Oct 8Liked by Sasha Latypova

He still recommends C19 vax and boosters for his "older" patients. Maybe you can convince him otherwise.

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Oct 8Liked by Sasha Latypova

Meds/PHDs still reccomending these poison shots to elederly and vulnurable people today, are monsters. Period.

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And pregnant women

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The "monsters" are AMA trained morons, and they have bank accounts to prove it...

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How on earth could any md still be so blind??

He has access to data too!! Ask him please.

That’s always the escape hatch … well I recommend

It for my elder patients. BC ?

And shine Sasha Shine!! Change his mind.


We’re throwing rocks at tanks but you have a solid

Platform to derail another tank.

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Dr. Drew it seems, does not want to risk being "on the outs", he's playing it safe, straddling the fence, covering his arse is what I see. Maybe someone can show me otherwise, but so far, that's all I can figure, there is just no way he could possibly be so blind as you say JamesDuff. with all the information he has been exposed to over the years, just no bloody way.

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I hope he catches his balls on the fence...

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"Dr. Drew" is a brand. And all of your very correct observations just support "Dr. Drew"'s status as a brand. I'd say that, as a brand, "Dr. Drew" is carefully threading the waters so that the brand can appeal to a wider audience... By the way, love the icon! I've been requested to provide a photo for some Linked-In company ad, I think I will go with something like that! Have a great day!!

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I just ran across Dr. Jack Kruse, who is throwing a lot of big rocks at the tanks!


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Hard to understand that Dr. Drew can be a member of The Wellness Company of which Dr. McCullough is the Chief Scientific Officer.

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I believe Wellness are compromised.

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I was on his show a few times recently and one of them we dealt with this.

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Oct 8Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha, i do have to say i live those kinda appearances. U talking sense into the minds of so called influential people, is popcorn watch. Enjoy ur time, hopefully u can grab some minds and pull 'em out of the bubble.

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Tell the world the truth 🙏🙏🙏

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Oct 8Liked by Sasha Latypova

Awsome! I know you will do the Truth Teller community proud.

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Thank you for promoting this, Sasha!!

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Oct 8Liked by Sasha Latypova

How mainstream can you get?!? 😅❤️

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Dr. Drew is the mainstreamest I can get.

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he is a good man...most are frauds, outright, money whores, he is not.

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if he asks you on its because you have something to say and he respects that...and Emily, his EA is super smarter than most of the morons we have on screen

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Good men don't recommend shooting poisons directly into people's veins.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

If he's still recommending poison for ANYONE, which he is, he is defiinitely not a good man. Makes me wonder about you, honestly.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

I've been wondering about this "Dr. Alexander" account for some time.

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Rightfully so!

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I've actually been wondering about YOU for some time now. Are you REALLY the Dr. Alexander I used to see on the Stew Peters Show a couple of years ago, or are you an imposter?

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Ya never know. Dr. Drew could open up a whole new mainstream world if you play your cards right and his “competition” decides to jump on the bandwagon (sorry, couldn’t resist the mixed metaphors).

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Oct 8Liked by Sasha Latypova

Will normies hear you? Hear what you’re really saying? I suppose, if one person actually hears you it’s worth it!

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Oct 8Liked by Sasha Latypova

Here's a question: how can the medical system gaslight kids and parents with explanations such as "born this way/bad genes", when the babies' immune systems are being tampered with on day 1 of life?

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Oct 8Liked by Sasha Latypova

Exactly. That's how they eliminated the control group.

The only control group left are the Amish and others like them, who never took the childhood vax schedule.

Blaming anything adverse on anything else was and still is a distraction from the real cause.

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give'em Hell...lol. dave

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My favourite underground artist goes pop!

Who knew?! Well I for one am glad there is an opportunity for normies to discover crumbs on the trail leading back to the deep divers. Go Sasha!

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Waste of time.

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Oct 8Liked by Sasha Latypova

You are changing people’s belief systems. Which are changing because they have to change. The subtext of every conversation with people, such as him is:

“ What were you not willing to believe about the coordinated Covid response that you now realize is, and always was, true ? “

Followed by:

“ Is there anything I’m telling you today, that you are not willing to believe, today? “

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That’s what I did for three years in a very unique relationship with Malone. Only I was very mean about it. And I still am.

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Oct 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

Watched it. Concise and to the point. That's what needs to be pushed - some kinda bullet points that folks can grasp and maul over.

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Oct 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

Dr. Drew may have his show, but we have Sasha Latypova. Perhaps, we could gift Dr. Drew subscriptions to Due Diligence and Art and Baileywick News so he could enjoy up to date information as do the rest of us readers.

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Oct 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

From the start I've had problems with the idea that a bat (or pangolin-what ever that is) coughed on some people in a cave in Wuhan. They all must have been within 6 feet of the coughing bat and all got sick and coughed on the rest of the world. I'm sure it had nothing to do with 2020 being an election year, right?

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I think the globalist billionaire oligarchy are loosing control indicated in their disdain of free speech. The MK-Ultra mind control to keep people confused and baffled isn't working so they have moved to kinetic weather war. Their last card is the alien card.

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Oct 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

You got him verrry inspired Sasha which doesn't surprisce me since you also called me back to class with the Delingpole podcast!! ;)

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Sasha, after listening to this famous named guy, I hope you gave him some real truth about the infamous bioweapon as well as all vaccines. He’s not even lukewarm re: the available base of knowledge and research of all of the heinous crimes of Fauci, Pfizer, Moderna et al. He needs to understand everything that was and is still being developed was done with the intent to commit genocide. I regret that I missed the interview. I cannot believe he is even famous prior to everything that has gone on. He must have had a medical or social connection along the way.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

As a Dr. He should know pfizer has been sued many times, paid billions in settlements, and NEVER cured anything.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

"I regret that I missed the interview."

You know, there's this thing called the internet which lets you watch things whenever you want to. No such thing as "missed" a show.

Besides, you didn't miss anything.

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