The entire system - at least every organization that "matters" - is totally captured and corrupt. Of course, we all know this. The question is how do you "work around" a system that's horizontally and vertically completely corrupt? My only answer is to dramatically increase our support the "small" truth-seeking platforms and writers that are NOT captured.
And we need to form small, localized grass roots support systems of our own. Dependency by so many on such a corrupt system is a huge problem. One of the biggest.
They keep saying we need to actively work on our own local governments. We need to stop the new China like control lamp post coming our way. The new lamp post will have facial ID and that will eventually stop you from going out of your 15 minute zone. I am sure that is being thought of right now. Don't let it happen in your neighborhood. Also I have heard that multi-colored lamp post may be weaponized.
Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova
"Once you realize the U.S. government is an organized crime syndicate, everything makes sense." ~ L. Todd Wood
"Every decent man is ashamed of his government" - H. L. Mencken
“America is at that awkward stage; it's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.” -- Claire Wolfe
"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats" ~H.L. Mencken
“Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure; The fearful are caught as often as the bold. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all". -Helen Keller
Edit: I finally found the others I was seeking. lol
Thank you, Guido! I have been calling that thing in D.C. the world's largest and deadliest organized crime syndicate for decades. Only now I see there's an actual quote saying the same thing! are much smarter than I hesitate to say anything. But it seems to me we have to dismantle the system root and branch..or we will be living in a kill box forever. How do we eliminate the prep and cares acts? They have to go..along with all the agencies..or they are gonna pull this again. They didnt cull enough of us. There arec46 million illegals who nerd our houses and jobs..and who have no allegiance to our constitutional rights
I don't know how. The only thing I do know is that everyone (ok, maybe let's focus on those with above room temp IQ first) should be aware of this simple infographic that I made and stop complying with anything coming out of "health" agencies.
Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova
I have promoted the 'get off prescription drugs whenever possible" action. People who take more than 10 prescription drugs are sometimes sicker than if they took none. Find Natural vitamins and supplements and natural healing techniques.
Remember that most Medical Doctors (MD's) are pill pushers only.
If we cut into big pharma's profit then their shareholders will demand they listen to us.
Sasha, we can agree that the laws under EUA are unconstitutional, correct? If so, can't a case be made to get the laws thrown out, much like the quarantine case in New York State? Bobbie Cox, a real estate attorney, acted through the standing of a couple of state senators to get the law thrown out. Perhaps that can work here? Who is the best constitutional lawyer in the country? Thanks. Peace.
As an attorney of many years, I can tell you that, yes, a good case can be made.
However, getting the laws throw out requires eithet Congressional action (good luck there, esp. with the current Senate), or perhaps a judicial determination. Those are possibilities, and yes, Bobbie Cox was fabuloso. It would be great if she would take it on. Unfortunately, the more well-known attorneys and their forms remain unwilling to put themselves out there. Scared. But that may be changing.
I’m wondering if you have any recommendations of places to try? I’ve called several. There is very clearly an agenda to shut down people. Non-profit/ngo’s seem like an even larger scam.
A citizen can file a Notice to the Legislator servants, and inform them of their violation of their Oath to the Constitution, i.e. Prep Act. It goes, or they go. No long trials. We are the Government, citizens wrote the Laws, and Congress has failed to obey. I do know a Constitutional citizen currently winning countless cases for citizens under attack by a fake, planned, emergency. and insane "rules" of Hospital Administrators, some of them have resigned. I think you Steve, understand this, and may have witnessed the Power of the People too? There is no glorious wins as we see in multimillion dollar Lawsuits in District Courts, where we have no standing, or until an unresolved case gets to Supreme Court, which is a Constitutional Court we do have standing. Not trying to upset anyone, just putting the facts out to give a solution Fair Enough everyone?
I have no intention of ever complying with anything coming out of health and a lot of other agencies ever again. What I am trying to find is a way to not comply with the CBDC. Any ideas welcome. Any states that have a chartered STATE bank with gold backed currency...I'm in.
Do not sign up for digital ID even if it means no air travel. Obv use cash everywhere you can. If enough people resist it, they won't be able to implement the CBDC.
2 years ago, with Covid shot proof required, I was prepared never again to see my eldest child (and her children, my own grandchildren) across the Atlantic. I had determined that should that be the cost of remaining shot-free, I was ready to pay it. As it happens, that did not come to pass; I was able to fly over there last fall, and they to us last month.
Sasha they make the paper money. They just decrease the availability of paper money, and stores only accept cards. I think he who controls the money system controls the world. We almost have to have our own money system.
I was surprised how little the payment for mudering people can sometimes be, and the cost to buy off a politician was rather low in my opinion too.
Eventually all ID's will just be digital. So as Gates said you won't have a choice. Of course I could be wrong. I hope I am wrong.
I think we got to try to be one step ahead of them, and be involved as much as we can in our own government.
Noticing at neighborhood Lowes' how many of the self-checkout terminals are card-only, and the one sole cash-accepted has been out of order (paper taped over it stating 'no cash') for two weeks. It could be that Lowes' is fearful of robbery, however.
Yes, we must now address our health and stamina as our own responsibility. Work on your yourself every day. Eat Whole Foods, go out in the sun and fresh air, move your body as much as possible and be kind to yourself and others. We can do this but we must take ownership of ourselves now.
You live in the king's country (US is a colony of England) and your constitution is worthless. You should embrace king's opposite doctrine which is practical orthodoxy as the enemy of satanism.
I know not if this earth on which I stand is the core of the universe or if it is but a speck of dust lost in eternity. I know not and I care not. For I know what happiness is possible to me on earth. And my happiness needs no higher aim to vindicate it. My happiness is not the means to any end. It is the end. It is its own goal. It is its own purpose.
Neither am I the means to any end others may wish to accomplish. I am not a tool for their use. I am not a servant of their needs. I am not a bandage for their wounds. I am not a sacrifice on their altars.
I am a man. This miracle of me is mine to own and keep, and mine to guard, and mine to use, and mine to kneel before!
Daughter and her husband became Ca citizens last month--she told us she had to swear allegiance to King Charles (fyi, our families escaped the king a few centuries ago--considerable irony here)
Yes, excellent info from Corey's Digs--I drop that all over the place to show people who is at the top of the pyramid.
As for Gandhi, I know this is totally random, but years ago, I stumbled across an English Professor in Toronto, who did a lot of research into Gaandhi. He actually had a different take, and thought that Gandhi actually worked for the British and delayed the Indian people in getting their freedom from the British Empire (City of London Empire):
Sergeant-Major Gandhi Was British Secret Service Agent
Timothy Spearman Toronto International College Canada
The author’s research on Gandhi goes back to Gandhi Under Cross-examination, co-authored with Col. G.B. Singh. It was at that time that he discovered Gandhi’s London Diary. Though the original document was said to be 120 pages in length, the surviving excerpt from the London Diary is only 20 pages long. The rest of the original edition appears to have been suppressed. There is a reason for this. Being an avid researcher into the mysteries pertaining to secret societies, the author recognized that the London Diary was Gandhi’s Freemason diary, recounting in coded language his initiation through the various degrees of the Masonic Order. Being well familiar with the initiatory rites of the Third Degree (3°), the author immediately recognized that the surviving 20 pages of the diary described Gandhi’s initiation to that very degree. In addition, Gandhi studied law at the Inner Temple, one of the five Inns of Court in the City of London. The Inner Temple has long been a front for training members of the British intelligence services - MI6 in fact. It is even alleged quite surprisingly that the Queen Mother was in charge of the spy training facility for much of her life, not exactly the image of the quaint grandmamma portrayed in the popular press.
Mahatma Gandhi admitted to Inner Temple Bar at Law certificate, London, England, United Kingdom, UK, 1891, old vintage 1900s picture
I was just going to say: the British were never really thrown out of India. I know this because when you must deal with the Indian government, you will recognize the British government that hides inside it. Or should I refer to it as the Permanent British Empire administered from Londinium.
Yeah, to be honest, I don't think the British Empire ever died-- IMO it was always the City of London Banker Empire, and though they no longer have troops all over the world, their former colonies are captured by IMF/World Bank debt. I actually see the City of London banker Empire as the top of the pyramid--I think they captured the US when they got the power to issue our currency in 1913.
There's one other dimension to this Americans may not know; who are the Hindutva? For every country that has a western orbit, influence from the World Bank, BIS and London, there are "fundamentalist" religious groups. These are most likely fed support from the Private Equity Owner who operate out of London.
Hindutva definition from Association for Asian Studies:
Hindutva ( lit. 'Hindu-ness') is a political ideology encompassing the cultural justification of Hindu nationalism and the belief in establishing Hindu hegemony within India. The political ideology was formulated by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar in 1922. This Cancerous Parasite has had influence and funding from the Private Owners of London.
The fundamentalist groups are one of the ways that those of Londinium nudge the local populations into whatever divides a society the easiest.
An important first step, IMO, was the American "Civil War." That illegal, unlawful war set the stage for making the swamp "control central" by making the States bend to the Fed -- the complete inverse of how this republic is supposed to operate.
Most of our government is corrupt. I bet all of our three letter agencies are corrupt. Our schools and hospitals are corrupt. Even our organizations that are supposed to look out for children, traffic children. It is to the point it is hard to find an organization that is not corrupt.
Maybe not every individual in every organization is corrupt, but when you dig, there is corruption.
