Digging around in the historical record, I've learned about the Lasker awards (currently four categories), founded in 1945 by advertising executive Albert Lasker and his wife, sterilization advocate Mary Lasker.

Most Nobel winners get a Lasker award a year or so before they get the Nobel.

Holds true for Alpha-Fold, which got a Lasker award in 2023.

Kariko and Weissman got at Lasker award in 2021.

Past recipients include Joseph Smadel, John Enders, Jonas Salk, Basil O'Connor, Anthony Fauci, Maurice Hilleman.

Lasker awards are a who's-who of medico-military killers and a good way to predict the next phase of the projected-illusion warfare.

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Good point! I heard of this award, just didn't look in detail.

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We could check out where most Rhodes scholars end up!

Where they come from might also be of interest.

They all appear to have swamp connections, past and present.

To be fair, we all do - part of our "evolutionary history".

Well according to "the science" anyhow!

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/C4r990taRg

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The Nobel is a farce. Over a century of farcicle farceness because someone wanted to assuage their conscience. They give 'peace' prizes to mass murderers, they give 'science' prizes to mass murderers; prizes seem to be based on how many people one either kills or facilitates killing.

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They give nobel prizes in economics to Krugmantards that can't seem to grasp even the most fundamental aspects of the science.

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Heh, heh... I've called it the "No-Bell" prize for decades. Same as the Gong Show prize, only less coked up...

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Not totally true. Fred Sanger won two and he was the most gentle and peaceful man you could imagine.

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You have to throw the dog a bone once in a while. Even Hitler and Stalin were nominated, Stalin twice for trying to 'end' ww2.

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Linus Pauling too

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Pretty much the Father of Genetic Engineering (if you catch my drift... why we're even having this whole discussion) or at least a nephew. Later labeled as a Quack for his his 'dietary' views.

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LOL next you’d be telling that Rutherford was a killer as his work paved the way to the atomic bomb

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"The 2024 Nobel Prize in chemistry is awarded to the developers of AlphaFold for FAILING to solve the protein folding problem."

Not even a surprise! Since they gave the Peace Prize to Obama, and never undo it, that was it in terms of credibility...

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First I want to say that I enjoy (and try to learn from) each of your posts. Next, I confess that some days it all seem a bit over my head (today being one of those). Finally, I want to thank you for making those at my level feel included.

"If you are forced to build a house only with plastic cups, forks and spoons you may construct something, but it ain’t going to be a Taj Mahal."

I TOTALLY got that, and enjoyed it immensely!

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Thank you for the comment Tim.

I think the critical point is, that a few want to beat the rest into submission to the infallible input of "the experts".

Real experts with integrity, like Sasha, rip the camouflage off the chameleons!

The "experts" are often not experts, nor infallible.

The ministry of truth is often the ministry of lies.

We are all intelligent people, capable of making up our own minds, given the facts in understandable form.

We have the right to choose.

Others do not have the right, to rob us of our free will on any pretext, regardless.

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Yep, it's all pseudoscience and I'm looking forward to your article on x ray crystallography which is the way they discovered "DNA".


Heinz von Foerester -what is reality?

He also explains how physics made up particles to fulfill formulas. Science became imaginary, especially quantum physics.


Here's a good playlist on the huge holes and copied wave theory that quantum mechanics and other issues of modern physics.


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I think they mean "folding" it into their portfolio of racketeering operations in order to obtain public money for future grants and private gains.

For me it's the burnt orange scary spikey ball or the diabolical dark purple guy that brings a chill to my spine. Upon sight, during my Saturday morning cartoons, I immediately crawl under the blankets and will not re-emerge until I'm sure the appropriate safety dots have been slapped upon the floor of the local big box store.

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In order to master the science of protein folding, you must first master the science of carefully tossing a heap of wet laundry into a hamper. An expert *No-Bell laureate* ends up with a neatly folded stack of ironed clothing gracing their drawer...

