I wonder when the rest of the people under "hypnosis" - whatever I should call it - will finally awake. It's unbelievable to still meet people in real life who believe everything about the current narrative about climate change and the jabs. In some cases a tragic event can indeed wake them up. A friend of mine lost his dad due to cardia…
I wonder when the rest of the people under "hypnosis" - whatever I should call it - will finally awake. It's unbelievable to still meet people in real life who believe everything about the current narrative about climate change and the jabs. In some cases a tragic event can indeed wake them up. A friend of mine lost his dad due to cardiac arrest shortly after the jab and this immediately changed his mind. He started doing his own research and found out about Dr. John D., Dr. McCullough, Dr. Steve Kory etc. Now he lives with regret every day, because 1. he didn't listen to his unjabbed brother and 2. he encouraged everyone in the family to get the shot.
I’ve been thinking that my family is somehow mind controlled.. by words and the media. I just can’t understand why people will not read what I send them. I don’t think I would have ever done this if a family member sent me a warning about a medical anything.
They see increased death and disease but don’t associate it to anything. It’s because we are getting older. I fear it might take something horrible and totally obvious like what you just described to wake them up.
The younger generation was never taught to THINK. They memorize and regurgitate. Critical thinking is discouraged. Frankly, I think it's all part of the plan.
You went to the library. How much books that the library have, next to the encyclopedia ? When I google I have access to thousands and thousands of websites, pages of information. I go beyond Wikipedia. Annoying is, that so much is beyond pay-walls or restricted by the publisher. Understandable but why not available for say 0.25 cents page or a buck. (Some research papers cost $ 50 and upward.) I always assume information has a bias. "Correct" information is relative to time/pace of publication. Furthermore many young people do not get their info from Googling, but from watching TikTok, Instagram, etc.
Every new development has been met with suspicion by the previous generation. What is needed is to teach children the fundamentals of the new technology. And that includes who profits from it. But, what have we, the current generation, done to protect the kids ? Have we succeeded in Facebook, X/Twitter, etc. legislated into what they are ? They are utilities and should as such be under regulations like all other companies delivering us a needed good/service (power, water, etc.)
:) University work with a computer was useful, but school was all hand-written. My dad used to say my letter-writing hand was more illegible than a doctors prescription (the beast), my children think it's magic it even truly says something. They wouldn't be able to read my great-aunt's writing at all.
My daughter is being taught to write her new language in block capitals. She's Generation Alpha. I hope it's just the age group! If she keeps it up script will possibly die with her generation.
But then again... one can't spell cursive handwriting without curse... maybe it's slowly being lifted. Fingers crossed...
I think you are absolutely on to something there, thank you. You've reminded me of that straw-man thing I looked in to once in law - had totally forgotten.
I grew up in W.-Europe in the 50ies. I always found it interesting to see how my mother - and my grandmother - wrote: cursive. I was taught to write in attached block letters. So I was very amazed to see how USers in 2000 were still writing like my mom !
Eh, for those of us that never got the hang of truly legible cursive and had difficulties writing by hand period, computers really improved my ability to communicate in writing.
But it wasn’t all dire…my issue made me better at doing math in my head to avoid excessive writing LOL
Even among the Arab Culture to this day; many are illiterate and have developed skills with memory far surpassing other, more developed cultures in the world. Arabic wasn't easily reproduced with automated presses for Mass Production and many never learned to read or write even when they had a Q'uran and Hadith on the Shelf.
Writing isn't necessary; but it sure is convenient for long-term storage of info...And, who knows what can survive electronically.
Will even materials as 'The Dead Sea Scrolls' survive even so long?
Hieroglyphs remain for thousands of years; but are not exactly convenient.
Have noticed MOST young people to lack the ability to perform basic math skills in the mind. Can't even make change in check-out lanes without an electronic machine...
You do have points exactly as the person advocating for 'Block Letters' had a point. It's wise for kids to have the skills across many options to train towards basic usage. After they are aware of the choices; they can choose whatever works at a personal level exactly as we have and do.
I'm writing here and now using electronics; but can also write cursively, block, calligraphy. All are viable. Can also sew, play piano and other instruments, knit, leatherwork...Weave...There's so much we do requiring 'Fine Motor Skills', patience, expertise.
In daily life one writes not to produce "art" but to communicate. The clearer the writing - in every regard - the better. Either in cursive or in attached block letters. There are many (other) ways to develop the young brain and achieve fine motor skills. Regarding classical music, I agree with you. Also, in NW Europe all kids have to go to school, no home schooling.
