Now that it is Super Bowl week we could call some coach stratagem the NWO offense (or defense) in honor of Bill Walsh or some other offensive &/or defensive genius. No matter what you do they're coming at you from all sides so your screwed, simple as that
Unless you have a Joe Montana fighting to neutralize it. But those types are hard to find and when they exit harder still to replace.
Avril Haines. As Director of National Intelligence she controlled the $100 billion/year black budget, a completely secret use of taxpayer dollars with zero oversight from Congress or anyone else. When she appeared at Event 201, she was working at Johns Hopkins (the institution that hosted Event 201) and WestExec, where her clients included Microsoft (Bill Gates was a cosponsor of Event 201 with the World Economic Forum), Facebook (Dustin Moskowitz funded Event 201 though Open Philanthropy), and JP Morgan Chase (which worked with Jeffrey Epstein and the Gates Foundation to put together what is now the Global Health Investment Corporation, one way for Big Pharma to profit from taxpayer-funded plandemics). Avril Haines' father was a Rockefeller scientist who invented the first lipidnanoparticle delivery system, for the drug Doxil.
Speaking of plandemic masterminds, hopefully you've seen Whitney Webb's piece on Jim O'Neill, RFK, Jr.'s #2 at HHS. He was working at a very high level at HHS when the plandemic bureaucracy was established (largely through the bird flu hoax) with the Emergency Use Authorizations/Instructions, the PREP Act blanket liability protections for all medical countermeasures, and the BARDA stockpile.
…starting with the July 19, 2024, Emergency Use Instructions for Tamiflu that currently allow it to be used when it isn’t effective at doses that could be deadly. It is known to be deadly and cause suicidal ideation even when used according to FDA guidelines for safety and efficacy, but it is the standard of care for the bird flu and is even being promoted and sold by Peter McCullough.
Effective September 28, 2022, the Secretary Becerra granted a blanket liability waiver to all medical countermeasures for monkeypox, smallpox and all other orthopoxviruses, effective until December 31, 2032. As HHS makes clear, the liability waiver wasn’t dependent on the emergency declaration and would stay in effect even if the emergency was declared over.
JPMorgan Chase seem to have sailed through the scamdemic unscathed. They've just moved to their new global HQ building at 270 Park Avenue in Manhattan. Nice address. $3 billion construction cost, 1388 feet tall - a symbolic 20 feet higher than WTC Tower 1 which "came down" on 11 September, 2001.
I agree. But Netanyahu has accomplices in numerous countries, international banking institutions, financial sectors, and the blessing of persons of a certain faith called Zionism... Trump is plainly wrong in embracing this foul pig.
You are so right...Terminate the Prep Act....and make sure we are out of the WHO...and the UN. We don't need foreign organizations telling Americans what they must do!
No WHO, UN and Prep Act needed, there are very similar American domestic laws telling Americans to do just the same as those foreign organizations. The red pill has many grades of red, there are even some who look very much like blue.
Great work! You guys have laid it out for the whole world to see. Now we’re just hoping that RFK Jr. will have the intestinal fortitude to follow through on all of his promises and not get bogged down in the MAHA movement.
Hello Gigi. I don't think it's a matter of Mr Kennedy's "intestinal fortitude". The conditions described in this interview and many others, revolve around a severe lack of ethics and morality in the general populace. The 'legalized' absences of accountability have been tailored into Code and Statute for over 140 years. I won't go into that here...
This submission by Katherine Watt lists previous reference to a vast compendium of associated Law, Code, and Statutory instrument utilized by governmental agency and alleged medical authority. Her attentions to detail are stunning. >>> Abysses of disordered law; hazards of gazing into them. >>> Status update on Part 5 of vaccine non-regulation series, 1798 to 1972. >>> KATHERINE WATT >>> November 14, 2024
I am familiar with Katherine Watt’s brilliant work. It is going to be very difficult for us to dig out of this. I am hoping at the very least that RFK Jr. will nullify the Prep Act and put an end to all vaccine mandates immediately, and then start dismantling the evil agencies to stop all of this madness..
Nice reply Gigi. Robert Kennedy Jr has serous work cut out for him. The dismantling of agencies and subsidiaries will put hundreds of thousands of governmental parasites out of work. These persons will not give in easily. Therein lies the rub... Best regards.
Okay.. I likened it to military style psy-ops, however, I see that they did deploy all kinds of different tactics to fear monger ppl, stir up the tattle tales.
