I think they mean "hole"

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The hole of government is in fact the blackhole of government — the one into which all your taxes disappear.

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And also your FREEDOM !!!!!

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you shouldn't spell the quiet part out loud lol

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Exactly what I was imagining, about 10 miles in diameter.

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Lind of like the large hadron collider? Going to create a worm hole and swallow all of Earth. 😏

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Exactly my thoughts as well. The Hole is deep, and everybody knows. >>>

Everybody knows - Leonard Cohen - Songwriters: Leonard Cohen, Sharon Robinson >>> Album: I'm Your Man >>> Released: 1988

YouTube >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnfoUJxI2dM

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one of my fave Cohen works

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Leonard Cohen changed my life. I thought I was a poet --- then listened to his disk "Ten New Songs". I've been much more humble ever since... Thanks Thaddeus. Best regards.

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I can think of a word that begins with "A" which aptly describes the entire worthless bench but this is a family blog so I can't reveal it.

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That was the hole I was thinking of, too.

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Yes! And a fine mixtape it is, Sasha! Tell us it won't be the last ~ will ya?!

To be raunchy for a moment ... after hearing the first few whole-of-government phrases, my partner said, "Ass-wholes of government!"

I couldn't agree more ... 😂 😹 😂 😹 😂 😹 😂 😹

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Thank you. People have very short memories and we have been so inundated with crap over the past 4 years it is hard to remember what happened back in 2019-2020. But going back and listening to this stuff is important because of what we now know about this scam makes a lot of what they were saying back there much clearer. We can now look at it objectively instead of out of fear. My first look back now makes me say.....WHY SO MANY MILITARY??? Of course we all know now.

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Same thing about hindsight with me reviewing the bits and still- surprised to see and hear all the idiocracy that was spewed forth. First time I saw full on (and alarming) amounts of mp’s on the streets and transportation hubs in NYC was long ago. I wondered why since back then. Now we know a whole lot more and I appreciate each and every person who contributes to the telling of truths and advocating for our very lives.

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I ascertained they want us to know it was the whole of government, right? Great song!

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These military individuals are mind numbing robots. They likely rose in rank due to a good attendance record. They believe whatever their superiors feed them.

They are turning my stomach sour!

Their language is scripted to cover their collective asses and to contaminate the minds of the listing public.

I’ll recover

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Well said Mic.

As I would summarize, “What a bunch of ass clowns.”

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The men in fancy dress shall be mocked and derided for the clowns they are.

Point and laugh!

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They rose in rank because they showed during boot camp initiations that they're willing to do anything to further their 'career'. Anything. They don't own their bodies nor minds. The same in politics, media, the corporate world, you name it....

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Right on! Ass kissing never felt like something I could muster up to doing. Sadly, it is a long chain of “command” at the helm of indoctrination. From so called education to the corporate workplace and beyond as we know- I wish to see this exposed completely for what it is and called by its name: a global fascist takeover. Here’s what those in denial should be learning about so that acceptance of the truth takes place. Ignorance, denial and following orders as if we are slaves…NOT the way to support and maintain freedom. This is how all the scum has managed to take parts of the world for themselves…As if there weren’t room enough for everyone to enjoy life peacefully. I keep praying for the naysayers and us all.

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Behind all of these press conferences are registered corporations local to fed that pose as governments, all government branches, and government agencies of a country that is bankrupt (since 1933) - where only color of law is practiced via Admiralty Maritime law (law of contracts) and where the only remedies are in the form of colorable money (aka federal reserve notes)...and the foundation and root cause of it all is usury (aka debt, interest). Everything else is a symptom/distraction via criminal media these corporations use to lie to the people for the sole purpose of perpetuating the corporation, their usury and their federal reserve notes indefinitely....all are traitors....Another great interview with David Rogers Webb (Great Taking) and update on where we are at (link below) - in terms of ownership of assets that none of us own or will own when everything collapses. Toward the end of the interview he talks about South Dakota and Tennessee and bills that were introduced in the "corporate" state government and how the bill died in South Dakota once the money changers (banking lobby) destroyed it. In Tennessee, they advanced further - the corporate state house passed 6-1 and then the corporate senate passed unanimously - Then, the (private central banking) money changers threatened to withhold services ("money") from the state. This last tactic is EXACTLY what happened at the end of Civil War and taken directly from Lyman E. Stowe's book from 1896…the money changers whose main motivation (then and now) is usury and after the civil war they threatened to destroy the business of the country if a certain bill was passed that benefited the people instead of the bankers. So, in Tennessee, the corporate state govt capitulated and said they would push the bill for further discussion in the summer session - and it is known that bills die in that session…So, we have the same fight against money changers and usury as we did back in 1896 - and it is all about usury, interest, and the taking of gain. (Lincoln's Greenbacks were the last interest free money...and we all know why he was assassinated......). Here is Webb's recent interview as well as 2 videos on usury with the content coming 100% from Stowe's book from 1896..if usury continues…so do we continue as debt slaves and this time it will be much worse..and our corporate "selections" every 2-4 years will intentionally and by design, have no effect….as Rothchild said: "Let me control the money and I care not who makes the laws". Usury, the registered corporations posing as governments (local to fed), and their federal reserve notes (as the root causes) need to be eliminated if we are to have the Constitutional Republic and our freedoms back

