18 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Fantastic work, on a complex topic.

Greatly appreciated, and look forward to part 2.

Thank you and again kudos on being a truth warrior.

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The above is SPAM

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Thank you once again Sasha for describing the 'spike protein' definition. The pictorial phenomena are In-Silico (computer generated) results. Nothing more.

From your comments "This means that approx 10 % of the general population has been sensitized to something that can be environmentally deployed. It can be spike protein but it can also be some components used in its synthesis or some analogous biological/chemical matter."

Correct. The general populace are being re-exposed to many 'adjuncts' via aerosal dispersion, water borne contamination, and food borne microbial's. The collective death wish continues... Alas...

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14 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Also remember that PEG and I believe PEG-2 are ingredients in the shots which is noted in vax bulletins and information to health professionals that PEG is known to cause anaphylactic symptoms with certain individuals. PEG is in numerous cosmetics and processed foods and certain toothpastes have it. The PEG used in the shots is molecularly a very small size which can increase toxicity and reactions.

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Hello Methane Malone. Heh, heh... Interesting handle...

Many readers are not clear on the term "PEG" so I thought a whitewashed Wikipedia definition might be helpful. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is used in a myriad of products, most of which are rated as "Safe" by the FDA. >>> Quoted from Human health effects. >>> "The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA or US FDA) regards PEG as biologically inert and safe." Readers really need to examine the listed prevalence of this product. Complete text: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyethylene_glycol

Another fact that few are aware of, are the usage of POEA surfactants in agriculture.

Polyethoxylated tallow amine's are proven to substantially increase the toxicity of pesticides and herbicides. See more whitewashed bullshit under "Human toxicity" - Wikipedia. Complete text: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyethoxylated_tallow_amine

Thank you for commenting.

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You are correct about PEG and it has killed and harmed those sensitive to allergic reaction, auto-immunre and conditions like asthma.

PEG was a MASSIVE RED FLAG that should have warned as well as many others such as nano particles, mRNA, etc.

Sadly people are naive and perhaps stupid to trust any government.

Yet the FEAR was weapinized and killer shots were mandated.

Any NANO PARTICLE injected into any human should ONLY BE MADE of a lipid that is already NATIVE to the human body such as phosphoidylcholine.

As example - It is used to encapsulate the nano particles in Liposomal Vitamin C and other liposomal supplements.

This has been used and known for decades.

There are MANY WARNING studies on PEG and nano particles in the National Library of Health.

Herre is just one with a TAKEAWAY that the pharma thugs KNEW ON DAY ONE of the risk.

The shots WERE MEANT TO HARM and nothing else.

If you took the shots my STRONGEST advice is learn about the emerging detox protocols .


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"Sadly people are naive and perhaps stupid to trust any government."...I worked in a university science department at the time and I can tell you that many very, very smart people simply believed 'the science' (i.e. the cult of Pfauci). I took a lot of flack from coworkers and supervisors, but I did not take an injection. Now we know that all of the schools, all levels, were paid according to how well they managed to coerce their staff to meet the CDC 'quota'. Bastards. All of them.

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Yes, you are spot on. They all must be held accountable for mass murder, torture, genocide and crimes against humanity.

Someone once said,

"ANYONE who trusts government, obviously had very BAD history teachers."

Over the millennium there are literally infinite examples of criminal, corrupt politicians that always put themselves first, and have no moral compass or integrity.

I think Orwell's book 1984 (written in 1949) should be MANDATORY reading in either middle or secondary schools.

Everyone needs to learn about Orwell's giant mind and the evil of "the thought police'.

Best in health and keep fighting .

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Universities - yet another institution where contrarians, wholistic thinkers, and people with spines have been driven out, leaving mostly conformist yes-men remaining.

