Seems to me that a good lawyer would have little problem arguing that premeditation of actions occurred to trigger the 'partnership' between DOD and HHS, since only through premeditation would they conclude that such a partnership was necessary to over-ride limitations of powers of individual Depts/Agencies. Only through reaching that conclusion would they effect a never-before-entered-into partnership aimed at mass injection of the US people with ill-defined, untested concoctions.

Once premeditation of actions is proven, all possibility of plausible deniability is lost for the senior conspirators.

It's still possible to conclude that the entirety of the Senate and Congress were intellectually incapable/unwilling to do their mandated duties to oversee Executive activities in order to protect the lives, health and prosperity of those they are mandated to serve. That of course would in normal employment be an instant dismissal offence. In fact, it's entirely reasonable to argue that Congress and the Senate is no longer allowed to govern as they have committed what would be capital crimes if they were aware of what they were doing and still would represent widespread manslaughter if they didn't.

But further evidence would be needed to identify co-conspirators within the Senatorial/Congressional ranks who were tasked with bringing all Public Representatives into line to collude unwittingly in treason against the American People.

Do such co-conspirators exist and who has the evidence to prove it??

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At some point, we're going to have to have real officials with real power - people and organizations who can arrest and prosecute criminals and solicit testimony and compel discovery - to do their most-important jobs.

But if all of these "truth-seeking" organizations and officials remain completely captured ... this isn't going to occur.

And so we can just continue to vent on Substack and toss out our proverbial "messages in a bottle" on the off chance an honest and principled official receives our message and acts on it.

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And as far as replacing any of them through voting is like believing in the Easter Bunny. Unless you get rid of all the voting machines there is not a snowball chance in hell that will ever happen. If they (our government ) really wanted to save our constitutional republic from outside interference where the people are able to have their vote counted and have a say, they would go to ID verifiable paper voting, since they are not pushing to get rid of these machines indicates that both parties except for the very few are complicit in voter fraud.

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That's my conclusion too. The elections are now rigged. This is why I'd bet a steak dinner at the nicest place in town that "Joe Biden" will win re-election.

Three reasons I'm willing to make this bet (which I hope I lose): 1) Our Shadow Rulers can't risk NOT having someone they can control in the White House ... 2) they already know they can rig and steal elections ... And 3) who's going to stop them from doing this? The only people or organizations that could stop this repeat performance are completely captured.

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Absolutely, I hear talk show after talk show echoing how our republic is in a free fall. I'm afraid talk isn't going to get it done and it's going to take people to get physically involved to promote change and I don't see this happening. Our republic will eventually fall and then it will be to late, we will succumb to authoritarian rule and the scamdemic was a test run and people locked themselves up and called some who refused to be controlled killers. People can't even see how they divide us much less solve our political problems.

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"... weak men make hard times ..."

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The candidates are rigged which precedes any election of them. See CFR historian Quigley's Tragedy and Hope where he tells you that the whole operation is controlled so that every 4 years they can throw the rascals out and bring in another one which is controlled. Voting harder is not going to do anything.

As KW and SL have convincingly shown, the judicial system is just as corrupt and controlled as the other 2 branches of government. It is full spectrum dominance as F. William Engdahl stated.

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Michelle O. will be in the Oval a year from now IF we have an election. Watch it unfold.

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phuque Big Mike

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Ronv. Madam President sees everybody and everything. You are now on her short list for “the treatment”.

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Do you mean Michael Robison?

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That’s been put to bed long ago.

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Cancel that evil thought.


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I was talking to my wife last night about who might be our next president and I threw out her name. If "Dementia Joe" can't make it to the finish line, maybe Michelle or the governor of California, the guy who is banning gasoline-powered cars.

Also, I bet Hillary hasn't given up hope of being president either. She's constantly scheming.

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Newsom received the blessings of Xi recently in the SF event with the crowds cheering. No other likely replacements have that.

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President Mike, VP Gruesome, Sec. Defense Killary. The WEF's dream team. Or more likely wet dream.

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No...let's not go there. Its not going to be Michelle. That sounds edgy but it's bullshit.

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Background on MO is identical to Barry. But on steroids. MO would out-Hillary Hillary. MO is two people. Her former First Lady demure self hides a tiger beneath. Her Chicago upbringing was the perfect “Underground” foundation for her to develop what the Liberal and progressive deep state will require to cooperate with WEF. She’s a snake. She will make Bill Gates proud.