Sometimes I wish I could just be like the majority, but if a frog had wings (you know the rest).
And maybe it's bc I had the unfortunate weak moment that I let a narcissist into my life. Then I realized that I had been around one all my life.
It chang s nothing, I learned but what's t I'm going throw myself on the floor and have a tantrum. OHHHH, if I only could.
Jk. I've learned from the one I let in, but it's not easy to unlike someone, but I love me more. When I found myself talking down to myself, I said, Oh No. So every time I caught mysekf, I corrected myself.
I have seen ppl who write that the nudge theory is perfectly acceptable to use for behavior modification. And, if I can, I always comment, oh really, is it being done w the other person's consent.
That's usually when I get called something, lmao.. You think one would get used to it, but I haven't yet.
I hear ya! My journey into NPD started in 2015. I thought I was healed, done, etc. LOL. This journey seems never ending. At least our eyes are open and we are aware.
I learn my lessons well. I recognize the behavior, it may take me a few minutes or reviewing what someone says.
However, I know when something rubs me the wrong way. But I'm one who will try and think of something every possible reason why someone e may have said something, phrased it a certain way, etc. Sometimes , I turn right around and throw it back. Sometimes I apologize. Being alone with your thoughts for a couple years was how I learned why I was reacting to come certain things, when it was my ego (pride) and why I am who I am..
That doesn't mean I'm always in check. Oh hell naw, that wouldn't be many fun.
I have always stood up for people whom for whatever reason at that time could not stand up for themselves.
I've always been her, and will be till the day I die.
Sports bets being taken on whether RFK jr will do anything at all to protect us from the military countermeasures meant to kick us in the head. Odds on him doing anything positive, besides talking, is running a 1200 to 1 against.
How sad we observe and experience all this evil around us . Society needs to wake up and come out of their hypnotics trance.. we must use our critical thinking skills and take charge of our own health. It is time that we increase our knowledge base on natural healing and prevention.. thank you Sasha and Debbie for bringing all this information to us. It is a profound endeavor that you both have accomplished. Each and every one of us needs to spread this information far and wide. We can say that we need a coordinator to wake up society, but it is in each and every one of us, we have the power for change. I pray for Divine intervention !
The Covid Dossier has a nice ring to it, like the title of a Robert Ludlum political spy thriller. It's very apt, because Covid was a covert operation all the way. The ultimate masterminds are hidden in the shadows of the deep state. They are basically untouchable by laws or anything else. That's power.
The overpopulation accord signed by 92 nations back in 1992 got this whole thing started, although the elite eugenicists have been using poverty, war and starvation to consolidate power and cull the herd for centuries. In the modern era, under a military state of emergency, a declaration of war, total immunity, and usifruct of all available assets against the enemy, which is us, by any and all means necessary, to ensure the continual survival of the species, although altered genetically to be transhuman, and the preservation of scarce resources, is happening, is excellerating, and will continue until a small sustainable number is reached, the greater reset into the golden age. Sorry, you and I are not part of the new golden age.
I truly believe that the evil that is the Puppet Masters started way before that. Truly I believe it's been around since Plato at least. I would have to organize where I first caught this thinking but if one doesn't believe in a higher power, I'm not sure that this would reasonate. Thoughts?
If you're looking for the NWO to come from the left, you'll miss it coming in from the right.
Now that it is Super Bowl week we could call some coach stratagem the NWO offense (or defense) in honor of Bill Walsh or some other offensive &/or defensive genius. No matter what you do they're coming at you from all sides so your screwed, simple as that
Unless you have a Joe Montana fighting to neutralize it. But those types are hard to find and when they exit harder still to replace.
There's probably a NWO unified theory of everything buried in there
Avril Haines. As Director of National Intelligence she controlled the $100 billion/year black budget, a completely secret use of taxpayer dollars with zero oversight from Congress or anyone else. When she appeared at Event 201, she was working at Johns Hopkins (the institution that hosted Event 201) and WestExec, where her clients included Microsoft (Bill Gates was a cosponsor of Event 201 with the World Economic Forum), Facebook (Dustin Moskowitz funded Event 201 though Open Philanthropy), and JP Morgan Chase (which worked with Jeffrey Epstein and the Gates Foundation to put together what is now the Global Health Investment Corporation, one way for Big Pharma to profit from taxpayer-funded plandemics). Avril Haines' father was a Rockefeller scientist who invented the first lipidnanoparticle delivery system, for the drug Doxil.
