Aug 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

As usual, I’m as a peas in a pod with Sasha on this.

Having read a large number of clinical papers written long before the modern era of sudden pandemics, like London buses (“You wait for ages in the rain, then two turn up at the same time”).

The interesting (& challenging) thing is this. Acute respiratory illnesses, like common colds & ‘flu (aka influenza or more precisely, influenza like illnesses, ILIs) are not contagious.

You can’t & don’t “catch” them from other people, any more that you “catch” a migraine or angina.

Instead, you develop them. Something goes awry in your normal homeostatically controlled lung microenvironment and you fall ill until your body mounts the needed processes.

So you’re sick, but the causation narrative you’ve been given all your life is demonstrably false.

These illnesses are not infectious in nature nor are they contagious.

A long way around the houses to offer you an alternative means of why I endorse what Sasha is saying here.

Do the authorities know this? Some do, yes. Others are just useful idiots.

It’s all fake and it’s always been fake.

Best wishes


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Dr. Yeadon, I take this opportunity to thank you. You have risked much, paid a high price, helped many, and earned my respect for your honesty and benevolence of heart, retaining your integrity, holding to the truth. And thanks for backing up Sasha when it matters. God will bless you, and I will help out where I can. All the best. David Kukkee

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The difficulty with this is that the lies are so deeply rooted and so financially beneficial for certain groups that it will take an act of God to demolish the false narrative. Fake experts everywhere are going to fight to hold on to their gravy train as long as possible.

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Our common language is partly at fault: for instance, one can 'catch a chill' without any implication of contagion, but equally 'to catch a cold' is understood by nearly all to support the contagion hypothesis.

And we are poor observer: we notice when we come down with something after talking to someone who obviously had a cold; but we never recognise all the occasions when we don't catch one despite prolonged exposure. Or we simply conclude that we were 'lucky'.

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Not including vaccines, I identified 3 areas of increased risk of my 2 kids getting sick when they were younger:

- at a daycare with diapers being changed on many kids

- at a play place at fast food restaurants

- eating pizza usually on a Friday night

In response, I paid a friend to watch one of my kids instead of using daycare. For the play place, I made my kids wear mittens while playing which seemed to help. And yes, they looked ridiculous wearing mittens in the south during summer but health for the win! We also reduced our pizza eating and I'm guessing the extra carbs caused inflammation and sickness. I also did not feed them mac and cheese very much and tried to increase protein consumption and decrease sugar consumption. After about the age of 8, the pizza eating didn't seem to matter as much.

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We also ignore the multitudinous moments when we got sick for no apparent reason.

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Yes, for years I wondered why I rarely "caught" the many colds of those around me. I amused myself thinking perhaps it was a superior immune system.

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Can you point us to sources that support the claim that cold and flu are not contagious?

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Can You Catch A Cold, by Daniel Roytas does this.

Can You Catch A Cold?: Untold History & Human Experiments https://a.co/d/iynwaC8

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Great book so far, halfway through. The documented experiments (peer reviewed published papers) are fascinating. It strengthens my confidence in not believing what we have all been told forever. (Plus I have my own experience since 2020 / haven’t been sick since way before the war began).

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Thank you, Sarah!

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Bechampe. Terrain theory as opposed to Pasteur's "germ" theory. Pasteur even said on his death bed that Bechampe was correct. I've read the original lab notes from BOTH and Bechampe is 100% correct.

Read Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Amanda Vollmer, Dr Sam Baily, many others. Some scientists did not fall into lockstep with Big pHarma. Once you learn the true history of the medical cartel it opens your eyes. Read Peter Gotzsche's "Deadly medicines and organized crime," for starters down the so-called rabbit hole. You'll find it to be a veritable termite colony.

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And don't forget Dr. Andrew Kaufman in your list.

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Does that apply to all germs or just so-called viruses? What about Semmelweis in 1846, as follows: 'In the ward that was staffed by physicians and medical students, 13 to 18 percent of new mothers were dying of a mysterious illness known as the childbed fever, or puerperal fever. By comparison, in the ward staffed by midwives, about 2 percent of women died of the fever. No one knew what explained the extreme discrepancy.'

