Your masters agreed that the slaves can now freely talk about viruses leaking from labs so that they can be more agreeable with the "national security" measures.
Tell it, Sasha! I have long suspected the “lab leak” hypothesis was what I call a coverdown story—in other words, a limited hangout to distract us from the darker, deeper story.
It seems they set up a false dichotomy from the beginning to keep everyone arguing and distracted. It was either zoonosis or a lab leak. Like many such dialectic tricks, the truth is in option 3 which is never discussed. You must choose between 1 or 2! It is clear to many now that it was a deliberate release. It would not surprise me if they did it again, this time with something even scarier, like Marburg. Sasha is right though. First they need to get new authorities for the WHO.
🎯 This is why I’ve never played that game and have never written about the origins of COVID but rather the tyranny and democide that have been committed in its name.
Ok , this is what is bothering me ... we have researchers, scientists, consultants, physicians, immunologists, chemists , contractors ect.... who make Bioweapons .... and now it has turned on its people . Was it ok to make these Bioweapons in the first place? Now we have Bill Gates and other elites who told us their plans . How do you work for these government agencies and live with yourself?
Most jobs are filled with contradictions as are most things. If you are a person supporting a family with kids in school, need for healthcare, getting affirmation for your efforts, community support, it is difficult to walk away. I just found out that in order to take a short-term travel assignment I need to vaccinated. That was relatively easy to push back on. Then I found out to go to Japan I needed to take a PCR test. That was a bit more difficult to resist, especially because everyone I know thinks it is no big deal. I have only taken one Covid test and that was in April or May 2020 when we were still figuring this thing out. Since then I have refused to support that scam. But there are a few thousands of income out there .......
Remember we are governed by Mafia/CIA axis. They look for compromised ppl for example gamblers or perverts and put them in power so they can be manipulated. I had NO idea it was sooo pervasive. Jeffrey Epstein was one of them. What happened to all the videos they used to blackmail ppl? The FBI has them safely hidden away. CIA do the dirty deeds. FBI covers them up. It is no surprise that the plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer consisted of 14 FBI agents and 3 "perps" of which the leader was homeless. Filthy scum. and we pay for them!
More specifically, it's the Khazarian Mafia/City of London/CIA/MI6/Mossad axis, but the programming is deeply embedded that makes it unacceptable to state this truth. Until humanity is ready to confront that, there's no solution.
I have seen these analyses. Very plausible. A lot gets mixed in you know, like Masonic/Demonic cabals. Which, after reading the Franklin scandal seems very real. One thing i am puzzled by is the MK Ultra celebrity pop singer actor thang. Seems a bit over the top to me. Thoughts?
Excellent questions, Brandon is not your bro, and the latter is a question I have frequently examined in my work. Cowardice; inculcation; and fear of damaging one’s income, career, and reputation are powerful forces.
That’s what I’m talking about … I could never be in a meeting with some of these killers , I’d lose my mind and not be as composed as Tess . Maybe everyone is on the same page now but I couldn’t trust the Bioweapon makers …. Sorry, I just couldn’t.
Yes, Brandon INYB,your question matters massively. Complicit unconcerned people include close laws..often self perceived ‘success’ grafters, and buoyed by returns on the carnage. Jobs aside, the level of tolerance required is obscene and confronting daily. The associated ‘cool’ soulless demeanor is beyond disturbing. Taking down these familiar monsters is also critical but complex for to ???
These positions are highly screened for people who are essentially criminals. They live with themselves just fine because they are evil people making lots and lots of $.
I would personally choose to avoid working in that kind of field unless I was deceived. (Like being abducted by the agencies - which seems to have happened - you disappear under mysterious circumstances - for instance have you looked into the missing persons cases in the US? How many scientists and engineers were there?)
Some justify their work in order to defend for their countries from 'potential attacks' from enemies. Some others are simply mad scientists when given so much freedom and money and technology to experiment, believing they are 'elite' scientists.
That's right, so very true and yet parents can't see it because they believe in the virus theory. That' what it's all based on, a theory.
"FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (211 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever"
One important thing about the answers to the FOIs requests: the civil servants who answer are probably forced by law to not lie. So, if what they have been answering is false, then there is a case against them, personally.
If they have said the truth ("there are no records of purification of sars-cov-2") then we have to choose:
a) there was no virus and the answer is a confession
b) we invent a complicated story to explain why no one has the virus
I chose option 'a' months ago (I'm a late comer to the party.)
I think it's liberating to know the truth. Everything is a lie.
All the laws and ordinances and mandates are null, they are illegal, and all the people who enforced them must pay according to the law. In all countries.
And it doesn't matter if you have to fire 99% of the police or 99% of doctors and nurses. Actually, crime may go down and diseases and deaths numbers may also go down in such situation.
And all this is not limited to those two groups, who are only the most visible enforcers of the tyranny.
Christine Massey did a wonderful job and inspired many people.
Everyone should thank her and her collaborators. And pray for them.
We do need to think very seriously about how we could "drain the swamp". Corruption is endemic, for the system is set up that way. To make the rich richer and to break up families, the Church, pit us against each other for the crumbs that are left. Communism is not the enemy folks. Unbridled capitalism IS. To clarify, I am not necessarily espousing communism, just pointing out that as in 1984, Oceania is the enemy this week.
IF there is a power vacuum after the trials it will be dangerous in the extreme. We need to be thinking along those lines. That is why we MUST be UNITED. left and right, Magas and socialists, Black and white. In short, America unite!
Perhaps seasonal respiratory symptoms are not transmissible - vitamin D deficiency would at least account for the seasonal aspect. It’s in our nature to become polarised and it’s becoming an article of faith with some that “viruses don’t exist”. To be sure there is cause to be sceptical about virology as a science, as with weather or ‘climate’ where computer ‘models’ have similarly usurped empirical data. But if viruses aren’t real how, for instance, do we account for STDs and their treatments? What proportion of Herpes or Hepatitis B patients remain chaste? And if the infectious agent isn’t a virus since they don’t exist, how is it that symptoms are treatable. If one doesn’t know the answer why claim viruses don’t exist? And if infectious agents are sexually transmissible, why not by other means?
