We talked about a wide range of topics, including Pandemic Preparedness racket, how vaccines cause food allergies and drive the chronic disease epidemic, the nature of time, and much more.
Yesterday morning, while opening Gmail, I was offered the following vaccines by my local hospital staff:
- Covid
- Influenza
- VRS (Virus respiratoire syncytial)
The government had never done such a thing before this eternal state of pandemic we're in now.
I'm known here for my 'wrong thinking' and for wholeheartedly adhering to anti-vax misinformation theories (no, I just try to stay alive as long as I can), so my Social worker in the senior citizens' program sent me this email: "I think I already know your answer, but I have to ask if you would like vaccines administered at home."
We're at a stage where the people paid to look after our well-being hound us with dangerous intentions. Social workers act like the desperate 'kapos' of the former German camps of WWII. That's unfortunate but real.
Heh, heh... Your worker asked: "I think I already know your answer, but I have to ask if you would like vaccines administered at home." Answer: Hell yes! I'll send a nurse over as soon as you get home. Voila! She's done pestering people for a living...
You have a great opportunity to troll and have fun with fascists while they don't yet have power over you to force into whatever they want you to take/do.
At least a vaccine is more subtle than herding us into the showers and gassing us with Zyklon-B. Thing is, it's the same proprietors running the game again.
Fascinating discussion. So much of it makes so much sense. I am currently putting a page together for hypermobility when this podcast came back to me. So much of hypermobility is discussed as hereditary but is it possible that the large increase in this syndrome is not as I suspect because these clients suffer with pain but actually another side effect of vaccination. I don’t know but would assume connective tissue could be affected by the same pathway as other areas of the body? Would be interested to hear your thoughts.
Yes. Search for A Midwestern Doctor substack. S/he writes about this as a consequence of childhood vaxs. I can't remember which article but they're all good.
I only remember it b/c my sister has this and pregnancy was awful for her. She danced growing up and eventually had to have both her big toes operated on. She also had two bouts of breast cancer (which I find suspect based on the latest Dr. Yoho interview). She's 41... her generation seems especially brainwashed to believe it's their genetics and to expect to get cancer! Ugh.
I would be very interested to know the answer to that too! I have been investigating connective tissue disorders that I believe my family suffer from. Too many issues point to this including autism and allergies and of course no help or informed advice has been obtained from largely ignorant consultants whom we eventually got referred to. As they say, it is a very grey area but with ridiculously limited diagnostic parameters and limited genetic testing as not much research has been done in this field. They simply do not seem to be interested in this area despite reporting that it’s now 1:100 that suffer from some form of connective tissue disorder whereas some years ago it was thought to be 1:1000. I know others whom I suspect have apparent issues too. At this stage I wouldn’t rule anything out with their diabolical pharmakeia..
Your continuing exploration and explanations of vaccines inducing manifestations of anaphylaxis are really impactful.
Speaking to the: not having known better - I'm continually thankful that I was made aware of the glaring problems with vaccine science (and the almost lack of science around the safety) before the 2020 plandemonium - it put me in a position of knowledge in order to protect a loved one who has a chronic autoimmune condition and warn him regarding the shots. They always play this game of telling the majority that they need to get jabbed for those who "can't", then if you look at what guidance is given for the immunosuppressed, it's some BS like "take an extra dose in order to mount enough immune response". It's all so disgusting.
I overheard two elderly ladies in a thrift store yesterday talking about one of their acquaintances who had "caught" Covid. One lady asked " Where did she catch it? " The other replied " On the senior citizens bus ".
I've had a bit of a rest from substack recently - it got a bit overwhelming with all the different viewpoints expressed - who do you believe? - plus with the awake crowd at times turning on each other (a great shame - I share Delingpole's view on that). But that talk really helped me, Sasha for many reasons. A lot fell into place. Thank you!
I listened to your conversation with James on the Delingpod with great interest, especially on the research done by the French doctor on inducing anaphylactic shock. I spent, aged 10, 3 months comatose in the infectious diseases hospital in Nairobi after the oral Polio inoculation. That was in the late 50s, a period during which DDT was used extensively against mosquitos, so my condition may even have been due to the latter. In all events I’ve stayed clear from all interventions since.
This was the best interview! I lol so many times! You're so funny and matter of fact! Your explanations are so rooted in basic common sense.
This is where the rubber meets the road! Common sense is no longer relied upon. It's easier to believe what everyone else believes. Whether it makes absolutely zero sense or not!
I call my son out on this when it's something that's just so absurd!
I lay out all the facts so he can see that if something doesn't make sense or add up. Ask questions!
