The globalist plan, has made plane by their minions in many different NGO’s, Is to produce vaccines for all future pandemics and bio warfare events Under emergency use with no liability for anyone

Going forward, the prep act is more dangerous to the people of the world than is the 1986 National childhood vaccine injury prevention act

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Yes, agree. PREP Act must be nullified and other pandemic preparedness racket laws must be nullified as well.

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Please consider making your readers aware of lawsuits against the PREP ACT. Jeff Childers, Covid and Coffee, attorney who filed lawsuit against PREP this June/July is a good one to follow on Substack. Below is the link along including text that I copied and pasted.


Jeff Childers - The PREP Act is the 2005 federal law granting legal immunity to Pfizer and Moderna for horrible injuries and deaths, as well as to any hospitals or doctors who administered the vaccines or other covid treatments bearing the CDC’s official stamp of approval during the pandemic.

The breathtaking scope of PREP’s covid immunity extended far beyond the vaccines, to organ-destroying drugs like Remdesivir, barbaric treatments like the ventilator, and problematic practices like sending patients back home to wait until they got “really sick” before treating them.

The government giveth to pharma shareholders. And the government taketh away from everybody else. The PREP Act’s deployment during covid might have been the biggest, most harmful, and most expensive wealth transfer in history. It is a giant gold wrecking ball decorated with dollar signs.

It is bizarrely designed. Congress never actually approved Pfizer’s immunity. That mind-blowing act of deleting millions of citizens’ legal rights was done unilaterally and in secret by the Secretary of HHS, under Biden’s orders. Congress passed the terrible, badly-conceived, poorly-implemented PREP Act for safety, but nobody ever really thought it would ever be used at scale.

The PREP Act is where all the damage starts. And it’s where we can end it, with providence and a soupçon of rationality.

After six laborious months of research and hard work, yesterday my firm filed our new lawsuit seeking to strike down the PREP Act. We’re calling the complaint Moms for America vs. Becerra. It weighs in at around 100 pages. Here’s the link.

It’s no exaggeration that this is the most ambitious lawsuit I’ve ever filed. I’ve never sued the sitting President of the United States before. Before the pandemic, I’d have laughed up a lower intestine if someone said I would ever be practicing Constitutional law.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Speaking of "racket laws," I wonder if the RICO statutes could apply to going after the DoD, Big Pharma players, FDA, and other conspiring players; like was done to Pres. Trump at the end of his term (if I remember that correctly)? I know, a bit outside the box, or at least stretching it, since "the peoples' 'govt'" will implement certain immunities to defend itself from lawsuits. But, again, as you've said before, the approach wouldn't be to sue the offices but the individuals who are abusing their offices/powers for personal gain and corruption.

The U.S. is definitely ever coming closer to an ugly standoff between "we the people" and the tyrannical governance over us.

Thanks again, Sasha, for all your great work to try to wake more of us up.

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I believe RICO will not apply and Katherine mentioned a SCOTUS ruling that says something along the lines “US Gov cannot be sued under RICO because government is incapable of conspiring against the people”. I am not making this up. That’s why Katherine proposes to go after individuals under theory that they are not acting in official gov capacity, but as rogue criminals.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

I hear you. BTW, is there much/any precedence of successfully suing an individual who has abused/corrupted their govt position/power?

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I don’t know, probably not very much as the gov is now a criminal cartel.

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“US Gov cannot be sued under RICO because government is incapable of conspiring against the people”.

I, and many others, have described the US government as run by a mafia. The Khazarian mafia, to be precise. No, you just can't make shit like that up.

The conspiracies they "never did" include, but are not limited to:

- Covering up the boiler explosion on the USS Maine in 1898, and calling it a Spanish attack

- The creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913

- Getting the US into WWI in 1914

- The creation of the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921

- Not warning of the attack they KNEW was comming on Pearl Harbor in 1941

- North Viet Nam's attack in the Bay of Tonkin that never happened

- The killing of JFK in 1963

- The killings of MLKjr and RFK in 1968

- The babys in incubators lie in 1990 that justified the attack on Iraq the first time

- The 1993 FBI attack on the WTC

- The 1995 FBI attack on itself in Oklahoma City

- The killing of JFKjr (John-John) in 1999

- The 2001 federal government attack on the people of the US in NYC, the district of criminals and Shanksville, PA

- The non-existent WMDs that justified attacking Iraq a second time in 2003

- The fear mongering about the swine flue in 2005

- The fear mongering about the avian flue a couple of years later

- Lying about the "dictator in Libya" in 2011 who was so brutal he gave everyone there, citizen or not, free medical- and dental care.

