Iain Davis’s Substack offers a template for a genuine democratic society based on the Greek model where the rule of law is overseen by juries of ordinary citizens. History has shown that the centralisation of power always leads to corruption and downfall. Local authorities tend to be vessels of state and are an ultimate distraction. Are people prepared to accept responsibility for their lives or just keep handing everything over to the power hungry elites?
To support higher layers of order/bureaucracy requires more energy/resources. Since energy/resources are in terminal decline, grow vegetables and participate locally, hopefully somewhere where the winters won't kill you.
If autonomous or semi independent people withdraw consent the 'universal' group of retarded managers will lose the main driver of system success - dynamism and energy. Then it will collapse. A new and more worthy system will emerge and incentivise these 'drivers' to return.
I agree John but by drivers i mean system evolution catalysts. Holmgren springs to mind. Less tgan a tenth of the current energy budget to have a very rich life of fruit nuts and veg etc.. but you know this
The universal state, what can there be more universal than universal decadency and perversion. Not the barbarians took down the Roman Empire, the Vatican, the French Empire, but the Borgias, Mme the Pompadour, Cleopatra, Hunter Biden, all the whores and pimps united.
I support true democratic models, but....after seeing how inanely and passively most people responded to the challenge of the "pandemic" and the assault on our lives, and their inability to understand my warnings or make the effort to research for themselves, I am not so confident in the ability of the masses to rule themselves. The Greek democracies fell apart into demagoguery quite rapidly. They only lasted a couple of generations.
The submission to the ConVid madness was I believe evidence of the fact how the elites have destroyed most peoples’s faith in their own abilities. Also the Greek idea of democracy was undermined by the self interested elites it sought to replace.
Hello JAS. Yes. Ian Davis (and yourself) present formerly effective tools within civilian (non-Statute) jurisdictions. My belief is "Lawful" order should be established via *Direct Democracy* limited and controlled by local jurisdictions.
No State or Federal agency should even exist. Of course any notion of Direct Democracy is solidly rejected by the usual suspects...
Hello Seeds. I believe it is important to understand 'Representative democracy" as opposed to Direct Democracy. Truly Democratic structures such as Direct Democracy move decisions toward civil Order based on intellectual *consensus* rather than alleged 'representative' dictates of hierarchy and oligarchy.
I prefer the concept of personal anarchy over all financial/political systems, as I believe the creation of "organizations" is inherently aberrant and damaging to individual freedom...
In a sense, yes. I think of the term 'government' as strongly related to the term *governor* (as a speed control). Self-governance in its true sense, would imply incorporating this personal "speed control" into all choices and decisions. Governments seldom utilize speed controls of any kind... I rather misspoke with the term "personal anarchy" as true anarchy tends to infect decision making skills with arbitrary evaluations. Current organized anarchy (military politics) are the result of polluted self-governance... Ah well... Words often convolute the message... That said:
I'm not alone in my belief that all levels of society are intrinsic upon the inner qualities of individuals. The individual first influences the "self". Then the chosen mate. Then the family or clan. Then greater society as a whole. Sorry for my rambling. Best regards.
Yes. And the artful depiction of Isis standing on a pedestal dated 1913 is sublime. Isis was an ancient Egyptian goddess who became the most popular and enduring of all the Egyptian deities... Excerpted from the article:
" Eventually, she [Isis] became associated with the sea and was a protectress of sailors and merchants who wore talismans honoring her and invoked her aid in times of trouble (attested to by archaeological evidence). Unlike the other gods of Egypt, Isis transcended national borders and was worshiped by the Greeks and the Romans who believed in her as the supreme deity who created the world." Heh... What irony... Thanks Sasha...
The Metamorphoses of Lucius by Lucius Apuleius, better known as The
Golden Ass, is the only Roman novel to survive today. Lucius describes the epiphany
of Isis, most probably from his participation in the Isis Mysteries themselves. It is clear in this passage that Isis has been transformed into the Universal Queen of Heaven, which belief had spread throughout the Greco-Roman world by the second century AD.
Yes. I've read many of these early Roman attempts at *literature* and concluded the lead poisoning had already capsized the ships... However; your link did provide a high quality translation, so thank you for that.
Isis first existed as a seasonal and social psychopomp some three thousand years before the authors epiphany. Earlier wordsmiths such as Homer were charged to *memorize* and verbalize folklore and local histories down to the individual phrase. Royal poets were highly regarded, yet would be thrown from the court (or worse) if they misspoke or failed to repeat the work exactly.
If only modern journalists were held to the same standard...
Rome incorporated States and Peoples like a black hole incorporates planetary bodies, all combined into the singularity which was Rome and still is. It takes extreme force and will to resist the pull of that gravity but it is the only way to achieve freedom.
A big problem at this point in history is they won't be able to find competent managers at the lower levels because they are all being indiscriminately caught inside the kill zone.
The kill zone is primarily defined by this triangle:
1. Inject foreign proteins into the blood
2. Feed a sugar-based diet
3. Implant mercury into faces
The cognitive decline of people you deal with everyday in society is becoming apparent, and it's no longer only health freedom advocates who are noticing.
Lead pipes and drinking vessels did the trick in Rome. This time around it's pharma greed and malfeasance doing it. Yikes!
Yes. The American Dental Association *embraced* the installation of "silver" amalgam filings into human teeth for over 85 years. The first ADA Seal of Acceptance was awarded in 1931. What a coincidence... Kinda like all the other political/financial "coincidences" excused by the alleged depression... "Silver" dental amalgams contained over 51% elemental mercury - the most toxic metal on the periodic table.
Hundreds of millions of persons have been irreparably poisoned by this practice, yet it continues in many dental offices to this day. But don't smoke cigarettes...
Yes, Tacitus is fascinating but reading him is a bit like reading a tabloid paper. For example he is not fair to Livia. Augustus respected her and they were successful joint rulers over a long period. She even kept her influence over Tiberius after Augustus' death. Tacitus would not have known what went on inside the Palatine.
