Anaphylaxis, Alpha-gal, Pasteur, Richet, Voltaire... and the Queen of England.
Email exchange with
This is my recent email exchange with a member of the Solari Report team. This was a very useful discussion for me and that’s why I am sharing it with you. I am also linking an excellent article on gelatin driven anaphylaxis to red meat which is meticulously researched and sourced, including 50 references. Make sure to subscribe and read and Weston Price Foundation. I have no affiliation with either organization.
Note that I do not dismiss Lyme disease, as I think it is very real. However, I agree that ticks (or “weaponized” ticks, whatever that means) are likely not the primary cause of it. Ticks may be involved as an additional vector between anaphylactized humans or humans and animals (passive anaphylaxis). “Weaponized” ticks, mosquitoes and viruses are typical misdirections, gaslighting narratives designed to make you fear the invisible unknown threats and clamor for more government protection. This is how the the trillion-dollar “biodefense” racket get justified by the same people who poison you with 100 “very safe” vaccines. Don’t fall for this.
I am reading Daniel Roytas's "Can You Catch a Cold?" right now, fascinating look at the history of all the failed experiments done to "prove" germ theory, which they've never been able to do. Roytas writes in a very neutral, factual tone, not bombastic or hitting you over the head with anything. The failed experiments speak for themselves, and Roytas unearths some amazing history.
But the part (so far) that I find most interesting are the accounts of how Pasteur kept beating back the MANY other reputable scientists who raised very valid questions. Most of the clear-thinking scientists of the day thought germ theory made no sense, yet Pasteur prevailed. Reading between the lines with my Solari hat on, it seems absolutely clear to me that Pasteur had BIG MONEY (banker money??!!) behind him and was chosen as the front man to get this agenda pushed through, because they already saw how useful the one-two punch of germ theory and vaccines could be.
At any rate, I would date the inception of the poisoning agenda even further back from Richet's time to Pasteur's.
From my article for WAPF on so-called alpha-gal:
As medical historians remind us, allergies are a “modern malady.” Hay fever became a recognized condition only in 1870, and the term “allergy” did not come along until 1906, following on the heels of French physiologist (and eugenicist) Charles Richet’s 1902 invention of the term “anaphylaxis.”
Around that time, injected antitoxins and vaccines—new on the scene—were causing “new diseases and strange reactions that physicians could not explain.”10 Observing these “hypersensitivity reactions” that seemed to involve the “collision of antigen and antibody,” particularly with repeated injections, Austrian pediatrician Clemens von Pirquet coined the term “serum sickness” and later elaborated the concept of allergy.
Over subsequent decades, professionals continued to debate the meaning of various allergy terms and concepts, and even today, these are not necessarily agreed upon or used in a consistent and precise manner. There is a firm consensus, however, that allergic conditions—and especially food allergies—exploded beginning around 1990. The alarming increase in allergies over a relatively short period of time is, in most experts’ view, a strong clue that environmental factors are a leading allergy trigger—and researchers believe that this holds true for the rise in red meat allergy as well.
Those who study the phenomenon of anaphylaxis are often frustrated by the sizeable proportion of cases that lack an identifiable cause, not least because it “makes standard allergen avoidance measures ineffectual.” In a 2013 survey of anaphylaxis prevalence in Americans, 39 percent of reported cases fell into the “idiopathic” (cause unknown) category. With the emergence of alpha-gal, allergy experts have breathed a sigh of relief, seizing on tick bites as a convenient explanation for some of the cases “that would previously have been classified as ’idiopathic.’”
But have researchers properly considered other explanations? The fact that alpha-gal reactions are not limited to red meat but also include allergic/anaphylactic reactions to products with mammalian-origin ingredients such as gelatin—including cosmetics, medications and vaccines—provides a major clue that something else may be going on. A website for the allergy-afflicted is up-front in describing alpha-gal as a medication allergy as much as a red meat allergy and singles out gelatin-containing vaccines as a prominent suspect. (The article by Kendall Nelson on chickenpox and shingles vaccines in this issue of Wise Traditions points out that gelatin is used as a stabilizer in eleven U.S. vaccines.)
