Yes! They love to disguise hospital 'protocol' murder as Covid deaths!

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The Covid policies were designed to kill, just check out the policies on ventilators: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-covid-19-protocols-killed-millions

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Just like the UK ordered Midazolam before the 'pandemic.'

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It's like Mafia war, which is appropriate because our governments has become a for-profit organized crime protection racket

You gotta kill a few to "send a message"

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The mafia is global. It's all the rest of us against the 500.000.000 elites mentioned on the Georgia Guidstones.

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Hospitals received extra money for their COVID deaths along with liability protection.

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hospitals got liability protection?

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Not only for giving the vaccine, but patients/family could not sue if COVID was listed on the death certificate. I don't know if this protection still applies.

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I had been wondering if those who were ventilated to death had any recourse, especially since one of the drivers of it's use was to protect the medical staff, and not the patient.

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Jun 4Edited

Thank you for this. Until now, I had yet to read a straightforward article about what happened to those of us who “caught” something profoundly different than the flu. I got this in Jan 2020- before I’d ever heard of Covid- and told everyone it felt like I’d been poisoned though I had some “flu-like symptoms," I knew it was something “weird.” My breathing was what was startling- out of nowhere difficult and crackly/raspy like I’d never had in my life. My recovery was also extremely slow and my fatigue took many weeks to resolve, very much unlike recovering from a typical illness. Interestingly I had spent time in a hospital (just visiting but for days) right before my symptoms began.

I know it wasn’t normal, and I had a fear something was terribly wrong. Now I know why.

Also adding- I had eaten food including pre-made ribs from a supermarket on a Friday and vomited that night — but did not get the brink-of-death symptoms (no more vomiting) until the following Tuesday.

This was in Los Angeles.

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Me too. Was floored for 5 days in January 2020 with what I described at the time as being like a mixture of flu and food poisoning

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In Jan 2020, I had shortness of breath and low energy. I got a chest x-ray and the doctor said I had a bubble in my lung which he assumed was a rare flu symptom. The recovery took quite a while. It was not like any other illness that I have had.

I would very much like to know which combination of the possibilities listed in this article were used and most particularly what the dispersal method was. It would be very helpful in the future to know what to look for.

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The "bubble in lungs" or earlier reports of "ground glass opacity" which all disappeared to never return. This is where I think (it's my hypothesis only) graphene might have been used, or some formulation of it like carbon nanotubes. Like asbestos, they can pierce alveola in the lungs and that would be the effect. I think this was tested as a method to fake "novel virus", but the cartel probably abandoned it because it is dangerous and probably too easy to identify from a sample (EM will show it), and then might be traceable to the manufacturer of graphene.

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I wonder why would they seed or fake a virus in November 2019- February 2020? The official narrative, of course, is that the virus started spreading in America in late February 2020. It seems to me if they wanted to produce a faux epidemic they would have acknowledged or reported on all these "early" illnesses ... when they were happening.

But they didn't. Per the official narrative, these anecdotes of people sick before February 2020 are taboo illnesses. (Trust me here) the people who were sick with early Covid symptoms (and had positive antibody tests) were never questioned or investigated by officials (which is an obvious smoking gun to me).

For some reason, the Pandemic producers wanted the "pandemic" outside of China to start in March 2020. They contrived the "deadly virus" narrative largely with bogus PCR test results and the huge surge in iatrogenic deaths - which began in late March and April 2020 - when people were NOT getting sick with flu-like symptoms. It all makes no sense ... although I have my opinions on what probably happened and why the "late spread" narrative had to be pushed (too long to post here!).

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Jun 5Edited

To get rid of Trump and conceal US funding of the Wuhan Institute of Virology/co-development of SARS-CoV-2

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See my comment. Absolutely.

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Then it begs the question of method of exposure. Aerosolized graphene?

