Causation for covid illness and covid deaths should be evaluated separately.
Causative agent(s) do not have to be the same for various phenomena labeled "covid".
This article expands on my previous writing and speaking about this topic. From my pinned post “Summary of Everything”:
Pandemics do not exist, they are faked by the governments with bio-chemical agents such as synthetic drugs and toxins (not viruses). These are manufactured utilizing “infectious disease research” loophole of the International Bioweapons Convention, and massive amounts of engineered GOF virus fear porn, fake PCR and hospital murder protocols. US Government has a long, well-documented history of deploying chemical, biological and psychological weapons on unsuspecting targets, and on human subjects without proper consent. “Pandemic preparedness” is a murderous government scam, from which a huge parasitic, militaristic industry is deriving profits and power. This Cartel is managed by DARPA/DTRA and DOD-affiliated “defense” consortia which include all federal agencies acting as “One Government” and biopharmaceutical companies, academia, healthcare providers and many other entities.
I am often asked “what was covid”? My answer is “which covid do you mean?” Many things are labeled “covid”: virus, illness, deaths, vaccine injuries, murdering systems and weapons, etc. The labeling comes from the criminal cartel which is running the global murder/enslavement operation. So, why do we take their labels at face value? We should be watchful of the language being imposed on us. Whenever this topic is discussed online, it immediately becomes the target of largely anonymous, very aggressive “virus-no-isolated” trolls. I am pretty sure that the anonymous trolls were spun-up in order to force the online discourse into one of the two false-binary positions:
Viruses exist and so do viral pandemics. This happens to be both, the “evil establishment” position, AND the “moderate” health freedom position; or
Covid virus is a fiction and the illness never existed, it was all fake news, misclassified flu, and all in people’s heads.
The “moderate” credentialed prominent MDs and PhDs are thus fenced into the corral which endorses the criminal lies of the government - the pandemic preparedness racket, because they don’t want to be associated with a bunch of flat earthers online. Very strangely, many of the the “virus-no-isolated”/ “pandemic was faked” commentators quickly become hostile to the suggestion that a synthetic substances could have been used to produce the unique symptoms of illness in some % of the cases. This possibility can explain the symptomatic clinical illness that wasn’t “a flu” and it does not contradict the “non-pandemic” stance, yet they are just as opposed to it as to the idea of zoonotic or GOF viruses. At a minimum, this is is an odd pattern of thinking.
I advise everyone to evaluate any aggressively pushed duality with skepticism. If something is aggressively promoted as “either/or”, it means you need to independently assess the possible answer space, and not fixate on the only 2 options being pushed on you. IMO, both of the above positions are wrong.
I believe it is dishonest to deny real clinical symptoms and tell people it’s all in their heads, for the sake of advancing a pet theory. It’s called gaslighting.
“Covid illness” and “covid death” must be assessed as two different phenomena. They are not necessarily caused by the same thing, although affected populations can overlap:
(1)Unvaccinated people who got ill with characteristic symptoms (not flu) and
(2)People who died and were labeled a “covid case”. These may or may not have originated in group 1.
The above picture is not predicated on the existence of viruses - natural or lab-made!
Regarding the clinical illness, numerous people reported: extremely rapid onset, massive headache unresponsive to normal painkillers, brain fog, fever, vomiting, loss or bizarre changes to sense of taste and smell. These symptoms are consistent with poisoning, not “flu”. Yes, some of these people were maybe just panicking, but a significant number were truly sick. For example, here is a recent comment from a reader:
I never got the jab. I got really ill, not a respiratory illness, but my lungs felt paralyzed. I had vomiting's, couldn't eat, hot and cold with sweats and eventually lost nearly all my hair. I knew I had been poisoned. I believed it was some aerosolized toxin. It was Dec 2020, and I went the whole year mixing with many people in the large stores here in Oz - as the smaller ones were forced to close. No-one was wearing masks at the time. It was supposed to be a pandemic, but I didn't know one person who was ill or even anyone who knew of anyone. Then all of a sudden during Dec 2020 people all up and down our coast got ill, all during the same month. This was a planned operation. You are the first person to confirm my suspicions that I was poisoned and it was most probably from having something dropped from the sky. I would love to know with what I was poisoned?
The illness wasn’t imaginary. “Respiratory viruses” do not cause hair loss. But chemical poisoning is known to cause it, for example, it is a common side effect of toxic chemotherapy agents used in treatments of cancer.