The tabletop exercise in Oct 2022 called "Catastrophic Contagion" (brought to you by the WHO and Gates Foundation, although they are one in the same) predicted the deaths of 20 million children to a covid19 I think it's a scare tactic to get parents to sacrifice their children with the new RSV "vaccine". I noticed they had a good showing from the African nations.
Oh! - Is that why Bill and Melinda were chuckling back in 2020 when they assured us that we would "notice" the "next pandemic"!? (cuz they were disappointed at the lethality of the current pandemic).
I'm still looking for the info as to where those chemicals were supposedly heading. The train was supposedly about 23 miles from it's destination in PA. So, presumably, the chemicals were either being delivered to a company in PA, or transfered to another tain in PA. Either way, paperwork / receipts have not been produced, explaining who actually owned the chemicals. I emailed 5 reporters at a small newspaper near East Palistine, asking if anyone had seen the paperwork, or even asked about it, and not one of the reporters responded to me.
They are distracting us from all kinds of things they are doing behind the scenes. For one, they are actively building these 15 minute cities (prisons) all over the U.S. It's important for everyone to keep their eye on the ball and not fall prey to distraction.
They will do it again, for that so many took the jabs, and now have compromised immune systems. This game has many layers, and one of them, in my opinion, is de-population. When they release something more deadly (or turn on the 5G) more people will die....and more people will be scared, and therefore line up for more jabs. More fear = more control. More control = more jabs. More jabs = more death. More death = more fear. It's the perfect (evil) game.
I'm not sure there was even a release of anything. As far I'm concerned there is no covid. Pure manipulation and murder. Change in how hospitals treated respiratory illness and murder in care / convalescent homes. Add in military grade psychological manipulation and presto - you've got yourself a pandemic. I can't name one person in the last 4 years who has anything other than a cold. We shouldn't discount our lives experience.
Yes, it was a hoax. All they needed was the scientifically fraudulent, bogus PCR test with false positives at 94% and higher. They simply used the bogus PCR test and hijacked the common cold, flu, bronchitis, and everything else and diagnosed it as covid. Even Dr. Mike Yeadon (ex-Chief Science Officer for Pfizer) said this was a PCR false positive pseudopandemic. He said if they wanted to make "covid" disappear, all they had to do was stop the PCR testing and covid would have disappeared by morning.
And Yeadon noted that there have been other PCR false positive pseudopandemics. He linked to an article from the NYT maybe 2007, saying that at Dartmouth Medical Center they thought they had an epidemic of whooping cough. Then the CDC got involved, did an investigation, and found there were ZERO cases of whooping cough and that the whole illusion of an epidemic was due to the bogus PCR test. Even the creator of the test, Dr. Kary Mullis said it was a research tool and not designed for diagnosing viral infections.
This is basically the HIV/AIDS scam all over again-same playbook!
I have not focused on that question because it is irrelevant to stopping tyranny and democide, but the patent trail ( and the revelations by Sasha and Katherine make it clear the DoD is the driving force behind the planning (in collusion, of course, with philanthropaths like Bill Gates/BMGF and the Rockefellers), and implementation has been distributed to a range of pharmaceutical companies and bioweapons labs.
The motivation is threefold: profit, power, and democide, as I outline in the notes for my Corona Investigative Committee presentation:
Also, almost anything can be accomplished by a small group of people using chain of command, secrecy, compartmentalization, media control, and huge piles of weaponized cash.
Yup. It's all going indoor vertical farming with farmers being replaced with robots. They are currently building these giant billion dollar "campuses" all over the U.S. to grow strawberries and tomatoes. I am unable to figure out how they will do this naturally and non-genetically without pollination or sunlight
“A few hundred at the top, to plan and direct at every level; a few thousand to supervise and control (without a voice in policy) at every level; a few score thousand specialists (teachers, lawyers, journalists, scientists, artists, actors, athletes, and social workers) eager to serve or at least unwilling to pass up a job or to revolt; a million of the Pöbel, which sounds like ‘people’ and means ‘riffraff,’ to do what we would call the dirty work, ranging from murder, torture, robbery, and arson to the effort which probably employed more Germans in inhumanity than any other in Nazi history, the standing of ‘sentry’ in front of Jewish shops and offices in the boycott of April, 1933.”
—Milton Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45
I agree, John, and I feel “They Thought They Were Free” should be required reading for every human being. In my opinion, it is the best book one can read to understand the progression of totalitarianism, hence my featuring it as my first book recommendation:
Combine that with “Ordinary Men” and “Defying Hitler,” and you’ve got the ideal curriculum for comprehending how “good” people’s morality can be contorted to justify genocide.
Yep. They spread the cash from D.C. alllll the way down the chain to the local nursing home, hospital, coroner, pharmacy, and doctors office too. They covered the bases.
I think there is traction in investigating food warehouse fires for example. We would need only one. We all know who is behind it but if one was investigated by an uncompromised journalist, ie one of us, then that could open up fertile ground. They do slip up a lot. They are sooo arrogant, they think we are rats. That will be their downfall
Democide is an action not a motivation. The clearest potential for deliberate democide, not after the fact, is the involuntary euthanasia of old people and very disabled via lethal doses of midazolam in England and in the US, ventilator abuse, but we do not have command and control for that yet. It may be opportunism after the fact. The motivation would be to get them off the healthcare and pension rolls because they are extremely costly. 5% of patients use 95% of all healthcare costs.
This is a result of big business taking over the field of medicine. I wonder if the man speaking even understands how repulsive he sounds. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I would like to hear Tucker Carlson or anybody in the legacy media respond to this clip.
authoreyezing, He is not talking about the child abuser being killed. He is talking about the child being killed from child abuse, and he says it is a monetary benefit to the system if the child dies because system resources are not expended on the dead child.
Democide is the implementation of the depopulation agenda, which the Malthusian cultists have been articulating unabashedly for generations, as documented in my “Anatomy of a Philanthropath” series:
Please excuse a re-post at the top of the stack: excellent account here of a guy initially in the forefront of "lab leak" - then came to view it as "biologically impossible" - and then re-focused to the "darker, deeper story".
And it comes out of the Energy Department! That's odd. Also, timed with Malone's new media tour pushing the idea that everything covid was not intentional. Just a woopsie. Forgive and forget. No Robert! We will not forget, and you are up to your neck in all of this.
