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By "behind-the-scenes financial and Zionist powers." I believe he's referring to the Jewish banking families who control nations behind the scenes by getting the power to issue their currencies (created/printed out of thin air) and loaned at interest to the government. Our founding fathers knew that the international banking families got control over nations by getting the power to issue the national currency, which is why they specifically gave this power to Congress. However, in 1913, the whores in Congress gave this power away to private bankers. More on the bankers takeover here:

Bill Still's The Money Masters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDlnM481Gcg&t=668s (a follow the money approach to history, going back to Rome, then Bank of England, how Rothschilds took over Europe and then America with the Federal Reserve, you will understand how and why we have wars and who ultimately benefits)

Just reading the quotes here will give a sense of how this system of debt enslavement works:



Aaron Russo's America Freedom to Fascism (banker takeover in 1913 and the illegality of the income tax and the IRS) https://www.bitchute.com/video/HXx6oWdIHvgr/

Mike Rivero's All Wars are Bankers Wars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrKf9nYeXT0

A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind - Stephen Mitford Goodson https://archive.org/details/a-history-of-central-banking-and-the-enslavement-of-mankind-pdfdrive/page/n9/mode/2up

John Coleman The Rothschild Dynasty https://archive.org/details/coleman-john-the-rothschild-dynasty/page/199/mode/2up (on last page, he predicts the world will be plunged into a brutal one world government dictatorship by 2025)

Money as Debt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nBPN-MKefA&t=373s

F. William Engdahl | The Gods of Money – How America Was Hijacked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHs55X0K9dU&t=45s

And read Ellen Brown's Web of Debt (http://www.webofdebt.com/excerpts/introduction.php)- an easy quick read, G. Edward Griffin's Creature from Jekyll Island, or Eustace Mullins The Secrets of the Federal Reserve.

James Madison - History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.

Thomas Jefferson - If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England in the 1920s - Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with the slick of a pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from the bankers and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue as the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of slavery, let them continue to create money and to control credit.

Book: "They Own It All (Including You) By Means of Toxic Currency" http://newpeopleorder.com/


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I watched the Bill Still video many years ago - paid my mortgage off asap. I don’t buy unnecessary crap either that drains your money away with the promise of it ‘making you happy’ - Thanks Sandra for the links. 1913 was a key moment in the control of the money system. Many are unaware. - I may revisit and watch again. Thanks Sasha for your Due Diligence and Art.

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Excellent compendium, Sandra--. Thank you for putting all these resources together in one place. I've read many and, as I posted to you on my 'stack, taught a course on Ellen Brown's book here: http://universecity.us/wp_econ/. But I'm especially interested in the John Coleman. My next episode on The Devil & Naomi Wolf will touch on this.

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Yes, I saw that!! I'm quite impressed that you taught a class on Ellen Brown's book! Good for you on spreading the word. We need more people out there teaching the truth about our debt based monetary system! I actually know a couple of MBAs who were NEVER taught any of this--amazing how they keep certain info so well hidden.

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Of course, this was through my local Grange--no university would ever touch this. I can't count the economics professors I've argued with who have no idea how money's created. And if you want to hear some mansplaining, try being a housewife who's written a book on economics. They can't help themselves.

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Never learned this in Business School even with a concentration in finance.

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I first woke up to the Federal Reserve printing/creating money out of thin air and loaning it to the govt from former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul. Then I learned more about the monetary/banking system from a guy who had an MBA from NYU (so, I think a very good business school) and he was shocked that he was not taught this in business school and had to learn it much later. And I think Steve Bannon, who apparently has an MBA from Harvard, only recently learned about the Federal Reserve and the truth about the monetary system because he kind of surprised everyone at the 2021 CPAC when he went on a rant about it and called for the end of the Federal Reserve


We're all in grave danger now because they plan on rolling out their CBDCs soon and if they get away with that, then that is the end of human freedom:


My worry is that they are deliberately destroying the value of the dollar, so that when it is worth nothing (or we have hyperinflation) people will be desperate and accept the CBDCs


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Yes CBDC is deadly. There will probably be a bank run and then CBDC will be handed out like candy.

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Yes, Catherine Austin Fitts said something like that. And it's not really even a currency--she says more like a transaction system, programmable money. So, they will put a certain amount in your account, and then you have a certain amount of time to spend it. And they can also do geo-fencing with it, meaning that your CBDC will only work within 5 miles of your home. I think there are a few of people in Congress trying to fight this, have introduced bills, but they obviously need people to sign onto them. Professor Richard Werner thinks they actually have microchips to go under our skin (!!!): The Central Bank Game Plan In Under 3 Minutes Richard Werner


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1. Believe me, these “Jewish Banking Families” from CENTURIES ago don’t have a drop of “Jewish blood” remaining in their modern day lineage and NO knowledge of or interest in Judaism. They are JINO (Jewish in Name Only).

2. Centuries ago, money lending was considered a dirty business and the Church prohibited Christians from money lending so this “dirty” business was relegated to the Jews who were prohibited from entering “respectable” trades.

3. The idea that there is a cabal of “Zionist Bankers” is pure fantasy. Garbage like Soros and his ilk are Leftists- a far cry from Zionists.

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Maybe those known as Zionists are actually Roman Catholics? It seems to me that was what the Crusades were all about. Taking Jerusalem from the Muslims. Usury was a great way to employ Jews and have them as the fall guys for when the shtf.

Khazarian jews were never semitic and they have abused the semites relentlessly ever since.

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Rubbish. All Jews are real Jews, even Jerusalem University says the Khazarian supposed mass conversion of 700 nobility is a mere myth. This myth was deliberately created as a dodge to be used by the Jews to divert blame away from themselves for any crimes committed by their general community onto some mythical entity that is supposedly not Jewish, but actually Gentile.

Read Dr Karl Skorecki, on Aish.com, https://aish.com/48936742/

he proves conclusively that the Khazarian Cohen priests have exactly matching DNA to authenticated Jews from 3,300 years ago,

meaning that any supposed actual Gentiles who supposedly converted to Judaism who now live in the Ukraine area or who have spread from there to other parts of the world really are real Jews who are in fact stock from earlier Jewish travellers who made their way up there earlier long before the mythical mass conversion and then spread around all over the world.

There are communities of Jews living in Japan, China and India since very ancient times, so they do get around, after all, they say they do intend to conquer the entire planet, so of course they will get around to set up camp there and infiltrate as they do everywhere in order to set about doing that.

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Zionists love creating myths about themselves. Name Stealers.....

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In addition to all this:

The USA and all western countries are corporations; and so we are considered.

The judiciary was transformed, it no longer worked for the ppl but to administer the dept.

You need to find and read the Lawyer's secret oath!

And this.


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