I read something recently how iron mediated cell death was involved in early severe covid cases. I was wondering if there might be an EM attack vector that affects iron in cells. I read in some old book protesting HAARP that there were goverment lab experiments to stimulate specific molecules like lithium with tighly focused frequencies to cause a drug like effect from extremely small exposures. But in my case I doubt there was enough 5G around here at the time so it would only apply in other areas (NYC?)

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My partner had a really bad illness in January 2020 before the covid panic - and had what they said was pneumonia - really high fever (105 F) with uncontrollable shaking worse than I have ever seen before - (the rigors) and cough/cold symptoms. Nobody else in our family got sick. They fell ill shortly after a hike with their nephew - so had been outside for a morning. They took two antibiotics and was on asthma steroid medication and recovered after about a week or so.

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I think Covid had actually peaked by early March 2020. A couple of doctors I've had contact with share that opinion.

One could easily do a study of all the people who went to the doctor before March 2020 complaining of ILI symptoms (look especially at those who tested negative for the flu). Then see how many of these people contracted "official" Covid with a PCR test in the next 12 months. Compare this cohort to the people who were not sick before March 2020. My strong guess is that far fewer people who were sick with Covid symptoms before official Covid later came down with Covid. This would strongly suggest this group had natural immunity.

FWIW, myself and my two kids could be a part of this study. All three of us were sick in January 2020 ... and have never gotten Covid.

I think there's a reason such an easy study will never be done.

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Yep. Anyone who went in before the official Narrative began would have been tested for the flu. True in my household too.

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That is a very interesting account and I wish I could tie my own experience to some outdoors exposure because that would certainly narrow down the means of dispersal. Unfortunately, I just don't know. I do remember my wife and children also experienced symptoms that happened after mine.

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Spot on Sasha. Thank you for one of your best articles yet. My 2021 case felt like a poisoning. I immediately “knew” it was man made. Only conjecture for dispersal method. I lived part time in same town as Pfizer manufacturing plant. Suspected water supply. Maybe air supply at big box retailer. (Filter?). What about Dr. Ryan Ardises theory of synthetic snake venom. Correlates with wave of start up firms researching and manufacturing said products.

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This analysis is the best I have seen to date on what Covid is/might be. It is interesting that so many report Jan 2020 serious mystery illnesses. A family member, very fit and healthy, got terribly sick in January 2020. Doctors could not give him a diagnosis. He lost 29 pounds over 3 weeks. He’s fine now, thank god. He was out and about when working but I don’t know specifically how he could have been exposed. His wife was unaffected, a further strike against the “deadly infectious virus” narrative.

It makes sense that it can be both given to a group of people (NYC in April 2020, even if fraud is involved in the numbers as Jessica Hockett strongly suspects). Or, individuals can be targeted. Targeted Individuals (TIs) swear they are victims of various forms of attacks. You can read some of these harrowing accounts on the “Targeted Justice” Substack.

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I don't know that you can "KNOW WHAT TO LOOK FOR"!

My sons and I were aerosol-ed in Australia in the late 1980s.

No such thing as "long covid". But there are never -ending Auto Immune disorders/illnesses for years that must be kept in check.

Without approval of my Dr or myself, bloods were sent by the Path Lab oratory to the CDC ,mid 2001, the Dr who was telling me I was seriously ill, exclaimed "oh, your bloods have been sent to the CDC in America. She was very surprised, I just wanted to die, but somehow had to get home first, so could not be b othered to ask who the CDC were.

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Yes 100%. Where were you?

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Coastal California. There is almost always a significant amount of wind here, which I would assume makes higher altitude aerosol dispersal difficult. I also didn't go out much, just to drop my kid off at school (before we started homeschooling.) There also was little 5G here with a protest movement going on for one they wanted to put up by the school. There are more now though.

Before there were so many reasons to doubt the virus story, I assumed that there was something infectious brought over by tourists from China, but now that seems hard to believe.

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I've saved - and then published - hundreds of "early spread" testimonials similar to yours. If there was some kind of seeding of poisons or chemicals in the months before "official Covid," it's clear the officials didn't want anyone to know this. In other words, the officials never went back and said, "Yep. This virus was spreading early on - here's all the evidence of the sick people."