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This morning Dr Mark Crispin Miller's Substack references Steve Kirsh's report of a major Japanese study of the severe damage done by the COVID jab. Here is the link https://kirschsubstack.com/p/the-takada-paper-shows-very-clearly?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=email Studies like this take time to produce since long term issues are just as meaningful as immediate adverse reactions. This study shows a 9,2% mortality rate within 62 days. I am sure there will be many more such studies in the future. We still have the overhang of what a 5-G (18ghz.) may do in conjunction with the spike protein as referenced by Dr Mercola. COVID is the real WW3 and continues its death toll.

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There are problems with the original paper.

① Side effect data in Japan is not centrally managed, so data from the PMDA (equivalent to the FDA) is used.

② The data collector is someone from Meiji Seika Pharma (the company that sells Replicon).

③ A Weibull distribution is fitted to the side effect distribution.

Due to ①, the side effect data is much lower than the actual number of side effects.

② There is a conflict of interest in selling Replicon.

③ The Weibull dist. is a distribution function used to estimate the initial failure and wear limit of machines. People ≠ machine. Therefore, medium to long-term side effects in humans are ignored.

Therefore, there is a clear intention to conceal side effects "over most of a person's life" by only estimating side effects immediately after vaccination and at the end of their lifespan.

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Arigato Gozaimasu, Fuji San.

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Thanks for these specifics. I always appreciate it when someone can pick apart

$science since I did not major in that field.

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The Expose this morning reports how a Slovak investigator has presented his govt with the truth, and the advice to stop the jabs. See if they do.

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The Australian government’s Prime Minister was also presented with a package of info on DNA contamination, which was ignored. So the info is now going out to the 500+ Councils that manage Australia at the local level. https://open.substack.com/pub/rebekahbarnett/p/world-first-australian-local-government?r=mh6i&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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ANY "report" coming from Steve Kirsch is highly suspect as he has been exposed as a liar and a fraud many times. I recently called out his blatant, ridiculous lie in his Substack article on 9/7 that "There were never any Bradycardia claims in the VA system before 2022. Zero." and his only response was to block me from commenting on his Substack.

Bradycardia is a VERY common condition among veterans and in the general population and only indicates a heart rate that is below 60 BPM. I have had this condition most of my adult life and I am a veteran, and my VA doctors and I have had many discussions about it and about how common it is in general. I take no medication for it and it doesn't cause any discernible negative effects.

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This is the Kirsch Substack article: https://kirschsubstack.com/p/exclusive-va-whistleblower-exposes?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=548354&post_id=148631595&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=qz8pl&triedRedirect=true

There are other lies in this "report" including that the VA is "strongly recommending they (veterans) take the covid shot". I was asked only once by my primary care doctor in 2021 and I declined, and no one else at the VA has every mentioned it to me.

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Geert appears to have burnt out, he's not publishing anything new for the public. I always wondered if his thesis depends on a precision of things that are really no more than these approximated models. His work is downstream from all of that, the graphs showing hundreds of "variants". Our understanding of the moving parts depends on metaphor at one level or another.

Not that anyone should be relieved. Why else would they push this on pregnant women and young children?

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if you mean Geert Vanden Bossche, he still publishes, but it is now behind a paywall. I unsubscribed from his site, because a blub means nothing and I did not want to have yet another paid subscriptions.

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Right. You must pay for his urgent warnings to Humanity.

um, yeah, no thanks.

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They don't call him Notorious GVB for nothing you know.

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Pretty hysterical.

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FYI, GVB's position has not changed as per his site.

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Thank you for this article. This is a very interesting question which has been on my mind for some time.

“The main mechanism of mRNA jabs is to produce spike protein.”

Yes, that is the story everyone is supposed to believe but it comes from the same people who told us “safe and effective”.

Yes, the late Prof. Arne Burkhardt attributed the cell and organ damage he found on his histology slides to the presence of ‘spike protein’. He did great work to show actual harms which we translated here: http://docs.shortxxvids.com/burkhardt_analysis.html

But to our best knowledge, Burkhardt and all others who say they analysed samples for spike protein used a non-specific antigen assay (ELISA or similar). Spike protein is not positively confirmed but can only be ‘inferred’ to be present because this is an indirect detection method.

