I recently heard a story about an acquaintance that made me think many of your posts. He is a man in his 50s -- very robust, physically active, works outside in all weather, etc. I knew that in 2021 he became very ill shortly after his second Covid vaccination (do not know if Moderna or Pfizer) -- was in a near coma state and hospitalized for several days. He did recover and eventually returned to his previous level of activity. Recently my partner caught up with him and learned the full story of what had happened. His second injection caused him to develop a life-threatening allergy to carrots, a food he previously enjoyed to the extent of buying and eating a whole bag in a sitting. This is what had put him in the hospital. His doctors all readily agreed it was caused by the vaccine. He now carries an Epi-pen and has just about given up eating restaurant food because he's had several inadvertent exposures. No one thinks about carrots when drawing up allergen-free menus.

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I have respect for the restaurants and bakeries that try to be allergen friendly. It's a shame that it will forever be a moving target because of what is being done to people

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Multiple shots in prep for pre-deployment to Germany in 1979. Developed an allergy to most shellfish and fish nearly overnight. Found out the hard way. I made a point of making good friends with lower rank MA's to as much as possible avoid any more shots in the military. It wasn't hard to put two and two together back in the early days of acid rain. :-)

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So acid rain was a deliberate manipulation too?

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No it means there is always something...

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9


Mycoplasma pneumoniae induces allergy by producing P1-specific immunoglobulin E

"Mycoplasma pneumoniae is not only an infectious agent but also an allergen for certain individuals. The P1 protein of MP can induce the production of P1-specific IgE."

Qing Ye, et al, Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 2018 Mar 16.



Effects of Mycoplasma Contamination on Research {cell culture lines & vaccine manufacture]

"In such settings, mycoplasma contamination can cause vaccine failure. Vaccines are produced in primary cell cultures, which many, but not all, countries require to be checked for mycoplasma contamination before the vaccine can be released for use on humans."



Mycoplasma Contamination of Fish Virus Vaccines

"Mycoplasma are ubiquitous, having been isolated from a wide spectrum of terrestrial animals, including primates, as well as from aquatic animals. Although infrequently reported, contamination of cold & warm water fish cell cultures with mycoplasma has been known for nearly three decades."

Thornton, et al (1999) Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol., 19 (5), 207

https://eafp.org/download/1999 Volume19


Vaccination Types and Strategies for Aquaculture vaccines

"Is vaccination common in aquaculture? from escovaccixcell.com

The most common fish vaccine types includes: bacterins, live attenuated, subunit vaccines, and toxoids. Recombinant and DNA vaccines are also being developed."



A review on the recent advances and application of vaccines against fish pathogens in aquaculture

Mondal, et al (May 2022)

"Globally, aquaculture has faced serious economic problems due to bacterial, viral, and various other infectious diseases of different origins. Even though such diseases are being detected and simultaneously treated with several therapeutic and prophylactic methods, the broad-spectrum activity of vaccines plays a vital role as a preventive measure in aquaculture."



Infect Immun. 1977 Jan; 15(1): 7–12.

Interactions between mycoplasma pneumoniae and the first components of complement.

W Bredt, et al

"The results suggest an antibody-independent interaction between some components of the membrane surface of M. pneumoniae and C1, resulting in an activation of the complement system leading to the killing of the mycoplasma cells."


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If the produce isn't organic...look out.

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So you don’t think it’s really a carrot allergy but maybe an allergy to the pesticides sprayed on carrots? Makes sense.

(Ages ago, a whole generation of kids developed a peanut allergy on account of it being a vaccine ingredient.)

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You can't take for granted that organic is safe. Besides... Do you believe something is organic just because someone SAYS it is?

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It’s the best we have if we can’t grow. I believe it’s still “better than” …

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Nothing is "organic" in today's world in which crops that are grown in the great outdoors are subject to the spraying being done to dim the sun and mitigate global warming (Solar Radiation Management, aka SRM). New studies on the extremely high levels of aluminum in the soil and water are leading to questions about how this non-natural metal is accumulating in such large amounts. Dead trees and plants everywhere -- including my yard -- that when my landscaper pulls them up, they have NO roots! Aluminum in the soil prevents nutrient uptake by the roots.

Unless your food is grown in a greenhouse using soil that has been tested to ensure no aluminum, even your organic food is poisoned, not just by nanoparticles of aluminum by by barium, strontium and polymer nanoparticles (NOT "micro" -- nano!) Trust none of it!

