Major kudos to Neil for risking his job to have you and Debbie on to discuss the dossier!

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yeah, I don't want him to get fired. I am impressed that he responded so quickly and scheduled this interview, though. That takes some courage!

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I did find it a little unsettling that when Sasha brings up the origins, Debbie clearly cuts her off and says we need to focus strictly on the Covid “response.” But isn’t it important to discuss what this really was and what was behind it? It felt very steered in one direction.

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Think we've had a discussion before about Neil Marg, it's clearly controlled OP, follow the cash.... Do you really believe it's HIS decision?

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Not clearly from my perspective as Neil has been more outspoken than anyone else in his position about the depopulation agenda (https://rumble.com/v3goc14-neil-oliver-war-on-humanity...-managed-extinction-of-useless-eaters..html), the role of the philanthropaths (repeatedly using that term in his monologues), Mistakes Were NOT Made, and now the military/intelligence’s global coordination of the COVID operation. If he is CO, he is doing a great service to those of us trying to spread the sinister reality of what is occurring to a broader audience, so I’m grateful ;-)

I do realize he is controlled to the extent that GB News will only allow him to go so far, but he does step beyond those boundaries on his personal channel, which is still risky because of their history of axing presenters who color outside the self-censorship lines.

In my mind, the whole question of whether he or anyone else is CO without actual evidence is just a waste of our time and energy as it causes us to divert our attention from the actual and obvious enemies perpetrating the killing, tyranny, and menticidal propaganda. I won’t belabor the point here as I’ve written about it elsewhere so will just point you to these if you’d like more details:



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Hello Margaret Anna Rice. I read your linked page "Rites of the Tear-Downers" and enjoyed both the poetry and essential message.

The 'alter-net' has become bloated with self-righteousness accusation toward "controlled opposition". The tear-downers disparage and insult the author, rather than examining the content of what was presented. Me thinks the practice of tearing down is self defeating. >>>

“It is not wise to throw boomerangs in hallways made of mirrors” - Paul Vonharnish - (9/30/2014)

I enjoyed your poetry... Best regards.

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Thank you so much for your thoughtful observations and kind words, Paul! I wholeheartedly agree, and thanks also for that brilliant quote, which I’m saving for later deployment :-)

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Fair enough to a degree however I can't abide someone who kisses the UK's once Chief Parasite's ring/hand at a tea party for the elites and our ultimate controllers whom he's supposedly working against without questioning the salute and his overall integrity. There are 'celebs,' Musicians and so on and so forth that have and do turn down OBE'S CBE's etc etc for I'm assuming probably the right reasons.

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I wasn’t aware of that and whether it was before or after his awakening, but I do know his views led to his resignation as a Royal Society of Edinburgh fellow (https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/23777566.neil-oliver-presenter-rse-part-ways/) and earned him hit pieces from the likes of “The Guardian” (https://www.thenational.scot/news/23306565.gb-news-urged-stop-indulging-conspiracy-theories/), so those are points in his favor ;-)

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Do you need to be 'awake' to know that all Royals are parasites, surely common sense alone should prevail here, especially with the UK's Royals connections to Saville and Mumsie paying off 12 mill of taxpayers cash to stop Andrew's prosecution and connections to pedo Island

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Point taken, but those revelations only came out to the general public in recent years, and Brits are indoctrinated from birth to deflect to the Crown, so for someone living in Normieland, that would be standard operating procedure.

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Holy smokes.

GB News is pretty much in the normiesphere.

This is WILD.

If I see you on Australian state media I will die of shock!

Edit: and where are my manners - nice work.

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It's likely not to be aired on TV online only. See the chain of events vs Neil's 'career' with GBN. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/gb-newsthe-peoples-channel-exposed?utm_source=publication-search

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Thanks for the link to the discussion.

I have been wondering how Neil Oliver managed to remain so outspoken. It looks as if his freedom to speak is curtailed, but it does not look to be his fault. It is clearly a balancing act requiring some bravery on his part.