Whatever the details - and I do not think Toynbee got it all right - the core takeaway is that the real problem is within - we betray ourselves by allowing our values to erode and corrupt.
People claim that local government is the answer - yes and no.
Local government leaders are subject to personal moral decline, with or without the corruption of monetary greed or power lust.
Corrupt local leaders may still be supported because they are gifted deceivers; moral values are subordinated to other values; money is power to create jobs and prosperity; etcetera.
Non-local leadership is always dicey because it escapes local scrutiny.
Even if all national leaders are committed to the ideal of the common good initially (unlikely), individuals will corrupt and the administration will inevitably decline.
An effective method for ejecting rotten apples from the barrel appears to have completely eluded us from the beginning.
Perhaps this is because we are not diligent to keep a clean house ourselves.
"Let the guiltless, cast the first stones."
Since we are not guiltless or we lack courage, we do nothing and the barrel corrupts more and more, until it effectively self-destructs.
I'm just playin' here, but I grew up on a small fishing lake in the upper Midwest. "Leaders" were thought of as a short length of line attached to a bait... Other than that, I think all other types of leaders should just hang from ropes...
Heh... It took me a while to sort out my answer, as you're asking THE proverbial question. I believe "rights" of authority lay between fathers to sons, or mothers to daughters within the family home. This legitimate right of authority should be *mutually* nullified after offspring no longer reside therein.
All other rights of ruler-ship should be carefully measured with a yardstick or other physical device... Just my opinion...
No one seems to be using any carefully measured yardstick or physical device, to get free, sovereign individuals to surrender their freedom and sovereignty, to illegitimate rulers and ruling regimes of various kinds worldwide. Surely no fully informed person would freely consent to be ruled by morally corrupt and criminally violent individuals and governments. Parental authority can be nullified upon maturity, by mutual agreement or otherwise. How do we nullify government authority? Surely I am not subject to government authority for life regardless, just because I was born in a certain place. What is the root of this insane obsession with government regardless? Surely it is time we grew up and severed our ties with the nanny state. Nanny's only there, because she gets paid for pretending to take care of us, when she is really just taking care of herself. If we decide we no longer need a Nanny, she will have to go get a real job, that only pays for performance. Just some thoughts.
The Book of Revelation warns us about a One World Order. An everlasting kingdom will be when Satan is returned to the The Lake of Fire and there will be a new Heaven and a new earth. The 1st earth will pass away and the sea will be no more. There will be a new Jerusalem and God will dwell among us. He will make all things new. (Rev. 21:1-5). Hallelujah!
Yup and the Book of Daniel gives clues too. Through Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the giant statue with the head of gold (Babylon), chest/arms of silver (Persia/Medes), waist of bronze (Greece), legs of iron (Roman) and the final kingdom toes mixed of clay and iron we are given major clues. It will have many appearances of the Roman kingdom. It will be mixed (man and machine/transhuman) and divided into ten regions. We know that the world has already been drawn into 10 trading blocks.
Excellent post Sasha, thanks. Nice art work - she looks good. You are absolutely right, I think, to return to a study of the decline and fall of Rome as a way to understand what is happening now. If you have not read Cesar and Christ by Will Durant I recommend it. Please include your full reading list, if you can. Must get to Toynbee. Certainly the situation now feels like the last gasp before the end complicated, and confused with machine driven propaganda and out of control spooks under every around every corner - literally. But do we really expect peace, love and Justice to break out and cover the earth? Nope. When will it end is the big question.
Plato did an excellent job of explaining the the Evolution of the State in his Republic. The process is ALWAYS repeated from tyrannical government to revolution to republic to democracy, benevolent dictatorship.... We're in the last of the steps!
Historically there is a common denominator to the extinction of the state, moral rot that leads to corruption. It is the inside work of the inside job that Toynbee mentions as the universal culprit. Prior to the Punic Wars the Romans held a strong moral code that governed society and the state and made the Roman world the most upright and successful state and society on the planet. It was coincident with their growth and their thriving, but it wasn’t to last. Cicero among others wrote of the moral decline and corruption of Rome in hindsight. The situation grew worse, and what followed was the a long and inevitable decline of an empire.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor – he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation – he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city – he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.” >>>- Marcus Tullius Cicero - (January 3, 106 BC - December 7, 43 BC)
Cicero was assassinated by order of Mark Antony...
"Prior to the Punic Wars the Romans held a strong moral code that governed society and the state and made the Roman world the most upright and successful state and society on the planet."
Is this true?
Since I am not omniscient I cannot know, but I have my doubts.
Rome was always a conflicted regime as the movie Ben Hur clearly portrays.
There were good Roman players and bad ones too.
Some of the bad players were morally corrupt.
Others were corrupted by a power structure that undermined personal values.
Rome looked good from the outside - the Kingdom spreading enlightenment and prosperity to the world!
Just some questions...What were the monetary systems of all of these civilizations?..how did they operate? Were their currencies debased? As the world has become smaller due to technological advances among other things, what does the future hold for how the world will transact and what will be the medium of exchange?...how much of it will be private vs. everything digitally tracked?
All universal states form around the monopoly on money, and all of them debase their money. In fact while Toynbee does not put it this way, my own explanation for the ultimate formation and collapse of the universal state is an attempt to stave off the collapse of already debased monopolistic currency.
The Roman Empire also ran on slaving, which is why it needed to constantly expand. (To get more slaves from conquered tribes. Slave trading was a huge part of the Roman economy, and slave traders followed in the wake of the conquering Roman legions on their way through Europe.)
Because slaves work for nothing, slaving undercuts and destroys independent small businesses.
Life became intolerably bleak for any Roman citizen who needed to work for a wage, as a slave could do it more cheaply. Small farms were absorbed into massive land-ownings worked by imported slaves, and farmers became homeless casual workers forced to sell themselves or their children into slavery. (Yes, this was done in the Roman Empire).