Also even if Trump got elected again, he won't get us out of this. I also don't believe he didn't know, or he just made some bad decisions. He knew, and allowed a lot of it to continue.
I think it has to be the people coming together and stepping out of their comfort zone, in what ever way possible to stop all this. Not coming forward by the thousands, but by the millions.
"Just as Hans v. Louisiana had demonstrated the impropriety of construing the Amendment so as to permit federal question suits against a state, Justice Mahlon Pitney reasoned, it seems to us equally clear that it cannot with propriety be construed to leave open a suit against a State in the admiralty jurisdiction by individuals, whether its own citizens or not."
Note the reference to "admiralty jurisdiction". Maritime jurisdiction is jurisdictional agency which regulates (sanctions) commercial commerce and Uniform Contract Law. Maritime jurisdiction is the "law" of the Sea. It is NOT the Law of the Land (which is Constitutional Law)
Citizens need to discern the differences between Constitutional intent, and it's contrast with Maritime Rule. The courts system has become a BAR Association quagmire. And the quagmire is intentional.
We The people are the government, and don't require courts , lawsuits, etc to remedy unconstitutional law. Serve Notice to the servants, ask for response within 10 days. The violations goes or the servant goes
So, basically, the DOD’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, The UN, Democratic leadership & RINOs, the PresidencieS, the “it’s a ‘natural’ pandemic” of propagandized’ believers (citizens), Major sNewZzzz media and mandate-following Corporate America have been MIND-CAPTURED by lies.
I’m feeling more alone ... but I feel GREAT being warmed by the reciprocal TRUTHS in realizing “Beliefs are, too often, the enemy of KNOWING.”
Only good luck finding the ones that AREN’T controlling the opposition (i.e. pretending to be on your side but ultimately lying to you and undermining you).
State and local action is important but declaring federal law unconstitutional is not a state or local prerogative. That has to be done in federal court. Of course, states and local governments can refuse to enforce a law based upon unconstitutionality and some sheriffs go out on a limb in this regard.
Nailed it! In any democracy (defined as self-rule of/by/for the people) pre-existing rights-protective Constitutional law typically ensures that any 'law' later 'passed' in violation of this has no legal force or power.
Criminals may get into the public service and they may attempt to pass off criminal abuses labelled as 'law' as 'legal', but they have really demonstrated their criminality and have VIOLATED LAW.
Why would anyone go to the trouble of having a rights-protective Constitution (and other law) and declaring democracy (I repeat: self-rule of/by/for the people, even if administrative proxies are elected/appointed to keep the country running smoothly and in a humane and civilised fashion, to protect the country's sovereignty and the rights of the people, etc.,) if we let lawless fellow-citizens (infesting publicly funded public office/public positions meant to administrate on behalf of the public interest, not against it) simply add an after-the-fact illegal 'rider' pretending that any time they feel like it, they can 'legally' do anything illegal they like, when they can't?
Rights are inalienable - and nobody else can legally sell/trade/dispose of/abuse what belongs to anyone/everyone else to suit themselves.
Great diagram. I have written my congressmen asking them to repeal the PREP Act and am encouraging everyone I know to do the same. I used to be a Congressional Legislative correspondent and know large numbers of responses can influence our public officials. Thank you for all that you do to educate us.
No. Trump will NEVER speak of the harms/ dangers of the vaccine, nor the hospital protocols that led to a grand culling, nor the FACT that it was an intentional genocide. NEVER - So don’t hold your breath folks!
I won’t vote for Trump till he does. Remaining in support of the jabs places a gigantic question mark on his integrity and judgment.
They’ll never let Trump win again. This could all be a distraction to whip up the public to support a savior, to the detriment of all other candidates such as DeSantis. A corpse could beat Biden. Trump made too many bad appointments…Sessions, Barr, Pence. Either he sold out to the RNC to get the nod, or he’s a terrible judge of people. So long as Trump remains associated with the fully-captured GOP, count me out.
If you believe President Trump knowingly allowed himself to be legally boxed in and captured by the very corrupt system he’s been trying to break up then the Deep State propagandists have won. Trump has been adamantly against ANY mandate for forcing the vaxx on ANYONE. He was defrauded out of office before he could act inside the government to prevent mandates. I continue to support him 100%. No one else other than Trump is supporting national policies that truly benefit average Americans instead of the wealthy multinational corporate elites. Only Trump can correct this bioweapons crime against humanity and expose the criminals who engineered it. .
Trump is indeed a war criminal. He is hiding behind the immoral shield of the PREP act. The PREP act enabled the war against the American people. You can read the laws for yourself that prove my position. See the "Covid Kill Box" at Katherine Watt's Bailiwicks News Substack. I repeat, the EUA laws, on the books and available to anyone, prove my position that Trump is a war criminal. Be sure to actually read the laws, including the PREP act, before you make statements that are not based on facts. I have supplied you with the paths to actual laws and facts; where is your evidence to support your statement? Peace.
Steve, I have been an actual attorney for many years. President Reagan signed the law giving liability protection for pharma into in 1986. It has remained the law through all Presidents, for all these years. Trump is no more a war criminal than any other of our Presidents. A court or Congresd should get involved, but we know how that goes.
The Prep Act provides that the HHS Secretary can call for all of the things in the Act to happen. In this case, the DOD/CIA had an office on the HHS floor, and called all decisions presumably "made" by the HHS Secretary. DOD/CIA had been secretly making SARS Covid-2 (with the help of the China Wuhan lab, of all things) since about 2014. Birx was CIA through Matthew Pottinger, and knew what was being done. Fauci knew. They did not tell Trump.
Fauci, Birx, and Redfield also let the Oval Office know that they had made a pact and that if any one of them was fired, the other two would quit. This is in one of the books, I believe the one by Peter Navarro.
But, understand, no one really needs an "Act" to do what has been done to us. These days, they just do it without a second thought, anyway.
I realize you're angry. I was hurt, and I am angry, too. I am angry at Trump for being so egotistic, obtuse, and unfeeling in that Megyn Kelly interview. He could have at least given his condolences about her relative. But, he worked very hard in his Presidency to get people therapeutics, and other things. He had no way of knowing what was in the shots. The DOD had the contents made in many off site places, even in Canada, so even Dr. Peter McCullough, and the other medical freedom doctors, still aren't sure what is in them. Peace.
Trump is the opposite of a war criminal. Any interpretation other than that shows a complete lack of understanding as to why Trump ran (was asked to run!) for president in the first place. It also exhibits a serious lack of knowledge of the limitations on a U.S. president's powers in the current fascist Administrative State, one that has existed since at least 2004.
Your statement is false. Here is my comment copied from a similar comment above:
Trump is indeed a war criminal. He is hiding behind the immoral shield of the PREP act. The PREP act enabled the war against the American people. You can read the laws for yourself that prove my position. See the "Covid Kill Box" at Katherine Watt's Bailiwicks News Substack. I repeat, the EUA laws, on the books and available to anyone, prove my position that Trump is a war criminal. Be sure to actually read the laws, including the PREP act, before you make statements that are not based on facts. I have supplied you with the paths to actual laws and facts; where is your evidence to support your statement?
Read Dr. Denis Rancourt's analysis of the effects of the shots:
13+ million people at the time of publication were murdered by the transfection shots. You don't believe that Trump is not aware of this data?
The people in DC are a uni-party, including Trump. You are watching pure theatre, making you take your eye off the eugenics program running in plain sight. You have no informed consent. Your constitutional rights have been suppressed by the EUA. ( Read the law).
Trump is a gutless politician. He will not save you or anyone else. I voted for him twice. Open your eyes.
How can we expect Trump to fight this crime against humanity if he won’t even acknowledge it exists? He’s more than late to the party. I want to know if he’s receiving any campaign funding from Big Pharma. As an outsider with so much of the GOP establishment against him, I bet he took money from any donor offering it….including Big Pharma. That would neatly explain his ostrich-like position on the jabs, and why he didn’t fire Fauci. If he has taken Big Pharma money, I’m done with him.
Read through this article (from a vehemently anti-Trump source Yahoo News). And look at the total $ of Pharma donations to PDJT's 2016 campaign...compared to Mitch McConnell's. It doesn't even mention Big Pharma donations to Hillary's or any Democrat campaign. Trump is quoted as saying, after criticizing Big Pharma for giving generously to politicians and for charging obscenely high prices for their drugs, that he didn't need Big Pharma donors money but would welcome all donors.
Then read this list (link below) from Forbes (also strongly anti-Trump) about the list of super-rich donors to President Trump's 2020 campaign. Note that only 2 out of 133 big donors are involved with the Pharma industry.
And who passed that law? When? It was a corrupt & greedy Congress long before Trump ever ran for office. He’s lost $milliond since 2016. He donated his presidential salary, never kept a dime. He’s not in this to get wealthy. Never has been. That’s all on the record.