Per this hypothesis, for some reason officials wanted to cover-up large numbers of people who were sick in November 2019-February 2020. There actually weren't many people at all who had respiratory virus symptoms in late March 2020 and April 2020 (official Covid break-out). All the people who had been "sick" had been sick months earlier - like you were (and like I was and like my two chidren were. We had all the "Covid symptoms" ... also in January 2020).

I do think the flu vaccines of 2019-2020 and, perhaps more conspicuously in 2020-2021 - very possibly caused many of the sicknesses that were later falsely attributed to Covid.

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Jun 4Edited

I never had a flu vaccine. But you are right about the censoring --if not outright denial-- that anyone had covid before late Feb 2020. Once I'd heard of covid in March 2020, I googled for months to see how early people started having symptoms and I clearly remember articles--one NYT article in particular--that said that if you were ill before Feb 2020, the chances that it was "covid" were "slim to none." They had tracked quite specifically the first possible CA case to a woman in Santa Clara, CA on Feb. 27 and that was "for sure" the earliest. That was when I still believed I could google accurate information (embarrassing).

Then blood donated in November 2019 had "covid" --which has never been isolated.

And my antibody test came back negative.

You can go to great lengths to try and guess what they are covering up, but it sure seems they were "testing" the waters with some sort of poison before March to see what would work best.

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Do you remember all the teenagers getting respiratory problems which they said was from vaping?? My sons friend hit it really bad It was on all the news stations right before the covid broke out I think they were testing something there in those vaping devices It attacked the lungs!

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I would not be surprised.

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Before March 2020, Congress was working really hard on Trump's first impeachment. When it failed, COVID became the backup plan. Pelosi was convinced that Trump would not win re-election in early 2020. It's as though she knew something -- like a pandemic starting a few weeks later which would destroy Trump's greatest re-election feather (a strong economy which lock-downs and emergency responses would end).

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The Red Cross antibody study - the only tranches of archived blood the CDC ever tested - showed that 2.03 percent of blood donors from CA, WA and OR already had Covid antibodies when they donated blood Dec. 13-16, 2019. But that doesn't mean they were infected with Covid in mid-December. They would have already had those antibodies in their system by November 2019 if not earlier.

Two percent extrapolated to the U.S. population would be 6.6 million possible cases ... by the end of November. How many more would there have been by the end of December or January if this virus was really "contagious?" My answer: A lot more than 2 percent of the population.

It took 11 1/2 months to publish the results of that one study ... and they didn't test any archived blood from the Deep South states (where Influenza Like Illness outbreaks were far more severe and widespread).

There's a reason it took a year to publish those antibody results and that the CDC didn't test any archived blood from all the other states and from different points in time. That reason? They know what those results would have shown.

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Addendum: I should mention the CDC and Navy also tested blood of sailors on the aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt (60 percent tested positive) and USS Kidd destroyer (42 percent tested positive) in late April 2020 and early May.

63 percent of sailors on the French aircraft carrier Charles deGaulle also tested positive for antibodies at approximately the same time.

I don't know why these antibody results are forgotten or never mentioned. Probably because these results clearly show wide-spread "non-deadly" infection had already occurred.

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My conjecture is those ship antibody studies could be safely done because the narrative would be that all these sailors became infected after mid-March 2020. I say that's bunk. Most of those sailors had already been infected before Covid was supposed to be "spreading."

People also need to think about why only two crews of Navy sailors were tested for antibodies. Why not test crew members from every ship in the Naval fleet for antibodies in April 2020?

Again, they couldn't do THAT. They might not like the results that came back.

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FLU shots could very well be the toxin/poison to cause (viral) illness as our bodies attempt to rid us of the poison being that it is foreign and entirely unnatural (as are all vaccines).

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Flu vaxes - a likely culprit. Good thought.

