I am a pharmacist. I was immediately concerned about the integrity of the mRNA and the human ability to preserve it in transport and storage. I still do not understand why more pharmacists weren't/aren't also skeptical. I feel like a lone wolf in my profession.
35 years working in corp world. Much of it in tech serving banking/investment management/insurance. One could say I'm steeped in that world. But we were talking about Upton Sinclair's radical, rabble rousing fiction. Be clear, it's only in Left/Dem/Socialist history that he's seen as a hero. Or are you not aware that he lied through his teeth in that book? He was a socialist seeking to foment anti-capitalist action via his book, and many other aspects of his life. Here's a great article laying out what an utter hack and radical leftie he was - and how much BS was in 'the Jungle' - which was a NOVEL, a work of fiction, lol. But so many people have been told by their 'educators' that it's true. Read this if you like facts. https://fee.org/articles/29-upton-sinclairs-the-jungle-proved-regulation-was-required/
The phenomenon Sinclair described...a man's lack of ability to understand something that puts his paycheck at risk...is as true within the leadership ranks of a socialist government as it is in capitalism. It's human nature. No "benevolent government" can prevent that.
Whatever. Sinclair lied through his teeth about the meatpacking biz in Chicago but is somehow recalled fondly or as important by many folks, including you. He was a socialist revolutionary and such people have destroyed this nation. You deal in meta hyperbolic BS, I deal in facts.
Back when this all started. I installed monitoring for the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines at a hospital. The thing that really worried me was that none of the pharmacy people really knew what to do. How long the vaccines could be out of cryo storage or in the refrigerated state.
The vials were to be stored at the following temperatures: Pfizer -90°C and -60°C and Moderna -50°C and -15°C. However, at the time NONE of the documentation, not FDA or CDC, said how long the product would last in the refrigerated or thawed state!
I’ve worked in pharma long enough to know that ANY substance, biological or otherwise, normally has VERY detailed information about storage and usage. I know this because I’ve set up monitoring systems for many different biologicals and various other materials. You have to know how long the substance is at any temperature and for how long to know if it’s still considered viable. But the vaccine storage guidelines were extremely vague in the beginning.
ALL that was listed was the temperatures for storage, that the vials were to be removed from cryo and placed in a refrigerator for at least (4) hours before administering. That was it. There was nothing about how long the vaccines were viable once out of cryo!
What that told me at the time, was that the manufacturer doesn’t know, otherwise they would have included that information in the documentation. They were releasing something for public health, and they don’t even know if it’s viable, or at the worst -- they don’t care!
Here is the new documentation from the CDC website. Notice these documents list times and temperatures.
When I first heard about the requirement for storage at ultra-low temperatures I expected that would be a difficult matter to comply with, and expected stringent indications on how the various steps were to be complied with, and relevant complex checks & balances ...I did not expect there would not be any rules at all, at least in the original batches delivered.
It's a long way to Tipperary...transport and storage at various stages would need to be refrigerated...factory to Barda, Barda to wherever, thawing, storing in local fridges, shot in the arm...
Yours is incredibly important information that can save lives. Are you in a safe state? Can you contact your Governor's office to tell your story? I am sure many alternative media would love to have you on. Tucker Carlson would also be interested. Your story can explain why we have such adverse effects variability as a first hand account to what Sasha is documenting.
It was back in early 2021. Also, I wasn't on the lookout for anything being shady at the time. I don't know where I could find the original documents. I'll look for them though, they might be saved under my job notes. I could use the date and see if it's on the WayBack Machine perhaps.
Yes, I'm in a safe state. But, they had to be aware of it at the same time. I recon that they were expecting them to be used so quickly that the expiration times were insignificant. But they are never insignificant.
It's like saying that there doesn't need to be a date on milk, because people will drink it fast enough, it won't be on the shelf long to spoil, only that methodology doesn't account for the milk pushed to the back of the shelf.
When you have a refrigerator full of vials, it's easy for one to get moved and not be accounted for. Especially when you have different people throughout the day going into the refrigerator.
As Sasha comments, mRNA integrity isn’t the only thing one has to worry about. There are other contaminants and toxins in thos vials to varying degrees and those weren’t covered in this awesome analysis. The only folks truly in a good space are those who may have only had saline in their shot.
Yeah - I read the released paper yesterday talking about how Pfizer needed to be those temps. It infuriated me because that meant that people would have needed to wear gloves and such to handle it. Instead, I remember seeing people on television just handling it all very casually. If that didn't do the trick, watching people drop with seizures on the internet did it - but those behind that person simply stayed in line for their jabs. Unbelievable. I wonder if they actually tested temperatures at these pharmacies? I bet not. People who lined up were just lab rats and were given a false flag. EVERY ONE should sue Pfizer for FALSE INFORMATION regarding the way they got approval - EVEVY ONE. I have many friends who "developed covid" AFTER the jabs, not before, who died. If I were their family members, I'd be lining up. A good attorney would take Pfizer OUT for just the false information.
Right! My dad (86 years old) has lately taken the time to tell me how I saw it all coming together. God protected he and my mother because both of them got sick with "covid" (suspect it was the flu) right before they were scheduled to go get the shots. I'm so grateful.
You'd have to actually read both articles to get my point. The science says that these WEF/NWO/Corporatist guys are making Dr. Mengele look morally enlightened and humane--they absolutely are trying to sterilize tens or hundreds of millions of people with no informed consent.
I'm sure you do. I have a particular PharmD in my life who is still under the enchantment of safe and effective. In fact asking me just yesterday morning about getting the vaxx. You can imagine my response...
The "enchantment" is more like mind control, the outcome of long term well designed propaganda and very hard for some people to overcome. Not to disrespect your companion but this is why there were so many "Good Germans"... skillful manipulation of their minds and emotions based on proven psychological principles.
What is solicitation to suicide? Not "psychological abuse"? The PharmD in my family is a he, though the nurses (all but one female) are worse, though I still regret not getting an additional pharmacy major; don't know about wanting to be a dictator, however. "Antivaxxers" don't know what we're talking about because we didn't go to nursing school.
I have an old friend who as a nurse in more admin role now told me her entire group of several hospitals saw zero evidence of any adverse effects. Totally oblivious, I gave up trying to talk to her.