Of course there are many ways to promote 'Brain Development'. Sewing of all kinds, drawing and painting, Piano, guitar, violin or any kind of string/keyboard Instrument. Cursive writing is also used as you point-out DAILY for communication requiring patience and fine motor skills to produce where 'Block Letters' do NOT require any self-discipline or patience.
In this 'Fast Food-Gotta Have Everything Yesterday' World, Cursive Writing develop many skills and areas of the human soul which is also about emotions, not generally valued in this time which SHOULD be.
Please sir, do not insult me. I have led a long life writing only attached block-letters, very readable. I have patience and self-discipline, as my parents installed that in me, especially my mother. P.S. I should have used the translator: the official name is "running block script".
And, may wish to reevaluate your discernment in the greeting.
We don't ascribe in any way to the current confusion and delusions surrounding Sex/Gender Identities. Will always identify as the sex God assigned and identified at birth.
Banning home school strikes me as literally 1984…especially when schools are brainwashing kids into thinking the world will end when they’re young adults, that they and everyone they love are racist, and the proper response to taking longer to adapt to puberty is solved by drugging and eventual mutilation.
I find people won't read anything from people or platforms that have been "discredited" They first look the author up on Wikipedia (and we all know what smear campaigns were done on that platform), and any video not on YouTube is considered "crazy right wing."
Or people keep telling me “You must be MISINFORMED” 🤯
.. I was trying to tell a woman that all Democrats voted against banning hormonal/ genital mutilation in minors ... and that schools can transition your child without parental notification ... I hate that WORD
Yes mind control is what Yuri Bezmenov's demoralisation was about, folks no longer trust their own instincts and wisdom. He also said they will not wake up until the boot of the oppressor is "crushing their ba**s".
As Sasha said, "but there is always a way out by becoming aware and re-taking the control." It's true, and development of awareness can often be unpleasant... like losing ones ba**s to a hob-nailed boot...
As for rabbit holes; it's one thing to realise something fishy's going on, but another to blindly accept the nutty stuff slickly pre-packaged and presented instead of doing the hard work involved with proper research. Alien spaceships looked like the technology of the 60's back in the 60's- same as the 70's resembled tech. of the 70's and so on with the 80's and 90's. Now I expect spaceships will look like the most super-dooper-high-tech wizardry anyone has ever seen... on Star Wars etc., because that is where our terrestrial tech. is at; CGI. Words are the same sort of wizardry.
Not only will they not read anything - it's as if nothing serious can hold these people's interest, at all. They are literally incapable of an appropriate reaction to what's happening in the world. They're content to post pictures of their lunch on fb. They're vexed, nothing else explains it.
2 very important phrases you mention "getting older" and "fear" and that is it in the nutshell. Behavior driven by fear (FOMO, Fear of DEATH, Fear of Not being Socially approved, Fear of x,y,z) combine that with.. the situation - now you have bought the farm, you have to live on it, in it and with it, so changing your mind will make you look stupid (FEAR again!) and so you double down. You aren't stupid (FEAR of looking bad), you are just waaaay tooo controlled by wanting to fit into the 'herd and mainstream' and be accepted. This is social compliance which the asleep at the switch have in spades. The free thinkers, the independent thinkers are not, DO NOT care about what others think of them....thus the FEAR and Compliance/Social Acceptance factor doesn't drive the behaviors. Therefore it is easier for them to avoid the delusional trap.
It's not easy for you, me or anyone to escape the delusional trap since it's all a delusional trap. There are many kinds of factors that drive many kinds of people. No one is immune. To believe oneself to be immune from delusion is to be trapped within that delusion. It's only a matter of taste.
Easier. Not EASY. Easier. I yes, we AVOIDED a delusional trap BECAUSE our thought processes do NOT depend on FOMO. They do not depend on "following the science as handed to us by talking heads"....they depend on us, looking at both sides and thinking critically. Do I want to be a lab rat and take an experimental gene altering therapy (NOT VACCINE) for a disease I might never get, and if I do, I am likely to survive? Yes, that is Independent thought. Think what you want, I do believe thou dost protest too much! Did you take the jabs? Were you one of the conned, deluded? Do you strive to virtue signal constantly? Obsessed with being 'compliant'... and "good little citizen"?
I'm not injected. Just like the virtue signalling, compliantly obsessed, good little citizens you disparage that would not listen to a pov other than the one they adhered to, you need to denigrate anyone who expresses something that challenges your particular pov. You are caught up in your own flavor of delusion just as others are.
Did a significant majority who were injected do so to keep their jobs, food in children's mouths, etc., and weight that choice? Yes. That also is independent thought.