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Jun 5Edited

I had suggested to a colleague in early 2020 that the virus was not what was making people sick. It was the immune response to virus/spike protein in some people. If so, vaccination against spike protein would be very problematic:

SARS-CoV-2 infection...|

...........................................| -----> Immune response -----> Clinical disease/illness

Spike vaccination---------|

I was told I didn't know what I was talking about. LNPs pose their own unique toxicity separate and distinct from spike protein, and with repeat vaccinations, they might be the fuel driving ongoing illness attributed to COVID.

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The air ( really smog) in LA is perfect for massive chemtrailing because the dust and particles stay along time in the air. When you drive over the grapevine on I5 and see san Fernando valley, it's like there is a huge valley and you can see the smog.

I would think back to how long you spent outside in the days and weeks before getting sick. Even if the sky is clear in LA there is so much dust and smog you can't see up close.

Plus probably put stuff in the water.

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I'm also wondering if it could have been in certain foods as they can control where that food goes (as they can with the water supply). But what has always suck out in my mind is that this thing never spread like a "virus" would spread--skipping places altogether and devastating others. That would never happen. And the timeline was off too. People dying by the thousands in NY while we were sitting watching the TV in LA going, "what virus?" Makes no sense.

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My family and I were deathly ill after a Christmas 2019 in Nuevo Vallarta ... it took 6-8 weeks to recover ... we didn'tfigure it was Covid bioweapon poisoning until more than a year later when we we're coerced into getting a jab.

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Maybe it might have been sprayed in a shopping mall or any over crowded locations in LA? They banned going out on beaches and parks and yet they allowed grocery stores and supermarkets to stay open (on the condition).

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It looks like Sasha omitted one, but very important, group of toxins - processed foods.

Who really needs sophisticated labs and billions of dollars to fund gain of function research, if all it takes is to simulate a deadly pandemic is to place pre-made ribs on sale at the supermarkets countrywide…

Who would have known it was that easy?

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Spring 2019 for us. Family member came home from Fort Worth, TX to the midwest. The person was sick there and I got it shortly after. I also had students come back from trips. Same scenario. Super long recoveries. Very bizarre and long-lasting symptoms.

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I just read through all of the comments here and it is striking to me that not one person mentions anyone who did not survive this illness. In August of 2021 I suddenly felt like I'd been poisoned, not that I'd ever been poisoned before but somehow I knew that's what it felt like. I started testing myself to see if I was magnetized, which was all the rage at that time. I felt that there was some magnetism around my collarbone. I blamed it on the organic peanut butter I was eating at the time, which I thought maybe had graphene in it. It never occurred to me that this was possibly COVID, which was supposed to be a flu-like illness. I did not take any unusual treatments, just stopped eating peanut butter.

Five days later, my elder loved one with whom I lived had a little scratchy cough. My loved one and I had been taking HCQ prophylactically for a few months as it is taken for Malaria, 2 pills a week. We thought it would protect us. We started taking it when "shedding" became a concern. Neither of us took any tests or jabs. I said uh oh, why are you coughing? But at that time it never occurred to me that it could be COVID. Turns out even though I'd been down the COVID rabbit hole for a year and a half, I really never looked up what the symptoms were. Flu-like, I suppose. We did not take any additional treatments at that time, and in hindsight we should have thrown the proverbial kitchen sink at it right then. My life will never be the same.

The next day, my loved one was still basically normal, but made a call to cancel an appointment for the following day and told him that she had "it" and I had something else. A little while later, I gave her a printout of the McCullough Protocol, and some of the HCQ tablets in the blister pack that we had ordered from India. I guess I thought that she, a former nurse, should decide what to take rather than me taking the initiative and deciding for her. We also had the equine IVM and all the vitamins, but we did not have antibiotics on hand. The one thing we knew for sure was not to go to the hospital. We thought we would be fine as long as we avoided the hospital.