You see what you want to see. I might be tempted to FOIA or GRAMA that group for vital statistics of all staff and patients since they started forcing jabs on people. Make sure you say you'll publish so they both have to provide them for free, and do the extra work of complying with HIPAA requirements. (Redacting names, SSNs, and other personally identifying information; not at least general birth dates, however.)
Show them this article - this guy Steve Kirsch is offering bets at 10x odds to anyone who can prove the vax is more beneficial than harmful. Tell them you'll consider taking the vax if they can prove that Kirsch is wrong (and they can collect some money while they are at it). At least they might read it and maybe pencil some numbers on scratch paper or their phone calculator to see what he's doing.
We were all nudged to 1. trust the regulatory authorities 2. told we don't have expertise in vaccines 3. adverse events will be short lived since they are single doses and not chronic medications 4. and under no circumstances were we to add to vaccine hesitancy.
I have spent the last 2 years researching this. Feels like I have a masters in genomics now, and I havent done a WB in my life.
Maybe a lone wolf but better that than someone who hears the word “vaccine” and then has their eyes glaze over and all thought dribble out of their brains. It’s hard to stand up to people who are sure they are correct and your observations and research are wrong and even dangerous. I’ve been doing that in my community and I’m not well liked for the effort. It is lonely and it does hurt. But it’s the right thing to do. Blessings to you. ❤️
WE wonder the same thing. Then again....the entire system is a stupidocracy of democide right now. Neuremberg 2 is all I have to say now and im saying more often every day.
I was wondering about that. We have only one very small, privately owned pharmacy in town. It's been here for decades, and is widely famous for, of all things, their hamburgers! They almost went under during the lockdowns because a lot of their profit comes from the grill and old style "soda jerk" ice cream and shake sales. I'm pretty sure they weren't set up with a subzero freezer before covid, but they have been giving out the jabs. Getting a federally paid for freezer makes total sense.
No old jukebox, but lots of other old treasures, small and large, including a life size "dancing" Elvis statue.🤣 The old soda jerk fountain setup is huge, all beautifully carved wood with old style mirrors, sidelights, and barstools. It's definitely a retro sight to see.
Probably because the lawyers who set the tone for corporate policies, and develop the customer service "risks disclosures" language, have scared them all to death with the risks of civil suits (and even criminal actions) if they think for themselves, basically "say what we tell you to say or everyone will get nuked in a Class Action and it will be all your fault."
Not for sure, especially since there's no direct evidence that any of the injected RNA results in translation and expression of the desired 'spike protein' material. The available evidence for 'spike proteins' in the body is only indirect evidence based upon antibody tests, which are notoriously non-specific.
Most likely, the so-called 'spike protein sequence' originally came about because it corresponds to a non-specific inflammation response.
Just as nobody checks for RNA integrity, nobody checks if the 'spike protein' actually exists and if so, under what circumstances it can be found and measured in blood and tissues, using standard biochemistry methods of purifications and characterization.
For example, while it maybe impractical to use blood from people for the purpose of producing sufficient 'spike protein' material so as to enable biochemical purification and characterization, to this end a herd of cattle would happily volunteer to be injected multiple times. How could it be that this absolutely necessary step of validation and calibration of the 'spike glycoprotein' was never performed by R&D staff (even if only as a matter of intellectual curiosity....).
Thus, we can recognize that vrilogists take too many shortcuts by making sweeping assumptions about the provenance of RNA fragments and then in constructing recombinant antigens to approximate what are presumed to be foreign 'spike' glycoproteins, but which have never been actually observed, nor measured for biological activity. Indeed, everything assumed about the so-called 'spike protein' derives from computer simulations.
In practice, the FizerNazis are either injecting the RNA sequence of a computer virus or ~ more likely ~ they are just throwing in random RNA, which in itself can be an inflammation-evoking hazard.-
Like childhood vaccines are tested for "an" immune reponse. Well, yeah, inject something toxic like thimerosal or formaldehyde and a human body will mount an immune response to that substance!
I also think it's a diversion. And those bivalent shots ? Absolute insanity. "Come and take your 3rd quadrivalent booster !". You have to be crazy (or coerced) to just think about getting injected with this horror.
This is confusing. For deaths is looks like a positive correlation, but for disability, negative. Maybe the thinking is that those who are not killed by the product will be made stronger.
for me at my stage of life, I would take sudden death as compared to life long crippling injuries. I saw the mind games immediately and ran the other way.
I did get a bit of a cold or flu or whatever in late winter of 20-21 so I used a bit of my stockpile of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, knocked hell out of whatever I had at age 70 and saved the rest of my antivirals for my family. Turns out my daughter who has serious heart disease got very ill right after me (different area of Florida) and I shipped my meds to her and found he a group of Nurse Practioners in Sarasota who guided her to complete recovery using their extensive knowledge of the toxins and their compounding pharmacist who made up the necessary molecules.
The Lord helps those who use his thinking capacities and help themselves.
Used FLCCC protocol for my very weak delta case, 11/21. Weak as I had been taking weekly prophylaxis (also FLCCC). Those off-label therapeutics work. Just highlights the evil we're faced with.
Me too and so did the group who helped my daughter. Now that Big Pharma has copied ivermectin with slight tweak and patented it the pressure against IV and Hydro is dropping. I filled my IV script at Publix two years ago.
Check your local livestock feed store. I get the 1% sterile injectable solution of ivm for cattle and swine. We take the dose (1ml per 110 lbs, same as cattle, LOL!) orally in a small glass of juice or cup of coffee. Right now, the price is $32.50 per 50ml, works out to .65 cents a ml. You can make your own HCQ from grapefruit rinds and water, directions online. I've purchased the "human" pill ivm (and hcq) from online pharmacies like AllDayChemist.com or Kiwidrug.com. They also have antibiotics like azithromycin and doxycyclin, no RX needed.