I quit my job because of the illegal 'jab' mandate. I would have lost it if I didn't ... so you can't ding me there. In point of fact my standard of living changed drastically, I had to leave and move to Florida to escape the madness of the many around me who had lost their ever loving minds. I gave up friends and a well paying job. That's independent thought for you. The others who 'had independent thought and took the jabs'? Coerced pressured rushed and even black mailed, by your money or your lifestyle.. into complying and then brain washed to defend their 'choice' and to make those speaking out and choosing NOT to be vaxxed -- the vaunted un-vaxxed -- into the 'enemy' because they made these vaxxed idiots look exactly like what they are SLAVES TO THE STATE. The existence of the non vaxxed forced them into thinking and maybe having regrets as and their jabbed children and loved ones experienced bad side effects up to and including DEATH. They jabbed, didn't want any bad news, reminders or regrets EVEN as the evils of the jabs attacked their health and well being. I do not forget they enthusiastically wanted me in a camp, socially destroyed and isolated, my civil rights gone, a thought criminal, unemployed, financially ruined, non existent, a non person - an orgy of hate and resentment. I do not forget they cancelled church but allowed alcohol and tobacco shops to be open... I do not forget. I do not forget them the jabbed who agreed with these polices, not letting people in to see dying loved ones being murdered in hospitals on ventilators without abx or the IVM even being allowed!! I do not forget these 'jabbed' because they had 'no choice'. Or forgive them the happily jabbed, the weak and fearful ones who say 'I suffered no ill effects'. Really? No ill effects uh. Life as usual. Except. They gave up their bodily autonomy. What does a SLAVE not have? Bodily autonomy. Your "Owner" can do exactly as he / she wants to you. That's some 'independent thinking" there. No the ones who choose the jabs, choose poorly are compliant fools and are now going to reap, as each year passes their reward in suffering personal and otherwise. These compliant SLAVE people (oh, sorry, independent thinkers!) have condemned the rest of the world, humanity through blind fear of death or loss of status. What is money? What is social standing? In the face of the eradication of humanity, our God given rights of freedom of body and though and soul? They had a choice, information was leaking out, they could have stopped looked listened but they did not. They grew angry you made them think challenged their cozy certainty. They let fear choose for them. If they went much further down that path.. death and a genocide of the non vaxed was certainly on the books. I give you Austria, Australia, New Zealand and many US states such as NY as an example of that. In fact, we may be having a second go round with Marburg or Ebola on the cards for the 'next' pandemic. Billy Gates and Co. are screeching about and it might occur to foul up an election that will be 'stolen' again. They can't risk anything else, as if they get off the tiger they are illegally riding it will most certainly devour them. And there may very well BE camps at that next go round point by the way. I'm not too far off base because scads of people think the same and are even saying it. I think they call them Preppers. A group growing by leaps and bounds. People who watch which way the winds are blowing as it were.
I lost my job for refusing the injection and speaking out at work over and over and being systemically coerced and punished for speaking out. I didn't accomplish much I know of other than preventing the pressure on my pregnant co-workers to be injected.
I have a negative job report on my record for insubordination. I live in poverty now.
You keep insisting you know who I am and assuming all manner of things about me. Which, again, tells me how attached you are to your own ideas which I'm challenging may not even be your own, but the ones your mind "resonates" with which were manufactured for you just as compliance was manufactured for others.
I am saying none of us is immune to mind control. If you believe you are, you are bound to be trapped in a paradigm of false "clarity", much like the False Light warned of as a pitfall of pride for thousands of years. This is nothing new.
Well I have to leave at this: I firmly believe that I've never been mind controlled and that to do so would be.. let's say difficult? This is for many reasons not the least of which is my preferred method of decision making... getting all the facts in hand and then making a decision. Particularly when that decision comes with a life or death, or highly non desired outcomes. Kudos to you to decide to take the rap. If MORE had been like you, they would not have been able to get away with it as easily as they have. Unfortunately, most were NOT brave like you, and/or SMART like you. While you live, you have hope. While you have hope and still draw breath, you may be able to effect some positive actions. That is not something those fully boosted and jabbed can say.
Oh easy peasy the Church/Iluminati/Khazarians/Bankers/elite/cabal/MIC aka Synagogue of Satan...(made up of many other groups of course, but roughly all *allied to the same purpose, destruction and total control of Mankind*)
Sadly, with about 24+% of humans being essentially and quite irretrievably narcissistic, it is probably wasteful of precious mental energy to expect a correction.
Indeed, it boggles the mind what holds as true. Its biblical in scale( and biblical in prophesy).