That vaccines might bear significant responsibility for the alpha-gal phenomenon warrants consideration for a number of reasons. First, the explosion in food allergies that started around 1990 coincides temporally with the dramatic expansion of the childhood vaccine schedule as well as the more gradual but steady expansion of vaccine recommendations for adults. Second, gelatin, according to a recent review, “is the vaccine component responsible for most allergic reactions to vaccine, for both IgE and non IgE mediated reactions,” even in individuals without a gelatin allergy. Third, Japan has produced a wealth of documentation about the connection between gelatin-containing vaccines and anaphylactic reactions, in particular. One Japanese study traced “a strong causal relationship between gelatin-containing DTaP [diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis] vaccination, anti-gelatin IgE production, and risk of anaphylaxis following subsequent immunization with live viral vaccines which contain a larger amount of gelatin.” Finally, well before alpha-gal came along, studies had linked bovine serum albumin (BSA) to meat allergies, and BSA is widely used in the cell cultures that produce vaccines. (Recall that the cetuximab drug that prompts alpha-gal-type anaphylaxis is likewise made in a non-primate mammalian culture, although murine rather than bovine or porcine.)
My response:
Great comments! Can I quote on my Substack?
Yes, I completely agree that vaccination as a systematic poisoning originates much before Richet. From what I read explaining why Pasteur "won", yes, it is completely determined by the money/power axis. Edit: Pasteur was a fraudster. In those times it was the tightly knit aristocracy/banking families, the ruling class who funded their scientific proteges and ensured their success. There was no funding for science other than own means of the scientists, or from wealthy private patrons. Richet's work was funded by the Prince of Monaco.
I haven't read Roytas's book yet, it's on my list. I think Rupert Sheldrake's "Science Set Free" traces a lot of these dynamics outside of medicine, in all other areas of science and puts it in perspective very well - this is a trend that originated in the Enlightenment movement, i.e. defeat religion and replace the idea of God, eliminate the idea of the soul and replace it with a materialist worldview (ultimately underlying Marxism - centralization of all resources and power). Unfortunately, as I mentioned, Sheldrake fell for the BS of vaccination, including more recently for the mRNA. Another good book that traces the broader trends is "On Enlightenment" by Stove.
Another interesting source of early information on vaccination is Voltaire. He wrote an essay on vaccination "Innoculation" published in 1733, describing how smallpox vaccination was originally developed by Circassians, a tribe that grew girls for sale to Turkish harems, and thus were interested in "the product" not getting killed or disfigured by smallpox. They are credited with early methods of variolation with cowpox, going back to possibly 1500's. He also mentioned that the Chinese had been doing it for centuries, except they used to inhale a powder made from pox. This was discovered by the wife of the British Ambassador in Constantinople, Lady Monague, and she informed the Queen about it. The Queen initially ordered experiments on prisoners condemned to death (in fairness, in exchange for pardon), and once those were apparently successful, she proceeded to vaccinate her own children. Voltaire proclaimed in his essay it was 100% safe and effective, except of course for those people who were going to die anyway (do you see the deep roots of the CDC propaganda now?) Voltaire thought this was wonderfully progressive of the British monarchs, as opposed to the backward French.
It is easy to see how this idea became extremely popular in upper classes. Once a monarch says it's a good idea, no matter how many people kill and maim themselves pursuing it, you can't tell the Queen she is wrong! On the contrary, there is a lot of money and power to be gained from telling her she is a genius.
So, in this broader context, the vaccination/germ theory is both a delusion of the ruling classes, originating at the very top, and, perhaps later on with more knowledge - a plan of eugenics, keeping the working classes under control and limiting their reproduction. However, I do believe the modern "aristocracy" (broad term including the rulers, government officials, corporate owners and the bankers, too) believe in this theory themselves. They don't necessarily just use it as a clever means to an end. Of course, this doesn't mean all of them have the same point of view. I am just struck at how many of them sincerely believe in this lunacy, and poison themselves and their children and still do not connect the dots.
Art for today: Aspens 3, watercolor, 9x12 in.
I recently heard a story about an acquaintance that made me think many of your posts. He is a man in his 50s -- very robust, physically active, works outside in all weather, etc. I knew that in 2021 he became very ill shortly after his second Covid vaccination (do not know if Moderna or Pfizer) -- was in a near coma state and hospitalized for several days. He did recover and eventually returned to his previous level of activity. Recently my partner caught up with him and learned the full story of what had happened. His second injection caused him to develop a life-threatening allergy to carrots, a food he previously enjoyed to the extent of buying and eating a whole bag in a sitting. This is what had put him in the hospital. His doctors all readily agreed it was caused by the vaccine. He now carries an Epi-pen and has just about given up eating restaurant food because he's had several inadvertent exposures. No one thinks about carrots when drawing up allergen-free menus.
I was diagnosed with multiple food allergies after getting the flu shot. I haven’t eaten in a restaurant since 2009. I really don’t miss it and cooking at home is healthier. I feel sorry for anyone that has to go through this. It can be really scary. All kinds of crap are hidden in vaccines and they cause all kinds of problems. Our immune system is made to heal us, not some stupid shot of poison