Sep 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

It’s a good thing people are finally becoming less stupid. They need to do it faster.

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Sep 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

Right now I'd settle for being more inquisitive and less compliant.

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Sep 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

Especially dead, killed by pharma, and injured by pharma.

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Well pharma are like James Bond. They have a license to kill. What else do you call their protection clause signed by the government?

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100%. The time to Throw Them All Out is well passed.


P.S. I would not be surprised at all if those killed by pharma vote for those who gave pharma the license. I call it the irrationality of the dead, voting against own interests 😁 :)

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Exactly - and with the self same justification also "saving the world"

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Btw, David, I am someone surprised. I did not think, I was responding to your initial comment. I am 100% certain, I was responding to a stupid one.

I am sorry for the confusion.

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I was thinking more along the lines of being More Inquisitor than inquisitive.:) But you're right, let calmer spirits rule. Let's go with inquisitive, for now.

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I like your first thought. Calmer spirits hasn't worked. the murder and injury spree has gone on long enough. And they aren't stopping.

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Let's open a school. Call it the Less Stupid Faster School. In the syllabus it will say it uses the LSF methodology. Claim it's an offshoot of Montessori or some such mumbo jumbo. The mumbo and jumbo tag team wins every time. We can get some unemployed pharma guys to raise the money, set it up and position it for a huge block buster IPO. They're really good at selling snake oil. It would be a crime not to exploit those talents. It's a veritable can't miss proposition. Right after the record breaking IPO cash out before it crashes. When the students, investors and betrayed employees who uprooted their lives for the spectacular opportunity start to bitch the now wealthy founders can truthfully state.

Lesson one of the Less Stupid Faster method is beware of snake oil salesmen

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l.o.l. funny

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I think Moderna employees should read the Patent information --- before posting STUPID signs on their foreheads.... https://www.modernatx.com/en-US/patents

(Moderna) Employees page

"Moderna employees drive our achievements in bringing innovative medicines to patients. Our commitment to them is rooted in an inclusive environment that fosters well-being. We believe that we will only succeed in our goals if we are able to attract and retain individuals of diverse backgrounds and of all ages, genders, ethnicities, religions, home countries and sexual orientations. Benefits like professional development programs, 401(k) matching, stock options and generous paid leave mean our team is empowered to achieve great things."

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More care of employees than in creating the next product designed to poison the population - guess employees still have rights but end users of the products they make don’t in many circumstances.

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Well, not unless you wanna live with a whole lotta "stupid.." ;-)

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If it were not for the government Moderna would probably not have existed at all. It has been doing research for the government, financed by it, and mad a slew of money from the killer jabs, just to drop back to were it was. A nothing. They should have not existed and now they should go broke. Unfortunately taking with them all the taxpayer's money. I had a smirk when I read how their stock fell. I know a few people who boasted a few years ago how they would get rich on Moderna stock... hopefully they sold before the fall.

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The premise here seems to be that the existence of government is the underlying evil here. I want to suggest that it is the persistence of corrupted government agencies that is the underlying evil - regulatory capture as it were. This is where citizenship comes into play. For all of its disappointments, we still have a representative democracy - this governmental structure was set up to be of for and by the people. We do not get to abdicate our responsibility to be active in how our government works for us (and hell yes that is a frustrating process) just because we don't like to interrupt whatever else we are doing. The remedy is more participation, and more daylight . And that I want to thank Sasha for being engaged in both, at significant levels.

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"The premise here seems to be that the existence of government is the underlying evil here."

"The very notion of government is evil. You don't need a person with authority to give you permission to do good deeds like help an old lady cross the street, or give food to poor people. The only thing you need authority for is to get permission to do stuff that everyone would say THAT'S BAD!!!"

- Larken Rose -


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There’s an awesome quote! Thanks for sharing the TRUTH of the matter! ;)

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Nice comment markbachelder. You are correct. Government by the people means Government BY the people. The civil populace have allowed themselves to be screwed into the ground. Let's blame it on government... Ya right...

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I hope they are hanging on all the way down to hell…psychopaths. Who needs them?

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Wow. Vengeance based on supposition.

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Wait til you learn ALL the truths...you won't be so critical.

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Nope. More like Karmic chickens coming home to roost, or so we all of sound mind and soul do hope ;-)

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"I know a few people who boasted a few years ago how they would get rich on Moderna stock... hopefully they sold before the fall."

I have nothing but contempt for people who invest in big pharma. I hope they still have their shares and are waiting for the turn-around. LOL

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We all do, in our 401ks. Can’t help what they invest in

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Of course "invest" in big pharma when all this started and then brag.

Never mind the evil that was plain, there was money involved.

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Sep 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

I used to be a sub at a newspaper, editing stories and writing headings. I give you 10 out of 10 for your heading. To pack truth and wit so elegantly deserves a toast! Greetings from South Africa, where some of us are awake too.

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Yes! That's what got me too. She's great. It's also why I love reading Dr. Paul Alexander as well. Although his language is borderline, but he gets away with it and I'm happy about it.

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I came to say that I think the headline is brilliant also!

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Sep 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

“If you don’t come to other peoples’ funerals, they will not come to yours” Yogi Berra

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yup! Love Yogi.

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Sep 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

Murderna needs to be shut down. The world does not need their poison.

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Yup. And the way to commence that shut down is to file multiple request for *Corporate Charter Revocation* against Moderna's corporate Charter at appropriate Courts of Chancery.