You know what it's ok 2024 wait to see what happens. Guess what you may think that not taking the vaccine your in the good. Nope, there is another part to it part 2, and if you haven't been doing it your fucked. But hey Q is coming to save you lol hahaha
My God, what are you supporting? The mass killing of people. Do you understand that ever since March 13th, 2020 the Constitution has been suspended? Your Constitutional rights are gone? There is no Biden lol. That isn't the real Biden smart guy the real Biden has tattoos. America is being held under medical material law. But I support Trump lol. What a fool. All the stories you believe are what they want you to believe. Trump made it so there was a fake Biden to destroy the country so people would guess what vote for Trump common sense. It would make people believe it was better under Trump and oh he didn't mandate but oh fake Biden did. Who was the one that locked down the whole country? Shutdown business? Made people wear a mask? Operation Warp Speed funded the vaccines. What is going on is simply putting a fake person in office causing chaos all to make people go through hell for what? Are you having a good time? Trump put $10 billion into Operation Warp Speed. What a fool you are this is why people like you have zero critical thinking skills and just do what they see and are told. Pussy
It is hard to assimilate the degree to which every law and loophole was crafted to carry out this mass atrocity. It is also hard to fathom just how much money has been transferred during these atrocities from the masses to the very rich and very powerful. We have paid dearly for all the harms visited upon us and will continue to pay huge sums for decades to come, while the psychopaths and criminals have been rewarded beyond all imagination. If we do not find the ways and means to get this corruption under some sort of control humanity is is serious trouble. The future currently looks very very bleak.
I have often spoken to others about the need for parallel systems, but in my region and in my life, I do feel alienated given the sheer amount of information I have collected throughout the pandemic and the fact that I am at alarm level high alert while most people are in various levels of denial. Denial has never worked well for me. I agree with you wholeheartedly. World Council for Health is doing amazing work and there is strength in numbers and strong communities.
yes. Therefore we have proof demonstrating that it matters zero who is occupying the oval office at any point in time, at least until this structure is in place.
Well...... He could have made a lot of hay about anything involving enforcement. He could have told the truth more vociferously. He could have removed people at FDA, CDC, etc. There are a lot of things he could have done and did not.
Hi Carolyn, I want to mention that at Mr T's rallies, several times he told us the "Snake" story about a lady who had taken home a snake, cared for the snake then he bit her, she was hurt and asked the snake why did you bite me, he said " you knew I was a snake when you took me in"
I found this very interesting then again he told the same story again at another rally. PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS TELLING US! Using comms to warn us about something like perhaps a bioweapon of sort? Now with this new information "Prep Act" it sure makes sense to me.
I hear people say that Trump talks in code to his true followers. Well, a President needs to do more than talk in code and, of course, a Presidential candidate. What do you think he meant by telling this story and who exactly does he accuse of being the snake? The "swamp"? IMHO he never really got away from the swamp, or created his own new swamp.
You apparently do not comprehend the magnitude and reach of the dark forces arrayed against President Trump and anyone who can expose the deepest levels of corruption inside the government. Why do you think there’s been such a dearth of whistleblowers from deep in these corrupt groups who are part of the chain of responsibility for the bioweapons research and deployment? PDJT has to be very indirect in what he says publicly when it comes to this topic. He would reveal specific details that he knows or suspects at his own peril. We have to put him back in the White House in 2024 to execute his plan to topple the globalists’ Deep State.
He tried & was vilified for it. If he would have fired Fauci he would have been called an ignorant dictator firing the “scientist”, the one person who knew the “science!” Can you imagine the outrage? He was boxed in. You can’t see that?
In one of Trump's interviews he talked about the powers behind the curtain. He was asked to name names and he said some names you may recognize and other names you wouldn't. I do believe Trump was controlled some what while in office and his life and family' life threatened. However he definitely caved to it.
Hi Dorothy, I am now convinced that Mr T used stories to give us hints, comments to warns us. Remember the "Snake" story at the rallies, he told that story maybe 3 times at different rallies. Now that Prep Act law coming into light proves the fact that the "Plan" had to move forward at some costs after all, we are at War!
Maybe so. Maybe the snake story had some significance. But maybe it didn"t. I have seen a lot of people read into numbers. "Trump walked 12 steps, which means blah, blah.
Frustration; Sassa’s picture of a Lion being turned away by courageous buffalos.
Only by casing fear can lions catch a buffalo.
To catch a buffalo; it needs several lions and a herd. What the lions have to do is to install in 1 or 2 buffalos a fear causing the pheromones (social chemo-signals) causing the herd to run. In turn, the main Bull will no longer act as the guardian for the herd’s vulnerable members. Without this fear mechanism; a group of 4 – 8 lions would stand no chance against the herd’s number of Bulls.
Humans have a similar susceptibility. When scared or stressed, humans produce social-chemo-signals, and while you may not consciously recognize the smell of fear or stress, it has a subconscious impact, through which an emotion can spread like wildfire through a community or an entire nation. Behavioural psychologists refer to this as “emotional contagion,” and it works both positive and negative emotions. When we are weak, vulnerable to be manipulated – anxiety is our feeling of life. If it’s no longer the joys of life that drives us; then its fear – fear from an uncertain future. People in fear are susceptible for cancers, heart diseases – and all kinds of infectious illnesses – and people in fear are ripe for manipulation.
Rupert Sheldrake demonstrated by many experiments that the behaviour of animals, plants, microbes and infectious agents and that even ‘dead’ objects can be influenced by morphogenetic resonance or the power of habits
The way to turn the lion/ Governmental predator away is walking a life without fear; an absolute trust in the wisdom of the spiritual world.
Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova
It is not correct that Trump must push the genocidal HHS narrative in order to maintain immunity under the PREP Act. He was a "covered person" at all relevant times and is immune (except for willful misconduct). While he no longer has an official capacity and he's no longer a covered person with regard to future acts, he can say whatever he wants without affecting his pre-existing immunity for anything he did in good faith under the PREP Act while president. In other words, if he now knows the truth he does not have to continue to push the fraudulent HHS narrative to maintain immunity. If he wanted to, he could admit without affecting his own immunity that he now knows Operation Warp Speed was a colossal failure and that the toxic Covid injections, the false government narrative that corruptly denigrated early treatment and safe and effective medicines like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, and the rest of the corrupt government response to the manmade pandemic was a world class failure that enriched the criminal elite while destroying countless lives. Many have theories about why he doesn't admit those failures now, but the prospect of losing his immunity is not the reason (so long as he didn't know at the time that the (his) government was engaged in a world class fraud -- and there is no evidence that he knew the truth at the time).
It wasn't a colossal failure. Unless you mean that they failed to inject 100% and only got 75%, and only murdered a fraction of people they were planning to. Your comment that Trump doesn't have to follow PREP, that's a valid point - but he IS following it very carefully in fact, so that should tell us all something important.
Yes, my point was only that maintaining immunity under the PREP Act is not the reason for whatever Trump says or doesn't say now. At this point, there is no excuse for Trump not knowing the truth about the highly toxic nature of the Covid injectables and for not knowing that every other meaningful aspect of the government response operated to cost lives and cause damage. Likewise, if Trump does know the truth now, then there is no excuse for not informing the public. In short, there is no excuse for continued silence about the fraud (and for continuing to tout OWS, the toxic injectables, and the rest of the governments response) -- and the fact there is no excuse includes the incorrect assertion that he must remain silent and/or that he must continue to tout the corrupt government narrative in order to maintain immunity. He could tell the truth if he wanted to without undermining his own immunity.
Maybe Trump is deep enough into the game that he understands if here were to present a full layman's explanation of the entire plot to kill, it would in fact be him most likely dead, suddenly and mysteriously.
"Yes, my point was only that maintaining immunity under the PREP Act is not the reason for whatever Trump says or doesn't say now." That is precisely the reason why he follows the narrative! He is a war criminal. See Katherine Watt's Substack. Peace.
"- and the fact there is no excuse includes the incorrect assertion that he must remain silent and/or that he must continue to tout the corrupt government narrative in order to maintain immunity. He could tell the truth if he wanted to without undermining his own immunity"
What you write may well be true . (and what I am going to say is not intended to say I pardon ANYONE who is or has been involved) .
But, my point here is to bring up one important FACT . (In my opinion, it is a fact ).
Law or no law . Immunity or no immunity . Right or wrong . The TRUTH is simple if one steps back : NOBODY is safe who risks speaking out . And the louder the voice ...... the less safe they are .
Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova
I'd forgot, indeed those bioweapons they called vaxxxxines were free, and often incentivized, axe murderer Gavin gave a girl fifty grand supposedly for winning that lottery, after he himself got an injury from the big Harma hacksxxxxine.
I've been on the fake state health care rolls for years, due to tax requirements, but never once seen a doctor nor had them do jack for me, except they did find the resources to call me and offer me their death clot shot injext, as many as I want d it sounded like. Of course I refused and told the caller Id not get any.
Twas insulting that the one time state of CA killafornia pretended to care about my health was so they could murder my ass
I don't trust anyone on substack at this point that doesn't allow comments unless you are a paid subscriber. Taibbi, Malone and others should know better at such a crucial time in history. Yes, I'm becoming a bit more judgemental. Not struggling financially? but demand payment at a time like this to hear the message of how you want to save the world? Not a good look at the least and not completely IN the save humanity game from my view of the landscape.
I believe that he knows he will not get the Nobel and so his current 'quest' is to play freedom fighter. He simply wants to be famous by any means necessary. If he cannot get the prize, he will throw his toys outside the playpen.
Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova
Imagine putting yourself out there, of your own free will, inserting yourself into every covid discussion you can arrange, both high profile and not, marketing yourself as the calm, steady research academic that we should all trust unconditionally -- and then trying to Alex Jones anyone who has the effrontery to disagree with you.
People here routinely disparage Trump's ego. Trump has nothing on this guy.
Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova
There is a different perspective and it is not about the money (I make very little from my Substack). I am banned from all social media and heavily monitored by law enforcement and subject to abuse by agitators. Also, many times I will write about sensitive issues and do not have the mental bandwith or time to deal with idiot throwaway comments when I am writing about death and murder. In my case it is not about the money but filtering.
Who gives a rat's behind, at this point, about commenting (or reading for that matter) at Malone? Stacks that don't allow you to READ unless you're a paid subscriber are worse, JMHO.
My only healthy child was murdered by the hospital protocol. I have her autopsy results.
I have the proof that they tortured, and killed her. 10m doses of Remdesivir, no food or water, isolated and alone, while being pumped full of of poison. What is a mother suppose to do when she can not get justice for my child? They are still killing and getting away with it. Where is the outrage ? Where are our representatives? Why is our hard working tax dollars paying to kill us?
Thank you, it is hard to put yourself out there tell the truth of what happened and get attacked. Thank you for praying for me, I need it. God knows I need help to keep going forward.
When my daughter was alive I said, that if anyone touches her I would kill them.
Now 23 months later, the thoughts are still there. I had to move out of NY last November.
Bringing this to light and finding ways to get her Justice, is now the reason I am here.
To shut down the system that euthanized their patients after tortured, poison, restrained them without food or water.
I can not read my daughter's medical records. But what is in it, will shock the world into demanding change! Everyday, I think I am one day closer to being with my daughter.
I am screaming, I had to put my life out in the public, begging people on FB, then twitter and now Substack. Asking for help to let the world know what they have done to my child, to bring me justice ! I want a trial for the world to see their faces.
I want their children, family, and neighbors to know who they really are the scumbags of this earth. They need to get the same punishment as they have done to my daughter and the million others they killed!
I am sorry, we have to expose them or they will continue. This has all been done in darkness behind hospital walls, it suppose to be the safest place in the world.
Now, we have to let the public become outrage by this evil in order to bring change or we have no future.
Right now, the medical establishment is not about saving live, but making a profit. We can not accept this anymore. We need to repeal the PrepAct.
If you read and follow the logic of Sasha's post, Trump is indeed a war criminal because the laws ( You can download and read the laws - see Bailiwicks News Substack ) under the EUA ( still in place ) show that the DOD and the HHS are at war with the citizens of America. Trump has never spoken out about the deaths from the shots. This paper shows that 13+ million people have been murdered by the shots:
Do you think that Trump is aware of that fact? Yes, he is - along with every other person in DC. That's why Sasha's post is so important - NO person will step up and stop the kill shots. Why? Because is they do, they lose the liability protections under the PREP act. They are selfish cowards who have 100% sold out the American people.
I could be wrong, but the only person authorized to stop the prep act is HHS secretary and/or under secretary. Once in motion, no president could stop it....even if the signed order for a safe, effective vaccine was the order given, dod could accept piss, shit, and 1000's of other crap because HHS said "Emergency"
Yes, pols are fundraising constantly, rather than working for the benefit of their constituents. I communicate frequently with one of my senators whose name I won't mention but all I get back from him is mucilaginous slop. I am also becoming more and more aware of my governor and his health commissioner and their slavish and complicit mentalities which see them as co-conspirators in this overall democide. I know when the overall civilization killing comes along fully feathered that the two of them will ride off into the sunset gleeful and fulfilled. There's a peculiar stink that accompanies their blase' nonchalance. A very pronounced interaction that never touches upon what is happening to us mere mortals best describes their attitudes. I would wager that the governor has never uttered the words, "Klaus Schwab" during his current tenure as governor. This abstinence is only too obvious.
Provides an explanation why the CDC hid data of harm, they themselves collected, from their advisory committee. And then expose it and say that vaccine is not longer available so no followup will be done. Mocking us indeed.
Clearly, the very notion of absolute sovereign immunity is incompatible with the basis upon which this nation was founded. It's written down in black and white, right there in the Declaration of Independence:
"... whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends [i.e., unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
"... But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, IT IS THEIR DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
To my mind, the question is not whether absolute sovereign immunity is acceptable. It is NOT. The question is how to identify and then correct such a catastrophic overreach of government power that a "throwing off" of the existing government is justified. Are we at that point? If so, can it be done in orderly fashion through the existing justice system? Or is the justice system so "bent", and the overreach so egregious, that an untidy full-scale rebellion will be required? We may soon find out.
This is excellent work, thank you. Hopefully the message you are sharing gets through to people 🤞🏻
If we continue playing their game, by their rules, we aren’t going to get anywhere. The corrupt and incompetent do not respect paper or pen, laws or constitutions, humans or animals or trees or anything alive on this planet. We need to stop acting like prey, hoping someone following the rules is going to save us. Our species is being annihilated and enslaved by the same system we are waiting to save us.
We are not victims! We are God’s warriors! Make peace with yourself, the enemy is knocking on your door. How will you answer?
Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova
Just like WHO and so many of the worst of these self appointed murderous hordes of fakery. People need to declare that there is NO cooperating with entities that take zero responsibility for what they do, never mind giving them the biggest powers over all of us. We never agreed to their sovereign immunity. So does that mean all of us get sovereign immunity just because we state it? Alice in Wonderland tripping fascistic criminals can not be interacted with. And we will not cooperate with any entity that has massive conflicts of interest. Notice both of these apply to the worst of these pirate organisations.
yes, I personally have sovereignty because I assert it. That's what everyone should do. Then none of these "laws" that these psychos write matter at all.
I think how much sovereignty one can have depends where they are at in life. A single working mother struggling to put food on the table and a roof over her and her children's head may struggle harder to avoid the poisons that are around. We aren't just talking about one poison too.
Also I think there is a certain amount of research a person needs to do to even learn that it is a poison. They may not have time to do so. They may be young and still too starry eyed to understand just how evil people are. Then add the massive propaganda to it. Geez, it is hard for people to know what is going on.
However I agree Sasha. Once you learn you darn well do your best to avoid all the poisons. Unless you are suicidal, why would someone take poison?
And that is what's known as the bottom line, Dorothy Ann. It is very impressive to see all the highly technical posts on here re the scamdemic in all it's aspects but the bottom line is that the vax is a highly lethal, toxic poison with which they are trying to main and kill us. The end.
I didn't realize these were Laws....Are they really? So not like a regulation, that regularly tests the boundaries of The Oath of Office to uphold the Constitution?
The entire system - at least every organization that "matters" - is totally captured and corrupt. Of course, we all know this. The question is how do you "work around" a system that's horizontally and vertically completely corrupt? My only answer is to dramatically increase our support the "small" truth-seeking platforms and writers that are NOT captured.
And we need to form small, localized grass roots support systems of our own. Dependency by so many on such a corrupt system is a huge problem. One of the biggest.
They keep saying we need to actively work on our own local governments. We need to stop the new China like control lamp post coming our way. The new lamp post will have facial ID and that will eventually stop you from going out of your 15 minute zone. I am sure that is being thought of right now. Don't let it happen in your neighborhood. Also I have heard that multi-colored lamp post may be weaponized.
This is key
"Once you realize the U.S. government is an organized crime syndicate, everything makes sense." ~ L. Todd Wood
"Every decent man is ashamed of his government" - H. L. Mencken
“America is at that awkward stage; it's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.” -- Claire Wolfe
"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats" ~H.L. Mencken
“Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure; The fearful are caught as often as the bold. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all". -Helen Keller
Edit: I finally found the others I was seeking. lol
Great quotes!
The scroll bar on my quotes file is SO tiny, .... sometimes I give up looking for the one I'm trying to find. lol.
Guido, I think you nailed it! Thanks for that.
Thank you, Guido! I have been calling that thing in D.C. the world's largest and deadliest organized crime syndicate for decades. Only now I see there's an actual quote saying the same thing! are much smarter than I hesitate to say anything. But it seems to me we have to dismantle the system root and branch..or we will be living in a kill box forever. How do we eliminate the prep and cares acts? They have to go..along with all the agencies..or they are gonna pull this again. They didnt cull enough of us. There arec46 million illegals who nerd our houses and jobs..and who have no allegiance to our constitutional rights
I don't know how. The only thing I do know is that everyone (ok, maybe let's focus on those with above room temp IQ first) should be aware of this simple infographic that I made and stop complying with anything coming out of "health" agencies.
I have promoted the 'get off prescription drugs whenever possible" action. People who take more than 10 prescription drugs are sometimes sicker than if they took none. Find Natural vitamins and supplements and natural healing techniques.
Remember that most Medical Doctors (MD's) are pill pushers only.
If we cut into big pharma's profit then their shareholders will demand they listen to us.
Sasha, we can agree that the laws under EUA are unconstitutional, correct? If so, can't a case be made to get the laws thrown out, much like the quarantine case in New York State? Bobbie Cox, a real estate attorney, acted through the standing of a couple of state senators to get the law thrown out. Perhaps that can work here? Who is the best constitutional lawyer in the country? Thanks. Peace.
As an attorney of many years, I can tell you that, yes, a good case can be made.
However, getting the laws throw out requires eithet Congressional action (good luck there, esp. with the current Senate), or perhaps a judicial determination. Those are possibilities, and yes, Bobbie Cox was fabuloso. It would be great if she would take it on. Unfortunately, the more well-known attorneys and their forms remain unwilling to put themselves out there. Scared. But that may be changing.
Thank you for the clarification. Peace.
I’m wondering if you have any recommendations of places to try? I’ve called several. There is very clearly an agenda to shut down people. Non-profit/ngo’s seem like an even larger scam.
