A vital point that is overlooked, altogether ignored or purposefully kept out of these discussions by many in the "Covid skeptic" movement, and especially those who have the biggest megaphones, is the simple fact that there was no pandemic- period.
A deeper dive into the history of these frauds, starting with the HIV/AIDS scandal, is essential to understanding the trajectory and operations of these "health emergencies" and the present day workings of the "Covid" fraud.
If this is not properly understood then there is fertile ground for yet "another response", "a better response" etc. for the next invented "pandemic." This then means the merry-go-round spins ad infinitum.
What must be understood is that all of these "health emergencies" are founded on fraud, money laundering and racketeering.
The propaganda is not simply limited to "how the pandemic was handled" or the countless peripheral aspects of the fraud- it is foundational to the creation of the very thing itself.
That the "Covid pandemic" was able to produce the cadavers this time (unlike the Swine Flu hoax of 2009) by killing the poor, mentally disabled and fragile elderly via policy and mass medical slaughter should make it even more imperative to investigate how and why all of that was done rather than persisting with the Big Lie that there ever was a pandemic.
That this is not front and center of the many discussions amongst 'Covid skeptics' is quite troubling.
Asserting a priori that there was a pandemic serves as cover for these ugly crimes.
There was no viral pandemic or epidemiological emergency in 2020- there was mass murder. They will use a similar template and roll this out again unless there are prosecutions for the hideous crimes committed.
The mandated the use of ventilators/remdesivir/barticinib/midazolam/propofol etc. combined with complete neglect when not being harassed/abused killed off hundreds of thousands of "Covid" (rebranded flu and bacterial pneumonia) patients. A total assault to the lungs, kidneys and psyche.
All of this was (and much more) was done to create the mass hysteria event in order to hide the massive economic collapse of 2019 and hide the $13 trillion (so far) worth of bailouts AND to jump start the Pharma bio-security system as THE new economic driver in a bankrupt system. Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering/racketeering scheme in the history of this country.
So like 9/11 and the Pentagon strike (Investigation into the missing Trillions), the cover up for their scandalous mob money laundering schemes is IMMINENT. They’ll need to create a major world conflict to “DISTRACT ALL” from their sinister activities, which, like 9/11, is designed to AVOID ANY FURTHER INVESTIGATION INTO THEIR TREASONOUS CRIMINAL MOB ACTIVITY WHICH WOULD HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE.
A huge aspect of Covid-1984 was as cover for Global Financial System Bailout 2.0
Technical breakdown of what *exactly* went wrong with financial markets, structure-wise, leading to the ~8% overnight Repo rate spike, 16/17 September 2019:
The hedge fund bets described therein are the same kind of derivatives bets the big banks were making leading up to the 2008/9 GFC. The big banks just sub-contracted their bets to the hedge funds afterwards due to their reserve requirements/stress-testing obligations stipulated under the likes of Dodd-Frank and Bassel II. 11-12 years on those toxic bets were exponentially larger.
The most obvious lie is the one saying that a vaccine can be made for a common cold virus... Knowing what Bill Gates called geoengineer Ken Caldera, I'm 99.99% sure that we had toxins sprayed on us, at least at the beginning of this ongoing nightmare.
"A deeper dive into the history of these frauds, starting with the HIV/AIDS scandal, is essential to understanding the trajectory and operations of these "health emergencies" and the present day workings of the "Covid" fraud."
....., and I am sure you know the name of the person who was at the center of both of these clusterfucks.
I've said the same in other situations. It depends on what side of the fense you're on. Both produced new billionaires. I'm not one of them, so I see the two as clusterfucks.
Indeed it was. COVID-19 was, quite frankly, an unbelievably incredible and far-reaching deep state operation. It was " whole-of-deep-state ", to coin a phrase. 190 countries went along with the madness, more or less. Well, they got away with 9-11 and many other ops. Fake diseases like AIDS and Hepatitis B were just made up. The Emperor has no clothes, but everyone is pretending he's in an Armani suit and Gucci shoes.
I’m inclined to agree there was no actual pathogen, at least not one that posed a critical global threat. But then, I go over and read the detailed science from Geert Vanden Bossche about the mutations and variants and the immune response from both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, and I am less convinced. Fact is, I lack the deep knowledge of science to try to adjudicate these issues.
Not a PhD, but, Geert has answered this question that the unvaccinated will rely on the innate immune system and will not be in danger and the vaccinated have ruined theirs by suppressing it with adaptive immunity letting the non neutralizing antibodies cause immune escape and higher rates of mutations. They are the ones that will be most affected. There was no EMERGENCY pandemic.
Yes, I understand, but many, including I think Sasha, are stating there was no virus or pathogen at all. That whatever illness people contracted was likely due to a poison or toxin introduced into specific environments, for instance, or else just some underlying condition within individuals that made them susceptible to becoming very ill. But girt and many others are saying they’re definitely was a virus, and like all coronaviruses, it continues to mutate and evolve. This is causing the vaccinated to become more susceptible overtime, whereas the unvaccinated have in most cases enough immunity to give them the protection that they need.
my own thought about this dual track of discussion is -- beyond the conflicts of interest, or paid controlled op agents -- that one's own world view colors one's interpretation of data. The assumptions / prior conclusions one makes about the world -- ie: viruses exist ... this is how infections spread ... mutations and variants explain waning disease and immune response -- launch him or her down an explanation and evidence tracking trajectory that follows from those assumptions / conclusions. It's difficult to uncouple these things, especially if your entire livelihood has been made from that world view.
Whatever they did, there was certainly a lot of effort made to make it look like what people would conclude is a contagious illness. And people were told this is what it was ad infinitum. People's expectations have been conditioned in all manner of ways, but some tells of what could really be going on are inserted too, into the mix. Here's this clip from the hit show Outlander that's featured on Sony's own YT channel. 🤔
Outlander | Claire Uses Herbs To Give Jamie "Smallpox"
all covid and variants came from a lab. and a bioweapon is not to be sneezed at, even without symptoms, long covid if you like and shedding, affect the unjabbed. https://www.cryptogon.com/?p=68540 japan study.
Well said. Just about every major event over past 100 years or more is a psyop. Even events like the French revolution that people keep quoting as an organic uprising, was absolutely orchestrated. And we all know that Russian and Chinese revolutions were, as were the World Wars and Fast forward to 9/11, AIDS, Covid, etc.
Normal people just want to live their lives in peace. All the drama is instigated by the psychopaths as cover for their nefarious intentions, whether it is control, mass murder or both.
Hello Claire De Lune: You are quite correct. All revolutions have been guided by "families" or parties to the alleged overthrow. Revolutions are grand displays of musical chairs played by Royal families and/or hired mercenary thugs.
