I still feel that the timing of Kary Mullis' death is suspect.

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Ya think? (no disrespect intended)

Of course it was a hit job. Absolutely no doubt.

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I was going to comment somethings similar.

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I'm not so sure. I thought so at first, but Mullis did not seem in the best of health.

I have watched all of the videos of him I could find online. Very interesting and funny fellow. And brilliant.

There seems no doubt that they could not have carried off the plandemic had Mullis been alive.

He was given an award by his South Carolina Alma Mater in 2018 - a school he always talked about - but he did not attend to accept. A friend accepted for him.

I assumed he was to ill to attend.

I put absolutely nothing past the people in control but I wonder about this one.

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All those murdered by these “things” died with honor. They did not live under their beds perpetually hollowed out by fear and shame. If they programmed their reality right, in the next lifetime they should own the bloodlines (for ten generations at least) of the “things” who murdered them.

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"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - George Orwell

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Yep and this also applies to the Ukraine war.


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I have no doubt that Orwell took inspiration from this text. https://archive.org/details/TheProtocolsOfTheLearnedEldersOfZion/mode/2up

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aka "Mesmerism"......

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Sasha - I’m on the floor laughing about all the “deeply retarded ventures” 🤣🤣🤣 but of course also shuddering at the enormity of the hubris, ignorance and greed fueling the entire GPPP-run biotech monstrosity. It has managed to create literally zero successful products while amassing so much power and controlling so many people and resources that has become TOO BIG TO FAIL. Which means they have no choice but to keep inventing threats and then imposing fake, expensive, unregulated and deadly “solutions.”

I had been thinking about Moderna as the most obvious cookie cutter replicant of Theranos. It followed the same trajectory with the same bogus “science” and the same miraculous support from the deep state - which continues to this day!

My guess is that the deal for installing RFK Jr at HHS is that he can question things like food poisons and even the childhood vax schedule (which is not nothing - some people have been fighting for that for decades so they deserve a win) and mandating Covid shots for kids — suddenly Birx and Offit are all over that limited hangout — but that canceling EUA and PREP for mRNA is off the table. They built so many MRNA factories everywhere (they being Musk et al) that they just can’t let that particular retarded biotech endeavor go.

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I agree that "too big to fail" venture will continue. But they are also failing bigly and obviously, so I don't know how long they can keep it up. Even the mainstream industry press is reporting on entire sectors of gene therapy failure and investors turning away from it. I have several related articles in this.

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I'm concerned that RFK Jr will be the one they blame the next scamdemic on. They are setting him up to take all the blame of whatever they cook up next.

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RFK Jr is the only person in the US Gov who can declare a pandemic (the law says so), and he doesn't have to take into account any data or anyone's opinion. That's why I don't think anyone can "blame" a pandemic on him. If he doesn't announce it, there is nothing to blame.

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That is under presumption that RFK Jr. is a good guy and is stupid enough to become a patsy. I'll judge him when he tackles (or not) the CDC's vaxx schedule. He disappointingly started from fruit loops and fluoride, but optimistically made children vaxx schedule the first item of the MAHA list. There is hope.

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Who had Jeffrey Epstein in the tangled web of the pandemic, PCR tests? Epstein's black book reveals one of his very besties at the forefront of PCR tests: Joe Pagano


The Talented Mr. Epstein

Vanity Fair, March 1, 2003


"Joe Pagano, an Aspen-based venture capitalist, who has known Epstein since before his Bear Stearns days, can’t say enough nice things: “I have a boy who’s dyslexic, and Jeffrey’s gotten close to him over the years…. Jeffrey got him into music. He bought him his first piano. And then as he got to school he had difficulty … in studying … so Jeffrey got him interested in taking flying lessons.”

One of Pagano's large ventures he capitalized was Sentigen Holding Corp


Sentigen Holding Profile and History

Sentigen Holding Corp. conducts business through two wholly-owned operating subsidiaries: Sentigen Biosciences, Inc. ("Sentigen Biosciences") and Cell & Molecular Technologies, Inc. ("CMT").