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Nah not buying it ‘bravery’ tbh and if he was really serious about Scottish inquiry he’d been reposting clips on X and telling people to follow my substack and constantly discussing follow up reports on his more popular Youtube channel.. instead, nothing. The way he has been treated at GBN anyone with a real sense of purpose would have left. Instead he is demoted many times over to mainly online shows. It all seems very shallow to me. eg-Donate to his Patreon for ''just the price of a cup a coffee'' to get exclusive early access to content. Real truths that serve humanity should be free to all. I don't expect this will be promoted by Neil either nor will he be in attedance despite just a half hour drive away from Stirling.. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/the-peoples-covid-conferencescottish

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I cannot agree. Quite possibly Neil values the opportunity to reach some people and keep some sort of public profile. If he left his voice would just be lost. I accept that it is hard for you not to find more spokesmen for your work on the Scottish Covid Enquiry, but it appears that the resistance is just too small at the moment to drive the points home that need to be made. It sounds as if the resistance is just you and Neil Oliver in Scotland, and that is not big enough to publicly promote the complex and detailed evidence thrown up by the enquiry. 😒. He knows how far he can go.

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I actually don't care who covers 'my research' tbh which is not quite accurate as it's simply direct footage taken from a public inquiry i've just took the time to watch it but i do find it extremely odd (and i call this out often) is those with big following as COVID critics, 'freedom' proponents etc are pretty much mute on what has been stated often as fact in favour of other often dubious topics. I sadly do not count Neil as real resistance in Scotland. Your last point ''he knows how far he can go'' means is therefore controlled by the establishment he claims to be against but that would still be no excuse not to talk on a consistent basis about an official public inquiry happening under his nose which is a safe topic. The evidence thrown up by the inquiry is VERY simple not complex and THE most important of the 'COVID' era.

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I think your work is extremely valuable. But the SCI released devastating facts, and touching on them publicly would result in immediate shutdown of a voice. I hope (and expect) that the time will come when you can get the work you have collated released and discussed.

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Thanks. Below is a link to a very interesting paper which connects many of the actors on the world stage and their prior attempts at depopulation. Covid-19 and Illegal US Bioweapons activity, an insider’s revelation J. Bart Classen, MD https://www.scivisionpub.com/pdfs/covid19-and-illegal-us-bioweapons-activity-an-insiders-revelations-2432.pdf

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Neil Oliver is a true hero, I’ve been following him from the start of his “conspiracy theory” days.

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excellent. now i understand the WHY. justification for global surveillance apparatus to control and manage the individual.

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Fantastic work Sasha and Debbie. There is a bitchute video link in this article https://theylied.substack.com/p/theylied-the-global-covid-event-was


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Sasha, are you familiar with this CDC document?

Interim Pre-pandemic Planning Guidance:

Community Strategy for Pandemic Influenza Mitigation in the United States

- Early, Targeted, Layered Use of Nonpharmaceutical Interventions

CDC, February, 2007


This CDC document from 2007 declares that the seasonal flu is a Pandemic Severity Level 1

Do you see what this means in relation to what you and Debbie are saying about how pandemics are declared, what is a pandemic, what the definition of pandemic is? Seasonal Influenza *IS* considered a pandemic! Level 1. This means every single year prior to 2020 we endured pandemics. Nothing new. Not requiring any new intervention. Even what the CDC said was a Level 5 pandemic, Spanish Flu level, didn't call for any of the pandemic response.

I'll have you note that this guide you will find on the CDC website has been revised and updated many times since 2007. I noticed the revisions between when I first read it in early 2020 and when I read it again in September, 2020. The masking area had been edited. I wished I had saved the version prior to September, 2020. But because I knew it had been revised I decided to download that version in the event it was revised again. And it was!! By June, 2022 it had been revised. Again!