"Normal" people supply the required ignorance, graft, bullets and bombs, and participate in the orchestrated theft of civilian property. Wars are expensive theater...
Prof. Dr. Franz Allersberger who was the Head of the AGES in 2020/2021 said in an interview with CIBIS in 2021 about one year after the "pandemic" had started that in his opinion nobody would have noticed the pandemic if we did not have the testing.
Senior Virologist Prof. Dr. Hendrik Streeck who researched the first "major" coronavirus outbreak in Heinsberg, Germany, said in an interview im spring 2020 that his prediction is that there would not be any excess mortality in Germany in 2020 which turned out to be correct for Germany. Despite a very high number of positive tests in Germany in 2020.
So the question is indeed: "Where is the deadly coronavirus that killed millions of people according to the government narrative?"
What CT values do they use now in our (German?) hospitals as opposed to the CT values they used previously? Why has the definition of "Covid death" changed over time? And why has the number of tests such a strong correlation with the number of deaths?
Would we have found Covid deaths in 2019 and 2018 if we would have done tests then?
Why does no government as yet want to admit openly that those vaccines were not effective?
or even a street poll. do you know anyone who has died from this new covid thing. anyone under 87 years old that ( average age of 'died from covid' in australia, where the average age of death of anything, including old age, is 84, ergo covid saves)
Except under their narrative, it made no sense. How long is a plane ride from China in these pandemic scenarios? Don't the lockdowns simply occur as a consequence of the mass casualty event? Do you have to remind everyone you are in a pandemic 24/7? And would drive thrus be open during a "pandemic?"
We literally mint our own coins. In the town where I live. And mine the materials. In the state where I live. There was zero interruption to these services that year.
I remember that ONE video of the ONE lone pharmacist who looked at a package insert, realized it was blank, and said I should resign right now. One lone honorable pharmacist.
in Next Gen, there were TONS of vaccines happening. I watched during lockdown and started keeping track. TONS.
From my Next Gen notes: Pandemic plots, lab leaks, transhumanism, the Borg, disposable people, nanites, engineered microvirus, psychological programming with biologicals, choosing genders, involuntary confinement, quarantine of a kid, "fear can be used to motivate obedience," illusion holography, aliases of a being who learned of myths ... studied them and played on population's fears, transforming DNA via parasite, "war going on inside body ... humanity slipping away," torture of heretics, ploys to sow dissension and mistrust, plot where aliens traveled back in time to when there were plagues and epidemics so they could murder and use the plague as cover(!), weather modification, metagenic weapons -- genetically engineered viruses designed to destroy ecosystems released into the atmosphere, secret research lab under the planet's surface, resonator weapon that amplifies negative violent thoughts, synthetic T cell inoculation which mutated ... became airborne and started to spread like a virus, "to prepare us for what lies ahead."
Ridiculous levels of predictive programming. There should be a scorecard.
Since December of 2020 I have met one single unvaxxed person. They vaxxed the first person here in Norway on 12/31/2020. That was eight months after the government owned TV channel's anointed covid expert said it would take 2 to 2 1/2 years to develope a vaccine. In other words, for me the jig was up on New Years Eve of 2020.
I know quite a few in Australia. Me, my hubby, my son (my daughter succumbed 💔😪). My friend, my hairdresser, my sister in law and my two nieces. We know others too that my hubby started a Messenger group with, just random friends.
The fact that Mr. Trump was deceived by "Warp" proves that there were no science people among him and his staff. In this day and age, politicians need several experienced science staff members because one person is biased.
IMO.....Heritage is paid and controlled opposition. Anyone that follows or believes they are on the right side is not paying attention. Charlotte Iserbyt exposed them for the frauds they are.
Hello Karen. I discovered Charlotte Iserbyt's presentations about 16 years ago. Her videos and analyses were right on target, and Ms Iserbyt's book "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" was real-time prophesy. We are now faced with two generations of 'educated' video morons.
She was a truly remarkable woman even far beyond her fight for education and the minds of American children. I miss her but she fought a long hard battle right up to the end.
Most of what I know was from our many hours of talks with each others but here is are few articles she put out about Heritage. Charlotte Iserbyt (RIP) is an American hero and it is shame people ignored her just like they ignored Ron Paul. She exposed the BEST program while working for Ronald Reagan. She was hired to shut down the US Dept. of Education which was just a couple years old and Reagan ran on the promise to shut it down. When Charlotte discovered there was no intention on closing the Dept. of Ed (it is said that Lamar Alexander convinced Reagan to clean it up not get rid of it) she exposed the fraud and shared their plans (BEST program) and of course she was fired but not before she took the proof to her apartment. Back in those days everything was in boxes and file cabinets.
Wow. This is excellent information. So many wolves in conservative clothing attempting to keep things hidden from the public. Thank you so much. I also just bookmarked her youtube interview on “Dumbing Us Down.”
I provided a link to a free pdf version of the original in this comment thread. Charlotte released the original as a free pdf so it is legit. So I would recommend downloading the original and buy the new updated version.
Mr Hepburn and ALL participants in the 'plan' are clearly defined here:
Accessory Before The Fact
“An accessory before-the-fact is a person who aids, abets, or encourages another to commit a crime but who is not present at the scene. An accessory before the fact, like an accomplice may be held criminally liable to the same extent as the principal. Many jurisdictions refer to an accessory before the fact as an accomplice.” [End quote] >>> Complete text with links to applicable definitions: https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/accessory_before_the_fact
And in other news. UK. Patrick Vallance is made Minister of State for Science. Unelected. Not an MP. Ex President GSK. Key government stooge in lockdown nonsense. What have they got planned? God help us 🙏
It strikes me that this is what hopelessly iatrogenic government does. It implements useless and harmful shit for inertia, career advancement, funding, profit, ego, and reelection campaigns. It is indeed a blob. Trump would need to say what I just wrote and add, "I let myself get caught up in the hype and the hope and it cost me. I fucked up royally. You still seem to want to elect me despite this fuck-up because you see other aspects of what I represent for our movement that you believe are essential for our survival. All I can say is I will try to make this right and I will not let myself get sucked in to this blob again." He won't say it because he has a very shaky ego, but someone around him might.
With narcissism, the ego one uses as a mask for the world covers for intense fear of abandonment or disintegration. The narcissist exists with deep unconscious fear that he is about to disintegrate. That is why the defense (ego mask) is so prominent. It protects the organism from complete meltdown. That is why narcissists cannot hear any criticism.
I donot think Donald Trump is a narcissist. Look at his family members and friends that adore him. Most narcissists do not engender love and support from family members or associates.
Only one weapon will work against this evil: noncompliance. This applies to all government systems as much as can be done. Unfortunately, not paying taxes will land you in jail 100% of the time, even though income tax is basically illegal. Refusing the military draft won't get you jail usually, but there are consequences. They are still better than the swamps of Vietnam or the desert of Iraq. The plus is you get to keep your body parts.