Which merged with Invitrogen::


Invitrogen is one of several brands under the Thermo Fisher Scientific corporation. The product line includes various subbrands of biotechnology products, such as machines and consumables for polymerase chain reaction, reverse transcription, cloning, culturing, stem cell production, cell therapy, regenerative medicine, immunotherapy, transfection, DNA/RNA purification, diagnostic tests, antibodies, and immunoassays.

The predecessor corporation was Invitrogen Corporation (formerly traded as Nasdaq: IVGN), headquartered in Carlsbad, California. In 2008, a merger between Applied Biosystems and Invitrogen was finalized, creating Life Technologies. The latter was acquired by Thermo Fisher Scientific in 2014.


Invitrogen was founded in 1987 by Lyle Turner, Joe Fernandez, and William McConnell and was incorporated in 1989. The company initially found success with its kits for molecular cloning—notably, The Librarian, a kit for making cDNA libraries, and the FastTrack Kit for mRNA isolation from biological samples.

In 2008, Invitrogen virtually doubled its size with the purchase of biotech instrumentation company Applied Biosystems, maker of DNA sequencing and PCR machines and reagents. The company then renamed the overall organization as Life Technologies. The Invitrogen brand and most of the brands acquired still exist on product packaging, although the overall company is called Life Technologies. In summer 2010, the company acquired the computer chip DNA sequencing company Ion Torrent Systems. Through this history of acquisitions and continued product research and development, Invitrogen / Life Technologies had over 50,000 products.


Key products and technologies

Utilizing this business strategy, Invitrogen represented a large number of products: Dynabeads magnetic separation technology, GIBCO cell culture media and reagents, SuperScript reverse transcriptase, Platinum Taq polymerase, TOPO cloning and expression products, Novex protein electrophoresis products, and numerous fluorescent reagents such as Qdot nanocrystals, Alexa Fluor, DyLight, RiboGreen and SYBR dyes. Invitrogen currently offers more than 25,000 products and services to support research in cellular analysis, genomics, proteomics, and drug discovery, and seeks to address research problems in developing fields, including biodefense and environmental diagnostics, bioinformatics, epigenetics, and stem cell research.

Innovation and impact

Under a contract from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the company developed a prototype hand-held pathogen detection system for the detection of multiple toxins such as ricin, staphylococcal enterotoxin, and botulinum toxin, as well as bacteria that cause anthrax, plague, and other diseases, in a single sample. Invitrogen was also awarded a contract to provide kits for detecting possible E. coli O157 contamination in food at the 2008 Summer Olympcics in Beijing, China. The monitoring program, based on World Health Organization food standards, is conducted by the Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Olympic Food Safety program. Similarly, the company's PathAlert technology was selected to monitor Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of the plague, at the Torino Winter Games in 2006. Their Qubit platform for RNA, DNA, and protein quantitation was awarded an R&D 100 Award as being a "Top 100 Technologically Significant New Product" by R&D Magazine.

GenomeWeb, May 26, 2006


Sentigen Biosciences, Columbia University, Dartmouth College, Tosoh Corporation, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Bowling Green State University

Sentigen Biosciences and Columbia University have been awarded US Patent No. 7,049,076,

GenomeWeb, December7, 2006


Invitrogen, Sentigen, Prometic Biosciences, Novartis, Power3, University of Thessaly, Bristol-Myers Squibb, CST, Aushon Biosystems, Sigma-Aldrich"

Joe Pagano's hands are in a whole lot of advanced biotech including:

Cell and Molecular Technologies, Inc.



Cell & Molecular Technologies Inc


https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/1351736D:US (paywall)

FF - I bet most readers, didn't have had Jeffrey Epstein connected to PCR tests, and other pandemic-y things on their BINGO cards. Does this make anyone question if 'Epstein Didn't Kill Himself' over more than just those pesky pedophilia charges?

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maybe gene therapy is for animals instead? to crash the food chain?

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They managed to kill 4 family members and an uncle in 2nd world was

These people go way back to beyond the world wars they breed generations to come to continue the enslavement of all generations

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One of the numerous aspects of the Covid operation is to invent a new market for Pharmaceuticals. It is impossible to underestimate the value that Pharma and the medical cartel bring to large financial investment firms. Pharmaceuticals and the "health management system" in the US is currently the largest sector of the US economy. In the USA, "disease management" accounts for about $4 trillion/yr of the "economy."