- Lying about the "dictator" in Syria the same year who is so unpopular he has won several elections in a row that were deemed fair and square by international organizations overseeing them.

- The list is long enough now, so I'll end it with Operation Warp Speed

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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago

I think Rico would go a long way up to DOD...all the insurance and hospitals corporations and anyone with political power who held any kind of pharma stock. In their INDIVIDUAL CAPACITIES.

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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Could i just add a totally infuriated fxxk them?

I apologize to you Sasha and Meryl, but after what our govt has done (or is not doind) in Appalachia..the soul and heart of this country and that damnable Prep Act and the no reason or evidence given emergency acts..I'm done.

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I got out'a Dodge (read: the US) 33 years ago. Had I not, I would probably be long gone by now.

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Forgive the redundancy, but these are the people running our country, "Diddy's" cannibal-friends. https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/p/a-principality-falls-in-an-avalanche

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It should be pointed out that pandemics are pure propaganda. Pandemics do not exist except in some category of the mind.

The health care industry has failed us miserably, while extracting huge sums of money. Care is a weaponized term aimed at placing us in a certain mindset. We believe we are being cared for. In trauma care we see the wonderous successes of ER doctors and surgeons. But it is a mistake to think that the same level of care extends to the protected-by-law pharmaceutical companies. Cancer medicine is protected-by-law. And it is most profitable medicine. Now the so called virus antidotes are propaganda-and-lawfare-protected cash cows.

If they need laws to protect them, something nefarious is going on; me thinks.

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Hi Dr. Nass!

Can you please tell your colleagues to focus on what really makes vaccines harmful.... The foundation, like adjuvants and in the case of the COVID shots the Lipids.

The LNPs have had issues way way before mRna or spike protein and even recently they found non mRNA shots with LNPs can cause myocarditis.... 🤔


Also, we need to remind people that there was no pandemic. Sasha has wrote about this numerous times and I'm really confused as to why we are still inundated by fear porn of gain of function, especially from CHD and so called opposition to the vaccines...

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What makes injections deadly is the incitement, coercion and compulsion to be injected.

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Dr. Nass - My understanding based on CHD, is the Covid vaccines have a liability shield under the Prep Act while they are experimental. Once the Covid shots are fully licensed then the Prep Act will no longer protect the pharmaceutical manufacturers from liability. Adding the Covid-19 vaccines to the 1986 childhood schedule continues shielding the vaccine manufacturers once the Covid-19 vaccines are fully licensed and once the EUA products are no longer available. CHD/The Defender also states House Bill 9828 would end the protection from liability for the Covid-19 vaccines, allowing people injured by the vaccine to sue the vaccine makers in court. It seems like both Prep and the 1986 Act need to be repealed based on this recent article from CHD.


I'm sure you are well aware there are several lawsuits against the PREP ACT including https://rumble.com/v598g19-jeff-childers.html https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/unprepared-wednesday-june-26-2024

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No I was NOT aware..thanks

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Oct 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

I went to a regular doctor recently to get their take on a condition I’ve had for a while. The results were so predictable. Nothing said about the cause but instead a treatment plan for the symptoms rich with money making opportunities: antibiotics, steroids, cat-scan and surgery. I’m not doing any of it and have renewed my efforts to improve my own health.

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bless you. With a dr partner I have avoided all medical interventions since childhood. I was then recommended some very minor surgery and though I ought to be a grownup about it. it was the biggest mistake of my life . Wrecked everything. I still cant believe they are allowed to do so much harm ! I regret it every day. Research as best you can before 'volunteering'. Good luck to you!