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Ban export of coal and electricity to Kalifornia, and send the Kalifornicators back.

Hillary is dead. I saw and heard it on a video from the NYC news. Her fraternal twin (dunno real name, but she has darker hair, so dark roots show from time to time) stands in for her.

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"Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —" You must do it for yourself; no onr can do it for you: you cannot do it alone. www,orsja.org

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That "honest and principled official" is going to have to have bucket loads of courage as well because he is likely going to be falling on his sword.

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That's the definition of real courage!

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There is no or it is do or die this year 2024. Better get your a$$ in year. we did it. www.orsja.org

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Basically, a summary restatement of the "call to arms" portion of the Declaration of Independence. The Founding Fathers had balls. We, on the other hand, have ... trans men?

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the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America 1776 in a Confederation and perpetual Union in Congress Assembled 1777 in original jurisdiction styled The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859 pre 1861. men and women with our progeny without deception. Sovereign without ruler or subject. Our bona fides.

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Hello ronvrooman: I took the liberty of pinning these two links, as you provided no information regarding article content. Please be aware that readers need SOME reasonable introduction to the cited topic. >>> Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly >>> NOTICE OF LIABILITY >>> Filed certified mail: 9/12/2023 >>> https://orsja.org/2023/09/13/notice-of-liability/

Cease & Desist Order and Claim of Conusance by this Civilian Court of Record [Civilian Court of record of the Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly]

Notice to: Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Dept of Human Services (OHS), Children's Protective Services (CPS), et alia Oregon Supreme Court. including Civil & Municipal Courts on Oregon, Law Enforcement Officers on Oregon

Filed certified mail 10/12/2023 >>> https://orsjaorg.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/10062023-osja-cease-desist-cofc-ohadhscps-et-al-1.pdf

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there is no substitute for altitude in aviation. Just as in doing it yourself. I'm looking for the III% Paul. You made the cut. Thank you. Find or found your local Jural Assembly. What took us 5 years can be done (paperwork to the point of Provisional government on your state in 30 days; 15 hours work for 5 people and $120 for postage and a seal.

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The farmer protest in Germany, which apparently is spreading to the wider population, is one of those messages in a bottle to the Easter Bunny that is actually working.

Autocratic regimes with fake elections, such as in the U.S., are still subject to pressures from their populations.

Those pressures weaken censorship and propaganda in many ways, until there is a sudden phase change.

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Excellent analyses and comment Mr Jaggar: Premeditation is intrinsic within the established public record of these last 25 years. The intertwining histories of PREP ACT legislation (since December 30, 2005) and the role-playing strategies between the secretary of Health and Human Services and DOD can be examined here: >>> Department of Defense and 10 U.S. Code § 1107a - Emergency use products >>> https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/1107a

I believe these texts describe premeditated "intent" to defraud and misinform consumers regarding the lethal nature of these bio-weapons... Read the linked text carefully...

Quoted from your comment: "In fact, it's entirely reasonable to argue that Congress and the Senate is no longer allowed to govern as they have committed what would be capital crimes if they were aware of what they were doing and still would represent widespread manslaughter if they didn't." [End quote] Correct.

All operatives and assigns employed within the Congress and Senate, are guilty of fraud, collusion, criminal malfeasance, and Treason against WE THE PEOPLE. They ALL need to hang.

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The long-dragged-out question is: who is going to stop these figures from practicing in governmental offices? I believe that “time is of the essence,” in this matter, especially.

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All of us. we each one of us must do it ourselves, no one can do it for you, you cannot do it alone. www.orsja.org We did Oregon November 2022.

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I'm wondering if there shouldn't first be a concerted effort in the direction of obtaining a preliminary injunction, thereby forestalling a similar unfolding of nefarious actions now and in the next "pandemic" that "they" have been warning us about already.

Due to the security requirement in Rule 65 (Fed Rules of Civ Pro) for costs and damages to the defendant in this process, the movant in this action would almost certainly have to be a US government entity in order to avoid overwhelming costs, since said entity would be exempt from the security provision. Unfortunately, this would need to be an uncorrupted US gov official with stones.

After injunctive relief is established then other suits could be prosecuted to bring the miscreants to justice and to more permanently shut down this garbage (through repeal of unconstitutional Acts, for instance). Otherwise, there will be more of the same old bs, while the other legal options get shot down or drawn out in the legal maze.