Despite the massive revenue that Pharma generates it has over the last decade been fraught with declining rates of profit and is in a constant state of crisis as it seeks to continuously generate profits.

"Disease" has replaced war as the world's primary money spinner, the elites need continuing large-scale health crises to keep their racketeering schemes going. Pandemics are mammoth business opportunities for the Pharma Cartel and the financiers that control the details and direction of policy.

As the “War on Terror” illustrated, these deep events are constructed to exploit as many different lines of acquisition as possible. The phony “Covid Pandemic” replaced the phony “War on Terror” and another revamped “worldwide crisis” miraculously morphed into a ruling class multi-purpose golden opportunity.

IMF Chief K Georgieva- "Vaccine policy is economic policy."

The primary objective to the "Covid-19" epidemiological scamdemic portion of the Covid Operation is to normalize a new Pharma market of mRNA gene modifications because multiple patents of "blockbuster" drugs are expiring (patent cliff) and Pharma ROI has been nosediving for two decades.

The plan is for the mRNA "vaccine" cash cow to be much bigger than the Covid Con itself. The plan is to use mRNA "cures" for any and all imagined viral pathogens, get the tech to market and start going down the list with their readily "downloadable" mRNA platforms for these new "diseases" that they perpetually invent. Also it isn’t just for infectious diseases that the mRNA platform is believed ‘useful’. A multitude of other non infectious pathologies will be deemed ‘treatable’ with this tech. The mRNA platform, will be pushed because of the massive investment in it, and the ‘perceived’ endless opportunities to make money from it

Another aspect of the Covid Operation is to sanction and legalize regulatory mechanisms that allow Pharma to sidestep lengthy and costly clinical trials with this new "Pharma business model" through this "new" delivery system. Pharma and its investors have been wanting to "blow up" the most costly aspect of their "old" business model with "disruptive innovation" for years- meaning eliminate Phase 3 clinical trials altogether, the most costly aspect of all Pharma R&D.

"There is a coming tsunami of mRNA medicines." - Melissa J. Moore, Ph.D. Chief Scientific Officer, Moderna

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When a society is run by financial interest alone this is the kind of thing to expect. Financiers contribute nothing to society and as their dead weight gets heavier for real productive elements of society to bear they come up with increasingly bizarre schemes to solve the problem of their grift through the mistaken notion that less people will enable the grift to continue.

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"There is a coming tsunami of mRNA medicines."

But if there is a massive tsunami of "adverse events" from these mRNA vaccines/cures/medicines, how will the massive PR (propaganda) machine handle the fallout?

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The same way they are handling it now I guess. Create the cancer hero class of people who "are going to fight this disease" including cancer kids riding zambonis at the hockey games to name one example

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If, at this point, people are not connecting dots - and absolutely no one that I know is connecting dots - I don't know that they ever will.

"People get cancer all the time".

I live in an existential scream.

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For years I had attributed the seeming inability of our "leaders" to achieve anything positive for the population at large to stupidity and corruption but now it seems that these "leaders" are not at all stupid. They are actually evil psychopaths who have no issue with killing off vast swaths of the citizenry for money and power. It was the fiasco around the PCR test that made me realize that the whole Covid thing was a sham. The fact that they are doing this again and wiping out the food supply in the middle of uncontrolled food price increases shows a level of evil disregard for humanity that I would not have thought possible. But here we are and most people are unwilling to spend a few hours of decent online research and sleuthing to possibly save their own lives and the lives of their family members. The legacy media scare tactics orchestrated by the perpetrators of these heinous actions have unfortunately turned the majority of citizens into unthinking zombies that will do anything they are told. Trump and his team are definitely doing some good in certain areas but his alignment with the tech lords scares the crap out of me.

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The whole experience of the last 5 or 6 years has forced me to rewrite for my personal guidance that old forgiving statement

Never attribute to stupidity and incompetence that which can only be explained by malevolence.

