And demon Victoria Nuland gives it’s resignation today. How convenient.

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Confirmed - maybe this link will work:


Good riddance you witch bitch...of harm upon many.

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

For anyone interested - after Sasha's shout-out on the Pentagon video (thank you!)- see this post on U.S-led CBRN Defense Cooperative Program for USA/ UK/ Aus / Canada involving the defense and health departments of member countries - and Medical Countermeasures Consortium. The Biodefense Boondoggle:


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Get out of town!


oh boy...

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Don't worry; she is not going anywhere; when these swamp creatures crawl into the swamp, they have much more work to do that will cause much more damage!

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Unfortunately, you are right. Revolting.

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

The DC clown show including Senator Johnson's "hearings" exposed. Ukraine, Wuhan and God knows where else doing the US gooberment dirty work for them on behalf of the globopsychohomopedo brigade.

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Mar 5Liked by Sasha Latypova


I sent Rand Paul's office documents about Australia's onshore GOF research and never heard back from him. 'Hey look what's happening here...all the stuff you're accusing Fauci of doing!'


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Mar 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

Time to foia their financials.

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He used it for toilet paper!! all politicians are full of shit!! My father said that over 40 years ago!

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He is def in on it. He has a glitch in his narrative.

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Geez, maybe it's because he is not an Australian senator, but a U S.Senator. with oversight responsibilities over Fauci not Australia's version of Fauci glad to clear that up for you. Think man, THINK!!

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Australia also works with the US on GOF laboratory research in the US which was the NHRMC document I sent him. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-gain-of-function-research

And the Australian domestic response to covid was a joint US domestic terrorism operation with the US DOD-Countermeasures Consortium (etc.) via Operation Warp Speed https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/theatre-of-war-australias-covid-response

Anyway, to your original point, the US Senate spent a lot of time crying about 'threat of GOF' in China and I sent them direct evidence of GOF in both Australia and the US and they were not interested. I am personally not 'scared of GOF' but they wanted evidence so I sent it to them.

This is because they know, and they are all involved. Hope I could clarify the situation for you.

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dc has proven itself to be worthless

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Point of Order, Sir Ken, Worse Than Worthless...


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What is worse than worthless - I reckon worthlessness?

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Harmful, a big negative, murderous at home and abroad, racking up debts we can't pay to murder people...

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OK - you say "harmful" is worse than worthlessness - but judging value is subjective whereas "harm" - the harm is evident.

That is why I cant stand those apathetic anymore - they increase the harm upon those of us who sense an agenda that intends to treat us as cattle and kill most of us - I can't stand for that and dc is effed.

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And dangerous.

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Yup. And the citizens of Duckville keep re electing them.

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Citizens of Duckville - let me tell you something you might not want to hear - your votes are worthless - worthlessness - just like dc is.

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Way ahead of you.

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What's our alternative ?!? Seems to me that both wings of the US " Democracy bird " are highly interconnected and co-dependent. Anarchy doesn't appeal when we remember Robespierre.

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At this point looking at death rates, could risking a French Reign of Terror be worse than what we have today?

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Yes, yes it can. Pol Pot & Mao Ze Tung come to mind. Mob rule, to me, means broken plate glass windows, jagged glass everywhere, buildings and cars on fire, extreme violence. And then when the smoke clears the sweat equity workers clean up all the mess, as history repeats itself. And then das boot of Governance, so well funded and equipped, excoriates Robinhoods rabble army every.single.time. The Jan 6 insurrectionists were stomped down mercilessly by US Fed punishment. Brave sacrifice - didn't the German Nazi Reich kill 60 thousand people in France in WW2, as retaliation for their resistance ?

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"... and God knows where else..."

For anyone interested - after Sasha's shout-out on the Pentagon video (thank you!)- see this post on U.S-led CBRN Defense Cooperative Program for USA/ UK/ Aus / Canada involving the defense and health departments of member countries - and Medical Countermeasures Consortium. The Biodefense Boondoggle:


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All theatrics from all these politicians! You notice they blow the most hot air as we get closer to elections! They are all a bunch of criminal low lives and they do not care about the American people!