Places to try for what?
A citizen can file a Notice to the Legislator servants, and inform them of their violation of their Oath to the Constitution, i.e. Prep Act. It goes, or they go. No long trials. We are the Government, citizens wrote the Laws, and Congress has failed to obey. I do know a Constitutional citizen currently winning countless cases for citizens under attack by a fake, planned, emergency. and insane "rules" of Hospital Administrators, some of them have resigned. I think you Steve, understand this, and may have witnessed the Power of the People too? There is no glorious wins as we see in multimillion dollar Lawsuits in District Courts, where we have no standing, or until an unresolved case gets to Supreme Court, which is a Constitutional Court we do have standing. Not trying to upset anyone, just putting the facts out to give a solution Fair Enough everyone?
That is a honest answer. Thank you.
I have no intention of ever complying with anything coming out of health and a lot of other agencies ever again. What I am trying to find is a way to not comply with the CBDC. Any ideas welcome. Any states that have a chartered STATE bank with gold backed currency...I'm in.
Do not sign up for digital ID even if it means no air travel. Obv use cash everywhere you can. If enough people resist it, they won't be able to implement the CBDC.
In this day and age they will have to pay me to fly.
No air travel for me means I won’t have a chance to visit my elderly mother and other family overseas. 💔 But I’m willing to make that sacrifice.
Media Luna,
2 years ago, with Covid shot proof required, I was prepared never again to see my eldest child (and her children, my own grandchildren) across the Atlantic. I had determined that should that be the cost of remaining shot-free, I was ready to pay it. As it happens, that did not come to pass; I was able to fly over there last fall, and they to us last month.
Sasha they make the paper money. They just decrease the availability of paper money, and stores only accept cards. I think he who controls the money system controls the world. We almost have to have our own money system.
I was surprised how little the payment for mudering people can sometimes be, and the cost to buy off a politician was rather low in my opinion too.
Eventually all ID's will just be digital. So as Gates said you won't have a choice. Of course I could be wrong. I hope I am wrong.
I think we got to try to be one step ahead of them, and be involved as much as we can in our own government.
even if a fraction of population puts up enough resistance, they won't get anywhere. Look at UK and ULEZ cameras and what a $7/can of glue can do.
Already seeing it in entertainment. Been to concerts at 4 different theaters in 3 different states this summer. None of them accept cash.
Noticing at neighborhood Lowes' how many of the self-checkout terminals are card-only, and the one sole cash-accepted has been out of order (paper taped over it stating 'no cash') for two weeks. It could be that Lowes' is fearful of robbery, however.
A few states (western, I think) have issued their own Valaurum (q.v.)
Yes, we must now address our health and stamina as our own responsibility. Work on your yourself every day. Eat Whole Foods, go out in the sun and fresh air, move your body as much as possible and be kind to yourself and others. We can do this but we must take ownership of ourselves now.
One President got us out of the U.N.
And out of the W.H.O.
Both withdrawals were met with heavy resistance and attacks.
Odd, isn't it?
You live in the king's country (US is a colony of England) and your constitution is worthless. You should embrace king's opposite doctrine which is practical orthodoxy as the enemy of satanism.
I am the king.
Anthem by Ayn Rand
I know not if this earth on which I stand is the core of the universe or if it is but a speck of dust lost in eternity. I know not and I care not. For I know what happiness is possible to me on earth. And my happiness needs no higher aim to vindicate it. My happiness is not the means to any end. It is the end. It is its own goal. It is its own purpose.
Neither am I the means to any end others may wish to accomplish. I am not a tool for their use. I am not a servant of their needs. I am not a bandage for their wounds. I am not a sacrifice on their altars.
I am a man. This miracle of me is mine to own and keep, and mine to guard, and mine to use, and mine to kneel before!
So good
I appreciate this, too, but Rand gets a little too self-worshipy - even for me -- in that last paragraph, especially the last four words.
I need to read that one again. Makes more sense today than ever.
Daughter and her husband became Ca citizens last month--she told us she had to swear allegiance to King Charles (fyi, our families escaped the king a few centuries ago--considerable irony here)
This is what we're up against:
Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework – Part 1
How can a few secret chats battle that?
We must follow the principles of non-violence like Ghandi did. They threw the British out of India.
Yes, excellent info from Corey's Digs--I drop that all over the place to show people who is at the top of the pyramid.
As for Gandhi, I know this is totally random, but years ago, I stumbled across an English Professor in Toronto, who did a lot of research into Gaandhi. He actually had a different take, and thought that Gandhi actually worked for the British and delayed the Indian people in getting their freedom from the British Empire (City of London Empire):
Sergeant-Major Gandhi Was British Secret Service Agent
Timothy Spearman Toronto International College Canada
The author’s research on Gandhi goes back to Gandhi Under Cross-examination, co-authored with Col. G.B. Singh. It was at that time that he discovered Gandhi’s London Diary. Though the original document was said to be 120 pages in length, the surviving excerpt from the London Diary is only 20 pages long. The rest of the original edition appears to have been suppressed. There is a reason for this. Being an avid researcher into the mysteries pertaining to secret societies, the author recognized that the London Diary was Gandhi’s Freemason diary, recounting in coded language his initiation through the various degrees of the Masonic Order. Being well familiar with the initiatory rites of the Third Degree (3°), the author immediately recognized that the surviving 20 pages of the diary described Gandhi’s initiation to that very degree. In addition, Gandhi studied law at the Inner Temple, one of the five Inns of Court in the City of London. The Inner Temple has long been a front for training members of the British intelligence services - MI6 in fact. It is even alleged quite surprisingly that the Queen Mother was in charge of the spy training facility for much of her life, not exactly the image of the quaint grandmamma portrayed in the popular press.
Mahatma Gandhi admitted to Inner Temple Bar at Law certificate, London, England, United Kingdom, UK, 1891, old vintage 1900s picture
I was just going to say: the British were never really thrown out of India. I know this because when you must deal with the Indian government, you will recognize the British government that hides inside it. Or should I refer to it as the Permanent British Empire administered from Londinium.
Yeah, to be honest, I don't think the British Empire ever died-- IMO it was always the City of London Banker Empire, and though they no longer have troops all over the world, their former colonies are captured by IMF/World Bank debt. I actually see the City of London banker Empire as the top of the pyramid--I think they captured the US when they got the power to issue our currency in 1913.
Yes, that's why we need to enforce the U.S. Constitution which was written without help from the British crown afaik.
There's one other dimension to this Americans may not know; who are the Hindutva? For every country that has a western orbit, influence from the World Bank, BIS and London, there are "fundamentalist" religious groups. These are most likely fed support from the Private Equity Owner who operate out of London.
Hindutva definition from Association for Asian Studies:
Hindutva ( lit. 'Hindu-ness') is a political ideology encompassing the cultural justification of Hindu nationalism and the belief in establishing Hindu hegemony within India. The political ideology was formulated by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar in 1922. This Cancerous Parasite has had influence and funding from the Private Owners of London.
The fundamentalist groups are one of the ways that those of Londinium nudge the local populations into whatever divides a society the easiest.
I agree, Sandra.
An important first step, IMO, was the American "Civil War." That illegal, unlawful war set the stage for making the swamp "control central" by making the States bend to the Fed -- the complete inverse of how this republic is supposed to operate.
Yes. Quite.
Was the Fakir a Faker? Notes on the Gandhi Psy Op:
This is news to me and needs to be verified but,
My main point was that secret chats are not going to fix this.
Non-violent insistence on enforcement of the U.S. constitution will.
Most of our government is corrupt. I bet all of our three letter agencies are corrupt. Our schools and hospitals are corrupt. Even our organizations that are supposed to look out for children, traffic children. It is to the point it is hard to find an organization that is not corrupt.
Maybe not every individual in every organization is corrupt, but when you dig, there is corruption.
Also even if Trump got elected again, he won't get us out of this. I also don't believe he didn't know, or he just made some bad decisions. He knew, and allowed a lot of it to continue.
I think it has to be the people coming together and stepping out of their comfort zone, in what ever way possible to stop all this. Not coming forward by the thousands, but by the millions.
"One should . . . be able to see things as hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise."
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
No one president is EVER in control including Trump!
They are merely just puppets!..
I have read a very similar account of Ghandi's background. It makes you realise that the psyops have been going on for a long, long time.
Hello Bill Rice. Jr. I excerpted this quote from the link which Sasha provided in the article: >>>
"Just as Hans v. Louisiana had demonstrated the impropriety of construing the Amendment so as to permit federal question suits against a state, Justice Mahlon Pitney reasoned, it seems to us equally clear that it cannot with propriety be construed to leave open a suit against a State in the admiralty jurisdiction by individuals, whether its own citizens or not."
Note the reference to "admiralty jurisdiction". Maritime jurisdiction is jurisdictional agency which regulates (sanctions) commercial commerce and Uniform Contract Law. Maritime jurisdiction is the "law" of the Sea. It is NOT the Law of the Land (which is Constitutional Law)
Citizens need to discern the differences between Constitutional intent, and it's contrast with Maritime Rule. The courts system has become a BAR Association quagmire. And the quagmire is intentional.
District Courts operate wit Bar Assoc. ATTYs...