Turns out the world really isn't run by benign but stupid incompetent people making mistakes

Turns out there is a lot of evil out there

Not my fault I've gotten so cynical (I'm not happy about it)

It's that COVID Devil that made me do it

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This sounds a lot like what I commented on another stack... that the Founding Fathers were good people who could not conceive of the evil people who would find so many loopholes in the Constitution.

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" that the Founding Fathers were good people who could not conceive of the evil people who would find so many loopholes in the Constitution."

You'd be surprised.

Now, go read the so called "anti-federalists" (those who really were for a federation and were against the constitution such as Robert Yates and Patrick Henry , who refused to go to the constitutional convention in Philly saying 'I smell a rat,' to name a couple). Also, ask yourself why the thing was held in secret and why a couple of delegates left the proceedings in protest of what was going on.

Covid should have taught everyone to question everything including what we've been told from the cradle.

More info:


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Yes, there were some in every camp... I've read the notes taken at the meetings, and they do detail the reasons for secrecy, but mostly the concerns that what they had wasn't working for the short term and would really not stand up for the long term.

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For all I know I read your comment and stole it😂

Seriously. It could happen

If that is the case, and it certainly could be, because I read lots of comments

If I read it and stole it

I blame it on stupidity and incompetence

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I think that's Sheftall's Razor: Never attribute to incompetence what can be explained by malice.

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Someone official always gets there before me😂

Why is that?

I hope it's not incompetence

On second thought I hope it IS incompetence

Else it would be malice

I would hate for my stupidity and incompetence to be construed as malice😢

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Er ... "In God We Trust" ... which god exactly?

On the same note as the power pyramid with the evil eye!

"Annuit Coeptis" ... He has favoured our endeavours - who exactly is "he"?

"Novus Ordo Seclorum"... New World Order ... exactly what kind of order?

Exactly whose "new world order"?

"E Pluribus Unum" ... “Out of many, one” - one what?

Human melting pot ... mass immigration from beginning to end?

What end?

One homologous, easily managed human population?

All on the $ bill!

The dollar collar that controls the US and many other nations!

Behind the $ bill ... the banksters and their minions?

Hmmm ...

Nah ... that's all just conspiracy theory!

The writing on the $ bill is not to be taken at face value!

It must be "interpreted" correctly by good people!

Yeah right - got it!

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a bit tangential, but I agree that there is a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes of the dollar. But that came a bit later than the Founding Fathers I was referring to.

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Point taken.

However, "the founding fathers" were members of the British aristocracy, affiliated with organisations with highly questionable values and goals.

Not exactly saints!

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Hanlon's razor, re-worked.

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So many razors to master

That's why I gave up shaving

Friday I'd hurt myself, or plagiarize someone

Not a good plagiarist when you don't even know what you stole😁

Wonder if Biden was aware of all the things he stole?

That is, back when we assumed he was aware of anything

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We're running with razor's here:)

Isn't that dangerous?

May as well live dangerously of our own free will

Because the state is making your life dangerous whether you consent or not

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I agreed with you until you said Trump and team have done some good. There is nothing good about what they have done. The first scamdemic was during Trump's term... He enabled it, just as he is enabling the second round.

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Always encouraging to know that we have 2 chances every 4 years to get screwed. All we have to do is flip a coin and "choose" one

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Don't vote!

Never have, never will.

Why should we consent to be governed?

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One of those imponderable questions I'm still working on

The voting part that is

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Data extraction is the new gold.

Behavior modification requires accurate prediction.

A.I. (automated identification) has become the hammer and sickle.

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Yeah. Scares the hell out of me. I think the potential of Stargate is terrifying. Just the idea that they are willing to build nuclear plants and put the environment in unnecessary danger just to produce enough power to run the AI processors and data centers. FOR WHAT?! You don't go THAT big unless you REALLY mean business. And to me Larry Ellison as the face of it is about as deep state Darth Vader as it gets. Rumors I've heard on "America's Untold Stories" is that "Mr Oracle" (Ellison) has CIA &/or Deep state &/or DOD written all over him.

Ellison is selling it on using AI to create INDIVIDUALIZED cancer cures in 48 hours based on YOUR particular biologic profile?