Thanks to Meryl Nass posting Robert's recent interview, I'll be adding a fourth video on him called Phony Maloney & WikiSpooks. I now have zero doubt that he's lying, which I'll show. But here are the previous three, starting with the fake Project Veritas 'expose' that confirms what Sasha is saying:
Yes, Meryl is, for all practical purposes, joined at the hip with him. Throughout the last 3 years, he's sent her topics to research and brought attention to her work. She posted the video to refute all the naysayers but I think it backfired on her. One of the first replies was from Heidi Heil, who reported trying to get an answer from RM on why he continues to support mRNA. It started a firestorm of posts back and forth. Meryl's reply to her was "Put up or shut up" and I'm not paraphrasing.
We are clearly in the fog of war here. You say that Malone is disinfo but how do we know his detractors aren't also disinfo? It's almost as if the waters are deliberately being muddled.
I think Robert has been very carefully groomed and used to push a certain narrative. His entire career has been working in or with bio-labs on using viral vectors to insert RNA or DNA into human cells aka gene therapy. He has worked with the shadiest parts of the deep state.
No, the world is not as organized as you might think. Systems do what they do without central authority pulling levers. To live and work in this world requires a certain amount of buy-in. Otherwise all of us would be psychotic. At certain points in our development we decide to be more anti-establishment. Other times we play along more. If I acted on complete principle every day of my life I would not be a functioning person.
I am just an observer. I have no inside scoop. One narrative is that covid was a lab leak. No, it wasn't. In my opinion it was an infectious clone, deliberately released. That's not a leak. He is also now pushing the idea that it was all just a mistake. No ill intent anywhere. I disagree. I also notice how much trouble he has expressing himself. For me, it is painful to listen to him carefully choosing which words to use. His relaxed, quiet, reflective manner seems to be an act to me. He seems to be trying too hard to paint himself as just a good old boy. I just don't trust him.
That's a fair enough answer, thank you, and I agree regarding intentional release vs. accident. The fact that a major msm media outlet is now reporting the viral release was a big whoopsie by China makes me believe they are trying to get out ahead and control the narrative that China accidentally released it and the U.S. had zero to do with it which I don't believe to be true.
Thanks for that. It's important for all of us to keep an open, yet critical, mind to everything presented to us in the media. I also think it wise to refrain from putting people on pedestals, especially people who can't stop talking about themselves.
It's even easier to point out that contagion has never been demonstrated scientifically and virology doesn't even meet the basic criteria for science (to be falsifiable through the use of proper controls).
All of these attacks on Malone reek of 5th generation warfare. The comments against him appear organized and targeted. That said, I am not saying Malone is a good or bad guy. Time will tell. I will say there is a definitive pattern in his attacks that appears well coordinated.
Nobody is attacking Malone. They are just pointing out that he is still stuck somewhere in between the cult of virology and actual science. There's nothing necessarily wrong with that (we are all on our own journey of discovery / awakening).
However, it gets a bit frustrating when he still supports the fundamental tenets of virology - tenets which have been refuted again and again over the last century. Virology is not even a science (it lacks proper controls). Therefore the whole thing is bogus from top to bottom. There are no 'good' and 'bad' vaccines, there are no 'effective' or 'ineffective' vaccines. It's all woo.
Anyone who thinks virology is a proper science is welcome to PROVE IT under proper scientific conditions. Here is the challenge which will end the virus debate once and for all (so we can all get on with our lives):
I beg to differ about no one attacking Malone. There are people in this thread saying he knows nothing about science, is a DARPA, CIA agent put purposely into the fray to keep everyone off balance and that he's basically responsible for the mRNA killing people and that all he wants is to make $.
Regarding his stance on virology, Malone like basically every scientist out there supports the basics on virology so that makes him essentially like everyone else in his field.
I don’t think anyone is allowed to leave those agencies, much less leave and have a successful and profitable career telling their secrets. If he really left he would be a targeted person and would not live the life that he is publicly living now.
My thoughts also. Way too many accusations on twitter re CO. Ppl calling Russell Brand CO. Much more likely that the accusers are working for them imho
Then all whistleblowers are bad ppl? Bradley Manning was controlled opposition? I have not seen anything yet where RM is working against us. OK, be skeptical just in case but also be skeptical of, for example Breggins. He could be the real CO! casting doubt on a patriot. we do not want to bec ome leftist firing squads here. They already infiltrated antifa and BLM to neutralize them completely. DO NOT let ourselves be hoodwinked into scything down a whistleblower. They win that way. To me both possibilities are possible . RM is CO or Breggins et al are CO
There are too many details to fit in a chat box but you should check out my article on the Breggin lawsuit: It goes into the exact claims made by RM against the Breggins and the history of the Breggins prior to Covid. Here's what they did:
110 years of combined work to reform medical and pharmaceutical abuses. Peter’s international campaign against lobotomies closed down psychosurgeries and ended government funding for research facilities. His research forced electroshock companies to inform the FDA it caused brain damage. Together the Breggins ended a Congress-funded interagency program on “inner-city children” to find biological and genetic causes for their alleged propensity for violence.
In the 1990’s, Peter was the sole medical expert for reviewing discovery in 150 combined cases alleging suicide, murder and psychosis from Prozac. As the date for the trial neared, everyone in his house became progressively sicker until a plumber happened to find that someone had removed the chimneys from their oil burner and water heater. By their account, they have been threatened and penniless but state: "… we have been blessed with a feeling of being protected when we have decided to make a stand about something we deem to be of great importance in respect to human well-being and freedom… By our deeds, we have earned our enemies, and the good that has come from our work has confirmed our choice on how to live."
Here's what RM has done, from his own credentials to the court AND what he claims is their defamation of him: Robert Malone, campaigning around the world as a member of the health freedom movement, may be profoundly immersed in the Deep State of HHS, CDC, FDA, and Department of Defense. In the last five years, a period for which we have information, ending in 2017, Malone obtained and managed $9.5 billion in government contracts. Now he is a member of the new NIH agency ACTIV which promotes the Great Reset by bringing together multiple powerful US agencies — from the NIH, FDA, CDC, and DoD with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and ultimately with a dozen of the top pharmaceutical companies, including Gilead, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Merck & Co., Inc., Moderna, Novartis, Novavax, Pfizer.