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Like any vote matters?!

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Never did and never will! It's not the number of votes that count; its who counts the votes!!

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Well said! Truth. 😑

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I thought Sen Johnson was one of the few good guys. Why isn’t that the case?

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deletedMar 5Liked by Sasha Latypova
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You mean like the new "Dept of Agriculture" one doing "animal vaccines" from the relocated remnants of Plum Island of Lyme disease fame? Smack in the middle of the USA's beef industry?

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Nice work. Dr. Malone's front-row position in the medical freedom movement is an abomination. He has not recanted his support for the untested, murderous mRNA platform, has he? The video clips are amazing. Thanks for a straight forward exposition that gets right to the point.

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Eh? Malone nearly lost his life to the modRNA shots! Took him at least 2 years to sort of recover, and a lot of help from his friends and doctors.

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Show us where he has recommended that all mRNA injections be stopped. Big Pharma is ramping up hundreds of new mRNA products and he is mum.

And he never mentioned his adverse reaction on the first Darkhorse podcast, strangely.

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Yes, he did on Darkhorse in June 2021. 2 shots "to travel" and "trusting" his fellow jab makers and got "long covid." Once he realized he's jab injured he said on Darkhorse he got treated by unnamed protocols. I figured by off-label drugs. But he also clearly said on Darkhorse he was being "careful" not to say some things due to not wanting to blow his US gov't insider contacts and I figured also not risk losing a top secret security clearance to be able to continue making $$$ with his biggest clients, an industrialist in India. So... he has his very swank Andalusian horse farm in Virginia... as he continues to rake in the cash while trying to be a Mr. Good Guy. Come 100% clean Mr. M or go down in history like the inventor of chlorine gas, Fritz Haber, whose Nobel for chemical fertilizer won't ever wash out the chemical weapon stains of his reputation.

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Well put. Malone is very careful not to breach his NDAs.

But even more obscene are the two jerks who won the Nobel Prize for making the mRNA even more toxic. I wonder how much a Nobel costs?

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Well, Gore got one for global warming less than 30 years or so years after headlines screamed a Global Ice Cube was imminent. And then, Obama won one for work before he became US president who like so many others he started new wars. Making the jabs more toxic. Give' em Nobels! Funding by the inventor of dynamite and a massive investor in his family's development of the Russian Baku oil fields. He started his peace prize only after an early published obituary mentioned only his explosives work. So... his big prize has been a PR whte-washing show from then start.

The Nobel is now just a government/academia insiders' love-fest club of back-patting, virtue signalling, and rubbing shoulders with Swedish and Norwegian royals while wearing tuxedos and ball gowns for dinners and lectures. Precious few win for true merit.

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RemovedMar 6
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Exactly, that MIC construct POS knows all about the data from all the previously tested mRNA batches that killed all ankmal subjects. He is obviously controlled opposition, like half of the so called freedom doctor's. It's laughable any one with half a brain takes him seriously. No wonder the scamdemic happened. Too many weak, easily propogandized people.

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Yes, Dr Malone reviewed what happened. He needed to travel overseas and asked around about safety concerns. Too early in rollout, was told the shots were ok. His first shot was rough but second shot came from a bad batch!! He said this event caused him to look much harder at what was occurring. Just happened to catch his recount of 2 plus year recovery, which doctor was able to turn symptoms around and a few more details. Please feel free to believe whatever you want. He lost a lot of connections and business associates when he came over to the other side, as did many others who have spoken out.

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RemovedMar 7·edited Mar 7
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Yup, he gave a lot of interviews early on, wrote about some experiences on his substack. Also helped RFK Jr edit The Real Anthony Fauci book (you may want to get a copy and read it), and along the way, RFK did a number on vaxx safety issue, as he always does. Dr Malone did look deeper at the children's shot schedule, said he was shocked. I also thought his communications were strange, turns out he studied Medical Ethics at Harvard Univ for a time, tends to choose language more carefully than most.

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RemovedMar 8
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Mar 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

The world is run by psychopaths - they own us already. Unsure how normal people can respond to a world gone mad other than to maintain their normalcy and enjoy life in the now. All we have is today enjoy it and be kind to your fellow humans cause the world appears to be on a collision course as it is ruled by a world death cult. Live consciously.