That in itself is scary. Does not sound like the eternal life they seem to promise. It sounds like the biggest pharma trap ever. Maybe bigger than vaccines

To run that flag up after mRNA killed and harmed millions and probably will cause cancer in many more and HAS caused myocarditis in many others, after which the COVID criminals followed up the cancer/heart harms with promises of new mRNA based drugs for heart and cancer issues. In that presently existing backdrop they are promising 48 hour cancer cures from mRNA and AI??

Yikes! While we're still bruised from the last mRNA stunts they're pressing forward with huge COSTLY mRNA based promises, if only we put up half a trillion ... to get started.

Even if that scenario is technically true it has the whiff of public funding for a miracle cure that will only be available to elites and too expensive for the rest who are being asked to fund it. OR, you may be able to get the 48 hour magic AI + mRNA cure if you turn over ALL your worldly assets to the masters

But it's not only the miracle cure promises. It is the total control possibilities. AT OUR EXPENSE of course

And as far as behavior modification. They already are doing that with military grade effectiveness. With AI, infinite data and infinite computing power they'll be able to modify/control you with granular specificity. They almost can do that already. Just threaten to sue some one or expose their proclivities or threaten to mess with their IRS records to make them criminals. The number of EASILY doable things already is scary as hell. But with infinite data on people they could get you to go jump off a bridge if necessary. I've heard rumors the Clintons already could almost do that with no AI at all😁

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They knew you and so many others were going to figure this our decades ago. It's not like JFK and any other domestic assassination ops didn't happen with, to date, zero serious demand among the public for what ultimately amounts to as treason. It's not like we aren't aware of every war the US has been involved in since Vietnam, bare minimum, hasn't been fully based on outright lies, or that every financial crisis wasn't planned and responded to with the exact outcomes they intended.

This is why, instead of figuring out how to stop being a psychopath for the sake of, not just the nation, but all of humanity, they chose to quintuple down on further profiting off of mass murder, maiming, trafficking, enslavement, and theft. As a result, they're in a much better position to keep their psychopathy in play, and if they aren't allowed to be the psychopaths they insist on being, they have no problem burning it all to the ground.

You can not rationalize with this level of psychopathy. It's like trying to believe that upon release from prison, Elizabeth Holmes isn't going to seek out every opportunity to still profit off of being a psychopath, or that someone like Ralph Baric is going to suddenly decide, "You know what, this whole amassing profit and power off of mass murder and maiming is probably a bad idea." And the wildest thing is, these two psychopaths are mere lice ridding on the backs of the real psychopaths.

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" ... if they aren't allowed to be the psychopaths they insist on being, they have no problem burning it all to the ground."

Psychopaths do not see, that their chosen path is self-destructive and do not care how destructive it is for others.

They undermine the moral foundations of their own and any other houses they inhabit.

They are oblivious to the fact, that they are bringing the house down on their own and everyone else's heads!

Blind evil is blind!

If they cannot rule the kingdom, they will destroy it!

While many are now aware of the facts, most unfortunately still are not.

No Hitler can rise again!

People will just not buy it!

Sadly they will.

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Yes....of course they are.

In order to even be considered for entry into these exclusively evil cabals....rape and murder must be committed and verified. Guy named Johnny Ciruci wrote books about this initiation....

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The true 'pandemic' is that of 'Mesmerism'.

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Ever heard of stoicism? Just chomp on some deep fried crickets and get some juicy maths problems to solve.

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Thank you Sasha for keeping us ahead of the curve on all this. Every day I am more ‘blown away’ than the day before concerning the level of deception that went on around all of this, that is still going on. It is all satanic, and more cunning that most humans can grasp. And there are so many layers and such a long history. It must, I believe, eventually collapse under its own weight, which I believe is your observation as well. Most people will simply never be able to mentally thread all the needles to arrive at the bald faced truth of it all. The edifice of lies is just too overwhelming and far too clever for most.

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The evil ones are operating from an ancient and well-worn playbook.

The One who is omniscient is also omnipotent.

The sovereignty of the One is not diminished, by the wickedness of the evil ones and their minions or the ignorance and foolishness of many.