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SRM. That's a new acronym for me. I stopped calling it chemtrails a ways back, and am now using SAI (Stratospheric Aerosol Injection).


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I use SAI sometimes, but I think that Solar Radiation Management really says what this is all about! Managing the Sun! LOL! Let them keep trying to "manage" nature!

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

The fiction is that they can control the climate or weather. It is analogous to 'engineering' DNA. Much like our bodies, earth processes are far to complex to predict all of the reactions to an action.

They can manipulate - but not control.

The primary goal of any weather modification projects does not appear to be to maintain a healthy environment - but to perpetuate fossil fuel consumption. You can bet every-time you see a jet leaving a trail across the sky, someone is making another million dollars. I live near Stewart Airport in NY, and have personally seen many thousands of trails, so millions becomes billions. To some of the profiteers, the dispensing of these substances in order to get more sales is more important than it actually having any positive effect. With huge energy inputs for fuel for aviation and chemical manufacture, it is obvious that this endeavor has its own massive environmental impact.

It is kind of pouring on gasoline on a burning fire and claiming that you thought it was water.

Most of the planes leaving trails are unidentified by spotting apps. Stewart is home to the New York air National Guard - a division of the US Military. They have a inventory of very large transport and tanker aircraft. But this is just one airport. I have seen this activity on nearly every vacation if have taken in the last decade or two, so it is obvious this is happening across the country, and I assume elsewhere. Billion become trillions. This has to be extremely profitable for some.

Rather than subject these types of projects that are super expensive, with unpredictable outcomes, and known and possible unknowable dangers, to environmental review, the project is denied and pushed forward in a cloak of secrecy. Although the trails constantly tattooed across the sky testify to its existence.

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I agree -- modification rather than control -- and I also believe that it's not just jet aircraft doing this (although it makes these airline companies billions of dollars), but drones are also spraying. There are some really crazy circular patterns at lower altitudes that obviously weren't made by aircraft laying these things down on the Victor airways. I've got so many photos! Not for our benefit - but to help destroy humanity. Poison our water and soil and air. Aluminum a big cause of neurological diseases. Big pHarma in a recent investors meeting said that Alzheimer's drugs will be the next big money-maker. Wonder how the know that? Hm-m-m-.

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Used to train helicopter there.

Real or fake, there’s no denying the psyop effect of all this speculation and “research” on the internet. The world is going mad.

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We recently published two Substack notes with information about weather engineering that you might find interesting and relevant.

-> Rare Behavior of Hurricane Milton Puts Weather Modification Conversation Back on the Table. By Jefferey Jaxen (10/09/24) https://substack.com/profile/68304299-big-e/note/c-71954018

-> WEATHER ENGINEERING: The US knows how to stop and redirect hurricanes, control weather, and steer other “natural” disasters (posted 10/02/24) https://substack.com/@bige47/note/c-71111394

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Yes, very interesting! I've downloaded several U.S. Air Force declassified documents on weather as warfare. I'm concerned about the Ionospheric heaters, which I believe were in play this summer over Phoenix. The heat was not just hot, as it usually it -- but was of an intensity that even those who'd grown up here said they'd never before experienced. It literally baked the leaves on my trees, turning them crispy brown. Peter Kirby's book "Chemtrails Exposed" is also a very good resource, with the same info as your resources.

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Anecdotally confirming seemingly intensified heat (FL, MA).

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This allergic reaction to food also happened to me after suffering the so-called Covid. I had the early version in Feb. 2020. After 5 days of the 'flu' I developed a food allergy. As soon as I ate anything my body went into shock which lasted for up to 4 hours. It turned out that it was related to the thyroid medication I took every morning. When I took this med at night the problem stopped. The benefit for me: I avoided the jab.

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"As you may have seen in Tuesday’s Fresh News from The Grower e-Newsletter, Tough 600EC has been registered for an Emergency Use Request (EUR) for the 2022 season. A special thanks to the Fresh Vegetables Growers of Ontario (FVGO) for sponsoring this EUR!"