Our time on this green earth is an illusion of the greater reality; a test? A world of unmet and unfounded false expectation? Many far wiser than i have spoken b4 us. And correct or not, it turns out that living as if the world is illusory creates the greatest conditions for a meaningful life. It isn’t really “happiness” we seek. It’s meaning, and all that it entails. Including peace.
So we hold fast to the truth of that, and tolerate less insanity as we age.
God bless those who, without advanced degrees in health and science, detected and called out the lies of the last 3 years. And so many decades before.
I watched a webinar recently where a lady recalled a brother and sister who lived in East Germany and, after the war, were the lucky recipients of communism. She had a book store and he, a farm. They each retained their store and farm because they knew who they were and they understood how communism/ government worked. The 'authorities' tried very hard to break their resolve, but neither capitulated and carried on living as they had done previously. We all need to take a lesson from these sorts of examples. If the rest want to go with the herd, we don't all have to.
In 1891, Jonathan Norcross documented in the Library of Congress that at least 1/3 of humanity are anarchists who will injure others for their own selfish desires if there were no laws against it.
I don't agree that anarchists are selfish. Anarchy literally means 'without rulers'. They are people who simply want to be left alone. They are not necessarily immoral or unethical.
That's pretty much true for all systems. It's only a matter of how it's ruined. I for one would not like amoral lawless anarchists on my streets and having no 911 to call.
"To state these facts more in detail, more than one-third of the population of the most orderly community are opposed in heart if not in practice, to all restrictions upon their passions (...)" Yep, people do not like to be told what to do. Some restrictions to the 2nd Amendment ? Forget it, that is political suicide. Also, ever been to a meeting of a H.O.A. ? The number "one third" does not even cover it.
Still waiting for the names of those who saw what others missed. Like to read up on them / their writings.
The problem I have with restrictions on the 2nd amendment is that the sky bastards filling our skies full of chemicals ... geoengineers... can only be caught with something like F-16.
There is no way to stop them from geoengineering the planet... i.e. block the sun to kill life on Earth. They control the world with god's power.
As you can see, people are so idiotic they are unable to separate geoengineering FACT from a nonsensical movie script... There is Zero hope for these types of individuals.
2030. And we are behind schedule. They need something big. Hence the EBS roll out with national test. What *uckery comes this way, ho? Not going to lie. War by 2024, another 'disease'.. deprivation... cesium poisoning.. hell on earth being unleashed. Father, come quickly or there will be none left alive.
I wish it was a movie. The Weather Modification Act of 1976 was signed by our unelected President Gerald Ford whose VP was Nelson Rockefeller. The weather is fully controlled now.
And that is why so many parts of the country are parched, desperately in need of water to grow their crops. And hurricanes keep getting stronger and more devastating. Not to mention the stronger winds and the more extremely hot days. Does not feel "controlled" to me.
I think "weather modification" was seeding clouds in order to have them form drops and thus rain. I think they stopped doing it as it did not really give more results then praying, or burning a few elderly women.
The hypnosis seems quite widespread. I have extended family members who are so afraid of a counter-narrative they will reply back to an email and say, "Oh, we don't watch ANY Rumble videos; read any Substack authors; read any Epoch Times articles"; or..."Peter McCullough, wasn't he thrown out of Baylor for...?"
I tried, tried and tried more to talk my mom out of getting jabbed. She got jabbed and lupus nearly immediately accelerated to the point where it’s pretty well wrecked her life.
In spite of her being difficult and sometimes maddening, I feel like if I was better, this could have been avoided.
I wonder when the rest of the people under "hypnosis" - whatever I should call it - will finally awake. It's unbelievable to still meet people in real life who believe everything about the current narrative about climate change and the jabs. In some cases a tragic event can indeed wake them up. A friend of mine lost his dad due to cardiac arrest shortly after the jab and this immediately changed his mind. He started doing his own research and found out about Dr. John D., Dr. McCullough, Dr. Steve Kory etc. Now he lives with regret every day, because 1. he didn't listen to his unjabbed brother and 2. he encouraged everyone in the family to get the shot.
I’m sorry for his troubles but glad he can still think & has a conscience.
Do you have a conscience Sasha, or is your mind controlled
I’ve been thinking that my family is somehow mind controlled.. by words and the media. I just can’t understand why people will not read what I send them. I don’t think I would have ever done this if a family member sent me a warning about a medical anything.
They see increased death and disease but don’t associate it to anything. It’s because we are getting older. I fear it might take something horrible and totally obvious like what you just described to wake them up.
The younger generations were never taught how to perform research.
When we had to go to the library to find the information we needed, it took time and effort to find the correct information.
They just "Google" it. "G" is still in control of the information.
