The perps are the people you aren't allowed to criticize. BTW, it's the same people that have perpetrated several genocides and democides, currently run concentration camps on their territory, assert a birthright to the whole planet, yada yada. In conclusion, you can't mention bankers.
(He says there is NO pandemic, this is a global strategic special operation, command exercises of the behind-the-scenes powers who want to control humanity. The goal of the behind-the-scenes financial and Zionist powers is depopulation--he says it's their fixed idea, they want 1 billions of ordinary people left to serve about 100 million of them).
By "behind-the-scenes financial and Zionist powers." I believe he's referring to the Jewish banking families who control nations behind the scenes by getting the power to issue their currencies (created/printed out of thin air) and loaned at interest to the government. Our founding fathers knew that the international banking families got control over nations by getting the power to issue the national currency, which is why they specifically gave this power to Congress. However, in 1913, the whores in Congress gave this power away to private bankers. More on the bankers takeover here:
Bill Still's The Money Masters (a follow the money approach to history, going back to Rome, then Bank of England, how Rothschilds took over Europe and then America with the Federal Reserve, you will understand how and why we have wars and who ultimately benefits)
Just reading the quotes here will give a sense of how this system of debt enslavement works:
And read Ellen Brown's Web of Debt ( an easy quick read, G. Edward Griffin's Creature from Jekyll Island, or Eustace Mullins The Secrets of the Federal Reserve.
James Madison - History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.
Thomas Jefferson - If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England in the 1920s - Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with the slick of a pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from the bankers and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue as the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of slavery, let them continue to create money and to control credit.
I watched the Bill Still video many years ago - paid my mortgage off asap. I don’t buy unnecessary crap either that drains your money away with the promise of it ‘making you happy’ - Thanks Sandra for the links. 1913 was a key moment in the control of the money system. Many are unaware. - I may revisit and watch again. Thanks Sasha for your Due Diligence and Art.
Excellent compendium, Sandra--. Thank you for putting all these resources together in one place. I've read many and, as I posted to you on my 'stack, taught a course on Ellen Brown's book here: But I'm especially interested in the John Coleman. My next episode on The Devil & Naomi Wolf will touch on this.
Yes, I saw that!! I'm quite impressed that you taught a class on Ellen Brown's book! Good for you on spreading the word. We need more people out there teaching the truth about our debt based monetary system! I actually know a couple of MBAs who were NEVER taught any of this--amazing how they keep certain info so well hidden.
Of course, this was through my local Grange--no university would ever touch this. I can't count the economics professors I've argued with who have no idea how money's created. And if you want to hear some mansplaining, try being a housewife who's written a book on economics. They can't help themselves.
I first woke up to the Federal Reserve printing/creating money out of thin air and loaning it to the govt from former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul. Then I learned more about the monetary/banking system from a guy who had an MBA from NYU (so, I think a very good business school) and he was shocked that he was not taught this in business school and had to learn it much later. And I think Steve Bannon, who apparently has an MBA from Harvard, only recently learned about the Federal Reserve and the truth about the monetary system because he kind of surprised everyone at the 2021 CPAC when he went on a rant about it and called for the end of the Federal Reserve
My worry is that they are deliberately destroying the value of the dollar, so that when it is worth nothing (or we have hyperinflation) people will be desperate and accept the CBDCs
1. Believe me, these “Jewish Banking Families” from CENTURIES ago don’t have a drop of “Jewish blood” remaining in their modern day lineage and NO knowledge of or interest in Judaism. They are JINO (Jewish in Name Only).
2. Centuries ago, money lending was considered a dirty business and the Church prohibited Christians from money lending so this “dirty” business was relegated to the Jews who were prohibited from entering “respectable” trades.
3. The idea that there is a cabal of “Zionist Bankers” is pure fantasy. Garbage like Soros and his ilk are Leftists- a far cry from Zionists.
Maybe those known as Zionists are actually Roman Catholics? It seems to me that was what the Crusades were all about. Taking Jerusalem from the Muslims. Usury was a great way to employ Jews and have them as the fall guys for when the shtf.
Khazarian jews were never semitic and they have abused the semites relentlessly ever since.
Rubbish. All Jews are real Jews, even Jerusalem University says the Khazarian supposed mass conversion of 700 nobility is a mere myth. This myth was deliberately created as a dodge to be used by the Jews to divert blame away from themselves for any crimes committed by their general community onto some mythical entity that is supposedly not Jewish, but actually Gentile.
he proves conclusively that the Khazarian Cohen priests have exactly matching DNA to authenticated Jews from 3,300 years ago,
meaning that any supposed actual Gentiles who supposedly converted to Judaism who now live in the Ukraine area or who have spread from there to other parts of the world really are real Jews who are in fact stock from earlier Jewish travellers who made their way up there earlier long before the mythical mass conversion and then spread around all over the world.
There are communities of Jews living in Japan, China and India since very ancient times, so they do get around, after all, they say they do intend to conquer the entire planet, so of course they will get around to set up camp there and infiltrate as they do everywhere in order to set about doing that.
There is no single Zionist power. In fact there are probably more divisions and factions and beliefs amongst “Zionists”than there particles of sand on the beach.
"Zionist powers" is not contradicted by that they have factions. They work with each other on some issues, against each others in others issues.
I am of the impression that money from Rothschilds is involved, not so much for Zionist reasons but for Club of Rome, Committee of 300, Bilderberger reasons. In the end, with limits to growth and depletion of resources, everybody tries to get a bigger share of the shrinking cake, cost it what it will.
Israel has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, and their excess deaths are also among the world's highest. Further, if the vaccines cause mass sterilization as appears to be the case, then where does the future Israeli population come from?
A further fly in the ointment. In order to succeed at such a nefarious plan, you would need the cooperation of China and Russia, neither of whom appear very cooperative at the moment.
More to the point, China has no mRNA vaccine. Theirs is old school and while it may also be dangerous, it doesn't appear to be driving a reduction in their population. Russia does have a DNA based vaccine, arguably as dangerous as ours, but they appear to be quietly phasing theirs out and switching to the traditional method. Add to that the fact that Russia has a very low vaccination rate compared to other advanced nations, and I frankly don't see how the plan can be met.
However, if the plan IS real and it is being run by Zionists, then they're betting everything on 00. The reason I say this is that if you don't have China and Russia on board, then once they realize what's up, Zionism vanishes from the face of the earth, along with the state of Israel.
If you go back to what Putin said about a 'world without Russia' then consider that the sentiment is widely shared, especially in the military, then what response would you expect to an agenda that reduced the population of Russia by 90%, leaving them in the hands of their historic worst enemy?
Never mind the stories of Putin at the WEF, or Putin as Netanyahu's best pal - he won't be in command at that point, and even if he were, the decision could be made over his head because it's built into the structure of Russian nuclear command, force survival being the priority. What that means is the decision to launch an attack can be taken by commanders in the field independent of central command.
Next consider Russian capabilities. Israel has no defence against a Russian attack. Their Iron Dome cannot protect against 3M22 Zircon or Kh-47M2 Kinzhal. These can be launched from Tartus which is just minutes away, and any Samson Option response that got off the ground (unlikely) would be shot down long before it got anywhere near Russia.
If it's not beyond imagining that Zionists would bet the farm on such a plan, then it's likewise not beyond imagining that Russia's response would be in line with that, but even if Russia failed, that still leaves China, and there's a whole lot more Chinese than Zionists in the world, and they have similar capabilities as Russia.
A Russian fren says many Russians have bought the certificates. (Incl. all her family members) So the actual vax rate may be even lower.... They are smart!
You (and obviously very many others here, due to the number of sayanim mobbing this site to post their disinformation) need to see some real footage of the supposed mass vaccinations and mass casualties from COVID/COVID jab side-effects suffered in Israel being completely stage-managed and entirely faked in film studio settings, see Jewish rabbis openly celebrating, dancing and chanting "Corona!, Corona!" to celebrate their Israeli government military bioweapon having been successfully deployed worldwide by their Jewish terrorist-infiltrated and controlled governments worldwide, and othr rabbis gleefully stating how Corona is not for the Jews, that it is only for the Gentiles, with only a few governments resisting, some of whose leaders found themselves dead shortly afterwards, like in several African nations, where no COVID epidemics have occurred because no mass COVID vaccination programs have been initiated there, at least initially, as the rot is setting in now and TPTB are increasing their pressure on hitherto resistant places like Africa and India, which have largely resisted the COVID bioweapon by means such as ivermectin or not giving out 'vaccines' which are in fact very obviously to anyone who actually dares to think and research properly the bioweapon that causes 'COVID' themselves.
The jabs are an Israeli or Israeli-instigated Jewish bioweapon and Jews are immune to being made sterile by them, whereas all others are not immune to that effect.
The Jews as always make out that proportionately they are the greatest victims, and that they have it even worse than the rest of us do, like they say they did in WWII, while they in fact are entirely responsible for both the COVID and WWII that caused scores of millions of Gentiles to die only for their purposes and satisfaction, with 7.5 billion intended to die by the Jewish WEF by various means, and then some more ultimately.
This is not really some actually benevolent cruel to be kind effort at preserving the planet for the long run, you can see this when Jewish agent and former health secretary Matt Hancock in the UK, according to the Telegraph publication, said "When do we deploy the variant" as part of a government operation called Operation Fear, while then working under the actually Jewish former PM Boris Johnson, who is usually represented as a bit of a mongrel, with a hint of vague Jewish ancestry in hs distant past. In one video I have, in the company of Chabad Lubavitcher Jews on stage, while wearing a ritual Jewish hat, Boris Johnson says "I am a Jew".
Add this to the Jewish-named Jordon Walker, a Jewish-named senior Pfizer researcher working for the Jew Albert Bourla who invented the Pfizer COVID Israeli government bioweapon saying to an undercover Veritas reporter that Pfizer actually makes the COVID variants, add two and two together, and you can see where Jewish agent Matt Hancock (Jewish Bolshevik minister for torture and liquidation of Gentiles) would get his COVID variant from to inflict on all the goyim as part of the Israeli Jewish military occupation government Operation Fear.
I have several articles on my substack site demonstrating this extremely clearly.
People succumb to "The Big Lie". They refuse to allow themselves to believe there is a group so monstrous, so masterful of lies and manipulation, that they could succeed at such a scale as they have. People have been exposing their methods and warning humanity for eons, but the lie is more powerful. Limiting the reach of those who would warn us was easy as pie until the internet, then we had about 10 prime years, now even the web and search engines, web hosts and DNS servers are scrubbed.
Putting out fake statistics for a tiny, tightly controlled country is child's play. That tiny country has total control of the US government, after all. That's where the Epoch Times article lost me. As with 9/11 and the anthrax attack, they suppose COVID is just a naturally occurring phenomena. So the Pentagon put all this together, Johns Hopkins had Event 201, then they just waited for COVID to happen, and got really lucky.
Absolutely right - they are as polarised among themselves if not more so as any nation. Unifying principle is shared antagonism/anti-gentilism. Which politically translates as globalism: dissolution of nation as form of political loyalty for West/Christendom/Europeans.
I agree that 5G should be a top suspect, at least given some of the alleged symptoms. I do see 5G as a toxin (EMF) similar to (though different from) so many others, mostly chemicals.
