I am (a non-paying freeloader) a subscriber to Meryl Nass's substack. I'll have to go back and read that one because I haven't had a chance. I remember she mentioned it a couple of weeks back wondering what this was about.
Do you happen to know the date? I've just checked and am not seeing specifically where she has recently referred to t…
I am (a non-paying freeloader) a subscriber to Meryl Nass's substack. I'll have to go back and read that one because I haven't had a chance. I remember she mentioned it a couple of weeks back wondering what this was about.
Do you happen to know the date? I've just checked and am not seeing specifically where she has recently referred to the "no virus" BS.
I think the idea that there are no viruses is a bunch of crap.
To be honest it's disappointing. Nass's approach seems almost deceptive - reminiscent of the mainstream's media's approach to her in fact.
She essentially ridicules the "no virus" theory by mischaracterizing their position, and setting up straw men.
I am by no means certain that the no virus crew are correct, but their arguments are much stronger than Nass allows, and Nass's piece is rife with logical fallacies.
(b) Just out of interest, why do you think the "no-virus" idea is a bunch of crap? FWIW I thought that for some time, but then I delved into the matter (not a massive delve - but I spent about three days looking into it, and exchanged e-mails with some people in both camps) and came to the conclusion that - at the very least - viruses were very, very far from proven to be the cause of diseases.
I was looking for it, too, and even replied to one of her regularly-appearing subs on that post but haven't found it, will need to look some more, I may have "starred" the post. Was it the one a few days ago about why Davos is so interested in Disease X? That said, I distinctly remember that Meryl did in fact cover this very topic, within the past week or so. I believe since last Sunday.
So you'll need to explain why DO A$$holes like you exist? You're a "stuffed" piece of ignorant lie-spreading crap. Now go "stuff" it back to your "D.o.D.dy."
I get it: there is a SMORGASBORG of vectors delivering covid to us: 5G, parasites, snake venom, graphene....but above all: NO VIRUSES! Huh?!!
Dr, Yeadon was posting comments on Sage Hana's Substack, so I asked him about this and he verified it:
"Bacteriophages, or phages, are viruses that specifically target bacteria. Phage therapy involves using phages to treat bacterial infections. Phages are everywhere. From the soil to our guts, there are thousands of different types."
So, if I'm correctly understanding it, a virus can affect the cells of bacteria, but not cells of the human body. So as a result, the good bacteria that our bodies harbor and that we need to be healthy would be infected by viruses and we would get then become sick as a result.
While I'll say "not so sure" about pseudonym pack of writers parading as one "Sage Hana," a la "Tyler Durden" at zerohedge, I'll also say "EXACTLY," regarding this B.S. And I'm going to ask Dr. Nass to write a post on her substack revealing exactly what this "There is NO SUCH THING as VIRUSES" is really all about, the people behind it, their intent, "qui bono," and additionally, the people who eagerly want to believe the Lying Liars Leading the "charge" right into the clutches of the Billionaire Bullshitters intent on dragging humanity back into the dark ages, and worse.
Imbeciles outsource their brains to others. Next Nass tells her fans to get injected against disease x and you'll all line up for your shot and you'll deserve it.
2. Why specifically do you think the no-virus story is BS? You can see from my other comments that I'm not certain that there are no viruses, but equally - having spent some time looking into it, I think the "no-virus" people make some strong points and it would be hard to describe their arguments as "BS". Which of their arguments in particular cause you to believe that the whole thing is BS?
I am (a non-paying freeloader) a subscriber to Meryl Nass's substack. I'll have to go back and read that one because I haven't had a chance. I remember she mentioned it a couple of weeks back wondering what this was about.
Do you happen to know the date? I've just checked and am not seeing specifically where she has recently referred to the "no virus" BS.
I think the idea that there are no viruses is a bunch of crap.
I think this is the article: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/the-no-viruses-exist-cult-has-been
To be honest it's disappointing. Nass's approach seems almost deceptive - reminiscent of the mainstream's media's approach to her in fact.
She essentially ridicules the "no virus" theory by mischaracterizing their position, and setting up straw men.
I am by no means certain that the no virus crew are correct, but their arguments are much stronger than Nass allows, and Nass's piece is rife with logical fallacies.
(a) I would be interested in that article too.
(b) Just out of interest, why do you think the "no-virus" idea is a bunch of crap? FWIW I thought that for some time, but then I delved into the matter (not a massive delve - but I spent about three days looking into it, and exchanged e-mails with some people in both camps) and came to the conclusion that - at the very least - viruses were very, very far from proven to be the cause of diseases.
I was looking for it, too, and even replied to one of her regularly-appearing subs on that post but haven't found it, will need to look some more, I may have "starred" the post. Was it the one a few days ago about why Davos is so interested in Disease X? That said, I distinctly remember that Meryl did in fact cover this very topic, within the past week or so. I believe since last Sunday.
Viruses is all fakery.
The kooks had >70 years to prove otherwise.
There are pictures of viruses. You're not a real human. You're a fake.
"There are pictures of viruses"
Gee, I haven't heard that one in a long time!
Either you're not up to speed or you're a fraudster yourself - I strongly suspect the later!
Now get stuffed.
So you'll need to explain why DO A$$holes like you exist? You're a "stuffed" piece of ignorant lie-spreading crap. Now go "stuff" it back to your "D.o.D.dy."
Thanks - everybody see now you're exposed.
How original-- that's what I already told everyone about YOU.
These 'no virus' people are really insufferable.
I get it: there is a SMORGASBORG of vectors delivering covid to us: 5G, parasites, snake venom, graphene....but above all: NO VIRUSES! Huh?!!
Dr, Yeadon was posting comments on Sage Hana's Substack, so I asked him about this and he verified it:
"Bacteriophages, or phages, are viruses that specifically target bacteria. Phage therapy involves using phages to treat bacterial infections. Phages are everywhere. From the soil to our guts, there are thousands of different types."
They do not, however, infect humans.
Apologies - I stand corrected.
So, if I'm correctly understanding it, a virus can affect the cells of bacteria, but not cells of the human body. So as a result, the good bacteria that our bodies harbor and that we need to be healthy would be infected by viruses and we would get then become sick as a result.
While I'll say "not so sure" about pseudonym pack of writers parading as one "Sage Hana," a la "Tyler Durden" at zerohedge, I'll also say "EXACTLY," regarding this B.S. And I'm going to ask Dr. Nass to write a post on her substack revealing exactly what this "There is NO SUCH THING as VIRUSES" is really all about, the people behind it, their intent, "qui bono," and additionally, the people who eagerly want to believe the Lying Liars Leading the "charge" right into the clutches of the Billionaire Bullshitters intent on dragging humanity back into the dark ages, and worse.
Imbeciles outsource their brains to others. Next Nass tells her fans to get injected against disease x and you'll all line up for your shot and you'll deserve it.
1. What do you believe it is all about?
2. Why specifically do you think the no-virus story is BS? You can see from my other comments that I'm not certain that there are no viruses, but equally - having spent some time looking into it, I think the "no-virus" people make some strong points and it would be hard to describe their arguments as "BS". Which of their arguments in particular cause you to believe that the whole thing is BS?
They were claimed as pictures viruses. It was based on Electron Microscope pictures. Those are artifacts