The DoD is studying our reactions as we transverse this contrived labyrinth trying to get to the truth of what they did. False flags, fake news, false leads, counterfeit reports, graphs, studies, stairs to nowhere, dead ends, twists and turns, limited hangouts, accelerated density entanglements of nth level game theory.

We're literally rats in a maze, and they are smugly watching our every action and reaction intently as they educated themselves on how best to manipulate and confound us further in the future.

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Study this DoD:

🇫🇷 Pfizer HQ in France surrounded by Protestors screaming “Assassins”


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Eeehhh, they scream assassins every minute in France now, it’s a popular scream, but by the way the greatest screamer mouthpiece, the President he managed to survive all screamers and screaming. First he introduced the vaccines as the saviour of the nation, second his falling popularity got international boosting with the Olympics in Paris, he now has the reputation of the Notre Dame architect and at the same time, behind the scenes with Volodymyr and Donald the saviour of a lost Ukraine. But wait, now he has positioned himself as the locomotive engine of another gem AI, which should be understood as Amnesia Intelligence, the intelligence that makes us forget who we were, who we are and what happened since 2020, no greater help from his friend AI, the ultimate golden calf.

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Heh, heh... They need pitchforks and torches. Perhaps a portable guillotine... At least they're pissed off enough to protest the slaughter. Amurikuns? Not so much. Thanks for posting.

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confident, aren't you

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Well... Confidence is the mystique asshats in charge utilize to intimidate and neutralize protest. Beneath the suits and ties and party lipstick, they're just as vulnerable to attack as any other naked human... They need to be *educated* in finer diplomacy...

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Hello TriTorch. Well, perhaps.... I think our reply should become as a mirror. >>> ”We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we will act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that is how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” - Karl Rove - (Circa 2002)

We, The People, are the empire. Not the asshats you allude to...

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I remember that quote, thanks for the refresher. As for We, the People, you are preaching to the choir:

Given that the government is going all in to use the scamdemic as an excuse to take full control of our lives, I think now would be a good time to revisit the actual contract we have with our government.

Here's the basic premise in the founding of the Enlightenment Model of the US: Rights were given to you by your Creator, not by your government. Your government didn't give them to you so, they can't take them away. Furthermore the 9th Amendment to the Constitution makes these guarantees explicit. If any person in the government tries to take them away anyway, despite lacking any authority to do so, they are traitors to the citizens and must be treated as such.

A common misconception regarding the US government is that it is not the case that they start with total power and authority and the Constitution then subtracts from those powers. Under the Constitutional Principle of Enumerated Powers and despite common wisdom, the government actually starts with zero power. Powers are then granted (Enumerated) by the Constitution. This means that our Natural Rights such as the right to Privacy or the right to Free Speech do not need to be explicitly granted to the populace - we have them by default. (The Bill of Rights is - quite literally - redundant and completely unnecessary.) What it does mean is that the government cannot violate those rights unless the ability to do so is explicitly granted by the Constitution - which in those cases it is not.

Just to be clear, the US government has invalidated itself by abrogating its duties, for breaking and trampling all over every oath of office, for committing every crime we have a law for, and for subjugating us, meaning we do not have one and instead we have a bunch of criminals masquerading as our government.

For too long we've sat back, relaxed, and let the government police itself, and by doing so have given the wolves the keys to the hen house while naively expecting - in our blissful ignorance - for the Chickens to be in good hands...

Those Chickens have been and are being slaughtered, and the time has come for us to put those wolves in prison and to take back what is ours.

Despite what the government wants badly for you to believe, you do not serve them. They serve you.

(The powers that shouldn't be are intimated by us and what we are capable of, if they were not they wouldn't be fighting tooth and nail to shut us up and lock us down. Never give up, never surrender. Keeping our republic was never going to be easy, it was only ever going to be worth it.)

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Exactly the same in England and Wales. In all Common Law Countries, we're born with inalienable rights. I put this to my last MP when demanding an end to the house arrest (Jan. 2022) and he agreed with me.

Starmer is a lawyer but pretends to be unaware of our legal system when it suits him.

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Thank you Tri Torch! Simply and masterfully presented. This would be great on billboards all over the country so everyone could be reminded!

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Thanks buddy, there's a more fleshed out version here if you want to share it: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/the-governmental-covenant

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I agree for the most part. But the alleged 'government' military, corrupted mass media, and corporate/mafia syndicates are *us*. Not them.

WE created the shit show, period. Blaming organizational entities has become an exercise in regressive logic...

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I did blame us for sitting back and relaxing, look up. And again, you are preaching to the choir [edit: i wrote this over a decade ago out of frustration for the lack of action by the public, it is not directed at any of the readers here]:

At the close of the Constitutional Convention on September 17, 1787, as Ben Franklin left the hall in Philadelphia, he was asked, “What kind of government have you given us, Dr. Franklin?” He replied: "A republic, if you can keep it"

It is, was, and will always be our job to keep the government in check. If we do not, then we will end up back at square one and become slaves once again. No one is going to come to our rescue... except ourselves. So with that in mind, if in coming here you've never heard of the following:

Asset Forfeiture, NSLs, ALEC, AIPAC

FISA Courts, Congressional Insider Trading

Judicial Standing, Deferred Prosecution

Parallel Construction, Stingray Devices

EO 12333, XKeyscore, COINTELPRO

Pentagon Papers, Gary Webb

Operation Mockingbird

Operation Northwoods

Operation Paperclip

Project Monarch



Or worse, you've heard of them but can't be bothered to care, then like it or not, you are one reason among many that we are on a one-way flight straight to Hell. To the corporations and their puppet politicians, your ignorance and apathy are worth more than all the slaves in China. Because it is your indifference that enables these bottom feeding cockroaches to thrive in the dark and rob you of your wealth and liberty.