The reason for uncontrolled immigration into the US and Europe is an attempt by the oligarchs to lower wage costs even further...so, how will ordinary US workers earn a living wage? (Resistance to immigration is nothing to do with white racism but US workers trying to protect their jobs and living standards.)
Eventually Roman peasants realised they were no worse off living under the barbarians...the economy had been hollowed out, the populace was unwilling to make sacrifices defending it, and the Roman Empire collapsed.
Boom! Right on target. "Currency" is essentially 'trade' or control of markets as commodities. Theft is the usual 'trade' policy. It works for as long as the theft is supported by military interests and diplomatic liaison...
Hello Bibi. Yes. The basics of the "Stock" exchange can be traced back to "tithing" (old English Tythe) systems of England, in which the *tenth* part of agricultural produce or personal income was set apart as an offering to God or for works of mercy, or the same amount regarded as an obligation or tax for the support of the priesthood. The practice was latter converted to a jurisdictional tax... As most persons know, taxation is glorified theft...
In the earliest times of history the "tithe" was ceded to Inanna, the ancient Mesopotamian goddess of love, war, and fertility. >>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inanna
The original intent of tithe contribution was that produce would be stored as a buffer against drought and cases of famine. Like many other "primitive" social constructs, the idea became perverted by stratification and oligarchy.
“Man joined the eternal abyss - When food became a commodity”
All monetary systems fake the realities of human sustenance... Here's an astute assessment of the current situation: >>>
“Fake realities will create fake humans. Or, fake humans will generate fake realities and then sell them to other humans, turning them, eventually, into forgeries of themselves. So we wind up with fake humans inventing fake realities and then peddling them to other fake humans.
It is just a very large version of Disneyland. You can have the Pirate Ride or the Lincoln Simulacrum or Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride – you can have all of them, but none is true.” - Philip K. Dick - (December 16, 1928 – March 2, 1982)
Understand the reasoning in theory Paul, but what about in practice?
Sadly most average people, do not appear to be really interested in participating in responsible government of any kind.
The nanny state is very appealing to the very lazy.
As long as they have enough to live on and some extra, they may not really care about responsible government at any level.
How do you deal with these people in "direct democracy"?
Many will not be involved enough or do the research, to actually know the status of candidates for leadership, or what the issues really are.
I get angry about the assumption that citizen juries will/can be above reproach.
We have citizen juries now and they are certainly not responsible arbiters of justice.
Jurors often simply do not have the capacity, to be beyond being swayed by false of faulty arguments, or other perception/opinion manipulation techniques.
Some are inevitably morally compromised or corrupt anyhow.
Others can be manipulated or controlled by bribes or threats.
Seems to me that a responsible bodies of capable leaders, judges and jurors, could be more reliable leaders and arbiters of justice.
With an efficient, effective means of promptly removing bad players, via some sort of active citizen oversight, whereby questionable decisions can be immediately questioned and have to be defended adequately for the decision maker to retain their position.
Otherwise we are all tragically flawed, and our governments and courts also.
Juries don't work because they're hamstrung by rules given to them by judges. They're not informed of the concept of jury nullification, by which they're entitled to render their own judgement, based on logic and decency and not some arbitrary 'law' from above. Legal systems everywhere are owned and operated by govts and will always rule in favor of govts and against the people. Here's an intro by a US lawyer who has looked into it https://the-quash.captivate.fm/episode/introduction-to-jury-nullification-why-its-so-critical
Historically the courts go with the government regardless - granted.
Governments own/control/operate the courts - yes and no.
Governments are owned/controlled/operated by big power players behind the scenes.
There big power players are usually morally corrupt and criminally violent.
They make myriads of "laws" to control people and dis-empowering them, by trapping them in endless legal webs,
These big power players (BPPs) operate above the law.
BPPs almost never get convicted of crimes, jailed or exited.
The system is designed to protect BBPs primarily, not others.
Governments and legal systems are not the real problem.
The very bad players behind the scenes are the real problem.
Governments and laws provide cover for these bad players - systemic corruption.
Jury nullification may help to some degree.
But the root problem is moral compromise and corruption period.
Jurors are not all saints.
Nor are all lawyers and judges, although supposedly certified to be clean.
As to politicians, police, military, public servants, medical professionals, academics, scientists, certified experts of numerous kinds, etcetera, moral integrity is not required.
The problem is how to keep bad apples out of the barrel.
Okay, perhaps courts are accountable to the BPPs but the problem is the same. They're supposedly there to administer justice but that's not really what they do, except for enduring the BPPs have their desired result. I really do think that Jury nullification could be the quick and easy answer. As this podcaster says, it wouldn't take many to do this before the system would crash https://the-quash.captivate.fm/episode/introduction-to-jury-nullification-why-its-so-critical
The problem with history is that up until about 1500 and the printing press, written history was produced only by powerful states that were the only organization that could assemble the scribes and papyrus manuscripts. Any attempt to write something for posterity resulted in a book burning and any state that assembled its own library, like Alexandria, Egypt, was destroyed by arson. We know more about the future than we do the past.
Let's take the USA. Something like 10 of the first 14 appointed presidents of the colonies were Freemasons. The very first president of the United States, George Washington, was a Freemason, which is a secret society. This is notoriously seen on the American dollar bill where Washington is shown wearing a Freemason apron and he was the head of a Freemason lodge and where a pyramid with an all-seeing eye Masonic symbol is displayed on the reverse side of the dollar bill. But American history has been written that it was founded as a Christian nation despite the Puritans were also a secret Masonic society led by Oliver Cromwell in England.
Arguably, we have been led by a secret society all along, but history was written otherwise that the US was and is a democracy (when it has always been an well disguised oligarchy). America's "manifest destiny" was to genocide the Natives by grabbing their land and water resources, relocating them to arid areas, destroying their access to protein by vastly reducing the Bison population, and stressing them so that a "plague" could be blamed for their depopulation reduction.
