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does this mean that the government sits outside the country? this means that they are a foreign corps right? how can they tell Americans what to do if these laws are made in place outside the country?

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Correct! Start here to begin to understand the basics as to how this came to be:

You Know Something is Wrong When.....: An American Affidavit of Probable Cause PDF - https://mega.nz/file/Uoc3XYYI#h1G4taW8zrFZonU-95cPItDMGkYzYKySYq3Vd805jCI

OR...order the book...https://www.amazon.com/You-Know-Something-Wrong-When/dp/1491279184/ref=pd_bxgy_14_img_2?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=1491279184&pd_rd_r=TZCKGNKWBF2QH07C39F6&pd_rd_w=iJqbo&pd_rd_wg=o8WyB&psc=1&refRID=TZCKGNKWBF2QH07C39F6

This is also a very good introduction to the situation at hand:

Learn The NECESSARY Steps to Self Governing As A Lawful Person



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Yes. Excellent introductory materials. Good on ya!

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12 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Seems like every day we are being gut punched by one branch or another of this government - while freaks and criminals run wild and free.

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Heh, heh... The freaks and criminals are governmental employees... Of course they run free...

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This pretty much says it all:

"next time the government claims an emergency and mandates you to do anything for your safety - please tell them to go an fk themselves."

Thank you, Sasha!

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12 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Such are the times we live in. Murder Incorporated permitted to run amok. I've seen it written that "our battle is far from over." The insinuation that this is going to end at some point is an egregious misnomer....a Jedi Mind Trick of monstrous proportions. The battle is never-ending. This barrell of crap has no bottom. Same barrell, different shit. Get used to it, and fight like hell.

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someone once stated that one person killed is murder, while millions killed are statistics. Forgot who said so, but isn't it the truth?

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Kill a man , your a murderer

Kill many , your a conquerer

Kill them all, your a God.

- Dave Mustaine, Megadeth

I apologize if it's not appropriate, but some thought provoking lyrics from this band.

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Yes. I've posted that quote many times. "When one man is murdered, it's a tragedy. When millions are murdered, it's a statistic." I'm not sure if I'm the source, or if I read a similar thought by another person. The idea holds pretty true...

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One child molested is pedophilia.

Millions molested are just statistics!

Save and protect the children or go on suffering and dying ourselves.

Our choice.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Appeal to higher court. Repeat.

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The "higher" court system is a 'legally' designed fraud. A Lawful court should have One jurisdiction, One judge, and One Lawful hearing. "Circuit Courts" are aptly named, because they are designed to run plaintiffs around in hopeless circles until they run out of money or method of appeal.

The Court "system" is designed to protect Court affiliates, period. Courts are not civilian based jurisdictions. They are State based jurisdictions designed to enhance the powers of State based partnerships.

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Yes. You are replying to an anarcho-capitalist.

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12 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you for the outstanding summary of the case. This ruling absolutely cannot stand. Appeal is imperative.

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In this time, when the seams of Justice are under attack and unraveling, it still remains true that Justice should be swift and true. Not hanging on getting the right appointed Judge, accepting agony in waiting for the hopeful waffle in authority, during grief. Perhaps it is what we’ve signed up for, with the lessons attached.

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Agreed. As the parasite infestation of our government (at all levels) spread, most didn’t see it, and most of us that did see it allowed it to happen with little or no corrective action. Now the patient is in guarded condition and the hospital has become yet another killing field. Prayers are needed.

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Transnationals have purchased The Beltway crowd.

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It all comes down to people refusing government medical interventions. So long as people keep rolling up their sleeves for this crap......

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That's the problem - courts don't "rule," they opine - they present their opinions. Such that the States, where the real constitutional power is {but few know this because they don't teach it in schools and media is all over the place with their mis and disinformation) can accept or reject these opinions, not only if they find it isn't constitutional, but even if the people just don't want it. Things changed when the federal government, flush with tax money and generous foreign bribes, began letting the states know they better go along with dystopia, or else they get no funding. As greed grew, politicians grew with it and very few states will go against the government, as is more apparent today than ever before.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

We need states to go independent from government funding (somehow) to remove the noose around their necks, so to speak.