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For premeditation on DOD-HHS partnership see ‘JPEO-CBRN Defense’ video from 2019 on plans for “Medical Rapid Response”.


More details re OWS "Whole of Government Support to Covid-19" by JPEO-CBRND (with DOD in charge) --


Sasha's work cited

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Scarier and scariest? C'mon, the older the drug, the more is known about its profile, what other drugs it may interact with. When this DoD or DARPAs militaristic futuristic thinking is pushed out, it is little different than erroneous computer models. Reliance on producing new drugs is far more risky, with far less known, than re-purposing older, existing drugs, yes? Yet there's little resistance because since 1956 or thereabouts, this rushed govt. response has repeatedly been shown far more lucrative to all involved, everyone profits by racing to produce an unknown, untested product. What's missing is someone reporting on pattern recognition, to review all prior pandemic responses involving rushed shots to note all failed, with disabilities and deadly consequences. Sadly, its easy to see how these unholy, fascistic state and corporate public-private partnerships may, if left unchecked, achieve the stated Rockefeller/UN/WEF goals of killing most of humanity. This is the 5th time for such response; history, if not learned, easily repeats.

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See the 4chan for excellent pattern recognition groups. A far number of the members are high functioning autists (autistic), who excell at this sort of thing.

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When the wall of censorship is thoroughly punctured and finally breached, the life forms in Congress will turn out to be able to sing like castrati.

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Killer Comment! You make bringing the murderers to Justice look easy

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I think not only did defence help to develop the killer jab, they also helped to fix up a virus that could cause a panic attack. I think the virus was not ready when released, that it was an accidental too early release. The virus spread very quickly but was not deadly enough, but since it escaped, they took the opportunity and once the panic train was rolling, it went quite well. Unfortunately for them, quite a few people in the world realized soon that something was off. I smelled a rat in early March, reading an article from I think South Korea. Then I found Berenson, and then all of you. What a luck ! I thought I was going nuts, but it was the rest of the world going nuts.

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What the virus lacked, CDC guidelines augmented.

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indeed! they did their very best. And they spent billions of taxpayer dollars to pay hospitals to kill people. But we still survived. And now, the truth is little by little peeping out. Of course no one will be held responsible, but I think a lot more people are aware of things going wrong, and if they try another scam, I think it will be much harder to fool people. Once bitten twice shy. And those that did not believe us at first, might think again this time. Of course there are the zombies who still believe the original but I think they are now in the minority. I think they were trying to link a quick spreading to a more deadly like ebola, from which they found that illegal CA lab. And gates keeps on talking about ebola and marburg. There was also this article (I think on here or on Bailiwick, that there still is an emergency running till 2028 on both of these illnesses)

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Indeed. Remember Gates and his ex-wife, (before she found out about the Lolita Express), being interviewed, and saying something like if you think COVID-19 was bad wait until the next one hits, as they sat their grinning and nodding like bobbleheads?

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Exactly, and don't forget Bill's advice not to look into the safety of vaccines, stating "that's a DEAD end'

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That was Gates' advice to Trump when asked about RFK Jr heading a Vaccine Safety Committee after Trump got elected. Soon after, Trump appointrd Scott Gottlieb as FDA director and Alex Azar as Sec HHS and the idea of looking at vaccine safety disappeared. Azar was CEO of Eli Lily and was under investigation for price-fixing insulin.

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Yes. I wanted to make the point without seeming to be political.

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As I wrote in one long article, the requisite panic and fear wouldn't have existed unless they had an eye-opening number of "Covid deaths." People weren't scared to death until after northern Italy. The Diamond Princess story helped advance the Fear Factor, which was cemented with the huge number of deaths - in April 2020! - in New York City.

Strangely, there were hardly any deaths in China by the end of January 2020 ... and we're now told the virus began spreading at least in November in China. So there was plenty of time for this contagious and "deadly" virus to kill tens of thousands of Chinese by the end of January.

The death numbers and the timeline doesn't make logical sense - but that doesn't matter, I guess.

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How did the Diamond Princess 'advance the fear factor? 3711 people 2/3 aged between 70 an 80+on board; 20% covid+(?) most of the 14 deaths occurred after leaving the ship and some possibly of old age. It indicated that there was no more danger than from flu.