Free thinking writers against oligarchs did not exist until Machiavelli in the 1500's who favored a republic and control by the Populare class over the Optimates (Medici oligarchs).
The Greek word for craftsman or stone mason is Ktistes. The figure of Jesus Christ is described in the Christian Greek New Testament as a Ktistes (AKA Kristes) most likely stone mason because there were few wood structures in Galilee and available jobs would have been at Roman outdoor amphitheaters and forts built with local stones. Did the writers of the Gospels (word for a winning war cry) make Ktistes into Krist and was that figure a Freemason? Put differently, did the writers of the Gospels describe The Christ as someone like themselves (Ktistes or Kriste)?
I often tell close friends how, "Roman" the US has become. And I often wonder which "barbarians" whether internal or external, will bring it all to a close....in very slow motion so "freedom" is preserved.
wow. The israhelli govt's first priority is protecting the Jewish people? No, its first prioity is wiping Palestinians off the earth. How do these people say these things?
The whole point is to lie so convincingly that you believe it yourself. Even if nobody else does.
What I reacted to in that clip is: "...., but are we like supposed to wait until the end when everybody else is gone, and they turn out the lights?"
As in when everybody else is DEAD AND GONE.
Think the polio vaccine that was introduced in 1955. In 1985 a cancer epidemic hit the US. In 2021 that cancer epidemic went into overdrive with a myocarditis epidemic and a stroke epidemic on top.
and: "I talked to a great Rabbi, and he said: "Leave when they start killing Jews in the streets.""
Why would people start killing Jews in the streets all of a sudden? is this some sort of subtle admition by the Rabbi of something bad being done?
Interesting. It always comes down to the mind of man and his pride & ego. See "Thinking Orthodox" by Eugenia Constantinou for an excellent explanation in a Christian context. Happy New Year Sasha! Thank you for always reporting the truth. Peace.
I understood the quote to mean pretty much the opposite, that there are cyclical forces in play over which men have no more practical agency collectively than the individual man over the cycles of his own existence.
Hello SteveInFlorida. Pride and ego are primarily narcissistic control tools. The *mark* (as a person) seems to have difficulties perceiving or correcting the play. The majority of the populace seems comfortable with these control mechanisms, yet they continue to complain. It's quite weird, to say the least...
Iain Davis’s Substack offers a template for a genuine democratic society based on the Greek model where the rule of law is overseen by juries of ordinary citizens. History has shown that the centralisation of power always leads to corruption and downfall. Local authorities tend to be vessels of state and are an ultimate distraction. Are people prepared to accept responsibility for their lives or just keep handing everything over to the power hungry elites?
yes, that model works, but cannot co-exist with the universal state. It can only develop after the collapse of the universal state.
Spot on. The universal State is as a mirage in the desert. All promise. No water...
To support higher layers of order/bureaucracy requires more energy/resources. Since energy/resources are in terminal decline, grow vegetables and participate locally, hopefully somewhere where the winters won't kill you.
I suppose it could work in parallel if everyone just said No to the current rules and proceeded along more enlightened lines.
If autonomous or semi independent people withdraw consent the 'universal' group of retarded managers will lose the main driver of system success - dynamism and energy. Then it will collapse. A new and more worthy system will emerge and incentivise these 'drivers' to return.
The 'drivers' can only return where there is enough fuel, right?
Russia, the US, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, etc. have better prospects than UK/EU bloc.
The money has to change. It can't be exponential promises on the bright future going forward.
Commodity-backed money seems more appropriate
I agree John but by drivers i mean system evolution catalysts. Holmgren springs to mind. Less tgan a tenth of the current energy budget to have a very rich life of fruit nuts and veg etc.. but you know this
Yes, I see my words could be misunderstood.
I meant what you meant, not "motorists".
I like and have read a lot of Holmgren. He gets "it". but it is hard to transfer such comprehension.
Investing personally in a suddenly-lower-energy future is something you and I both do.
"Happy" New Year.
It can be implemented piecemeal, for example to start with by presiding over strikes and boycotts.
i.e. Canadian Truckers strike
Occupy Wall Street
Yellow Vests
The universal state, what can there be more universal than universal decadency and perversion. Not the barbarians took down the Roman Empire, the Vatican, the French Empire, but the Borgias, Mme the Pompadour, Cleopatra, Hunter Biden, all the whores and pimps united.
I support true democratic models, but....after seeing how inanely and passively most people responded to the challenge of the "pandemic" and the assault on our lives, and their inability to understand my warnings or make the effort to research for themselves, I am not so confident in the ability of the masses to rule themselves. The Greek democracies fell apart into demagoguery quite rapidly. They only lasted a couple of generations.
The submission to the ConVid madness was I believe evidence of the fact how the elites have destroyed most peoples’s faith in their own abilities. Also the Greek idea of democracy was undermined by the self interested elites it sought to replace.
Yes. Democracy will always be under threat from forces that seek power. No different now than in the past.
DemoCrazy is more or less a joke right now.
Hello JAS. Yes. Ian Davis (and yourself) present formerly effective tools within civilian (non-Statute) jurisdictions. My belief is "Lawful" order should be established via *Direct Democracy* limited and controlled by local jurisdictions.
No State or Federal agency should even exist. Of course any notion of Direct Democracy is solidly rejected by the usual suspects...
Devil's advocate here.
Democracy is an illusory mirage in the desert too - all promise no water.
Thoroughly thought through it is not even a realistic possibility.
The land of the brave and the free is a promotion label.
In "God" we trust - yeah right.
Out of many one - yeah right!
Government of the people, by the people, for the people - yeah right!
As if the rich and powerful were ever going to allow that!
In theory perhaps, as a carrot on a stick, but in practice the rich rule regardless, one way or another.
Then there are the masses - the not so glorious, glorified majority ...
Are they fit to rule?
What did the c-v-d exercise prove conclusively?
Whether leaders are an elite or not is debatable, but some are capable of leadership, some are not.