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I know we share being rightfully disdainful of these pseudo-science-y over credentialed creeps but having been in close quarters with these clowns in the League of Poison Ivy for over two decades (before they booted me out as I protested the Covid Totalitarianism) I can say indisputably that these sorry-ass high brow academics are not only the most pompous people on earth but also the most psychotic.

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Hello Allen. Good of them to boot you out before you caught their disease. Here's an extremely insightful definition from WebMD:

"Doctors don't know the exact cause of psychotic disorders. Researchers believe that psychotic symptoms are caused by a combination of different factors, such as: Your genes - The way your brain develops over time - Exposure to stressors and trauma - In older adults, physical or mental illnesses"

I'm glad the metal illness part is reserved for "older adults"... Hey! Wait a minute. Are they talkin' ta me?

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So well written and funny, as usual.

I wouldn't put a quarter in their pinball machine.

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It's amazing how dumb most "scientists" sound these days:).

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Beautiful painting, I enjoy all of them. This alpha plan reminds me of the scripture, "they put precept upon precept, idea upon idea and then fall over backwards".

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Needless to say, most of this went straight over my head but this comment really tickled my fancy. "Sit this one out, folks, and we will end up running planet Earth."

Very funny, not to mention prescient I hope.

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This gang is more likely to develop destructive prions than curative proteins. If Gottlieb is involved, you know somebody else is writing big checks.

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PROTEIN! I found it to be highly overrated...too easy to obtain and it had side effects, too. When I was a child, I lived in the fairy tales for years...and learned a lot from some of them. One example, The Emperor's New Clothes about the con artists who sold the emperor a bill of goods on a very expensive, fabulous new outfit they would make for him. It would be so elegant that only the most highly advanced souls would see it and be awed by it. The two scoundrels took quite some time working on this superb outfit...and finally the day arrived, when he could wear it and parade in it, before all his subjects. The people really were stirred, when they saw him in the parade, but only one little voice spoke up..."The emperor does not have any clothes on.". People have been totally 'snowed' by every profit seeking industry or organization. .It's always about their benefits...not the consumers.

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The entire medical profession is naked and it's not a pretty sight:)

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The problem was created, when John D Rockefeller got his men on the boards of the medical schools back around 1910...and changed the curriculum to promote his patented petroleum based drugs; eliminating any other kind of treatment. Chiropractors were not recognized; nor herbalists; nor nutritionists. He also promoted the AMA...got doctors to join by promising them higher incomes and prestige...nothing of benefit for the patients.

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"There are new problems today. In medicine, we live longer, so there are new diseases. There’s always potential for new pandemic viruses. And outside of medicine, we’re heating up the planet and polluting it."

Who talks like this? What kind of logic is this? We live longer, so there are new diseases?

In a way I guess he's right. We live longer, so there are new dis-eases (read: they find new ways to poison us and make us sick.


I found a way around my disabled "Also share to Notes" tick box. Fuck you substack staffers.

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Who DOESN'T THINK like this. and expects to be given credible public exposure?

Well many politicians (leeches), philanthropists (eugenicists), technocrats (egomaniacs), think tankers (swamp creatures), pseudo-scientists (wannabes) and more apparently.

Oops - forgot journalists, including some "independent" ones (propagandists) and scientific/medical journal editors and contributors (follow the $$$ devotees).

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Happy inauguration day Bill and Elon and Scott.

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Oooooo! Wonderfully dry... +100 likes.

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Surely the very minimum requirement of a 'protein structure algorithm' worthy of a Nobel is using the algorithm to predict a protein structure capable of a novel biochemical function, then synthesising it, characterising the protein and proving that the predictions were correct? Actually, I would have thought a few dozen correct predictions by different scientists using the algorithm would be more appropriate?

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This software model seems designed to forgo most of the physical experimental validation steps. Because then someone might insist on testing the chemicals before they get formulated into "pandemic vaccines".... ooooh, that would be dangerous....

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"If you are forced to build a house only with plastic cups, forks and spoons you may construct something, but it ain’t going to be a Taj Mahal." Well, shoot!

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If you only have a brass band, you can construct something, but it ain't gonna be an orchestra!

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Apologies Luzzie. I promise I wrote my comment before I read yours.

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