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We need to remove the noose from around our own necks (somehow) first.

Greed is a very corrosive evil.

We cannot fix the system if we are part of the system.

We cannot clean out the pigsty at any level, unless we clean up at home first.

Sure the elite are evil with their excessive wealth and extravagant luxuries.

But we are part of the system with our own excesses and extravagances.

We do not call out the rich because we are complicit to some degree.

Excessive wealth inevitably involves moral corruption and criminal violence.

We overlook our own little crimes, because we are good people just doing our best to rake in as much money as we can for ourselves regardless.

That is just life - the way things are - what "we gotta do to prosper in this system."

The answer?

The question?

How to free ourselves from the dollar collar, that inevitably allows moral corruption and criminal violence to enthrone a few at the top of the financial power pyramid, at the expense of the rest.

Not possible.

OK - carry on regardless then and don't complain about the fallout.

Just take as much of the power pie as we can for ourselves and be grateful.

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Even before the Scamdemic it was known by many that the courts are as corrupt as the other 2 branches of government

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12 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Dear Lord Jesus, I pray against this wickedness that has placed itself in a position to do this horror. Please expose every bit of everything. We do not comply Lord. Please help us!

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12 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

The mistake commonly made is going after the ens legis rather than the man or woman. Murder is murder when we talk about mankind. When it is under the protections of a fictitious entity, what is unlawful, now becomes legal. How do you put a fictitious entity on the stand to testify to harm? It's not possible. It's a piece of paper. People need to begin to realize that man causes harm. The ens legis might cause injury or be injured, but it is protected as a fake thing unable to be truly held accountable. Man has choice. Titles are a monopoly piece on a game board. Start going after the man instead.

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Correct. Lawsuits are considered remedy for alleged monetary or physical "damages" to plaintiffs. "Judgments" in cases of lawsuit are reached via referral to precedent or Case Law. The proceeding typically includes the creation of "Legal Fictions" by the defendant. Monetary civil lawsuits are stylized mumbo-jumbo, period. All methods of Case Law procedure are nonsense.

Strict Criminal Liability is a different animal altogether, in that individual Defendants (as persons) are charged with a indictable Criminal offence. A pedestrian definition of Strict Liability can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strict_liability_(criminal)

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Heartbreaking. That poor family.

I've maintained that one could sue public health officials in their personal capacity, especially if they still have a license and are registered in their respective colleges/boards. Have suggested this for a few years. So far, nothing from the lawyers.

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The top lawyers are called to the Bar, which is from the Knights Templar, Inns of Court. So, you might find this article interesting. Read all or scroll down to find The Crown Temple. francesleader.substack.com/p/what-does-the-rule-of-law-mean

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12 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Yeah. After the covid fiasco, Anyone who acts on any BS from the govt deserves what they get☠️

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Heart breaking, yes.

It's a great injustice.

The legal term "Immunity" is a sick joke.

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Awaken everyone there is evil lurking all around us… our government is not for the people!

Continue to pray for Divine intervention!

How sad that we cannot trust our health agencies which we pay taxes for.

So sorry for the Watts family, let us pray for them in their anguish! Appeal to higher court is in order!

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11 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

*** The first rule of a game is to know that one is in a game.***

As long as these cases keep getting filed, more and more people become aware of the game that is being played and the players involved.

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Oh hell, yes! GO FECK OFF!

I am so fecking pissed off right now, words refuse to help me. I am praying for George Watts family. It's a bloody tragedy and now bordering on surreal. May God bless your family. I am so sad that our evil and inept government and military have gone so far off the rails. What's happening is...we let the evil infiltrate and this is the result.

I am a generally a disagreeable soul. If you are a liar, fraud, narcissist or other inappropriate asswipe adjective, I will not dox or hunt you down like the Libtards. I cannot waste my time because God will have His revenge. I will, however, shame you and try to figure out how some debased POS will have his way with you in prison--I assure you!

As always, Sasha, thank you!

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