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Oct 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

I was diagnosed with multiple food allergies after getting the flu shot. I haven’t eaten in a restaurant since 2009. I really don’t miss it and cooking at home is healthier. I feel sorry for anyone that has to go through this. It can be really scary. All kinds of crap are hidden in vaccines and they cause all kinds of problems. Our immune system is made to heal us, not some stupid shot of poison

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Honey Bee, I paid for my entire education working in restaurants trust me you are not missing out on anything, Oh the things I saw. There are very few exceptions if at all that I will tolerate when the fam wants to eat out. One being a traditional Greek establishment. Over thirty years eating there.

Preparing meals at home is the construct of family, friends and neighbors getting together. It is very healing when you prepare a meal, and may I might add a properly set table no need to be fancy… but please no paper plates and plastic forks.

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Oct 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

So a couple of personal anecdotal stories that appear to concur with what Sasha is saying.

1) I pretty much lived off wheat as a child - we had bread (homemade) and cereal for breakfast, bread, cake and scones for tea, daily in large quantities - it was cheap way for our mother to fill us up I suppose. I was very healthy, slim and athletic through to my 30's despite the diet. I only had a polio sugar cube as a child and BCG jab later. Had a few jabs for travel to Africa and the Far East in my 20's but then was made to get a whole bunch to get a green card in my 30's here in the US - things I had already supposedly had as a child too (mumps, measles etc. which I was annoyed at, at the time, though thought harmless) plus I got 1 or 2 flu jabs at work (they were free) until I realized they did not work. Later in my 30's I realized I had a wheat intolerance and couldn't eat it for a while. I tried to figure out why and went down multiple rabbit holes but never really pinned it down but had a few theories - but the jabs make sense if they contained gluten proteins in them. Though, I found I can eat small quantities of sourdough bread without a really bad reaction.

2) A neighbor had their dog immunized against Lyme about 2 years ago. The dog was very sick afterwards for months and wouldn't eat the dog food that they ate before. Gelatin in that jab by any chance?

3) Friend of one of my kids has super bad allergies to wheat, all nightshades, and avocado, and doesn't like to eat meat much. I'm sure they got many childhood jabs as they also had the covid shots, despite their mother having a bad reaction.

4) An older family relative, who gets all the jabs for everything possible every year, is allergic to so many foods and other things now. They keep finding more and more things they are allergic too as time goes on. Not surprising if they keep injecting themselves .... but you can't bad mouth jabs to them. They are true believers. They had an autoimmune disease followed by Miller Fischer syndrome about 10-12 years ago and their partner now has PMA/PMR post one of the covid shots.

So makes me wonder if anyone has compiled a list of all foreign proteins in all jabs available (or previously available). This would be a good project if not already done. That would be something I could get my teeth into very soon as I'm quitting my job.

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Oct 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

Regarding your own personal case - don't forget there are yeast proteins in some of the shots too. So it could even be a matter of natural sourdough yeasts being a different strain

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

Good point. That is why it would be good to get a list going of what is in all these jabs so we know what to avoid. I've been trying to perfect a bread alternative using grains that perhaps were not in jabs - such as quinoa or barley, but if it is just a single protein that you become allergic to, then anything that contains that particular protein amino acid could be a problem I suppose. I had to look up what proteins were in fruits after Sasha mentioned her daughter was allergic to fruits. I did not think that fruits contained proteins, but I stand corrected now!

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

All real whole foods contain some amount of protein.

If it's a gluten issue, then BROW foods are out (barley rye oats wheat, oats due to having a gluten mimicking effect for some people). A common restriction for those who have autoimmune disease and are managing it through diet

Search "vaccine excipient list"

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Thanks. I found an excipient list table for recent human jabs on the CDC website but wonder if there are similar tables for older ones - like ones from 20 years ago. I also looked up the same for those commonly given to dogs to see what is in them and found that some animal vaccine manufacturers can keep the ingredients as proprietary - which means you will never know what is in them in terms of excipient proteins. Bummer! Though I saw they still use thimerosal in some dog rabies jabs. Ugh!

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If your reaction to wheat is a reaction to the gluten, properly fermented bread might be OK. I have 12 gluten-sensitive friends and family members who can't eat factory bread (something like 10-minute fermentation time) but they can eat a whole loaf of traditionally made yeast-fermented wholewheat bread (minimum 2-hours fermentation) without any adverse reaction. Sourdough fermentation is scientifically proven to reduce the gluten content even lower than yeast fermentation due to the extra action of lactobacillus bacteria in breaking down gluten so that could also be an option.