The most noticeable revisions that jumped out at me were the visualizations. Where the recommended interventions for the most severe pandemic levels were blanked out. Why would they blank out visualizations on an archived CDC guidance document? Here they are saved side by side:

Pandemic Severity Index by Epidemiological Characteristics


Summary of Community Mitigation Strategies by Pandemic Severity


I suspect it has something to do with studies of pandemic "skeptics" like this January, 2021 study about how effective "skeptics" are at using data visualizations:

Viral Visualizations: How Coronavirus Skeptics Use Orthodox

Data Practices to Promote Unorthodox Science Online

MIT, January, 2021


So this comment I'm making shows that the CDC says we go through a Level 1 Pandemic every single flu season, the word pandemic wasn't considered a major concern. And that the CDC was going back and editing and revising prior pandemic guidance documents, and who knows what else. Interesting?

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Thanks for showing that the CDC is continually changing their documents to bolster the current agenda.

The Vaccine Excipient Summary has disappeared from the CDC site, which will refer you to the "Pink Book." So making it more difficult to find the declared ingredients of vaccines. Major editing occurred between the 2017 version and the 2020 version, like renaming ingredients such as specifically named animal cells to "host cell protein and DNA."

Some copies of the Excipient list may still be found on other websites.


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I would suggest readers here to leave comments on YT to completely overwhelm the deniers that are contradicting people's real experiences and observations under this video. I did.

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Great interview. So glad to see your important information making it to more and more audiences.

Thank you for all you are doing.

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I now understand that the world is a game board to those who run it. Countries are simply company divisions of a conglomerate.

Like in corporate culture, there are factions and I believe the American oligarchs backing the new manager, Trump, are at odds with another faction of the conglomerate. The leadership of the “American” subsidiary is throwing juicy bones to its workers aka citizens lately whilst it cements eternal power for Musk et al as they “restructure” the American subsidiary.

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Operation Covid was planned long before 2020.

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This is where Debbie cut Sasha off. It feels all too familiar.

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Well we are at 80 thousand views on YouTube when I watched it just now so hopefully it stays up and the embers of this spread like fire.

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Truth is a burden but only Truth can set you free. Deeply grateful to you and Debbie and all who have assisted and promoted this work.

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Lovely summary, thank you all.

Blessings and appreciation from Sydney Australia.

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Well done and very brave, Sasha, Debbie and Neil.

Glad to see Neil taking you up on his programme. His interview technique was very intelligent, with well placed questions and summaries. I wondered about Neil, he used to work for the dreaded BBC - and he is outspoken on his show but somehow not censored or taken down - I am glad my suspicions were wrong.

"Public Health" is now a means of controlling and militarily attacking defenceless populations.

Just a thought - there is a lot of information in this interview which would be difficult to absorb for someone who is new to this. Maybe think about simplifying and prioritising the points?

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Just remember though Neil has nought to say about all this occuring just 30 miles away in Edinburgh from his Stirling doorstep. Contacted multiple times. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiryclosing

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I've seen a couple of videos of Neil discussing the Scottish Covid Inquiry and the 'end of life care' scam.



There's another longer video that I don't remember watching on his Patreon channel, with Clare Craig (who is in the second video). I'm guessing that might also touch on the inquiry, but don't know.

There might be more - I can't keep up with everything!

Your work has been phenomenal (pun not intended!), thanks.

Clare C is speaking at the people's covid inquiry conference on 22nd Feb. in Edinburgh. Presume you'll be there?

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I have all the clips Neil/Scottish inquiry on my substack. He should have done much more though vs inquiry when he was put on to it all but he did a few shows, ticked the box, went phew and quickly moved onto other topics. Not once did he either promote my substack page so Scots could find out more or in the past year+ has reposted ANY fo the inquiry clips on X despite being copied in. (@GeoFio8 account)=a friend. He also has said NOTHING about 2024 HSC closing statements which is shocking and should make everyone question his ‘freedom’ credentials. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiryclosing No i won’t be going to the event but i have promoted it on here and wish it well. I read Clare will be speaking about COVID ‘vaccines’ and not the inquiry evidence. Oh, do you think Neill will be promoting this conference on his X and Youtube any-time soon? He should be attendance surely? I suspect not. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/the-peoples-covid-conferencescottish

Thanks for the compliment.