Webb's Interview


Videos on usury



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There’s a total package of crap these “leaders” invented for their own benefit and generations to follow. Shall the blinded even bother to see comparisons to all the previous totalitarian regime takeovers? It may be too much to unpack in one day, but everyone worldwide should address the need for honest, open education of this pressing situation. Thank you also for sharing your valuable insights!

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Absolutely! Definitely a lot to unpack on many topics/levels....One of the challenges for many is the ability to just be cognizant of many things, see how things are connected and focus on root causes...the information war and psyop through so many channels and mechanisms is designed to keep everyone divided and looking in other directions through a massive amount of information and data that ends up using up people's time focusing on only the symptoms...it seems that with almost every issue or topic that pops up...the "money" is always at the root of the whole thing. I also posted a 9 part video/presentation series that connects dots on many subjects that are based solely on the list of resources listed in the appendix at the end of the 9th video - the videos are meant to provide information at a high level and there is a ton to unpack in these as well..but thought that providing a message at a high level would spur people on to dig further...these are all free..I don't monetize them in anyway. Here is the main page link (the 9 vid series as well as the 2 on usury). ----- https://www.brighteon.com/new-search?query=Free%20on%20the%20Land&page=1&uploaded=all&duration=all&sort=best_result&type=all&quality=all&channelPage=1

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Bankers are running a three-card Monte game, we the people are the suckers, and our governments are the shills.

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spot on!...they need their usury and interest in order to survive

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Well said.

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thank you - feel free to share those links far and wide as well

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Katerine Watt is SMAAAART!!!


And I'm rolling on the floor tih the mix tape. I don't know if I'm gonna make it, wish me luck.

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She's also diligent, patient, and persevering

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I never liked clowns.

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Nothing inspires confidence as "WARP SPEED" whether it's from the war criminals or the pharma mafia.

It was crazy to see lefty friends who questioned vaccines jump on this stupid panic bullshit pandemic.

Now it's crazy to see friends in the right bend the knee to our favorite genocidal middle Eastern ally and support censorship in "free" states like Texas, along with pushes for digital ID in the other "free" state of Florida.

Last I checked, you can still get your dangerous con-vid shots in Florida and Texas. They won't stop that, but they're cool with taking away your freedom to protest.

Fake opposition on both sides.... And it always tricks the morons who identify with dogma, whether religious, financial, or idealistic.

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They're using our rights against us. 60% of the "students" protesting in Austin were NOT students at all, but Soros-paid protesters. (All charges have been dropped now.) I suspect the majority of protesters on other college campuses had the same demographic make-up.

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Not sure what it’s going to take for many to understand that the US Military’s combined forces including their leaders in the DoD and Pentagon is a treasonous force against all humanity. They are the successors of the old Roman Empire Military that took control, shoving their Caesar puppet and politicians to the fore pretending to represent people, just as they do today.

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Whole of government = we speak for the government = we are the government!

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Whole of government

Hole of government

A-hole of government

A-holes of government ----->>> https://i.imgur.com/taQViTO.gif (It shows France's last guillotining, 1977)

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You beat me to the punch / lines.

My thoughts exactly.

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Excellent video. So funny!

"Whole of Government" tries to soften and derail any suggestion military forces are controlling civilian government. An usurpation of power in our dem republic.

It also looks like an attempt to groom the public (victim) into the idea of the absence of separation of powers (legislation, exec, judicial) -- that actually do check each other just so that there never is a whole single unified government that crushes "liberty and all that stuff" we innately value, liberty, equality, property rights like homes not in smart cities, with food gardens and freedom from warrantless surveillance. And all that stuff.