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Sadly, this is how I feel, too.

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Mar 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

Nailed it. I never believed the lab story in the first place. They don't care where we think the "scary boogie man virus" came from, as long as we believe it exists. They just need us to believe it exists, regardless of where we think it came from. They don't care if we think it came from Mars, they just need us to believe its real.

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Mar 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

BAN all such labs. Stop fucking around. Every weapon ever created has been used.

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Mar 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

Excellent article that puts a whole lot of reality and propaganda in perspective! Thank you

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Mar 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

Absolutely based article.

Bonus "Senator Obama visits Ukraine bearing gifts": https://archive.li/fFhlQ

U.S. to Aid Ukraine in Countering Bioweapons

August 30, 2005

The United States and Ukraine agreed yesterday to work jointly to prevent the spread of biological weapons, signing a pact that clears the way for Ukraine's government to receive U.S. aid to improve security at facilities where dangerous microbes are kept.

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I speed read Sacha's post. She stated in one paragraph that the U.S funding to Ukraine for Biomedical Research was expressly for creating pro- vaccine & pro US narratives, and NOT for creating dangerous pathogens i.e bioweapons. Then later in her article she states that yes, dangerous U.S backed biolabs exist in Ukraine 🇺🇦 & that " Ukraine is 'owned ' by the U.S. Its a hell of an article with much carefully relayed evidence that I know Pfizer would prefer remain obsfucated.

I just don't feel convinced that Ukrainians share that POV, that they're owned by the US.

I feel for Ukraines. 😢 😭 😿. I feel for humanity in general.

I knew that Covid-19 was engineered and that many Nations helped to stir the hell brew. Not surprisingly, this hasn't won me friends but deadly enemies.

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Your "speed reading" was a failure of reading comprehension.

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I suppose it might've been Sasha, I have failed many times before. I'm being dewed by the very people that you work so hard to reveal, so my brain isn't as sharp as it was.

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Mar 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

Tremendous article; if only I could get 100,000,000 people to read it.

Ok ……maybe a dozen!

I love the portrait. You are very gifted( blessed)


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Mar 5Liked by Sasha Latypova


Dear Creator,

I Am Living On A Planet

Where Mastering The Obvious

Is Aspirational

For Most.

I Revel In Your Sense Of Humor.


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Mar 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

Isn’t it something that, every damned chicken farm and food warehouse magically combusts but none of these gov. Labs ever do?

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Mar 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

You've probably already seen this, but in case you haven't, this author documents worldwide US bioweapons labs going back to the sixties, including several mysterious illnesses near some of these labs, carried by insects that weren't native to the area....which I'm sure is just a coincidence.


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Very interesting. Mosquitos may not be the only bugs engineered to carry various poisons to the population.

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Mar 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

Malone has become so pathological he parrots and submerges his ego in the military "countermeasure" jargon.. ...like he wants to be head honcho at DARPA or something.

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thanks for the shout-out with the Pentagon video Sasha! For anyone interested, check out the “Biodefense Boondoggle” post about the U.S-led CBRN Defense Cooperative Program for US/ UK/ Aus / Canada - involving the defense and health departments of member countries - and Medical Countermeasures Consortium


“Why were they proliferating this “dangerous pathogen” by making many orders of magnitude more of it vs what was in circulation in the US at the time (zero)?“ - SL

Hilarious. Is this why - at the end of the 5 March 2020 press conference - Dr Nelson Michael had to reassure journalists that “this still remains a low risk infection... to the American public... even in the absence of a vaccine.”??


As in: We’re telling you this virus is “Outbreak” BSL-4 to justify making fast-tracked "vaccines for all"... but don’t worry, it’s actually low risk in the event of a "lab leak" - even without the money-making "countermeasures" we’re going to deploy??

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Ha ha!

Yes, there it is in broad daylight…

“this still remains a low risk infection... to the American public... even in the absence of a vaccine.”