What this report does is explain how a number of specific factors contributed, and for decades, to the deaths in specific areas of northern Italy and no where else in Italy, but relabeled "Covid" using a fraudulent test. The induced panic through government mandates created a feedback loop that contributed to the killing of patients with deadly treatments. I do think those who planned this understand what happens when you inject 24/7 fear into a society and amplify it globally through media accounts.
The northern Italian experience mirrors that in sections of the US. None of which has anything to do with a pathogenic virus. Denis Rancourt has done extensive work on this for all-cause-mortality which confirms what happened in northern Italy happened in concentrated areas of the US.
No one’s evinced ethno-religious dimension of “Covid” more pithily than capo di tutti capi Larry Fink: “Covid Climate Racial Justice: the three great issues of our time”.
The globally orchestrated influx of foreign populations into Europe where natives are being systematically displaced serves identical agenda. According to recent census, which by definition doesn’t include “illegals”, Britons are now an ethnic minority in London. Londoners aka Cockneys having been ethnically cleansed.
If it were happening anywhere outside West/Christendom we’d be sending UN troops to the rescue.
By no means can globalist agenda be pinned exclusively on any single group. It’s a collaborative effort, with European governing classes regarding themselves as members of a transnational elite renouncing national allegiance of their forefathers.
But whose interest is ultimately served other than their own advancement? ZOG is no less a reality than shared identity of key players in global finance / usury. That any mention of that identity censored from public realm only reinforces the point.
It's all designed to confuse, misdirect and deceive. The Name Stealers have been doing it for millennia: Khazarians pretending to be everybody except Khazarians.
You talk pure crap. The WEF is an Israeli government front run by Klaus Schwab, who self-admittedly employs an army of 110,000 online propaganda experts to pump out disinformation and oppose truth sayers.
Desperado sayanim fanatics continually post all over the internet how Schwab is a 'Nazi' German, but he is a JEW, and he has been photographed attending Holocaust (TM) memorial ceremonies, hardly something that any actual National Socialist would do because they know that Jews entirely constructed the fiction of the holocaust of the deaths of 6 million Jews in order to deflect attention away from the deaths of 66 million Christians caused by Jewish communists in Russia on behalf of the Jewish Rothschild and Jewish Warburg bankers in London, New York and Germany for example.
Other stories are that Schwab's father was a German SS officer, 'proven' with a photo of a completely unrelated German SS officer, again, pure crap from the Jews to deceive everyone while they murder us, still other stories say his father was a German industrialist who employed 'slave labour' throughout WWII.
All workers even in Auschwitz, and even those inmates who were not working, with inmates even including German petty criminals serving 6 month sentences were paid wages or the equivalent in camp money to spend in the camp canteens, and that story of Schwab's father was also purposely created disinfo so people would never suspect the Jewish nature of the WEF.
People will refuse to see it, no matter what you prove.
The BIS, WHO, and WEF are self evident, but Bill Gates is also from a banking dynasty (and a family of eugenics enthusiasts). "Bill Gates, Jewish Aristocrat"
The term "crypto-Jew" exists for a reason, it's an actual thing.
The fact that half of Jews identify as atheist is irrelevant, because theirs was never really a religion in the first place, and the cult-like indoctrination of children happens no matter what type of household they are raised in.
Wow, the first link takes quite a bit of reading going through the vast amount of stuff in there, it was a bit like having a food mixer inside my brain, haha.
I wonder what the Mormons would make of all that with their detailed histories, as they keep a record of everyone born in the world and their lineages I read somewhere, so they would be interesting to consult on these matters as to the veracity of the allegations here.
There were 42 documented attempts on Hitler's life, but with the Jews Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin on the opposing side, who of them would have wanted Hitler dead if he was really a crypto-Jewish and supposedly gay actor planted by the Jews themselves who was necessary for the full development of their Jewish plot? Several British plots to assassinate Hitler were planned by the SOE and even approved by the Jew Churchill (born to a New York Jewess called Jerome).
Churchill stated that what had been most difficult was not how to stop war with Germany from starting, but how to get it started, and then, not how to stop it as quickly as possible, but how to keep it going as long as possible, and the amount of rhetoric that could be generated around that would also be very lengthy.
Churchill stated that war would have been forced on Germany under any instance anyway even if Germany was run by a Jesuit, even if there were no National Socialists, in order to complete the destruction of Germany that had been commenced in WWI by the arrangement of Natty Rothschild (who was even connected to the group that assassinated Archduke Ferdinand, though that event was not in fact the real cause of WWI in any case) and several other 'elites'.
The war forced on Germany was nothing to do with conquering any mere 'economic rival', like ridiculously burning out a rival baker's shop down the high street and murdering his entire family so that you can then sell all the bread and cakes in the town, this was perceived as a necessary destruction of the most powerful nation in all of Europe that would then permit the Wall Street Jewish and Rothschild Jewish bankers' creation of a Jewish Bolshevik-enslaved Russia to then be able to sweep through Europe unhindered to take as much of Europe as was desired to be taken by the Jewish leaders in combination.
And who did all of the faking of the photos? I would think those responsible would be 'British' agents working under the entirely shady and devious 'British' Sefton Delmer, the Jewish-controlled CIA and Stalin's Jewish propagandists would be involved. Chabad Lubavitcher devotee Putin recently visited the premier Bennett in Israel to apologize to Bennett over Lavrov's remark that Hitler had Jewish blood in him and obviously deny this.
I have photos of Putin wearing a Chabad Lubavitcher red thread on his wrist on my substack site.
It obviously makes a very effective 'de-nazification' tool to brainwash the minds of all sympathizers of real National Socialism if very clever propaganda can be constructed, even continuously constructed still today as 'fake history' to falsely demonstrate that Hitler and his entire hierarchy were in fact often crypto-Jewish traitors and homosexuals, though of course, when that narrative is employed the Jews responsible have to keep both mutually opposing lines of propaganda essentially at odds with each other, so the Jews don't celebrate Hitler as they really ought to if Hitler really was their Jewish agent (after all, he never really did kill 6 million Jews, more Jews were discovered to be alive in the world just after WWII than just before, a video of a Jewish communist speech in Germany from around 1934 can be seen where a Jew is saying a holocaust of Jews in Germany will happen and that 6 million will die, obviously, he is really saying that that is what will be said, and that being said, why didn't they all just beetle off somewhere else then? And of course, there were never even 6 million Jews in all of the nations that Germany eventually came to occupy in all of Europe in any case, and the vast majority of France's vast Jewish community was never deported, with only a few radical communists and military partisan activists deported. There never were any missing 6 million, it was, and still is, a total fraud, as census figures for Jewish world population clearly demonstrate, and more than one organization was involved, so more than one census was compiled to evidence the truth of this. The Jews work both sides, they condemn Hitler, while their other agents tell potential National Socialists and residual National Socialists who must surely now be very old indeed, that Hitler was in fact a Jewish agent working only to betray and destroy National Socialism and all of Germany, just to discourage them from even thinking about National Socialism as having ever been or ever being potentially valid.
Hitler and the NSDAP were never necessary in any case for any pretext to attack Germany just as Churchill stated. National Socialism as a philosophy and understanding, as an economic system and social construct is nonetheless very valid, especially today, as the Chabad Lubavitchers who quite obviously control Russia, America, Ukraine and NATO nations at literally means to physically annihilate us all, and I do not see a single other political movement that has ever challenged militant terrorist Judaism on a national level so effectively. And Christian attempts to challenge Judaism are inevitably doomed to fail on many levels as 'Rabbi' Jesus is purely a weaponized artificial literary construct invented by the Jewish Piso family ostensibly as part of a newly-created link religion for the Roman Emperor Constantine to use to unite his spiritually disparate Roman Empire nations at the time, Easter being really Eostre, the Saxon goddess of fertility rebirth and renewal, and so on, the 25th of December Christmas Day is really the celebration day of Sol the sun god and also the celebration day of the god Mithra.
At least 42 documented attempts were made on the life of Hitler, hardly something that would occur if Hitler really had been a Jewish agent trained at Tavistock mind control facilities as some allege, after all, that would rather spoil the Jewish plot if the alleged Jewish actor they needed to bring Jewish plans to fruition were somehow killed before he could scupper Germany as some allege he intended to do, and some of the names of those involved in the assassination attempts look rather Jewy.
One thing we do know, it is a central part of the belief system of at least the Chabad Lubavitcher leading faction of Jews who are politically dominating governments of major nations and the UN, that now is officially linked to the demonic Jewish-run WEF, that not only all white people are to be exterminated, but all Gentiles. National Socialism itself would seek to prevent those Jews accomplishing their twisted aims.
I have known for a very long time about the supposed Jewish nature of allegations of supposed actual Jewish heritage of some in the National Socialist hierarchy, and while some officers definitely did have some Jewish blood to a minor degree these would be named as 'honorary aryans'. Some 150,000 such 'mischlinge' or partly Jewish service personnel served in the German armed forces during WWII.
The body is not the living being of course it is the soul that is the conscious living entity, and Jewish occult practice is to transmigrate consciously from one body to the next after this life (gilgul) and to reincarnate by choice where they wish, and they do this to ensure they and they alone reincarnate in power structures that they have long already been setting up so as to maintain them, after all, what would be the point if Gentile souls were inadvertently allowed to reincarnate within the Jewish hierarchy, making Jews then subjects to being oppressed by the very system of deprivation and abuse that they have specifically established to reign over the Gentiles with to enslave, the ultimately suicide them in battles against each other and Jew fake medicine. The Jewish soul is the Jew, not the body, many bodies with a bit of Jewish DNA contain only Gentile souls.
So undermining all of National Socialism serves no real purpose, as that merely opens the door to the total destruction of all Gentile races and peoples in the world, as that is the specific intention of the Jewish criminal terrorist death cult that the Jews try to say is their 'religion'.
Studying the official German National Socialist party program, a copy of which I possess in paperback, it becomes evident that the NSDAP itself was only ever a temporary emergency government set up for a limited period of time to deal with an existential crisis, and that the NSDAP itself was fully intended to be dissolved as soon as the German people were once again safe.
Many people are evidently under the propagandized belief that National Socialism must mean some terrible eternal existence under draconian martial law or something awful. In fact, the 1,000 year reich was never envisaged as having to be under NSDAP administration, with it being envisaged that only if any existential threats against the German became manifest again at any time in the future, such a party could then be reformed for the duration of that particular crisis and then dissolved again when there is no longer any need for it.
No one else in modern times has ever organized a national scale resistance against this Jewish threat. Hitler stated in Mein Kampf, that if the Jews were ever to succeed in their intentions, that this planet would become a lifeless ball of rock spinning through space. In 1934, a Jew name Leo Szilard patented the atom bomb explosive mechanism, in 1950 he patented the cobalt dirty nuclear bomb, 400 of which he stated can permanently exterminate all forms of life on this entire planet, the completely psychotic and hatefully vindictive nature of Judaism in a nutshell.