By this time, my brain was already apparently not functioning properly, and I have to think hers was even worse. I also realized in hindsight that there were apparently some sort of evil spirits involved, as strange as that sounds. It is a spiritual war. All of the research I had done trying to figure out what COVID was and how to manage it if it were ever to strike was gone from my brain. Instead of following treatment protocols, I was chasing symptoms. When something didn't seem to help I tried something else, instead of sticking with it day after day.

My loved one was basically healthy but eventually she had the extreme reaction that only a small percentage of people get, the cytokine storm. My brother was with us by this time and we found a doctor to help us, but it was probably about a week too late. We got a pulse ox device and several prescriptions filled which was like pulling teeth, by the way...Walmart pharmacy did not give us one of the prescriptions because the insurance wouldn't cover it, but they didn't tell us or give us the option to pay for it. We didn't find out until my brother got home and it just wasn't in the bag. They also only gave us 20 out of 60 IVM tablets. We were unable to get Budesonide until the next morning because the medical supply store closed early and that was the only place to get it and a nebulizer. Somehow, even though her oxygen was VERY low, we still thought she would pull through and we did not send her to the hospital.

I lost my best friend, my only ally in this battle and the best person I ever knew in my whole life. I'm living in a horrifying nightmare now because I constantly relive what happened during those 10 days from her first cough and of course now it's obvious to me what I should have done. I pray for God to send a message to me 3 years ago and tell me what will happen so I can be fully prepared, which is what I started screaming from the rooftops for others to do. When anyone says there is no COVID (whatever "it" is, and I'm definitely leaning toward toxin/poison/or nanotechnology of some sort) or that it's Just a cold or the flu, I get very upset. Anyone who had it knows it's something totally different and a very bizarre illness, to say the least. My life is destroyed and I don't even want to live anymore in this evil world.

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One aspect of this tragic story that I failed to mention was that my sisters, who were fully immersed in the Fauxi cult, frequently went to get tested "just to make sure" and double masked driving alone in the car, as well as wanting to be first in line for the jabs, had been screaming all over FB around that time that the three of us who "refused to get vaccinated" were putting our elder loved one at risk, and one of them even went so far as to publicly blame our brother for killing her while she was perfectly fine.

I believe there was some sort of targeting going on to make examples of jab refusers, to keep the others coming back for more. There is a horrifying website sorryantivaxxer.com that mocks people who were outspoken in opposition to the official narrative on social media and then conveniently got COVID and many of them died. They literally show screenshots of these people's social media posts and then those of their friends and families when they got sick and/or hospitalized and died. I honestly believe that [they] were literally targeting people to prop up the "safe & effective" propaganda. When the poisoning theory is considered, this makes even more sense. FB is NOT your friend, and I think my CNN worshipping sisters may have put a target on us and fulfilled their own tragic prophecy.

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I actually had a burnt metallic taste in my mouth but lost my sense of smell. Lost half of my hair three months after illness. I feel strongly that I got it from my husband who started with symptoms two days before me. Maybe radiation poisoning? To think my own country would do this to a run of the mill law abiding tax paying citizen is painful to think.

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You can't get radiation poisoning from your husband. I don't believe this was radiation poisoning, because I and my husband got sick simultaneously in the area that does not have 5G. These were toxins of some sort, which can induce local shedding (probably your husband got it, started shedding, you picked it up 2 days later).

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If it were sprayed, was there any possibility that the chemical agent had been on your clothing? It's just that I re visited the Sarin attacks in Tokyo and I read the health authorities destroyed the clothes worn by the victims.

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I agree. 5G wasn’t in my little mountain community when my husband and I got the alpha variant. But he had just had houseguests who were recently vaccinated. And I shook the sweaty hand of one after our golf game. Shedding was just being talked about. I even thought I should go wash my hands 🤔 Nah I’ll be fine. Oh hell no 5 days later I was sicker than I’ve ever been. Then my husband was about 12hrs behind me. Neither of us had been sick since the early 2000’s. And these were NOT flu symptoms either. POTS for 4 mos, fevers and overwhelming fatigue that came and went for a month, loss of taste & smell, hair falling out for 6 mos, weird bruising down my left shin that lasted for 9mos. I kept a diary it was SO bizarre.

