No matter what side of the political aisle you’re on, these politicians do not have your best interests at heart. No is coming to save us, if anything they’re coming for us...

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Personally, I have given up on politics at the national level. I think the most effective battleground for the foreseeable future will be fought at the state and local levels. If enough states take legislative action against CBDC and Digital IDs it may, at the very least, delay the march toward those totalitarian mechanisms. For example, a number of states (e.g., Texas, Tennessee, Utah) are working toward alternative forms of legal tender involving precious metals as specifically allowed by the US Constitution.

Please do not misunderstand. I will be voting for the "best" candidates at the national level, but I have zero expectation that they will be able to stop the global elites and their evil plan. Further, I doubt the big-money globalists will allow either Trump or RFK Jr. to win the presidency.

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Exactly my position. I have mentioned this many times to people I know and like you, will support the best national candidates but local focus is how we take this republic back.

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Politics are like jumping into a bog and never finding true footing.

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junior is a fake

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The countries are not run by politicians. It is the bureaucrats who have the upper hand because politicians are weak and gullible. They, being driven by personal ambitions, do not have the knowledge and desire to listen to the truth.

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Politicians are our servants, not our masters. I know the media and "educational" systems have brow-beaten civilians into believing the reverse, but "We the People" kinda lays the situation on the table, big time... See: >>> American Domestic Bioterrorism Program >>> Building the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents, HHS and DOD secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381. >>> KATHERINE WATT >>> APRIL 28, 2022 >>> https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/american-domestic-bioterrorism-program

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason >>> Complete text: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2381

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Definately coming for us. This man was one of the most important pharma whistleblowers he speaks in English. Informative on the methods of corruption:


Like the painting.

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sounds like Russian vs English

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What language is that you tube video in?

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I think it could be Bosnian, Croatian or Serbian

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Why we must meet at the gate!

And Sasha is doing just that, find ways to participate in the same.

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"Politicians" haven't been in control for over 150 years. The former United States has been overrun with corporate finance and BAR Association members holding public office. This has been the case since the early days of the "Civil" war (which was anything but civil...) We are left with the illusion of a Republic run by criminal cartels via corporate graft.

Nullification >>> “Any act or set of acts which has as its result a particular law being rendered legally null and void, or unenforceable in practice.” >>> https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/nullification-overview/

An article addressing Anti-Commandeering Doctrine >>> Former EPA Administrator is Clueless About the Constitution and Law >>> Mar 23, 2015


Our Corporate government needs to be overthrown...

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Heh, heh... It is telling that my posts suggesting the overthrow of Corporate governance, seldom receive up votes nor rational comment. The majority of the populace continues to fund blind 401k accounts, blind retirement portfolios (derived via military/industrial investment) and "Socialized" social security Bonds controlled exclusively by the British Crown and funded via Vatican interests such as the World Bank, Bank for International Settlements, and Rothschild's syndication's with in Great Britain and the Netherlands...

Thus your protests are seldom aimed toward the actual target...

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Thank you for making this book available, Sasha. We need all the information we can get! I've downloaded nearly 250 research papers and studies over the past 3 years from every publication I can find -- most are "open source" which makes researching easy. We have to keep working to keep our contacts informed -- even if they don't believe us, we have to do the work.

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So many of us have been gathering evidence but we're duplicating efforts and unaware of the finds of others. Look up C19files.org and consider uploading your papers to them as they are creating a library.

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Thank you, I'll do that. I have used my research to write several long essays that I post to my contact list detailing the patented virus, the "vaccine" and the ultimate goal of all of this -- depopulation!!!

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Excellent advice.

Thank you. ❤

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Great point on how if there was no contamination of DNA, and more consistent mRNA, the safety would still be poor.

Like past shots, the issue are the toxins and allergens (peg/ polysorbate 80) in the jabs.

I'm glad we're moving past the pseudoscience myopic focus on belief that the mRNA tech works. It's just a cover story to blame sickness on spike protein, which is easily explained by cell damage and death.