May as well update it from his 2021 CV right about the time that he was leaning into his "new role" in the health freedom movement, and Jill was writing Linked In's pissed off because Bob wasn't getting his due credit for the magical mRNA vaccines, and one week later he was showing up on Bret Weinstein to warn about them.
Getting whiplash yet from Mr. 5G Warfare expert? 😅
He is everywhere crammed down your throat. Oh look he's narrating Project Veritas admonishing the Pfizer Patsy. Now he's on Tucker. There he is on Bannon. He was one of the first 100-people to get Covid in the US. He had a book out under a pseudonym. In Feb. 2020. He had Covid, and a book and was discovering famotidine!
"Dr. Malone has a history of assembling and managing expert teams that focus on solving complicated biodefense challenges to meet US Government requirements. He was instrumental in enabling the PHAC/rVSV ZEBOV (“Merck Ebola”) vaccine to move forward quickly towards BLA and (now recently granted) licensure. Dr. Malone got the project on track in support of DoD/DTRA and NewLink Genetics, recruited organizations to team with USAMRIID/WRAIR to develop the immunoassays, put WHO and Norwegian government philanthropic leadership in touch with Pentagon leadership to expedite the initial WRAIR clinical and ring vaccination trials, recruited a management team, recruited Merck vaccines to purchase the product candidate from NewLink, helped write and edit the clinical trials developed by the World Health Organization and lead the development of the BARDA and DTRA contracts - yielding over 200M$ in resources. Dr. Malone’s early involvement in this project allowed for the Merck vaccine to be developed very rapidly."
by the way that Ebola ring trial was the one that Geert Vanden Bossche sounded the alarm with WHO and got told to sit the fuck down. It was badly designed. I'm sure Bob had nothing to do with that.
See, Bob never has anything to do with anything, Bob skates just ahead of the fire. Gleefully mouthing his bullshit platitudes and whining about how mean people are to him.
And I'm sure Bob has nothing to with Vapor Bar, or DTRA spitting out Remdesivir from the DOMANE supercomputer system that he helped design.
Bob had nothing to do with Michael Callahan or Sina Bavari or David Hone, because he figured out Michael is a liar after years of knowing him and knowing he was CIA and publishing papers with him and saving the world like "old friends" do.
*That's Bob's press release about CIA Mike and their mutual discovery of famotidine and how they were going to take that sweet $20m and study it as an alternative treatment. Naturally the trial was going to be written by Bob and then moved to his AlChem lab in FL, which Bob would leave and a puff of smoke staying just in front of the fire.
I dunno. I mean I didn't wake up to medical shenanigans until early 2020. Dr Marik had a protocol for sepsis that worked and then Big Medicine got involved and could not duplicate it. Prob due to the fact that they did NOT duplicate it. Given too late, different protocol etc etc. Sound familiar like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine?
So if those guys working in the thick of it were surprised and throwing up their arms about the fraudulent trials of ivermectin would not RM also be given same slack? i..e. even though he worked in the belly of the beast does not mean he knew what was going on big picture wise.
I do know he was ripped off to the tune of $6 million + by his fellow researchers. Alexandros Marinos did a deep dive on twitter to confirm it.
I will look at jill's Linked in post to see if that sheds any light on matters.
GREAT analogy, Sage, staying ahead of the fires. Your article on Jill's LinkedIn post, which I referenced in the aforementioned article, was instrumental for me to see there was something shadowy under the surface. I've come a long way since then. To be honest, I still listen to his words and have my doubts. And then I come back to his actions.
May I reference this comment or a link from your excellent 'stack? I think that analyzing his interview with Aubrey is something I should do, to see what cliff he's trying to lead us towards--and clearly, there are many.
Good Kathleen, use your discernment. Follow your guts. It can not hurt to be careful with who you trust, esp these days, after what we’ve been through.. We’ve been burned and learned about what trust abuse has done for humanity. For me, the amount of gaslighting and defensiveness around this subject is a sign that we are right to be cautious.
I saw a video where their spokesman was talking about this. 60 days to get an MRNA "vaccine" to readiness. Jeremy Farrar at WHO declares a pandemic based on nothing at all. We all are mandated shots of 60 day fresh bioweapon. CBDC digital currency ensures compliance. Killing us off whilst rubbing their hands with glee. All the more for us they will say.
Tell it, Sasha! I have long suspected the “lab leak” hypothesis was what I call a coverdown story—in other words, a limited hangout to distract us from the darker, deeper story.
This is what I mean by half-lies:
• “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler: Live Not by Half-Lies” (
It seems they set up a false dichotomy from the beginning to keep everyone arguing and distracted. It was either zoonosis or a lab leak. Like many such dialectic tricks, the truth is in option 3 which is never discussed. You must choose between 1 or 2! It is clear to many now that it was a deliberate release. It would not surprise me if they did it again, this time with something even scarier, like Marburg. Sasha is right though. First they need to get new authorities for the WHO.
🎯 This is why I’ve never played that game and have never written about the origins of COVID but rather the tyranny and democide that have been committed in its name.
That has been my approach as well, also taking it to a provable level of negligent homicide.
I think next bio weapon will attack children
Ok , this is what is bothering me ... we have researchers, scientists, consultants, physicians, immunologists, chemists , contractors ect.... who make Bioweapons .... and now it has turned on its people . Was it ok to make these Bioweapons in the first place? Now we have Bill Gates and other elites who told us their plans . How do you work for these government agencies and live with yourself?
Most jobs are filled with contradictions as are most things. If you are a person supporting a family with kids in school, need for healthcare, getting affirmation for your efforts, community support, it is difficult to walk away. I just found out that in order to take a short-term travel assignment I need to vaccinated. That was relatively easy to push back on. Then I found out to go to Japan I needed to take a PCR test. That was a bit more difficult to resist, especially because everyone I know thinks it is no big deal. I have only taken one Covid test and that was in April or May 2020 when we were still figuring this thing out. Since then I have refused to support that scam. But there are a few thousands of income out there .......