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Oct 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

There is no reason to ever trust any vaccine for any purpose.

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The history of medical science reveals repeated evidence of fraud and scientific manipulation with Pasteur a dominant figure in that regard; Pasteur was the Fauci of his day, a mediocre chemist who falsified the results of his own experiments and plagiarized important discoveries from his contemporary, Antoine Bechamp, the real genius of that epoch; Pasteur knew his "germ theory" was wrong as shown by the experiments of Bechamp but continued to use his false reputation and wide-spread influence to maintain that lie right to the time of his death when he finally admitted that he had long promoted a terrible error of medical science; Pasteur's legacy was that he became the father of allopathic medicine, the false paradigm and charlatanism that created and dominates the medical industrial complex to this day.

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In the UK "Dame" Esther Rantzen pushed the covid shots and called for the "unjabbed" to be left at home to die if they had a heart attack as it was their choice not to "follow the science". https://x.com/Lexham_1/status/1619676317422870529

Rantzen's great-grandfather was Montague Richard Leverson, prominent in the early anti-vaccination movement. In 1908, when Antoine Béchamp, lay dying in Paris, Leverson spent 14 days at his bedside until Béchamp’s death. His notes were the basis for “Béchamp or Pasteur? A lost chapter in the history of biology”, by E. Douglas Hume; founded upon ms. by Montague R. Leverson, 1923.


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So interesting. You could make a similar case for Salk and his polio fraud.

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And Krugman and the Hepatitis B fraud. An injection given to every infant for a non existent disease and fake virus.

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STD’s including Hep B are real. The vaccines might be a fraud but the symptoms and mode of transmission are verifiable fact.

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It is interesting that no-one mention The Souls condition on our body. Our own fear and heartbreak has as much to do with our physical problems. I have got rit of Covid by handling my anger and other negative feelings in my body and Soul. But it requires you to acknowledges your Soul. Love Kirsten

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Discernment of the mind is also critical. Hopefully you have or will come to the realization that none of the symptoms of "Covid" were novel, which means there is no such thing as "Covid."

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

When I first saw “alpha gal”, I thought your were writing about those bossy, karenized women lurking on every corner.

Silly me, I made this mistake before.

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the term remains undefined, rendering much that follows unintelligible.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

Lyme is linked to shots. That's why it happens most often among suburban middle class women who tend to get flu shots etc. same with Lupus, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue... All having similar symptoms. The trick medicine uses is with having multiple names for the same shit... A lot of times the treatments are toxic in themselves only exacerbating the symptoms which get blamed on the disease. It's like how chemo kills many but the deaths are blamed on cancer.

"defeat religion and replace the idea of God, eliminate the idea of the soul and replace it with a materialist worldview"

Yeah, every time civilization shifts to insert more made up imaginary shit....

Defeat mother nature and replace it with the idea of a masculine god that thinks like a human.

Eliminate the importance of the body and replace it with the soul.

Don't worry about your body, you'll get everlasting life without it.... Kinda sounds like what the transhumanists dream of too!

As for Sheldrake, he's alright but he's got huge holes even in his theories. One of his shining examples is the 100th monkey theory. He conveniently didn't mention that they know that the monkeys would occasionally swim between islands to share information. I suppose his belief in the morphogenic field made him forget Occam's razor 😆.

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100th monkey theory is correct however. We observed it many times in R&D, not in monkeys but in anything new really. Once something happens, the subsequent happenings of that same phenomena are much easier to produce. And it's not necessarily the learning of the steps/processes.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

The things that make you wonder. A relative of mine lost two sisters to Lupus and had fibromyalgia related problems, got flu shot every year plus shots for international travel. I know they did something to me in grade two as my mind was always in a fog after they gave us those shots at school. It was never the same and I would delight in short periods of lucidity that would occasion themselves once in a while without notice and were very welcome. It persists to this day.

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They putting OCD molecules in the jabs, so easier to brainwash.

Vaccines linked to mental disorders by Yale study

https://yaledailynews.com › blog › 2017/02/21 › vaccin...

21 Feb 2017 — Higher numbers of vaccinated children were also found among those who were diagnosed with OCD, anxiety disorder and ADHD as soon as three months ...