Read: Governance Documents - Moderna. >>> https://investors.modernatx.com/governance/governance-documents/default.aspx

Read Moderna's "Code of Ethics and Business Conduct" PDF.

Obviously; Moderna is in gross violation of their Corporate Charter(s)... I'm not going to spoon feed links to Charter Revocation procedure, as the majority of the populace refuse to comprehend legal process.

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Sep 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

My insurance company just offered me 5 bucks if I get a flu shot. I would not do it even for a Mercedes convertible in chocolate with cognac leather seats. Or any other colors.

But let that be a lesson to us. All the money has been raked in that’s going to be. Or anyway that’s what I hope. It would be a great happiness to see them all go under together.

Thank you for the good news. Relatively good anyway. Well they sprang from the nowhere. May have a speedy return.

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how perverse. your insurance should want to keep you alive and paying premiums. unless they're betting on your premiums going up with each new disease you'd contract.

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Sep 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

Deagle. But no worries! “There’s a sucker born every minute.” There will be plenty of customers again soon!

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Sep 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

All because we did not listen to mom.

(eat your vegetables)

Tangeretin from Citrus reticulate Inhibits Respiratory Syncytial Virus Replication and Associated Inflammation in Vivo.

Novel antiviral activity of mung bean sprouts against respiratory syncytial virus and herpes simplex virus −1: an in vitro study on virally infected Vero and MRC-5 cell lines

Fresh ginger (Zingiber officinale) has anti-viral activity against human respiratory syncytial virus in human respiratory tract cell lines

Vitamin A significantly inhibited murine norovirus replication.Jul 19, 2017

Blueberry proanthocyanidins have potential as preventive and therapeutic options for foodborne viral illnesses.Apr 30, 2017

Antiviral effects of persimmon extract on human norovirus and its surrogate, bacteriophage MS2.

Persimmon extract (tannin) showed antiviral effects against N ov and bacteriophage MS2. Persimmon extract is suitable for use as an antiviral agent.

These new findings suggested that it might be possible to treat/reduce norovirus infections with citrate from lemon juice. Aug 17, 2015

Vitamin D3 Suppresses Human Cytomegalovirus-Induced Vascular Endothelial Apoptosis

The antiviral activity of nettle was tested in vitro (Manganelli et al.,2005). UDA’s specific and potent inhibitory impact on HIV (HIV-1 and HIV-2), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and cytomegalovirus (CMV) intracellular replication

Bamboo compounds (sprouts?)have anti-cytomegalovirus activity.

Demonstration of the anti-viral activity of garlic extract against human cytomegalovirus in vitro


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Sep 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

The pfizer stock should bottom out and never return.

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What they hell has happened to people's self preservation gene? What happened that made it ok to believe some clueless jerk on the Weather Channel banging on about an increase in cases where it drove some internal need to roll up your sleeve and get injected with some unknown un-labled shit presented as a vaccine? Secondly there was no recourse for injury. There were so many alarm bells going off on this social project that it must have put the fire response for 9/11 to shame! For over 17 million people "safe and effective" had screw all to do with reality while Pfizers diminishing effectiveness sank like the titanic after kissing an iceberg as the government trickled the reality like a frozen hose. First of all people should stop using Ghoulgle. There is a whole fxxking interent full of truth that Ghoulgle doesn't show you.

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Erm... In answer to your first question. >>> https://www.modernatx.com/en-US/partnerships/strategic-collaborators

See any familiar names or organisations?

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They are in this together & all will be history. New ways coming where the government works for us not the opposite. When did that switch happen?

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Sep 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

I was at the ENT this morning to get a scrip for nasal spray. Seems the vax does all kinds of wondrous things. The doctor says, "Are you up to date on your vaccines?" I said "Eff your vaccines", and he says, "I'm with you there." So why did you ask? Oh, that's right, they get a bonus for every vaxx they stick you with.

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Sep 14Liked by Sasha Latypova

Mine gets AU$40 from the government just for asking if I want the flu jab, regardless whether I say yes or no. Presumably he gets even more if I accepted it.

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surreal...just for asking...like someone said on a substack once...they've become hired killers

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The title got me. I'm going to love reading your work.

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

Welcome to the club. 🫶🏻🕊

We’ve been loving Sasha’s work for years!

Have you noticed her art at the end of (almost?) every written piece?

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Sep 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

Re CRL- scaling back because of tanking industry? OR...

just removing the ability to produce superfluous animal studies?

You know, since FDA said they are no longer necessary for products already deemed "safe and effective". Even when they change parts of the formula.😐😐

"Streamling" - Marketing/PR speak for when manufacturing and R&D decide to cut "arduous" safety processes, 'cos "warp speed", "EUA", or my personal all time fav- "greater good".😉

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That great good bs line was in all probability, never accepted by anyone who made the statement. Sick farks!

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Sep 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

Beautiful painting!

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Sep 13Liked by Sasha Latypova

““R&D reductions are too far out chronologically to be credible from a management team that we think has proven serially unable to project the performance of their business,” Leerink Partners analyst Mani Foroohar wrote...” — That's because, as we know, it's NOT a business; it's a depopulation operation.

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Mr. Bancel was going to get back to us with an explanation from his scientists as to why a patented sequence of 19 nucleotides is present in SARS-COV-2. Did that ever happen?

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