Apparently, it was washing your hands to get rid of germs. 'The physicians, Semmelweis realized, had been dissecting infected cadavers with their bare hands. Then, with those same contaminated hands, they were delivering babies.'

I can see the logic in this scenario, and that's how we were all taught years ago, but can this situation be explained by terrain theory? Any pointers greatly appreciated.

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You make an excellent point. I wouldn't toss the iodine disinfectant out of the medicine cabinet. Germs do exist, and I think some viruses do too.

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Thanks, Ghecko1 Otherwise what's the point of washing our hands after using the loo and before eating if not to clean off germs? Also I am finding the chicken pox illness from the terrain theory viewpoint tricky to comprehend at this stage. And then we have the effects of electricity on us. Reading The Invisible Rainbow

was such an eye-opener.

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I've spent many years in the tropics and had both dengue fever and Chikungunyah in SE Asia - diseases spread person to person by mosquito bites transmitting the virus. The no-virus gurus like the Baileys have no convincing alternative explanation to offer that makes sense.

Dengue fever is quite an unforgettable experience. Trust me on that:).

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Completely wrong. Too bad to see you still stuck in the Rockefeller germ paradigm. One day you will fall victim to the fear propaganda again if you don't start asking critical questions.

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Ever had a dose of the clap?

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This is for all "germs". The story you tell about the hand-washing is not due to germs, but due to rotting tissue of dead people not being spread to others. Dr. Sam has a video on this.

Bacteria don't cause disease. Viruses don't exist. Contagion is myth. Repeat 100x.

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This would make an excellent brief post on Dr Yeadon's substack: all the major papers showing non-transmisability.

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Please read the valuable findings of Dr.'s Andrew Kaufman and Thomas Cowan, and others as Sandy K. points out, proving colds, etc. are simply the bodies natural way of eliminating toxins via exosomes. In fact, a cold is a good thing, put in this perspective.

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"Germs Don't Cause Disease Anymore Than Flys Cause Garbage" _ Dr Lorayne Day. Great book, very informative on this subject.

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You cannot prove a negative. The question you should be asking is: where is the proof that viruses exist, and whether contagion is true?

To get you started: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Exploding-the-Spanish-Flu-Myth:8.

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deletedAug 7·edited Aug 8
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Aug 7·edited Aug 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

I think the whole medical.complex is contentious, poorly understood (by the Dr.'

s) seems there's very little science behind much of it, and like covid jab data, the science points to how devastating it is. It could help to reinforce there are centuries of lies in the medical.complex, and even the simplest (common cold) is a fraud.

There are many that would never comprehend it because they could never imagine corporations that conspire to maim and kill, much less supported by the government.

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I am the same! No illness in the last 4 years, none! Unjabbed of course

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Excellent comment currer. The focus on what I call "medical diplomacy" diverts attention from the criminality of the syndicated genocides we've been subjected to.

Electromagnetic control of atmosphere and aerial release of chemicals and bio-toxins have been reported all over the world. Geoengineering is a silent - deadly practice. >>> Atmospheric dispersion modelling of bioaerosols that are pathogenic to humans and livestock – A review to inform risk assessment studies >>> Received 19 May 2015, Revised 25 June 2015, >>> Accepted 17 July 2015, Available online 26 July 2015, >>> Version of Record 1 January 2016


Thank you for commenting.

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Paul, I read a recent article about a dairy farmer in Scotland believing a cell (4G or 5G) tower put up very near his farm was causing the deaths of his cows. The judge ruled in his favor. Have you read anything about this?

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Also in the UK I've had a similar experience, but I did change to a more anti-inflammatory diet since 2021 - one god thing to come out of the 'pandemic'.

On the other hand, I've had the most atrocious hay-fever ever....

Skies seem normal here in Eastern England, and I do spend a lot of time watching and painting them.

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The science of Natural Hygiene explains these concepts precisely. As I segued from 'being' a RN to a 'Naturalist Nurse' I studied this branch of biology extensively. It explains the natural physiologic processes the human organism displays cyclically.

On the metaphysical level, no effort formed against us can be effective, if we KNOW they are just narratives, illusions, mesmerisms. The "I" of me, is invisible; I am not the human body you see. All consciousness, Life, awareness is connected to one Source, and it is not in the physical realm. As we 'die daily' to what our 5 physical senses detect, we commensurately nourish the withered, atrophied sense(s) of our spiritual selves. To the degree that we do that collectively, in addition to forgiving those who attempt to tyrannize us, we begin to display the powers attributed to the Christ of Nazareth. En masse, the world will know peace.