Most cases of "ADD" are actually OCD in disguise. Except the clinicians are oblivious and never ask about it because the examination then becomes extremely tedious & time-consuming, esp when the patient is eight years old and thus naturally taciturn...

Usually upon educating the parents, the parents then recognize the actual problem for the perceived "attention deficit".

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Oct 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

Very disappointed to hear about Sheldrake's vax position. I've heard him speak just once and he made an impression because this huge operation can't be fully understood without a good dose of esoterica and the spiritual aspect which is has in spades.

Pasteur was like Einstein in that there was a better paradigm running neck and neck for supremacy at the same time. In Pasteur's case it was Beauchamp's Terrain which is sound (but today comes up as 'Germ theory denialism'), and in Einstein's case it was plasma physics by Birkeland et al. (Also sound.) Eventually we'll all realise that R. G. Hamer was right too - the soul's distress at hearing "YOU'VE GOT A TUMOUR" and other fears, frights and neuroses create so many diseases it's ridiculous. These and many, many more paradigms for intelligent change were run off the road in favour of big business. In their defence we simply wouldn't pay attention if life wasn't on the line.

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There’s a video from Joe dispenza: “ the source” in which a woman tells that she had her thyroid removed because of cancer, ever since then she had trouble. Went to a dispenza event and used what she had learned there on a daily basis. At some point later she went to her doctor to get the status on her condition. The doctor was horrified and ran out of the consultation. He went and looked at her files to make sure he was seeing right: she had succeeded in growing back her thyroid through self-healing. He wanted then to remove her thyroid again - that’s how far denial will take you - but she was so overjoyed she of course declined. There are many stories out there of such happenings. “Mind is the builders” as Edgar Cayce often said. The biochemical Medical paradigm is dying now, to make room for energetic, electrical medecine like light, Sound and vibration. We are electrical beings and the electrical age began in 1600, with Oersted...

Ps. There’s an electromanic-Matrem by a Company called Santerra. They show a video of a man who has cut off the foremost part of his index finger (bone and all). He regrew the finger with their tools, albeit the regrown part is slightly smaller than originally....maybe it can be found on the net.

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“…they know that the monkeys would occasionally swim …and share information”

😂would love to hear how “they” know that. I’m sure that information is safe and effective.

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They have been seen doing this. I don't know what else to say if you think the idea of the morphic field which cannot be seen is more convincing. In that case, why haven't we seen a statistically proven psi ability? All I see are results around chance and we know how statistics can be bent a bit to prove something that isn't there like big pharma does 😂


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Oct 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

All of this information for the past couple of years has me seriously considering my education or indoctrination

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Too bad we didn’t figure it out sooner. Our lives and educational paths might have been soooo different.

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"The alarming increase in allergies over a relatively short period of time is, in most experts’ view, a strong clue that environmental factors are a leading allergy trigger—and researchers believe that this holds true for the rise in red meat allergy as well."

Yes, there are too many hyperdemic needles in our environment.

Keep the Aspens comming, Sasha. Beautiful.

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Oct 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

🔥🎯💥 I call it the Vaccine Cult. It operates like a religion. Safe and effective for big pHarma.

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I call them Branch Covidians. They're easily spotted with their light blue face diapers.

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Oct 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

Provocative topic today. TY (as always).

I’m reflecting back on my health /medical attitudes of 40-50 years ago to the last 4 years and it makes me feel humbled. So many changes!

Today’s watercolor is fantastic and so fitting for this northern Michigan fall day.

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'Once a monarch says it's a good idea, no matter how many people kill and maim themselves pursuing it, you can't tell the Queen she is wrong! On the contrary, there is a lot of money and power to be gained from telling her she is a genius.'

You could also say the same in modern times about Bill Gates, about Anthony Fauci (amongst the grant-seeking scientific community), about Joe Biden to the Deep State grifters, about 'the three wise men of Corona' in the UK during the covid debacle (Patrick Vallance, Chris Whitty and Jonathan Van Tam).

You could say the same about Boris Johnson when he funded the bankrupt MSM during Covid, ensuring thereby that they had to say nicer things about Government. Of course, their compliance didn't last that long, indeed they metaphorically garotted his throat just a few years later, working on a coup d'etat with foreign paymasters, which led to Truss, Sunak and Starmer being foisted upon the British people against their will.