Supreme Court Recognizes Constitutional Law
We The people are the government, and don't require courts , lawsuits, etc to remedy unconstitutional law. Serve Notice to the servants, ask for response within 10 days. The violations goes or the servant goes
ALL "licensed" attorneys practicing in the United States are subordinate to the International BAR Association. This includes all current members of the Supreme Court. See:
Note the reference to "Gatekeepers"
If you ignore the Law, the Law will ignore you...
Yes, the Bar Ass is a private membership club in America
So, basically, the DOD’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, The UN, Democratic leadership & RINOs, the PresidencieS, the “it’s a ‘natural’ pandemic” of propagandized’ believers (citizens), Major sNewZzzz media and mandate-following Corporate America have been MIND-CAPTURED by lies.
I’m feeling more alone ... but I feel GREAT being warmed by the reciprocal TRUTHS in realizing “Beliefs are, too often, the enemy of KNOWING.”
Check out Sage Hana's Substack
Only good luck finding the ones that AREN’T controlling the opposition (i.e. pretending to be on your side but ultimately lying to you and undermining you).
Here’s how big this problem is:
Why do we honor laws and contracts that are unconstitutional and void ab initio?
State and local authorities need to get it together and declare these things unconstitutional and void.
State and local action is important but declaring federal law unconstitutional is not a state or local prerogative. That has to be done in federal court. Of course, states and local governments can refuse to enforce a law based upon unconstitutionality and some sheriffs go out on a limb in this regard.
"declaring federal law unconstitutional is not a state or local prerogative"
That implies that only the federal government can interpret the constitution, which is contrary to the 10th amendment.
This becomes especially evident in matters of Nuremberg code violations.
Its time that state and local authorities started taking the constitution seriously.
Nailed it! In any democracy (defined as self-rule of/by/for the people) pre-existing rights-protective Constitutional law typically ensures that any 'law' later 'passed' in violation of this has no legal force or power.
Criminals may get into the public service and they may attempt to pass off criminal abuses labelled as 'law' as 'legal', but they have really demonstrated their criminality and have VIOLATED LAW.
Why would anyone go to the trouble of having a rights-protective Constitution (and other law) and declaring democracy (I repeat: self-rule of/by/for the people, even if administrative proxies are elected/appointed to keep the country running smoothly and in a humane and civilised fashion, to protect the country's sovereignty and the rights of the people, etc.,) if we let lawless fellow-citizens (infesting publicly funded public office/public positions meant to administrate on behalf of the public interest, not against it) simply add an after-the-fact illegal 'rider' pretending that any time they feel like it, they can 'legally' do anything illegal they like, when they can't?
Rights are inalienable - and nobody else can legally sell/trade/dispose of/abuse what belongs to anyone/everyone else to suit themselves.
Great diagram. I have written my congressmen asking them to repeal the PREP Act and am encouraging everyone I know to do the same. I used to be a Congressional Legislative correspondent and know large numbers of responses can influence our public officials. Thank you for all that you do to educate us.
I'm curious if you have had a reply from your Congress member(s) on this issue
No. Trump will NEVER speak of the harms/ dangers of the vaccine, nor the hospital protocols that led to a grand culling, nor the FACT that it was an intentional genocide. NEVER - So don’t hold your breath folks!
I won’t vote for Trump till he does. Remaining in support of the jabs places a gigantic question mark on his integrity and judgment.
They’ll never let Trump win again. This could all be a distraction to whip up the public to support a savior, to the detriment of all other candidates such as DeSantis. A corpse could beat Biden. Trump made too many bad appointments…Sessions, Barr, Pence. Either he sold out to the RNC to get the nod, or he’s a terrible judge of people. So long as Trump remains associated with the fully-captured GOP, count me out.
If you believe President Trump knowingly allowed himself to be legally boxed in and captured by the very corrupt system he’s been trying to break up then the Deep State propagandists have won. Trump has been adamantly against ANY mandate for forcing the vaxx on ANYONE. He was defrauded out of office before he could act inside the government to prevent mandates. I continue to support him 100%. No one else other than Trump is supporting national policies that truly benefit average Americans instead of the wealthy multinational corporate elites. Only Trump can correct this bioweapons crime against humanity and expose the criminals who engineered it. .
You obviously did not read Sasha's post. He is a war criminal. I voted for him twice. See Katherine Watt's Substack. Peace.
IMO, while I respect her, Sasha is wrong about some things. Trump is not a war criminal.
Trump is indeed a war criminal. He is hiding behind the immoral shield of the PREP act. The PREP act enabled the war against the American people. You can read the laws for yourself that prove my position. See the "Covid Kill Box" at Katherine Watt's Bailiwicks News Substack. I repeat, the EUA laws, on the books and available to anyone, prove my position that Trump is a war criminal. Be sure to actually read the laws, including the PREP act, before you make statements that are not based on facts. I have supplied you with the paths to actual laws and facts; where is your evidence to support your statement? Peace.
Steve, I have been an actual attorney for many years. President Reagan signed the law giving liability protection for pharma into in 1986. It has remained the law through all Presidents, for all these years. Trump is no more a war criminal than any other of our Presidents. A court or Congresd should get involved, but we know how that goes.
The Prep Act provides that the HHS Secretary can call for all of the things in the Act to happen. In this case, the DOD/CIA had an office on the HHS floor, and called all decisions presumably "made" by the HHS Secretary. DOD/CIA had been secretly making SARS Covid-2 (with the help of the China Wuhan lab, of all things) since about 2014. Birx was CIA through Matthew Pottinger, and knew what was being done. Fauci knew. They did not tell Trump.
Fauci, Birx, and Redfield also let the Oval Office know that they had made a pact and that if any one of them was fired, the other two would quit. This is in one of the books, I believe the one by Peter Navarro.
But, understand, no one really needs an "Act" to do what has been done to us. These days, they just do it without a second thought, anyway.
I realize you're angry. I was hurt, and I am angry, too. I am angry at Trump for being so egotistic, obtuse, and unfeeling in that Megyn Kelly interview. He could have at least given his condolences about her relative. But, he worked very hard in his Presidency to get people therapeutics, and other things. He had no way of knowing what was in the shots. The DOD had the contents made in many off site places, even in Canada, so even Dr. Peter McCullough, and the other medical freedom doctors, still aren't sure what is in them. Peace.
Trump is the opposite of a war criminal. Any interpretation other than that shows a complete lack of understanding as to why Trump ran (was asked to run!) for president in the first place. It also exhibits a serious lack of knowledge of the limitations on a U.S. president's powers in the current fascist Administrative State, one that has existed since at least 2004.
👍 Thank you!
Your statement is false. Here is my comment copied from a similar comment above:
Trump is indeed a war criminal. He is hiding behind the immoral shield of the PREP act. The PREP act enabled the war against the American people. You can read the laws for yourself that prove my position. See the "Covid Kill Box" at Katherine Watt's Bailiwicks News Substack. I repeat, the EUA laws, on the books and available to anyone, prove my position that Trump is a war criminal. Be sure to actually read the laws, including the PREP act, before you make statements that are not based on facts. I have supplied you with the paths to actual laws and facts; where is your evidence to support your statement?
Read Dr. Denis Rancourt's analysis of the effects of the shots:
13+ million people at the time of publication were murdered by the transfection shots. You don't believe that Trump is not aware of this data?
The people in DC are a uni-party, including Trump. You are watching pure theatre, making you take your eye off the eugenics program running in plain sight. You have no informed consent. Your constitutional rights have been suppressed by the EUA. ( Read the law).
Trump is a gutless politician. He will not save you or anyone else. I voted for him twice. Open your eyes.
How can we expect Trump to fight this crime against humanity if he won’t even acknowledge it exists? He’s more than late to the party. I want to know if he’s receiving any campaign funding from Big Pharma. As an outsider with so much of the GOP establishment against him, I bet he took money from any donor offering it….including Big Pharma. That would neatly explain his ostrich-like position on the jabs, and why he didn’t fire Fauci. If he has taken Big Pharma money, I’m done with him.
Read through this article (from a vehemently anti-Trump source Yahoo News). And look at the total $ of Pharma donations to PDJT's 2016 campaign...compared to Mitch McConnell's. It doesn't even mention Big Pharma donations to Hillary's or any Democrat campaign. Trump is quoted as saying, after criticizing Big Pharma for giving generously to politicians and for charging obscenely high prices for their drugs, that he didn't need Big Pharma donors money but would welcome all donors.
Then read this list (link below) from Forbes (also strongly anti-Trump) about the list of super-rich donors to President Trump's 2020 campaign. Note that only 2 out of 133 big donors are involved with the Pharma industry.
Really interesting, those columns--thank you for supplying.
Corporations can spend unlimited amounts on advertising for candidates.
And who passed that law? When? It was a corrupt & greedy Congress long before Trump ever ran for office. He’s lost $milliond since 2016. He donated his presidential salary, never kept a dime. He’s not in this to get wealthy. Never has been. That’s all on the record.
You know what it's ok 2024 wait to see what happens. Guess what you may think that not taking the vaccine your in the good. Nope, there is another part to it part 2, and if you haven't been doing it your fucked. But hey Q is coming to save you lol hahaha
The bioweapons include other measures than “vaccines.” That’s the bigger problem.