Hitler called the atom bomb the Jewish hell weapon, and refused to allow his scientists to attempt to develop atomic weapons, though his use of Norwegian heavy water to generate electricity during heavy economic sanctions imposed by Allied nations (something the non-nuclear-armed Norwegians sill use today to generate electricity) is oft cited as 'proof ' that Hitler was actually developing atomic weapons himself.
His bodyguard, Otto Skorzeny, stated that Hitler told him such weapons could never be permitted as their use would cause such terrible and unacceptable harm to this planet.
If only the Jews had been stopped then and isolated in some place like Madagascar and prevented from infiltrating their sinister criminal agents into powerful positions around the world anymore back then, but now the world is to pay the price for such negligence or oversight as a nuclear WWIII looms that the Jews have long been planning, that employ cobalt 60 Jewish hell weapon nuclear warheads to exterminate all white people first of all in nations occupied mainly by white people, and then they will eliminate the rest of the Gentiles by various means, just as the edicts in the Zohar and statements by rabbis today demand.
This will occur through the imposition of their Noahide Laws for instance under their intended NWO one world 'government' that will authorise the liquidation of 6 BILLION Gentiles who are Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Daoists, Muslims etc. on the pretext of idolatry alone, while still falsely proclaiming 'We are your friends' to any remaining peoples in any lands, 1984 style, as always already for very many years.
Oh yes I can. Lets look at Henry Kissinger at the Trilateral Commission, CFR. The members of the board of directors inside the Bank of International Settlements. That's just a start.
Henry Kissinger and many German Jews from his era did not consider themselves Jewish and had nothing to do with Judaism. Jewish In Name Only. Golda Meir, one of Israel’s early prime ministers scorned Kissinger publicly because he went out of his way to not show favoritism to Israel during the 6 Day war in which it was almost destroyed.
This is a brilliant summary from Sasha and gets to the core. We're not allowed to speculate about who the bankers are or how they're connected or what their agenda is. Why? Ellen illustrates in her reply to Sandra--.
And GOD FORBID anybody mention THOSE empowering Rothschilds and all the Central Bankers having connections to the surviving EUROPEAN MONARCHY from their inception into the annuls of power...Bent upon vengeance since the multiple military losses to the United States and the definition/clarification of 'Human Rights' to be granted by God instead of some Psycho-Predator potentates murderous to close family members as well as MAKING INCOME TAX ILLEGAL.
Indeed, with every Revolution deposing the world's Monarchies, TERROR GREW and they've been bent upon vengeance towards those they viewed and continue to view "THEIR HUMAN HERD" inferior as the "dirty, unwashed, starving masses".
I don't think so. The British monarchs, for example, have been complicit puppets of the money changers since the money changers installed William and Mary on the throne in 1689 in a coup d'etat mockingly known as The Glorious Revolution. The real power is behind the throne, not on it.
You, Katherine Watt, Barnes, Brooks. You are all a big part of this tsunami. I agree with Pam Popper who wrote over a year ago that the day will come when these people are hunted down much as the Nazi criminals were after WW2.
Hitler was funded and helped into power by the House of Habbsberg and other wealthy bankers of the Wiemar Republic. When you take a VERY close look at who was doing what, you discover you were lied to in history class.
Here is something that you won't find in history class:
[After their first meeting in 1924 until Norman’s death in 1945, Hjalmar Schacht and governor of the Bank of England Montagu Norman were close friends.
In 1931, the German Alfred Rosenberg travelled to Britain to meet the editor in chief of the influential London Times, Geoffrey Dawson, that gave Hitler invaluable positive publicity. More important were his meetings with Montagu Norman and Henri Deterding. The introduction to Norman came from Hjalmar Schacht.
The final London visit of Alfred Rosenberg was in May 1933, he went directly to the country home in Ascot of chairman of Shell “Sir” Henri Deterding, arguably the world’s most influential businessman. Royal Dutch Shell secretly had intimate contact with, and provided support to the German Nazis.
In early 1933, Montagu Norman quickly strengthened the Hitler government with vital Bank of England credit. Norman also visited to Berlin in May 1934 to arrange further secret financial stabilisation for the Nazi regime. Hitler made Norman’s friend Schacht both his minister of economics and president of the Reichsbank.]
Fake History in schools, Fake Money in our economy, Fake news like Jan 6, Fake governments with Fake laws, Fake leader who are always -- ALWAYS SELECTED not Elected. Fakest thing of all Hierarchy.
Also worth pointing out that the collaboration between the NAZIs and the British and American bankers continued after WWII - indeed continues to this day: The Bilderberg Group was established after WWII to manage and launder through American and European banks the vast amounts of loot which the British and Americans allowed the NAZIs to walk away with to Argentina and elsewhere at the end of the war. Several senior NAZIs - including Hitler, Bormann and Kammler - were allowed to fake their own deaths and re-locate to Argentina and elsewhere.
Edward mentioned the Weimar hyperinflation, which was really genocide by starvation inflicted by the bankers on the German people post-WWI. How did they go from that to a thriving economy in six years, pre-Hitler. I know they evicted Rothschild. Did they repudiate the foreign debts and issue their own currency, as Ellen Brown states? And then what happened--did the bankers retaliate and, if so, how? Did they do the same thing to provoke a war that the US/NATO has done with Ukraine to provoke Russia? That's the question I'm trying to answer.
Dr Farrell probably has the answer. You can contact him through his website.
It always seemed to me that the Anglo-American empire fought two world wars to prevent Germany and Russia from being able to combine to threaten American/British economic and military dominance. America(/UK?)'s latest attack on Germany (NordStream) suggests that the game continues today?
If you would like to watch something that corroborates much of this, watch this. It had a billion hits before being put on the back burner. Best coverage of JFK by a looong shot
Hi Tirion, Read your response to mine and when arriving here found censorship happened to be removed. They only censor when they wish to cover the truth...And, censorship has greatly ESCALATED IN THIS LAST WEEK.
Monarchy were not merely puppets...They gained the upper hand following the Hapsburg's Maximillian in his wars following the death of Mary the Rich. The Power structures ebbed and flowed between the Monarchs and Merchants/Bankers. It was the British Crown giving the power to Rothschilds (Meyer) Family. Many don't know where the second 'M' in MGM Grand came from. To this day, the Rothschilds are the Bankers to the Windsor Monarchy and that is to top of the Totem Pole.
Let's not also overlook the fact that much of the NAZIs' funding came from Wall Street. The US had no intention of entering WWII until the week when Hitler double-crossed Wall Street by sending Hess to Britain to make peace so that he could focus on attacking the Soviet Union.
A lot of Sefton Delmer type propaganda, printed in seemingly convincing 'black and white print' has been published both before and after WWII to give us yet still more fake history.
Many claim that in fact actually Jewish bankers funded the rise of the NSDAP and maintained it once it came to power. Of course that was not actually possible. If money had really been lent to the NSDAP prior to their election or to National Socialist Germany after their election by usurious arrangement by Jewish bankers or bankers whose banks had majority Rothschild shareholdings to be repaid with interest to bring about and maintain the National Socialist regime, how then could a non-usurious principled German National Socialist economy then have paid back such money with interest and yet still have experienced and exhibited to the world the economic miracle that was entirely due to having been freed from usurious enslavement to the Rothschild bankers?
In fact, Hitler confiscated a lot of wealth from the Rothschild bankers in Germany and aryanized the banks throughout Germany to become non-usurious, and then Germany became wealthy, as German wealth was not then still continuously siphoned off to rich Jews.
Yet the initial source of that wealth in Germany under the new National Socialist idealism was 'strength through joy', combined with real work, the supply of natural commodities, real skills, real knowledge, real culture, common good will, and a genuine will to cooperate with the rest of the German national population for the common good that was fostered by the new National Socialist philosophy of class cooperation, where everyone worked along with everyone else for the common good (which differs from the malevolent Jewish communist idea of hate being maintained between Gentile members of the same nation in class warfare to ensure only their mutual destruction rather than their cooperation).
This was an essential unity of a people being proposed compared to the essential disharmonious constant class warfare or division proposed by the Jewish philosophy of communism as in Isaiah 19:2.
Real wealth is happiness based on more enlightened spiritual ideals and the idea of being able to build a successfully happy common society, involving common will to do that, along with sufficient arable land, natural resources, knowledge, skills and joyous will to accomplish that, yet all that is what the Jews in several other nations set about destroying as that is something they could never allow the Gentiles to ever even conceive in their wildest dreams of actually possessing.
To continually maintain and enforce power over their Gentile victims, everything has to be maintained by the Jewish overlords as an eternally irrevocable chaos among their goyim slaves, of supposedly unavoidable ignorance, disease, pain, poverty, dysfunction, disharmony and misery, with a purportedly necessary disguised Jewish dictatorship apparently always preserving their Gentile slave victims against an imminently threatening even worse fate.
I had made a mistake in the above comment implicating the "House of Habbsberg," the best way to describe what happened is below: [My apologies]
"The German Nazis were financed by the big bankers from France, Britain, the Netherlands and the USA. A relatively large part of the financiers of Hitler were Ashkenazi Jews.
The following companies were financing or working together with the Nazi regime (in between brackets some of the connected families).
[Names that are in Bold Text are important names and may help lead to fully identifying “current individual members” of the Committee of 300 and Dragon Bloodline Families as well as their connection to Order of the Garter members.]
Royal Dutch Shell (Queen Wilhelmina, Rothschild, Henri Deterding), Mendelsohn, Rotterdamsche Bankvereniging, Carl Duisberg, Werkspoor.
W.A. Harriman, Chase National Bank (Rockefeller), Guaranty Trust (J.P. Morgan), Kennedy, John Foster Dulles, General Motors (J.P. Morgan, DuPont), ITT (J.P. Morgan), General Electric, Goldman Sachs, IBM (Rothschild).
IG Farben was financed by Rothschild agent Max Warburg.
IG Farben and Standard Oil founded Standard Oil American IG with these board members: Walter Teagle (Standard Oil), Paul Walburg (Kuhn Loeb), Edsel Ford, Charles Mitchell (National City Bank, Rockefeller), Herman Metz (Metz Company).
Already in 1922 the New York Times published an article that Henry Ford financed Hitler and in 1928 the German part of the Ford Company merged with IG Farben.
The pharmaceutical industry obviously continues the eugenics program of the Nazis. IG Farben was the notorious chemical company (including pharmaceutics) that was both an integral part of the Nazi-machine, and affiliated with Ford and Rockefeller…
IG Farben used 83,000 slave labourers from the largest German concentration camp, Auschwitz, and produced the controversial poison Zyklon-B. IG Farben conducted sick experiments in the part of Auschwitz it controlled - including vaccines.
John D. Rockefeller already financed eugenics experiments before WW II, including those of Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer, where “Dr” Josef Mengele already worked before his sick experiments in Auschwitz.
In 1951, IG Farben was split up. The main successor companies today are Bayer, BASF, AGFA and Sanofi: ... dustry.htm
Fritz Thyssen was one of the first German supporters of Adolf Hitler; Thyssen was financed with millions of dollars from Standard Oil, Ford, General Electric, DuPont, ITT (sent by Dillon Read & Co).
The money profits were laundered by the Dutch BHS/Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart (Queen Wilhelmina, Prince Bernhard), Brownbrothers & Harriman and UBC/Union Banking Corporation (Prescott Bush).