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It shouldn't have increased the fear based on that data ... but it did. It was constantly in the news at the time - many people getting sick, some dying, etc.

All that matters is the narrative.

BTW, Contrast the DP outbreak to those on three naval vessels, where antibody studies were later done of crew members. Prevalence was 60 percent on three giant ships - and 1 death!

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It would have been worse had the miscreants not fumbled the labs? Was "Delta" the real thing?

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It is my understanding the Delta variant was significantly attenuated, in comparison to the Wuhan strain.

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I think I had the Delta end of Aug 2021. I have asthma and my O went down to 76. I used steaming hot packs on my back and chest. I did not know about the kill agenda and went to a hospital. My O was 93 by then. The hospital gave me a steroid and Tylenol, stuck that stupid test up my nose and I went home the next day. When they wanted to track my progress I said No thanks! I’d had the lecture about getting jabbed and that was not happening. I don’t think the Lehigh Valley, PA hospitals were as bad as other places with the kill protocols.

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Ann, It sounds like you got lucky.

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Delta variant, which I didn't suffer, was supposed to be really bad. The normies considered Omicron (Oh! Micron!) to be less severe, and serving to cause general population herd immunity. I did get Omicron. While choking bronchial spasms did not recur, it was very unpleasant; headache (cerebral microclots?), etc. After 3 weeks of that (original strain was 1 week of actual infection, then another week of malaise), my sister turned me on to high dose vitamin C (a gram every half hour). That cleared it within 2 days. Horse paste 2 weeks into it did nothing except depleting my supply.

Are you Carolyn Barrani's daughter?

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I had a buddy who because of industrial exposures, had damaged gums and needed his teeth pulled. He caught Delta at the dentist's office, presumably, and was nearly killed by the non-treatment he received at a Las Vegas hospital complying with "CDC guidelines". (Somewhere in the guidelines must have also been, "leave the patient sitting in the ER for 24 hours without food or water, but when his son comes in and says he will report this to the local media, they find a room within an hour...")

Ivermectin was best delivered in the early days of the infection, both for the anti-inflammatory effect and its blocking the ACE2 receptor binding sites.

No, I am not anyone's daughter; I identify as male...because I am. :-)

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Please remember who ordered Warp Speed. The Commander and Chief after he implemented FEMA.

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These laws are diabolically clever, "or a disease or condition that may be attributable to such agent or agents."

"May be" attributable is language that can be stretched infinitely considering that we're funding in foreign labs experiments with so many potentially disease causing agents. This "may be attributable" means you can't go back and accuse them of knowledge that it was indeed their own bioweapon since they can just say that it was plausible enough suspicion to issue an emergency declaration.

Remember that due to bribed CIA agents and a clandestine Fauci visit, the official foreign intelligence position was that it was a zoonotic event; but, nevertheless, they can simply say the potential existed that it was a biowarfare agent.

They can claim that for anything! Who with any sort of honest intention would write the law with such loose language as to the credibility of the threat? It is not believable that it was written for actual emergencies with such permissive language. Laws are crafted with special care to these phrases. The point here is to allow the HHS secretary to color the situation with a plausible story premised on the belief of biowarfare attack despite a lack of evidence. It is a blank check law with language that only appears to create a condition for its use.

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Great insightful and credible comment, zuFpM5*M. In the final analysis, I believe the DoD initiated and is continuing their Depopulation Agenda, and in their Circles this is justified and so plausible given the multitude of people walking and sitting around watching Television with one hand on their remote control and the other on their “Smart” Phones. The complacency from most is pathetic in the uninformed.

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I have formed a new understanding of many policies and cultural trends by imagining whether they are favorable or disfavorable from the perspective of a depopulationist. Once you start to see things in that light, it is hard to go back to blithely assuming that these shifts arise without malice aforethought.

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Yes, cultural trends that are now an extension of our Hands, such as in the case of Smart phones, are very favorable to the depopulationist Agenda. We are being executed mentally, spiritually and physically and reality distorted every which way. God help us.

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Agreed. A lot of pundits still believe that the primary motivation is greed but that simply does not explain what is happening.