Speaking of plandemic masterminds, hopefully you've seen Whitney Webb's piece on Jim O'Neill, RFK, Jr.'s #2 at HHS. He was working at a very high level at HHS when the plandemic bureaucracy was established (largely through the bird flu hoax) with the Emergency Use Authorizations/Instructions, the PREP Act blanket liability protections for all medical countermeasures, and the BARDA stockpile.
The switch has already been flipped for the new bird flu hoax.
Will RFK Jr. dismantle the pandemic-for-profit bureaucracy?
He can do it by:
1. Ending the Emergency Use Authorization/Instructions racket:
…starting with rescinding the most recent July 18, 2024, bird flu emergency declaration:
2. Revoking all the current EUAs:
…starting with the COVID jabs that have killed nearly 40k and injured more than a million, according to VAERS.
3. Revoking the current EUIs:
…starting with the July 19, 2024, Emergency Use Instructions for Tamiflu that currently allow it to be used when it isn’t effective at doses that could be deadly. It is known to be deadly and cause suicidal ideation even when used according to FDA guidelines for safety and efficacy, but it is the standard of care for the bird flu and is even being promoted and sold by Peter McCullough.
4. Ending the liability waivers.
Effective September 28, 2022, the Secretary Becerra granted a blanket liability waiver to all medical countermeasures for monkeypox, smallpox and all other orthopoxviruses, effective until December 31, 2032. As HHS makes clear, the liability waiver wasn’t dependent on the emergency declaration and would stay in effect even if the emergency was declared over.
He did the same thing for bird flu:
We have no guarantee RFK Jr will do this.
No one should support his confirmation without opposing the confirmation of Jim O’Neill as his #2 at HHS.
JPMorgan Chase seem to have sailed through the scamdemic unscathed. They've just moved to their new global HQ building at 270 Park Avenue in Manhattan. Nice address. $3 billion construction cost, 1388 feet tall - a symbolic 20 feet higher than WTC Tower 1 which "came down" on 11 September, 2001.
Some organizations are just in the loop:).
Wow, thank you for this wonderful insight and all the information . I will be going down many rabbit holes!
I miss your classes at IPAKEDU!
I hope that is what they will do. First see and then believe. As long as Trump pulls the seat for Netanyahu I believe nothing.
I agree. But Netanyahu has accomplices in numerous countries, international banking institutions, financial sectors, and the blessing of persons of a certain faith called Zionism... Trump is plainly wrong in embracing this foul pig.
You are so right...Terminate the Prep Act....and make sure we are out of the WHO...and the UN. We don't need foreign organizations telling Americans what they must do!
No WHO, UN and Prep Act needed, there are very similar American domestic laws telling Americans to do just the same as those foreign organizations. The red pill has many grades of red, there are even some who look very much like blue.
Great work! You guys have laid it out for the whole world to see. Now we’re just hoping that RFK Jr. will have the intestinal fortitude to follow through on all of his promises and not get bogged down in the MAHA movement.
Hello Gigi. I don't think it's a matter of Mr Kennedy's "intestinal fortitude". The conditions described in this interview and many others, revolve around a severe lack of ethics and morality in the general populace. The 'legalized' absences of accountability have been tailored into Code and Statute for over 140 years. I won't go into that here...
This submission by Katherine Watt lists previous reference to a vast compendium of associated Law, Code, and Statutory instrument utilized by governmental agency and alleged medical authority. Her attentions to detail are stunning. >>> Abysses of disordered law; hazards of gazing into them. >>> Status update on Part 5 of vaccine non-regulation series, 1798 to 1972. >>> KATHERINE WATT >>> November 14, 2024
The Make Americans Healthy Again movement needs to begin within the Nations soul, not within the pocketbooks of financial thuggery.
I am familiar with Katherine Watt’s brilliant work. It is going to be very difficult for us to dig out of this. I am hoping at the very least that RFK Jr. will nullify the Prep Act and put an end to all vaccine mandates immediately, and then start dismantling the evil agencies to stop all of this madness..
Nice reply Gigi. Robert Kennedy Jr has serous work cut out for him. The dismantling of agencies and subsidiaries will put hundreds of thousands of governmental parasites out of work. These persons will not give in easily. Therein lies the rub... Best regards.
Nudge units - the word of the day. Great job!
There is a nudge theory included in behavior modification techniques.. it's BS.
Covid took nudging to another level:).