Blue Electric Storm, You have suffered pain, rejection, abuse, injustice and misunderstanding. Family, friends, and very likely ‘the church’ has failed you. Our Lord knows what you have endured. He knows everything about you. He has given you a free will. The very ONE at whom you lash out, is the very PERSON who can restore you; body, soul and spirit. (Matthew 28-30) “Come to me, all of you who are weary and over-burdened, and I will give you rest! Put on my yoke and learn from me. For I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Note the references to LINE1 - the vials contain a secret sauce that increases LINE1 which tells your cells to take the mRNA and reverse transcribe it and push it into the actual DNA of egg and sperm precursor cells, so that the two mutant proteins the article mentions can be passed on to your offspring and reduce fertility. But we saw terrible outcomes, pregnancies terminating etc so the between the spikes and added mRNA codes, it was a strong impact to many people's reproductive organs. Remember the weird story about Cardi B's and her relative's gonads swelling up?
The whole point was to sneak in the other mRNA that causes infertility. Live births in Sweden are down about 13% with 70% of the population vaxed. The vaxed/unvaxed % curve, if you lag it by 9 months, matches the drop off in live births with very high correlation (0.85, where 1 means perfect correlation).
It was never really about the virus, it was an occulted elite scheme to "reduce CO2 longer term" while softening up the West for CCP style authoritarian social control. Basically they are ushering in the conditions laid out in the bible in the last book ("Revelation") etc. Digital Central Bank currency is the next major step, "not able to buy or sell" unless you sign up for their future Paradise on Earth ideology, which an engineered food shortage and WW3 will help justify (you can see that both are getting very actively teed up, with US food plants getting sabotaged and Ukraine arms supply chain edging towards Russian "Red Lines").
Can we please stop calling these shots mRNA? It is not since uracil is replaced with pseudouridine. It’s modified RNA, not mRNA. Applying the modalities of naturally-occurring mRNA to this stuff is inappropriate.
Same with the nomenclature similar to and including the term “vaccine” . It never was one. And the evil depopulationists who pushed it on us from the Dept of Defense knew it too.
A lot of the people in the millenials generation (my generation) were "failed research subjects" long before 2020, due to psychiatric drugs and a few other crazy stuff hoisted on us.
The depopulation began long ago, and the culling seems to be (for the millenials) the equivalent of hiding garbage under the rug.
Everything that has been done to us is a crime of the promethean psychohistorians: destroying families, the economic warfare to destroy savings, the regulation of the work market to keep people eternally helpless, incredibly low quality of edumacation everywhere, several demoralization campaigns since 2000.
No, we are not guilty of having been attacked by Power. The world was very fucked up before any of the millenials was ready to defend themselves. I don't mean that all millenials are disabled adults, I mean all, even those who function "normally", have been under attack, whether they like to admit it or not.
The attacks continued on the next generation.
The denial of this part of reality is one of the Perpetrator's weapons.
It's horrific Sasha although not many will be surprised by this lack of QC and oversight. On a similar topic whatever happened to the stipulation that the 'vaccines' had to be transported and stored at extremely low temperatures, or the mRNA/DNA would apparently "degrade" and become useless ... but that stipulation suddenly disappeared without a good explanation that I can recall. If some batches of the product were stored "correctly" it could presumably result in more dangerous amounts of "intact mRNA", whereas others that weren't stored properly, (at a too high temperature or kept "past their sell by date" perhaps), could be little more a vial of saline and garbage
Unfortunately, getting a bad/good dose (functional mRNA platform, intact spike protein payload transcription) was potentially worse than getting a good/bad dose (nonfunctional/flawed mRNA platform). After suffering from a lacunar infarct (ventral posterolateral thalamus--at least that's the inference from my neurologist, I wish I was a recipient of a dose in the latter group. The conjecture from my medical team is that I still have spike protein being produced. Detox/rehab regimen time!
Well of course getting the "intended" intact mRNA was worse than getting the junk/damaged/ineffective version. Not potentially worse but actually (much) worse. Good luck with whatever your medical team can recommend - at least it sounds like you have someone on your side trying to help, unfortunately many don't.
In my professional opinion, it just might have been the wing of bat, eye of newt that they put in the formulation at their witches cauldron at Pfizer that did the trick. Oh, and I"ll bet Klaus Schwab had them put in some cockroach parts too.
If I put a big sign on my car that says VACCINE HESITANCY, then I would get to drive it around! So I could be driving vaccine hesitancy all by myself.....(needed a bit of humor this morning).
"So, what is causing the harms and deaths from the injections if it is not mRNA, spike protein, etc." is the question I get asked quite often. I usually answer with something like, "That we are having to speculate on this illustrates the severity and enormity of the crime at hand."
My personal view on this is that it is metal contamination that is the primary culprit. There are other components which are quite toxic to the biologic system but again all of this is an open question at this point.
Let's see the analysis done on mulitiple vials from different production facilities with proper chain of custody. Let's see the results from several autopsies of those who were killed by these injections. This should be standard operating procedure. Everyone here knows why that is not.
My basic advice to anyone is (and I'm not a doctor and don't play one on TV) don't inject poison into your body and especially poisons made by a serial felon.
The report below is from 2017:
The investigations verified the physical-chemical composition of the vaccines considered according to the inorganic component as declared by the Producer. In detail, we verified the presence of saline and Aluminum salts, but further presence of micro-, sub-micro- and nanosized, inorganic, foreign bodies (ranging from 100nm to about ten microns) was identified in all cases, whose presence was not declared in the leaflets delivered in the package of the product (Table 2).
Figure 1a shows a layer of crystals of Sodium chloride (NaCl) embedding salts of Aluminum phosphate (AlPO4 ) in a drop of Gardasil (anti-HPV vaccine by Merck) as the EDS spectrum (Figure 1b) shows. Saline is the fluid base to any vaccine preparation and Aluminum salts or Aluminum hydroxide Al(OH)3 are the adjuvants which are usually added.
Looking at the area outside these precipitates but inside the liquid drop, we identified other things: single particles, clusters of particles and aggregates (organic-inorganic composites) that are due to an interaction of the inorganic particulate matter with the organic part of the vaccine.
Figure 2a-2f shows the different typology of entities identified in the vaccines (Repevax, Prevenar and Gardasil); single particles, cluster of micro- and nanoparticles (<100nm) and aggregates with their EDS spectra (Figure 2d-2f). The images (Figure 2a & 2d) show debris of Aluminum, Silicon, Magnesium and Titanium; of Iron, Chromium, Silicon and Calcium particles (Figure 2b & 2e) arranged in a cluster, and Aluminum -Copper debris (Figure 2c & 2f) in an aggregate.