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They want their beaches and their pedo slave islands back. Yes Kissinger and others literally worked out policy for depopulation so I think that is what they are doing. People like sex so it’s Gunna be tricky for them

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Right so within the monster, one ice cube tray (metaphor for compartmentalization) thinks it's responding to a BioWeapon virus while the other one applies the seemingly / falsely justified countermeasure (vaxx bioweapon). Good Lord...

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That's what I noticed, too. "May be attributed to", "may cause" and "as determined by", "possibly lead to", etc. It's built-in loopholes. The language of law is usually pretty specific and limiting as is seen in others laws, like the OTAs. As shown by SL, KW and DL, that's why the HHS and DOD HAD to partner up, to get by these specific limitations written into those laws.

I've learned a lot by reading Jeff Childers' (an attorney) Coffee and Covid substack.

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Words matter, but in the case of EUA law every comma is intended to shield gov't from liability for their wrongdoing. Therefore I don't see in the EUA wording any admission by gov't that there was no virus (natural or engineered) because the phrase "biological agent" can certainly refer to such infections. I am always moved by the altruism and sincerity of the research done and stratagems suggested by you and KW. Your posts and KWs show an abiding faith and optimism that constitutional principles will triumph once the legal deceptions are revealed. Even if our optimism is disappointed, your work has had the important effect of waking up many people to what is no longer deniable. That a government infested with scoundrels is working overtime to harm us. Awareness and a willingness to stand up and do right can succeed where laws fail.

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It seems to me the "law" can provide us a bright light of hope - if enough key judges aren't captured and ... if there's enough lawyers willing to file worthwhile cases ... Two big "ifs."

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and that is why many were disappointed in what happened in the Brook Jackson and the approach taken by Barnes and Mendenhall.

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I've pointed out that ALL of the plaintiff trial firms aren't captured. There's a few doing God's work and representing the clients they should represent. But this is probably less than 1 percent of all lawyers or law firms.

Still, the "captured percentage/ratio" in the Plaintiff's Trial Bar is lower than it is in MSM news rooms. I've yet to find ONE journalist at a mainstream newspaper or magazine who has challenged any of the key authorized narratives. The MSM is 100-percent captured.

There probably are a few judges who will allow legitimate cases to come to trial. The big question - still not completely answered - is if the U.S. Supreme Court is completely captured. That is, does it have at least five justices who would make rulings our side is looking for?

I tend to think ... no. As Sasha points out, the Powers that Be have been working their program for years and decades. I don't think they would have gone to all this effort over so many years if they didn't know that the highest court in the land was also in the bag and on their team.

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I tend to agree. The law seems the last place to ‘stand up to the bully’. Mafiosi are meaner than we are too. Seems the answer is to dodge bullets like Neo until you get outside the Matrix.

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Sasha...please keep going.

"veeee penetrate zeeee Cabinets"

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Because Government is one big racket?

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It would seem that it is less than “for the people” without any question. what to do about it is the real question.

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David: We have not had government as in original jurisdiction since March 1861. It is de facto(Black's Law 6th edition page 416 also de jure), color of law, Lieber code, FEMA except on Oregon where we implemented ex parte Milligan and nullified martial law/ Liber code/ FEMA with our Article III Amendment VII Civilian Court of record.

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Jan 20, 2024
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See my response to David. A solution is published at www.orsja.org

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Good Work Sasha!

The first two paragraphs raise a number of questions that I did not previously prioritize.

Recently, however I learned that Mme Birx was very active in effectively supervising Covid Task force. (Pence or no Pence)

This leads me to a one word response to said questions: BIOWEAPONS

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Yes, it's always been about BioWeapons one way or another.

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Excellent sleuthing as usual Sasha. However, this assumes the presumption of a prosecution. I wish I could be that positive.

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Various US agencies were involved as we know and witnessed, in the proliferation of this Plandemic propaganda, for decades prior to the SARSCovid2…/Bioweapon implementation. This has to be investigated by Non-Government folks.

Here… https://wjla.com/news/local/cdc-shut-down-army-germ-lab-health-concerns…..in Summer 2019, just before the Wet Market/Wuhan Lab leak/blame China lie after we collaborated and funded off shore Bioweaponry, as Ebola (with a 90% fatality rate) was played with in Fort Detrick CIA Bioweapons lab in Maryland, the CDC stepped in to close down the place for a “Decontamination Area Leak”.

This is too close to the Covid unveiling to not believe it was an alternate lie, should the Wuhan ‘Leak’ theory not be accepted by the muddled Government- Assaulted American citizenry.