Democracy is just an illusory chessboard, with pawns supposedly having the same power as the real power players!
Total delusion!
The golden rule is: he who has the gold makes the rules:).
Heard that.
Heard that might is right too.
The real golden rule is: "Treat others a I would like to be treated myself".
We judge ourselves by how we treat others.
No other judgement will be needed.
Money and power. The plutocrats who rule the world have both. I'm sure it's just a coincidence:).
Hello Seeds. I believe it is important to understand 'Representative democracy" as opposed to Direct Democracy. Truly Democratic structures such as Direct Democracy move decisions toward civil Order based on intellectual *consensus* rather than alleged 'representative' dictates of hierarchy and oligarchy.
I prefer the concept of personal anarchy over all financial/political systems, as I believe the creation of "organizations" is inherently aberrant and damaging to individual freedom...
Is personal anarchy the same as self-government?
Just asking.
In a sense, yes. I think of the term 'government' as strongly related to the term *governor* (as a speed control). Self-governance in its true sense, would imply incorporating this personal "speed control" into all choices and decisions. Governments seldom utilize speed controls of any kind... I rather misspoke with the term "personal anarchy" as true anarchy tends to infect decision making skills with arbitrary evaluations. Current organized anarchy (military politics) are the result of polluted self-governance... Ah well... Words often convolute the message... That said:
I'm not alone in my belief that all levels of society are intrinsic upon the inner qualities of individuals. The individual first influences the "self". Then the chosen mate. Then the family or clan. Then greater society as a whole. Sorry for my rambling. Best regards.
" ... all levels of society are intrinsic upon the inner qualities of individuals."
Nailed it!
Rambling to the root is worthwhile.
We do have to be diligent to communicate clearly.
Words can very easily distort the message, resulting in misunderstandings, even without the knowledge of either party.
Thank you for sharing.
This was great read. Thanks Sasha.
Yes. And the artful depiction of Isis standing on a pedestal dated 1913 is sublime. Isis was an ancient Egyptian goddess who became the most popular and enduring of all the Egyptian deities... Excerpted from the article:
" Eventually, she [Isis] became associated with the sea and was a protectress of sailors and merchants who wore talismans honoring her and invoked her aid in times of trouble (attested to by archaeological evidence). Unlike the other gods of Egypt, Isis transcended national borders and was worshiped by the Greeks and the Romans who believed in her as the supreme deity who created the world." Heh... What irony... Thanks Sasha...
Some may enjoy the entire text: https://www.worldhistory.org/isis/
The Metamorphoses of Lucius by Lucius Apuleius, better known as The
Golden Ass, is the only Roman novel to survive today. Lucius describes the epiphany
of Isis, most probably from his participation in the Isis Mysteries themselves. It is clear in this passage that Isis has been transformed into the Universal Queen of Heaven, which belief had spread throughout the Greco-Roman world by the second century AD.
Yes. I've read many of these early Roman attempts at *literature* and concluded the lead poisoning had already capsized the ships... However; your link did provide a high quality translation, so thank you for that.
Isis first existed as a seasonal and social psychopomp some three thousand years before the authors epiphany. Earlier wordsmiths such as Homer were charged to *memorize* and verbalize folklore and local histories down to the individual phrase. Royal poets were highly regarded, yet would be thrown from the court (or worse) if they misspoke or failed to repeat the work exactly.
If only modern journalists were held to the same standard...
Re "literature" - what we have left to read usually only survived by accident, so not chosen for quality!
Rome incorporated States and Peoples like a black hole incorporates planetary bodies, all combined into the singularity which was Rome and still is. It takes extreme force and will to resist the pull of that gravity but it is the only way to achieve freedom.
I like this analogy!
A big problem at this point in history is they won't be able to find competent managers at the lower levels because they are all being indiscriminately caught inside the kill zone.
The kill zone is primarily defined by this triangle:
1. Inject foreign proteins into the blood
2. Feed a sugar-based diet
3. Implant mercury into faces
The cognitive decline of people you deal with everyday in society is becoming apparent, and it's no longer only health freedom advocates who are noticing.
Lead pipes and drinking vessels did the trick in Rome. This time around it's pharma greed and malfeasance doing it. Yikes!
Yes, it is odd that they seem to be so indiscriminate in their attacks on people's health. I think maybe they just want chaos.
Implant Mercury into faces?
Yes. The American Dental Association *embraced* the installation of "silver" amalgam filings into human teeth for over 85 years. The first ADA Seal of Acceptance was awarded in 1931. What a coincidence... Kinda like all the other political/financial "coincidences" excused by the alleged depression... "Silver" dental amalgams contained over 51% elemental mercury - the most toxic metal on the periodic table.
Hundreds of millions of persons have been irreparably poisoned by this practice, yet it continues in many dental offices to this day. But don't smoke cigarettes...
Thank you I understand now. All my mercury were removed some years back.
I wonder if this is not a source of neurological damage in the older generation. Dementia.
Sounds horrible!😳
I liked what you said about the lying politicians trapped and lost in their own lies.
Ultimately everything comes down to personal integrity, including our own, in big ways and small. Not so easy. The slippery slope and all that.
I can recommend reading Tacitus on that aspect of the downfall of the Roman empire in The Annals of Imperial Rome. Riveting.
Yes, Tacitus is fascinating but reading him is a bit like reading a tabloid paper. For example he is not fair to Livia. Augustus respected her and they were successful joint rulers over a long period. She even kept her influence over Tiberius after Augustus' death. Tacitus would not have known what went on inside the Palatine.
Whatever the details - and I do not think Toynbee got it all right - the core takeaway is that the real problem is within - we betray ourselves by allowing our values to erode and corrupt.
People claim that local government is the answer - yes and no.
Local government leaders are subject to personal moral decline, with or without the corruption of monetary greed or power lust.
Corrupt local leaders may still be supported because they are gifted deceivers; moral values are subordinated to other values; money is power to create jobs and prosperity; etcetera.