According to Gertrude Elias companies in the USA made profits of some 175 billion dollars from financing and collaborating with the Nazis."
There is really a lot more to this story I may try to do a posting on this.
For more information on the financing of the Nazis; Anthony C. Sutton – Wall Street and the rise of Hitler (1976): ... tler-4.pdf
Not enough we’re hunted... they were given new names, new jobs in the USA... Operation Paperclip.... and doing their same 💩 now....only organized worldwide w/ Kharzarian mafia ....
Charles, If you look at all the controlling organizations that maintain the narrative, they are large, spread out and very protected. Sasha placed the chart in her post. However, I dont think there is going to be a hunt down. I believe they are going to win in degree but the pinnacle of what they are trying to build is only going to last a very short time according to the bible--7 years. It is going to take the return of Messiah Jesus to destroy the entire globalist enterprise--i dont think we will be able to stop it by ourselves. At the root of globalism/communism is an absolute driving hatred against the Creator God and His Son. This is what we are witnessing. And at the top of the foodchain is the Devil himself using all of these global organizations and theologies to imprison and eventually seeking to destroy mankind and the earth.
JUST SO WE'RE CLEAR...Will there remain yet more covert Nazi Sympathizers in the current International Mafia Death Cult to help those pursued, caught and indicted? They are those having no loyalty to Constitution/Country/Citizens and only to EUGENICIST, FASCIST MASS MURDERERS CRAVING ENDLESS POWER as those participating in and financing both sides of WWII and following?
"OPERATION PAPERCLIM" and "PACIFIC PAPERCLIP' among other operations installing Nazis into a GASLIT WORLD and into positions of power and influence were clearly VERY SUCCESSFUL or the current predicament wouldn't exist.
At the above link is a comprehensive article which goes into great detail on what actually happened in Northern Italy in spring 2020.
This became the launching pad for the Covid Operation in the West.
Means and motive are established.
I must repeat that the Covid oppositional establishment actively avoid such detailed evidence based discussions and discussions such as those which Sasha brings to the table.
Jon Rappoport on connection between toxic air pollution and lung problems and pneumonia. Horrific air quality brings on lung infections of all kinds, including pneumonia. Pneumonia is THE illness attributed to the coronavirus. How convenient. The Chinese government has recently ruled that testing patients for the coronavirus isn’t necessary for a diagnosis of “epidemic illness.” A CT scan of the lungs is sufficient. If the patient thus shows signs of pneumonia, he is labeled “a coronavirus case.”
Jon Rappoport overview on SARS fraud: When you claim the grand death total from the SARS “epidemic,” worldwide, is 800 out of seven billion, and you can’t even prove those 800 died from the “SARS virus,” do you, the World Health Organization, admit your whole program of epidemic detection is a fraud? Do you pay Toronto several billion dollars for their troubles? Of course not. You keep calling SARS an epidemic forever. You write fake histories. You do whatever is necessary to maintain your phony reputation.
Problem with Wuhan, gain of function, directed evolution SARS 2.0 is that they are all distractions - red herrings. The problem is not some virus which never has been proven to exist. The problem is the DOD shots. These are what are killing and maiming people. The shots should be our focus not some redesignated influenza. Most influenza can be avoided by rudimentary vitamin supplements. There are qualified websites for this information. Wuhan's problem is that they went full on 5-G coincidently Oct 2019. We must concentrate on removing 5-G and all shots.
Of course. It was a global psyop to justify the bioweapon injections and to scare the sheep into committing suicide. And it was the first stage of the Great Reset (there have been previous resets--reset just refers to the debt, the international/central bankers have gotten the entire world enslaved to debt over "money" created out of thin air.
the thing about jan 6th is that imho it was engineered so they could usher in the laws re domestic terrorists. What do they call the protesters in Atlanta? domestic terrorists
"To conjure a post-modern Potemkin plague and the perceived need for shutting down a country’s social and economic order, Italy possessed all the ready-made ingredients. With its already soaring rates of interstitial pneumonia, panoply of pollution induced upper respiratory problems and high cancer rates, Northern Italy needed only a tiny flame to ignite a wildfire of fatalities. That spark came in the form of media generated hysteria, lockdown orders and deadly hospital protocols."
“In September 2019, three things happened in that lab. One is they deleted the sequences. Highly irregular, researchers don’t like to do that. The second thing is they changed the command and control from civilian to military.”
The change in control made think of you Sasha immediately. Although I am a skeptic of Robert Redfield’s veracity in general.
1) Those 2 sheep in front look like they just got caught at something.
2) Thank You, Sasha. I cannot bring myself to be flippant today. You are engaged in combat with forces which may kill you. The faction you are exposing is now desperate, as Tucker Carlson also points out. They are a faction in rapid decline, having lost the control-marrative.
They can still harm individuals.
I have been warned of that this morning, myself, but few look at my work, nor is it particularly original or directly threatening, as yours is.
That being said, you and I see the physical actors, but not the "owners" or the origin of the well-coordinated commands to carry out lockstep glbal genocide.
The "limited" hangouts are gradually advancing within the realm of what is already posted on the internet. At some point, they may seem good-enough to build a new control-narrative around. A lot of negotiation must be ongoing, as this is fluid, very much in motion, and global financial reset does approach. When there is a sudden financial discontinuity, rage and desperation will be widespread.
Human sacrifices, once begun, can be directed against anybody, certainly against those who are habitual seekers of truth, those who helped bring down a previous control-narrative, and who are presumed to expose lies in any new control-narrative, if allowed to do so.
I am not warning you, not at all. You already know this intimately.
I am expressing my admiration for your brave and honorable resolve to reveal the truth.
WoW 😮 thank you Dr Day....Truth Warriors are my héros 🦸 I so admire both you and Sasha and I needed to know you both existed during in this terrible time we have just lived through ....and continue to be exposed to .....your words your hearts ♥️ your spirits have pulled me through this nightmare and continue to give me strength... I thank you both 🥰🥴deep gratitude for your voices ....🥴😘😘😘😘😘
Dear amazing woman Sasha, you are completely clear and to the point about what's happening. You are not alone in your conclusions. Intentional crimes of murder have been committed and are being committed against the people's of this world like never before in history. We can't downplay what's happening by one inch. We need to call it out the way it is and you are doing that, I support you 100%. Keep up the great work, Thank you brave woman! Ps: don't ever get discouraged doing good, because human life is in the balance and the future will repeat itself if we don't act Concisely.
Sasha, you are the most amazing woman! Courageous! Real revolutionary! We are so grateful for your beautiful mind, your love for humanity and your fearless nature to bring the truth! We are behind you! We are supporting you. I am sharing your substacks on many chats, with patients, I print them out and give them to people. The humanity is blessed to have people like you as the COVID crisis showed again - people are not courageous, in fact cowards, with just a few exceptions like you! Please, do not stop! Let us know what you need!
Agree the entire Covid scheme was effected for control and this and the vaccines are mass murder. The plot involves national and international partners. Those who are citizens and office holders of the USA need to be prosecuted for mass murder and treason.
The global cabal of whatever they are ( as opposed to who ever they are ) and I think we all know!.......are possessed by evil and I think the inbreeding has a very bad impact too. You however are possessed with incredible talent and beauty which exudes out through the scenes you paint that jump right out of my childhood memories back into life again.. Again the sheep so wonderfully captured. I'm so grateful you finally made your way to our Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson in Canada a while back, I really wanted you two to get together. KEEP FIGHTING. and keep yer head on a swivel.
Many are not ready to even consider a planned depopulation program let alone say it in public. I'm with you, I have no doubt, and I so appreciate you saying it. Eventually, for those who are still on this planet, they too will have to come to terms with it. Just a matter of time.
I mean, seriously, if you are an employee of "Prizer" and you come to the realization that the company you work for is the middle man in a word wide murder conspiracy which is the God's honest can you live with yourself? How can you continue to supply labor to a murderer? How can the thousands of minions complicit with this depopulation scheme live with themselves? And are these people are so dumb as to not realize they might be targets too?
I understand approx only 10% of the ministry of health in Japan are jabbed. (When challenged at the official study group mtg, The rep from the ministry didn't deny nor agree. So probably more or less accurate. These bureacrats are not that stupid...)
I wonder how many workers in those pharma (or any govts authorities who know the plot) have actually taken the shots.
The perps are the people you aren't allowed to criticize. BTW, it's the same people that have perpetrated several genocides and democides, currently run concentration camps on their territory, assert a birthright to the whole planet, yada yada. In conclusion, you can't mention bankers.
Former Russian Military Intelligence Officer, Vladimir Kvachkov: 'Pandemic' is Planned Depopulation
(He says there is NO pandemic, this is a global strategic special operation, command exercises of the behind-the-scenes powers who want to control humanity. The goal of the behind-the-scenes financial and Zionist powers is depopulation--he says it's their fixed idea, they want 1 billions of ordinary people left to serve about 100 million of them).
By "behind-the-scenes financial and Zionist powers." I believe he's referring to the Jewish banking families who control nations behind the scenes by getting the power to issue their currencies (created/printed out of thin air) and loaned at interest to the government. Our founding fathers knew that the international banking families got control over nations by getting the power to issue the national currency, which is why they specifically gave this power to Congress. However, in 1913, the whores in Congress gave this power away to private bankers. More on the bankers takeover here:
Bill Still's The Money Masters (a follow the money approach to history, going back to Rome, then Bank of England, how Rothschilds took over Europe and then America with the Federal Reserve, you will understand how and why we have wars and who ultimately benefits)
Just reading the quotes here will give a sense of how this system of debt enslavement works:
Aaron Russo's America Freedom to Fascism (banker takeover in 1913 and the illegality of the income tax and the IRS)
Mike Rivero's All Wars are Bankers Wars
A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind - Stephen Mitford Goodson
John Coleman The Rothschild Dynasty (on last page, he predicts the world will be plunged into a brutal one world government dictatorship by 2025)
Money as Debt
F. William Engdahl | The Gods of Money – How America Was Hijacked
And read Ellen Brown's Web of Debt ( an easy quick read, G. Edward Griffin's Creature from Jekyll Island, or Eustace Mullins The Secrets of the Federal Reserve.
James Madison - History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.
Thomas Jefferson - If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England in the 1920s - Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with the slick of a pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from the bankers and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue as the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of slavery, let them continue to create money and to control credit.
Book: "They Own It All (Including You) By Means of Toxic Currency"
I watched the Bill Still video many years ago - paid my mortgage off asap. I don’t buy unnecessary crap either that drains your money away with the promise of it ‘making you happy’ - Thanks Sandra for the links. 1913 was a key moment in the control of the money system. Many are unaware. - I may revisit and watch again. Thanks Sasha for your Due Diligence and Art.
Excellent compendium, Sandra--. Thank you for putting all these resources together in one place. I've read many and, as I posted to you on my 'stack, taught a course on Ellen Brown's book here: But I'm especially interested in the John Coleman. My next episode on The Devil & Naomi Wolf will touch on this.
Yes, I saw that!! I'm quite impressed that you taught a class on Ellen Brown's book! Good for you on spreading the word. We need more people out there teaching the truth about our debt based monetary system! I actually know a couple of MBAs who were NEVER taught any of this--amazing how they keep certain info so well hidden.