Legal terms come up for me, like Substantive and Preponderance of Evidence.

Anyone else have teeth grinding anger?

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It's bizarre that the shutdown of Ft. Detrick hasn't gotten any investigation scrutiny - then again, it's not bizarre. Nobody (who matters) can look for evidence of "early spread" ... in America.

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It did by George Webb very early on in 2020 and 2021. But it's George Webb (Sweigert) so ...yeah....

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And also bizarre the husband and wife medicos employed by Fort Detrick were murdered in a home invasion in 2020.

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I missed that story. Can you provide any details or links?

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Shit Bill it’s tricky. I’ll have a look on my computer tonight. It was reported on only local news and shared on TAE - the Automatic Earth. I remember it was a couple that were military docs who were there for soldiers in the Wuhan military games 2019. The local TV said it was a late teen break and enter gone wrong! There was so much going on at the time I didn’t think to save it. Jikkyleaks, worldindata furin cleavage sites Kari Mullis etc...

My brain was aching but I remember THAT smacked of military cover up shit.

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Thanks. I vaguely remember reading s/t about 2 people affiliated with Ft. Detrick being killed.

If they were involved with the Wuhan Games' delegation that would be very interesting. I've always maintained that military doctors and nurses should have known if many of their athletes were getting sick at those games (as they were). A great question is why didn't any of these sick athletes from the World Military Games never get antibody tests? Were they even interviewed by public health or military docs about their symptoms?

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Jan 20, 2024
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I reckon it’s probably similar. The whistleblower potential of the two was too high I imagine. Who knows though right? The most morally questionable shit I’m currently involved in is lying to my children ( hiding the odd cigarette). These fuckers are dark dudes.

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Jan 20, 2024Edited
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I get it. I just don’t want to model cigarette smoking just yet.

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So Javier Becerra is basically king of the USA at this point? The same clown who protected the scheming Awan Bros (whatever the fuck they really were) who stole money and information directly from Congress (DNC) and had a bunch of petty scams running in the NOVA circa mid 2000s.


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Hi Sasha - please see two minute ‘JPEO-CBRN Defense’ video from 2019 on plans for a “Medical Rapid Response” clearly showing partnership between DOD and HHS for medical countermeasures and the framework for “Rapid Response Partnerships” involving government, industry and academia. The video draws attention to "advances in regulatory science"!


Substack post here (your work cited) has links to ‘JPEO-CBRND’ site, with diagram for “Whole of Government Support to Covid-19” for OWS showing transition of Covid Response from DoD to HHS in late 2023.


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That’s quite the surreal, yet- expected type of ideas brewed so far back that the “tea is cold.” Meaning: R&D’ing of ideas into these horrific manifestations, as we should all accept as the facts by now- take place years in advance of their proliferation. Therefore, I believe it can be assessed as easily forgotten that it was ever expressed publicly. Furthermore, small news flashes about seemingly

good -for-the-population advancements are hardly remembered by most as a potential threat at all, due to overwhelming hard to swallow “news” and all the other measures we are now too accustomed to. I suppose it’s just another way that level of deprivation can even happen: by utter deception, corruption and threats.

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Thanks again, Sasha, for taking the time to both summarize and organize the timelines of the scheme. This will be a very helpful share to normies just poking their head under the tent. Grazi

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Both of her articles (Part 1 and Part 2) are excellent and I coincidentally shared both of them on my substack today. Great minds think alike. LOL LOL

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Sasha thanks for angels & demons. just found my new screensaver

KW proposal to move for summary judgment might have more wheels than we think, especially as circumstances grow more dire.

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I agree and would stand for a push to summary...hopefully judgment. Thank you.

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A good end or an evil end never justifies an evil means to arrive there.

These secretaries hate the homeland.


Colossians 3:17

All whatsoever you do in word or in work, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.


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A case MUST be made that these laws protecting the officials who signed off on this mass murder are themselves unconstitutional and thus not legitimate laws. Depriving American citizens of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as these laws have done automatically nullifies them as they are blatantly unconstitutional.

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I was very disappointed to learn in civics (yes, I'm that old), the DoI is not considered part of the "Constitution" (CftuSA, but that designation would be anachronistic). The DoI refers to "our constitution". I could guess about the meaning, but it seems largely undefined.

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