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"thought you should be a grown up" -- I know that feeling.

these degenerates are racketeers, like gangsters who used to smash bar windows and liquor bottles and demand protection $$$. infamous!

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I actually trusted this surgeon cos he wasnt drunk. Others ive spoken to smelled of booze at work :/ . He was sensible and muslim and I thought he sounded responsible. Maybe he was but i could have done better work myself with pinking shears. I keep wondering what *was he thinking. Adding injury to insult. Stay safe and seek out the few good ethical ones if need be. What a nightmare !

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the bastards are paying the mortgage. we suffer from a constant pressure to conform, to kowtow, to submit.

Flaubert made Monsieur Bovary a bufoon, a country doctor anxious to please his ambitious wife.

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I was the ambitious ‘wife of the rural doctor’. I hoped we could overhaul the system and alter our ideas of health. My influence didnt work . The whole vibe is money making and not ethics. you couldnt change it from within even years back. Its like a roller coaster without brakes. There has to be a way forward but i think we probably have to let it derail itself and start again .

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To be a physician or surgeon is seen as a lucrative career in much the same way as that of lawyer: and so it attracts a great many students who have no better ethics than lawyers.

Once in, the system corrupts them still further.

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fascinating. I'm impressed by Drs Berg & Mercola who buck the system to treat patients w/o harmful drugs et al. I wonder about the other 99%.

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There are many papers on the accuracy of medical papers. The accuracy is around 40-60% or 50-70%. They are often distorted by the involvement of pharmaceutical companies. Even an amateur can see that there are inconsistencies in the logic.

This means that no matter how well-intentioned a doctor is, they cannot provide accurate treatment if they rely solely on these.

Doctors who love medicine will be able to consider the causes from their experience and will become more accurate as they get older, but doctors who don't study and just follow what they were taught in medical school will remain robots. Some may even become money-grubbing doctors.

I read the Pfizer clinical trial report and realized, "What is this??" so I came here without getting vaccinated.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Angry? You Bet I Am

But not at all surprised


Post the tyranny of covid, collusion between the pharmaceutical industry, scientists and publishers continues unabated.....The paper entitled ‘Dementia prevention, intervention and care’ is a triumph of industry-funded gobbledegook under the guise of science. The thirty or so authors is a who’s who of industry-funded stooges occupying significant academic positions in the field of Alzheimer’s disease...Regular readers will already know my position in saying that aluminium is a cause of Alzheimer’s disease. This is what the peer-reviewed published science is telling us regardless of what these industry stooges publish in the Lancet paper.....

.......Numerous clinical trials that achieved next to nothing in helping individuals with dementia are highlighted while the one published clinical trial that was successful does not warrant a reference. Just over 10 years ago we published our seminal paper on the aluminium hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease in which we tested silicon-rich mineral water as an effective therapy in Alzheimer’s disease. I am copying the conclusion of our research below..........

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Your link was helpful, thank you.

The neurotoxicity of AL has been warned about since 1921 until you pointed it out. Yet it is mixed into many vaccines under the guise of an adjuvant. It is also included in vaccines for infants whose brain barriers are not yet fully developed and young children. I feel angry at the pharmaceutical companies and the public health doctors who approved it.

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MDs are educated in indoctrination camps called med schools. They learn how to legally push drugs for Big Pharma profits, and nothing about cures, let alone prevention of anything. Their text books are made by big pharma, and that's all these brain washed drug dealers and pushers know.

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This explains a lot. The ruling class has long known that usury and the lack of debt jubilees will lead to the centralization of everything, so they planned on engineering “cooperation”, and that’s exactly what they’re doing with their invented crises. To read this, it all sounds so reasonable, but that is their weak point. Its batshit crazy, its killing millions, and on top of all that, it is bound to fail. People have somehow to be made to realize this.

"In Jessem Guy’s detailed breakdown of Changing Images of Man, the audacity of a select few to reshape the entire trajectory of humanity is laid bare. This isn’t just an intellectual exercise—this small group of elites, supported by powerful institutions, feel entitled to dismantle the very foundations of human nature. With chilling precision, they have outlined a vision for our future, one that strips away individualism, freedom, and the organic evolution of society.