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For those who are not Christians, a Platonist would have said much the same thing.

The most important thing is not to let these people infect us with their evil.

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See earlier response:

You cannot prove a negative. The question you should be asking is: where is the proof that viruses exist, and whether contagion is true?

To get you started: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Exploding-the-Spanish-Flu-Myth:8.

Viruses don't exist. You will never hear Yeadon say that.


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Well said Dr. Yeadon, and I'd like to add that acute respiratory illnesses like the common cold, etc, are actually exosomes, the bodies natural means of eliminating toxins. This of course is not my revelation, but from Dr.'s Thomas Cowan and Andrew Kaufman understanding. Early on I heard them speak of this, and it was an ah-ha moment; everything started making sense.

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Thank you Dr. Yeadon. And I read your exchange with Christine regarding the argument of whether viruses exist or not. I am not a scientist by any stretch; however, like you I have been saying now for years regarding some people (and a specific scientist) insisting that viruses don't exist "it doesn't matter whether they exists or not!" As you say" the existence or non-existence of viruses can't save us."

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But wait... then I noticed https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/former-pfizer-vp-michael-yeadon-explains-why-theres-no-evidence-for-the-existence-of-any-viruses/.

Are you really finally coming around? That would be great to see.

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When will you stop wordsmithing and acknowledge that fact that no virus has ever been proven to exist?

"These illnesses are not infectious in nature nor are they contagious": so what causes these "illnesses"?

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Thank you Dr Yeadon. I love this paradigm shift.

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What paradigm shift? He still implies viruses are real.

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You don't get it? It's about you.

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“Bird Flu over the Cuckoo's Nest.”

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a little jab'll do ya

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Heh, heh... Beat me to it. That's exactly my take on it. Cheers!

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🤣good one

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Aug 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Yes, the tests are bogus, & yes, they would be happy to push the vax on the general public, but with a more skeptical populace not willing to go all COVID, I'm thinking they're mostly forwarding this bird flu narrative to control the food supply. I have a friend who runs a dairy farm, & the local USDA is sending out warnings about it to him & other local farms.

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I would agree, the food supply is No 1 target this time around, hence the ridiculous 'cow-bird-flu' propaganda; but they are keeping their options open over the declaration of a human pandemic, if they think they can get away with it and it would suit their purposes.

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Don't forget all of thr listeria!

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Yes. The USDA "corporation" has been targeting small dairy farms for over a decade, and millions of poultry have been needlessly destroyed to pump up commodities markets. Why has the cost of butter (for instance) tripled in less than two years? Try buying non-GMO free-range eggs. They are four times the cost of factory produced garbage.

The USDA Charter needs to be Revoked, right along with the FDA, CDC, etc.

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deletedAug 7·edited Aug 7
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"suspicious" is not enough. Make sure people understand what "government" is.


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I can say that I have not met one person suspicious of the narrative. Not one!

Those who say that no one will fall for it next time are, in my opinion, utterly deluded.

All the fools around me think about is property, careers, child-rearing, fashion, fun and vacations.....

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

The promulgated Bird Flu scare is as fake as our concocted bogus monetary enslavement system.

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Aug 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Yes, thanks. But we know this already. The real problem comes not from any of your readers somehow swallowing this concoction. The problem comes from the Pandemic Preparedness rollout of jabs for this non-existent problem already happening in Finland and elsewhere. Many millions of product are already being churned out for the coming declaration of a pandemic emergency. To dovetail with a return of vaccine mandates. The real problem is the vast majority of people who never heard about any of this, starting with Covid, and continue to bury their heads in the sand

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May I add 'vaccines passports' to your list of governments' intended horrific outcomes.

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And chipping in the body.

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Another problem is that they will test farm animals with their fake tests and 'prove'

that some are infected. Then they force farmers to cull their herds and flocks.

But the insects that they want us to consume are not susceptible to 'Avian Flu'.

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Worms, crickets, lab-'meat', 'plant-based 'eggs', etc, = patented foodstuffs which They will own and control access to. It's all so very obvious.

