The entire system - at least every organization that "matters" - is totally captured and corrupt. Of course, we all know this. The question is how do you "work around" a system that's horizontally and vertically completely corrupt? My only answer is to dramatically increase our support the "small" truth-seeking platforms and writers that are NOT captured.

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

Why do we honor laws and contracts that are unconstitutional and void ab initio?

State and local authorities need to get it together and declare these things unconstitutional and void.

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Great diagram. I have written my congressmen asking them to repeal the PREP Act and am encouraging everyone I know to do the same. I used to be a Congressional Legislative correspondent and know large numbers of responses can influence our public officials. Thank you for all that you do to educate us.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

No. Trump will NEVER speak of the harms/ dangers of the vaccine, nor the hospital protocols that led to a grand culling, nor the FACT that it was an intentional genocide. NEVER - So don’t hold your breath folks!

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

It is hard to assimilate the degree to which every law and loophole was crafted to carry out this mass atrocity. It is also hard to fathom just how much money has been transferred during these atrocities from the masses to the very rich and very powerful. We have paid dearly for all the harms visited upon us and will continue to pay huge sums for decades to come, while the psychopaths and criminals have been rewarded beyond all imagination. If we do not find the ways and means to get this corruption under some sort of control humanity is is serious trouble. The future currently looks very very bleak.

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

So the thesis is that Trump was effectively blackmailed a priori by the PREP Act?

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Frustration; Sassa’s picture of a Lion being turned away by courageous buffalos.

Only by casing fear can lions catch a buffalo.

To catch a buffalo; it needs several lions and a herd. What the lions have to do is to install in 1 or 2 buffalos a fear causing the pheromones (social chemo-signals) causing the herd to run. In turn, the main Bull will no longer act as the guardian for the herd’s vulnerable members. Without this fear mechanism; a group of 4 – 8 lions would stand no chance against the herd’s number of Bulls.

Humans have a similar susceptibility. When scared or stressed, humans produce social-chemo-signals, and while you may not consciously recognize the smell of fear or stress, it has a subconscious impact, through which an emotion can spread like wildfire through a community or an entire nation. Behavioural psychologists refer to this as “emotional contagion,” and it works both positive and negative emotions. When we are weak, vulnerable to be manipulated – anxiety is our feeling of life. If it’s no longer the joys of life that drives us; then its fear – fear from an uncertain future. People in fear are susceptible for cancers, heart diseases – and all kinds of infectious illnesses – and people in fear are ripe for manipulation.

Rupert Sheldrake demonstrated by many experiments that the behaviour of animals, plants, microbes and infectious agents and that even ‘dead’ objects can be influenced by morphogenetic resonance or the power of habits

The way to turn the lion/ Governmental predator away is walking a life without fear; an absolute trust in the wisdom of the spiritual world.

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

It is not correct that Trump must push the genocidal HHS narrative in order to maintain immunity under the PREP Act. He was a "covered person" at all relevant times and is immune (except for willful misconduct). While he no longer has an official capacity and he's no longer a covered person with regard to future acts, he can say whatever he wants without affecting his pre-existing immunity for anything he did in good faith under the PREP Act while president. In other words, if he now knows the truth he does not have to continue to push the fraudulent HHS narrative to maintain immunity. If he wanted to, he could admit without affecting his own immunity that he now knows Operation Warp Speed was a colossal failure and that the toxic Covid injections, the false government narrative that corruptly denigrated early treatment and safe and effective medicines like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, and the rest of the corrupt government response to the manmade pandemic was a world class failure that enriched the criminal elite while destroying countless lives. Many have theories about why he doesn't admit those failures now, but the prospect of losing his immunity is not the reason (so long as he didn't know at the time that the (his) government was engaged in a world class fraud -- and there is no evidence that he knew the truth at the time).

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

I'd forgot, indeed those bioweapons they called vaxxxxines were free, and often incentivized, axe murderer Gavin gave a girl fifty grand supposedly for winning that lottery, after he himself got an injury from the big Harma hacksxxxxine.

I've been on the fake state health care rolls for years, due to tax requirements, but never once seen a doctor nor had them do jack for me, except they did find the resources to call me and offer me their death clot shot injext, as many as I want d it sounded like. Of course I refused and told the caller Id not get any.

Twas insulting that the one time state of CA killafornia pretended to care about my health was so they could murder my ass

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

I don't trust anyone on substack at this point that doesn't allow comments unless you are a paid subscriber. Taibbi, Malone and others should know better at such a crucial time in history. Yes, I'm becoming a bit more judgemental. Not struggling financially? but demand payment at a time like this to hear the message of how you want to save the world? Not a good look at the least and not completely IN the save humanity game from my view of the landscape.

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My only healthy child was murdered by the hospital protocol. I have her autopsy results.

I have the proof that they tortured, and killed her. 10m doses of Remdesivir, no food or water, isolated and alone, while being pumped full of of poison. What is a mother suppose to do when she can not get justice for my child? They are still killing and getting away with it. Where is the outrage ? Where are our representatives? Why is our hard working tax dollars paying to kill us?


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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

What do politicians really do all day long because they sure as hell aren't paying attention.

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Very clear, Sasha! Thanks. Perverse indeed.

Provides an explanation why the CDC hid data of harm, they themselves collected, from their advisory committee. And then expose it and say that vaccine is not longer available so no followup will be done. Mocking us indeed.

I need to work on Canada and the EU equivalents.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

Clearly, the very notion of absolute sovereign immunity is incompatible with the basis upon which this nation was founded. It's written down in black and white, right there in the Declaration of Independence:

"... whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends [i.e., unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

"... But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, IT IS THEIR DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

To my mind, the question is not whether absolute sovereign immunity is acceptable. It is NOT. The question is how to identify and then correct such a catastrophic overreach of government power that a "throwing off" of the existing government is justified. Are we at that point? If so, can it be done in orderly fashion through the existing justice system? Or is the justice system so "bent", and the overreach so egregious, that an untidy full-scale rebellion will be required? We may soon find out.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

This is excellent work, thank you. Hopefully the message you are sharing gets through to people 🤞🏻

If we continue playing their game, by their rules, we aren’t going to get anywhere. The corrupt and incompetent do not respect paper or pen, laws or constitutions, humans or animals or trees or anything alive on this planet. We need to stop acting like prey, hoping someone following the rules is going to save us. Our species is being annihilated and enslaved by the same system we are waiting to save us.

We are not victims! We are God’s warriors! Make peace with yourself, the enemy is knocking on your door. How will you answer?

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova

Just like WHO and so many of the worst of these self appointed murderous hordes of fakery. People need to declare that there is NO cooperating with entities that take zero responsibility for what they do, never mind giving them the biggest powers over all of us. We never agreed to their sovereign immunity. So does that mean all of us get sovereign immunity just because we state it? Alice in Wonderland tripping fascistic criminals can not be interacted with. And we will not cooperate with any entity that has massive conflicts of interest. Notice both of these apply to the worst of these pirate organisations.

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