This game appears to be not only about genocide, but also about fast bucks for the insiders.

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Jun 29
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Thanks but when I click on "click here" there's nothing there...

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It always is.

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But for those who comply in slavery there is a bright future given that all those included in the broadest definition of TPTB will always need human slaves to do the dirty jobs.

Even though they could make robots for them they will not do so given they would be deprived of the indescribable pleasure of submitting humans into slavery and witnessing their infinite despair.

Nothing like witnessing the despair of one's own slaves to give meaning to a master's day and fill is soul with pleasure by torturing them until they request death.

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Excellent breakdown explaining the monster controlling the machine that drives all this mass murder. Looking forward to the article re Moderna and the AGs.

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With all Sasha’s references to variants, one might think there was actually a virus.

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Idiotic comment. But your cult is known for this... This is just a warning, next time you will be banned indefinitely. You know why.

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Sasha, I respect your investigations on good manufacturing practice and the shortcomings BigPharma have delivered. I even like your artwork. However, I have a background in cell and molecular biology and epidemiology and have concluded that the fundamentals of virology (not bacteriology or other microbiological entities) is fraudulent. Furthermore, they have moved into the in silico world of computer generated viruses, which leads to infinite variant options.

I am not in any cults, either. I only believe in things that are provable or supported by the scientific process using control groups.

If you feel I should no longer read your material, feel free to ban me.

I would consider it unfortunate that you do not respect differing opinions.

I would also recommend you read Mark Bailey's A Farewell to Virology.

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You say that you read my substack. how on earth did you arrive at the conclusion that I believe in virology? this is an honest question, how?

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Please forgive me. I misinterpreted your comment regarding variants.

When I see people mention them, it triggers the perception that they are trying to legitimize them .

My hospital in Santa Monica was absolutely empty during the peak of the Wuhan strain “pandemic.“.

We were told not to share the daily census numbers with anyone outside of our hospital.

In my mind, this was a massive PsyOp

Our ICU was full every year during “flu season.“

The very sick and the very old get sick between November and February and die. That is a fact of life in the northern hemisphere.

I think fear made people believe in Covid. In my mind Covid has non-specific symptoms, including the loss of taste and smell, which can happen with many other influenza illnesses.

If there were any catalyzing factors, it may have been airborne because where I was living, LA is covered with chemtrails and people don’t even see it anymore.

The blue sky in the morning is silver by noon and nobody knows what they’re spraying .

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It doesn't matter what you choose to call them; they can be biologically harmful, and are quite real. Saying they don't exist doesn't help anyone. If you know what the substances are, how they are created, and how they affect human bodies, please share the details; we'd all love to know.

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Plenty of information out there about virology, and how it works. This is a good link of a recent scientific study that purported to prove that it is nothing more than junk science. Kinda long, gets to the study about 45 minutes in.


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A lot more like this out there.

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1) who owns and/or gets royalties on Moderna ? I want full list of royalty getters both group and individuals and also

Shareholders and royalty recipients and any other grifter and racketeers including hedge fund managers that stand to profit?

2) This is so in your face racketeering...that it needs to be SHUT DOWN NOW.


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I know several who run when there is a 'new' one, unfortunately. Some people will never learn

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Even when they can no longer run!

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Rishi Sunak major Moderna investor from the time it had zero products to sell.... via his off shore trust fund. He's an ex hedge fund chap who took a strange career break into politics (never done anything public service before) and William Hague's safe seat of Richmond North Yorkshire. I'd guess his in-laws also in deep but that's just a guess as MIL setup Infosys and mates with gates and on various of his offshoots. Why politics when you're a multi millionaire married to a billionaire?

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They are so many to run for their next dose of bioweapon it would require a server only to hold that list.