There really was no justification for ‘a vaccine solution’…against ‘a low risk infection’…

What a crime has been committed upon the world with this deliberately manufactured crisis!

See: "A low risk infection... even in the absence of a vaccine" So why was there a 'vaccine solution'? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/a-low-risk-infection-even-in-the

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"... deliberately manufactured crisis!"


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Except the Corona virus isn't a low risk infection i.e Long covid syndrome, Blood clots, Joint problems, Memory problems, respitory problems, Brain Fog.

Danish researchers found that the Corona virus vaccines ( I think the NPR report stated) change human mitochondria, the powerhouse of human cells. Neurodegeneration.

The Covid-19 virus constantly mutates, that's how it was made, on purpose. Read Sagan's science fiction book

" Everfree . "

In the book Sagan creates a dystopia post the " Black Ep " plague. Sagan published the book in the early 90's, I think. But the novels themes mirror the Corona virus epidemic and its effects.

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This wuz great! and I say too funny by half if it warn't fer the fact that too many folks got soooo skeered they took them countermeasures like a celery stalk takes up the red dye--

I don't wunder now that these fakeroo labs are jus' set up as money launderin' facile-itties from the git-go. Think of low-wage employ-ease in scrub suits, doin' tik-tok viddeoys an' knockin' back the mai-tais while collectin' that "celery"--an' not seein' MOST of the $$$$ that goes inta the place cuz that goes ta folks like The Big Man an' the Comic who kin play the Mighty Wurlitzer with his Whangdoodle

Meantimes, I had a chuckle takin' actual verbiage word salad from that press "conference" --first I've read it but whut a shishkaboob ta skewer!

"Imagine the LIES we could protect and save working together" -General Talley (a little tweaked)

"and preserve the readiness and lethality of our DoD's service members" -- (that's an exact quote: yup, let's keep these service members READY and LETHAL (I guess that means force-injectin' us normies?)

"Yes, test tubes, pipettes, they're dealing with mice,..." -- I "dealt with mice" usin' some bacon, peanut butter, an' a "this way to the Egress" sign! DEALING WITH, velly psy-in-tiffick

"so you really need those kinds of robust tests that require very, very little skill. I could probably teach my cat to use one" -- oooh mebbe that kitty could also help "dealin' " with them mice?!!!

"There are lots of people now that have gotten pretty sophisticated by trying to model infectious disease outbreaks." -- indeedy an' they'ze in Hollywood! Rene Russo (one've the Outbreak stars) was a model, stunnin' on the runway 'fore she got her (out)break actin'! She modeled that infections Outbreak beautifully (in heels too!)

"So I would just say that we're beginning to set ourselves up with really good modeling groups" -- Elite wuz a good agency...Wilhelmina, Ford... all "top drawer" AGENCIES

"the science can go very quickly, but you AT FIRST don't want to do harm, right? "

--so ya ease inta the harm, gradual-like; first just a couple weeks've lockdowns, then maskin' fer the greater good, an' then BAM!--"shoot 'em up!" when they're already blinkin' in the headlights (Science "goes" quickly!--yup, 'fore it disappears entirely!)

"Are you two focusing on the spoke of the virus?"

nope, I'm lookin' at the Wheels on the Bus (they go Round an' Round! all around the town!)

"... we're not going to be doing a lot of hugging and kissing." ('cept at the office! ssssshhhh!)

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Omg this is absolutely hilarious!!!

Rene Russo in heels. The Wheels on the Bus. Toooo funny. Please turn this comment into a stack!

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I DID (an' thank ye kindly fer suggestin' it!) Take a gander here:


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Just re-read the comment here... still laughing.

"--so ya ease inta the harm, gradual-like..."

Going to save up your post to enjoy as a treat a few hours from now!!

PS. Make sure you reply directly to Sasha somewhere here in the comments... so she sees the link!!

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5Liked by Sasha Latypova

On twitterX today, Victoria Neuland, foreign affairs war hawk, is stepping down, according to sec of state Blinken. Easy to find the notice. add'l: here's a link to 1 of 5 parts, outlining some history behind her actions in Ukraine: https://x.com/KanekoaTheGreat/status/1765092971001848154?s=20

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