Many doctors figured out how to treat people presenting with these issues. Many valid protocols exist, and include vitamins and fluids that can help the body to detox and get rid of the poison in the system. Yes, ivermectin can be helpful, especially for those low on biff bacteria and vitamins C and D. Yes, you need these things to fight ANY onslaught on your system, and yes, things that give your body some reprieve to fight and detox are helpful. Again, no viruses need to exist to explain why vitamins, fluid and ivermectin seem to work.
The loss of taste and smell that remained often for weeks or months. This is the most unusual characteristic symptom. No "flu" causes this, especially when there are no flu symptoms! Another version of unusual clinical illness included more symptoms in the lungs (feeling like they inhaled sand, extreme pain). The differences may be attributed to different poisoning agents used or differences in the route of delivery (inhalation, ingestion, skin, etc), or total exposure.
If at least some % of the unusual clinical symptoms were caused by a synthetic agent which is not a GOF virus, then what is it?
As I discussed many times, previous attempts at making both lethal and self-spreading bioweapons failed:
Many people mistakenly state that if it is not lethal it’s not a bioweapon. That’s naïve. The US military biowarfare programs long recognized the value of disabling rather than lethal weapons, and in addition, use of fake/hoax weapons is as long as the human history itself. With advances in chemical synthesis techniques and more scaled, faster and cheaper genetic sequencing, synthetic drugs and toxins inspired by naturally found bio-toxins became possible.
Even Wikipedia recognizes that bioweapons can be simulated, and DO NOT HAVE TO BE DEADLY (Note - this article on Wiki is full of false info, but the quoted part is non-controversial):
Biological weapons may be employed in various ways to gain a strategic or tactical advantage over the enemy, either by threats or by actual deployments. Like some chemical weapons, biological weapons may also be useful as area denial weapons. These agents may be lethal or non-lethal, and may be targeted against a single individual, a group of people, or even an entire population. They may be developed, acquired, stockpiled or deployed by nation states or by non-national groups. In the latter case, or if a nation-state uses it clandestinely, it may also be considered bioterrorism.
[…] Toxins and psychochemical weapons are often referred to as midspectrum agents. Unlike bioweapons, these midspectrum agents do not reproduce in their host and are typically characterized by shorter incubation periods.
“Synthetic biology” (a misnomer which I will address in future posts) includes several approaches. One is to force unnatural properties onto living things. So-called “gain-of-function” research falls into this category, and, for the most part, it’s a lavishly taxpayer-funded militarized academic boondoggle and a science dead end. Nature is not controllable by the psychopaths at DARPA/NIH/CDC/academia. While there may be some “successful” lab tricks such as the Nobel prize winning HIV virus which nobody has ever seen in a blood sample of an AIDS patient, these productions typically fail when attempted at scale.
Therefore, weaponization of natural pathogens is both, legally prohibited and very likely to fail if attempted reproducibly at scale. I will address this more fully in another article.
However, another, potentially more fruitful approach is to use non-biological materials (chemical synthesis) to mimic biological processes or effects, i.e. “bio-mimetics”. This approach has been used to successfully skirt the Biological Weapons Convention. While Article I of BWC codifies the customary law prohibition against weaponizing biological material or pathogens, the agreement does not necessarily cover the development of bio-mimetics. These materials maybe weaponized into non-biological agents that alter biological organisms, including host microbiome, challenging the definition of “biological material”. This branch of synthetic chemistry has created a grey area space in the BWC law which many state actors seem to be eager to exploit.
Non-deadly bio-mimetics also fit the category of hoax bioweapons, a legal term and is mentioned in the US bioterrorism law. Their use does not create any real pandemic of course, it's just a bit of poisoning to add elements of realism, and then a lot of fakery.
790.166 Manufacture, possession, sale, delivery, display, use, or attempted or threatened use of a weapon of mass destruction or hoax weapon of mass destruction prohibited; definitions; penalties.—
790.166(1)(b) “Hoax weapon of mass destruction” means any device or object that by its design, construction, content, or characteristics appears to be or to contain, or is represented to be, constitute, or contain, a weapon of mass destruction as defined in this section, but which is, in fact, an inoperative facsimile, imitation, counterfeit, or representation of a weapon of mass destruction which does not meet the definition of a weapon of mass destruction or which does not actually contain or constitute a weapon, biological agent, toxin, vector, or delivery system prohibited by this section
Therefore, the answer to “what was covid” is both simple and complex.
The simple answer - US (and other governments) have ALWAYS engaged in poisoning people while developing and testing various biological and chemical weapons. James Giordano of DOD describes this as a pandemic faking script in his presentations in 2017.
