How to fake pandemics, the prequel: how Theranos fraud is linked to PCR fraud
For this article I used excerpts from Sense Receptor News thread on Theranos. I highly recommend reading the full X thread here.
By coincidence, or synchronicity (?) the day before I saw this thread on X from Sense Receptor, I had a conversation with a friend, who asked for my opinion on the story of Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos. My friend worked in San Francisco and used to see Elizabeth on her morning run through the city at a very impressive pace. I also had a tangential experience with Elizabeth when a pharma exec, a client of my cardiovascular safety company at the time, wrote an email asking me to connect with Elizabeth, copying her. He wanted my opinion on whether Theranos tech would be implementable in drug clinical trials. After a brief email exchange, Elizabeth did not follow up further. After an investigation into publicly available information at the time my colleagues and I found the tech unfeasible for clinical trials, and we dropped the inquiry altogether.
Now in 2025, in hindsight, it is clear that Theranos was an early play by the Global Public-Private Partnership (GPPP) cartel to introduce a “diagnostic test” that would underpin the global takeover under pretenses of “public health”.
If you are not familiar with the Theranos technology scam and subsequent scandal - Elizabeth Holmes, a 19 yo wonder-girl at the time, a Stanford drop out, widely lauded as a female version of Steve Jobs, founded a billion-dollar startup Theranos, touting [by today’s definitions] “nanotechnology!” to detect hundreds of different “markers” of diseases in a single drop of blood. Of course, the tech was fake and never worked as claimed. Hyped-up tech claims never stopped a billion-dollar tech start-up, however! If anything, you actually need sci-fi dreams to achieve billion dollar valuations as a star-up. Note Xaira Therapeutics as just one of hundreds of deeply retarded ventures into “hacking the code of life”.
You also need a bunch of deep-staters on your board to achieve those billion-dollar valuations. Xaira’s board is stacked with Scott Gottlieb and Google/Alphabet mafia. Theranos’ board was stacked with Henry Kissinger (former U.S. Secretary of State and national security advisor), George Schultz (former U.S. Secretary of State), Gary Roughhead (retired U.S. Navy admiral), William Perry (former U.S. Secretary of Defense), Sam Nunn (former U.S. senator who served as Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee), James Mattis (Secretary of Defense from 2017 to 2019, after Theranos’ collapse), William Foege (former director of the CDC), among others.
Elizabeth Holmes was just 19 yo when she “founded” Theranos with a bunch of grizzled deep state globalists… Hm? Did she lead them all by the nose, getting them to back her unachievable technical claims and sky-high valuations? Or did they use the ambitious, money- and fame-hungry, free-of-moral-compass youngster as a patsy? It seems, the latter scenario is much more likely.
Sense Receptor News:
Forbes noted in a 2016 article, “THE BOARD APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN ASSEMBLED PRIMARILY TO SECURE INFLUENTIAL GOVERNMENT CONNECTIONS, rather than to govern with solid industry insight, product knowledge and operational expertise.”
Why were the “influential government connections” needed for an ostensible health-related tech? Why was the deep state so laser-focused on health? Since 2020, we know why.
Shocking still, when George Shultz's own grandson Tyler Shultz ran alarms about Theranos’ fake tech, his grandfather and the rest of the board ignored and even suppressed him:
Continuing from the X thread: Tyler, who first met Holmes in his grandfather’s living room, describes in a 2022 interview with 60 Minutes (below) the strangeness of the Elder Schultz’s response to word of fraud. Word of fraud that not only came from him, but also whistleblower Erika Cheung. “I went to him with my concerns and he couldn’t really understand the points I was making and he said, ‘Just move on with your life,'” Tyler says in the interview. He notes he did try to move on, but only a few months afterward had to interact with Holmes again when she came to Thanksgiving dinner at George’s house. “It was extremely frustrating to know that he was being lied to and just would not listen to what I had to say,” Tyler adds in the interview. “Especially as a board member, I felt like this isn’t just a grandson talking to his grandfather, this is an employee talking to the board member of the company they both work for. AND I FELT LIKE HE REALLY DID NOT DO HIS JOB AS A BOARD MEMBER INTO LOOKING INTO MY CONCERNS. AS FAR AS I COULD TELL.” (Emphasis added.) Tylers goes on to say, “The really hurtful time was actually after all of this had come out. But it was no longer a question of whether or not Tyler is right or Elizabeth is right. It was Tyler is right. And he continued to support Elizabeth.” Tyler adds, “that’s when it became unfathomable, where it felt like… IT JUST FELT LIKE SOMETHING ELSE HAS TO BE GOING ON HERE. ‘CAUSE IT MAKES NO SENSE.”
The technology didn’t and couldn’t work. But that was the point of it!
The club of “preventing the next pandemic” needed the fake mega-testing platforms can be utilized in their faked “next pandemic”. They needed something that could be deployed quickly, cheaply, test 20 percent of the entire population every week, where the test could be tuned to produce the desired outcomes!
And - get this, Holmes also patented the “transhumanist nanotechnology”, so that means it’s real, right?
Holmes’ patent also described the invention having “a plurality of microchips comprising a microarray scanning device capable of obtaining physical parameter data of an interaction between [a] disease marker biological analyte with the bioactive agent.” (An analyte is a substance whose chemical constituents are being identified and measured.) The patent also described the ingestible, implantable, or wearable device containing “an energy source to power the medical device” as well as “an interface device capable of facilitating communications between the microarray scanning device, biometric recognition device and the therapeutic agent releasing device.”
For all of those who write a weekly hit piece, calling me a controlled opposition because I tell you there is no such tech - please note that Holmes’ patent is a generic vaporware:
“disease markers” are yet to be found. Besides blood sugar, none are precise or reliable for any interventional decision by themselves;
“bioactive agent” is meaningless;
“energy source to power the device” is yet to be invented;
“interface capable of facilitating” - also yet to be invented.