We found that vaccine mandates resulted in the loss of income, but again, the benefit outweighs certain health outcomes. Even if your home is paid, try not paying taxes. So the bottom line is we will have some negative consequences for noncompliance; the decision is whether we can accept those punishments from the State.
Why do humans always allow others to rule over them?
Covid "mandates" still apply in nursing homes here - noncompliance is not really an option, especially if the empowered relatives accept the covid narrative and the regime.
Unless a resident refuses, they will be routinely injected, on a regular ongoing basis.
I am not aware of any resident refusing and the consequences thereof.
I am aware of the possible tragic consequences of injection - ignored of course.
No mask, no entry.
No test, no entry.
Positive resident test - isolation in room.
Number of positive resident tests - whole wing may be isolated.
Protest on any basis whatsoever regardless, even sound medical/scientific input, can lead to threats of being banned from visiting - private property rights and disregard for "government recommended health care protocols" imposed for the safety of all residents.
We still face being banned from visiting even dying relatives, if another fear escalated "pandemic" causes "medical professionals and health care workers", to enforce draconian government lock-out measures again.
Australia - NSW & Tasmania (state wide according to government website) - other states not certain.
Here trying to support residents known to me - heartbreaking - emotionally, morally and intellectually traumatic trying to negotiate the inhuman agenda.
There is also an euthanasia agenda, which I may have sadly witnessed in operation.
Foreign staff are more cooperative for obvious reasons.
It's true; we often have to pick and choose our poison, Literally. Not paying taxes is a nonstarter, for instance. I would go to prison before military service. I was not old enough to test that statement. But I fear many young people will be, including females, soon enough.
I often ponder what events would cause the average person to rebel in mass. Money seems to be a significant driver, and we will see tax increases and digital money. One I think would do the trick is taxation on unrealized gains. One's home equity, for example. Certain States and some in Congress are talking about it. The politicians will need to find a way to raise more cash, and that is looking more and more like the taxpayers will be the answer. We've hit one trillion a year in interest payments alone; interest expenditures are overcoming defense spending. Something must give.
Yes the conscription issue is one we may yet have to face.
We do not want our young people turned into mince meat in non-wars, being run by a few in pursuit of their own agendas, regardless of the costs for the rest.
why is anyone putting up with this antihuman nonsense. Band together with others and say hell no, this is unacceptable evil. Stop paying them. Start new businesses that are outside this system -- call them something else -- pull out the residents you can.
And yet there are people who have successfully stopped paying taxes, but you have to earn your 'income' on a private basis. You can't call it income either. There are methods, but you really have to understand what you are doing. If you're interested, The Sovereign's Way offer a course called Law for Mankind.
If everyone could learn how to, and agree to live in the private, we could simply sidestep their whole system.
Sasha... Glad you are home safe and rested for rejoining the fray! I tried to watch the video and read the transcript. but honestly could not get through any of it. The individuals involved are beyond criminal and certainly unrepentant for any of their work "for the common good". Makes me sick... Like watching old clips of Himmler touring his camps and glad-handing his SS troop.s. Vile and disgusting.
It is worth noting that, our corporate environment is infested with dimwits and sociopaths like General Perna and Colonel Hepburn. Anybody who doubts that, should attend a meeting at any public company with 100+ employees. These low life forms are everywhere, they are well respected and well tolerated. Anybody, who thinks, that the evil deep state is waging war on the benign population, is delusional. Most of us are also evil (with rare exceptions, such as Sasha and a few others) and divided into 2 main categories: sociopaths/psychopaths and their enablers. There is a tiny minority of humans, which have no tolerance for evil, but they don't live long for obvious reasons. If I disappointed anybody, please accept my sincere apologies ☺.
Correct, our civilization is dying a slow and painful death. I will be happy to admit that I was wrong if I see any signs of recovery. At the present time it looks like the humankind is in coma, but still alive. Here are some signs of recovery, I am looking for:
U.S. funding of the UN, World Bank, and IMF is eliminated.
Affirmative Action is ended.
The Equal Employment Opportunities Commission is abolished.
All tariffs, trade restrictions, and trade agreements are eliminated.
Americans have the right to do “anything that’s peaceful” as long as it doesn’t involve aggressing against another American’s person or property.
The CIA is abolished.
The NSA is abolished.
All U.S. troops come home and stay home.
All anti-discrimination laws are repealed.
Nothing is being done about “climate change.”
All overseas military bases are closed.
The United States quit meddling in the affairs of other countries.
The minimum wage is abolished.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is abolished.
Federal funding of scientific and medical research is eliminated.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development is abolished.
The Patriot Act is repealed.
The federal Department of Education is abolished.
Police don’t arrest people for victimless crimes.
The Department of Defense is limited to actual defense.
The TSA is abolished and airport security is returned to airports and airlines.
But, one thing (or 50) makes the above all but impossible - unless I'm missing something. The people at the top. The very top; not the Schwab's, Kissinger's, Soros and Gate's i.e. The Middlemen. And heck, Fauxi is even below them. Probably way below. He's a useful tool for 'them', I believe.
Nupe, not those guys - The Rockefellers & gang(s) within their org.
Have you read this PDF before? - mostly about the (god awful) history of The Rockefellers and CFR: https://44x.xyz/rockef.pdf
I'm about 90% through reading it. I can't say that all 100% of it is absolute truth; but then again, I can't not say that 100% of it is correct. Or whatever :-) Meaning, most, if not all, is on the button. Look at who they own lock, stock and barrel throughout the world since way, wayyy back <crossin self>. And, they are stepping up their game as I type --> The PDF was written back in '76. I think they've bought off or blackmailed everyone in the world, even down at the local level all across our country/world.
One of my hopes, wishes, prayers is that they end up slaughtering themselves. The GANGS/factions hiding under The RockyFella's umbrella. Every blue moon it's ok to dream. This is one of them.
To be honest with you, I tried to sell my soul to the devil quite a few times, but got nothing but pain, as if the primordial snake is not interested ☺.
So, I woke the heck up, and stopped supporting evil, at least partially.
You are probably correct. I think most are unwitting enablers. Psychopaths are supposedly only around 5% of the population. I think the rest of us are still a significant minority.
I think some of the enablers are capable of being awakened too. We have been immensely dumbed down by the 'education' system. Some of us were just lucky enough to have people in our lives who made us question 'authority'.
Claire De Lune: "I think some of the enablers are capable of being awakened too."
I believe that a true human is a spiritual being, and as such he/she has a soul. Most humans seem to be disconnected from their soul, and therefore are not capable to resist evil. Cooperating with evil appear to be the only way to survive and prosper, and people find various ways to rationalize their deals with filthy insects masquerading as humans.
