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I would like to warn people to watch out for those who are pushing the nanotech angle in order to sell some treatment. Without being too specific, I saw a substack author who was pushing the idea that unvaxxed are contaminated with nanotech via shedding and then not too subtly linking it to a personalized treatment that you can only get by contacting them. Maybe it is a wonderful treatment but that is a sleazy way to sell it in my opinion.

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Sasha, I don't recall you mentioning "shedding". If you have discussed it in one of your articles could you please point me to it? If not, thoughts? I've generally thought it sounds unlikely, but I admit, I get a little nervous at times dealing with vaxxed patients... Fear truly is the real virus.

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A Scottish study looked at health care workers with children and with out. Children were protective to health care workers as their rates of covid were lower then those with out. I logically think that some shedding of something beneficial was happening. https://adc.bmj.com/content/106/12/1212 It would be interested to see if the same holds true now if you are jabbed.

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I’m more concerned about shedding from vaccine

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Not sure what a jabbed person sheds. There are many anecdotal stories of people who didn't get the jab then experiencing some sort of pain , discomfort etc.., I can add my own. Less then 24 hours after getting the 1st Pfizer jab my 21 yr old son, felt he needed it to go to Germany, girlfriend. Anyway his mother was cutting his hair and less then two hours after that we were going to CHD's meeting in Chicago. On the way she was describing leg and intestinal pain like shooting down her legs. The hair is probably not containing Spike i mean it doesn't grow that fast but i think the oils and sweat in his hair probably contained something. the neuropathy continued the rest of the night and for several weeks after. Not every moment but definitly was there as a reminder on and off acutely.

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How can you "shed vaccine ?" (Just asking.)

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The human body will naturally try to rid itself of junk that can cause illnesses. Those are the symptoms we experience at various times. The northern hemisphere has entered the autumnal equinox today so fewer hours of daylight, sunshine and cooler temperatures will push us indoor and closer together (we are less likely to exercise also). There are also holidays where we will often over eat and not properly take care of ourselves which will cause our bodies to try to rid itself of crap. I suppose the "shedding" of a vaccine is somewhat similar.

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Well, I do not know about you, but I do the "shedding" you describe in the toilet, check what I produced (I am European) and then I flush. I appreciate you answering ! But your response does not tell me what vaccinated people are "shedding" according to many people here. Maybe one of them can tell me ?

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PF-07302048 (BNT162 RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines)

Protocol C4591001


An EDP occurs if:

• A female participant is found to be pregnant while receiving or after discontinuing study intervention.

• A male participant who is receiving or has discontinued study intervention exposes a female partner prior to or around the time of conception.

• A female is found to be pregnant while being exposed or having been exposed to study intervention due to environmental exposure. Below are examples of environmental exposure during pregnancy:

• A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact.

• A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception.

The investigator must report EDP to Pfizer Safety within 24 hours of the investigator’s awareness, irrespective of whether an SAE has occurred. The initial information submitted should include the anticipated date of delivery (see below for information related to termination of pregnancy).

• If EDP occurs in a participant or a participant’s partner, the investigator must report this information to Pfizer Safety on the Vaccine SAE Report Form and an EDP Supplemental Form, regardless of whether an SAE has occurred. Details of the pregnancy will be collected after the start of study intervention and until 6 months after the last dose of study intervention.

• If EDP occurs in the setting of environmental exposure, the investigator must report information to Pfizer Safety using the Vaccine SAE Report Form and EDP Supplemental Form. Since the exposure information does not pertain to the participant enrolled in the study, the information is not recorded on a CRF; however, a copy of the completed Vaccine SAE Report Form is maintained in the investigator site file.

Follow-up is conducted to obtain general information on the pregnancy and its outcome for all EDP reports with an unknown outcome. The investigator will follow the pregnancy until completion (or until pregnancy termination) and notify Pfizer Safety of the outcome as a follow-up to the initial EDP Supplemental Form. In the case of a live birth, the structural integrity of the neonate can be assessed at the time of birth. In the event of a termination, the reason(s) for termination should be specified and, if clinically possible, the structural integrity of the terminated fetus should be assessed by gross visual inspection (unless preprocedure test findings are conclusive for a congenital anomaly and the findings are reported).

Abnormal pregnancy outcomes are considered SAEs. If the outcome of the pregnancy meets the criteria for an SAE (ie, ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, intrauterine fetal demise, neonatal death, or congenital anomaly), the investigator should follow the procedures for reporting SAEs. Additional information about pregnancy outcomes that are reported to Pfizer Safety as SAEs follows:

• Spontaneous abortion including miscarriage and missed abortion;

• Neonatal deaths that occur within 1 month of birth should be reported, without regard to causality, as SAEs. In addition, infant deaths after 1 month should be reported as SAEs when the investigator assesses the infant death as related or possibly related to exposure to the study intervention.

Additional information regarding the EDP may be requested by the sponsor. Further follow-up of birth outcomes will be handled on a case-by-case basis (eg, follow-up on preterm infants to identify developmental delays). In the case of paternal exposure, the investigator will provide the participant with the Pregnant Partner Release of Information Form to deliver to his partner. The investigator must document in the source documents that the participant was given the Pregnant Partner Release of Information Form to provide to his partner."

