Sasha,I was in my car, in line for the injection until I read the “release of liability “. I said WTF; pulled out of line and was convinced that it was a bio weapon and this was in early 2020. I started my research path which led to you. Glad I found you.

We have all lost trust and I’m watching very closely to see if the bullshit story OWS will be rescinded.

I’m not excited to hear you addressing the political aspect…. Politicians are ALL bullshit artists!!

I appreciate your mind and your watercolors.


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Thanks, i never saw the "release of liability," for astra-zeneca injection in the UK which i was pressured at work into getting. . But within a minute after the injection felt I had been energetically raped, had no energy, felt gutted, and my coworkers all got Pfizer shots and they were all sick for days, some for a week, some never felt OK ever again, but never raised any formal complaints at work. Then everyone at work kept getting covid despite the shots or really because the 3rd most common side effect from pfizer/Moderna shots is getting covid. Everyone was afraid of saying no, that is fascism.

So getting poisoned makes us healthier and strengthens our herd immunity?

The public believes (or has been brain washed into believing) vaccines are good for us and just go along. How many deaths will it take for them to realize they were not safe and effective but actually toxic and will result in premature death due to turbo cancer, sudden strokes or heart attacks, aka SADS?

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Many normies cannot admit their mistakes, especially if they gave their children the jab

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Spam alert!

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I assume you meant "early 2021"... ?

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Possibly…. I had been nasal swabbed twice in my vehicle ( Florida) and it was the very beginning of the panic

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My Favorite Parts Of Covid:


That No One Of Exceptional Intelligence Will Ever Take A Doctor Of Medicine Seriously Again.

Nor Will Their Children.


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“Probably the most important scientific development of the twentieth century is that economics replaced curiosity as the driving force behind research

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"It was probably managed by Hollywood people." I agree and would name Ari Emanuel and his companies. The ear thing was pure WWE/Showbiz. The old Hollywood movie Wag the Dog is a great revelation of the method. It is also very entertaining. Here is a link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/MKbbYD082Hyg

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My question about the virus issue is; what about herpes? Recurrent vesicular blisters caused by a virus that lies dormant in neural tissue with intermittent outbreaks and medication effective at suppressing the outbreaks. Where does this fit?

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IMO it's another version of autoimmune attack due to vaccines. This can be a reaction to a specific vaccine or cross-reaction. I did not look into herpes specifically, maybe other authors covered it.

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Hi BC,

Yes some of the immediate side effects from the mRNA was herpes outbreaks. For me, I had suffered from herpes outbreaks as a young adult but had them under control until the astra-zen injection in early 2021.

Once injected, my immunity was trashed, and I had continuous herpes mouth sores and external blisters outbreaks for months until I started drinking high quality pineneedle tea, taking extra vit C, pinebark extract.

However, it's taken years to stop the autoimmune attack caused by the spike protein i started producing and this hideous self producing spike protein has been attacking the endothelial lining of veins, arteries, affecting circulation.

Now am still dealing with asastra-zen caused aggravated back/neck pain and reduced mobility and sluggish metabolism from nearly 4 years ago early 2021 .

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Horrible. I am sorry to hear this. I was born during the time when there were few vaccines. I did have them back then and had the hep B series as a young adult (I got very sick that year and always thought it was flu until recently). I was able to avoid the COVID bioweapon injections and will never accept another injection. I have older children who got multiple vaccines in the late 90's/early '00s. They are typical for their generation. I have younger children now and they have had no shots of any kind. They are all very healthy. I hope you recover. God bless you.

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I never caught the various childhood illnesses so it's a mystery to me.. If I get a sore lip i put hypericum on it and the soreness goes away . I was taught that we all have multiple enduring infections that our immune system keeps on top of, my Dr partner was taught more about 'active' infection and 'fighting' it off... As far as I recall neither of us were taught anything about vaxes contributing to these symptoms. Researcher friends are investigating the idea that various 'germs' all communicate with each other and decide when to attack us.. thus herpes in you and your dog might join forces with herpes and bacteria etc in me and collude to 'bring me down' to suit their own purposes. I do find it fascinating that people are researching so many different perspectives.

I'm in a community with many unjabbed children and I've not noticed any coming down with herpes or anything rash-like... so I do wonder.

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"The Race" is stunning! It is hugely difficult to get this level of resolution in water color format. Bravo!

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Great interview. A growing number understand that vaccines are poison, but showcasing the Richet research on anaphylaxis is a great new insight regarding the many new health problems we've seen over the past few decades.