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And the headache OMG!

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Yes, the shedding is very real. Even unvaccinated people can shed on others if they've been shed upon.

In my case, I experienced symptoms similar to yours, plus nose bleeds and stabbing pains in my head, esp. around the eyes, for weeks after my husband took the bioweapon and, much later, when he had been around a lot of people and airports. I take care not to get too close to him, but can relax a bit if he's been a homebody for awhile.

I don't think the shedding phenomenon goes away with time, necessarily, since exposure either to other people who've been recently jabbed or, perhaps, to a lot of 5G seems to recharge the shedding action.

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Ok thank you. My husband is convinced that he got it from a vaccinated man that was getting over his latest bout of Covid. He had a 45 minute conversation with him in close quarters. The man told him that he was way past the “contagious “ period. We could not think of anything else. We both got very sick. I was hospitalized for 6 days and was one of the lucky ones that got to go home.

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I honestly doubt that your illness was a result of your husband's exposure to the vaxxed person. The severity doesn't jibe with this hypothesis. You might have had a different exposure. This is hard to track.

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Yes indeed. I would like to understand it better- what was it and why was it done? It was the first time in my life that I felt like I was dying. Very scary.

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Your husband was shed upon via the vaxxed man and then he shed upon upon you. So both got "vaccinated" and now have selfassembling nanoparticles in your blood if Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea could test a sample.

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That pain can be used as learning experience. One of the things one can learn is that actual flesh-and-blood people did this, not the "country," and that the people who did it probably don't think in terms of countries. They have other ideas.

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The jab for sure is a bioweapon and they’re going to try it again with Avian flu BS.

As for “Covid”, I believe they were playing with multiple toxins including a GOF engineered virus to see which was a more effective fear/kill/injure agent.

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What is your opinion of the idea that the GoF research is a distraction?

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So the lableak narrative arose because they knew conspiracy theorists would have doubts surrounding COVID. So they concocted a narrative to funnel those people into the beliefs they wanted them to have.

So they could control the narrative ...

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It very well could be. I'm not ruling out anything by the globopsychohomopedo brigade.

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Yup. They are testing secret stuff all the time. CoViD was a full spectrum operation.

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Hello all. There are numerous methods being utilized for chemical/biological warfare objectives. The 'vaccine' injury horse has been beaten to death, whilst other routes of inoculation go unnoticed. Here's one reference out of many: >>> Aerosols & Recent Events >>> March 13, 2024


Excerpt from title page: “With a “major measles outbreak” being recently reported and malaria in the news last summer, researchers may remember a 2015 article, Atmospheric dispersion modelling of bio aerosols that are pathogenic to humans and livestock, which examines the generation and transport of pathogenic bio aerosols.” [End quote] There are a number of related articles and links provided on the cited page. Thank you once again to Sasha Latypova.

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I think you got it!

When the psy-op started in Italy I thought that the poison was in the flu vaccines. Bergamo was the most vaccinated area in Italy.

But lately the mayor of Francavilla Marittina, decided to test the rain, honey and vegetables in his place. They have found what has been reported as "huge quantities of barium, strontium and aluminum"... I think that they can spray us with literally anything whenever they want.

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Yes. And 'they' DO spray with whatever agent they want. Aerosol release of bacterial agents upon uniformed civilian populations, has been ongoing for over 60 years. It is interesting the human species has been poisoning its own for centuries... Geoengineering (bio-warfare) is just a more recent method...

Hey! Let's train military goons with new poison tricks! Then measure how many people drop dead from the experiment! Yay! Boy we sure are clever!

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Figured it out: Covid is a religion.

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It is also a drinking game;

Anytime someone says 'Pandemic', 'GoF', 'Novel' or PCR-

you take a shot...