Non-local leadership is always dicey because it escapes local scrutiny.
Even if all national leaders are committed to the ideal of the common good initially (unlikely), individuals will corrupt and the administration will inevitably decline.
An effective method for ejecting rotten apples from the barrel appears to have completely eluded us from the beginning.
Perhaps this is because we are not diligent to keep a clean house ourselves.
"Let the guiltless, cast the first stones."
Since we are not guiltless or we lack courage, we do nothing and the barrel corrupts more and more, until it effectively self-destructs.
Then the cycle begins again.
I'm just playin' here, but I grew up on a small fishing lake in the upper Midwest. "Leaders" were thought of as a short length of line attached to a bait... Other than that, I think all other types of leaders should just hang from ropes...
The root question never answered is: on what legitimate basis can any person assume the right to rule over another sovereign individual?
Heh... It took me a while to sort out my answer, as you're asking THE proverbial question. I believe "rights" of authority lay between fathers to sons, or mothers to daughters within the family home. This legitimate right of authority should be *mutually* nullified after offspring no longer reside therein.
All other rights of ruler-ship should be carefully measured with a yardstick or other physical device... Just my opinion...
No one seems to be using any carefully measured yardstick or physical device, to get free, sovereign individuals to surrender their freedom and sovereignty, to illegitimate rulers and ruling regimes of various kinds worldwide. Surely no fully informed person would freely consent to be ruled by morally corrupt and criminally violent individuals and governments. Parental authority can be nullified upon maturity, by mutual agreement or otherwise. How do we nullify government authority? Surely I am not subject to government authority for life regardless, just because I was born in a certain place. What is the root of this insane obsession with government regardless? Surely it is time we grew up and severed our ties with the nanny state. Nanny's only there, because she gets paid for pretending to take care of us, when she is really just taking care of herself. If we decide we no longer need a Nanny, she will have to go get a real job, that only pays for performance. Just some thoughts.
Public stonings would be a popular revival now with the appetite of the public for "more" and "novel" and "entertaining" don't you think?
Casting that first stone would be easy for most of our declining citizenry.
It's a scary world.
The Kingdom of Heaven is the only kingdom there ever was and will be.
Hence, begin your daily meditation ritual asap.
But Heaven on Earth? As I understand it that which exists as we know it must first pass away.
The Book of Revelation warns us about a One World Order. An everlasting kingdom will be when Satan is returned to the The Lake of Fire and there will be a new Heaven and a new earth. The 1st earth will pass away and the sea will be no more. There will be a new Jerusalem and God will dwell among us. He will make all things new. (Rev. 21:1-5). Hallelujah!
Yup and the Book of Daniel gives clues too. Through Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the giant statue with the head of gold (Babylon), chest/arms of silver (Persia/Medes), waist of bronze (Greece), legs of iron (Roman) and the final kingdom toes mixed of clay and iron we are given major clues. It will have many appearances of the Roman kingdom. It will be mixed (man and machine/transhuman) and divided into ten regions. We know that the world has already been drawn into 10 trading blocks.
I personally believe the end of days may be turning into hours.
Only the Lord Himself knows for sure.
We should live every day as if He is coming tomorrow.
Heh, heh. New psycho-meme: "One Whirled Odor". Same system. Less stink...
Excellent post Sasha, thanks. Nice art work - she looks good. You are absolutely right, I think, to return to a study of the decline and fall of Rome as a way to understand what is happening now. If you have not read Cesar and Christ by Will Durant I recommend it. Please include your full reading list, if you can. Must get to Toynbee. Certainly the situation now feels like the last gasp before the end complicated, and confused with machine driven propaganda and out of control spooks under every around every corner - literally. But do we really expect peace, love and Justice to break out and cover the earth? Nope. When will it end is the big question.
Read the Book of Revelation for your answer.
Plato did an excellent job of explaining the the Evolution of the State in his Republic. The process is ALWAYS repeated from tyrannical government to revolution to republic to democracy, benevolent dictatorship.... We're in the last of the steps!
Historically there is a common denominator to the extinction of the state, moral rot that leads to corruption. It is the inside work of the inside job that Toynbee mentions as the universal culprit. Prior to the Punic Wars the Romans held a strong moral code that governed society and the state and made the Roman world the most upright and successful state and society on the planet. It was coincident with their growth and their thriving, but it wasn’t to last. Cicero among others wrote of the moral decline and corruption of Rome in hindsight. The situation grew worse, and what followed was the a long and inevitable decline of an empire.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor – he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation – he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city – he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.” >>>- Marcus Tullius Cicero - (January 3, 106 BC - December 7, 43 BC)
Cicero was assassinated by order of Mark Antony...
Nice quote and very true
And when the Emperor held up Cicero's head in the Coliseum, the crowd roared its approval. Will the same thing happen again?
And this is the very spot we find ourselves today…treason from within.
Perhaps governments are the trojan horses within the gates.
Are you certain Rome has indeed fallen or just taken on another form?
"Prior to the Punic Wars the Romans held a strong moral code that governed society and the state and made the Roman world the most upright and successful state and society on the planet."
Is this true?
Since I am not omniscient I cannot know, but I have my doubts.
Rome was always a conflicted regime as the movie Ben Hur clearly portrays.
There were good Roman players and bad ones too.
Some of the bad players were morally corrupt.
Others were corrupted by a power structure that undermined personal values.
Rome looked good from the outside - the Kingdom spreading enlightenment and prosperity to the world!
Impressive roads, architecture, government, law, literature, learning, etcetera.
The inside reality was a tad different.
Rome was basically built on the back of slaves - not a good foundation.
The slave population was the majority, with a minority of lesser "Roman citizens", and an even smaller minority of top-heavy ruling elites!
The law was not necessarily just, often selective, capricious and ruthless in application, but effective in keeping order.
A massive military was needed the enforce this law.
Not a realistically sustainable option.
Many obvious cracks in the power structure led to the eventual fall of the empire.