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I agree with not trusting the trillionaires it's like putting trust in Billy Gates and Elon Musk! How interesting that injecting proteins is causing anaphylaxis and allergies. I had anaphylaxis shock after Heb B and other injections when 50 as just did nursing training and NHS makes you have them; this caused real problems with immune system later on! Sasha always interesting and totally aware woman; a real scientist! A lot of people are not TOLD they just feel disempowered - like we do in France where we will be deported back to the UK if we say anything - anyway, not vaxxed and don't want to be dead or put in a billy gates kiers starma death pod!

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I think this whole switch into banning and regulating food is coordinated. We already know that eating far less meat is one of the sustainable development goals and will be a big part of the social credit scoring they are looking to impose. So setting up this whole debate feeds into what they want to do next. Speaking of that did anyone notice that Trump's co-chair for his transition team who became his pick to lead Commerce was Howard Lutnick. Mr. Carbon Tax himself.

Anyway I'm glad you're staying on point focusing on the bioweapons, Sasha. What happened in 2020 can never be forgotten. It's like we're on the highway to hell and that was the last exit we just drove past. The window for repentance will eventually close.

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exactly. Highway to Hell. I like Chris Rea :)

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Excellent informed comment El--On Muskrat ..like lutnick ..the churl...champions the satanic anti real science Carbon Tax**

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It's all theatre. They are all actors. It's all scripted. We are the paying audience cheering on the crimes and idolizing the criminals so long as they keep the GMO popcorn cow-free buttered up and microwaved. Long ago people stopped using common sense. It isn't overrated. Make common sense great again.

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You're so right Kellie! They're all actors on a stage. Common sense was replaced with 🧠 washing that's iron clad! It's nearly impossible to get through to these people! It's hard to watch especially when it's a loved one. Refusing to even look into it.

They all have Stockholm Syndrome, they worship the abusers!

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I discovered the concept of *Antigenic Sin* a few years ago. The Antigenic concept may apply to anaphylactic reactions to 'vaccines' as well. > A quote from the cited page: REACTION TO THE HOSKINS PARADOX: "While year-to-year variation in the actual VE was observed, the overall conclusion was that there was no clear evidence of an effect of repeat vaccination.

Subsequently, Beyer et al produced an extensive analysis of repeat vaccination, which evaluated the trials that determined actual efficacy in preventing laboratory-confirmed influenza. While there was heterogeneity in the effect of repeat vaccination, overall there was no consistent negative effect.

Smith et al, in reviewing this meta-analysis, noted the heterogeneity and attributed the variability to antigenic distance between vaccine strains and circulating strains (ie, the greater the antigenic distance the less likely that prior-year vaccination would have an effect on VE)." [End quote]

Complete text: Original Antigenic Sin: How First Exposure Shapes Lifelong Anti–Influenza Virus Immune Responses >>> REVIEW ARTICLE| JANUARY 15, 2019 >>> https://journals.aai.org/jimmunol/article/202/2/335/107289/Original-Antigenic-Sin-How-First-Exposure-Shapes

Maybe someone should contact the CDC... Perhaps clue them to research that's over sixty years old...

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The fight to gain or maintain control( of us) will go on forever

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The term “national interest” is itself a euphemism, for what is usually meant is the interest of a small sector of wealthy domestic elites. The American working class, whose members die in the country’s wars, do not have their “interest” served in any way by the wars that kill them. Nor are their interests served by the government spending money on weapons that could be used to repair school buildings. Indeed, when American actions abroad are exposed to the judgment of public opin­ion, they often prove deeply unpopular with the “nation” whose “inter­ests” they are supposedly serving. A sophisticated propaganda system must keep the public in the dark, for if the truth were known, it would become immediately apparent that the public has a very different view of its “interests” than U.S. elites have.

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Beware The Noahide Laws.

Appreciation and blessings from Sydney Australia.

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"Viruses are not some sort of disease randomly flying around and jumping strangers. They are poisons. They do not transmit by air or casual contact."

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Can someone explain chicken pox & measles? What are they? And how about the childhood disease Fifths Disease?

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The utter disconcern of humanity is absurd and now maccob!

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Thanks soo much, I’m glad I got my point across!

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It's all bollix.. the whole lot. Pseudo science, fear, rampant corruption and pride. The brightest minds are ignored and the king of the mighty USA the best country in the world is so proud of poisoning his people and the wider world. And that dude from Florida saying he'd be guillotined if real information was accessed..he knows...and he's a gutless wonder. Like so many so desperate to save virology and the huge money being made maiming and killing countless numbers in the name of it. The poor animals being sacrificed on the alter of this pseudo science is another crime overlooked. I wonder how it is that I was born in this time to witness such dark universal crimes...even vlad the impaler had more integrity and was worthy of more respect than that actor ..the newly elected leader of the "free world". The crime continues. No one will stop it. No one can now. Your stamina is impressive Sasha. God bless.

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Sasha Latypova is the GREATEST !!!!. So intelligent and down to earth. She has the BEST INFORMATION !!!!

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