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Thanks for your reply. I've wondered about Neil a few times, for various reasons. He seems genuine but I know he's considered controlled op by some because of various interviewers he's spoken with and the bits he won't say. I take your points. I also read elsewhere that Clare C was involved in subduing Mike Y's evidence, so there is obviously a lot of censorship and self-censorship going on among the 'freedom' crowd (in addition to the very obvious Tier 2 group). I'm not expecting to find out anything I don't already know from the conference on 22nd. I thought I should make an effort to meet some local dissidents in person!

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Always remain critical Sheila. Especially v those that are popular and making money in this space being part of brand 'freedom'. The fact Neil CHOSE to ignore the HSC closing statements is a red flag to me. THE biggest truth bombs of all occuring in his own backyard. It indicates his initital curiosity/shock at the inquiry was feined, he genuinely was wasn't THAT interested and it was only covered due to pressure and was simply a tick box exercise. Best get this out the way?! This is what has happened with the inquiry no matter who has covered it and very often it's a one off with no follow ups. Bizarre! The 'alt' often gave me the same excuses about lack of time and too many other subjects etc but that doesn't fly. I've done 99% of the work for free and it would take only 10mins to speak about it on a big platform regularly each week. However it is still avoided like a real plague. I hope the conference goes well and is fully booked. I wasn't going to pay someone £25 to hear others speak about what i have documented for 18 months and know the most about.

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Just because someone used to work for the BBC, Military, Police or even the UN or parliament doesn't mean they are on the dark side of history.

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No, but what made me wonder was his ability to be outspoken and stay up. Biologyphenom has explained above that not all his presentations go on TV but are corralled (quarantined) online.

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I wonder why Neil is not promoting this conference on his Youtube and X feeds and also personally boosting the profile of event by being in attendance? Edinburgh is a 30min drive from Stirling. At least i can buy him a coffee though. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/the-peoples-covid-conferencescottish

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After Neil spoke about Scottish inquiry he was consistently demoted to the point he should have left GBN. Would you put up with that treatment if an outspoken voice and defender of freedom? I wouldn't. He also has the resources to go solo like his own YT channel. I see GBN as a way of revealling some truths but in a way it doesn't reach enough people who afterwards quickly lose focus when the next narrative arrives. I've never lost focus on what matters most as a Scot.

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''History''...Neil is a historian and the following bombshell evidence outlining the most egregious human rights abuses in modern memory for the West was spoken of and CONFIRMED 7 MONTHS ago in Edinburgh just 30 miles away from the Coast Guy's Stirling doorstep. That is NOT on the right side of history, i can discern that much and i simply ask why the silence over it? Neil is far from alone on this matter within the 'alt' media 'freedom' influencer space.


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I suppose he can't be all things to all men.

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But that's what his MO actually is. He covers every topic under the sun (helps to remain relevant and get the views) whilst ignoring what transpired just 30 miles away from his doorstep. History making stuff in all truth with egregious human rights abuses confirmed. Indefensible to be in the 'freedom' space particulary as a Scot and to know about it yet ignore it. At least Doc Malik from Glasgow has completely ignored it.

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NO is well known and loved by his audience and I suppose GBN would lose many viewers if he left, which gives him some control over his output and speech, but within certain boundaries only. As a broadcaster he would know what he can get away with. I think you are too hard on him. Not everyone who cannot fulfil our immediate wishes is controlled opposition.

Harakiri will not get him much traction.

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He doesn't exactly what to be hated if he's asking people to buy him a coffee and subscribe to his Patreon. Which is his perogative of course but real truth should always be free no hidden and for ONLY for those that can pay. That's elitist. Anyone can be 'nice' and tell you what you want to hear and sadly i've seen alot of that in the 'freedom' space which is a competieitve business arena. eg-I note i could go bankrupt supporting all my fave influencers and attending the events. I don't require people to fulfil any of my wishes i maintain a critical approach not just with those in the mainstream. With regards to Neil ignoring the HSC closing statements that's defending the indefensible. He should have been all over that. But like everyone else, they are nowhere. The biggest truth bombs of the 'COVID' era. Meh! This is also an important part of the 'COVID' story being documented.

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Thanks so much! Great work!

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