Step 1: Poison a few people in a few geographic locations (“sentinel cases”) with a drug (chemical toxin or bio-toxin) that causes “highly morbid” central nervous system (CNS) effects . [I told you “covid” was a synthetic toxin, didn’t I?]
Step 2: Pretend it was “a bug, a virus modified with CRISPR Cas9” (what James means here is - “oops, forget what I just told you 45 seconds ago about A DRUG. I really-really mean a bioengineered GOF virus!!”)
In addition, many poisoning techniques do not involve biologics. Pesticides can be used (there are 18,000 approved ones in the US). Novichok (and other nerve agents) is made from 2 legal pesticides mixed on delivery. So, it can be mass produced, transported, stored and violate no laws. I do not believe pesticides and nerve agents were used to seed covid symptoms (they are very different), but if we suddenly start having “polio” outbreaks, it is a hallmark of these agents. I am including a list of books and references on the US bio-chemical poisoning development that Katherine Watt has compiled.
It is hard for me to imagine that the US government and its military allies are not doing it this time around. This is a routine part of their script.
What exact toxin(s) were used? This is impossible to answer definitively. Designer toxins are impossible to identify without specialized labs, and even then, you need to know what you are looking for and have validated assays to find it. The only thing we have to go by is clinical presentation. That's why I believe it is dishonest to ignore the clinical signs and people's reports and tell them it's all in their head.
Just to provide some examples, loss of taste and smell can be induced by chemical poisoning:
Toxin-induced chemosensory dysfunction: A case series and review
Toxic chemical exposures are estimated to account for 1–5% of all olfactory disorders. Both olfactory neurons and taste buds are in direct contact with environmental agents because of their relatively unprotected anatomic locations…
Loss of taste and smell and anorexia can also be induced by some versions of synthetic anthrax toxin. Note - this is NOT b.anthracis. Unlike the controlled, BWC-prohibited and hard-to-get b.anthacis, the synthetic anthrax toxin factors can be produced legally, can be bought from commercial manufacturers, and then just assembled on delivery. One combination: Edema Factor + Protective Antigen is non-deadly, but was shown to produce a "mild illness" with cough and anorexia in monkeys.
Another designer synthetic biologic toxin is crystalline brucella toxin. Like the anthrax synthetic toxin, it's not a biological organism nor derived from it. It is a chemically synthesized analog, a designer drug or bio-mimetic. It is sprayed on the target population, and various other delivery methods (mosquito as a vector) have been tested. Like most biological weapons, it poses the highest danger to those who deploy it. It causes chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple sclerosis to such a reliable degree, that US DOD stated in military discharge documents: "Veterans with multiple sclerosis, a kind of creeping paralysis developing to a degree of 10% or more disability within two years after separation from active service, may be presumed to be service-connected for disability compensation. Compensation is payable to eligible veterans whose disabilities are due to service." By symptomatology it has some overlap with "long covid" reported in unvaccinated people.
Other sources of clues on what poisoning agents may be in use we should refer to the US Gov PREP Act declarations. Current declarations include: anthrax, pesticides and nerve agents, ebola, marburg, zika, influenza, botulinum toxin, covid, and radiation poisoning. All PREP Act declarations are dual-use, they provide liability immunity for those who deploy the toxins and for those who deploy the countermeasures that ostensibly treat the toxins (which are all weapons, especially the vaccines). Thus, all these declarations are simply declaring a class of weaponry that the US is currently deploying.
To be continued…
Art for today: Viewing the Japanese Maples, watercolor, 8x8in.
Yes! They love to disguise hospital 'protocol' murder as Covid deaths!
Thank you for this. Until now, I had yet to read a straightforward article about what happened to those of us who “caught” something profoundly different than the flu. I got this in Jan 2020- before I’d ever heard of Covid- and told everyone it felt like I’d been poisoned though I had some “flu-like symptoms," I knew it was something “weird.” My breathing was what was startling- out of nowhere difficult and crackly/raspy like I’d never had in my life. My recovery was also extremely slow and my fatigue took many weeks to resolve, very much unlike recovering from a typical illness. Interestingly I had spent time in a hospital (just visiting but for days) right before my symptoms began.
I know it wasn’t normal, and I had a fear something was terribly wrong. Now I know why.
Also adding- I had eaten food including pre-made ribs from a supermarket on a Friday and vomited that night — but did not get the brink-of-death symptoms (no more vomiting) until the following Tuesday.
This was in Los Angeles.