Remember we are governed by Mafia/CIA axis. They look for compromised ppl for example gamblers or perverts and put them in power so they can be manipulated. I had NO idea it was sooo pervasive. Jeffrey Epstein was one of them. What happened to all the videos they used to blackmail ppl? The FBI has them safely hidden away. CIA do the dirty deeds. FBI covers them up. It is no surprise that the plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer consisted of 14 FBI agents and 3 "perps" of which the leader was homeless. Filthy scum. and we pay for them!
More specifically, it's the Khazarian Mafia/City of London/CIA/MI6/Mossad axis, but the programming is deeply embedded that makes it unacceptable to state this truth. Until humanity is ready to confront that, there's no solution.
I have seen these analyses. Very plausible. A lot gets mixed in you know, like Masonic/Demonic cabals. Which, after reading the Franklin scandal seems very real. One thing i am puzzled by is the MK Ultra celebrity pop singer actor thang. Seems a bit over the top to me. Thoughts?
What a set up S W !!good comment.
Excellent questions, Brandon is not your bro, and the latter is a question I have frequently examined in my work. Cowardice; inculcation; and fear of damaging one’s income, career, and reputation are powerful forces.
That is also what Tess Lawrie asked Andrew Hill:
That’s what I’m talking about … I could never be in a meeting with some of these killers , I’d lose my mind and not be as composed as Tess . Maybe everyone is on the same page now but I couldn’t trust the Bioweapon makers …. Sorry, I just couldn’t.
Yes, Brandon INYB,your question matters massively. Complicit unconcerned people include close laws..often self perceived ‘success’ grafters, and buoyed by returns on the carnage. Jobs aside, the level of tolerance required is obscene and confronting daily. The associated ‘cool’ soulless demeanor is beyond disturbing. Taking down these familiar monsters is also critical but complex for to ???
It goes beyond righteous indignation. Thanks MAA for listening.
These positions are highly screened for people who are essentially criminals. They live with themselves just fine because they are evil people making lots and lots of $.
I would personally choose to avoid working in that kind of field unless I was deceived. (Like being abducted by the agencies - which seems to have happened - you disappear under mysterious circumstances - for instance have you looked into the missing persons cases in the US? How many scientists and engineers were there?)
Some justify their work in order to defend for their countries from 'potential attacks' from enemies. Some others are simply mad scientists when given so much freedom and money and technology to experiment, believing they are 'elite' scientists.
Its already on the Childrens Vaccine Schedule and working its harm.
• “50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot” (
That's right, so very true and yet parents can't see it because they believe in the virus theory. That' what it's all based on, a theory.
"FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (211 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever"
One important thing about the answers to the FOIs requests: the civil servants who answer are probably forced by law to not lie. So, if what they have been answering is false, then there is a case against them, personally.
If they have said the truth ("there are no records of purification of sars-cov-2") then we have to choose:
a) there was no virus and the answer is a confession
b) we invent a complicated story to explain why no one has the virus
I chose option 'a' months ago (I'm a late comer to the party.)
I think it's liberating to know the truth. Everything is a lie.
All the laws and ordinances and mandates are null, they are illegal, and all the people who enforced them must pay according to the law. In all countries.
And it doesn't matter if you have to fire 99% of the police or 99% of doctors and nurses. Actually, crime may go down and diseases and deaths numbers may also go down in such situation.
And all this is not limited to those two groups, who are only the most visible enforcers of the tyranny.
Christine Massey did a wonderful job and inspired many people.
Everyone should thank her and her collaborators. And pray for them.
We do need to think very seriously about how we could "drain the swamp". Corruption is endemic, for the system is set up that way. To make the rich richer and to break up families, the Church, pit us against each other for the crumbs that are left. Communism is not the enemy folks. Unbridled capitalism IS. To clarify, I am not necessarily espousing communism, just pointing out that as in 1984, Oceania is the enemy this week.
IF there is a power vacuum after the trials it will be dangerous in the extreme. We need to be thinking along those lines. That is why we MUST be UNITED. left and right, Magas and socialists, Black and white. In short, America unite!
Perhaps seasonal respiratory symptoms are not transmissible - vitamin D deficiency would at least account for the seasonal aspect. It’s in our nature to become polarised and it’s becoming an article of faith with some that “viruses don’t exist”. To be sure there is cause to be sceptical about virology as a science, as with weather or ‘climate’ where computer ‘models’ have similarly usurped empirical data. But if viruses aren’t real how, for instance, do we account for STDs and their treatments? What proportion of Herpes or Hepatitis B patients remain chaste? And if the infectious agent isn’t a virus since they don’t exist, how is it that symptoms are treatable. If one doesn’t know the answer why claim viruses don’t exist? And if infectious agents are sexually transmissible, why not by other means?
They already did that by putting the covid shots on the childhood vaccination schedule! But, yes, that would not surprise me.
They've been doing that since they decided children needed 72 shots, the covid shot is one more in their sterility and transhuman program.
Yes, Bill Gates already told us their plans:
The tabletop exercise in Oct 2022 called "Catastrophic Contagion" (brought to you by the WHO and Gates Foundation, although they are one in the same) predicted the deaths of 20 million children to a covid19 I think it's a scare tactic to get parents to sacrifice their children with the new RSV "vaccine". I noticed they had a good showing from the African nations.
Oh! - Is that why Bill and Melinda were chuckling back in 2020 when they assured us that we would "notice" the "next pandemic"!? (cuz they were disappointed at the lethality of the current pandemic).
Duper's Delight.
And the immunocompromised
That's what Bill, The Gates of Hell, says.
And he's always right.
Bill is psychic, so is Fraudci...
I think you are right because that's the only way they could get people to agree to another lockdown. Parents fearing for their children's safety.
That was my first thought as well:
I don’t know the answer Rae… look where the stuff is going .
I'm still looking for the info as to where those chemicals were supposedly heading. The train was supposedly about 23 miles from it's destination in PA. So, presumably, the chemicals were either being delivered to a company in PA, or transfered to another tain in PA. Either way, paperwork / receipts have not been produced, explaining who actually owned the chemicals. I emailed 5 reporters at a small newspaper near East Palistine, asking if anyone had seen the paperwork, or even asked about it, and not one of the reporters responded to me.
Supposedly, the hazardous chemicals were destined for Ukraine (, but I haven’t had a chance to investigate closely.