My God, what are you supporting? The mass killing of people. Do you understand that ever since March 13th, 2020 the Constitution has been suspended? Your Constitutional rights are gone? There is no Biden lol. That isn't the real Biden smart guy the real Biden has tattoos. America is being held under medical material law. But I support Trump lol. What a fool. All the stories you believe are what they want you to believe. Trump made it so there was a fake Biden to destroy the country so people would guess what vote for Trump common sense. It would make people believe it was better under Trump and oh he didn't mandate but oh fake Biden did. Who was the one that locked down the whole country? Shutdown business? Made people wear a mask? Operation Warp Speed funded the vaccines. What is going on is simply putting a fake person in office causing chaos all to make people go through hell for what? Are you having a good time? Trump put $10 billion into Operation Warp Speed. What a fool you are this is why people like you have zero critical thinking skills and just do what they see and are told. Pussy
It is hard to assimilate the degree to which every law and loophole was crafted to carry out this mass atrocity. It is also hard to fathom just how much money has been transferred during these atrocities from the masses to the very rich and very powerful. We have paid dearly for all the harms visited upon us and will continue to pay huge sums for decades to come, while the psychopaths and criminals have been rewarded beyond all imagination. If we do not find the ways and means to get this corruption under some sort of control humanity is is serious trouble. The future currently looks very very bleak.
We are all here on Substack...let's form parallel systems! We have the Internet! World Council for Health is a great start.
I have often spoken to others about the need for parallel systems, but in my region and in my life, I do feel alienated given the sheer amount of information I have collected throughout the pandemic and the fact that I am at alarm level high alert while most people are in various levels of denial. Denial has never worked well for me. I agree with you wholeheartedly. World Council for Health is doing amazing work and there is strength in numbers and strong communities.
Yes, I'm in the same position in my State. Supporting World Council for Health...that group should replace the WHO!
So the thesis is that Trump was effectively blackmailed a priori by the PREP Act?
yes. Therefore we have proof demonstrating that it matters zero who is occupying the oval office at any point in time, at least until this structure is in place.
Well...... He could have made a lot of hay about anything involving enforcement. He could have told the truth more vociferously. He could have removed people at FDA, CDC, etc. There are a lot of things he could have done and did not.
Hi Carolyn, I want to mention that at Mr T's rallies, several times he told us the "Snake" story about a lady who had taken home a snake, cared for the snake then he bit her, she was hurt and asked the snake why did you bite me, he said " you knew I was a snake when you took me in"
I found this very interesting then again he told the same story again at another rally. PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS TELLING US! Using comms to warn us about something like perhaps a bioweapon of sort? Now with this new information "Prep Act" it sure makes sense to me.
I hear people say that Trump talks in code to his true followers. Well, a President needs to do more than talk in code and, of course, a Presidential candidate. What do you think he meant by telling this story and who exactly does he accuse of being the snake? The "swamp"? IMHO he never really got away from the swamp, or created his own new swamp.
You apparently do not comprehend the magnitude and reach of the dark forces arrayed against President Trump and anyone who can expose the deepest levels of corruption inside the government. Why do you think there’s been such a dearth of whistleblowers from deep in these corrupt groups who are part of the chain of responsibility for the bioweapons research and deployment? PDJT has to be very indirect in what he says publicly when it comes to this topic. He would reveal specific details that he knows or suspects at his own peril. We have to put him back in the White House in 2024 to execute his plan to topple the globalists’ Deep State.
👍👍👍 Agreed!
Yes, I remember the telling and re-telling of that story--can even hear his inflection in the telling.
Sorry if I’m dense. Are you saying Trump is the snake?
Absolutely NOT .
He tried & was vilified for it. If he would have fired Fauci he would have been called an ignorant dictator firing the “scientist”, the one person who knew the “science!” Can you imagine the outrage? He was boxed in. You can’t see that?
He was given a lot of false Intel. Keep in mind that there are also DS Trump doubles out there.
In one of Trump's interviews he talked about the powers behind the curtain. He was asked to name names and he said some names you may recognize and other names you wouldn't. I do believe Trump was controlled some what while in office and his life and family' life threatened. However he definitely caved to it.
He told everyone that he is a snake when he told the story “the woman and the snake”...
I suppose that to the Deepies, DJT is indeed the snake.
Hi Dorothy, I am now convinced that Mr T used stories to give us hints, comments to warns us. Remember the "Snake" story at the rallies, he told that story maybe 3 times at different rallies. Now that Prep Act law coming into light proves the fact that the "Plan" had to move forward at some costs after all, we are at War!
Maybe so. Maybe the snake story had some significance. But maybe it didn"t. I have seen a lot of people read into numbers. "Trump walked 12 steps, which means blah, blah.
I definitely agree we are at war.
Frustration; Sassa’s picture of a Lion being turned away by courageous buffalos.
Only by casing fear can lions catch a buffalo.
To catch a buffalo; it needs several lions and a herd. What the lions have to do is to install in 1 or 2 buffalos a fear causing the pheromones (social chemo-signals) causing the herd to run. In turn, the main Bull will no longer act as the guardian for the herd’s vulnerable members. Without this fear mechanism; a group of 4 – 8 lions would stand no chance against the herd’s number of Bulls.
Humans have a similar susceptibility. When scared or stressed, humans produce social-chemo-signals, and while you may not consciously recognize the smell of fear or stress, it has a subconscious impact, through which an emotion can spread like wildfire through a community or an entire nation. Behavioural psychologists refer to this as “emotional contagion,” and it works both positive and negative emotions. When we are weak, vulnerable to be manipulated – anxiety is our feeling of life. If it’s no longer the joys of life that drives us; then its fear – fear from an uncertain future. People in fear are susceptible for cancers, heart diseases – and all kinds of infectious illnesses – and people in fear are ripe for manipulation.
Rupert Sheldrake demonstrated by many experiments that the behaviour of animals, plants, microbes and infectious agents and that even ‘dead’ objects can be influenced by morphogenetic resonance or the power of habits
The way to turn the lion/ Governmental predator away is walking a life without fear; an absolute trust in the wisdom of the spiritual world.
“Perfect love casteth out fear”. This post gives support to that verse. (although I have relied on the words without any bio support).
To help prevent cattle stampedes, some ranchers have a donkey graze with the herd. The donkey stays calm even if the cattle get excited. Apparently.
It is not correct that Trump must push the genocidal HHS narrative in order to maintain immunity under the PREP Act. He was a "covered person" at all relevant times and is immune (except for willful misconduct). While he no longer has an official capacity and he's no longer a covered person with regard to future acts, he can say whatever he wants without affecting his pre-existing immunity for anything he did in good faith under the PREP Act while president. In other words, if he now knows the truth he does not have to continue to push the fraudulent HHS narrative to maintain immunity. If he wanted to, he could admit without affecting his own immunity that he now knows Operation Warp Speed was a colossal failure and that the toxic Covid injections, the false government narrative that corruptly denigrated early treatment and safe and effective medicines like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, and the rest of the corrupt government response to the manmade pandemic was a world class failure that enriched the criminal elite while destroying countless lives. Many have theories about why he doesn't admit those failures now, but the prospect of losing his immunity is not the reason (so long as he didn't know at the time that the (his) government was engaged in a world class fraud -- and there is no evidence that he knew the truth at the time).
It wasn't a colossal failure. Unless you mean that they failed to inject 100% and only got 75%, and only murdered a fraction of people they were planning to. Your comment that Trump doesn't have to follow PREP, that's a valid point - but he IS following it very carefully in fact, so that should tell us all something important.
Yes, my point was only that maintaining immunity under the PREP Act is not the reason for whatever Trump says or doesn't say now. At this point, there is no excuse for Trump not knowing the truth about the highly toxic nature of the Covid injectables and for not knowing that every other meaningful aspect of the government response operated to cost lives and cause damage. Likewise, if Trump does know the truth now, then there is no excuse for not informing the public. In short, there is no excuse for continued silence about the fraud (and for continuing to tout OWS, the toxic injectables, and the rest of the governments response) -- and the fact there is no excuse includes the incorrect assertion that he must remain silent and/or that he must continue to tout the corrupt government narrative in order to maintain immunity. He could tell the truth if he wanted to without undermining his own immunity.
Maybe Trump is deep enough into the game that he understands if here were to present a full layman's explanation of the entire plot to kill, it would in fact be him most likely dead, suddenly and mysteriously.
"Yes, my point was only that maintaining immunity under the PREP Act is not the reason for whatever Trump says or doesn't say now." That is precisely the reason why he follows the narrative! He is a war criminal. See Katherine Watt's Substack. Peace.
"- and the fact there is no excuse includes the incorrect assertion that he must remain silent and/or that he must continue to tout the corrupt government narrative in order to maintain immunity. He could tell the truth if he wanted to without undermining his own immunity"
What you write may well be true . (and what I am going to say is not intended to say I pardon ANYONE who is or has been involved) .
But, my point here is to bring up one important FACT . (In my opinion, it is a fact ).
Law or no law . Immunity or no immunity . Right or wrong . The TRUTH is simple if one steps back : NOBODY is safe who risks speaking out . And the louder the voice ...... the less safe they are .
I don't think Trump is going to save us. I think we have to save ourselves and again start at small local government.
True. Most of my freedoms were taken away at the county level.
Brilliantly explained - with no agenda. Thank you. 👍🏻
Maybe its because he's still covered as still the real President & Commander in Chief of The Republic of the United States 🇺🇸
I'd forgot, indeed those bioweapons they called vaxxxxines were free, and often incentivized, axe murderer Gavin gave a girl fifty grand supposedly for winning that lottery, after he himself got an injury from the big Harma hacksxxxxine.