The One will establish justice, sooner or later, one way or another.

Good will eventually prevail regardless.

The light bearers will be vindicated.

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Holme's patent makes me think of Logan's Run. One day your device starts blinking and you have to turn up for "the treatment," or else...

Speaking of treatments, a Yale research team has, with uncanny timing, suddenly validated covid vaccine injury in a study that seemingly differs not at all from numerous previous studies and yet is getting much more publicity. I wonder what treatments will arise now that the Ivy League has recognized covid vaccine injury as a billable condition?

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Good point in that they were competing for the choice of who gets to be the test for the plandemic.

That explains why the board and advisors end up being deep state bullshitters, like the whistleblower's father.

The shots were also picked because they failed way before.


It's like how they took a failed chemo drug, AZT and used it for AIDS/HIV.

Oh and the Remdesevir, an ebola drug worse than placebo for con-vid.

This is like the opposite of meritocracy... The most scummiest companies get the jobs of doing the fake science, cough Pfizer cough Moderna.... 😂

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Reliably corrupt and financially connected.

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Don't forget that company that provided the 'gulf war syndrome' causing shots. Although that may be a bad example because back then they tried to deny responsibility when instead the enlightened capitalist would seize the opportunity to profit from the havoc they just caused.

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Oh yeah didn't they use squalene as an adjuvant despite having known that is a problematic adjuvant?

Such a clear scam they pulled with this vaccine "special" treatment deal.

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Excellent article tying together a lot of loose ends!.

I applaud your diligence in presenting the past evidence of fraud and connecting it to what

Reiner Fuellmich has called mass murder and the biggest crime in history.

In the meantime...Reiner rots in prison and criminals like Bill Grates roam the world at large on private jets....having parties at various exclusive islands where 14 year girls are lavishly "entertained".....

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Let's have a look at that list, now...

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From the article: "Yes, people and animals get sick sometimes, and pneumonia exists. The “avian flu” however is a computer-PCR artifact which has not been clinically validated to represent anything real. This PCR artifact is now being used to drive poultry farmers out of business and crash the food supply." [End quote]

I'd guess geese, ducks, pheasant, quail, turkey, guinea fowl, and all other flying species (especially bats) need to be culled as well... Can't be safe enough, ya know?

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In the UK, the government seriously considered whether they would order a culling of all (pet) cats during Con-vid!

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Maybe the asshats in charge were concerned people would resort to eating their pet cats. You know? After all the grocery stores were closed... Wouldn't want constituents to contract a "novel" new disease.

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Look, I'm your typical Aussie slob-mug...can get depressed, oppressed, overwhelmed by people's billions, the intricacies of modern scienciness, all those dazzling qualifications and awards, the massive weight of intellectual authority...

But whenever I feel it coming over me I just look at Musk's roadster in space, the Mars Rover doing its thing through a badly colourised Canadian desolation, Trump's right ear and, perhaps above all, Larry Ellison's facelift...

Fixed! All better!

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lol, yes.

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Larry Ellison needs a new face.

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Sasha thank you for your work. No words can express how much I appreciate your dedication and insight.

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I have been wondering about Elizabeth Holmes and her fakery as it could possibly relate to the Covid pandemic. I also wonder about the role of Casey and Cally Means, Elizabeth’s Stanford school “alums,” as they have appeared so strongly on scene.

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Wonderful analysis of routines in today's biotech world and how all the scams seem to be

linked and of course motivated by money. I wonder if we as normal citizens will ever be able to trust or believe any medical person or scientist again considering how many of them are latent or overt crooks. I'm constantly stunned how shallow most of our human population is and how little they require for the sale of their SOUL

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For me, that’s a resounding NO. The biggest enemy is the central control of most elements.

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While people continue to believe the scam of government, and trot along dutifully to worship at the idolatrous altars of democracy, they will continue to be sold out!

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Great sleuthing, as always Sasha. Who'd have connected these dots, otherwise?

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What is there for the average person to do except "not comply"? I don't have a place I can raise chickens.

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Try believing the Eggs=Cholesterol=heart disease bullshit again.

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Poisoning people for fun and profit.

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