It is possible that our insect overlords know that the humanity is on the verge of a spiritual awakening, and they are trying to stop this from happening by injecting us with their fake vaccines and various other brain washing (soul poisoning) methods. They have made some progress, but not enough to destroy the spirit of humankind.
"How can you take a vaccine development process that typically can take five years, eight years, 10 years, and truncate that into the timelines of operation warp speed?"
In the process flow diagram you included in your post published on 29 May we can clearly see that Moderna was making mRNA vaxxines as far back as 2018.
They had the clot shots ready at least a year and a half before Johns Hopkins Event 201. The time between the announcement of OWS and the roll out of the vaxxines was needed to frighten as many people as much as possible to make them beg for the clot shot. Problem, reaction, pre-determined final solution.
Vaccine shots=lottery of depopulation. No one knows who gets the kill shots. Depopulation by “vaccine passport” to make sure you are in the lottery of the clot shot. There are no pandemics! There is a depopulation plan. Mandatory vaccine passports, mandatory kill shots, mandatory death lottery. Their depopulation plan of killing 8 billion people. Have you noticed how everyone, even congress, is ignoring the HUGE increase in deaths worldwide? Not ONE person in authority is saying anything! You know what that means-they are in on it!!!! Getting kickbacks!!!
The constant use of "whole of government" by functionaries appears to be less by-product of BS bureaucratic catchphrase banality and more a ritualistic spell being cast to completely mind control and mind-eff us. Doesn't the word "government" mean mind control, anyway? This particular meme/ motto/ mantra which they keep repeating in awkward ways and want us to buy into, at least subconsciously, is about the total authority to come.
It's no coincidence their invocation sounds like "Hole of Government" which would be the totalitarian abyss we're about to be lost to per their plans.
The entirety of western medicine is apparently built on the unchecked fictional platitudes people like this utter. It is a simply mentally bought-into narrative, held only in place by the number of people who promote and believe in it. How much unnecessary death and destruction has come at the bidding of such utter nonsense.
"Yeah, I just would add to that I have 100% confidence that we have executed to make sure that the vaccines are safe and in the development, I feel confident that they'll demonstrate efficacy against the virus in that light. I also have a hundred percent confidence, as Dr. Hepburn alluded to in what I think is the gold standard for the world, and that's our FDA and their approach to determining whether or not the vaccine is safe and effective. And we will make sure that we will follow the science to that end, we will not distribute vaccines that are not determined, safe and effective. And you could take my personal word for that as well as well, just my word."
Military managing civilian heath issue? OBVIOUSLY the "warp speed" was merely a faster method of extermination by force. Covid was their practice session, their beta-test, for something MUCH more severe they're planning. Thankfully, it served as a wake up call for MANY who've now decided to resist.
And for others the speed worked the opposite way. They didn’t have time to think about it or ponder the holes in the Covid narrative- OWS had to strike at the height of the pandemic where the fear was greatest.
That sounds about right. There’s a crisis or threat of one every day. We’ve begun to believe that’s normal life. That’s mental abuse- I’m sure it works
Exactly. Mental abuse 💯. Hopefully enough people think enough of themselves to realize this and walk out of the systems they think they’ve trapped us in.
Our constitution reserves publican private health to the state or the individual. And since it's not in most states constitutions...someone needs to take the DOD to court. Blatant takeover and total disregard of the constitution and no effing emergency powers can be legitimate when they contravene it. And with the reversal of Chevron doctrine...they are definitely not the authorities on biowepons because they vaxxed the military.
A vital point that is overlooked, altogether ignored or purposefully kept out of these discussions by many in the "Covid skeptic" movement, and especially those who have the biggest megaphones, is the simple fact that there was no pandemic- period.
A deeper dive into the history of these frauds, starting with the HIV/AIDS scandal, is essential to understanding the trajectory and operations of these "health emergencies" and the present day workings of the "Covid" fraud.
If this is not properly understood then there is fertile ground for yet "another response", "a better response" etc. for the next invented "pandemic." This then means the merry-go-round spins ad infinitum.
What must be understood is that all of these "health emergencies" are founded on fraud, money laundering and racketeering.
The propaganda is not simply limited to "how the pandemic was handled" or the countless peripheral aspects of the fraud- it is foundational to the creation of the very thing itself.
That the "Covid pandemic" was able to produce the cadavers this time (unlike the Swine Flu hoax of 2009) by killing the poor, mentally disabled and fragile elderly via policy and mass medical slaughter should make it even more imperative to investigate how and why all of that was done rather than persisting with the Big Lie that there ever was a pandemic.
That this is not front and center of the many discussions amongst 'Covid skeptics' is quite troubling.
Asserting a priori that there was a pandemic serves as cover for these ugly crimes.
There was no viral pandemic or epidemiological emergency in 2020- there was mass murder. They will use a similar template and roll this out again unless there are prosecutions for the hideous crimes committed.
The mandated the use of ventilators/remdesivir/barticinib/midazolam/propofol etc. combined with complete neglect when not being harassed/abused killed off hundreds of thousands of "Covid" (rebranded flu and bacterial pneumonia) patients. A total assault to the lungs, kidneys and psyche.
All of this was (and much more) was done to create the mass hysteria event in order to hide the massive economic collapse of 2019 and hide the $13 trillion (so far) worth of bailouts AND to jump start the Pharma bio-security system as THE new economic driver in a bankrupt system. Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering/racketeering scheme in the history of this country.
So like 9/11 and the Pentagon strike (Investigation into the missing Trillions), the cover up for their scandalous mob money laundering schemes is IMMINENT. They’ll need to create a major world conflict to “DISTRACT ALL” from their sinister activities, which, like 9/11, is designed to AVOID ANY FURTHER INVESTIGATION INTO THEIR TREASONOUS CRIMINAL MOB ACTIVITY WHICH WOULD HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE.
A huge aspect of Covid-1984 was as cover for Global Financial System Bailout 2.0
Technical breakdown of what *exactly* went wrong with financial markets, structure-wise, leading to the ~8% overnight Repo rate spike, 16/17 September 2019:
The hedge fund bets described therein are the same kind of derivatives bets the big banks were making leading up to the 2008/9 GFC. The big banks just sub-contracted their bets to the hedge funds afterwards due to their reserve requirements/stress-testing obligations stipulated under the likes of Dodd-Frank and Bassel II. 11-12 years on those toxic bets were exponentially larger.
The most obvious lie is the one saying that a vaccine can be made for a common cold virus... Knowing what Bill Gates called geoengineer Ken Caldera, I'm 99.99% sure that we had toxins sprayed on us, at least at the beginning of this ongoing nightmare.