In fact, if you have ever worked in a power culture (I was unlucky enough to do so when science collided with power), you have to find ways of dissipating your feelings of disbelief, anger and in the end contempt for those that pay you, when you are not rich enough to simply resign and walk away (one reason for paying young people badly is to stop them walking away when they see through the propaganda nonsense, after all).

Power cultures, after all, attract those for whom truth is irrelevant, what matters is acquiring power. Of course, some semblance of truth is necessary to acquire and maintain power, but powermongers always put truth infinitely subservient to necessity. They learn to lie with impunity, learn to lie with a straight face and learn to desensitise whatever consciences they may have started out with for the benefit of aquiring power.

Truth throughout history has generally been sought ultimately by those who retreat into worlds far from the centres of power. Mystics may or may not have been truth finders ultimately, but they did at least seek it out and were often prepared to retreat into obscurity to find it.

I worked in a bookshop run by the religious society of Friends (the Quakers) as a young man and I read their stock on the train to and from work quite regularly. It helped me for my job and also enlightened me a lot about folks over the centuries who rebelled against authority. Hildegard of Bingen; Thomas Merton; George Fox amongst the many I could choose to mention. You could of course add Mohindas Gandhi to the list.

The reality of truth seekers is that they are always ahead of the human enlightenment curve. That means that they are unlikely to acquire power, since that is usually acquired by those just far enough ahead of the enlightenment curve to be able to lead the majority, but not far enough ahead that they are deemed 'mad professors' or whatever.

I know this very well, because my sister is deemed a 'leader' in the extremely corrupt world of London. She joined the Security Services, practices medicine and emotional torture in two separate spheres and is a skilled and unemotional liar, particularly about subjects she is entirely ignorant about (e.g. climate science, Covid19 vaccines, the (dis)honesty of the Labour Party etc etc).

I retreated years ago, unable to force myself into places of work where my every attempt to advance truth was seen as a reason for powermongers' theft, feminists putting men under surveillance in their own homes was deeemed 'normal' and expecting £100k+ of free consultancy in a job interview, with no intention of offering a job at the end of it, was deemed 'traits worthy of senior leadership'.

There comes a time when you blow a gasket, let rip and make it quite clear what contempt you have for certain people. Because they are hacking your personal computers, they become aware of it, despite it being without my consent and absolutely contrary to all values of 'the decent people the leadership always projected themselves as'. Indeed, the way I learned of manifest security service hacking was typing things without sharing them and then finding the rich and powerful showing that they knew all about it within 48hrs.

If you type: 'I am most uncomfortable saying 'f**K off you obnoxious c**t!', it not being the language of business', when talking about inappropriate sponging by acolytes of ex employers, in an unsent email with a wide mailing list (who of course never received a copy), you learn pretty fast that your computer is not your own, your keyboard is hacked with worms and you may even learn that the SS will take over the flat below you, using all kinds of hight powered technological gadgets, when you disconnect from the internet at home for 18 months and still they detect all the pugilistic things you type about your employers on a computer shared with no-one....

That's when you learn that MI6 front organisations went about hiring you with a pack of lies.

At that point, you must decide if you are a prostitute for MI6 or not and, if you are going to be, what prices you are going to charge for each hour of prostitution that you undertake.....

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Oct 9Liked by Sasha Latypova

As someone suffering with Alpha Gal for years, you forget to mention that the only mammal meat you are not allergic to is human. Look it up on the CDC website. You can’t make this stuff up. Someone has a very sick sense of humor or a big fan of Solient Green….maybe both.

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10Liked by Sasha Latypova

Re: hay fever, I think it can probably be traced back to the use of horses (and other animals) for production of vaccines. The horses were kept in stables, with their manure (containing undigested and digested grasses and grains), at the virus-serum-toxin propagation facilities.

Early regulations suggested that manufacturers try not to use parts of the horses' skin contaminated with feces, and try to screen flies during fly season.

It would not have been possible to sterilize living horses and living flies, or keep the particles from the horses, manure and flies from getting into the production rooms and into the product bottles.

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How do people today including children get hay fever then? Or are their symptoms being mislabelled?

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I asked Vinu at one point about this as my kids have allergies and if i remember correctly if it’s a high pollen day when they are injected they could become sensitized to that pollen. My personal experience: I had no hayfever until I was 13… then boom. I can’t recall for sure but I wonder if it was after a “booster”.

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