Why are so many researchers happy to buy into the transfection story without positive direct identification of the claimed entity? Why is such credibility being given to this miraculous sounding cell biology story without the same level of rigour which was invested in documenting the damages it causes? The product manufacturers themselves seem fully unable to shed any light on how much protein gets expressed and for how long. Does this fact in itself not give some real cause for concern about the whole story?

There is plenty of other junk in these injectable substances capable of causing the observed injuries.

Would it not be of help to put a final nail in the coffin of this toxic technology to search for some better proof that the ‘main mechanism’ claimed as its operation is actually occurring at all?

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12 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs agoAuthor

Spike protein is definitely there. Burkhard's histo slides very clearly show it. Spike protein exists. It's the debris of massive cell die off due to the immune system attacking itself. A pile of bricks after bombardment is REAL. And oh, by the way, if you dump a pile of bricks on a structure, it may be rendered unusable, too. I don't know how else to explain this very simple concept to the religious cult of "virus-no-isolated".

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11 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

In the modern art world, they could use tons of debris to convert them into an art form. Sadly it doesn't work in a human body. (Just kidding).

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Please revisit Arne’s work - they don’t actually find ‘spike protein’ they detect through assays antibodies and antigens which they proclaim to be specific to the spike protein. This is the same, for all papers that claim they find the spike protein.

This is another decoy to continue with the fake ‘virus’ story. Yes, they are detecting damage but it’s from the injection and not from the imaginary pathogenic virus.

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I think you should re-read Arne's work, because he didn't say his staining for spike was from the virus. He said it was damage from the injection. Exactly what I am saying - inject poison (correct meaning of the word "virus") ->get attacked by your own immune system -> your cells will die en masse, and their dead parts will form SPIKE PROTEIN. Arne wasn't the only person who confirmed this. Numerous others did too. And not just by staining, by electron microscopy and other techniques. That's comping in Part 2.

PS. I am sick and tired of the "virus-no-isolated" cult mentality.

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I found the following Substack article which discusses work being done by the Neo7Bioscience lab in conjunction with the McCullough Foundation to find a direct method of detecting spike protein, rather than the method that is currently being used of antigen assays which can only indirectly indicate presence of spike protein: https://substack.com/@johncatanzaro752375/p-149351381. The article says, "A direct method of detection of spike proteins does not exist. This gap in detection is being filled by Neo7Bioscience's high-definition RNA transcriptomics, which provides the precision necessary to identify and quantify spike proteins in the body."

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Thank you, this is interesting. One would like to see some results from this method. Surprising that the drug companies seem to have little interest in determining how much of the alleged spike is being manufactured by human cells.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

I wonder if the early exposure was the 2019 flu shot? Then catapulted the 2020 "spread". They always push hard for "vulnerable" people and "healthcare" workers to get them. Probably military too? What a giant scam. I've shared your James Delingpole interview several times as it is brilliant!

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16 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

My dad died Dec 2017 from flu or a flu like illness. He had other health issues but the flu shot contributed to his death. That was a bad flu season. In 2020, I read that the CDC was using the past 36 months of flu deaths as an input to determine the number of monthly covid deaths.

So it's quite possible that the 3 previous years of flu shots had increasing toxicity to prime their computer models for covidcon in 2020.

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer (at 38yrs old) Dec 2019. She's a nurse so high likelihood she's had multiple flu shots.