They are distracting us from all kinds of things they are doing behind the scenes. For one, they are actively building these 15 minute cities (prisons) all over the U.S. It's important for everyone to keep their eye on the ball and not fall prey to distraction.
They will do it again, for that so many took the jabs, and now have compromised immune systems. This game has many layers, and one of them, in my opinion, is de-population. When they release something more deadly (or turn on the 5G) more people will die....and more people will be scared, and therefore line up for more jabs. More fear = more control. More control = more jabs. More jabs = more death. More death = more fear. It's the perfect (evil) game.
I'm not sure there was even a release of anything. As far I'm concerned there is no covid. Pure manipulation and murder. Change in how hospitals treated respiratory illness and murder in care / convalescent homes. Add in military grade psychological manipulation and presto - you've got yourself a pandemic. I can't name one person in the last 4 years who has anything other than a cold. We shouldn't discount our lives experience.
Yes, it was a hoax. All they needed was the scientifically fraudulent, bogus PCR test with false positives at 94% and higher. They simply used the bogus PCR test and hijacked the common cold, flu, bronchitis, and everything else and diagnosed it as covid. Even Dr. Mike Yeadon (ex-Chief Science Officer for Pfizer) said this was a PCR false positive pseudopandemic. He said if they wanted to make "covid" disappear, all they had to do was stop the PCR testing and covid would have disappeared by morning.
And Yeadon noted that there have been other PCR false positive pseudopandemics. He linked to an article from the NYT maybe 2007, saying that at Dartmouth Medical Center they thought they had an epidemic of whooping cough. Then the CDC got involved, did an investigation, and found there were ZERO cases of whooping cough and that the whole illusion of an epidemic was due to the bogus PCR test. Even the creator of the test, Dr. Kary Mullis said it was a research tool and not designed for diagnosing viral infections.
This is basically the HIV/AIDS scam all over again-same playbook!
Chapel Hill and UBC Chinada; we need look not much further.🇨🇦
For they are the Death Cult. WE are for life
What is your origin theory? Specifically who did it, did what, and what was their motivation?
I have not focused on that question because it is irrelevant to stopping tyranny and democide, but the patent trail ( and the revelations by Sasha and Katherine make it clear the DoD is the driving force behind the planning (in collusion, of course, with philanthropaths like Bill Gates/BMGF and the Rockefellers), and implementation has been distributed to a range of pharmaceutical companies and bioweapons labs.
The motivation is threefold: profit, power, and democide, as I outline in the notes for my Corona Investigative Committee presentation:
• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (
Also, almost anything can be accomplished by a small group of people using chain of command, secrecy, compartmentalization, media control, and huge piles of weaponized cash.
Look how the USDA is subsidizing the engineered famine by getting farmers to plow over their own crops:
Yup. It's all going indoor vertical farming with farmers being replaced with robots. They are currently building these giant billion dollar "campuses" all over the U.S. to grow strawberries and tomatoes. I am unable to figure out how they will do this naturally and non-genetically without pollination or sunlight
Precisely. As I quote in “Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny” (
“A few hundred at the top, to plan and direct at every level; a few thousand to supervise and control (without a voice in policy) at every level; a few score thousand specialists (teachers, lawyers, journalists, scientists, artists, actors, athletes, and social workers) eager to serve or at least unwilling to pass up a job or to revolt; a million of the Pöbel, which sounds like ‘people’ and means ‘riffraff,’ to do what we would call the dirty work, ranging from murder, torture, robbery, and arson to the effort which probably employed more Germans in inhumanity than any other in Nazi history, the standing of ‘sentry’ in front of Jewish shops and offices in the boycott of April, 1933.”
—Milton Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45
Terrific insights from Mr. Mayer. Deceptively easy to control the masses, much easier than I would have thought (and truly frightening.)
Upton Sinclair wrote the fictionalized version ("It Can Happen Here"). In TTTWF, Milton Mayer showed us how easily it's been done.
I agree, John, and I feel “They Thought They Were Free” should be required reading for every human being. In my opinion, it is the best book one can read to understand the progression of totalitarianism, hence my featuring it as my first book recommendation:
• Recommendations Roundup #1 (
Combine that with “Ordinary Men” and “Defying Hitler,” and you’ve got the ideal curriculum for comprehending how “good” people’s morality can be contorted to justify genocide.
Yep. They spread the cash from D.C. alllll the way down the chain to the local nursing home, hospital, coroner, pharmacy, and doctors office too. They covered the bases.
I very much appreciate your work. It's right there if we could just get people to look at it and understand what they are seeing.
Thank you, Turtledad51, and therein lies the challenge. None of the menticided want to enroll in my 12-step recovery program ;-)
• “Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program” (
I think there is traction in investigating food warehouse fires for example. We would need only one. We all know who is behind it but if one was investigated by an uncompromised journalist, ie one of us, then that could open up fertile ground. They do slip up a lot. They are sooo arrogant, they think we are rats. That will be their downfall
Democide is an action not a motivation. The clearest potential for deliberate democide, not after the fact, is the involuntary euthanasia of old people and very disabled via lethal doses of midazolam in England and in the US, ventilator abuse, but we do not have command and control for that yet. It may be opportunism after the fact. The motivation would be to get them off the healthcare and pension rolls because they are extremely costly. 5% of patients use 95% of all healthcare costs.
"5% of patients use 95% of all healthcare costs."
Here is an ear full. I don't know who this is that is speaking. You won't believe what he says.
"when child abuse becomes fatal it is a benefit because it saves the system 1.5 million dollars"
This is a result of big business taking over the field of medicine. I wonder if the man speaking even understands how repulsive he sounds. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I would like to hear Tucker Carlson or anybody in the legacy media respond to this clip.
authoreyezing, He is not talking about the child abuser being killed. He is talking about the child being killed from child abuse, and he says it is a monetary benefit to the system if the child dies because system resources are not expended on the dead child.
Democide is the implementation of the depopulation agenda, which the Malthusian cultists have been articulating unabashedly for generations, as documented in my “Anatomy of a Philanthropath” series:
• “Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (
• “Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships” (
• “Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?” (
Please excuse a re-post at the top of the stack: excellent account here of a guy initially in the forefront of "lab leak" - then came to view it as "biologically impossible" - and then re-focused to the "darker, deeper story".