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This is the protocol for a randomized study into the effectiveness and possible side effects of Covid-vaccinations (manufactured by Pfizer) as well as finding the optimal dose, in healthy individuals who volunteered for the study. It indicates what to do in case a volunteer or his/her partner becomes pregnant. It seems this is a general protocol used for monitoring healthy volunteers participating in studies. It is unclear to me what you think this protocol proves.

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You asked a question: "But your response does not tell me what vaccinated people are "shedding" according to many people here. Maybe one of them can tell me?" I tried to answer it)

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Everything is very clear. A male study participant who received the "test substance" then had a relationship with a woman who was not involved in the experiment, after which the woman who received the study substance through breath and skin contact became pregnant. The person who receives the test substance passes it on to all people who come into contact with him. And so on. I only considered one transfer option. Simply, such transfer of the test substance is considered from the point of view of its effect on pregnancy. Please re-read this paragraph carefully, and everything will become clear to you.

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This point of the protocol clearly shows that people participating in the study transmit the “study intervention” through their inhalation or skin contact, and what happens to the pregnancy and fetus after this in women who received this study substance, from the environment and through the skin contact. What's not clear here?

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That article is about a study that measured IgG (''immunoglobulin G"), a so-called antibody. What does this prove? Stefano Scoglio says he has read all the papers claiming.distribution of spike protein in the body. None looked for, none found any "spike protein". All used so-called antibody tests. Antibody tests are not specific as claimed. Stefano Scoglio says they are fraudulent.

Go to theperthgroup.com and look for their papers soundly dismantling the antibody test for "HIV", for example.

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Thank you

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Hello zuFpM5*M: You're right. The nano-technology angle is being worked to death by persons who have no clue regarding practical electronic circuitry. This alleged self-assembly of circuits is science fiction at best, and programs the unwary toward another alleged "remedy" for something that doesn't even exist.

Exactly the same false modality utilized by those they profess as criminals...

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I've had Morgellons/CDB disease for fifteen years and I know there is electrical connection between the organisms/materials. The connections don't seem to be utilizing my natural nervous system, so I see where there is thought toward self-assembly of the circuits. How is it accomplished? Idk and seemingly no ones else does either.

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A lot of snake oil salespeople popping up

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grifters gonna grift

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And find out the treatment is snake oil. Just my personal observation but the unvaxxed are still healthier than the vaxxed. Just take supplements that have documented research destroying spike protein. I believe Natto, black cumin seed oil and those other things. I wonder what the unvaxxed blood of those who take detox supplements look like under dark field ?

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I don’t take any of that. Lol. & I’m fine. So are the other unvaccinated people I know who haven’t started taking that stuff.

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After I had Covid 2 years ago I lost my sense of smell. Then working as a nurse put me around the vaxxed shedders. I’ve since quit working. But, I can’t live in a bubble. The supplements are working well to help me get my sense of smell back.

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I take it because I live in a house with a vxxed person and have visitors also who took the genetic therapy shots.

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Me 2 .... but hopefully, like Chicken Soup.. it can’t hurt ya 😊🙏. .. I take lots of vitamins. .. just not those .. I know shedding is a real phenomena but I’m not sure the damage is what some are stating 🤷‍♀️. Good luck 👍

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So far 🙏🙏🙏

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Most of what I have seen of 'contaminated' unvaccinated blood is people freaking out over badly prepared slides and poor histology and them trying to convince me that is not the case. I am then not allowed to have an opinion on their beautiful new religion.

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Yes I'm concerned that nanotechnology is getting conflated with "nanopathology", same, same but different.🤦‍♀️

While i know we are nowhere near the technology required for IoB, I do know that like most R&D in any field, but particularly medicine and computing, what consumers know of is at least 15years behind the actual R&D, which is traditionally a further 15years ahead. So where the tech is in 30 years? Well that's any body's guess, but there's plenty of futurist think tanks out there, making bets and helping to "nudge" it in the favourites direction😉 Personally, IoB is less about the tech to "mind control", but more about surveillance. 😉

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Well...you can't actually prove from a distance the slides were badly prepared, etc., so everybody has their own pov at this point. When people are conducting experiments under their own conditions in a variety of ways, the results will be confusing. I'm not trying to be insulting, but your insights from afar about their experiments aren't inherently superior. They are just yours.

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The people engaging in these activities are not fully disclosing their methods and a trained person of many decades can see the issues and tells straight away. Avoiding the vaccine does not make someone an expert in everything.

This is not a 'pov.' It's pretty basic science, which these people are not engaging in. If it cannot be reproduced, there are no mechanisms or is 'confusing' that is a pretty big tell as to what you are seeing. Basically, bullshit to get clicks and sell products and whip desperate people into a frenzy of confirmation bias.

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As I said, that's your pov.

"Basically, bullshit to get clicks and sell products and whip desperate people into a frenzy of confirmation bias."

Your opinion. Or pov. Or belief.

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Well, I got some information of the "shedding" (self-spread vaccines), from a document published by the John Hopkins University from some event they organize previously at Even 201, I think in 2018 or before....Kathrin Watt put this document link in a hudge list of links in her Bailiwick News a time ago: https://web.archive.org/web/20230419200632/https://jhsphcenterforhealthsecurity.s3.amazonaws.com/181009-gcbr-tech-report.pdf

Page 47

And really I don´t know if to propose a paleative whom a lot of certified practitioners and medics can do, and you just are too, it could be read as trying to sell a cure. Time will tell us, for sure.

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