Okay.. I likened it to military style psy-ops, however, I see that they did deploy all kinds of different tactics to fear monger ppl, stir up the tattle tales.
Sometimes I wish I could just be like the majority, but if a frog had wings (you know the rest).
And maybe it's bc I had the unfortunate weak moment that I let a narcissist into my life. Then I realized that I had been around one all my life.
It chang s nothing, I learned but what's t I'm going throw myself on the floor and have a tantrum. OHHHH, if I only could.
Jk. I've learned from the one I let in, but it's not easy to unlike someone, but I love me more. When I found myself talking down to myself, I said, Oh No. So every time I caught mysekf, I corrected myself.
I have seen ppl who write that the nudge theory is perfectly acceptable to use for behavior modification. And, if I can, I always comment, oh really, is it being done w the other person's consent.
That's usually when I get called something, lmao.. You think one would get used to it, but I haven't yet.
I think Covid was a bit more than just a “nudge”. It was like being hit by Mike Tyson wearing a knuckleduster:).
I hear ya! My journey into NPD started in 2015. I thought I was healed, done, etc. LOL. This journey seems never ending. At least our eyes are open and we are aware.
I learn my lessons well. I recognize the behavior, it may take me a few minutes or reviewing what someone says.
However, I know when something rubs me the wrong way. But I'm one who will try and think of something every possible reason why someone e may have said something, phrased it a certain way, etc. Sometimes , I turn right around and throw it back. Sometimes I apologize. Being alone with your thoughts for a couple years was how I learned why I was reacting to come certain things, when it was my ego (pride) and why I am who I am..
That doesn't mean I'm always in check. Oh hell naw, that wouldn't be many fun.
I have always stood up for people whom for whatever reason at that time could not stand up for themselves.
I've always been her, and will be till the day I die.
Sports bets being taken on whether RFK jr will do anything at all to protect us from the military countermeasures meant to kick us in the head. Odds on him doing anything positive, besides talking, is running a 1200 to 1 against.
How sad we observe and experience all this evil around us . Society needs to wake up and come out of their hypnotics trance.. we must use our critical thinking skills and take charge of our own health. It is time that we increase our knowledge base on natural healing and prevention.. thank you Sasha and Debbie for bringing all this information to us. It is a profound endeavor that you both have accomplished. Each and every one of us needs to spread this information far and wide. We can say that we need a coordinator to wake up society, but it is in each and every one of us, we have the power for change. I pray for Divine intervention !
Appreciation and blessings from Sydney Australia.
The Covid Dossier has a nice ring to it, like the title of a Robert Ludlum political spy thriller. It's very apt, because Covid was a covert operation all the way. The ultimate masterminds are hidden in the shadows of the deep state. They are basically untouchable by laws or anything else. That's power.
Yes, COVID dossier DID have a nice ring.
We should come up with an entire new language, that the muppets, Puppet Masters won't understand.
You know how they name shit.
Mockingbird, Gecko?
I can't even remember them.
Their intellect is on the level of a 2nd grader. And that's an insult to the 2nd graders.
They have a lot of money and control a lot of political and economic levers.
The overpopulation accord signed by 92 nations back in 1992 got this whole thing started, although the elite eugenicists have been using poverty, war and starvation to consolidate power and cull the herd for centuries. In the modern era, under a military state of emergency, a declaration of war, total immunity, and usifruct of all available assets against the enemy, which is us, by any and all means necessary, to ensure the continual survival of the species, although altered genetically to be transhuman, and the preservation of scarce resources, is happening, is excellerating, and will continue until a small sustainable number is reached, the greater reset into the golden age. Sorry, you and I are not part of the new golden age.
It's a military state of emergency, therefore it's under the war powers act. Bobby has zero authority to do jack shit, and neither does Trump.
we know this. We want them to tell us that they can't, and explain that to the public.
I have come to the very thought out conclusion that transhumans (some version) already have exists. I'm not kidding..
Mr. M
I truly believe that the evil that is the Puppet Masters started way before that. Truly I believe it's been around since Plato at least. I would have to organize where I first caught this thinking but if one doesn't believe in a higher power, I'm not sure that this would reasonate. Thoughts?
Great discussion Sasha! Thanks for sharing with us! 💪
Jon has done some good work
Fantastic! Mirrored to Odysee!
My favorite parts of Covid:
Dopes on Dope.
They are just doctors.
… History’s Jekyll’s.