The younger generation was never taught to THINK. They memorize and regurgitate. Critical thinking is discouraged. Frankly, I think it's all part of the plan.
You went to the library. How much books that the library have, next to the encyclopedia ? When I google I have access to thousands and thousands of websites, pages of information. I go beyond Wikipedia. Annoying is, that so much is beyond pay-walls or restricted by the publisher. Understandable but why not available for say 0.25 cents page or a buck. (Some research papers cost $ 50 and upward.) I always assume information has a bias. "Correct" information is relative to time/pace of publication. Furthermore many young people do not get their info from Googling, but from watching TikTok, Instagram, etc.
Every new development has been met with suspicion by the previous generation. What is needed is to teach children the fundamentals of the new technology. And that includes who profits from it. But, what have we, the current generation, done to protect the kids ? Have we succeeded in Facebook, X/Twitter, etc. legislated into what they are ? They are utilities and should as such be under regulations like all other companies delivering us a needed good/service (power, water, etc.)
:) University work with a computer was useful, but school was all hand-written. My dad used to say my letter-writing hand was more illegible than a doctors prescription (the beast), my children think it's magic it even truly says something. They wouldn't be able to read my great-aunt's writing at all.
My daughter is being taught to write her new language in block capitals. She's Generation Alpha. I hope it's just the age group! If she keeps it up script will possibly die with her generation.
But then again... one can't spell cursive handwriting without curse... maybe it's slowly being lifted. Fingers crossed...
Are you aware that writing in all caps is not English at all? It is called Dog-Latin. Maybe there is method in her school's madness.
I think you are absolutely on to something there, thank you. You've reminded me of that straw-man thing I looked in to once in law - had totally forgotten.
I grew up in W.-Europe in the 50ies. I always found it interesting to see how my mother - and my grandmother - wrote: cursive. I was taught to write in attached block letters. So I was very amazed to see how USers in 2000 were still writing like my mom !
In our Home School Co-Op, all write in cursive...
It may be a lost art form; but it won't be lost among our young.
Believe it or not; it helps the brain to develop fine motor skills
better than 'block letter' as Classical Music develops 'Pattern/Math' areas of the Human Brian better than Rock/Pop/Country, etc.
Eh, for those of us that never got the hang of truly legible cursive and had difficulties writing by hand period, computers really improved my ability to communicate in writing.
But it wasn’t all dire…my issue made me better at doing math in my head to avoid excessive writing LOL
Even among the Arab Culture to this day; many are illiterate and have developed skills with memory far surpassing other, more developed cultures in the world. Arabic wasn't easily reproduced with automated presses for Mass Production and many never learned to read or write even when they had a Q'uran and Hadith on the Shelf.
Writing isn't necessary; but it sure is convenient for long-term storage of info...And, who knows what can survive electronically.
Will even materials as 'The Dead Sea Scrolls' survive even so long?
Hieroglyphs remain for thousands of years; but are not exactly convenient.
Have noticed MOST young people to lack the ability to perform basic math skills in the mind. Can't even make change in check-out lanes without an electronic machine...
You do have points exactly as the person advocating for 'Block Letters' had a point. It's wise for kids to have the skills across many options to train towards basic usage. After they are aware of the choices; they can choose whatever works at a personal level exactly as we have and do.
I'm writing here and now using electronics; but can also write cursively, block, calligraphy. All are viable. Can also sew, play piano and other instruments, knit, leatherwork...Weave...There's so much we do requiring 'Fine Motor Skills', patience, expertise.
In daily life one writes not to produce "art" but to communicate. The clearer the writing - in every regard - the better. Either in cursive or in attached block letters. There are many (other) ways to develop the young brain and achieve fine motor skills. Regarding classical music, I agree with you. Also, in NW Europe all kids have to go to school, no home schooling.
Of course there are many ways to promote 'Brain Development'. Sewing of all kinds, drawing and painting, Piano, guitar, violin or any kind of string/keyboard Instrument. Cursive writing is also used as you point-out DAILY for communication requiring patience and fine motor skills to produce where 'Block Letters' do NOT require any self-discipline or patience.
In this 'Fast Food-Gotta Have Everything Yesterday' World, Cursive Writing develop many skills and areas of the human soul which is also about emotions, not generally valued in this time which SHOULD be.
Please sir, do not insult me. I have led a long life writing only attached block-letters, very readable. I have patience and self-discipline, as my parents installed that in me, especially my mother. P.S. I should have used the translator: the official name is "running block script".
Whatever! We're all allowed our own choices, huh?
And, may wish to reevaluate your discernment in the greeting.
We don't ascribe in any way to the current confusion and delusions surrounding Sex/Gender Identities. Will always identify as the sex God assigned and identified at birth.