Of course, this was through my local Grange--no university would ever touch this. I can't count the economics professors I've argued with who have no idea how money's created. And if you want to hear some mansplaining, try being a housewife who's written a book on economics. They can't help themselves.
Never learned this in Business School even with a concentration in finance.
I first woke up to the Federal Reserve printing/creating money out of thin air and loaning it to the govt from former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul. Then I learned more about the monetary/banking system from a guy who had an MBA from NYU (so, I think a very good business school) and he was shocked that he was not taught this in business school and had to learn it much later. And I think Steve Bannon, who apparently has an MBA from Harvard, only recently learned about the Federal Reserve and the truth about the monetary system because he kind of surprised everyone at the 2021 CPAC when he went on a rant about it and called for the end of the Federal Reserve
We're all in grave danger now because they plan on rolling out their CBDCs soon and if they get away with that, then that is the end of human freedom:
My worry is that they are deliberately destroying the value of the dollar, so that when it is worth nothing (or we have hyperinflation) people will be desperate and accept the CBDCs
1. Believe me, these “Jewish Banking Families” from CENTURIES ago don’t have a drop of “Jewish blood” remaining in their modern day lineage and NO knowledge of or interest in Judaism. They are JINO (Jewish in Name Only).
2. Centuries ago, money lending was considered a dirty business and the Church prohibited Christians from money lending so this “dirty” business was relegated to the Jews who were prohibited from entering “respectable” trades.
3. The idea that there is a cabal of “Zionist Bankers” is pure fantasy. Garbage like Soros and his ilk are Leftists- a far cry from Zionists.
Maybe those known as Zionists are actually Roman Catholics? It seems to me that was what the Crusades were all about. Taking Jerusalem from the Muslims. Usury was a great way to employ Jews and have them as the fall guys for when the shtf.
Khazarian jews were never semitic and they have abused the semites relentlessly ever since.
Rubbish. All Jews are real Jews, even Jerusalem University says the Khazarian supposed mass conversion of 700 nobility is a mere myth. This myth was deliberately created as a dodge to be used by the Jews to divert blame away from themselves for any crimes committed by their general community onto some mythical entity that is supposedly not Jewish, but actually Gentile.
Read Dr Karl Skorecki, on,
he proves conclusively that the Khazarian Cohen priests have exactly matching DNA to authenticated Jews from 3,300 years ago,
meaning that any supposed actual Gentiles who supposedly converted to Judaism who now live in the Ukraine area or who have spread from there to other parts of the world really are real Jews who are in fact stock from earlier Jewish travellers who made their way up there earlier long before the mythical mass conversion and then spread around all over the world.
There are communities of Jews living in Japan, China and India since very ancient times, so they do get around, after all, they say they do intend to conquer the entire planet, so of course they will get around to set up camp there and infiltrate as they do everywhere in order to set about doing that.
Zionists love creating myths about themselves. Name Stealers.....
In addition to all this:
The USA and all western countries are corporations; and so we are considered.
The judiciary was transformed, it no longer worked for the ppl but to administer the dept.
You need to find and read the Lawyer's secret oath!
And this.
Here’s an article on the Russian Colonel:
Vladimir lost his credibility at “Zionist powers”
There is no single Zionist power. In fact there are probably more divisions and factions and beliefs amongst “Zionists”than there particles of sand on the beach.
"Zionist powers" is not contradicted by that they have factions. They work with each other on some issues, against each others in others issues.
I am of the impression that money from Rothschilds is involved, not so much for Zionist reasons but for Club of Rome, Committee of 300, Bilderberger reasons. In the end, with limits to growth and depletion of resources, everybody tries to get a bigger share of the shrinking cake, cost it what it will.
I don’t know - I never got the memo!!
If Zionists are behind a world population reduction, the intent of which is to leave them in control of the planet, then how do you explain this?
Israel has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, and their excess deaths are also among the world's highest. Further, if the vaccines cause mass sterilization as appears to be the case, then where does the future Israeli population come from?
A further fly in the ointment. In order to succeed at such a nefarious plan, you would need the cooperation of China and Russia, neither of whom appear very cooperative at the moment.
More to the point, China has no mRNA vaccine. Theirs is old school and while it may also be dangerous, it doesn't appear to be driving a reduction in their population. Russia does have a DNA based vaccine, arguably as dangerous as ours, but they appear to be quietly phasing theirs out and switching to the traditional method. Add to that the fact that Russia has a very low vaccination rate compared to other advanced nations, and I frankly don't see how the plan can be met.
However, if the plan IS real and it is being run by Zionists, then they're betting everything on 00. The reason I say this is that if you don't have China and Russia on board, then once they realize what's up, Zionism vanishes from the face of the earth, along with the state of Israel.
If you go back to what Putin said about a 'world without Russia' then consider that the sentiment is widely shared, especially in the military, then what response would you expect to an agenda that reduced the population of Russia by 90%, leaving them in the hands of their historic worst enemy?
Never mind the stories of Putin at the WEF, or Putin as Netanyahu's best pal - he won't be in command at that point, and even if he were, the decision could be made over his head because it's built into the structure of Russian nuclear command, force survival being the priority. What that means is the decision to launch an attack can be taken by commanders in the field independent of central command.
Next consider Russian capabilities. Israel has no defence against a Russian attack. Their Iron Dome cannot protect against 3M22 Zircon or Kh-47M2 Kinzhal. These can be launched from Tartus which is just minutes away, and any Samson Option response that got off the ground (unlikely) would be shot down long before it got anywhere near Russia.
If it's not beyond imagining that Zionists would bet the farm on such a plan, then it's likewise not beyond imagining that Russia's response would be in line with that, but even if Russia failed, that still leaves China, and there's a whole lot more Chinese than Zionists in the world, and they have similar capabilities as Russia.
A Russian fren says many Russians have bought the certificates. (Incl. all her family members) So the actual vax rate may be even lower.... They are smart!
It’s called survival!
You (and obviously very many others here, due to the number of sayanim mobbing this site to post their disinformation) need to see some real footage of the supposed mass vaccinations and mass casualties from COVID/COVID jab side-effects suffered in Israel being completely stage-managed and entirely faked in film studio settings, see Jewish rabbis openly celebrating, dancing and chanting "Corona!, Corona!" to celebrate their Israeli government military bioweapon having been successfully deployed worldwide by their Jewish terrorist-infiltrated and controlled governments worldwide, and othr rabbis gleefully stating how Corona is not for the Jews, that it is only for the Gentiles, with only a few governments resisting, some of whose leaders found themselves dead shortly afterwards, like in several African nations, where no COVID epidemics have occurred because no mass COVID vaccination programs have been initiated there, at least initially, as the rot is setting in now and TPTB are increasing their pressure on hitherto resistant places like Africa and India, which have largely resisted the COVID bioweapon by means such as ivermectin or not giving out 'vaccines' which are in fact very obviously to anyone who actually dares to think and research properly the bioweapon that causes 'COVID' themselves.
The jabs are an Israeli or Israeli-instigated Jewish bioweapon and Jews are immune to being made sterile by them, whereas all others are not immune to that effect.
The Jews as always make out that proportionately they are the greatest victims, and that they have it even worse than the rest of us do, like they say they did in WWII, while they in fact are entirely responsible for both the COVID and WWII that caused scores of millions of Gentiles to die only for their purposes and satisfaction, with 7.5 billion intended to die by the Jewish WEF by various means, and then some more ultimately.
This is not really some actually benevolent cruel to be kind effort at preserving the planet for the long run, you can see this when Jewish agent and former health secretary Matt Hancock in the UK, according to the Telegraph publication, said "When do we deploy the variant" as part of a government operation called Operation Fear, while then working under the actually Jewish former PM Boris Johnson, who is usually represented as a bit of a mongrel, with a hint of vague Jewish ancestry in hs distant past. In one video I have, in the company of Chabad Lubavitcher Jews on stage, while wearing a ritual Jewish hat, Boris Johnson says "I am a Jew".
Add this to the Jewish-named Jordon Walker, a Jewish-named senior Pfizer researcher working for the Jew Albert Bourla who invented the Pfizer COVID Israeli government bioweapon saying to an undercover Veritas reporter that Pfizer actually makes the COVID variants, add two and two together, and you can see where Jewish agent Matt Hancock (Jewish Bolshevik minister for torture and liquidation of Gentiles) would get his COVID variant from to inflict on all the goyim as part of the Israeli Jewish military occupation government Operation Fear.
I have several articles on my substack site demonstrating this extremely clearly.
People succumb to "The Big Lie". They refuse to allow themselves to believe there is a group so monstrous, so masterful of lies and manipulation, that they could succeed at such a scale as they have. People have been exposing their methods and warning humanity for eons, but the lie is more powerful. Limiting the reach of those who would warn us was easy as pie until the internet, then we had about 10 prime years, now even the web and search engines, web hosts and DNS servers are scrubbed.
Putting out fake statistics for a tiny, tightly controlled country is child's play. That tiny country has total control of the US government, after all. That's where the Epoch Times article lost me. As with 9/11 and the anthrax attack, they suppose COVID is just a naturally occurring phenomena. So the Pentagon put all this together, Johns Hopkins had Event 201, then they just waited for COVID to happen, and got really lucky.
And then there are the "Khazarians" vs. the "Tartarians"
Absolutely right - they are as polarised among themselves if not more so as any nation. Unifying principle is shared antagonism/anti-gentilism. Which politically translates as globalism: dissolution of nation as form of political loyalty for West/Christendom/Europeans.
As this study shows at "ground zero", Northern Italy:
Yes, that is a very comprehensive report but it avoids one very important factor which singled out Bergamo at that exact moment in time.
5G was switched on there.
Interestingly, Wuhan suffered the same assault a few months earlier when 5G was enabled ahead of the UN Military Games.
I agree that 5G should be a top suspect, at least given some of the alleged symptoms. I do see 5G as a toxin (EMF) similar to (though different from) so many others, mostly chemicals.
What this report does is explain how a number of specific factors contributed, and for decades, to the deaths in specific areas of northern Italy and no where else in Italy, but relabeled "Covid" using a fraudulent test. The induced panic through government mandates created a feedback loop that contributed to the killing of patients with deadly treatments. I do think those who planned this understand what happens when you inject 24/7 fear into a society and amplify it globally through media accounts.
The northern Italian experience mirrors that in sections of the US. None of which has anything to do with a pathogenic virus. Denis Rancourt has done extensive work on this for all-cause-mortality which confirms what happened in northern Italy happened in concentrated areas of the US.
And here's Prof Rancour's work to show that there was no epidemic
No one’s evinced ethno-religious dimension of “Covid” more pithily than capo di tutti capi Larry Fink: “Covid Climate Racial Justice: the three great issues of our time”.
The globally orchestrated influx of foreign populations into Europe where natives are being systematically displaced serves identical agenda. According to recent census, which by definition doesn’t include “illegals”, Britons are now an ethnic minority in London. Londoners aka Cockneys having been ethnically cleansed.
If it were happening anywhere outside West/Christendom we’d be sending UN troops to the rescue.