This is not political, it's universal. Both of the puppet parties you think you get to choose from every two years are completely infected by blanket webs of corruption and have long ago mortgaged their allegiance to their corporate masters. And what these leeches need more than anything to survive and thrive is a stupid, apathetic populace with red tags on their ears who will lap at their feet and believe every lie they feed them, or worse, are too busy staring at their smart phones to even care that they're being lied to.

The natural state of humanity is to slide into slavery and conflict. Our American bulwark against that decay was built by the blood, sweat, tears, hard work, and personal sacrifice of countless millions. These people gave everything to build the pillars of justice that protect and sustain you, and it is your responsibility to give something back and sacrifice a little in order to maintain those pillars and pass them on to the next generation. Anything less is a betrayal to those who broke their back to build the structure you are now standing on.

So put down your Facebook and start paying attention to the things going on around you before that structure crumbles to nothing beneath your feet and you become a slave once again.

Remember, a nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves and you get more of what you tolerate. So turn off your Goddamn TV, turn on your mind, and get out there and stop tolerating it before you wake up one morning robbed of your remaining liberty and you no longer have a choice.

Someone far wiser than I once pointed out that: 'Power without oversight is the fastest route out of a democracy'. Your responsibility then, is to render that oversight. Joseph de Maistre said: 'Every citizenry has the government they deserve...'

We are the ones we've been waiting for...

Excerpt from https://tritorch.com/illFaresTheLand

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Erm... I don't appreciate your vitriolic accusations. You don't know me from Adam, and I don't know you from the man in the moon. Self adoration is the bane of intelligent exchange. Please go away, now.

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That last comment wasn't directed at you, just the public in general. It's an article i wrote out of frustration over a decade ago. Apologies for the misunderstanding.

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I just had this thought the other day. Those of us who write about covid as a military operation (especially from Australia) have been banned/shadowbanned from social media for a long time. I believe they are looking at our work now and saying: "they're getting closer."

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All roads lead to the WEF/Gates crime syndicate.

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Behind them are richer and even more powerful players.

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Hi Sasha, i did a quick search using the Internet addrees of the organizers, as it appears on the poster. Forum for Democracy is a political party in the Netherlands. Leader is Thierry Beaudet.

I'm wary nowadays of any political party anywhere in the world. Hoping you will be able to tell it as you see it.

Lab leak narratives are so dépassé...

Political theatre. Left-Centre-Right paradigm is to give us plebs the impression we live in a democracy.

Sorry folks, but cheers from Canuckistan a.k.a Canada


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Yes. I fail confidence in the Forum for Democracy. There is something not quite right regarding their stated agenda. I guess we'll see...

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I just left a comment and then saw yours. Yes, Jerm and Beaudet are buddies (he says) but I don't trust Beaudet for one second. I follow Dutch news cause I am Dutch/Canadian. Very suspect. Can't help but think Jerm is a new father. Vulnerable position to be in when spreading truth.

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When the CIA "admitted" recently that "covid" originated in a lab, millions of people who flatter themselves that they're government skeptics believed every word of it. Why? The CIA's only job is lying. They lie 24/7. The mere fact that they're promoting the "lab leak" theory should be proof that it didn't happen.

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Great comment. If the CIA was a big box store it should be called Lies'R'Us. Nobody lies more and nobody lies better:).

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Well... I've always considered the "lab leak" meme as a diversion from "Lab Release" reality. However, the deployments were not viral at all. They were multi-chemical and multi-electromagnetic broadcast. Did a lot of people die? No. But a lot of persons became very ill and remain ill...

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I need to understand the rationale behind the alleged global genocide. Looking back at history, we see that figures like Hitler and Göring were substance users, which impaired their critical thinking. Yet, every time I see Mr. Gates, Herr Schwab, or John Kerry on TV, I can't help but notice that all three exhibit signs of severe mental disorders.

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Praying for your Light Sasha! Awaken the Masses 🙏

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Really love today’s art! Stunning! Thanks

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I noticed the poster does not use the term "Lab Leak". It used the term "Lab Theory".

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Good catch, not-so-Clueless!

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A new MAGA mushroom just popped up in Spain at the "Patriots of Europe" conference with the slogan "Make Europe Great Again" - MEGA!

Look out for more MAGA mushrooms popping up worldwide, liberally fertilised by the Davos crowd in their diligent efforts to regain trust!

Apparently the Davos entities still think, that people can still be convinced, that they can shake hands with a snake and live happily ever after!

Guess when the Davos crowd look in their magic mirrors they still see Snow White!

Someone should tell them how the fairy tale ends.

Guess they will find out for themselves soon enough.

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Lab leak? - No. Ft. Detrick - Yes.

Love you Sasha - lovely artwork xoxo

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Perhaps the COVID bug was developed on the ISS and came back accidentally on a Soyuz mission. You wouldn't put it past Russians, would you? And this would explain why improvements to astronaut hairspray were so slow.

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Oh those Russkies... LOL

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Poison can be made in a lab, so again, a malevolent liar(s) will take that element of truth and manipulate it to their desired angle. How did the DOD deploy the "covid" poison so some people fell ill with flu-like symptoms is the question they don't want people asking.

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Best thing about this post is the artwork, fabulous!

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If That

I would

This is that

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Just being rained upon by the result of constant chemtrails it leaves white spots on the windows

Love your Art keep up your cheeriness life is good when you keep your eyes on God because He is Control

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nice chalk work... nice

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LOVE the painting and, as always, thanks for your constant "due diligence."

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