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Aug 6, 2023
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My understanding is that what they detect as spike protein is explained as damaged cells and exosomes, which Sasha has described as the body's own signaling mechanism after damage.

The spike is a result of toxicity, not the cause.

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Yes. Look at the lab methods they use to detect and measure spike in blood of vaxxed. They’re antibody based methods and they don’t say how they raised the antibodies. And antibody methods alone are incapable of proving structure.

And btw. The virus was said to evolve to new variants throughout the pandemic. And they said the new variants produced spike with dozens of mutations. No protein undergoes that much change and maintains its function, until now.

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Aug 6, 2023Edited
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If the injection has toxic LNPs and PEG which causes clots leading to organ issues and myocarditis and neurological disorders, why are we focusing on the spike protein?

I'm of the opinion that the mRNA tech doesn't work at all, but is the cover story to excuse the LNPs and other materials, like Sasha saw hydrogel etc...

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Look at the lab methods for detecting spike in vaxxed. Their antibody methods and they don’t reveal how they raised the antibodies. So yes, spike is something other than what is generally accepted.

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In my opinion, both the spike protein and lipid nanoparticle are toxic to humans. In addition, a so-called "vaccine" was rolled out in the middle of a pandemic, which practically guaranteed rapid evolution of the virus.

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Or the shot is toxic and caused sickness.

That's why they had blamed Delta and then other variants for the rates of sickness increasing after the jabs came out.

BTW, 2020, before the jabs, total deaths were like previous years... What virus?

If anything medical protocols like ventilators and remdesevir/midalozam etc were the culprit of the spike in spring 2020.


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Aug 6, 2023
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I believe this question was for Rob. Midazolam is one of the drugs used on hospitalized covid patients. As I recall, it can depress breathing and was given ill-advisedly to covid patients who were already having trouble with their oxygen levels.

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I agree that the bad manufacturing practices, which seemed to result in a large percentage of the vaccines not working as intended, likely resulted in the vaccines causing less harm than would have been the case if good manufacturing practices were following, and more batches of the vaccines worked as intended.

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Why should big pharma produce safe "vaccines"?

You can't sue them if you are injured or killed.

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...injured for life or murdered is more like it.

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Madam you hurt my brain. I mean, its too much information for my public schooled brain, especially before coffee. I had to switch to my "other brain" to get through your last few posts. Good, solid information, and sobering for those of brighter lights.

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Since when are these mRNA injections “vaccines”? They’re not and never will be. They’re gene therapy. Actually, it’s the polar opposite of therapeutic. They’re toxic. Arguably, the injection has zero benefits. They’re 100% toxic.

So what actually is the toxic/poisonous injection then? It’s a chemical-biological weapon. What’s its purpose? Depopulation. Why is the government doing this? Eugenics. Control. A mass experiment, with the un-injected being the control group. What kind of a government or state would commit such a heinous crime against humanity? A pathocracy.

Regarding falling into the trap of binary thinking: sometimes it’s necessary. The reality of the situation humanity is in is an us-versus-them one. Who is “us”? The only people actively fighting/struggling against the psychopathic rulers. Who is “them”? Both the depraved psychopaths and the malignant masses (who are ignorant, idiotic, delusional, and who have collectively rejected critical thinking/analysis) who are going along with the psychopaths in order to (stupidly/naively believe that they can) get along with the psychopaths.

What’s the good news? After a long struggle/fight, the psychopaths will be defeated. How will the psychopaths be defeated? I don’t know. Because of the Hegelian dialectic of problem-reaction-solution, I’m loathe to suggest any possible (so-called) “solutions”. What about the masses? Is there any hope for them? I’m skeptical. Plus, I despise misplaced hope.

“The great enemy of grief is hope. Hope is the four-letter word for people who are unwilling to know things for what they are. Our time requires us to be hope-free. To burn through the false choice of being hopeful and hopeless. They are two sides of the same con job. Grief is required to proceed.” ― Stephen Jenkinson

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Great comment. You hit the nail on the head.