My grandson is 8 months old and I will never give up trying to get through to my son & daughter in law. The baby has already been to ER for an allergic reaction. It's the worst thing that I've ever experienced. To stand by & watch knowing what this is doing to this beautiful baby. My son won't take the time to read or look into what I'm trying to get through to him.
I never imagined my son wouldn't believe me about something so serious.
It's affected our relationship, sadly.
He's not very nice to me, and I've had about enough of it!
I tend to spill my guts regarding this topic. It breaks my heart!
A great enlightening interview. With your permission I will distribute it among my family and friends. The 'brain dead' people in charge of Governments still haven't woken up. The new head of the German CDU, NOW IN 2024! will not allow unjabbed people work in the office (unless they had recovered from Covid naturally). Jabbed with what?
And... about seed oils. I have read that the PROCESS of the mass production of seed oils in the West is unhealthy (???)
Sasha, great point on 'delegating to another source' is a bottom line avoidance. My Mother was a wise woman, 6 children, career school teacher who gave me two lessons in life that I've never forgotten. 1) 'If you want to know what's going on in your life, look in the mirror, you'll see the only one that's made decisions in your life. You'll see what's good in you and what needs work, don't look to others for those decisions.'. The second lesson was 2)' It's not so much what you done so far that concerns us, it's what are you learning'. These two rules are as simple as it gets to living your life. Thanks to my great Mom for guiding me how to be a true sovereign!
I'll be 71 in a few days (https://jonfleetwood.substack.com/p/repeated-mrna-covid-jabs-lead-to?).
Yesterday morning, while opening Gmail, I was offered the following vaccines by my local hospital staff:
- Covid
- Influenza
- VRS (Virus respiratoire syncytial)
The government had never done such a thing before this eternal state of pandemic we're in now.
I'm known here for my 'wrong thinking' and for wholeheartedly adhering to anti-vax misinformation theories (no, I just try to stay alive as long as I can), so my Social worker in the senior citizens' program sent me this email: "I think I already know your answer, but I have to ask if you would like vaccines administered at home."
We're at a stage where the people paid to look after our well-being hound us with dangerous intentions. Social workers act like the desperate 'kapos' of the former German camps of WWII. That's unfortunate but real.
All for your safety
And for the ‘common good’.
Heh, heh... Your worker asked: "I think I already know your answer, but I have to ask if you would like vaccines administered at home." Answer: Hell yes! I'll send a nurse over as soon as you get home. Voila! She's done pestering people for a living...
You have a great opportunity to troll and have fun with fascists while they don't yet have power over you to force into whatever they want you to take/do.
You can't "Talk about the weather" without talking conspiracy, either!!
See: Tennessee Senate passes bill to ban chemtrail spraying while corporate media pretends geoengineering doesn’t exist >>> 03/24/2024 >>> https://geoengineering.news/2024-03-24-tennessee-senate-passes-bill-ban-chemtrail-spraying.html
Oops! They forgot to include an Enforcement provision in the code... I guess hurricanes kinda happen in the right places... Sometimes...
The $750 payout is really rubbing it in, Lahaina was $700 . It's a trademark
Superb introduction regarding the use of anaphylactic poisoning as a 'vaccination' process. Thank you Sasha, Very well done.
The medical profession is knee deep in bullshit they espouse as physical knowledge. Hangings would be too kind...
At least a vaccine is more subtle than herding us into the showers and gassing us with Zyklon-B. Thing is, it's the same proprietors running the game again.
It's always a public health crisis.
mmm... and ahem 6 million dead eh?
Fascinating discussion. So much of it makes so much sense. I am currently putting a page together for hypermobility when this podcast came back to me. So much of hypermobility is discussed as hereditary but is it possible that the large increase in this syndrome is not as I suspect because these clients suffer with pain but actually another side effect of vaccination. I don’t know but would assume connective tissue could be affected by the same pathway as other areas of the body? Would be interested to hear your thoughts.
Yes. Search for A Midwestern Doctor substack. S/he writes about this as a consequence of childhood vaxs. I can't remember which article but they're all good.
Here you go: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-hidden-link-between-hypermobility
Interesting. Follow them too but missed that one. Thank you.
I only remember it b/c my sister has this and pregnancy was awful for her. She danced growing up and eventually had to have both her big toes operated on. She also had two bouts of breast cancer (which I find suspect based on the latest Dr. Yoho interview). She's 41... her generation seems especially brainwashed to believe it's their genetics and to expect to get cancer! Ugh.