And it comes out of the Energy Department! That's odd. Also, timed with Malone's new media tour pushing the idea that everything covid was not intentional. Just a woopsie. Forgive and forget. No Robert! We will not forget, and you are up to your neck in all of this.
Thanks to Meryl Nass posting Robert's recent interview, I'll be adding a fourth video on him called Phony Maloney & WikiSpooks. I now have zero doubt that he's lying, which I'll show. But here are the previous three, starting with the fake Project Veritas 'expose' that confirms what Sasha is saying:
You mean I now am sure he is lying, right? Doesn't Meryl Nass speak admiringly of him?
Yes, Meryl is, for all practical purposes, joined at the hip with him. Throughout the last 3 years, he's sent her topics to research and brought attention to her work. She posted the video to refute all the naysayers but I think it backfired on her. One of the first replies was from Heidi Heil, who reported trying to get an answer from RM on why he continues to support mRNA. It started a firestorm of posts back and forth. Meryl's reply to her was "Put up or shut up" and I'm not paraphrasing.
We are clearly in the fog of war here. You say that Malone is disinfo but how do we know his detractors aren't also disinfo? It's almost as if the waters are deliberately being muddled.
The good old "divide et impera"...
That what seems to be going on and it also seems to be working.
I thought Dr Malone was a good guy. What have I missed?
I think Robert has been very carefully groomed and used to push a certain narrative. His entire career has been working in or with bio-labs on using viral vectors to insert RNA or DNA into human cells aka gene therapy. He has worked with the shadiest parts of the deep state.
A very smooth individual indeed. He's also everywhere.
No, the world is not as organized as you might think. Systems do what they do without central authority pulling levers. To live and work in this world requires a certain amount of buy-in. Otherwise all of us would be psychotic. At certain points in our development we decide to be more anti-establishment. Other times we play along more. If I acted on complete principle every day of my life I would not be a functioning person.
What is the narrative he was groomed to push? Curious.
I am just an observer. I have no inside scoop. One narrative is that covid was a lab leak. No, it wasn't. In my opinion it was an infectious clone, deliberately released. That's not a leak. He is also now pushing the idea that it was all just a mistake. No ill intent anywhere. I disagree. I also notice how much trouble he has expressing himself. For me, it is painful to listen to him carefully choosing which words to use. His relaxed, quiet, reflective manner seems to be an act to me. He seems to be trying too hard to paint himself as just a good old boy. I just don't trust him.
That's a fair enough answer, thank you, and I agree regarding intentional release vs. accident. The fact that a major msm media outlet is now reporting the viral release was a big whoopsie by China makes me believe they are trying to get out ahead and control the narrative that China accidentally released it and the U.S. had zero to do with it which I don't believe to be true.
Thanks for that. It's important for all of us to keep an open, yet critical, mind to everything presented to us in the media. I also think it wise to refrain from putting people on pedestals, especially people who can't stop talking about themselves.
"Easy to point fingers at Malone."
It's even easier to point out that contagion has never been demonstrated scientifically and virology doesn't even meet the basic criteria for science (to be falsifiable through the use of proper controls).
All of these attacks on Malone reek of 5th generation warfare. The comments against him appear organized and targeted. That said, I am not saying Malone is a good or bad guy. Time will tell. I will say there is a definitive pattern in his attacks that appears well coordinated.
Nobody is attacking Malone. They are just pointing out that he is still stuck somewhere in between the cult of virology and actual science. There's nothing necessarily wrong with that (we are all on our own journey of discovery / awakening).
However, it gets a bit frustrating when he still supports the fundamental tenets of virology - tenets which have been refuted again and again over the last century. Virology is not even a science (it lacks proper controls). Therefore the whole thing is bogus from top to bottom. There are no 'good' and 'bad' vaccines, there are no 'effective' or 'ineffective' vaccines. It's all woo.
Anyone who thinks virology is a proper science is welcome to PROVE IT under proper scientific conditions. Here is the challenge which will end the virus debate once and for all (so we can all get on with our lives):
I beg to differ about no one attacking Malone. There are people in this thread saying he knows nothing about science, is a DARPA, CIA agent put purposely into the fray to keep everyone off balance and that he's basically responsible for the mRNA killing people and that all he wants is to make $.
Regarding his stance on virology, Malone like basically every scientist out there supports the basics on virology so that makes him essentially like everyone else in his field.
Anyone who worked for BARDA, DARPA, or the DoD is not a good guy.
I don’t think anyone is allowed to leave those agencies, much less leave and have a successful and profitable career telling their secrets. If he really left he would be a targeted person and would not live the life that he is publicly living now.
It's like the Hotel California.
"You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave."
Lol, yup, ‘They livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis..’ and they all have alibis and cover stories.
If he really went rogue and off the reservation, a "simple" plane crash would have "fixed" the problem.
Or heart attack dart...
My thoughts also. Way too many accusations on twitter re CO. Ppl calling Russell Brand CO. Much more likely that the accusers are working for them imho
Then all whistleblowers are bad ppl? Bradley Manning was controlled opposition? I have not seen anything yet where RM is working against us. OK, be skeptical just in case but also be skeptical of, for example Breggins. He could be the real CO! casting doubt on a patriot. we do not want to bec ome leftist firing squads here. They already infiltrated antifa and BLM to neutralize them completely. DO NOT let ourselves be hoodwinked into scything down a whistleblower. They win that way. To me both possibilities are possible . RM is CO or Breggins et al are CO
There are too many details to fit in a chat box but you should check out my article on the Breggin lawsuit: It goes into the exact claims made by RM against the Breggins and the history of the Breggins prior to Covid. Here's what they did:
110 years of combined work to reform medical and pharmaceutical abuses. Peter’s international campaign against lobotomies closed down psychosurgeries and ended government funding for research facilities. His research forced electroshock companies to inform the FDA it caused brain damage. Together the Breggins ended a Congress-funded interagency program on “inner-city children” to find biological and genetic causes for their alleged propensity for violence.