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Aug 6, 2023
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Yeah. Transhumanism has to be factored into pathocracy and collectivism. It’s all about setting up an all-powerful State, the Leviathan.

I agree with you that we only matter to God.

I just came across this quote from Carl Jung:

“The State takes the place of God; that is why, seen from this angle, the socialist dictatorships are religions and State slavery is a form of worship.” Your thoughts?

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Aug 7, 2023
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When angels appear to humans, the humans react with awe, fear, dread. That experience must be magnified ten thousand times ten thousand fold when Christ appears in his glory.

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Thanks for the reading recommendation, Sasha.

I like Dr. Bhakti, he’s a very smart straightforward, no nonsense kind of guy.

I might give this a look. 👍🏾

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Yes Dr. Bhakdi rocks. I love when he takes us back to school. I enjoy his passion and simple explanations of very complex processes.

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VA still offering covid death shots to veterans.

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It's not likely the billionaire elites will give up on their evil genocide intentions -- ever.

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And to pregnant women

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And CHILDREN. (In Canada.)


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...and that is murder.

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I would like to see board certified doctors all turning in their board certifications in protest.

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Won't happen...too many are murdering psychopaths who love $$$ too much.

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Yes ! ACOG was complicit. Hospitals got paid and employed physicians got bonuses. Self employed physicians got kickbacks, just apply on line for Covid jab bucks when given to pregnant women. Disgusting.

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But don't let those pregnant women have a cigarette or a glass of wine!

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A couple of years ago, I asked Steve Kirsch whether he had a source for information regarding whether there was specific reimbursement for physicians to push the Covid shots. ( He was not, but said to let him know if I found anything. ) What prompted this question was three experiences of family members with three different doctors in a single week, wherein the doctors never addressed the patients questions regarding specific health issues, but they did spend thirty to forty five minutes trying to convince each of the necessity, safety, and efficacy of the shots. We all felt like it was eerie.

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A murder manual.

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It doesn't say how much $$$$ these "doctors" will get for their psyops on pregnant women.

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Exactly … or Tylenol or Zantac

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SecDef Austin has blood on his hands for forcing the covid death shot.

Check his bank account for $$$$ from Pfizer.

Thanks for sharing the link.

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Thank you for the valuable addition to my SSD library.

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I infiltrated the Gene therapy research community in 2021 and i can say with certainty that every aspect of the field is having problems with toxicity. And has always had problems with toxicity and a high risk of late adverse reactions aswell.


Here is a slide from Viral vector webinar going from gene therapy 1.0 to 2.0 -> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SeMEKa9LaquVIkzpC3-fAvni1YP4Vmqo/view?usp=drivesdk

All gene therapy poses dose limiting toxicities -> Low Therapeutic value and high cost.

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DOCTORS FOR COVID ETHICS Past Videos. UkColumn.org. Search ~ Symposium https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/doctors-for-covid-ethics-fourth-symposium-freedom-is-the-cure

Great painting. I have that exact vase of sunflowers sitting on my counter right now. Great minds think alike : )

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The summary outline of the findings of the book you provide seems to conclude that the actual mRNA contents of the "vaccine" are what is causing most of the damage and the other contaminates are secondary. If this conclusion in correct then the batches that caused the most adverse events probably had the most actual "vaccine". What Sasha has said about the wide variance of adverse events batch to batch attributed to sloppy manufacturing led me to the thought that perhaps certain batches through certain contractors had other experimental additives inserted by bioweapon researchers other than Pfizer or Moderna to experiment and determine any enhanced toxicity. I don't want to be off point in bringing up the many examples of toxic crap that are found in many batches but I do want to understand how these additives effect the toxicity of the doses and rule out the possibility that some of the variance is due to intentional experimentation on us by other third party bioweapon researchers. In most of the "normal" vaccines additives such as aluminum and mercury are attributed as causing damage.

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Van Gogh would admire this art - to be sure!

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Thank you for this information

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"Turtles All The Way Down" MUST READ

First chapter:


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