury panel which was supposed to happen on January 29-30, was cancelled on a week’s notice and not been rescheduled yet.
The little-known panel, Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines, is supposed to review the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), which doles out money from a multibillion-dollar federal trust to people who have had a vaccine-related injury or death. It is made up of health professionals, representatives for children who had a vaccine injury, one lawyer representing vaccine makers, and the general public.
It’s worth emphasizing here that this panel DOES NOT oversee anything related to the covid mRNA “vaccines”. This is because they are not vaccines, and despite 3 covid shots on the CDC Childhood Schedule, they are not childhood vaccines either! They are EUA Countermeasures and subject to an entirely different governmental black hole - Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). The FDA is lying about “approved covid vaccines”, but since lying about countermeasures is perfectly legal, please do not be concerned, they are doing it safely for themselves.
Getting back to the cancelled Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines. It appears that in recent years, the NVICP compensation program has been overrun with more claims than staffers have had time to address, according to recommendations the panel sent to then-HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra in 2022. The panel said the program needed additional administrative staff and third-party lawyers, called special masters, to help close more cases. According to the report, there has been a 412% increase in NVICP claims filed, majority of it due to injuries associated with flu shots:
The commission wrote that the program is overwhelmed with claims and there isn’t enough staff and special masters (lawyers assigned to the vaccine court), as there are only 8 of them authorized by the program. They recommended increasing the number of lawyers and increasing appropriations for the administrative costs to process the claims.
Becerra responded more than six months later in May 2023, saying that the recommendations would receive “a thorough review with the Department,” and reiterated then-President Joe Biden’s budget increases for the compensation program.
As you can see, we are talking about 2000+ claims that avalanched the NVICP. Let’s imagine what would happen if covid vax injuries were included in this scheme - there are 2 million+ reports in VAERS alone! Meaning, there could be 20 million to 200 million actual claims due to under-reporting and suppression of VAERS data. Not surprisingly, when Trump administration carefully and thoughtfully launched Operation Warp Speed, they also carefully and proactively made sure that the anticipated millions of victims would not hit an already backlogged NVICP but instead would be ignored completely under CICP! Your government thinks of everything!
I don’t know what the cancellation of this advisory committee meeting means. The meeting to select new strains of flu shots by CDC was also cancelled. I think that’s good news. It might be that these two things are related since the majority of the NVICP backlog comes from the flu shot injuries. Let’s note this and keep an eye on future developments around flu shots.
DOGE terminates leases of 30 FDA offices and labs.
Next piece of news includes cuts at the FDA, including a 52,000 square-foot St. Louis-based lab that operates under the FDA’s Office of Pharmaceutical Quality. It wasn’t immediately clear when any of DOGE’s claimed lease terminations might take effect.
The St. Louis lab employs about 80 staff and has state of the art pharmaceutical characterization and testing equipment worth between $50 million and $100 million The site, known as the Office of Testing and Research, conducts lab research on pharma manufacturing, formulation and characterization of drugs, and provides scientific training to FDA staff on pharmaceutical quality and bioavailability/bioequivalence issues including manufacturing, formulation, analytical testing and modeling, according to the FDA.
Cutting the FDA’s facilities responsible for manufacturing quality assessment seems like a bad move to me as these departments are responsible for regulatory knowledge of cGMP or Good Manufacturing Practice compliance.
Aaaand… 2 days later the decision to close the St. Louis lab was reversed. It’s not being shut down after all. But other facilities are still on the chopping block.
Other FDA leases that DOGE claims it is ending include a more than 21,000 square-foot site that operates under the Office of Regulatory Affairs in San Clemente, CA, as well as smaller FDA-operated sites in Rhode Island, Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas, California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Ohio, Maryland, Delaware, Wisconsin, Utah, North Carolina, New Jersey and Florida.
I am disheartened like many of you about the lack of any progress on terminating the PREP Act emergency declaration for covid, and any steps to acknowledging covid vaccine harms, while the shots are staying on the childhood schedule and while they are still being mandated for medical workers. I have addressed these issues in my open letter to RFK Jr.:
These are all mu HHS updates for now.
Art for today: Winter Road, oil on panel, 14x18 in.
The first step to recovery is admitting its a military operation.
"I am disheartened like many of you about the lack of any progress on terminating the PREP Act emergency declaration for covid"
Yeah. The only real emergency in all these years has been scientific fraud. Fraudsters should go to jail for that. The bastards have blood on their hands.