As can be seen, the particles are surrounded and embedded in a biological substrate. In all the samples analyzed, we identified particles containing: Lead (Typhym, Cervarix, Agrippal S1, Meningitec, Gardasil) or stainless steel (Mencevax, Infarix Hexa, Cervarix. Anatetall, Focetria, Agrippal S1, Menveo, Prevenar 13, Meningitec, Vaxigrip, Stamaril Pasteur, Repevax and MMRvaxPro).
Figure 3a-3d show particles of Tungsten identified in drops of Prevenar and Infarix (Aluminum, Tungsten, Calcium chloride).
Figure 4a-4d present singular debris found in Repevax (Silicon, Gold, Silver) and Gardasil (Zirconium).
Some metallic particles made of Tungsten or stainless steel were also identified. Other particles containing Zirconium, Hafnium, Strontium and Aluminum (Vivotif, Meningetec); Tungsten, Nickel, Iron (Priorix, Meningetec); Antimony (Menjugate kit); Chromium (Meningetec); Gold or Gold, Zinc (Infarix Hexa, Repevax), or Platinum, Silver, Bismuth, Iron, Chromium (MMRvaxPro) or Lead,Bismuth (Gardasil) or Cerium (Agrippal S1) were also found. The only Tungsten appears in 8/44 vaccines, while Chromium (alone or in alloy with Iron and Nickel) in 25/44. The investigations revealed that some particles are embedded in a biological substrate, probably proteins, endo-toxins and residues of bacteria. As soon as a particle comes in contact with proteic fluids, a nano-bio-interaction occurs and a “protein corona” is formed.7‒10 The nano-bio-interaction generates a bigger-sized compound that is not biodegradable and can induce adverse effects, since it is not recognized as self by the body.
As I was reading Sasha's article, I began to wonder what would turn up if this kind of indepth investigation was done on any "run of the mill" vaccine vials sitting on the shelves of pharmacies and doctors offices. Thanks for posting.
Since the intended purpose of this bioweapon is to kill humans I guess impurities don't matter . Hopefully there is one judge who will render a proper decision upon the numerous lawsuits forthcoming. This will get the snowball rolling down the mountain resulting in an avalanche of judgements and the end of this madness. This information is what is required, thank you for providing it.
The judge is going to have to contend with previously established laws that hold during a declared emergency. Those laws protect certain government agencies and ALL who are associated with that agency in carrying out a given project, from the scrutiny, regulation, and liability that normally protects the public from harm. Because an emergency was declared in this case, the "vaccines" could be termed "medical countermeasures", contracts could be drawn up under less stringent "Other Transaction Authority" rules, and no clinical trials were actually necessary. In my opinion, and at the very least, the FDA was committing fraud when it pretended to serve as regulator.
This is the logical conclusion, n'est-se pas? And it is not only quality. It is the poor labelling that increases the chances of errors in administration which has not be addressed, the jailing of a pharmacist for 3 years for purposeful leaving of Moderna on the counter overnight which was considered a FEDERAL crime.
I trust in that whomever give numbers of “deaths” is way off, no where close to the numbers given. Whether it comes from good people like you or ... the evil ones.
Because... God only knows the true number of people that died from this poison! I know for fact that so many Drs did not report the deaths after the jab was given!
When all this horrific shit started I questioned WHY was it safe for people with disabilities & the fragile elderly to get this poison knowing that in some way or the other their immune system was compromised. Well it all makes perfect sense now. Of course these deaths are related to their disability or old age and surely not from the jab! And remembering how they were placing all the sick in nursing homes!!! OMG! Where’s the justice for all??? Oh, my bad...
There is none! Your work and dedication IS greatly appreciated! Keep up the great work. The world so needs great humans like you. ☮️
The hospital protocols were basically a death camp regime. Fauci repeated his AZT crimes by picking Remdesivir which was proven deadly, it caused kidney failure, so the patient's body would swell with excess fluid, look like pneumonia on Xrays, and help justify costly intubation and the ARDS protocol for ventilators (the highest extra government payout to the hospitals, to buy their complicit silence--they also got a sweet CDC liability waiver only by following the "Standard protocol"). Meanwhile the FLCCC protocol gave people high-dose steroids (and Ivermectin and Vit C/D), which were extremely effective at stopping the terrible inflammation cycle (cytokine and bradykin "storm") that the virus triggered about 6-10 days into its progression.
Wow, just lucky if you got a vial that had been bounced around by a truck, thawed and refrozen or one where the MRNA floated to the top (or sunk to the bottom). Thank goodness for sloppy manufacturing, storage and delivery systems or we would have seen even more death.
It seems plausible that the inverse relationship with disability might be due to subjects dying before disability could arise. Was time accounted for (date of death after injection, date of diagnosis after injection)?
I am a pharmacist. I was immediately concerned about the integrity of the mRNA and the human ability to preserve it in transport and storage. I still do not understand why more pharmacists weren't/aren't also skeptical. I feel like a lone wolf in my profession.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair
Was that in the great fiction he wrote about businesses he knew nothing about? Asking for a friend...
If you think that isn't true you haven't worked in the corporate world.
35 years working in corp world. Much of it in tech serving banking/investment management/insurance. One could say I'm steeped in that world. But we were talking about Upton Sinclair's radical, rabble rousing fiction. Be clear, it's only in Left/Dem/Socialist history that he's seen as a hero. Or are you not aware that he lied through his teeth in that book? He was a socialist seeking to foment anti-capitalist action via his book, and many other aspects of his life. Here's a great article laying out what an utter hack and radical leftie he was - and how much BS was in 'the Jungle' - which was a NOVEL, a work of fiction, lol. But so many people have been told by their 'educators' that it's true. Read this if you like facts. https://fee.org/articles/29-upton-sinclairs-the-jungle-proved-regulation-was-required/
The phenomenon Sinclair described...a man's lack of ability to understand something that puts his paycheck at risk...is as true within the leadership ranks of a socialist government as it is in capitalism. It's human nature. No "benevolent government" can prevent that.