Societal disruptions, including the COVID-19 pandemic, are described as accelerating changes that align with the post-industrial future outlined in Changing Images of Man. Wars and crises are viewed as opportunities to speed up societal transformations that would otherwise take generations"

research book summary

Changing Images of Man - Part 2

GPT Summary - Jessem Guy's Podcast


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That's a beautiful (and accurate) description of what they have done. It's also admirably simple.

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Occam's razor.

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"the Commandment ‘thou shalt not steal’ refers to usury and exploitation by threat for debts owing. Jesus was crucified for his views on debt. Crucifixion being a punishment reserved especially for political dissidents.

To understand the crucifixion of Jesus is to understand it was his punishment for his economic views. He was a threat to the creditors.

Jesus Christ was a socialist activist for the continuity of regular debt jubilees that were considered essential to the wellbeing of ancient economies." --Michael Hudson

Forgive Us Our Enshittification

Jesus died for our debt, not our sins


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One could argue that usery is a sin. It’s both/and.

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The ban on usury was an important distinguishing feature of Christianity that unfortunately was abandoned centuries ago. Around about the time Shakespeare wrote The Merchant of Venice, I think.

“If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”

― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

"Usury centralizes money wealth where the means of production are dispersed. It does not alter the mode of production, but attaches itself firmly to it like a parasite and makes it wretched. It sucks out its blood, enervates it and compels reproduction to proceed under ever more pitiable conditions. Hence the popular hatred against usurers, which was most pronounced in the ancient world where ownership of means of production by the producer himself was at the same time the basis for political status, the independence of the citizen."

-- Karl Marx (don't start bashing Marx, people, he's not a religion)

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"To understand the crucifixion of Jesus is to understand it was his punishment for his economic views. He was a threat to the creditors."

Yes, he paved the way for OWS. Not Operation Warp Speed, but Occupy Wall Street.


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THE SHOCK DOCTRINE (2007) by the unfortunate Naomi Klein, gives detailed analysis of how fascists (govt + private) exploit catastrophe for economic gain. journalistic reporting, dreadful examples, all roads lead to Milton Friedman.

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This book is invaluable. It is a shame what has happened to N. Klein, but I think nothing she has done recently diminishes the value of the book. That said, it is baffling, bizarre, and deeply troubling that she cannot or will not recognize that corona crimes are the ultimate manifestation of her 'shock doctrine' thesis.

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I don't know about N. Klein but fwiw,

Dr Vernon Coleman: Proof That the Covid-19 Vaccine Causes Mental Illness


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Klein's whole shtick was based on "the Left" — I can sympathize with her orientation-since-birth. maybe it was too much for her to detach from the Party. I know I have been surprised by my new bedfellows, and I had nothing to lose in the activist-writer-celebrity sweepstakes. her ego obviously cratered over the rise of Naomi Wolf. it's farcical, but serves no one except the elite.

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Sadly I'm not a supporter of feminism, and ecofeminism would make it doubly bad in my eyes. I don't know much about her but why is she "unfortunate"?

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initially incisive journalist, she seems to have lost her mind. she wrote a book attacking Naomi Wolf last year. Toby Rogers had the best take on it.

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She just wants to be the only "Naomi" on the block, lol:).

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yes, that's basically the thesis of her book DOPPELGANGER.

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Ice Age Farmer provides a PDF of Changing Images of Man here:


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There is this other "economy" with this other form of "currency". https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/p/a-principality-falls-in-an-avalanche


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Excellent advice, Sasha! I get calls from my Medicare supplement company trying to get me to schedule my "annual physical" -- I've never had an annual physical and don't plan on having one any time soon (like never!), My children never had a "well baby" check up. They were healthy and didn't need to see a doctor. I believe if you give a doctor a path via an "annual physical" they will find something. If you don't let them look, they won't find anything. I'm stunned at the damage the medical industrial complex has done to humanity world-wide! All of the goals set by the UN at their recent "Summit" outlining what they want for humanity's benefit can be solved by depopulation. But one must read between the lines of these 17 stated goals to understand the danger we are all in.