Look at bill gates fake meat and milk investment...and now rolling out bird flu so they can kill our chickens and cows. STOP IT..IT NEEDS TO STOP NOW.
"A deeper dive into the history of these frauds, starting with the HIV/AIDS scandal, is essential to understanding the trajectory and operations of these "health emergencies" and the present day workings of the "Covid" fraud."
....., and I am sure you know the name of the person who was at the center of both of these clusterfucks.
There are many- Fauci is just the bag man- a real pro.
Neither were clusterfucks- they were both very successful operations and in fact I would say exceeded expectations.
"Neither were clusterfucks."
I've said the same in other situations. It depends on what side of the fense you're on. Both produced new billionaires. I'm not one of them, so I see the two as clusterfucks.
Clusterfuck means a complex, disorderly and mismanaged situation.
This was not that.
It was the largest organized crime operation since WW2. It was an orchestrated operation of mass trauma, colossal theft and mass murder.
Indeed it was. COVID-19 was, quite frankly, an unbelievably incredible and far-reaching deep state operation. It was " whole-of-deep-state ", to coin a phrase. 190 countries went along with the madness, more or less. Well, they got away with 9-11 and many other ops. Fake diseases like AIDS and Hepatitis B were just made up. The Emperor has no clothes, but everyone is pretending he's in an Armani suit and Gucci shoes.
I know the English language, thank you. What part of mass trauma, colossal theft and mass murder is NOT a clusterfuck? Now go pick someone else's nit.
bird flu... a fustercluck?
I’m inclined to agree there was no actual pathogen, at least not one that posed a critical global threat. But then, I go over and read the detailed science from Geert Vanden Bossche about the mutations and variants and the immune response from both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, and I am less convinced. Fact is, I lack the deep knowledge of science to try to adjudicate these issues.
Not a PhD, but, Geert has answered this question that the unvaccinated will rely on the innate immune system and will not be in danger and the vaccinated have ruined theirs by suppressing it with adaptive immunity letting the non neutralizing antibodies cause immune escape and higher rates of mutations. They are the ones that will be most affected. There was no EMERGENCY pandemic.
Yes, I understand, but many, including I think Sasha, are stating there was no virus or pathogen at all. That whatever illness people contracted was likely due to a poison or toxin introduced into specific environments, for instance, or else just some underlying condition within individuals that made them susceptible to becoming very ill. But girt and many others are saying they’re definitely was a virus, and like all coronaviruses, it continues to mutate and evolve. This is causing the vaccinated to become more susceptible overtime, whereas the unvaccinated have in most cases enough immunity to give them the protection that they need.
my own thought about this dual track of discussion is -- beyond the conflicts of interest, or paid controlled op agents -- that one's own world view colors one's interpretation of data. The assumptions / prior conclusions one makes about the world -- ie: viruses exist ... this is how infections spread ... mutations and variants explain waning disease and immune response -- launch him or her down an explanation and evidence tracking trajectory that follows from those assumptions / conclusions. It's difficult to uncouple these things, especially if your entire livelihood has been made from that world view.
Whatever they did, there was certainly a lot of effort made to make it look like what people would conclude is a contagious illness. And people were told this is what it was ad infinitum. People's expectations have been conditioned in all manner of ways, but some tells of what could really be going on are inserted too, into the mix. Here's this clip from the hit show Outlander that's featured on Sony's own YT channel. 🤔
Outlander | Claire Uses Herbs To Give Jamie "Smallpox"
she's a witch (top show though , given others these days)
Shows you how easy it is to fool people there’s a crisis. No synthetic engineered spike protein needed.
all covid and variants came from a lab. and a bioweapon is not to be sneezed at, even without symptoms, long covid if you like and shedding, affect the unjabbed. https://www.cryptogon.com/?p=68540 japan study.
Well said. Just about every major event over past 100 years or more is a psyop. Even events like the French revolution that people keep quoting as an organic uprising, was absolutely orchestrated. And we all know that Russian and Chinese revolutions were, as were the World Wars and Fast forward to 9/11, AIDS, Covid, etc.
Normal people just want to live their lives in peace. All the drama is instigated by the psychopaths as cover for their nefarious intentions, whether it is control, mass murder or both.
Hello Claire De Lune: You are quite correct. All revolutions have been guided by "families" or parties to the alleged overthrow. Revolutions are grand displays of musical chairs played by Royal families and/or hired mercenary thugs.
"Normal" people supply the required ignorance, graft, bullets and bombs, and participate in the orchestrated theft of civilian property. Wars are expensive theater...
Prof. Dr. Franz Allersberger who was the Head of the AGES in 2020/2021 said in an interview with CIBIS in 2021 about one year after the "pandemic" had started that in his opinion nobody would have noticed the pandemic if we did not have the testing.
Senior Virologist Prof. Dr. Hendrik Streeck who researched the first "major" coronavirus outbreak in Heinsberg, Germany, said in an interview im spring 2020 that his prediction is that there would not be any excess mortality in Germany in 2020 which turned out to be correct for Germany. Despite a very high number of positive tests in Germany in 2020.
So the question is indeed: "Where is the deadly coronavirus that killed millions of people according to the government narrative?"
What CT values do they use now in our (German?) hospitals as opposed to the CT values they used previously? Why has the definition of "Covid death" changed over time? And why has the number of tests such a strong correlation with the number of deaths?
Would we have found Covid deaths in 2019 and 2018 if we would have done tests then?
Why does no government as yet want to admit openly that those vaccines were not effective?
or even a street poll. do you know anyone who has died from this new covid thing. anyone under 87 years old that ( average age of 'died from covid' in australia, where the average age of death of anything, including old age, is 84, ergo covid saves)
Have you seen this? Published two weeks ago.
Who in their right mind would ever take a serious medication developed under a program called “Operation Warp Speed”?
Three generations of tv-watching morons were primed for this through scifi bs.
Except under their narrative, it made no sense. How long is a plane ride from China in these pandemic scenarios? Don't the lockdowns simply occur as a consequence of the mass casualty event? Do you have to remind everyone you are in a pandemic 24/7? And would drive thrus be open during a "pandemic?"
Sir we are moving at the Speed of Science.
Please dispense with the logic.
Just remember, due to coin shortages, we are only accepting cash..or preferably, electronic transactions.
They tried that here in 2020.
We literally mint our own coins. In the town where I live. And mine the materials. In the state where I live. There was zero interruption to these services that year.
Amazing how many people suspended basic logic anyway.
Billions, apparently. Which is the scary part.
I understand the package inserts were blank. Few even asked what the ingredients were.
I remember that ONE video of the ONE lone pharmacist who looked at a package insert, realized it was blank, and said I should resign right now. One lone honorable pharmacist.