Whatever. Sinclair lied through his teeth about the meatpacking biz in Chicago but is somehow recalled fondly or as important by many folks, including you. He was a socialist revolutionary and such people have destroyed this nation. You deal in meta hyperbolic BS, I deal in facts.
Back when this all started. I installed monitoring for the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines at a hospital. The thing that really worried me was that none of the pharmacy people really knew what to do. How long the vaccines could be out of cryo storage or in the refrigerated state.
The vials were to be stored at the following temperatures: Pfizer -90°C and -60°C and Moderna -50°C and -15°C. However, at the time NONE of the documentation, not FDA or CDC, said how long the product would last in the refrigerated or thawed state!
I’ve worked in pharma long enough to know that ANY substance, biological or otherwise, normally has VERY detailed information about storage and usage. I know this because I’ve set up monitoring systems for many different biologicals and various other materials. You have to know how long the substance is at any temperature and for how long to know if it’s still considered viable. But the vaccine storage guidelines were extremely vague in the beginning.
ALL that was listed was the temperatures for storage, that the vials were to be removed from cryo and placed in a refrigerator for at least (4) hours before administering. That was it. There was nothing about how long the vaccines were viable once out of cryo!
What that told me at the time, was that the manufacturer doesn’t know, otherwise they would have included that information in the documentation. They were releasing something for public health, and they don’t even know if it’s viable, or at the worst -- they don’t care!
Here is the new documentation from the CDC website. Notice these documents list times and temperatures.
Thanks for this information.
When I first heard about the requirement for storage at ultra-low temperatures I expected that would be a difficult matter to comply with, and expected stringent indications on how the various steps were to be complied with, and relevant complex checks & balances ...I did not expect there would not be any rules at all, at least in the original batches delivered.
It's a long way to Tipperary...transport and storage at various stages would need to be refrigerated...factory to Barda, Barda to wherever, thawing, storing in local fridges, shot in the arm...
Those were my thoughts - then there are the 3rd world countries that had these so-generously donated, right? Bet they were all prepared.
Yours is incredibly important information that can save lives. Are you in a safe state? Can you contact your Governor's office to tell your story? I am sure many alternative media would love to have you on. Tucker Carlson would also be interested. Your story can explain why we have such adverse effects variability as a first hand account to what Sasha is documenting.
It was back in early 2021. Also, I wasn't on the lookout for anything being shady at the time. I don't know where I could find the original documents. I'll look for them though, they might be saved under my job notes. I could use the date and see if it's on the WayBack Machine perhaps.
Yes, I'm in a safe state. But, they had to be aware of it at the same time. I recon that they were expecting them to be used so quickly that the expiration times were insignificant. But they are never insignificant.
It's like saying that there doesn't need to be a date on milk, because people will drink it fast enough, it won't be on the shelf long to spoil, only that methodology doesn't account for the milk pushed to the back of the shelf.
When you have a refrigerator full of vials, it's easy for one to get moved and not be accounted for. Especially when you have different people throughout the day going into the refrigerator.
I understand. I am very interested in spoiled batch theory because I have hope that many people got those lots.
As Sasha comments, mRNA integrity isn’t the only thing one has to worry about. There are other contaminants and toxins in thos vials to varying degrees and those weren’t covered in this awesome analysis. The only folks truly in a good space are those who may have only had saline in their shot.
I agree
Yeah - I read the released paper yesterday talking about how Pfizer needed to be those temps. It infuriated me because that meant that people would have needed to wear gloves and such to handle it. Instead, I remember seeing people on television just handling it all very casually. If that didn't do the trick, watching people drop with seizures on the internet did it - but those behind that person simply stayed in line for their jabs. Unbelievable. I wonder if they actually tested temperatures at these pharmacies? I bet not. People who lined up were just lab rats and were given a false flag. EVERY ONE should sue Pfizer for FALSE INFORMATION regarding the way they got approval - EVEVY ONE. I have many friends who "developed covid" AFTER the jabs, not before, who died. If I were their family members, I'd be lining up. A good attorney would take Pfizer OUT for just the false information.
It was worse than a ritual.
Live births in Sweden fell over 13% as the vax rollout proceeded (lagged 9 months).
It was a population reduction program.
Right! My dad (86 years old) has lately taken the time to tell me how I saw it all coming together. God protected he and my mother because both of them got sick with "covid" (suspect it was the flu) right before they were scheduled to go get the shots. I'm so grateful.
You'd have to actually read both articles to get my point. The science says that these WEF/NWO/Corporatist guys are making Dr. Mengele look morally enlightened and humane--they absolutely are trying to sterilize tens or hundreds of millions of people with no informed consent.
They knew/know they would lose their jobs...? So many have let fear overcome integrity, it seems. Thank you for your courage.
I'm sure you do. I have a particular PharmD in my life who is still under the enchantment of safe and effective. In fact asking me just yesterday morning about getting the vaxx. You can imagine my response...
How long did he take to come to after you punched him (okay, her; not "bop" - Gina Carano?) out?
It's a she and that would be domestic abuse I think.
The "enchantment" is more like mind control, the outcome of long term well designed propaganda and very hard for some people to overcome. Not to disrespect your companion but this is why there were so many "Good Germans"... skillful manipulation of their minds and emotions based on proven psychological principles.
Maybe so but I'm trying to use the most charitable language I can in my situation.
What is solicitation to suicide? Not "psychological abuse"? The PharmD in my family is a he, though the nurses (all but one female) are worse, though I still regret not getting an additional pharmacy major; don't know about wanting to be a dictator, however. "Antivaxxers" don't know what we're talking about because we didn't go to nursing school.
I have an old friend who as a nurse in more admin role now told me her entire group of several hospitals saw zero evidence of any adverse effects. Totally oblivious, I gave up trying to talk to her.
You see what you want to see. I might be tempted to FOIA or GRAMA that group for vital statistics of all staff and patients since they started forcing jabs on people. Make sure you say you'll publish so they both have to provide them for free, and do the extra work of complying with HIPAA requirements. (Redacting names, SSNs, and other personally identifying information; not at least general birth dates, however.)
Probably correct but I'm not comfortable with this because I never made any such suggestions like this in my comments.