I've been on the fake state health care rolls for years, due to tax requirements, but never once seen a doctor nor had them do jack for me, except they did find the resources to call me and offer me their death clot shot injext, as many as I want d it sounded like. Of course I refused and told the caller Id not get any.
Twas insulting that the one time state of CA killafornia pretended to care about my health was so they could murder my ass
Is it possible that Gavin didn’t get the vax and pretended to have an injury in order to normalize/downplay said injury
They hid his injury, but not from Steve Kirsch who wrote about it from inside sourcing...
I don't trust anyone on substack at this point that doesn't allow comments unless you are a paid subscriber. Taibbi, Malone and others should know better at such a crucial time in history. Yes, I'm becoming a bit more judgemental. Not struggling financially? but demand payment at a time like this to hear the message of how you want to save the world? Not a good look at the least and not completely IN the save humanity game from my view of the landscape.
And suing another person for $25 million? Imagine so highly valuing yourself that you consider your reputation damaged to that degree.
I agree with you on the no-comments unless you have paid. I no longer read Malone's 'funnies' (which I had enjoyed) nor anything else of his.
He still occasionally insinuates that he deserves the Nobel Prize for mRNA. So maybe that's why the $25M price tag. I really cannot even...
I believe that he knows he will not get the Nobel and so his current 'quest' is to play freedom fighter. He simply wants to be famous by any means necessary. If he cannot get the prize, he will throw his toys outside the playpen.
Imagine putting yourself out there, of your own free will, inserting yourself into every covid discussion you can arrange, both high profile and not, marketing yourself as the calm, steady research academic that we should all trust unconditionally -- and then trying to Alex Jones anyone who has the effrontery to disagree with you.
People here routinely disparage Trump's ego. Trump has nothing on this guy.
There is a different perspective and it is not about the money (I make very little from my Substack). I am banned from all social media and heavily monitored by law enforcement and subject to abuse by agitators. Also, many times I will write about sensitive issues and do not have the mental bandwith or time to deal with idiot throwaway comments when I am writing about death and murder. In my case it is not about the money but filtering.
Who gives a rat's behind, at this point, about commenting (or reading for that matter) at Malone? Stacks that don't allow you to READ unless you're a paid subscriber are worse, JMHO.
Naked Emperor. So I read his list of topics and explore them on my own (and yes, I am a paid subscriber to several stacks).
My only healthy child was murdered by the hospital protocol. I have her autopsy results.
I have the proof that they tortured, and killed her. 10m doses of Remdesivir, no food or water, isolated and alone, while being pumped full of of poison. What is a mother suppose to do when she can not get justice for my child? They are still killing and getting away with it. Where is the outrage ? Where are our representatives? Why is our hard working tax dollars paying to kill us?
If they murdered my children, I would exact vengeance upon them. Who cares about living at that point?
I completely agree!
This is not the world I ever thought existed!
Oh Rebecca. I am praying for your healing and for your daughter's soul. Please accept my sympathy, as another mother.
Thank you, it is hard to put yourself out there tell the truth of what happened and get attacked. Thank you for praying for me, I need it. God knows I need help to keep going forward.
I would seriously be taking the law into my own hands if that happened to my child. I make no apologies for it either. I feel for you so much.
When my daughter was alive I said, that if anyone touches her I would kill them.
Now 23 months later, the thoughts are still there. I had to move out of NY last November.
Bringing this to light and finding ways to get her Justice, is now the reason I am here.
To shut down the system that euthanized their patients after tortured, poison, restrained them without food or water.
I can not read my daughter's medical records. But what is in it, will shock the world into demanding change! Everyday, I think I am one day closer to being with my daughter.
Please share my daughter's story and the website
You don't know what goes through my head the last 23 months!
I need to change the law after the doctors and nurses pay for their crimes!
I am screaming, I had to put my life out in the public, begging people on FB, then twitter and now Substack. Asking for help to let the world know what they have done to my child, to bring me justice ! I want a trial for the world to see their faces.
I want their children, family, and neighbors to know who they really are the scumbags of this earth. They need to get the same punishment as they have done to my daughter and the million others they killed!
I am sorry, we have to expose them or they will continue. This has all been done in darkness behind hospital walls, it suppose to be the safest place in the world.
Now, we have to let the public become outrage by this evil in order to bring change or we have no future.
Right now, the medical establishment is not about saving live, but making a profit. We can not accept this anymore. We need to repeal the PrepAct.
Please share my daughter's story.
What do politicians really do all day long because they sure as hell aren't paying attention.
they are fundraising for their next election cycle and figure out how to allocate the pork.
Yes. Especially Trump the war criminal. Peace.
Trump isin´t a war criminal. Trump never started a war while in office. Biden and Obama are true war criminals. Peace.
If you read and follow the logic of Sasha's post, Trump is indeed a war criminal because the laws ( You can download and read the laws - see Bailiwicks News Substack ) under the EUA ( still in place ) show that the DOD and the HHS are at war with the citizens of America. Trump has never spoken out about the deaths from the shots. This paper shows that 13+ million people have been murdered by the shots:
Do you think that Trump is aware of that fact? Yes, he is - along with every other person in DC. That's why Sasha's post is so important - NO person will step up and stop the kill shots. Why? Because is they do, they lose the liability protections under the PREP act. They are selfish cowards who have 100% sold out the American people.
I could be wrong, but the only person authorized to stop the prep act is HHS secretary and/or under secretary. Once in motion, no president could stop it....even if the signed order for a safe, effective vaccine was the order given, dod could accept piss, shit, and 1000's of other crap because HHS said "Emergency"
I agree with you KT. That is exactly the way that the kill box is set up. See Katherine Watt's Bailiwick News for the exact details. Peace.
Yes, pols are fundraising constantly, rather than working for the benefit of their constituents. I communicate frequently with one of my senators whose name I won't mention but all I get back from him is mucilaginous slop. I am also becoming more and more aware of my governor and his health commissioner and their slavish and complicit mentalities which see them as co-conspirators in this overall democide. I know when the overall civilization killing comes along fully feathered that the two of them will ride off into the sunset gleeful and fulfilled. There's a peculiar stink that accompanies their blase' nonchalance. A very pronounced interaction that never touches upon what is happening to us mere mortals best describes their attitudes. I would wager that the governor has never uttered the words, "Klaus Schwab" during his current tenure as governor. This abstinence is only too obvious.
Very clear, Sasha! Thanks. Perverse indeed.
Provides an explanation why the CDC hid data of harm, they themselves collected, from their advisory committee. And then expose it and say that vaccine is not longer available so no followup will be done. Mocking us indeed.
I need to work on Canada and the EU equivalents.
Clearly, the very notion of absolute sovereign immunity is incompatible with the basis upon which this nation was founded. It's written down in black and white, right there in the Declaration of Independence:
"... whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends [i.e., unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
"... But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, IT IS THEIR DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
To my mind, the question is not whether absolute sovereign immunity is acceptable. It is NOT. The question is how to identify and then correct such a catastrophic overreach of government power that a "throwing off" of the existing government is justified. Are we at that point? If so, can it be done in orderly fashion through the existing justice system? Or is the justice system so "bent", and the overreach so egregious, that an untidy full-scale rebellion will be required? We may soon find out.
Wondering how careful one should be in insinuating such a remedy in a public forum under current conditions....
This is excellent work, thank you. Hopefully the message you are sharing gets through to people 🤞🏻
If we continue playing their game, by their rules, we aren’t going to get anywhere. The corrupt and incompetent do not respect paper or pen, laws or constitutions, humans or animals or trees or anything alive on this planet. We need to stop acting like prey, hoping someone following the rules is going to save us. Our species is being annihilated and enslaved by the same system we are waiting to save us.
We are not victims! We are God’s warriors! Make peace with yourself, the enemy is knocking on your door. How will you answer?
Just like WHO and so many of the worst of these self appointed murderous hordes of fakery. People need to declare that there is NO cooperating with entities that take zero responsibility for what they do, never mind giving them the biggest powers over all of us. We never agreed to their sovereign immunity. So does that mean all of us get sovereign immunity just because we state it? Alice in Wonderland tripping fascistic criminals can not be interacted with. And we will not cooperate with any entity that has massive conflicts of interest. Notice both of these apply to the worst of these pirate organisations.
yes, I personally have sovereignty because I assert it. That's what everyone should do. Then none of these "laws" that these psychos write matter at all.
The law is suppose to be based on reasonableness. Clearly it is a lawless state of affairs that would be dangerous to participate in in any capacity.
I think how much sovereignty one can have depends where they are at in life. A single working mother struggling to put food on the table and a roof over her and her children's head may struggle harder to avoid the poisons that are around. We aren't just talking about one poison too.
Also I think there is a certain amount of research a person needs to do to even learn that it is a poison. They may not have time to do so. They may be young and still too starry eyed to understand just how evil people are. Then add the massive propaganda to it. Geez, it is hard for people to know what is going on.
However I agree Sasha. Once you learn you darn well do your best to avoid all the poisons. Unless you are suicidal, why would someone take poison?
And that is what's known as the bottom line, Dorothy Ann. It is very impressive to see all the highly technical posts on here re the scamdemic in all it's aspects but the bottom line is that the vax is a highly lethal, toxic poison with which they are trying to main and kill us. The end.
I didn't realize these were Laws....Are they really? So not like a regulation, that regularly tests the boundaries of The Oath of Office to uphold the Constitution?