Theranos was an also-ran pony in the race for a cheap, easily manipulated tech for diagnosing “pandemic viruses” and snowing the global populace with it. As I keep saying, it is not difficult to snow the populace, they will believe quite a lot of bullshit. What was necessary is to snow the “experts”, the MDs and PhDs. If you need to know which ones - every single “health freedom leader” today who repeats “COVID was a terrible pandemic…” with a straight face, 5 years into the global fraud.
In the race for the mega diagnostic test platform, the PCR and lateral flow became the winners:
while Theranos has been abandoned by the Deep State, the likes of Bill Gates and George Soros are a part of a consortium that bought Mologic (now Global Access Diagnostics), “a leading developer and manufacturer of advanced lateral flow and rapid diagnostic technologies.” Of course this means COVID-19 tests as well.
Wait! What am I talking about? PCR is not a diagnostic. Except, the CDC goons are currently slaughtering and mRNA-poisoning all 300M+ healthy chickens in the US based on the fake PCR tests of “H5N1 virus”… but nevermind! Reasonable, thoughtful, health freedom-minded scientists do not claim it’s a diagnostic. They talk about “facts and fears of avian flu”, “leaky vaccines”, etc. omitting the only true fact - H5N1 or avian flu is a fake.
This is a paper in a peer reviewed journal describing that there is no proof of existence of H5N1:
Yes, people and animals get sick sometimes, and pneumonia exists. The “avian flu” however is a computer-PCR artifact which has not been clinically validated to represent anything real. This PCR artifact is now being used to drive poultry farmers out of business and crash the food supply.
If you want to read more about how ridiculous the diagnostic PCR claims are, I recommend Jamie Andrews’ stack here.
And, another important fact frequently omitted by the freedom experts is that it is not technically feasible to accurately predict the pathogenicity of a virus solely from its genetic sequence. And, please note that this means “whole genome sequence”, not a snippet of 250 nucleotides, or even many such snippets.
Source: Committee on Scientific Milestones for the Development of a Gene Sequence-Based Classification System for the Oversight of Select Agents, National Research Council of the National Academies. This report cites the following challenges:
Multifactorial nature of pathogenicity: Pathogenicity is a complex trait resulting from interactions between the pathogen, host defenses, and environmental context. Host factors (age, sex, nutrition, health, immune status) also influence the outcome.
Limitations of sequence-based prediction: High-level biological phenotypes like pathogenicity and transmissibility cannot be predicted with sufficient certainty for regulatory purposes.
Importance of biological context: A sequence alone has no biological properties; biological context is needed.
Sequence homology limitations: Sequence homology analysis can identify what a protein is likely to do but generally will not reveal the biochemical pathway or the specific target or substrate.
But common! Serious experts who don’t work for the CDC know that PCR not a diagnostic, is an amplification tool! You see, it “amplifies” the bullshit “genetic code” of, let’s say a “pathogenic virus”, because there is so little of it in a human sample regardless if the person is sick or not, you need to make more nucleic acid copies of it (via mind-bending contortions of logic and chemical laws) and ONLY THEN you can “read” it and figure out what asymptomatic virus you got! But not in a diagnostic way. Just in a … you know…ah…uh… the thing!! You are not an expert!!! Stop being so divisive!!!!
Whichever way, the PCR won the race for the supreme technological magic wand for purposes of faking the pandemic fakery faster.
Holmes went to jail. The inventor of PCR, Kerry Mullis was eliminated in 2019 (he was prone to run his mouth stating that PCR is not a diagnostic, and thus was a liability for the deep state).
The reason I think Theranos story is highly relevant again is this recent foray into “science and medicine” by the military-industrial complex represented by Larry Ellison speaking on behalf of the AI conglomerate, cheered on by Trump and, of course, the mega-techno-wonder-rocketman-sperm-donor-Elon Musk.
Trump-Ellison’s Project Stargate promises to diagnose you with asymptomatic but deadly cancer from some yet to be determined blood test, and make rapid vaccines for your cancer in 48 hrs. Maybe Larry Ellison needs Elizabeth Holmes and her fake tech for this venture? Elizabeth Holmes is now 2 years into her 11-year prison sentence, and is giving interviews to People magazine. This sudden appearance in media while in prison coinciding with Project Stargate is interesting. If she is released on parole soon that would be further validation of my theory.
Post on X by Chief Nerd - video clip of Pierce Morgan with several guests including Debra Birx (!):
PIERS MORGAN: "I was with one of the top cancer experts in Britain for lunch a couple of days ago, who was utterly scathing about the long-term impact of the mRNA vaccines ... and says that they're reaping a whirlwind in the world of cancer as a result of the vaccines."
Reaping the whirlwind of cancer! In the next step of mass killing for profit everyone must be made aware of those “dormant cancer cells”, “nanotechnology and graphene shedding from jabbed”, “nanotechnology in chemtrails”, etc (same BS as “asymptomatic deadly viruses”). Some people are so suggestible by words that they will develop symptoms from just being told about cancer. Others will be put into a neurotic state to be afraid of “toxic food sprayed with chemtrails” and losing sleep over whether they should get tested for cancer just in case. This is a perfect scenario to induce a stampede of hypochondriacs (to quote James Giordano, the DOD “mind control” expert) to run and get fake-diagnosed by some cheap, ubiquitous blood testing method, so that they can be put on chemo/”cancer vaccines”/gene therapy. To set up this trap, a Theranos resurrection might be necessary.
Art for today: The Emperor, oil on panel, 16x20 in.
I still feel that the timing of Kary Mullis' death is suspect.
"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - George Orwell