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Yes, it is. The followers are called branch covidians. They are best known for their face diapers that they still wear.

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Without meaning to I think you came up with a good metaphor

Either that or I over think stuff:)

As Sasha has shown, two or more things can be true

It is possible to religiously overthink a good metaphor

COVID, like religion, as long as you REALLY REALLY believe in it it doesn't matter if it's true

And being a religion that you desperately believe in you can do ANYTHING in the name of it

Which of course is the whole meaning of the COVID religion. Doing whatever the hell you want to do in the name of it. No apologies. Because it was existential. Says so in the Book of COVID

Chop off heads, mutilate genitals, kill all, kill none, salt the earth, fire and pestilence ,... really there is no bounds to things you can do in the name of COVID that can't be justified

So if you have to murder a few or a million to get your point across, no problem, the religion says it's ok

On thinking about it, ideology as religion is how they roll. Works most effectively. All the big brains in the government control and deception space know this

Commies probably codified it best if not first. Perhaps others but for me I see the commies as the big thinkers in the ideology as religion space. They even invented "Liberation Theology" to cover it. Easily that can cover the ten's perhaps hundreds of millions murdered and starved in it's name. And surely it's good for hundreds of millions more if needed. What's a few COVID deaths next to that?

And you got Climate Change and Gender fluidity and so many other religions. Third rails all of them. Because they're religion. Just try having a rational conversation and god forbid a rational OBJECTION to any of those ideologic religions. Careful, someone may find the need to cut your head off, fire you, de-bank you, tax audit you, whatever it takes. Because you're an existential threat. Says so in the good book

And on reflection that was what COVID was like. Getting sideways with the religion could get you dead, disabled, fired, looted, lose friends and family as it was their duty to rid themselves of infidels. Yes, it was very akin to getting sideways with people in a fervent religion

Of course the Green Hornet Guy summed it up as a Cult:)

Of course he's right, but I don't have the brevity gene

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And some in this religion/cult wanted we the unjabbed, dead! 😵

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I remember commenting to someone in late 2019 and early 2020 that when my bedroom windows were open that what I was breathing felt like tiny sharp particles at times. If the sky is being sprayed constantly you could more easily hide a deluge of poisons falling from it. Coasts are a target and cases of illness running up specific highways sure absolutely suspect. Sick after flying a regular thing now. They have no problem spraying using commercial airlines, do you think they wouldn't spray the inside also? Five people sick after flying their family to Italy. Thanks for all of this important research.

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I live in a very blue state where 95% accepted as many toxic injections that were offered - even after many of them were becoming sicker with each jab! I noticed that those around me had had covid numerous times - only after the synthetic toxic formula was injected. There was no problems at all before the jabs.

I ran around for 3.5 years with no problems, since, I decided at the beginning, anything concocted by using aborted fetal kidney tissues could not be good! Then I began hearing a lot about 'shedding' and was at Christmas Mass 2023. Everyone seemed to be coughing and hacking and 2 days later I woke up with it. Just like you wrote, I had all the symptoms, except hair loss. But the plastic 'synthetic' smell stayed with me for 6 weeks.

Right out of James Geordano playbook it came. There's no doubt in my mind that the whole Dann thing was manufactured by the injections - but I don't understand why they forced virtually everyone into sickness and death - unless it was for genocide!

What a fricking DISGRACE!

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Again on point. Because you CANNOT deny the clinical illness. I tested "positive" PCR, and lost smell for about 1-2 weeks and had unusual aches. And it went through the household, and I got blamed? I too am moving very much into Terrain and moving away from germ theory and yet trying to better understand the cause of clinical illness as part of the Covid 19 "illness". Polio in the 40-50's was due to the pesticide spraying through the neighborhoods. So yes poisoning makes sense. Understanding the full capabilities of the US Government et al, and the very high probability of past behaviors, this makes very "plausible" sense. This would align with DoD, Intelligence and DARPA capabilities and intentions. How can this all be kept so contained and not have whistleblowers coming out. Because this is therefore so premeditated and therefore evil. "just following orders"........ There has to be central planning here, no?