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When it comes to big pharma, all roads lead to death. Obviously, moderna is going to be funded by government to keep it alive and ready to create and distribute the next mRNA death juice that gates will demand after he has implemented his next fake pandemic, maybe even CoV-3. CoV-1, CoV-2 and CoV-3 were all referenced in the Clinical Journal of Microbiology back in 2007. CoV-1 had already hit the beaches and the other two...well you know the story thus far.

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I wish it was just Big Pharma where all roads lead to death. Unfortunately Big manufacturing, Big Agriculture, and Big education seems to be pushing us and all other life towards extinction, or at least, in the case of education, chaos and lack of rationality. But the master of all grim reapers is Big Government.

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Actually, the master is Big Banking, which runs Big Government. Remember Nathan Rotbschild’s famous quote (approximated here): “Give me control of the money and I care not who makes the laws”.

This couldn’t happen if our currency were directly convertible to gold and silver. First, the funding would be extremely difficult to procure, and second, the people could change their paper to metal, withdraw it from the banks, and thereby exert control over the government when not pleased about its behavior. And this is one major reason why the government switched from metal to paper. Not, as they plead, to protect us from the periodic economic downturns that happen regularly in a metal based economy, but to gradually transfer all wealth and power from us to it. So it can then turn around and exercise ultimate control over us.

Turn the tables on the banks by turning in your worthless paper bank debt notes into gold and silver, the only true money. Starve them. Crash the system before they’re ready with the new one. And prep for creating a new, old-fashioned honest economy when the coming maelstrom is over.

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Well, I will quickly get out of my depth here, but it seems that historically, the development of the Federal Reserve was a merge of banking and government, to the detriment rather than the advantage of the currency holder.

Meanwhile, the fiat money that gets spread around the economy is obeying the historical precedents of print--> inflate--> massive debt--> currency collapse--> reset the currency--> only the favored families avoid liquidation.

My somewhat simpleton question, which has limited my wholehearted move to maxing out in metals, is how do you structure it, where do you put it, and do you draw off of it back into fiat currency for daily expenses?

My stock of silver, platinum, gold bullion coins of various nations, and a few numismatics are all in a SDB in a bank. I get the feeling trying to cash any in will result in being on yet another FBI watch list. (All Substack subscribers are surely on one, and of course the writers are.)

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Whatever the Federal Reserve and the Central banks are said to be, they are private institutions that will never fail because they cash in the profits and we pay for the losses.

Head, they win.

Tail, we loose.

As simple as that.

If the majority of people would comprehend the true nature of banking there would be an instant civil war and hanging fruit at every solid branch everywhere .

But before that happens it will require that human beings stop living in faith and become looking at reality for what it is.

Tomorrow not the eve.

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I wrote a track recently called “on a watch list”

Pretty rude though


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For now the estimated value of all gold certificates is around 50 times higher that the estimated value of all known solid gold reserve.

Thus ...

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Thus……. He who holds the gold (and silver) tomorrow will make the rules?

Speaking of which, one primary future function of PM’s that I see but nobody talks about, is the ability to purchase political influence, fund candidates of your choice or even run for office yourself. If there are still elections. If not, assassins and mercenaries- some of the most popular agents of political change throughout history - are always available for hire, and they probably won’t accept CBDC’s or Bitcoin.

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"Thus……. He who holds the gold (and silver) tomorrow will make the rules?"

In fact, He who owns control on Food and Water supply will make the rules.

Suppose you have all the gold and I have all the food and water.

If I decide that your gold worths nothing to me you are done.

One can not eat gold nor silver.

Why do you think that the greatest benefactor of humanity AKA Mr. B.G. has become the largest farmland owner in USA and that BlackRock does the same in Ukraine ?

Do you really think that Mr. Gates and Mr. Fink have suddenly fell in love with growing carrots, tomatoes and wheat ?

Taking time to search for the biggest investments in farmland helps to comprehend what lays ahead.

Farmland and water supply worth a lot more than pure gold.