Just some questions...What were the monetary systems of all of these civilizations?..how did they operate? Were their currencies debased? As the world has become smaller due to technological advances among other things, what does the future hold for how the world will transact and what will be the medium of exchange?...how much of it will be private vs. everything digitally tracked?
All universal states form around the monopoly on money, and all of them debase their money. In fact while Toynbee does not put it this way, my own explanation for the ultimate formation and collapse of the universal state is an attempt to stave off the collapse of already debased monopolistic currency.
The Roman Empire also ran on slaving, which is why it needed to constantly expand. (To get more slaves from conquered tribes. Slave trading was a huge part of the Roman economy, and slave traders followed in the wake of the conquering Roman legions on their way through Europe.)
Because slaves work for nothing, slaving undercuts and destroys independent small businesses.
Life became intolerably bleak for any Roman citizen who needed to work for a wage, as a slave could do it more cheaply. Small farms were absorbed into massive land-ownings worked by imported slaves, and farmers became homeless casual workers forced to sell themselves or their children into slavery. (Yes, this was done in the Roman Empire).
The reason for uncontrolled immigration into the US and Europe is an attempt by the oligarchs to lower wage costs even further...so, how will ordinary US workers earn a living wage? (Resistance to immigration is nothing to do with white racism but US workers trying to protect their jobs and living standards.)
Eventually Roman peasants realised they were no worse off living under the barbarians...the economy had been hollowed out, the populace was unwilling to make sacrifices defending it, and the Roman Empire collapsed.
Acta deos numquam mortalia fallunt
"Because slaves work for nothing, slaving undercuts and destroys independent small businesses."
The prison industrial complex anyone?
This is the rationale for "you will own nothing and be happy"
If we cannot accumulate wealth or pass it on to our descendants we are permanent slaves under the control of those who monopolise wealth and power.
Ya, well. The slaves might work for nothing. But the chicks are free...
Boom! Right on target. "Currency" is essentially 'trade' or control of markets as commodities. Theft is the usual 'trade' policy. It works for as long as the theft is supported by military interests and diplomatic liaison...
"Currency" appears to be the means by which corrupt entities accumulate and consolidate personal wealth and power.
We need money to facilitate effective trade transactions.
Do we?
Why can't we have a share and care society, not a buy and sell society?
The "elites" who rule are predators.
Preying on each other for profit, reinforces the predatory regime of the rich.
We need government for law and order?
Do we?
Doesn't seem to work very well.
Why can't we have self-government?
There are historical precedents.
No precedent is not a legitimate argument for no possibility anyhow.
Just some thoughts.
Ok, ok, I'm going to the bottom of the class!
"Why can't we have a share and care society, not a buy and sell society?"
Because some share and care more than others. ...., or more to the point: Some share and care LESS than others.
Well those who share and care less get less!
Might motivate them to change their values.
Under buy and sell, those who lie, cheat and steal the most, get to be the richest!
How many very rich people have good character and values?
The good ones probably share and care to some degree anyhow.
The uncaring rich endlessly accumulate excessive wealth and power and live in extravagant self-indulgent luxury, inevitably at the expense of others.
The pieces of the pie are limited.
When the greedy are allowed to take more than their fair share, others inevitably get less or even none, suffering and even dying as a result.
Meanwhile the super rich use sophisticated, carefully managed PR campaigns, to hide their criminal greed behind facades of philanthropy.
Theft can also be supported by Stock Exchange...we had a relatively recent example at LME
Hello Bibi. Yes. The basics of the "Stock" exchange can be traced back to "tithing" (old English Tythe) systems of England, in which the *tenth* part of agricultural produce or personal income was set apart as an offering to God or for works of mercy, or the same amount regarded as an obligation or tax for the support of the priesthood. The practice was latter converted to a jurisdictional tax... As most persons know, taxation is glorified theft...
In the earliest times of history the "tithe" was ceded to Inanna, the ancient Mesopotamian goddess of love, war, and fertility. >>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inanna
The original intent of tithe contribution was that produce would be stored as a buffer against drought and cases of famine. Like many other "primitive" social constructs, the idea became perverted by stratification and oligarchy.
“Man joined the eternal abyss - When food became a commodity”
- Paul Vonharnish - January 2, 2020
If taxation is theft, we participate in organised crime by paying.
Now we must pay for food, water, shelter, clothing, land, etcetera etcetera ad infinitum.
Pay WHO exactly?
All monetary systems fake the realities of human sustenance... Here's an astute assessment of the current situation: >>>
“Fake realities will create fake humans. Or, fake humans will generate fake realities and then sell them to other humans, turning them, eventually, into forgeries of themselves. So we wind up with fake humans inventing fake realities and then peddling them to other fake humans.
It is just a very large version of Disneyland. You can have the Pirate Ride or the Lincoln Simulacrum or Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride – you can have all of them, but none is true.” - Philip K. Dick - (December 16, 1928 – March 2, 1982)
I don't usually post YT links, so this is an exception. It does, however, answer your question in great detail.
Understand the reasoning in theory Paul, but what about in practice?
Sadly most average people, do not appear to be really interested in participating in responsible government of any kind.
The nanny state is very appealing to the very lazy.
As long as they have enough to live on and some extra, they may not really care about responsible government at any level.
How do you deal with these people in "direct democracy"?
Many will not be involved enough or do the research, to actually know the status of candidates for leadership, or what the issues really are.
I get angry about the assumption that citizen juries will/can be above reproach.
We have citizen juries now and they are certainly not responsible arbiters of justice.
Jurors often simply do not have the capacity, to be beyond being swayed by false of faulty arguments, or other perception/opinion manipulation techniques.
Some are inevitably morally compromised or corrupt anyhow.
Others can be manipulated or controlled by bribes or threats.
Seems to me that a responsible bodies of capable leaders, judges and jurors, could be more reliable leaders and arbiters of justice.