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You write from such a common sense standpoint. Thank you so much.

Your reader that told of her illness used such an accurate description of a “paralysis” of her lungs. That is identical to how I felt also feeling much less infected but more poisoned. It was also as though my diaphragm was in continuous spasms. It lasted months but I knew that as a senior if I wanted to live, I would treat myself at home.

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Highly appreciate these references and ideas as to what may have happened. Thinking about whether it is globally cohesive...did Africa largely get much less "covid" through a lack of deployment infrastructure?

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Let me ask friends in Southern Afrika. I just emailed one of them w the link to Sasha's this article. They were aware of the scam and didn't take the shots and were not vocalising any of the symptoms bk in 2020.

But I do remember Dr Chetty offering early treatments and saying each wave came with a specific racial group. During the first wave it was mostly black Africans and then the second ("Delta") it was mostly Asians (people from the Asian Subcontinent ) and then the third ("Omicron") mostly white Africans. I am curious how they did it.

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Blowing my mind yet again. Every day it's something new. So I finally wrapped my head around the fact the "vaccines" are synetically engineered bioweapons deployed by pharma on behalf of DoD. Now I'm having to wrap my head around the fact that I didn't catch a "virus" but was POISONED by a bio-toxin. My symptoms: body aches, chills, 102 deg. fever that would NOT go lower w/standard meds even after 3-4 days, loss of taste & smell, and the kicker for me that something was really wrong: dizziness. But not your typical "oh I feel like I'm going to fall over" dizzy. This dizziness was like my eyes were wratcheting back and forth rapidly and so was my head; it would happen spontaneously while driving to the grocery store at initial onset of symptoms and freaked me out. Of course my BP administered PCR test which came back as positive for Covid and I was authorized Monoclonal Antibody infusion at the E.R. b/c of my comorbidities (obesity & obstructive sleep apnea, or so I was told, are the reasons I qualified). This was November 2020. After the mAB treatment, I felt worse for 24 hours, then significantly better by days 2-4. Within a week I felt "normal-ish." The loss of taste/smell continued for many months. But 3 years later I still feel more fatigued than I ever did before. Bastards.

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don't use monoclonals. they have more risks than benefit.

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Never again!

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Your dizziness episodes sound like something I get occasionally and call (to myself) vertiginous migraine - It will often start either when I wake up or after a trigger (MSG or fluorescent light exposure) when the onset is sudden and I have to lie still - my eyes get that nystagmus (the ratchteting of the eyes that you mention) and I feel very dizzy - it usually goes away after lying still for a few hours in bed - so that is what I do till it passes. I am then usually exhausted for about a day after. I also get a strong pulsing shushing in my ears that lasts for the dizzy period - like I can hear the blood coursing through the veins near my ear. Hmmm - poison is sounding like a possible explanation of this too - though I first got this as a first year student at college a long time ago!

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Nystagmus... I'll have to look that up. Thank you. Bless your heart...

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A giveaway: the DoD always refers to "chem-bio threats" to warfighters; the "chem-bio space" for countermeasures etc.

Of course, injection is the most reliable way to administer poisons!

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Here is a link to an interesting journal article from 2001 that supports your article about the ability to deploy agents in the food and water to create symptoms of disease. This information makes more sense than the story we've been told about a GOF virus escaping from the WIV lab in China.


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I am astonished Sasha, trying to wrap my mind around the implications of all this. So the climate engineering admittedly being carried out is possibly the method being used to spread the poison, as I see it, and the evidence supports the idea. For example, why did apples, deer, and fish test positive for "Covid", unless it came down from the sky. People report the unusual activity of aircraft regularly. Is this possibly the method being used to poison us at industrial scale? I am leaning toward a YES on that question. Keep those dots coming Sasha, connecting them is inevitable. Thanks again.

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