Whole of Government not so whole-some.

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Exactly. DoD is in charge and every other gov agency is just along for the ride.

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Laugh or cry? Or hope some DoD are goog guys.

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Yes I would amp up the laughter, ridicule and shrewdness.

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This paper gives some background on the "Whole of Government Approach" - looks like the phrase actually goes back to at least 1998 - major use after 9/11


"National security is taking on increased importance in this globalized world, as the traditional boundaries between politics, culture, technology finance, and ecology are disappearing. Additionally, national security threats are no longer simply terrorist or military in nature; they also include natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and forest fires as well as pandemics. The concept of a whole of government approach that integrates, or at least coordinates, the various departments and agencies implicated in national security issues, is essential in facilitating good governance. A coherent and comprehensive whole of government approach reflects an appreciation of the increasingly multidimensional, dynamic, complex and fluid nature of the problem and clearly integrates departments and

agencies into a logical, coherent framework "

The references are interesting - so many citations to the same AHs which designed the invasion of 7 of the Middle Eastern countries after the massive fraud. Guess whole of government was a stepping stone for one health/one world , Planning for which has been going on for centuries. First attempted after the French Revolution (Congress of Vienna)- it was the Czar of Russia that stopped it. 2nd was League of Nations after WWI which failed- then the UN after WW2.

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Right on target. The Congress of Vienna was one leg of a *whole* series of political events -one of which was the Treaty of Ghent between the United States and United Kingdom [1814]. https://www.britannica.com/event/War-of-1812/War

The events leading up to this alleged settlement are quite interesting. Ghent (of course) is located in *Belgium* where all sorts of "treaties" between European royalties and their trade operatives take place...

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If God was to give the world an enema - it would require many hoses in order for the earth to defecate out all of the evil

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Great insight, so glad someone is thinking And using their brains for something more than a hat rack!

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That whole of government is being used like a code for a well planned before covid takeover of the United States. It's gotta be tracked down somehow. It is sinister as fuck.

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Hole of government, viz. blackhole of moral depravity. That sucking sound? It is accountability, responsibility and representative government circling the drain.

This phone call is like listening to schizophrenics tutored by malicious psychiatrists. It is like a sort of LARP where only -some- of the participants know that what they are talking about isn't real.

Zika, HIV, ebola, SARS, MERS. Zika was 100% faked by misinterpreting the normal rate of microcephaly as anomalous. HIV is a story concocted by government doctors to channel enormous research funds through NIAID some of which culminated in cull programs in Africa and literal orphan torture and murders and mass graves in the US. Ebola outbreaks draw in swarms of NGOs and predators to apply toxic pharma products and 'ring' vaccination efforts so deadly that only a disease believed to be as deadly as ebola can hide the bodies. SARS and MERS outbreaks have little in common with the course of any infectious disease in the past.

And the crowning shared myth of these little confabs are vaccines. An entirely faked story from start to finish to elevate certain views of science that give doctors and government access to the veins of the people.

When future people look back, hopefully from far improved times, they will not see much difference between what is going on in these phone calls and the worst abuses committed in the name of religion or ideology. The pathogen-vaccine-countermeasure faith is unbelievably harmful to humanity and is perpetuated by malice and idiocy.

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At some point in their lives, these people made the conscious decision, or at least half-conscious decision, to basically "go with the flow". They did this pretty much to make their lives easier and because there was a monetary award along the way.

That's REAL easy to do in the military. I know, I was in the Air Force for seven years, back in the 1980's. All a person has to do keep is their mouth shut, don't ask too many pertinent questions, and go with the flow. Promotions are pretty much automatic, and quicker if you're a "go getter".

Civilian government bureaucracies work the same way.

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I think a lot of effort has been expended to make sure that "the flow" leads to these incredibly awful results without too many ripples or upsets along the way. An entire pseudoscience mythos is required and that didn't pop into existence accidentally.

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Hey zuFpM5*M, You left out the planned freakout pandemic with the unfortunate name of Monkeypox.

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Very true. I was listing what they cited as credentials in the call transcript. I'm sure there will be heroes of the monkeypox epidemic boasting their services now as well.

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During the several years of C-19, I was stunned (and frankly embarrassed) by the groups claiming heroic status. Completely obliterated the meaning of "heroic".

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