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lol. the annual physical -- a luxury unknown to me -- a ritual that structures most people's lives? I'm agog at the complacent kowtowing to increasingly hostile rites and rituals of the doctors.

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My 72 yr old brother was recently diagnosed with Stage 3 rectal cancer plus another cancerous tumor in the opposite end of his colon. We have a positive family history of colon CA among multiple family members. My brother has generally avoided doctors, certainly never any annual wellness visit or screening tests. He waited until he became symptomatic before having his first colonoscopy. If he had screening colonoscopies every 5 years he very likely would have had precancerous polyps removed and would likely have avoided this serious diagnosis. So I am not opposed to all screening tests. One must look at an individual’s risk factors than to just make a blanket statement to avoid all screening tests.

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I hope the following will be helpful.

For turbo cancer after vaccination, the information on reused drugs is below.




In summary

≪Fenbendazole/Mebendazole prescribed dose for turbo cancer: 1000mg/day * 25 days, 5 days off, repeat until remission≫

≪Ivermectin prescribed dose for turbo cancer: 5-10 times the dose for Covid treatment/prevention = 60-120mg/normal adult≫


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I agree with you. Colonoscopies should not be avoided. I also know first hand that early detection of this kind of cancer is crucial and leads to it being much more easily cured.

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There are certain diseases that tend to run in a family's DNA, such as cancers, and everyone has different susceptibilities. I'm lucky - I'm RH Negative (one of small percentage of people in the world who carry the RH negative blood type) which runs in my family. No one in my family -- both paternal and maternal sides -- died of any disease and most lived well into the 90s and even into their 100s. Car wrecks killed my paternal grandfather in 1973 and killed my father in 2003 (both on the same road in nearly the same place). I would avoid that road whenever I went back east to see my family. RH negative blood types tend not to be susceptible to disease and we don't need vaccines. The Basque population has the most RH negative people in the world (50%). The rest of the world around 8%, Knowing family history and blood type is important.

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I am probably going to quit the supplement company. Seems like Medicare themselves are less harassing.

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I have a supplemental that is free but that's because I take NO prescription drugs and do not go to a doctor (except one that I choose - a dermatologist when I need one) and I pay cash. In fact, the doctor listed as my "Primary Care Physician" fired me years ago because I never got an annual physical. LOL!!

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sadhguru said *explicitly that he wants 4 billion fewer pairs of feet and they applauded him. He has said it clearly for years.

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You wrote; " Do not inject your children with anything! If your doctor administers vaccines, do not go back to that doctor. Do not take your child to “well” visits, they don’t need them, and do not go for “annual checkups” yourself. Do not use any diagnostic screening tests, unless you are actually ill with symptoms, and even then, do not use PCR or “antibody” tests, those are totally useless and even dangerous. Do not comply." You are absolutely right.

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They offering free flu shots at work.

It makes me sick.....

Hope they don't try to get me to take none a them dammm needles, cause I got tired a the job a long time ago.

You can have mine if you want them...the pricks , the job, the slavery, the torture and terror, all yours for the taking, I am just hanging on waiting and watching the collapse, getting crushed...

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I noticed several stores (Kroger, Walmart, Walgreens) advertizing FREE and then you think what could be given away.... flu shots. They indeed can put them somewhere. I don't want them either. I know of several people who got sick with flu a few days after the shot. Doc says they were already infected when they got it. A flawed story so you will be back next year.

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23 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Ha! Omg. And people believe whatever sire white coat has to say 🫡

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White coat syndrome ❤️‍🩹

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I doubt that those people actually got the flu. I think more likely they had an adverse reaction to the shot that was probably just as uncomfortable and as serious as the actual flu. In any event, they probably didn’t need that shot in the first place and were wise to never get another flu shot again.

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City College Health Department pushing poison pricks for innocent students arms, but no free vitamin D. no free quercetin, zinc, C. no free healing. infamous!

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So effective that it has to be made free so that people will take it...

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we need to know if shedding occurs after the jabs cos if so you kind of dont want to be around ?