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The problem comes from government, as that is the enable for this all, with its obedient order following trolls called police and soldiers.


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Aug 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Full court press against the pathogenic liars

Massachusetts has acquiesced to “voluntary” testing of their cattle (per Meryl Nass)

Keep exposing, keep pushing back

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Aug 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha sums up the "Avian Flu" nonsense beautifully in one paragraph. Thanks!

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Aug 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

The birdy flew is another fake out as there is no such thing as a pandemic. If there is, can one of these medical clowns prove it? Ignore all these jokers.

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Aug 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

I knew it was fake right out of the gate and as for Yellen being an "expert" what a joke, she couldn't "expertly" fight her way out of a wet bag.

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She doesn't acknowledge the price of anything going up?!

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Aug 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Plandemic 2.0

Will the sheeple fall for it again?

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Probably. Sheeple have been brainwashed 🐏🐑🚫🧠🚿

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With great sadness I say this, for I have dear friends who will, I know.

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Hard to say. Some will. But Covid was a brilliant psyop with the "whole of deep state" behind it - the people who control the media and the governments.

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We can hope they don’t. However it would unravel their entire world view to question things. I see fear in people’s eyes. Why did some of is see through it? It’s not like it’s enjoyable to see this bs. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Yes, they're called "sheeple" for a reason.

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Cold and flu season is never going to be the same.

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Aug 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Wow “respected” lab writes false studies- what a way to make a living- think they breed narcissists and psychopaths in the same lab.

Masses seem to minimally look at various situations then default to propaganda reinforced by lazy thinking when making a decision. Bias is extremely hard to overcome once implanted in the victim. CPT codes inform us the medical arm is lining up to charge for this bio weapon - don’t comply. Our government still at work trying to kill us and ruin the food supply. Malthusian theory actualized by “scientism”. Evil, pure and simple.

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Aug 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

It's all psyop propaganda from a cabal based western govt regime meant to keep you in a mushroom state: in the dark and fed manure. People that don't wake up to this face a very dark and time limited future, with spiritual certainty.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

Have great respect for Larken-Rose, but have not read. At this point I have spent 20 years peeling back the onion and believe I found the middle. For the sake of my mental heath and well being, I limit my activities to a handful of social media sites. I like Sasha's work because it's pure and real researched based and its a NO BS ZONE.

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That's a good strategy: very limited exposure to media. ;)

In context of the state, this is a great short audiobook, under 45 minutes: https://odysee.com/@NotSure1984:1/Anatomy-of-the-State---Full-Audiobook:d. That gives you the essence of what "the state" really is.

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Aug 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

We have some chickens in the back yard. A couple eggs with nearly every breakfast. I guarantee you my wife (the mother hen) and I will be ground zero for the Avian Flu in the Midwest USA. I have seen some brilliant Avian Flu memes. Sasha if I was rich I would commission you to illustrate an Avian Flu meme. However, I being poor could you pretty please paint an Avian Flu meme and show us?

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If you pay me with eggs.

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Aug 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

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Aug 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Just imagine that tv and visual news disappeared for 12 months. mmm- could we deprogram the masses - open libraries til 9 PM every day - have live discussions about issues of the day with various points of view being aired, followed by discussions, rediscover reading and learning as an every day activity, acquire new skills - relieve anxiety by silencing the never ending echo of the same info being repeated endlessly daily. When I encounter new people I am always amazed how often they are programmed or addicted to various MSM news programs even getting alerts on their phones. The need to know or be indoctrinated is mind boggling. I have never watched MSM news and realize that it seems to be the cause of most anxiety in the culture. When people are on constant alert even if they say this input does not affect them it does. It puts them in fight or flight mode all day long, closes the mind, infantilizes them-and people become more susceptible to propaganda. The worried well are a symptom of the never ending indoctrination also - do we really need to be aware of every threat health wise to mankind on a daily basis while ch MSM supplies endlessly. Just a thought, have a nice day.

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Aug 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

Include all social media in the non watch/read category for a year too. Revitalize youth with real activities- wow what a concept

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Aug 7Liked by Sasha Latypova

You explained it perfectly! Yes turn off the TV.

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The tell lie vision is the real virus! Sheep don’t even know their programmed!

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