Ya... There is that. Star Trek enthusiasts unite! Get yer' poison jab today!
I love Star Trek, and McCoy would call them neanderthals for pumping people full of poison. He said so in Star Trek IV.
in Next Gen, there were TONS of vaccines happening. I watched during lockdown and started keeping track. TONS.
From my Next Gen notes: Pandemic plots, lab leaks, transhumanism, the Borg, disposable people, nanites, engineered microvirus, psychological programming with biologicals, choosing genders, involuntary confinement, quarantine of a kid, "fear can be used to motivate obedience," illusion holography, aliases of a being who learned of myths ... studied them and played on population's fears, transforming DNA via parasite, "war going on inside body ... humanity slipping away," torture of heretics, ploys to sow dissension and mistrust, plot where aliens traveled back in time to when there were plagues and epidemics so they could murder and use the plague as cover(!), weather modification, metagenic weapons -- genetically engineered viruses designed to destroy ecosystems released into the atmosphere, secret research lab under the planet's surface, resonator weapon that amplifies negative violent thoughts, synthetic T cell inoculation which mutated ... became airborne and started to spread like a virus, "to prepare us for what lies ahead."
Ridiculous levels of predictive programming. There should be a scorecard.
Ditto, I love Star Trek too. Didn't fall for the psyop for 1 second. I knew something big was coming.
"Who in their right mind would ever take a serious medication developed under a program called “Operation Warp Speed”?
...., or maybe more correctly: Who in their right mind would ever take seriously a medication developed under a program called “Operation Warp Speed”?
To answer your question.
All of my family and most of my friends despite my wife and I yelling from the rooftops.
Since December of 2020 I have met one single unvaxxed person. They vaxxed the first person here in Norway on 12/31/2020. That was eight months after the government owned TV channel's anointed covid expert said it would take 2 to 2 1/2 years to develope a vaccine. In other words, for me the jig was up on New Years Eve of 2020.
Appreciate your reply.
Being from the USA I didn’t know about this information from Norway. Knowing it now your last sentence makes perfect sense.
I know quite a few in Australia. Me, my hubby, my son (my daughter succumbed 💔😪). My friend, my hairdresser, my sister in law and my two nieces. We know others too that my hubby started a Messenger group with, just random friends.
Me also. I'm the only unvaxxed person I know
I pressed like, but it's actually rather sad.
Originating from Pfizer's `Project Light Speed' makes it even worse
I know a lot of public servants that did just that .
It depends on the basis used for determining rightness of mind.
They dumbed them down first... Peace.
The fact that Mr. Trump was deceived by "Warp" proves that there were no science people among him and his staff. In this day and age, politicians need several experienced science staff members because one person is biased.
The main science deployed in the COVID scamdemic was behavioral psychology:).
yes, that and science fiction.
You are v kind to him. He is still engulfed by the swamp monsters.
And all the extra values attached to him by his fans. (E.g. he has access to the med bed produced by the super soldiers on the moon)
I know. Right then I was like, "they're kidding me with this, right?"
IMO.....Heritage is paid and controlled opposition. Anyone that follows or believes they are on the right side is not paying attention. Charlotte Iserbyt exposed them for the frauds they are.
yes, correct.
Agree and Heritage is still promoting the need to hold China accountable for Covid when we all know the US was the key player.
Hello Karen. I discovered Charlotte Iserbyt's presentations about 16 years ago. Her videos and analyses were right on target, and Ms Iserbyt's book "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" was real-time prophesy. We are now faced with two generations of 'educated' video morons.
She was a truly remarkable woman even far beyond her fight for education and the minds of American children. I miss her but she fought a long hard battle right up to the end.
I’m not surprised to hear that about Heritage. Do you have a pointer to the Charlotte Iserbyt’s exposé on Heritage? Thank you!
Most of what I know was from our many hours of talks with each others but here is are few articles she put out about Heritage. Charlotte Iserbyt (RIP) is an American hero and it is shame people ignored her just like they ignored Ron Paul. She exposed the BEST program while working for Ronald Reagan. She was hired to shut down the US Dept. of Education which was just a couple years old and Reagan ran on the promise to shut it down. When Charlotte discovered there was no intention on closing the Dept. of Ed (it is said that Lamar Alexander convinced Reagan to clean it up not get rid of it) she exposed the fraud and shared their plans (BEST program) and of course she was fired but not before she took the proof to her apartment. Back in those days everything was in boxes and file cabinets.
Wow. This is excellent information. So many wolves in conservative clothing attempting to keep things hidden from the public. Thank you so much. I also just bookmarked her youtube interview on “Dumbing Us Down.”
She also wrote a book called The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. Here is the free pdf (there is an updated version) of the original. I am the proud owner of an original hard back copy signed by Charlotte. https://deliberatedumbingdown.com/ddd/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/DDDoA.pdf
Thank you, Karen, yet again! Are you familiar with John Taylor Gatto’s work along these lines?
I’m about to buy Charlotte’s book but there are two. Original in hardcover and a revised version in paperback. Any recommendations?
Glad to hear you have one signed my her!
I provided a link to a free pdf version of the original in this comment thread. Charlotte released the original as a free pdf so it is legit. So I would recommend downloading the original and buy the new updated version.
Sasha's Perna "dim bulb" comment is priceless. She nailed it! A combination of humor and incredible research is so refreshing.
Col. Matthew Hepburn, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer at a Level II medical facility in Iraq.
exchange officer to the United Kingdom
These f*cking people.
Mr Hepburn and ALL participants in the 'plan' are clearly defined here:
Accessory Before The Fact
“An accessory before-the-fact is a person who aids, abets, or encourages another to commit a crime but who is not present at the scene. An accessory before the fact, like an accomplice may be held criminally liable to the same extent as the principal. Many jurisdictions refer to an accessory before the fact as an accomplice.” [End quote] >>> Complete text with links to applicable definitions: https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/accessory_before_the_fact
The "we didn't know" meme is complete bullshit...
Sworn enemies
I would bet a lot of money he knows 'our' Commando Clown who ran USSOCOM in Tampa. Vipers nest!
lol they have a FB page: https://www.facebook.com/ussocom/
Clown town.
That is embarrassing. So much posing over there on Facebook. 70-105 iq range. You know the ‘don’t ask questions bracket’
Club tampa would be excruciatingly boring. Omfg
And in other news. UK. Patrick Vallance is made Minister of State for Science. Unelected. Not an MP. Ex President GSK. Key government stooge in lockdown nonsense. What have they got planned? God help us 🙏
Probably bird flu shenanigans. They will never leave us alone until we make them.