By no means can globalist agenda be pinned exclusively on any single group. It’s a collaborative effort, with European governing classes regarding themselves as members of a transnational elite renouncing national allegiance of their forefathers.
But whose interest is ultimately served other than their own advancement? ZOG is no less a reality than shared identity of key players in global finance / usury. That any mention of that identity censored from public realm only reinforces the point.
ZOG? What is ZOG?
Internet’s a more reliable source than me so I just did a quick check. It’s a conspiracy theory.
Thanks for posting the video. What an extraordinary interview. It’s a must see for everyone! are they eventually going to covert the remaining population into Judaism?
I thought they were just going by numbers...
It's just synchronicity ;-)
It's all designed to confuse, misdirect and deceive. The Name Stealers have been doing it for millennia: Khazarians pretending to be everybody except Khazarians.
You talk pure crap. The WEF is an Israeli government front run by Klaus Schwab, who self-admittedly employs an army of 110,000 online propaganda experts to pump out disinformation and oppose truth sayers.
Desperado sayanim fanatics continually post all over the internet how Schwab is a 'Nazi' German, but he is a JEW, and he has been photographed attending Holocaust (TM) memorial ceremonies, hardly something that any actual National Socialist would do because they know that Jews entirely constructed the fiction of the holocaust of the deaths of 6 million Jews in order to deflect attention away from the deaths of 66 million Christians caused by Jewish communists in Russia on behalf of the Jewish Rothschild and Jewish Warburg bankers in London, New York and Germany for example.
Other stories are that Schwab's father was a German SS officer, 'proven' with a photo of a completely unrelated German SS officer, again, pure crap from the Jews to deceive everyone while they murder us, still other stories say his father was a German industrialist who employed 'slave labour' throughout WWII.
All workers even in Auschwitz, and even those inmates who were not working, with inmates even including German petty criminals serving 6 month sentences were paid wages or the equivalent in camp money to spend in the camp canteens, and that story of Schwab's father was also purposely created disinfo so people would never suspect the Jewish nature of the WEF.
People will refuse to see it, no matter what you prove.
The BIS, WHO, and WEF are self evident, but Bill Gates is also from a banking dynasty (and a family of eugenics enthusiasts). "Bill Gates, Jewish Aristocrat"
The term "crypto-Jew" exists for a reason, it's an actual thing.
Hitler's Genealogy
The Beer Hall Putsch
The fact that half of Jews identify as atheist is irrelevant, because theirs was never really a religion in the first place, and the cult-like indoctrination of children happens no matter what type of household they are raised in.
As for the religious half, there is no argument. This orthodox rabbi's daughter describes her father as being "less open-minded than the Klansman"
Wow, the first link takes quite a bit of reading going through the vast amount of stuff in there, it was a bit like having a food mixer inside my brain, haha.
I wonder what the Mormons would make of all that with their detailed histories, as they keep a record of everyone born in the world and their lineages I read somewhere, so they would be interesting to consult on these matters as to the veracity of the allegations here.
There were 42 documented attempts on Hitler's life, but with the Jews Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin on the opposing side, who of them would have wanted Hitler dead if he was really a crypto-Jewish and supposedly gay actor planted by the Jews themselves who was necessary for the full development of their Jewish plot? Several British plots to assassinate Hitler were planned by the SOE and even approved by the Jew Churchill (born to a New York Jewess called Jerome).
Churchill stated that what had been most difficult was not how to stop war with Germany from starting, but how to get it started, and then, not how to stop it as quickly as possible, but how to keep it going as long as possible, and the amount of rhetoric that could be generated around that would also be very lengthy.
Churchill stated that war would have been forced on Germany under any instance anyway even if Germany was run by a Jesuit, even if there were no National Socialists, in order to complete the destruction of Germany that had been commenced in WWI by the arrangement of Natty Rothschild (who was even connected to the group that assassinated Archduke Ferdinand, though that event was not in fact the real cause of WWI in any case) and several other 'elites'.
The war forced on Germany was nothing to do with conquering any mere 'economic rival', like ridiculously burning out a rival baker's shop down the high street and murdering his entire family so that you can then sell all the bread and cakes in the town, this was perceived as a necessary destruction of the most powerful nation in all of Europe that would then permit the Wall Street Jewish and Rothschild Jewish bankers' creation of a Jewish Bolshevik-enslaved Russia to then be able to sweep through Europe unhindered to take as much of Europe as was desired to be taken by the Jewish leaders in combination.
And who did all of the faking of the photos? I would think those responsible would be 'British' agents working under the entirely shady and devious 'British' Sefton Delmer, the Jewish-controlled CIA and Stalin's Jewish propagandists would be involved. Chabad Lubavitcher devotee Putin recently visited the premier Bennett in Israel to apologize to Bennett over Lavrov's remark that Hitler had Jewish blood in him and obviously deny this.
I have photos of Putin wearing a Chabad Lubavitcher red thread on his wrist on my substack site.
It obviously makes a very effective 'de-nazification' tool to brainwash the minds of all sympathizers of real National Socialism if very clever propaganda can be constructed, even continuously constructed still today as 'fake history' to falsely demonstrate that Hitler and his entire hierarchy were in fact often crypto-Jewish traitors and homosexuals, though of course, when that narrative is employed the Jews responsible have to keep both mutually opposing lines of propaganda essentially at odds with each other, so the Jews don't celebrate Hitler as they really ought to if Hitler really was their Jewish agent (after all, he never really did kill 6 million Jews, more Jews were discovered to be alive in the world just after WWII than just before, a video of a Jewish communist speech in Germany from around 1934 can be seen where a Jew is saying a holocaust of Jews in Germany will happen and that 6 million will die, obviously, he is really saying that that is what will be said, and that being said, why didn't they all just beetle off somewhere else then? And of course, there were never even 6 million Jews in all of the nations that Germany eventually came to occupy in all of Europe in any case, and the vast majority of France's vast Jewish community was never deported, with only a few radical communists and military partisan activists deported. There never were any missing 6 million, it was, and still is, a total fraud, as census figures for Jewish world population clearly demonstrate, and more than one organization was involved, so more than one census was compiled to evidence the truth of this. The Jews work both sides, they condemn Hitler, while their other agents tell potential National Socialists and residual National Socialists who must surely now be very old indeed, that Hitler was in fact a Jewish agent working only to betray and destroy National Socialism and all of Germany, just to discourage them from even thinking about National Socialism as having ever been or ever being potentially valid.
Hitler and the NSDAP were never necessary in any case for any pretext to attack Germany just as Churchill stated. National Socialism as a philosophy and understanding, as an economic system and social construct is nonetheless very valid, especially today, as the Chabad Lubavitchers who quite obviously control Russia, America, Ukraine and NATO nations at literally means to physically annihilate us all, and I do not see a single other political movement that has ever challenged militant terrorist Judaism on a national level so effectively. And Christian attempts to challenge Judaism are inevitably doomed to fail on many levels as 'Rabbi' Jesus is purely a weaponized artificial literary construct invented by the Jewish Piso family ostensibly as part of a newly-created link religion for the Roman Emperor Constantine to use to unite his spiritually disparate Roman Empire nations at the time, Easter being really Eostre, the Saxon goddess of fertility rebirth and renewal, and so on, the 25th of December Christmas Day is really the celebration day of Sol the sun god and also the celebration day of the god Mithra.
At least 42 documented attempts were made on the life of Hitler, hardly something that would occur if Hitler really had been a Jewish agent trained at Tavistock mind control facilities as some allege, after all, that would rather spoil the Jewish plot if the alleged Jewish actor they needed to bring Jewish plans to fruition were somehow killed before he could scupper Germany as some allege he intended to do, and some of the names of those involved in the assassination attempts look rather Jewy.
One thing we do know, it is a central part of the belief system of at least the Chabad Lubavitcher leading faction of Jews who are politically dominating governments of major nations and the UN, that now is officially linked to the demonic Jewish-run WEF, that not only all white people are to be exterminated, but all Gentiles. National Socialism itself would seek to prevent those Jews accomplishing their twisted aims.
I have known for a very long time about the supposed Jewish nature of allegations of supposed actual Jewish heritage of some in the National Socialist hierarchy, and while some officers definitely did have some Jewish blood to a minor degree these would be named as 'honorary aryans'. Some 150,000 such 'mischlinge' or partly Jewish service personnel served in the German armed forces during WWII.
The body is not the living being of course it is the soul that is the conscious living entity, and Jewish occult practice is to transmigrate consciously from one body to the next after this life (gilgul) and to reincarnate by choice where they wish, and they do this to ensure they and they alone reincarnate in power structures that they have long already been setting up so as to maintain them, after all, what would be the point if Gentile souls were inadvertently allowed to reincarnate within the Jewish hierarchy, making Jews then subjects to being oppressed by the very system of deprivation and abuse that they have specifically established to reign over the Gentiles with to enslave, the ultimately suicide them in battles against each other and Jew fake medicine. The Jewish soul is the Jew, not the body, many bodies with a bit of Jewish DNA contain only Gentile souls.
So undermining all of National Socialism serves no real purpose, as that merely opens the door to the total destruction of all Gentile races and peoples in the world, as that is the specific intention of the Jewish criminal terrorist death cult that the Jews try to say is their 'religion'.
Studying the official German National Socialist party program, a copy of which I possess in paperback, it becomes evident that the NSDAP itself was only ever a temporary emergency government set up for a limited period of time to deal with an existential crisis, and that the NSDAP itself was fully intended to be dissolved as soon as the German people were once again safe.
Many people are evidently under the propagandized belief that National Socialism must mean some terrible eternal existence under draconian martial law or something awful. In fact, the 1,000 year reich was never envisaged as having to be under NSDAP administration, with it being envisaged that only if any existential threats against the German became manifest again at any time in the future, such a party could then be reformed for the duration of that particular crisis and then dissolved again when there is no longer any need for it.
No one else in modern times has ever organized a national scale resistance against this Jewish threat. Hitler stated in Mein Kampf, that if the Jews were ever to succeed in their intentions, that this planet would become a lifeless ball of rock spinning through space. In 1934, a Jew name Leo Szilard patented the atom bomb explosive mechanism, in 1950 he patented the cobalt dirty nuclear bomb, 400 of which he stated can permanently exterminate all forms of life on this entire planet, the completely psychotic and hatefully vindictive nature of Judaism in a nutshell.
Hitler called the atom bomb the Jewish hell weapon, and refused to allow his scientists to attempt to develop atomic weapons, though his use of Norwegian heavy water to generate electricity during heavy economic sanctions imposed by Allied nations (something the non-nuclear-armed Norwegians sill use today to generate electricity) is oft cited as 'proof ' that Hitler was actually developing atomic weapons himself.
His bodyguard, Otto Skorzeny, stated that Hitler told him such weapons could never be permitted as their use would cause such terrible and unacceptable harm to this planet.
If only the Jews had been stopped then and isolated in some place like Madagascar and prevented from infiltrating their sinister criminal agents into powerful positions around the world anymore back then, but now the world is to pay the price for such negligence or oversight as a nuclear WWIII looms that the Jews have long been planning, that employ cobalt 60 Jewish hell weapon nuclear warheads to exterminate all white people first of all in nations occupied mainly by white people, and then they will eliminate the rest of the Gentiles by various means, just as the edicts in the Zohar and statements by rabbis today demand.