If we do not wake up very soon and enter in a complete yet peaceful civil disobedience in the form of a complete yet peaceful strike untill those included in the expression " TPTB" will resign and be replaced by real, true and honest representatives it will be us that will be wiped out or enslaved.

We are facing a situation where we have 2 choices and not 3.

Face reality and stand tall to fight what is imposed on us.


Submit, us and our heirs, into slavery ( for those who will be spared termination ).

There is no third way.

Stand tall. Holdfast. Fight .

Submit into Slavery.

Your life.

Your choice.

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Barter. That is how it will be in the end.

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" I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ...The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply.”

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Maha - it’s all one big blob.

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I remember a few years back a slew of microbiologists were dying in strange circumstances.

Link to an article from 2014.


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Thanks for the link, Kathleen. People just can't fathom the depth and breadth of the murderous psychopaths. Like the hundreds of chemical spills, burned food facilities, confiscated farmland, chem trails, EMFs, HAARP, DEW, injectables...etc., etc., etc. And so yeah, Maha, we are likely all on their watch lists. Unite.live just did a lovely but sad interview on the censorship and downright aggression by the psychos targetting Sayer Ji of GreenMedInfo and Dr Joe Mercola. I have been reading both for many years and credit Sayer especially because his database helped me find health info I needed. I've met him and his family and they are beautiful souls. (https://unite.live/greenmedinfo/greenmedinfo/13-may-15-00-dr-mercola-and-sayer-ji-exclusive-live-interview?video_id=384)

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Once you connect the dots, you can never go back to innocence.

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Wow - that's quite a clean up between 2004-2006 - I must say, though, I don't think any of these guys were "good," simply because of what they had dedicated their life energy to. Thanks for posting that - it's really important info Kathleen and I'd never heard of any this before. I have been keeping track of activist murders, especially around pharma and mining and oil and gas but microbiologists - interesting.

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I used to read the Drudge Report before he went to the dark side. I would always skim the headlines and remember seeing microbiologists dying and I thought to myself, "wow...that is really weird."

The most well known death is Dr. David Kelly from the UK.

Here are two links. The 1st one is another list of dead scientists written in 2005.

The 2nd link is an article on Dr. David Kelly's suspicious death.



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Wow! Jim Tanner's comments on the first link! 😱. And oh yes, I DO remember hearing about Dr. David Kelly! These people play for keeps and care not for the costs or human life. Thank you Kathleen!

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And don't forget that the inventor of the PCR test, Dr. Kary Mullis, died in August 2019 right before the start of the plandemic.

Mullis said that the PCR test should not be used as a diagnostic tool, and he pretty much said that Fauci was an idiot.

It was the over-cycled PCR that fueled the plandemic.

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Mr. Mullis has always been clear as to not go over a 24 Ct threshold.

Most countries used a 45 CT threshold .

Some may think it is not so important given it is not even the double.

But, when one knows how to calculate the difference it implies that a 45 CT is 2097152 more sensible that a 24 Ct.

Now, do you see the difference.

With a 45 CT, even a rock in the middle of nowhere would have produced a positive result.

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Yes, I was all over that in 2020 when I found out about him. It doesn't matter how many sleepers I told about his death in 2019, I got crickets every time.

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45 CT on every one of them. The little dick Fauci himself said anything over 36 was just pulling dead nucleotides.

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Weapons inspector (not microbiologist) David Kelly was killed because he did not co-operate on WMD in Iraq when the US wanted a pretext to invade and steal oil.

In the UK we suspect a CIA hit squad operating illegally in allied nations - Europe and the UK.


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great link - thanks currer

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as it has been from the start. they made nothing usable until the covid jabs. If you can call these usable of course. Make the virus and the jabs all together

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Thank you for another insightful article. Is it fair to speculate Pfizer is targeted to become extinct/bankrupt/a sacrificial lamb?

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After Pfizer’s demise, who’ll serve the sheeple the NEWS BROUGHT TO YOU BY _________?

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Sounds to me like the deep state just found another way to make a few billion through Moderna.