Show them this article - this guy Steve Kirsch is offering bets at 10x odds to anyone who can prove the vax is more beneficial than harmful. Tell them you'll consider taking the vax if they can prove that Kirsch is wrong (and they can collect some money while they are at it). At least they might read it and maybe pencil some numbers on scratch paper or their phone calculator to see what he's doing.
You are not the only one.
We were all nudged to 1. trust the regulatory authorities 2. told we don't have expertise in vaccines 3. adverse events will be short lived since they are single doses and not chronic medications 4. and under no circumstances were we to add to vaccine hesitancy.
I have spent the last 2 years researching this. Feels like I have a masters in genomics now, and I havent done a WB in my life.
Maybe a lone wolf but better that than someone who hears the word “vaccine” and then has their eyes glaze over and all thought dribble out of their brains. It’s hard to stand up to people who are sure they are correct and your observations and research are wrong and even dangerous. I’ve been doing that in my community and I’m not well liked for the effort. It is lonely and it does hurt. But it’s the right thing to do. Blessings to you. ❤️
WE wonder the same thing. Then again....the entire system is a stupidocracy of democide right now. Neuremberg 2 is all I have to say now and im saying more often every day.
Because they liked getting a free ultracold freezer for their pharmacy?
I was wondering about that. We have only one very small, privately owned pharmacy in town. It's been here for decades, and is widely famous for, of all things, their hamburgers! They almost went under during the lockdowns because a lot of their profit comes from the grill and old style "soda jerk" ice cream and shake sales. I'm pretty sure they weren't set up with a subzero freezer before covid, but they have been giving out the jabs. Getting a federally paid for freezer makes total sense.
I'd posted that in jest, but will ask around. The family pharmacy gives flu jabs, but not covid.
No old jukebox, but lots of other old treasures, small and large, including a life size "dancing" Elvis statue.🤣 The old soda jerk fountain setup is huge, all beautifully carved wood with old style mirrors, sidelights, and barstools. It's definitely a retro sight to see.
Central West Texas, about an hour south of Abilene.
Probably because the lawyers who set the tone for corporate policies, and develop the customer service "risks disclosures" language, have scared them all to death with the risks of civil suits (and even criminal actions) if they think for themselves, basically "say what we tell you to say or everyone will get nuked in a Class Action and it will be all your fault."
Layman understanding. The purer the MRNA the more severe adverse events.
Consider that the mRNA cannot do anything, and that all the damage done can be explained with the LNPs.
The mRNA would be now a decoy.
Not for sure, especially since there's no direct evidence that any of the injected RNA results in translation and expression of the desired 'spike protein' material. The available evidence for 'spike proteins' in the body is only indirect evidence based upon antibody tests, which are notoriously non-specific.
Most likely, the so-called 'spike protein sequence' originally came about because it corresponds to a non-specific inflammation response.
Just as nobody checks for RNA integrity, nobody checks if the 'spike protein' actually exists and if so, under what circumstances it can be found and measured in blood and tissues, using standard biochemistry methods of purifications and characterization.
For example, while it maybe impractical to use blood from people for the purpose of producing sufficient 'spike protein' material so as to enable biochemical purification and characterization, to this end a herd of cattle would happily volunteer to be injected multiple times. How could it be that this absolutely necessary step of validation and calibration of the 'spike glycoprotein' was never performed by R&D staff (even if only as a matter of intellectual curiosity....).
Thus, we can recognize that vrilogists take too many shortcuts by making sweeping assumptions about the provenance of RNA fragments and then in constructing recombinant antigens to approximate what are presumed to be foreign 'spike' glycoproteins, but which have never been actually observed, nor measured for biological activity. Indeed, everything assumed about the so-called 'spike protein' derives from computer simulations.
In practice, the FizerNazis are either injecting the RNA sequence of a computer virus or ~ more likely ~ they are just throwing in random RNA, which in itself can be an inflammation-evoking hazard.-
Like childhood vaccines are tested for "an" immune reponse. Well, yeah, inject something toxic like thimerosal or formaldehyde and a human body will mount an immune response to that substance!
Yep. Methinks so too.
I also think it's a diversion. And those bivalent shots ? Absolute insanity. "Come and take your 3rd quadrivalent booster !". You have to be crazy (or coerced) to just think about getting injected with this horror.
This is confusing. For deaths is looks like a positive correlation, but for disability, negative. Maybe the thinking is that those who are not killed by the product will be made stronger.
for me at my stage of life, I would take sudden death as compared to life long crippling injuries. I saw the mind games immediately and ran the other way.
I did get a bit of a cold or flu or whatever in late winter of 20-21 so I used a bit of my stockpile of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, knocked hell out of whatever I had at age 70 and saved the rest of my antivirals for my family. Turns out my daughter who has serious heart disease got very ill right after me (different area of Florida) and I shipped my meds to her and found he a group of Nurse Practioners in Sarasota who guided her to complete recovery using their extensive knowledge of the toxins and their compounding pharmacist who made up the necessary molecules.
The Lord helps those who use his thinking capacities and help themselves.
Make sure you have a stockpile ongoing. 👍🏻
Used FLCCC protocol for my very weak delta case, 11/21. Weak as I had been taking weekly prophylaxis (also FLCCC). Those off-label therapeutics work. Just highlights the evil we're faced with.
Me too and so did the group who helped my daughter. Now that Big Pharma has copied ivermectin with slight tweak and patented it the pressure against IV and Hydro is dropping. I filled my IV script at Publix two years ago.
Check your local livestock feed store. I get the 1% sterile injectable solution of ivm for cattle and swine. We take the dose (1ml per 110 lbs, same as cattle, LOL!) orally in a small glass of juice or cup of coffee. Right now, the price is $32.50 per 50ml, works out to .65 cents a ml. You can make your own HCQ from grapefruit rinds and water, directions online. I've purchased the "human" pill ivm (and hcq) from online pharmacies like AllDayChemist.com or Kiwidrug.com. They also have antibiotics like azithromycin and doxycyclin, no RX needed.
Learn to make HCQ at home just in case you run out.