This will occur through the imposition of their Noahide Laws for instance under their intended NWO one world 'government' that will authorise the liquidation of 6 BILLION Gentiles who are Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Daoists, Muslims etc. on the pretext of idolatry alone, while still falsely proclaiming 'We are your friends' to any remaining peoples in any lands, 1984 style, as always already for very many years.
I agree on the last two links.
It is easier to call names and use groups as the whipping boy royalty employed. We are instructed to examine ourselves. Thank you Gary. Agape
Oh yes I can. Lets look at Henry Kissinger at the Trilateral Commission, CFR. The members of the board of directors inside the Bank of International Settlements. That's just a start.
Henry Kissinger and many German Jews from his era did not consider themselves Jewish and had nothing to do with Judaism. Jewish In Name Only. Golda Meir, one of Israel’s early prime ministers scorned Kissinger publicly because he went out of his way to not show favoritism to Israel during the 6 Day war in which it was almost destroyed.
This is a brilliant summary from Sasha and gets to the core. We're not allowed to speculate about who the bankers are or how they're connected or what their agenda is. Why? Ellen illustrates in her reply to Sandra--.
Also, I posted this: and then on JJ Couey's response with Mathew Crawford and Mark Kulacz: Lots of new clues they bring to the table.
You get it 👍
we are in "Weimar" phase...
Spot on.
And GOD FORBID anybody mention THOSE empowering Rothschilds and all the Central Bankers having connections to the surviving EUROPEAN MONARCHY from their inception into the annuls of power...Bent upon vengeance since the multiple military losses to the United States and the definition/clarification of 'Human Rights' to be granted by God instead of some Psycho-Predator potentates murderous to close family members as well as MAKING INCOME TAX ILLEGAL.
Indeed, with every Revolution deposing the world's Monarchies, TERROR GREW and they've been bent upon vengeance towards those they viewed and continue to view "THEIR HUMAN HERD" inferior as the "dirty, unwashed, starving masses".
I don't think so. The British monarchs, for example, have been complicit puppets of the money changers since the money changers installed William and Mary on the throne in 1689 in a coup d'etat mockingly known as The Glorious Revolution. The real power is behind the throne, not on it.
You, Katherine Watt, Barnes, Brooks. You are all a big part of this tsunami. I agree with Pam Popper who wrote over a year ago that the day will come when these people are hunted down much as the Nazi criminals were after WW2.
And who do you think the NAZI’s were? They were the Khazarian mafia!!! Who blamed Germans… the German people had also a genocide . Look into that!
Hitler was funded and helped into power by the House of Habbsberg and other wealthy bankers of the Wiemar Republic. When you take a VERY close look at who was doing what, you discover you were lied to in history class.
Here is something that you won't find in history class:
[After their first meeting in 1924 until Norman’s death in 1945, Hjalmar Schacht and governor of the Bank of England Montagu Norman were close friends.
In 1931, the German Alfred Rosenberg travelled to Britain to meet the editor in chief of the influential London Times, Geoffrey Dawson, that gave Hitler invaluable positive publicity. More important were his meetings with Montagu Norman and Henri Deterding. The introduction to Norman came from Hjalmar Schacht.
The final London visit of Alfred Rosenberg was in May 1933, he went directly to the country home in Ascot of chairman of Shell “Sir” Henri Deterding, arguably the world’s most influential businessman. Royal Dutch Shell secretly had intimate contact with, and provided support to the German Nazis.
In early 1933, Montagu Norman quickly strengthened the Hitler government with vital Bank of England credit. Norman also visited to Berlin in May 1934 to arrange further secret financial stabilisation for the Nazi regime. Hitler made Norman’s friend Schacht both his minister of economics and president of the Reichsbank.]
Fake History in schools, Fake Money in our economy, Fake news like Jan 6, Fake governments with Fake laws, Fake leader who are always -- ALWAYS SELECTED not Elected. Fakest thing of all Hierarchy.
Interesting. Evil people in a Fallen world.
You might like this episode of mine: I don't think I have everything right, but I'm raising the same questions that you are.
Interesting. Are you familiar with the work of Dr Jospeh P Farrell? He writes extensively about NAZIs before, during and after WWII:
Also worth pointing out that the collaboration between the NAZIs and the British and American bankers continued after WWII - indeed continues to this day: The Bilderberg Group was established after WWII to manage and launder through American and European banks the vast amounts of loot which the British and Americans allowed the NAZIs to walk away with to Argentina and elsewhere at the end of the war. Several senior NAZIs - including Hitler, Bormann and Kammler - were allowed to fake their own deaths and re-locate to Argentina and elsewhere.
Edward mentioned the Weimar hyperinflation, which was really genocide by starvation inflicted by the bankers on the German people post-WWI. How did they go from that to a thriving economy in six years, pre-Hitler. I know they evicted Rothschild. Did they repudiate the foreign debts and issue their own currency, as Ellen Brown states? And then what happened--did the bankers retaliate and, if so, how? Did they do the same thing to provoke a war that the US/NATO has done with Ukraine to provoke Russia? That's the question I'm trying to answer.
You're hitting closer to the bone than you realize. Hitler was both a puppet and an opportunist.
He got rid of usury, and nationalized the banks. I'm not sure about all the mechanisms involved.
Dr Farrell probably has the answer. You can contact him through his website.
It always seemed to me that the Anglo-American empire fought two world wars to prevent Germany and Russia from being able to combine to threaten American/British economic and military dominance. America(/UK?)'s latest attack on Germany (NordStream) suggests that the game continues today?
I'll check it out. Thanks
If you would like to watch something that corroborates much of this, watch this. It had a billion hits before being put on the back burner. Best coverage of JFK by a looong shot
This is also interesting on JFK:
Did JFK fake his own death?
Hi Tirion, Read your response to mine and when arriving here found censorship happened to be removed. They only censor when they wish to cover the truth...And, censorship has greatly ESCALATED IN THIS LAST WEEK.
Monarchy were not merely puppets...They gained the upper hand following the Hapsburg's Maximillian in his wars following the death of Mary the Rich. The Power structures ebbed and flowed between the Monarchs and Merchants/Bankers. It was the British Crown giving the power to Rothschilds (Meyer) Family. Many don't know where the second 'M' in MGM Grand came from. To this day, the Rothschilds are the Bankers to the Windsor Monarchy and that is to top of the Totem Pole.
"The Truman Show" is a documentary!
Let's not also overlook the fact that much of the NAZIs' funding came from Wall Street. The US had no intention of entering WWII until the week when Hitler double-crossed Wall Street by sending Hess to Britain to make peace so that he could focus on attacking the Soviet Union.
A lot of Sefton Delmer type propaganda, printed in seemingly convincing 'black and white print' has been published both before and after WWII to give us yet still more fake history.
Many claim that in fact actually Jewish bankers funded the rise of the NSDAP and maintained it once it came to power. Of course that was not actually possible. If money had really been lent to the NSDAP prior to their election or to National Socialist Germany after their election by usurious arrangement by Jewish bankers or bankers whose banks had majority Rothschild shareholdings to be repaid with interest to bring about and maintain the National Socialist regime, how then could a non-usurious principled German National Socialist economy then have paid back such money with interest and yet still have experienced and exhibited to the world the economic miracle that was entirely due to having been freed from usurious enslavement to the Rothschild bankers?
In fact, Hitler confiscated a lot of wealth from the Rothschild bankers in Germany and aryanized the banks throughout Germany to become non-usurious, and then Germany became wealthy, as German wealth was not then still continuously siphoned off to rich Jews.
Yet the initial source of that wealth in Germany under the new National Socialist idealism was 'strength through joy', combined with real work, the supply of natural commodities, real skills, real knowledge, real culture, common good will, and a genuine will to cooperate with the rest of the German national population for the common good that was fostered by the new National Socialist philosophy of class cooperation, where everyone worked along with everyone else for the common good (which differs from the malevolent Jewish communist idea of hate being maintained between Gentile members of the same nation in class warfare to ensure only their mutual destruction rather than their cooperation).
This was an essential unity of a people being proposed compared to the essential disharmonious constant class warfare or division proposed by the Jewish philosophy of communism as in Isaiah 19:2.
Real wealth is happiness based on more enlightened spiritual ideals and the idea of being able to build a successfully happy common society, involving common will to do that, along with sufficient arable land, natural resources, knowledge, skills and joyous will to accomplish that, yet all that is what the Jews in several other nations set about destroying as that is something they could never allow the Gentiles to ever even conceive in their wildest dreams of actually possessing.
To continually maintain and enforce power over their Gentile victims, everything has to be maintained by the Jewish overlords as an eternally irrevocable chaos among their goyim slaves, of supposedly unavoidable ignorance, disease, pain, poverty, dysfunction, disharmony and misery, with a purportedly necessary disguised Jewish dictatorship apparently always preserving their Gentile slave victims against an imminently threatening even worse fate.
I had made a mistake in the above comment implicating the "House of Habbsberg," the best way to describe what happened is below: [My apologies]
"The German Nazis were financed by the big bankers from France, Britain, the Netherlands and the USA. A relatively large part of the financiers of Hitler were Ashkenazi Jews.
The following companies were financing or working together with the Nazi regime (in between brackets some of the connected families).
[Names that are in Bold Text are important names and may help lead to fully identifying “current individual members” of the Committee of 300 and Dragon Bloodline Families as well as their connection to Order of the Garter members.]
Royal Dutch Shell (Queen Wilhelmina, Rothschild, Henri Deterding), Mendelsohn, Rotterdamsche Bankvereniging, Carl Duisberg, Werkspoor.
Rothschild, Warburg, Schiff, Kuhn Loeb, J.H. Schröder Bank.
W.A. Harriman, Chase National Bank (Rockefeller), Guaranty Trust (J.P. Morgan), Kennedy, John Foster Dulles, General Motors (J.P. Morgan, DuPont), ITT (J.P. Morgan), General Electric, Goldman Sachs, IBM (Rothschild).
IG Farben was financed by Rothschild agent Max Warburg.
IG Farben and Standard Oil founded Standard Oil American IG with these board members: Walter Teagle (Standard Oil), Paul Walburg (Kuhn Loeb), Edsel Ford, Charles Mitchell (National City Bank, Rockefeller), Herman Metz (Metz Company).
Already in 1922 the New York Times published an article that Henry Ford financed Hitler and in 1928 the German part of the Ford Company merged with IG Farben.
The pharmaceutical industry obviously continues the eugenics program of the Nazis. IG Farben was the notorious chemical company (including pharmaceutics) that was both an integral part of the Nazi-machine, and affiliated with Ford and Rockefeller…
IG Farben used 83,000 slave labourers from the largest German concentration camp, Auschwitz, and produced the controversial poison Zyklon-B. IG Farben conducted sick experiments in the part of Auschwitz it controlled - including vaccines.
John D. Rockefeller already financed eugenics experiments before WW II, including those of Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer, where “Dr” Josef Mengele already worked before his sick experiments in Auschwitz.