I would be very interested to know the answer to that too! I have been investigating connective tissue disorders that I believe my family suffer from. Too many issues point to this including autism and allergies and of course no help or informed advice has been obtained from largely ignorant consultants whom we eventually got referred to. As they say, it is a very grey area but with ridiculously limited diagnostic parameters and limited genetic testing as not much research has been done in this field. They simply do not seem to be interested in this area despite reporting that it’s now 1:100 that suffer from some form of connective tissue disorder whereas some years ago it was thought to be 1:1000. I know others whom I suspect have apparent issues too. At this stage I wouldn’t rule anything out with their diabolical pharmakeia..
Your continuing exploration and explanations of vaccines inducing manifestations of anaphylaxis are really impactful.
Speaking to the: not having known better - I'm continually thankful that I was made aware of the glaring problems with vaccine science (and the almost lack of science around the safety) before the 2020 plandemonium - it put me in a position of knowledge in order to protect a loved one who has a chronic autoimmune condition and warn him regarding the shots. They always play this game of telling the majority that they need to get jabbed for those who "can't", then if you look at what guidance is given for the immunosuppressed, it's some BS like "take an extra dose in order to mount enough immune response". It's all so disgusting.
I overheard two elderly ladies in a thrift store yesterday talking about one of their acquaintances who had "caught" Covid. One lady asked " Where did she catch it? " The other replied " On the senior citizens bus ".
So now we know how this virus is spreading:).
I really like your hunting scene in watercolor; a good tie-in image, for your 2nd conversation with James. You bring out the best in James, too.
Devils, demons, other-wordly goblins, succubus, incubus, alien reptilians, etc... (semantics) masquerading as humans. Soulless, black-eyed mutants.
I've had a bit of a rest from substack recently - it got a bit overwhelming with all the different viewpoints expressed - who do you believe? - plus with the awake crowd at times turning on each other (a great shame - I share Delingpole's view on that). But that talk really helped me, Sasha for many reasons. A lot fell into place. Thank you!
Wow! Great painting Sasha!
I listened to your conversation with James on the Delingpod with great interest, especially on the research done by the French doctor on inducing anaphylactic shock. I spent, aged 10, 3 months comatose in the infectious diseases hospital in Nairobi after the oral Polio inoculation. That was in the late 50s, a period during which DDT was used extensively against mosquitos, so my condition may even have been due to the latter. In all events I’ve stayed clear from all interventions since.
Having lived in China for decades, I can say that Sasha is spot on with her observations regarding allergies, and injection induced illness.
Western medicine isn't all that its cracked up to be.
In fact, its one of the most extensive con jobs in existence.
This was the best interview! I lol so many times! You're so funny and matter of fact! Your explanations are so rooted in basic common sense.
This is where the rubber meets the road! Common sense is no longer relied upon. It's easier to believe what everyone else believes. Whether it makes absolutely zero sense or not!
I call my son out on this when it's something that's just so absurd!
I lay out all the facts so he can see that if something doesn't make sense or add up. Ask questions!
My grandson is 8 months old and I will never give up trying to get through to my son & daughter in law. The baby has already been to ER for an allergic reaction. It's the worst thing that I've ever experienced. To stand by & watch knowing what this is doing to this beautiful baby. My son won't take the time to read or look into what I'm trying to get through to him.
I never imagined my son wouldn't believe me about something so serious.
It's affected our relationship, sadly.
He's not very nice to me, and I've had about enough of it!
I tend to spill my guts regarding this topic. It breaks my heart!
Thank you Sasha for all that you do!
PS. I live in Las Vegas! It happened just the way you stated!
This world is much more fascinating than we've been led to believe!
An open & curious mind is mandatory!
A great enlightening interview. With your permission I will distribute it among my family and friends. The 'brain dead' people in charge of Governments still haven't woken up. The new head of the German CDU, NOW IN 2024! will not allow unjabbed people work in the office (unless they had recovered from Covid naturally). Jabbed with what?
And... about seed oils. I have read that the PROCESS of the mass production of seed oils in the West is unhealthy (???)
Sasha, great point on 'delegating to another source' is a bottom line avoidance. My Mother was a wise woman, 6 children, career school teacher who gave me two lessons in life that I've never forgotten. 1) 'If you want to know what's going on in your life, look in the mirror, you'll see the only one that's made decisions in your life. You'll see what's good in you and what needs work, don't look to others for those decisions.'. The second lesson was 2)' It's not so much what you done so far that concerns us, it's what are you learning'. These two rules are as simple as it gets to living your life. Thanks to my great Mom for guiding me how to be a true sovereign!