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Murderna building manufacturing factories all around the world whilst Pfizer cuts back

🧐I wonder what that could mean

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That the D0D criminal genocide agenda is large and in charge.

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+1 for "Murderna".

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Another invasion by DoD.

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When is the merger happening?

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Sasha, I was doing one of my 'trips down memory lane' and found this very odd article: https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2021/12/14/inside-the-botswana-lab-that-discovered-omicron

"Inside the Botswana lab that discovered Omicron"

Botswana Harvard HIV Reference Laboratory

Perhaps you will see the lede here.

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Extremely interesting, Excess. My extrapolation? DoD and others are releasing various strains throughout the world to see if one of the "viruses" will catch, become integrated into the human genome, and thereby perform. I note that the highlight of Omicron was greater transmissibility and heavy mutations to bind more to human receptors. Although we can't become chronically afraid, we best implement our protocols to amp up immunity and clear any contagion within us.

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I am shocked you could even consider this extrapolation! I thought I was the only willing to forward such likely scenarios.

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skipped through all that. pity videos not avalable a lot of them ( I have not the time though)... pity I cannot comment without paying subscriber. top stuff. pls consider making it a pdf and putting it up at archive.org, and also wayback if not waybacked already. top stuff. army was down at the farm gate after the 2022 Feb engineered flood event , landslide hear, acreage landslide, I ignored them. they are the enemy, societ itself has been weaponised to self destruct in 10 9 8 .....

sent your and sashsa link to Sen. Malcolm roberts, for what it is worth. not worth sending the army for me, but I did expect that shit in the rollout,or the welfare cut off etc . they did not need to after all. the dummies basically volunteered. and the show and fallout will go on. thank you. (and sasha of course)

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Excellent article, thank you for posting! I hope Botswana was able to escape heavy jabbing and boostering, for their own safety!

Interesting that there’s been no jabbing across most of the world for well over a year now, no silly masking or distancing, surely the bogey virus MUST be mutating like crazy, we just don’t know about it but strangely, no variants appear to be causing massive deaths. So why should we be so concerned about variants? Seems like the bigger problem is the effects of jab itself.

Oh, and isn’t it strange - Covid deaths plummeted at about the same time medical establishments around the world stopped trying to “save us” by putting people on ventilators, withholding care from the elderly, prescribing Remdisivir, and classifying every suicide, car crash, drug overdose and death from diabetes/heart attack/ emphysema/ high blood pressure/old age, as a Covid casualty. Hmmmmmmm……. no, can’t be coincidence. Absolutely not.

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Funny how they are making the bioweopens regardless if we want it or not. They must be all fighting for depopulation quota and make there demon masters happy

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Love the watercolour and the painting!

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Was there an idea that the US and its allies could replace the failing petrodollar with a pharmadollar, whereby other countries are encouraged to purchase bioterror protection (by the way of vaccines and technical assistance) in dollars from the US under cover of WHO? The medical counter measure complex is the follow-on from the military industrial complex, that can break your windows... or prevent your windows from being broken?

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Mafia Industrial Complex, no?

"We can offer you protection if you pay.

If you don't pay, well we can't help you if/when (guaranteed) harm comes your way."

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Beautiful sunflower, Sasha.

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Such a slick little video… with such comforting phrases as: “ public private partnership”, “ Emergency Use Authorization” ( direct pipeline ), oh and don’t forget accountability “ other transaction authority” ( economic black hole )…. If the general public only knew what those phrases actually mean. It spells free pass for harm, for absurd profits at taxpayer expense, but ultimately it leads too totalitarianism. This is of course why they attack to the food system too; the first freedom to go in so many totalitarian regimes is in the form of absolute monopolization of the food system.. ( hence the attack not on large corporate farms but only on small farmers and every law and regulation that makes it impossible for the little guy to comply). Of course the idea is to combine, food, health, energy, environemnt ( that is every resource plant, mineral, and animal ) into one vertically integrated monopolized control system. I think all here are well aware of all,of this, but I always feel compelled to reiterate such realities.