Tbh we're feeling very lucky that the new Foreign Secretary, who sincerely believes men can grow a uterus, isn't the Health Secretary 😬🤣
It strikes me that this is what hopelessly iatrogenic government does. It implements useless and harmful shit for inertia, career advancement, funding, profit, ego, and reelection campaigns. It is indeed a blob. Trump would need to say what I just wrote and add, "I let myself get caught up in the hype and the hope and it cost me. I fucked up royally. You still seem to want to elect me despite this fuck-up because you see other aspects of what I represent for our movement that you believe are essential for our survival. All I can say is I will try to make this right and I will not let myself get sucked in to this blob again." He won't say it because he has a very shaky ego, but someone around him might.
Shaky ego? He has a blinding ego! He is too prideful. But AL might be right. He is not allowed to—it might cost him his life.
With narcissism, the ego one uses as a mask for the world covers for intense fear of abandonment or disintegration. The narcissist exists with deep unconscious fear that he is about to disintegrate. That is why the defense (ego mask) is so prominent. It protects the organism from complete meltdown. That is why narcissists cannot hear any criticism.
I donot think Donald Trump is a narcissist. Look at his family members and friends that adore him. Most narcissists do not engender love and support from family members or associates.
I think I'll put my money on Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny instead.
Yes, it would be so easy and his people would gobble it up. But he won’t do it, will he? I don’t think he’s allowed to.
ah, but he's part of the cabal. This is not ever going to happen.
Only one weapon will work against this evil: noncompliance. This applies to all government systems as much as can be done. Unfortunately, not paying taxes will land you in jail 100% of the time, even though income tax is basically illegal. Refusing the military draft won't get you jail usually, but there are consequences. They are still better than the swamps of Vietnam or the desert of Iraq. The plus is you get to keep your body parts.
We found that vaccine mandates resulted in the loss of income, but again, the benefit outweighs certain health outcomes. Even if your home is paid, try not paying taxes. So the bottom line is we will have some negative consequences for noncompliance; the decision is whether we can accept those punishments from the State.
Why do humans always allow others to rule over them?
Not always so simple Phil.
Covid "mandates" still apply in nursing homes here - noncompliance is not really an option, especially if the empowered relatives accept the covid narrative and the regime.
Unless a resident refuses, they will be routinely injected, on a regular ongoing basis.
I am not aware of any resident refusing and the consequences thereof.
I am aware of the possible tragic consequences of injection - ignored of course.
No mask, no entry.
No test, no entry.
Positive resident test - isolation in room.
Number of positive resident tests - whole wing may be isolated.
Protest on any basis whatsoever regardless, even sound medical/scientific input, can lead to threats of being banned from visiting - private property rights and disregard for "government recommended health care protocols" imposed for the safety of all residents.
We still face being banned from visiting even dying relatives, if another fear escalated "pandemic" causes "medical professionals and health care workers", to enforce draconian government lock-out measures again.
is this in the US? or another country?
Australia - NSW & Tasmania (state wide according to government website) - other states not certain.
Here trying to support residents known to me - heartbreaking - emotionally, morally and intellectually traumatic trying to negotiate the inhuman agenda.
There is also an euthanasia agenda, which I may have sadly witnessed in operation.
Foreign staff are more cooperative for obvious reasons.
I am so sorry, this is just so evil.
It's true; we often have to pick and choose our poison, Literally. Not paying taxes is a nonstarter, for instance. I would go to prison before military service. I was not old enough to test that statement. But I fear many young people will be, including females, soon enough.
I often ponder what events would cause the average person to rebel in mass. Money seems to be a significant driver, and we will see tax increases and digital money. One I think would do the trick is taxation on unrealized gains. One's home equity, for example. Certain States and some in Congress are talking about it. The politicians will need to find a way to raise more cash, and that is looking more and more like the taxpayers will be the answer. We've hit one trillion a year in interest payments alone; interest expenditures are overcoming defense spending. Something must give.
Yes the conscription issue is one we may yet have to face.
We do not want our young people turned into mince meat in non-wars, being run by a few in pursuit of their own agendas, regardless of the costs for the rest.
why is anyone putting up with this antihuman nonsense. Band together with others and say hell no, this is unacceptable evil. Stop paying them. Start new businesses that are outside this system -- call them something else -- pull out the residents you can.
"why is anyone putting up with this antihuman nonsense."
Because the majority do not see it as "antihuman nonsense".
The heat is not hot enough for the majority yet.
When it gets to be too hot it may be too late for many, who may be shot or left to rot in a gulag, where they will learn the meaning of "antihuman".
If they survive, they will not forget what they have learnt.
And yet there are people who have successfully stopped paying taxes, but you have to earn your 'income' on a private basis. You can't call it income either. There are methods, but you really have to understand what you are doing. If you're interested, The Sovereign's Way offer a course called Law for Mankind.
If everyone could learn how to, and agree to live in the private, we could simply sidestep their whole system.
Sasha... Glad you are home safe and rested for rejoining the fray! I tried to watch the video and read the transcript. but honestly could not get through any of it. The individuals involved are beyond criminal and certainly unrepentant for any of their work "for the common good". Makes me sick... Like watching old clips of Himmler touring his camps and glad-handing his SS troop.s. Vile and disgusting.
Incredible progress. Wow. 10 years in 10 minutes. I exaggerate but not by much. Thank you Sasha for your clarity and honesty.
DARPA. The friendly folks who brought us Lyme and so many other goodies.
Lilacs are one of my faves! Beautiful.
It is worth noting that, our corporate environment is infested with dimwits and sociopaths like General Perna and Colonel Hepburn. Anybody who doubts that, should attend a meeting at any public company with 100+ employees. These low life forms are everywhere, they are well respected and well tolerated. Anybody, who thinks, that the evil deep state is waging war on the benign population, is delusional. Most of us are also evil (with rare exceptions, such as Sasha and a few others) and divided into 2 main categories: sociopaths/psychopaths and their enablers. There is a tiny minority of humans, which have no tolerance for evil, but they don't live long for obvious reasons. If I disappointed anybody, please accept my sincere apologies ☺.
"our corporate environment is infested with dimwits and sociopaths like General Perna and Colonel Hepburn"
Bingo. You get it. Lots of the same down here in Anchovyville. No doubt about it.
Correct, our civilization is dying a slow and painful death. I will be happy to admit that I was wrong if I see any signs of recovery. At the present time it looks like the humankind is in coma, but still alive. Here are some signs of recovery, I am looking for:
U.S. funding of the UN, World Bank, and IMF is eliminated.
Affirmative Action is ended.
The Equal Employment Opportunities Commission is abolished.
All tariffs, trade restrictions, and trade agreements are eliminated.
Americans have the right to do “anything that’s peaceful” as long as it doesn’t involve aggressing against another American’s person or property.
The CIA is abolished.
The NSA is abolished.
All U.S. troops come home and stay home.