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Even the CDC is now warning people that this season’s flu shot is only 30% effective in decreasing the risk of hospitalization. Probably less than that.

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Oct 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

Sasha and Meryl are a blessing to humanity in times of unbelievable insanity. Please continue to educate us all.

I have followed the pandemic since late 2020 and have seen 10 friends and acquaintances either die or become injuried by the C19 vaccine poison. None of these folks had any preconditions

It took me a long time to connect the dots.

Two died from pancreatic cancer, one heart attack, one esophageal cancer, one from head/neck cancer. Two injured by miocarditis, one injured by head/neck cancer (still not out of the woods), and one injured from IPF which is a 3 to 5 year death sentence.

It's so obvious now when I look back a few years, that the vaccine poison caused this.

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24 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Just finished listening to your latest interview on the Delingpod. I have asked all 3 of my daughters to listen to it. They are in High School but im trying to raise them to be anti-vaxxers and the way you explain things is so easy to understand for dummies like me who had their kids vaxxed before i knew any better. Stay safe and God bless Sasha.

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Thank you! Tell your daughters hi from me, and if they have any questions, please email me at latypova@hotmail.com

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23 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

Wow. Thanks so much Sasha.

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Oct 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

Really one has to wonder: "What have they been injecting into our children, and who is ultimately responsible for this?"

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kids need to organize! babies in the streets! hell no, we won't go! we need a million baby march on Bethesda, Maryland.

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24 hrs agoLiked by Sasha Latypova

They warned everyone in The Matrix (1999) "Humans are a VIRUS and we are the cure" - Agent Smith. https://www.bitchute.com/video/MFwKY6iOyRh3

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Always wondered if the film was reverse programming or escapism. A friend helped make those films and apparently the crew were quite conflicted .

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I loved your interview with James Delingpole that I saw on Bitchute.

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Wow i jus wrote the same thing—i could listen to those teo talk all day.

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That was Delingpole's second interview with Sasha.

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Your subtitle says all that needs to be said; "Criminals do not follow laws, they write them". This 7s why I cringe whenever I hear a politician or other miscreant says "we are a nation of laws".

How many individuals are familiar with the '86 legislation and/or the PREP Act, and subsequent expansions of the PREP Act?

It will be interesting to see what is in the pending legislation, but I believe one of two things will happen. Either the legislation will be so limited in scope and benefis, or it will never be approved by Congress. If it is too beneficial to us, we the people, it will probably never advance out of the committee.

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Oct 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

If they injecting everybody with OCD molecules then easier to brainwash:

Vaccines linked to mental disorders by Yale study

Yale Daily News

https://yaledailynews.com › blog › 2017/02/21 › vaccin...

21 Feb 2017 — The researchers found correlations for one vaccine in particular: the influenza vaccine, which was associated with higher rates of OCD, anorexia, anxiety ...

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Great to see the words All and vaccines in the same phrase.

Will recycle one of my Substack comments of earlier today here.

"This thing they call “vaccines” have been Lie, Kill, Steal and Destroy from the beginning. When are we going to pursue and embrace this truth?"


“and the light shines on in the darkness and darkness could not overcome it.”

John 1:5

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when we realize Mafia & Nazi tactics -- or Imperial if you prefer -- are mind-numbingly consistent across cultures.

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"All childhood vaccines can be claimed countermeasures and be covered by PREP Act"

The question is: Countermeasures for what?

There we it have again, but it's not that important, right? It's just viruses. Viruses that do not exist. So nothing to see here. Let the child slaughter go on…

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Just months prior to the Covid Scamdemic; Backed by the local chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, a bill pending in New York would permit children to consent to vaccinations https://www.americanbar.org/groups/litigation/resources/newsletters/childrens-rights/vaccination-law-101-guide-childrens-lawyers/ This is a post I made in 2015 that was one of the reasons my Facebook account, with 10,000 posts since 2014, was deleted without warning on March 13th 2016. Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015, mandated, fast-tracked, with no exceptions for attending public school. https://morelle.house.gov/media/press-releases/congressman-joe-morelle-sponsors-legislation-ensure-every-child-attending

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