Banning home school strikes me as literally 1984…especially when schools are brainwashing kids into thinking the world will end when they’re young adults, that they and everyone they love are racist, and the proper response to taking longer to adapt to puberty is solved by drugging and eventual mutilation.
European schools are different from US schools.
If they’re that great, they shouldn’t mind the competition from homeschoolers 👁🤷🏻♀️👁
Remember the Palmer method? Cursive.
Oh, I pray that does not happen. Cursive writing is often referred to as script writing. At one time this was called scribing. This helps explain.
In it it reads: "There are various reasons why cursive writing is still used, such as:
To communicate quickly."
We also have 'text messages', spelling out 'Mess Age'... and it sure is.
Which country? If it's english-speaking it certainly makes sense.
Everyone is ignoring my emails also. Lol. When I ask about them.. I got “I can’t read that. Too stressful🤯”
I find people won't read anything from people or platforms that have been "discredited" They first look the author up on Wikipedia (and we all know what smear campaigns were done on that platform), and any video not on YouTube is considered "crazy right wing."
Or people keep telling me “You must be MISINFORMED” 🤯
.. I was trying to tell a woman that all Democrats voted against banning hormonal/ genital mutilation in minors ... and that schools can transition your child without parental notification ... I hate that WORD
Yes mind control is what Yuri Bezmenov's demoralisation was about, folks no longer trust their own instincts and wisdom. He also said they will not wake up until the boot of the oppressor is "crushing their ba**s".
As Sasha said, "but there is always a way out by becoming aware and re-taking the control." It's true, and development of awareness can often be unpleasant... like losing ones ba**s to a hob-nailed boot...
As for rabbit holes; it's one thing to realise something fishy's going on, but another to blindly accept the nutty stuff slickly pre-packaged and presented instead of doing the hard work involved with proper research. Alien spaceships looked like the technology of the 60's back in the 60's- same as the 70's resembled tech. of the 70's and so on with the 80's and 90's. Now I expect spaceships will look like the most super-dooper-high-tech wizardry anyone has ever seen... on Star Wars etc., because that is where our terrestrial tech. is at; CGI. Words are the same sort of wizardry.
A proper space ship looks like a phone booth !
Not only will they not read anything - it's as if nothing serious can hold these people's interest, at all. They are literally incapable of an appropriate reaction to what's happening in the world. They're content to post pictures of their lunch on fb. They're vexed, nothing else explains it.
2 very important phrases you mention "getting older" and "fear" and that is it in the nutshell. Behavior driven by fear (FOMO, Fear of DEATH, Fear of Not being Socially approved, Fear of x,y,z) combine that with.. the situation - now you have bought the farm, you have to live on it, in it and with it, so changing your mind will make you look stupid (FEAR again!) and so you double down. You aren't stupid (FEAR of looking bad), you are just waaaay tooo controlled by wanting to fit into the 'herd and mainstream' and be accepted. This is social compliance which the asleep at the switch have in spades. The free thinkers, the independent thinkers are not, DO NOT care about what others think of them....thus the FEAR and Compliance/Social Acceptance factor doesn't drive the behaviors. Therefore it is easier for them to avoid the delusional trap.
It's not easy for you, me or anyone to escape the delusional trap since it's all a delusional trap. There are many kinds of factors that drive many kinds of people. No one is immune. To believe oneself to be immune from delusion is to be trapped within that delusion. It's only a matter of taste.
Easier. Not EASY. Easier. I yes, we AVOIDED a delusional trap BECAUSE our thought processes do NOT depend on FOMO. They do not depend on "following the science as handed to us by talking heads"....they depend on us, looking at both sides and thinking critically. Do I want to be a lab rat and take an experimental gene altering therapy (NOT VACCINE) for a disease I might never get, and if I do, I am likely to survive? Yes, that is Independent thought. Think what you want, I do believe thou dost protest too much! Did you take the jabs? Were you one of the conned, deluded? Do you strive to virtue signal constantly? Obsessed with being 'compliant'... and "good little citizen"?
I'm not injected. Just like the virtue signalling, compliantly obsessed, good little citizens you disparage that would not listen to a pov other than the one they adhered to, you need to denigrate anyone who expresses something that challenges your particular pov. You are caught up in your own flavor of delusion just as others are.
Did a significant majority who were injected do so to keep their jobs, food in children's mouths, etc., and weight that choice? Yes. That also is independent thought.