In the 1990’s, Peter was the sole medical expert for reviewing discovery in 150 combined cases alleging suicide, murder and psychosis from Prozac. As the date for the trial neared, everyone in his house became progressively sicker until a plumber happened to find that someone had removed the chimneys from their oil burner and water heater. By their account, they have been threatened and penniless but state: "… we have been blessed with a feeling of being protected when we have decided to make a stand about something we deem to be of great importance in respect to human well-being and freedom… By our deeds, we have earned our enemies, and the good that has come from our work has confirmed our choice on how to live."
Here's what RM has done, from his own credentials to the court AND what he claims is their defamation of him: Robert Malone, campaigning around the world as a member of the health freedom movement, may be profoundly immersed in the Deep State of HHS, CDC, FDA, and Department of Defense. In the last five years, a period for which we have information, ending in 2017, Malone obtained and managed $9.5 billion in government contracts. Now he is a member of the new NIH agency ACTIV which promotes the Great Reset by bringing together multiple powerful US agencies — from the NIH, FDA, CDC, and DoD with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and ultimately with a dozen of the top pharmaceutical companies, including Gilead, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Merck & Co., Inc., Moderna, Novartis, Novavax, Pfizer.
May as well update it from his 2021 CV right about the time that he was leaning into his "new role" in the health freedom movement, and Jill was writing Linked In's pissed off because Bob wasn't getting his due credit for the magical mRNA vaccines, and one week later he was showing up on Bret Weinstein to warn about them.
Getting whiplash yet from Mr. 5G Warfare expert? 😅
He is everywhere crammed down your throat. Oh look he's narrating Project Veritas admonishing the Pfizer Patsy. Now he's on Tucker. There he is on Bannon. He was one of the first 100-people to get Covid in the US. He had a book out under a pseudonym. In Feb. 2020. He had Covid, and a book and was discovering famotidine!
"Dr. Malone has a history of assembling and managing expert teams that focus on solving complicated biodefense challenges to meet US Government requirements. He was instrumental in enabling the PHAC/rVSV ZEBOV (“Merck Ebola”) vaccine to move forward quickly towards BLA and (now recently granted) licensure. Dr. Malone got the project on track in support of DoD/DTRA and NewLink Genetics, recruited organizations to team with USAMRIID/WRAIR to develop the immunoassays, put WHO and Norwegian government philanthropic leadership in touch with Pentagon leadership to expedite the initial WRAIR clinical and ring vaccination trials, recruited a management team, recruited Merck vaccines to purchase the product candidate from NewLink, helped write and edit the clinical trials developed by the World Health Organization and lead the development of the BARDA and DTRA contracts - yielding over 200M$ in resources. Dr. Malone’s early involvement in this project allowed for the Merck vaccine to be developed very rapidly."
by the way that Ebola ring trial was the one that Geert Vanden Bossche sounded the alarm with WHO and got told to sit the fuck down. It was badly designed. I'm sure Bob had nothing to do with that.
See, Bob never has anything to do with anything, Bob skates just ahead of the fire. Gleefully mouthing his bullshit platitudes and whining about how mean people are to him.
And I'm sure Bob has nothing to with Vapor Bar, or DTRA spitting out Remdesivir from the DOMANE supercomputer system that he helped design.
Bob had nothing to do with Michael Callahan or Sina Bavari or David Hone, because he figured out Michael is a liar after years of knowing him and knowing he was CIA and publishing papers with him and saving the world like "old friends" do.
*That's Bob's press release about CIA Mike and their mutual discovery of famotidine and how they were going to take that sweet $20m and study it as an alternative treatment. Naturally the trial was going to be written by Bob and then moved to his AlChem lab in FL, which Bob would leave and a puff of smoke staying just in front of the fire.
I dunno. I mean I didn't wake up to medical shenanigans until early 2020. Dr Marik had a protocol for sepsis that worked and then Big Medicine got involved and could not duplicate it. Prob due to the fact that they did NOT duplicate it. Given too late, different protocol etc etc. Sound familiar like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine?
So if those guys working in the thick of it were surprised and throwing up their arms about the fraudulent trials of ivermectin would not RM also be given same slack? i..e. even though he worked in the belly of the beast does not mean he knew what was going on big picture wise.
I do know he was ripped off to the tune of $6 million + by his fellow researchers. Alexandros Marinos did a deep dive on twitter to confirm it.
I will look at jill's Linked in post to see if that sheds any light on matters.
Here's the post with your comment at the end:
GREAT analogy, Sage, staying ahead of the fires. Your article on Jill's LinkedIn post, which I referenced in the aforementioned article, was instrumental for me to see there was something shadowy under the surface. I've come a long way since then. To be honest, I still listen to his words and have my doubts. And then I come back to his actions.
May I reference this comment or a link from your excellent 'stack? I think that analyzing his interview with Aubrey is something I should do, to see what cliff he's trying to lead us towards--and clearly, there are many.
Thanks for lengthy reply. I will check it out
My trust factor is pretty low right now.
Good Kathleen, use your discernment. Follow your guts. It can not hurt to be careful with who you trust, esp these days, after what we’ve been through.. We’ve been burned and learned about what trust abuse has done for humanity. For me, the amount of gaslighting and defensiveness around this subject is a sign that we are right to be cautious.
I am so pissed that 3 years of my life were stolen.
Luckily, I am retired so I was not forced to take the covid death shot to keep a job.
But, what will the future bring? Proof of covid jab to travel? To get medical care? To get food?
This nightmare is far from over.
Are you suggesting I should change my screen name to "Not A Good Guy"? Your description suggests you should change yours to "Not A Good Gal".
The fact that there is DoD involvement is heartbreaking to me.
Apparently there are crazy mad scientists in DARPA, BARDA, and DoD, that I never knew about.
This might interest you, Kathleen:
Thank you for the link.
2 weeks to flatten the curve turned into 2 years of house arrest.
I am really cranky at this point.
We are essentially in the 4th year of this plandemic/depopulation/military psyops/ event.
I saw a video where their spokesman was talking about this. 60 days to get an MRNA "vaccine" to readiness. Jeremy Farrar at WHO declares a pandemic based on nothing at all. We all are mandated shots of 60 day fresh bioweapon. CBDC digital currency ensures compliance. Killing us off whilst rubbing their hands with glee. All the more for us they will say.
Sure one can change....but TPTB would not let him “change” on their dime...