All anti-discrimination laws are repealed.
Nothing is being done about “climate change.”
All overseas military bases are closed.
The United States quit meddling in the affairs of other countries.
The minimum wage is abolished.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is abolished.
Federal funding of scientific and medical research is eliminated.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development is abolished.
The Patriot Act is repealed.
The federal Department of Education is abolished.
Police don’t arrest people for victimless crimes.
The Department of Defense is limited to actual defense.
The TSA is abolished and airport security is returned to airports and airlines.
The income tax is eliminated.
All farm subsidies are ended.
CDC looks like WTC-1 after the 9/11.
FDA looks like WTC-2 after the 9/11.
NIH looks like WTC-7 after the 9/11.
Great response. Great list.
But, one thing (or 50) makes the above all but impossible - unless I'm missing something. The people at the top. The very top; not the Schwab's, Kissinger's, Soros and Gate's i.e. The Middlemen. And heck, Fauxi is even below them. Probably way below. He's a useful tool for 'them', I believe.
Nupe, not those guys - The Rockefellers & gang(s) within their org.
Have you read this PDF before? - mostly about the (god awful) history of The Rockefellers and CFR: https://44x.xyz/rockef.pdf
I'm about 90% through reading it. I can't say that all 100% of it is absolute truth; but then again, I can't not say that 100% of it is correct. Or whatever :-) Meaning, most, if not all, is on the button. Look at who they own lock, stock and barrel throughout the world since way, wayyy back <crossin self>. And, they are stepping up their game as I type --> The PDF was written back in '76. I think they've bought off or blackmailed everyone in the world, even down at the local level all across our country/world.
One of my hopes, wishes, prayers is that they end up slaughtering themselves. The GANGS/factions hiding under The RockyFella's umbrella. Every blue moon it's ok to dream. This is one of them.
I will change one thing.
It's n-o-t impossible to get your list done or partially done, just unlikely until a 'few' more of us wake the heck up.
To be honest with you, I tried to sell my soul to the devil quite a few times, but got nothing but pain, as if the primordial snake is not interested ☺.
So, I woke the heck up, and stopped supporting evil, at least partially.
Thank you for the link, I will read it.
You are probably correct. I think most are unwitting enablers. Psychopaths are supposedly only around 5% of the population. I think the rest of us are still a significant minority.
I think some of the enablers are capable of being awakened too. We have been immensely dumbed down by the 'education' system. Some of us were just lucky enough to have people in our lives who made us question 'authority'.
Claire De Lune: "I think some of the enablers are capable of being awakened too."
I believe that a true human is a spiritual being, and as such he/she has a soul. Most humans seem to be disconnected from their soul, and therefore are not capable to resist evil. Cooperating with evil appear to be the only way to survive and prosper, and people find various ways to rationalize their deals with filthy insects masquerading as humans.
It is possible that our insect overlords know that the humanity is on the verge of a spiritual awakening, and they are trying to stop this from happening by injecting us with their fake vaccines and various other brain washing (soul poisoning) methods. They have made some progress, but not enough to destroy the spirit of humankind.
"How can you take a vaccine development process that typically can take five years, eight years, 10 years, and truncate that into the timelines of operation warp speed?"
In the process flow diagram you included in your post published on 29 May we can clearly see that Moderna was making mRNA vaxxines as far back as 2018.
https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/what-does-moderna-know-that-pfizer doesn't?
They had the clot shots ready at least a year and a half before Johns Hopkins Event 201. The time between the announcement of OWS and the roll out of the vaxxines was needed to frighten as many people as much as possible to make them beg for the clot shot. Problem, reaction, pre-determined final solution.
Vaccine shots=lottery of depopulation. No one knows who gets the kill shots. Depopulation by “vaccine passport” to make sure you are in the lottery of the clot shot. There are no pandemics! There is a depopulation plan. Mandatory vaccine passports, mandatory kill shots, mandatory death lottery. Their depopulation plan of killing 8 billion people. Have you noticed how everyone, even congress, is ignoring the HUGE increase in deaths worldwide? Not ONE person in authority is saying anything! You know what that means-they are in on it!!!! Getting kickbacks!!!
The constant use of "whole of government" by functionaries appears to be less by-product of BS bureaucratic catchphrase banality and more a ritualistic spell being cast to completely mind control and mind-eff us. Doesn't the word "government" mean mind control, anyway? This particular meme/ motto/ mantra which they keep repeating in awkward ways and want us to buy into, at least subconsciously, is about the total authority to come.
It's no coincidence their invocation sounds like "Hole of Government" which would be the totalitarian abyss we're about to be lost to per their plans.
But the best laid plans of mice and minions ...
The entirety of western medicine is apparently built on the unchecked fictional platitudes people like this utter. It is a simply mentally bought-into narrative, held only in place by the number of people who promote and believe in it. How much unnecessary death and destruction has come at the bidding of such utter nonsense.
"Yeah, I just would add to that I have 100% confidence that we have executed to make sure that the vaccines are safe and in the development, I feel confident that they'll demonstrate efficacy against the virus in that light. I also have a hundred percent confidence, as Dr. Hepburn alluded to in what I think is the gold standard for the world, and that's our FDA and their approach to determining whether or not the vaccine is safe and effective. And we will make sure that we will follow the science to that end, we will not distribute vaccines that are not determined, safe and effective. And you could take my personal word for that as well as well, just my word."
Ha ha. It sounds like something one of those online joke jargon generators would spew out.
Military managing civilian heath issue? OBVIOUSLY the "warp speed" was merely a faster method of extermination by force. Covid was their practice session, their beta-test, for something MUCH more severe they're planning. Thankfully, it served as a wake up call for MANY who've now decided to resist.
And for others the speed worked the opposite way. They didn’t have time to think about it or ponder the holes in the Covid narrative- OWS had to strike at the height of the pandemic where the fear was greatest.
Exactly! Timing for when the snake strikes is imperative;-)
Whitney Webb: “They want people scared as fuck all the time. That’s what they’re doing.”
Debt Slavery and the Carbon Credit Coup | Whitney Webb and Mark Goodwin
That sounds about right. There’s a crisis or threat of one every day. We’ve begun to believe that’s normal life. That’s mental abuse- I’m sure it works
Exactly. Mental abuse 💯. Hopefully enough people think enough of themselves to realize this and walk out of the systems they think they’ve trapped us in.
Our constitution reserves publican private health to the state or the individual. And since it's not in most states constitutions...someone needs to take the DOD to court. Blatant takeover and total disregard of the constitution and no effing emergency powers can be legitimate when they contravene it. And with the reversal of Chevron doctrine...they are definitely not the authorities on biowepons because they vaxxed the military.
YES! Great minds are thinking this through, and there are MANY new avenues open now!