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Control the food supply by GMO is the absolute weapon.

When one knows the DNA of a crop it is the same thing as knowing the code to open a vault.

If someone does not comply then all its crop will inexplicably dies of an unknown disease.

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Excellent point, I hadn’t though of that aspect, but that is a very possible scenario given the lengths these techno fascists will go in order to half control and compliance.

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Sadly I'm not surprised. I "felt" that this would be the outcome they prefer - that Moderna will be the last man standing. More concerning is how this will be marketed to the population at large, specifically those who still believe that they're all safe and effective. I feel it will be that Moderna will be shown to be the "least worst" (a little like the way a lot of people vote in elections, especially just now in the UK) and this is why those people will accept it. Given that fishi Rishi Sunak has shares in Moderna, and there's all these poison Moderna jab factories being built around the world, I have been waiting without bated breath for all the others jab manufacturers to either give up or be taken to court.....

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" More concerning is how this will be marketed to the population at large, specifically those who still believe that they're all safe and effective. "

Those who still believe will continue to do so.

Whatever they will be said they will believe.

Brain transplant not being available, there is nothing that could save them.

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DoD fully captured the vaccine market for both military and civilian population. We are all one as targets for the new countermeasures. Wow, not a peep re this shift from former 3 letter agencies to a full military operation, initially DoD seemed involved to allow rapid response under Operation Warp Speed now renamed resilience with a small r. One hell of a psyop- one must be resilient to resist all this - I watched the video - how do folks not see we are under military rule. Wham the military operates public health measures its just a matter of time before the tanks roll in and the newly initiated draft personnel are in the streets and enforcing new DoD measures. Or is this just more mind manipulation to ramp up anxiety attacks among the deluded masses. Or prep should Trump win the election - anesthetize the population with a tranquilizing shot that lasts 4 years - enough time to totally reframe our roles in society and create all those 15 minute cities everyone is chattering about. We have already lost when we see this as a possibility just because “they” say so. Resist, practice personal, self directed resilience, do not submit, this is a

Psyop of the highest order. Remain steadfast in your personal right to refuse to be inducted into this operation - this is your life - you only have one. We live in an altered universe and what you are being shown is a manifestation of pure evil.

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This week we have the public theater called a debate to distract the masses meanwhile nuclear war is more of a reality than any one acknowledges and the fat cats aka billionaires are probably headed to their bunkers. Keep an eye on when Oprah is in Maui May give us a clue as to the imminence of the start of nuclear war as she heads for her bunker. Possibly track her via gps location finder. Since watching the rich and infamous seems to be the real national sport amongst the disaffected and deluded masses. Life in a sci-fi world.

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It's interesting to me that Novavax was just as much a creation of DoD as Resilience. In fact, Ology transferred (or more accurately, laundered) a vaccine manufacturing facility in the Czech Republic from Baxter to Novavax using DoD funds and Bill Gates Foundation assistance as middleman:


Novavax definitely seems to be playing an important role in the overall strategy, but it's hard to tell what that might be since they constantly seem to sidelined. Is Novavax there just to give the illusion of competition in the vaccine space? Or, is it there to help obscure the really important strategic moves? Something else altogether? Who knows?

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I saw Novamax advertised on fooootbbbaaawwwww as "Not mRNA".

I suspect that this is an attempt to keep the marks in the paradigm of DANGEROUS VIRUS REQUIRES COUNTERMEASURES.

They desperately need you in this paradigm and to maintain access to your body.

see also: IVM/HCQ and other "prophylactic" DRUGS THAT YOU NEED TO TAKE.

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At the summit there is only one will that makes decisions.

Vanguard is a shareholder in many wealthy hedge funds.

Are you aware of some entity being shareholder of Vanguard?


Think about that.

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