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Oh my God that art is incredible.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

A person asked me if I got my Flu shot. I said no because the last time I got a shot I got the flu. Her response was, impossible. My Dr told me you cannot get the flu from the flu shot. There is no live virus. The whole world INCLUDING ALL the professionals are clueless. All symptoms of disease is your body's response to something that should not be in your body. Sasha is so on point and going down the right path. The piece done on anaphylaxsis and Dr Richet is the key link to understanding all things disease. Protiens, toxins et al in the blood stream cause disease. If only Bechamp was alive 5 more years, maybe the last 100+ years of insane allopathic medicine could have been avoided and Pasteur would concur..... Well done Sasha and thank you!

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The 1976 Flu shot, made in a hurry after some DoD-weaponized swine flu killed a couple of soldiers, was the one that made so many people badly ill and killed a few.

Requirements to receive it were canceled just before I returned to the US to start college.

I was glad to be let off that hook. This stuff was in major newsmagazine articles back then.

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I remember that.

I also remember MSM

took em to the proverbial shed for a real whooping.

People weren't afraid to speak the truth

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12 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

My mother, at the age of 80 had never had the flu or flu shot.She was screamed at by a lunatic doctor and succumbed to the shot.That night she started this weird coughing..that became so bad she ended up partly detaching her retina..

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16 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Two years ago, I and another nurse became extremely ill after trans infection from a covid positive patient who had received 4th covid booster prior to hospital admission. The patient became critically ill and was administered aerosolized breathing treatments. Both nurses became extremely ill from this patient. My system has never fully recovered from this exposure. Thank you for this article.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

I believe it! I was at an event in 2022 with over 800ppl from all over the world. I guarantee people had their boosters "just to be safe". Never been so sick. Still recovering. Definite neuro toxin.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

From what I've heard there was a spike protein created in laboratory settings, but this has nothing to do with anything in the wild and it cannot "escape". It may not even exist, I don't know. Viruses do not exist and Virology is not science, mRNA cannot enter cells according to Stefano Scoglio.

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Great job.

I doubt any authentic Wuhan spike protein is made by the modRNA that is 1. properly folded and 2. properly glycosolated.

Sugars on proteins help them fold and if the sites where they attach has been modified, then folding is different, and toxicity is different. Coronoviruses are notorious for issues with glycosolation.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you! From a VERY lay person in re to science.

This is beautifully clear for me. Much appreciation for the understanding.

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Very early on, Dr. Richard Fleming described the mechanisms of spike protein. See this film that I produced with him. https://galleries.vidflow.co/awitness

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18 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you for the explanations!

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12 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

The Vax is a poisonous conglomeration of many different poisonous substances. Imagine the old blunderbuss guns and canons that were packed with rocks, nails, glass, chain, lead balls, beads, nuts, bolts, scrap metal and whatever else was on hand and fired in the direction of the enemy. No injury suffered by those hit would be the same and any one individual could sustain many different injuries all over their body.

By injecting such a complex poison, they've successfully confused and confounded researchers. Oncologists claim the Vax causes cancer, cardiologist claim they cause myocarditis, while morticians are pulling out huge never before seen clot-like structures from blood vessels that continue to expand for months after removal instead of degrading, an in nd in with every specialty. Pfizer's documents stated over 1200 possible 'side effects', or rather, consequences were possible after being injected with their poison. Was Pfizer speculating, or did they expect them to occur based on animal studies and/or previous decades of experience with their other vaccines that contained similar adulterants and adjuvants? Regardless, the number of deaths are enough to have the products banned forever. But that's not happening. Pharma is pushing combined 2 in 1 flu & Covid vaccines now that 'flu season' is near. Politicians are remaining mute. Not one world about Covid or vaccines were spoken during presidential debates.

A citizen formed & led Grand Jury is warranted here, with broad investigative powers. But that will take years, and be obstructed at every turn. There should have been citizen initiatives on ballots all over the US against vaccine mandates and provisions of the PREP & CARES acts. That the people are leaving their fates in the hands of the very politicians who committed so much fraud and corruption and killed and harmed so many is disappointing, to be polite and to say the least.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Incredible information... the truth is gaining momentum! Great writing style Sasha.

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