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This is going to sound crazy. Crazy as in... Have you ever seen the juxtaposed side-by-side images of 1) an aerial view of 8-lane freeway gridlock captioned "Sane" and 2) a person in a natural setting, sitting on the ground in a meditation posture captioned "Crazy" ? ●

When we are in our "rational" minds, behaving in ways guided by 5-sensory perception processing, we are great study subjects. This is how THEY (The Hierarchy Exploiting You) hack humans. ●

In meditation (in case it's not part of your life), the effect is that you get away from your "rational" mind and experience what are called expanded states of consciousness. This, these other, expanded states of consciousness are part of our nature as human beings. Soul stuff. We in the west are simply not exposed to these ideas as part of our indoctrination, which starts Day 1 and gets worse upon entering school. ●

My point is, THEY, the faction diligently working to hack humans, have no clue about these other states of consciousness. They can't combat them. They're slippery to language, ineffable, impossible to get a rational/computational/digital handle on, thus impervious to hacking. ●

No, we can't live in those other states, but... once you have experienced something outside of waking consciousness, and verified for yourself that there is indeed something more to being a human being, you are far less susceptible to their tricks because you realize they are surface-level only. There's way more to the concept of consciousness than surface-level/5-sense-perception science has discovered. Quantum physics is getting there, but there's no driving force like the 14c Renaissance; there's a faction that's onto other realities and a faction of deniers. And trust me, I know nothing of the vastness and magnitude of the realm. I'm an onlooker. But having experienced some (ineffable) expanded states of awareness I have the perspective there's definitely more than meets the eye or the microscope or the Webb telescope. ●

My overarching point is, yes, The Science of Influence is a place to start. But it is limiting with respect to how hackable one is, relatively speaking. You can make yourself less hackable with an expanded awareness. Nothing's 100%. Just as Cialdini raises one type of awareness, there are other levels of awareness that are our birthright that provide an exit from the matrix, even if temporarily. Discover that - which clearly THEY do not want us to - and the fear of "hackable" becomes like a pesky gnat. ●

For your consideration.

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Anything that speaks to inner peace that leads to outer peace isn’t crazy. Far from it.

I bring up Cialdini because his books are an easy and interesting read. But certainly not the only lesson to learn on the path.

Actually the book Authentic Happiness is good too. As is Freakonomics.

We are bombarded by tactics specifically tailored to trigger us to think in lockstep to clever influencers. They know us better than we know ourselves. That’s why understanding the game is a great first step to blocking their quest for control.

I was approached recently at a gas stop. The panhandler was obviously schooled in one of the tactics outlined in Cialdini’s books.

They always try to hand you something, get you to talk about yourself, pacing and leading. Make it difficult to say no.

There’s a reason you’re asked for donations at the checkout register. There’s a reason the booths pass out “I Voted Today” stickers.

On it goes. It’s good to know the game.

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