I quit my job because of the illegal 'jab' mandate. I would have lost it if I didn't ... so you can't ding me there. In point of fact my standard of living changed drastically, I had to leave and move to Florida to escape the madness of the many around me who had lost their ever loving minds. I gave up friends and a well paying job. That's independent thought for you. The others who 'had independent thought and took the jabs'? Coerced pressured rushed and even black mailed, by your money or your lifestyle.. into complying and then brain washed to defend their 'choice' and to make those speaking out and choosing NOT to be vaxxed -- the vaunted un-vaxxed -- into the 'enemy' because they made these vaxxed idiots look exactly like what they are SLAVES TO THE STATE. The existence of the non vaxxed forced them into thinking and maybe having regrets as and their jabbed children and loved ones experienced bad side effects up to and including DEATH. They jabbed, didn't want any bad news, reminders or regrets EVEN as the evils of the jabs attacked their health and well being. I do not forget they enthusiastically wanted me in a camp, socially destroyed and isolated, my civil rights gone, a thought criminal, unemployed, financially ruined, non existent, a non person - an orgy of hate and resentment. I do not forget they cancelled church but allowed alcohol and tobacco shops to be open... I do not forget. I do not forget them the jabbed who agreed with these polices, not letting people in to see dying loved ones being murdered in hospitals on ventilators without abx or the IVM even being allowed!! I do not forget these 'jabbed' because they had 'no choice'. Or forgive them the happily jabbed, the weak and fearful ones who say 'I suffered no ill effects'. Really? No ill effects uh. Life as usual. Except. They gave up their bodily autonomy. What does a SLAVE not have? Bodily autonomy. Your "Owner" can do exactly as he / she wants to you. That's some 'independent thinking" there. No the ones who choose the jabs, choose poorly are compliant fools and are now going to reap, as each year passes their reward in suffering personal and otherwise. These compliant SLAVE people (oh, sorry, independent thinkers!) have condemned the rest of the world, humanity through blind fear of death or loss of status. What is money? What is social standing? In the face of the eradication of humanity, our God given rights of freedom of body and though and soul? They had a choice, information was leaking out, they could have stopped looked listened but they did not. They grew angry you made them think challenged their cozy certainty. They let fear choose for them. If they went much further down that path.. death and a genocide of the non vaxed was certainly on the books. I give you Austria, Australia, New Zealand and many US states such as NY as an example of that. In fact, we may be having a second go round with Marburg or Ebola on the cards for the 'next' pandemic. Billy Gates and Co. are screeching about and it might occur to foul up an election that will be 'stolen' again. They can't risk anything else, as if they get off the tiger they are illegally riding it will most certainly devour them. And there may very well BE camps at that next go round point by the way. I'm not too far off base because scads of people think the same and are even saying it. I think they call them Preppers. A group growing by leaps and bounds. People who watch which way the winds are blowing as it were.
I lost my job for refusing the injection and speaking out at work over and over and being systemically coerced and punished for speaking out. I didn't accomplish much I know of other than preventing the pressure on my pregnant co-workers to be injected.
I have a negative job report on my record for insubordination. I live in poverty now.
You keep insisting you know who I am and assuming all manner of things about me. Which, again, tells me how attached you are to your own ideas which I'm challenging may not even be your own, but the ones your mind "resonates" with which were manufactured for you just as compliance was manufactured for others.
I am saying none of us is immune to mind control. If you believe you are, you are bound to be trapped in a paradigm of false "clarity", much like the False Light warned of as a pitfall of pride for thousands of years. This is nothing new.
Well I have to leave at this: I firmly believe that I've never been mind controlled and that to do so would be.. let's say difficult? This is for many reasons not the least of which is my preferred method of decision making... getting all the facts in hand and then making a decision. Particularly when that decision comes with a life or death, or highly non desired outcomes. Kudos to you to decide to take the rap. If MORE had been like you, they would not have been able to get away with it as easily as they have. Unfortunately, most were NOT brave like you, and/or SMART like you. While you live, you have hope. While you have hope and still draw breath, you may be able to effect some positive actions. That is not something those fully boosted and jabbed can say.
Oh easy peasy the Church/Iluminati/Khazarians/Bankers/elite/cabal/MIC aka Synagogue of Satan...(made up of many other groups of course, but roughly all *allied to the same purpose, destruction and total control of Mankind*)
USA, Inc.
Incorporated by the "Organic Act of 1871"
Well said.
I see the same thing with my family ( elderly, only msm) and many friends.
Sadly, with about 24+% of humans being essentially and quite irretrievably narcissistic, it is probably wasteful of precious mental energy to expect a correction.
Indeed, it boggles the mind what holds as true. Its biblical in scale( and biblical in prophesy).