With an efficient, effective means of promptly removing bad players, via some sort of active citizen oversight, whereby questionable decisions can be immediately questioned and have to be defended adequately for the decision maker to retain their position.
Otherwise we are all tragically flawed, and our governments and courts also.
Juries don't work because they're hamstrung by rules given to them by judges. They're not informed of the concept of jury nullification, by which they're entitled to render their own judgement, based on logic and decency and not some arbitrary 'law' from above. Legal systems everywhere are owned and operated by govts and will always rule in favor of govts and against the people. Here's an intro by a US lawyer who has looked into it https://the-quash.captivate.fm/episode/introduction-to-jury-nullification-why-its-so-critical
Historically the courts go with the government regardless - granted.
Governments own/control/operate the courts - yes and no.
Governments are owned/controlled/operated by big power players behind the scenes.
There big power players are usually morally corrupt and criminally violent.
They make myriads of "laws" to control people and dis-empowering them, by trapping them in endless legal webs,
These big power players (BPPs) operate above the law.
BPPs almost never get convicted of crimes, jailed or exited.
The system is designed to protect BBPs primarily, not others.
Governments and legal systems are not the real problem.
The very bad players behind the scenes are the real problem.
Governments and laws provide cover for these bad players - systemic corruption.
Jury nullification may help to some degree.
But the root problem is moral compromise and corruption period.
Jurors are not all saints.
Nor are all lawyers and judges, although supposedly certified to be clean.
As to politicians, police, military, public servants, medical professionals, academics, scientists, certified experts of numerous kinds, etcetera, moral integrity is not required.
The problem is how to keep bad apples out of the barrel.
The answer is illusive.
Okay, perhaps courts are accountable to the BPPs but the problem is the same. They're supposedly there to administer justice but that's not really what they do, except for enduring the BPPs have their desired result. I really do think that Jury nullification could be the quick and easy answer. As this podcaster says, it wouldn't take many to do this before the system would crash https://the-quash.captivate.fm/episode/introduction-to-jury-nullification-why-its-so-critical
As the podcaster says, anti-system jurors are identified and axed!
If nullification jurors start volunteering, the result is predictable.
Many decisions are being made by magistrates and judges, not juries.
The BPPs will surely intervene if nullification begins to crash the system.
good point. I think he's assuming some can slip through. It wouldn't take many.
The problem with history is that up until about 1500 and the printing press, written history was produced only by powerful states that were the only organization that could assemble the scribes and papyrus manuscripts. Any attempt to write something for posterity resulted in a book burning and any state that assembled its own library, like Alexandria, Egypt, was destroyed by arson. We know more about the future than we do the past.
Let's take the USA. Something like 10 of the first 14 appointed presidents of the colonies were Freemasons. The very first president of the United States, George Washington, was a Freemason, which is a secret society. This is notoriously seen on the American dollar bill where Washington is shown wearing a Freemason apron and he was the head of a Freemason lodge and where a pyramid with an all-seeing eye Masonic symbol is displayed on the reverse side of the dollar bill. But American history has been written that it was founded as a Christian nation despite the Puritans were also a secret Masonic society led by Oliver Cromwell in England.
Arguably, we have been led by a secret society all along, but history was written otherwise that the US was and is a democracy (when it has always been an well disguised oligarchy). America's "manifest destiny" was to genocide the Natives by grabbing their land and water resources, relocating them to arid areas, destroying their access to protein by vastly reducing the Bison population, and stressing them so that a "plague" could be blamed for their depopulation reduction.
Free thinking writers against oligarchs did not exist until Machiavelli in the 1500's who favored a republic and control by the Populare class over the Optimates (Medici oligarchs).
The Greek word for craftsman or stone mason is Ktistes. The figure of Jesus Christ is described in the Christian Greek New Testament as a Ktistes (AKA Kristes) most likely stone mason because there were few wood structures in Galilee and available jobs would have been at Roman outdoor amphitheaters and forts built with local stones. Did the writers of the Gospels (word for a winning war cry) make Ktistes into Krist and was that figure a Freemason? Put differently, did the writers of the Gospels describe The Christ as someone like themselves (Ktistes or Kriste)?
I often tell close friends how, "Roman" the US has become. And I often wonder which "barbarians" whether internal or external, will bring it all to a close....in very slow motion so "freedom" is preserved.
Keep that thought in mind while watching this.
wow. The israhelli govt's first priority is protecting the Jewish people? No, its first prioity is wiping Palestinians off the earth. How do these people say these things?
The whole point is to lie so convincingly that you believe it yourself. Even if nobody else does.
What I reacted to in that clip is: "...., but are we like supposed to wait until the end when everybody else is gone, and they turn out the lights?"
As in when everybody else is DEAD AND GONE.
Think the polio vaccine that was introduced in 1955. In 1985 a cancer epidemic hit the US. In 2021 that cancer epidemic went into overdrive with a myocarditis epidemic and a stroke epidemic on top.
and: "I talked to a great Rabbi, and he said: "Leave when they start killing Jews in the streets.""
Why would people start killing Jews in the streets all of a sudden? is this some sort of subtle admition by the Rabbi of something bad being done?
Let there be no doubt. They want you dead.
They def want us dead. Could be as simple as we're all using too much of the stuff they want. So many time-release kill switches.
Yup. Bread & circuses. Streaming on demand @mcDs.
Interesting. It always comes down to the mind of man and his pride & ego. See "Thinking Orthodox" by Eugenia Constantinou for an excellent explanation in a Christian context. Happy New Year Sasha! Thank you for always reporting the truth. Peace.
I understood the quote to mean pretty much the opposite, that there are cyclical forces in play over which men have no more practical agency collectively than the individual man over the cycles of his own existence.
Hello SteveInFlorida. Pride and ego are primarily narcissistic control tools. The *mark* (as a person) seems to have difficulties perceiving or correcting the play. The majority of the populace seems comfortable with these control mechanisms, yet they continue to complain. It's quite weird, to say the least...