Blue Electric Storm, You have suffered pain, rejection, abuse, injustice and misunderstanding. Family, friends, and very likely ‘the church’ has failed you. Our Lord knows what you have endured. He knows everything about you. He has given you a free will. The very ONE at whom you lash out, is the very PERSON who can restore you; body, soul and spirit. (Matthew 28-30) “Come to me, all of you who are weary and over-burdened, and I will give you rest! Put on my yoke and learn from me. For I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
When you don't know what you're talking about, go easy on the cryptic. You just look lame.
Note the references to LINE1 - the vials contain a secret sauce that increases LINE1 which tells your cells to take the mRNA and reverse transcribe it and push it into the actual DNA of egg and sperm precursor cells, so that the two mutant proteins the article mentions can be passed on to your offspring and reduce fertility. But we saw terrible outcomes, pregnancies terminating etc so the between the spikes and added mRNA codes, it was a strong impact to many people's reproductive organs. Remember the weird story about Cardi B's and her relative's gonads swelling up?
The whole point was to sneak in the other mRNA that causes infertility. Live births in Sweden are down about 13% with 70% of the population vaxed. The vaxed/unvaxed % curve, if you lag it by 9 months, matches the drop off in live births with very high correlation (0.85, where 1 means perfect correlation).
It was never really about the virus, it was an occulted elite scheme to "reduce CO2 longer term" while softening up the West for CCP style authoritarian social control. Basically they are ushering in the conditions laid out in the bible in the last book ("Revelation") etc. Digital Central Bank currency is the next major step, "not able to buy or sell" unless you sign up for their future Paradise on Earth ideology, which an engineered food shortage and WW3 will help justify (you can see that both are getting very actively teed up, with US food plants getting sabotaged and Ukraine arms supply chain edging towards Russian "Red Lines").
yet more proof that the covid shot is a bioweapon.
thanks for that beautiful painting - you get such a powerful impact out of such a limited color scheme!
The painting reminds me of my days in Laguna Beach. I love it.
I lived in Laguna of Diamond.
really makes you wonder how so many "smart" people went along with this without a second thought..
Thank you Sasha!
Can we please stop calling these shots mRNA? It is not since uracil is replaced with pseudouridine. It’s modified RNA, not mRNA. Applying the modalities of naturally-occurring mRNA to this stuff is inappropriate.
Same with the nomenclature similar to and including the term “vaccine” . It never was one. And the evil depopulationists who pushed it on us from the Dept of Defense knew it too.
Yup. Every time someone refers to these poison jabs as "vaccines", Billy Goat Gates and Santa Klaus Schwabby win.
A lot of the people in the millenials generation (my generation) were "failed research subjects" long before 2020, due to psychiatric drugs and a few other crazy stuff hoisted on us.
The depopulation began long ago, and the culling seems to be (for the millenials) the equivalent of hiding garbage under the rug.
Everything that has been done to us is a crime of the promethean psychohistorians: destroying families, the economic warfare to destroy savings, the regulation of the work market to keep people eternally helpless, incredibly low quality of edumacation everywhere, several demoralization campaigns since 2000.
No, we are not guilty of having been attacked by Power. The world was very fucked up before any of the millenials was ready to defend themselves. I don't mean that all millenials are disabled adults, I mean all, even those who function "normally", have been under attack, whether they like to admit it or not.
The attacks continued on the next generation.
The denial of this part of reality is one of the Perpetrator's weapons.
The "war on humanity" started way before the "millenial" generation.
But, do you see how it has progressed?
Do you see how the culture has degenerated in the last 40 years and has become fubar?
could be magicRNA more likely imaginaryRNA
Thank you.
Excellent. Thank you
It's horrific Sasha although not many will be surprised by this lack of QC and oversight. On a similar topic whatever happened to the stipulation that the 'vaccines' had to be transported and stored at extremely low temperatures, or the mRNA/DNA would apparently "degrade" and become useless ... but that stipulation suddenly disappeared without a good explanation that I can recall. If some batches of the product were stored "correctly" it could presumably result in more dangerous amounts of "intact mRNA", whereas others that weren't stored properly, (at a too high temperature or kept "past their sell by date" perhaps), could be little more a vial of saline and garbage
Well said
Unfortunately, getting a bad/good dose (functional mRNA platform, intact spike protein payload transcription) was potentially worse than getting a good/bad dose (nonfunctional/flawed mRNA platform). After suffering from a lacunar infarct (ventral posterolateral thalamus--at least that's the inference from my neurologist, I wish I was a recipient of a dose in the latter group. The conjecture from my medical team is that I still have spike protein being produced. Detox/rehab regimen time!
Well of course getting the "intended" intact mRNA was worse than getting the junk/damaged/ineffective version. Not potentially worse but actually (much) worse. Good luck with whatever your medical team can recommend - at least it sounds like you have someone on your side trying to help, unfortunately many don't.
See above comment. Thanks for your kind words of encouragement. All good...except when I kick myself for taking the jab.
In my professional opinion, it just might have been the wing of bat, eye of newt that they put in the formulation at their witches cauldron at Pfizer that did the trick. Oh, and I"ll bet Klaus Schwab had them put in some cockroach parts too.
Unsafe at any dose? Buckle Up!
If I put a big sign on my car that says VACCINE HESITANCY, then I would get to drive it around! So I could be driving vaccine hesitancy all by myself.....(needed a bit of humor this morning).
Hahahaha. Hesitancy is their word. It implies we’re all considering the jabs, just not ready yet.
"So, what is causing the harms and deaths from the injections if it is not mRNA, spike protein, etc." is the question I get asked quite often. I usually answer with something like, "That we are having to speculate on this illustrates the severity and enormity of the crime at hand."
My personal view on this is that it is metal contamination that is the primary culprit. There are other components which are quite toxic to the biologic system but again all of this is an open question at this point.
Let's see the analysis done on mulitiple vials from different production facilities with proper chain of custody. Let's see the results from several autopsies of those who were killed by these injections. This should be standard operating procedure. Everyone here knows why that is not.
My basic advice to anyone is (and I'm not a doctor and don't play one on TV) don't inject poison into your body and especially poisons made by a serial felon.