Our time on this green earth is an illusion of the greater reality; a test? A world of unmet and unfounded false expectation? Many far wiser than i have spoken b4 us. And correct or not, it turns out that living as if the world is illusory creates the greatest conditions for a meaningful life. It isn’t really “happiness” we seek. It’s meaning, and all that it entails. Including peace.
So we hold fast to the truth of that, and tolerate less insanity as we age.
God bless those who, without advanced degrees in health and science, detected and called out the lies of the last 3 years. And so many decades before.
Just my 5 chinadian pesos worth.
I watched a webinar recently where a lady recalled a brother and sister who lived in East Germany and, after the war, were the lucky recipients of communism. She had a book store and he, a farm. They each retained their store and farm because they knew who they were and they understood how communism/ government worked. The 'authorities' tried very hard to break their resolve, but neither capitulated and carried on living as they had done previously. We all need to take a lesson from these sorts of examples. If the rest want to go with the herd, we don't all have to.
In 1891, Jonathan Norcross documented in the Library of Congress that at least 1/3 of humanity are anarchists who will injure others for their own selfish desires if there were no laws against it.
I don't agree that anarchists are selfish. Anarchy literally means 'without rulers'. They are people who simply want to be left alone. They are not necessarily immoral or unethical.
Though some anarchists have morals and ethics, others do not. That's the problem with anarchy in practice.
Can’t say the same for most politicians. By far the great majority of them don’t have any moral or ethical grounding.
Exactly. About 1/3 of humanity all over the world ruins anarchy for those of us who wish to live in peaceful anarchy.
That's pretty much true for all systems. It's only a matter of how it's ruined. I for one would not like amoral lawless anarchists on my streets and having no 911 to call.
The 1/3 who are pathologically evil, greedy, etc. Its a pathology of the soul and brain... they are 'missing' some things... in the brains.
"To state these facts more in detail, more than one-third of the population of the most orderly community are opposed in heart if not in practice, to all restrictions upon their passions (...)" Yep, people do not like to be told what to do. Some restrictions to the 2nd Amendment ? Forget it, that is political suicide. Also, ever been to a meeting of a H.O.A. ? The number "one third" does not even cover it.
Still waiting for the names of those who saw what others missed. Like to read up on them / their writings.
The problem I have with restrictions on the 2nd amendment is that the sky bastards filling our skies full of chemicals ... geoengineers... can only be caught with something like F-16.
There is no way to stop them from geoengineering the planet... i.e. block the sun to kill life on Earth. They control the world with god's power.
As you can see, people are so idiotic they are unable to separate geoengineering FACT from a nonsensical movie script... There is Zero hope for these types of individuals.
It is also why "Democracy" will not work.
Those people vote even though they are voting for actors rather than representatives.
We must stop the Geoengineering sky bastards if we wish to live.
Their Malthusian agenda is real and it is to reduce the population to 500 million people on Earth for King Charles III historical legacy.
The TerraCarta.world
2030. And we are behind schedule. They need something big. Hence the EBS roll out with national test. What *uckery comes this way, ho? Not going to lie. War by 2024, another 'disease'.. deprivation... cesium poisoning.. hell on earth being unleashed. Father, come quickly or there will be none left alive.
I've seen that movie. It had John Travolta and Forest Whitaker in the leading parts.
I wish it was a movie. The Weather Modification Act of 1976 was signed by our unelected President Gerald Ford whose VP was Nelson Rockefeller. The weather is fully controlled now.
And that is why so many parts of the country are parched, desperately in need of water to grow their crops. And hurricanes keep getting stronger and more devastating. Not to mention the stronger winds and the more extremely hot days. Does not feel "controlled" to me.
I think "weather modification" was seeding clouds in order to have them form drops and thus rain. I think they stopped doing it as it did not really give more results then praying, or burning a few elderly women.
That is why we do not rely on feelings to know reality.
NASA will carry your payload for you. Apply here:
What that link shows, is a NASA manual.
Who ?
And of course they did a job on me, but not on you.
I agree with your sentiments
The hypnosis seems quite widespread. I have extended family members who are so afraid of a counter-narrative they will reply back to an email and say, "Oh, we don't watch ANY Rumble videos; read any Substack authors; read any Epoch Times articles"; or..."Peter McCullough, wasn't he thrown out of Baylor for...?"
I tried, tried and tried more to talk my mom out of getting jabbed. She got jabbed and lupus nearly immediately accelerated to the point where it’s pretty well wrecked her life.
In spite of her being difficult and sometimes maddening, I feel like if I was better, this could have been avoided.
This is important...perhaps you could ask precisely what convinced him? This would be a microcosm of the populous at large who we need to convince.