In 1951, IG Farben was split up. The main successor companies today are Bayer, BASF, AGFA and Sanofi: ... dustry.htm
Fritz Thyssen was one of the first German supporters of Adolf Hitler; Thyssen was financed with millions of dollars from Standard Oil, Ford, General Electric, DuPont, ITT (sent by Dillon Read & Co).
The money profits were laundered by the Dutch BHS/Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart (Queen Wilhelmina, Prince Bernhard), Brownbrothers & Harriman and UBC/Union Banking Corporation (Prescott Bush).
According to Gertrude Elias companies in the USA made profits of some 175 billion dollars from financing and collaborating with the Nazis."
There is really a lot more to this story I may try to do a posting on this.
For more information on the financing of the Nazis; Anthony C. Sutton – Wall Street and the rise of Hitler (1976): ... tler-4.pdf
Not enough we’re hunted... they were given new names, new jobs in the USA... Operation Paperclip.... and doing their same 💩 now....only organized worldwide w/ Kharzarian mafia ....
I wish...
Charles, If you look at all the controlling organizations that maintain the narrative, they are large, spread out and very protected. Sasha placed the chart in her post. However, I dont think there is going to be a hunt down. I believe they are going to win in degree but the pinnacle of what they are trying to build is only going to last a very short time according to the bible--7 years. It is going to take the return of Messiah Jesus to destroy the entire globalist enterprise--i dont think we will be able to stop it by ourselves. At the root of globalism/communism is an absolute driving hatred against the Creator God and His Son. This is what we are witnessing. And at the top of the foodchain is the Devil himself using all of these global organizations and theologies to imprison and eventually seeking to destroy mankind and the earth.
Who do you refer to by "Barnes" and "Brooks"? I would like to check them out..
JUST SO WE'RE CLEAR...Will there remain yet more covert Nazi Sympathizers in the current International Mafia Death Cult to help those pursued, caught and indicted? They are those having no loyalty to Constitution/Country/Citizens and only to EUGENICIST, FASCIST MASS MURDERERS CRAVING ENDLESS POWER as those participating in and financing both sides of WWII and following?
"OPERATION PAPERCLIM" and "PACIFIC PAPERCLIP' among other operations installing Nazis into a GASLIT WORLD and into positions of power and influence were clearly VERY SUCCESSFUL or the current predicament wouldn't exist.
Beautiful artwork sasha
At the above link is a comprehensive article which goes into great detail on what actually happened in Northern Italy in spring 2020.
This became the launching pad for the Covid Operation in the West.
Means and motive are established.
I must repeat that the Covid oppositional establishment actively avoid such detailed evidence based discussions and discussions such as those which Sasha brings to the table.
As always follow the money.
And here's some info on what was going on in Wuhan:
Jon Rappoport on the toxic polluted air in Wuhan
Jon Rappoport on connection between toxic air pollution and lung problems and pneumonia. Horrific air quality brings on lung infections of all kinds, including pneumonia. Pneumonia is THE illness attributed to the coronavirus. How convenient. The Chinese government has recently ruled that testing patients for the coronavirus isn’t necessary for a diagnosis of “epidemic illness.” A CT scan of the lungs is sufficient. If the patient thus shows signs of pneumonia, he is labeled “a coronavirus case.”
Jon Rappoport- Covid Greatest Hits Series: (all his key posts on the global psychological warfare operation known as covid)
And a reminder about a past scam:
Jon Rappoport overview on SARS fraud: When you claim the grand death total from the SARS “epidemic,” worldwide, is 800 out of seven billion, and you can’t even prove those 800 died from the “SARS virus,” do you, the World Health Organization, admit your whole program of epidemic detection is a fraud? Do you pay Toronto several billion dollars for their troubles? Of course not. You keep calling SARS an epidemic forever. You write fake histories. You do whatever is necessary to maintain your phony reputation.
Problem with Wuhan, gain of function, directed evolution SARS 2.0 is that they are all distractions - red herrings. The problem is not some virus which never has been proven to exist. The problem is the DOD shots. These are what are killing and maiming people. The shots should be our focus not some redesignated influenza. Most influenza can be avoided by rudimentary vitamin supplements. There are qualified websites for this information. Wuhan's problem is that they went full on 5-G coincidently Oct 2019. We must concentrate on removing 5-G and all shots.
Of course. It was a global psyop to justify the bioweapon injections and to scare the sheep into committing suicide. And it was the first stage of the Great Reset (there have been previous resets--reset just refers to the debt, the international/central bankers have gotten the entire world enslaved to debt over "money" created out of thin air.
"Problem with Wuhan, gain of function, directed evolution SARS 2.0 is that they are all distractions - red herrings. "
Yes and I would add Jan 6 to that list. All these will fade into obscurity.
What will not fade into obscurity are the IHR Amendments connected to the WHO diabolical world takeover. This is the slave ship.
the thing about jan 6th is that imho it was engineered so they could usher in the laws re domestic terrorists. What do they call the protesters in Atlanta? domestic terrorists
J6 was pure theater from both sides- "the resolution will be televised" Covid- Ditto !
see Miles Mathis re: Atlanta
Agree totally. Absolutely Critical to stay on the target 💉 here…Massive distraction being thrown around globally, good people are falling for it..
canard du "bombay", (bombs away)
I remember Uri Geller (ex CIA spoon bender) stating bk then, that an official carrier was sent to Iran via Millan thus the outbreak :-P
"To conjure a post-modern Potemkin plague and the perceived need for shutting down a country’s social and economic order, Italy possessed all the ready-made ingredients. With its already soaring rates of interstitial pneumonia, panoply of pollution induced upper respiratory problems and high cancer rates, Northern Italy needed only a tiny flame to ignite a wildfire of fatalities. That spark came in the form of media generated hysteria, lockdown orders and deadly hospital protocols."
the "Italian" job...
Allen, thank you for this link. Will be sharing it with family who believe that everything about the plandemic was fake... except for "covid".
Agree that this is about money. But it's a double-headed snake. Depopulation is the other half of the agenda.
Saw former CDC chief Robert Redfield said this,’
“In September 2019, three things happened in that lab. One is they deleted the sequences. Highly irregular, researchers don’t like to do that. The second thing is they changed the command and control from civilian to military.”
The change in control made think of you Sasha immediately. Although I am a skeptic of Robert Redfield’s veracity in general.
1) Those 2 sheep in front look like they just got caught at something.
2) Thank You, Sasha. I cannot bring myself to be flippant today. You are engaged in combat with forces which may kill you. The faction you are exposing is now desperate, as Tucker Carlson also points out. They are a faction in rapid decline, having lost the control-marrative.
They can still harm individuals.
I have been warned of that this morning, myself, but few look at my work, nor is it particularly original or directly threatening, as yours is.
That being said, you and I see the physical actors, but not the "owners" or the origin of the well-coordinated commands to carry out lockstep glbal genocide.
The "limited" hangouts are gradually advancing within the realm of what is already posted on the internet. At some point, they may seem good-enough to build a new control-narrative around. A lot of negotiation must be ongoing, as this is fluid, very much in motion, and global financial reset does approach. When there is a sudden financial discontinuity, rage and desperation will be widespread.
Human sacrifices, once begun, can be directed against anybody, certainly against those who are habitual seekers of truth, those who helped bring down a previous control-narrative, and who are presumed to expose lies in any new control-narrative, if allowed to do so.
I am not warning you, not at all. You already know this intimately.
I am expressing my admiration for your brave and honorable resolve to reveal the truth.
Isaiah 54:17 “No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
says the Lord.
Note that there is nothing in this quote to indicate that the righteous will not be promptly killed.
sasha's sheep are real sheep, not sheeple :)
Yes, the real ones are cute and useful, they mow the grass and grow wool :)
Yikes !! (but true)
alt. media: "baa-baa black sheep, have you any wool...?"
WoW 😮 thank you Dr Day....Truth Warriors are my héros 🦸 I so admire both you and Sasha and I needed to know you both existed during in this terrible time we have just lived through ....and continue to be exposed to .....your words your hearts ♥️ your spirits have pulled me through this nightmare and continue to give me strength... I thank you both 🥰🥴deep gratitude for your voices ....🥴😘😘😘😘😘
Thank You, Psyche. Seek Divine Guidance, in the desire to further Divine Intention to Harmonize our world.
Dear amazing woman Sasha, you are completely clear and to the point about what's happening. You are not alone in your conclusions. Intentional crimes of murder have been committed and are being committed against the people's of this world like never before in history. We can't downplay what's happening by one inch. We need to call it out the way it is and you are doing that, I support you 100%. Keep up the great work, Thank you brave woman! Ps: don't ever get discouraged doing good, because human life is in the balance and the future will repeat itself if we don't act Concisely.
Sasha, you are the most amazing woman! Courageous! Real revolutionary! We are so grateful for your beautiful mind, your love for humanity and your fearless nature to bring the truth! We are behind you! We are supporting you. I am sharing your substacks on many chats, with patients, I print them out and give them to people. The humanity is blessed to have people like you as the COVID crisis showed again - people are not courageous, in fact cowards, with just a few exceptions like you! Please, do not stop! Let us know what you need!
Thank you!
You probably want to take a look at this. Your name does get mentioned in passing. Check out this video "Important WARNING--Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Stream"
Agree the entire Covid scheme was effected for control and this and the vaccines are mass murder. The plot involves national and international partners. Those who are citizens and office holders of the USA need to be prosecuted for mass murder and treason.
The global cabal of whatever they are ( as opposed to who ever they are ) and I think we all know!.......are possessed by evil and I think the inbreeding has a very bad impact too. You however are possessed with incredible talent and beauty which exudes out through the scenes you paint that jump right out of my childhood memories back into life again.. Again the sheep so wonderfully captured. I'm so grateful you finally made your way to our Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson in Canada a while back, I really wanted you two to get together. KEEP FIGHTING. and keep yer head on a swivel.
Many are not ready to even consider a planned depopulation program let alone say it in public. I'm with you, I have no doubt, and I so appreciate you saying it. Eventually, for those who are still on this planet, they too will have to come to terms with it. Just a matter of time.
Much appreciation.
It’s always the group of monsters that we cannot criticize 😉
Voltaire told us this hundreds of years ago a group, form a 'protected' class...
Gorgeous artwork. And spot on with your summary. Very easy to understand, even for ANYONE who has not been paying attention. Money printing is at the root of it all. The magnification of money is the root of all evil. It's financial cancer.
Thank you. I love when you summarize so concisely--most of us need that!
I mean, seriously, if you are an employee of "Prizer" and you come to the realization that the company you work for is the middle man in a word wide murder conspiracy which is the God's honest can you live with yourself? How can you continue to supply labor to a murderer? How can the thousands of minions complicit with this depopulation scheme live with themselves? And are these people are so dumb as to not realize they might be targets too?
This is an excellent question. Attempting to begin addressing it to some degree in my next piece.
Promise of "untold" riches...
(It's a small group, wielding a large club, and you ain't in it- in fact, you're on the receiving end)
I understand approx only 10% of the ministry of health in Japan are jabbed. (When challenged at the official study group mtg, The rep from the ministry didn't deny nor agree. So probably more or less accurate. These bureacrats are not that stupid...)
I wonder how many workers in those pharma (or any govts authorities who know the plot) have actually taken the shots.