The report below is from 2017:
The investigations verified the physical-chemical composition of the vaccines considered according to the inorganic component as declared by the Producer. In detail, we verified the presence of saline and Aluminum salts, but further presence of micro-, sub-micro- and nanosized, inorganic, foreign bodies (ranging from 100nm to about ten microns) was identified in all cases, whose presence was not declared in the leaflets delivered in the package of the product (Table 2).
Figure 1a shows a layer of crystals of Sodium chloride (NaCl) embedding salts of Aluminum phosphate (AlPO4 ) in a drop of Gardasil (anti-HPV vaccine by Merck) as the EDS spectrum (Figure 1b) shows. Saline is the fluid base to any vaccine preparation and Aluminum salts or Aluminum hydroxide Al(OH)3 are the adjuvants which are usually added.
Looking at the area outside these precipitates but inside the liquid drop, we identified other things: single particles, clusters of particles and aggregates (organic-inorganic composites) that are due to an interaction of the inorganic particulate matter with the organic part of the vaccine.
Figure 2a-2f shows the different typology of entities identified in the vaccines (Repevax, Prevenar and Gardasil); single particles, cluster of micro- and nanoparticles (<100nm) and aggregates with their EDS spectra (Figure 2d-2f). The images (Figure 2a & 2d) show debris of Aluminum, Silicon, Magnesium and Titanium; of Iron, Chromium, Silicon and Calcium particles (Figure 2b & 2e) arranged in a cluster, and Aluminum -Copper debris (Figure 2c & 2f) in an aggregate.
As can be seen, the particles are surrounded and embedded in a biological substrate. In all the samples analyzed, we identified particles containing: Lead (Typhym, Cervarix, Agrippal S1, Meningitec, Gardasil) or stainless steel (Mencevax, Infarix Hexa, Cervarix. Anatetall, Focetria, Agrippal S1, Menveo, Prevenar 13, Meningitec, Vaxigrip, Stamaril Pasteur, Repevax and MMRvaxPro).
Figure 3a-3d show particles of Tungsten identified in drops of Prevenar and Infarix (Aluminum, Tungsten, Calcium chloride).
Figure 4a-4d present singular debris found in Repevax (Silicon, Gold, Silver) and Gardasil (Zirconium).
Some metallic particles made of Tungsten or stainless steel were also identified. Other particles containing Zirconium, Hafnium, Strontium and Aluminum (Vivotif, Meningetec); Tungsten, Nickel, Iron (Priorix, Meningetec); Antimony (Menjugate kit); Chromium (Meningetec); Gold or Gold, Zinc (Infarix Hexa, Repevax), or Platinum, Silver, Bismuth, Iron, Chromium (MMRvaxPro) or Lead,Bismuth (Gardasil) or Cerium (Agrippal S1) were also found. The only Tungsten appears in 8/44 vaccines, while Chromium (alone or in alloy with Iron and Nickel) in 25/44. The investigations revealed that some particles are embedded in a biological substrate, probably proteins, endo-toxins and residues of bacteria. As soon as a particle comes in contact with proteic fluids, a nano-bio-interaction occurs and a “protein corona” is formed.7‒10 The nano-bio-interaction generates a bigger-sized compound that is not biodegradable and can induce adverse effects, since it is not recognized as self by the body.
As I was reading Sasha's article, I began to wonder what would turn up if this kind of indepth investigation was done on any "run of the mill" vaccine vials sitting on the shelves of pharmacies and doctors offices. Thanks for posting.
So only 46 more years of Harmacide, the rest of most of our lives .
Since the intended purpose of this bioweapon is to kill humans I guess impurities don't matter . Hopefully there is one judge who will render a proper decision upon the numerous lawsuits forthcoming. This will get the snowball rolling down the mountain resulting in an avalanche of judgements and the end of this madness. This information is what is required, thank you for providing it.
The judge is going to have to contend with previously established laws that hold during a declared emergency. Those laws protect certain government agencies and ALL who are associated with that agency in carrying out a given project, from the scrutiny, regulation, and liability that normally protects the public from harm. Because an emergency was declared in this case, the "vaccines" could be termed "medical countermeasures", contracts could be drawn up under less stringent "Other Transaction Authority" rules, and no clinical trials were actually necessary. In my opinion, and at the very least, the FDA was committing fraud when it pretended to serve as regulator.
This is the logical conclusion, n'est-se pas? And it is not only quality. It is the poor labelling that increases the chances of errors in administration which has not be addressed, the jailing of a pharmacist for 3 years for purposeful leaving of Moderna on the counter overnight which was considered a FEDERAL crime.
I trust in that whomever give numbers of “deaths” is way off, no where close to the numbers given. Whether it comes from good people like you or ... the evil ones.
Because... God only knows the true number of people that died from this poison! I know for fact that so many Drs did not report the deaths after the jab was given!
When all this horrific shit started I questioned WHY was it safe for people with disabilities & the fragile elderly to get this poison knowing that in some way or the other their immune system was compromised. Well it all makes perfect sense now. Of course these deaths are related to their disability or old age and surely not from the jab! And remembering how they were placing all the sick in nursing homes!!! OMG! Where’s the justice for all??? Oh, my bad...
There is none! Your work and dedication IS greatly appreciated! Keep up the great work. The world so needs great humans like you. ☮️
The hospital protocols were basically a death camp regime. Fauci repeated his AZT crimes by picking Remdesivir which was proven deadly, it caused kidney failure, so the patient's body would swell with excess fluid, look like pneumonia on Xrays, and help justify costly intubation and the ARDS protocol for ventilators (the highest extra government payout to the hospitals, to buy their complicit silence--they also got a sweet CDC liability waiver only by following the "Standard protocol"). Meanwhile the FLCCC protocol gave people high-dose steroids (and Ivermectin and Vit C/D), which were extremely effective at stopping the terrible inflammation cycle (cytokine and bradykin "storm") that the virus triggered about 6-10 days into its progression.
Wow, just lucky if you got a vial that had been bounced around by a truck, thawed and refrozen or one where the MRNA floated to the top (or sunk to the bottom). Thank goodness for sloppy manufacturing, storage and delivery systems or we would have seen even more death.
It seems plausible that the inverse relationship with disability might be due to subjects dying before disability could arise. Was time accounted for (date of death after injection, date of diagnosis after injection)?
We did not look at time series so I believe you are correct.